龍谷大学社会科学研究所アフリカ研究センター The Center for African Studies, Research Institute for Social Sciences, Ryukoku University 《アフリカ安全保障研究セミナー》 African Security Studies Seminar アフリカの問題にはアフリカ的な解決があるのか? African Solutions for Africa’s Problems? The role of the African Union in Managing Conflict in Africa ■講師/Speaker:セドリック・ドゥ・コニング氏(ノルウェー国際問題研究所上席研究員) Dr Cedric H. de Coning(Senior Research Fellow, Norwegian Institute of International Affairs) Cedric de Coning is a Senior Research Fellow in the Peace and Conflict Research Group at NUPI, and he is also a Senior Advisor on Peacekeeping and Peacebuilding for ACCORD. He serves on the editorial boards of the journals Global Governance and Peacebuilding. Cedric has a PhD in Applied Ethics from the Department of Philosophy at the University of Stellenbosch. His main research focus is on AU, EU and UN peacekeeping and peacebuilding policies and practices. He has a special interest in the implications of complexity theory for the planning, management and evaluation of peace missions. ■日時/Date:2017 年 2 月 25 日(Sat.)15:30~17:30 ■場所/Venue:上智大学四谷キャンパス 2 号館 6 階 603(総合グローバル学部 会議室)〔正門を入ってすぐ左手のビルです〕 Meeting Room of the Faculty of Global Studies, 6th Floor, Building No. 2, Yotsuya Campus, Sophia University ■言語/Language:英語(English) ■共催/Cosponsor: 文部科学省科研費・新学術領域研究(研究領域 提案型)「グローバル秩序の溶解と新しい危機 を超えて:関係性中心の融合型人文社会科学の 確立」計画研究 A02「政治経済的地域統合」 ■連絡先/Contact:ochiai@law.ryukoku.ac.jp(落合雄彦)
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