Foto: / Jörg Modrow 4th European Conference on Integrated Care & Assertive Outreach in Mental Disorders 13th – 15th September 2017 l Hamburg l Germany With primarily scientific program University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf in cooperation with Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, dear Colleagues, On behalf of the European Assertive Outreach Foundation (EAOF) and the Organizing and Program Committees, it is our great pleasure to invite you to participate in the We look forward to your active participation in the 4th European Conference on Integrated Care & Assertive Outreach and to welcoming you to the beautiful city of Hamburg in September 2017! 4TH EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON INTEGRATED CARE & ASSERTIVE OUTREACH in Hamburg, Germany 2017! Yours sincerely, Mental health services all over the world aim for best-practice models and interventions to support and treat people with mental disorders, s pecifically for those with more serious mental illnesses. Integrated Care, Assertive Out reach Services, Crises and Home Treatment Services, Early Intervention Services, Community Based Recovery Services and Peer Support are examples of care models and interventions seeking to improve care coordination, early detection, community-based crises intervention and treatment as well as consumer involvement, reintegration and recovery. However, the present state of development and implementation of such models and interventions is influenced by many different aspects, among others by varying health care systems and their financial regulations. Prof. Niels Mulder Dr. René Keet Dr. Iris Hauth President of the EAOF Chair steering group European Community based Mental health Service providers Network (EuCoMS) President of the German Association for Psychiatry, Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics Prof. Martin Lambert Prof. Jürgen Gallinat Conference chairmen, special member of the EAOF board Conference chairmen, special member of the EAOF board Prof. Arno Deister Future President of the German Association for Psychiatry, Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics Therefore, the main theme of the fourth conference of the EAOF is LEARNING FROM EACH OTHER... with the goal to support solutions by organizing communication between clinicians, researchers, service users, relatives and stakeholders from different countries and different health care systems. Many associations, institutions, clinicians, scientists, representatives of service users and relatives and stakeholders have agreed to join the faculty participating in this conference. We expect that the interaction between these people from many different countries will stimulate a creative exchange of ideas and will be personally rewarding. Visit 2 Visit 3 Key speakers (in alphabetical order) Professor Thomas Becker Director of the Department of Psychiatry II, University of Ulm, Germany Professor Philippe Conus Department of Psychiatry, University of Lausanne, Switzerland Professor Christoph Correll Medical Director, RAP Program, The Zucker Hillside Hospital, Professor of Psychiatry, Hofstra Northwell School of Medicine, New York, USA Irene van de Giessen Manager of the Dutch organization „Foundation for Recovery Talent“ Nils Greve Dachverband Gemeindepsychiatrie e.V. (Community Psychiatric Organization), Germany Professor Helen Killaspy Adviser for mental health rehabilitation services for the hospital registration authority, UK Professor Patrick McGorry Executive Director of Orygen, Professor of Youth Mental Health at The University of Melbourne, Australia Professor Kim Mueser Executive Director Center for Psychiatric Rehabilitation, Boston University, USA Professor Stefan Priebe Wolfson Institute of Preventive Medicine, Queen Mary University of London, UK Visit 4 Dr. René Keet Medical director of the community mental health service GGZ-Noord-Holland-Noord, The Netherlands Professor Martin Lambert Psychosis Centre, Department of Psychiatry, University Medical Center Hamburg, Germany Dr. Hans Jochim Meyer Chairmen of the Relative Association Hamburg, Germany Professor Niels Mulder President of the EAOF, Department of Psychiatry, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, The Netherlands Professor Steffi Riedel-Heller Institute for Social and Vocational Medicine and Public Health, University of Leipzig, Germany Visit 5 Scientific program (Topics) Primarily scientific program Care models, services, prevention, intervention, outcomes, e.g.: • Integrated Care Serious mental illness (SMI) • Early detection Psychotherapy in SMI • Early Intervention Pharmacotherapy • Assertive outreach Relapse prevention • Crises and Home Treatment Dual diagnosis • Community Based Recovery Physical health • Stepped Care Supported employment • Peer Support E-mental Health • Assertive Community Treatment Health economics • Community Mental health Rehabilitation • Engagement and adherence Open dialogue Key note sessions and key note symposia Wednesday, 13th September 2017 9.00 am to 11.30 am Conference registration 11.30 am to 12.00 am Hall A (622) Welcome notes Professor Niels Mulder President of the European Assertive Outreach Foundation, the Netherlands Professor Martin Lambert Conference President, Germany Professor Jürgen Gallinat Types of presentations to apply for: Plenary lectures Symposia Individual Presentation Poster Workshops Duration: 30 minutes Content: 20 – 25 minutes lecture and 5 – 10 minutes discussion Duration: 90 minutes Content: At least one chair, 3 presenters with 20 – 25 minutes lecture and 5 – 10 minutes discussion Duration: 15 minutes presentation 5– 10 minutes discussion Content: presentation of a research project, case study, original issue Content: 90 cm wide and 120 cm high or 84,1 cm wide and 118,9 cm high (DIN A0) (Portrait) will be offered and can be submitted as well (60 – 90 minutes, 2 referees) 6 Fotos: / Stephan Wallocha (l.), Joerg Modrow (r.) Conference President, Germany Katharina Fegebank President of the Authority for Science, Research and Equalization, 2nd Mayor of Hamburg, Germany Professor Arno Deister President of the German Association for Psychiatry, Psychotherapy and Psycho somatics, Germany 12.00 am to 1.00 pm Hall A (622) Key note session: Assertive mental health care: present achievements and future goals 1.00 pm to 2.00 pm Served lunch and poster exhibition 2.00 pm to 3.30 pm Hall A (622) Key note session: Assertive early detection and early intervention in (severe) mental disorders 3.30 pm to 4.00 pm Coffee break 7 Primarily scientific program Key note sessions and key note symposia Wednesday, 13th September 2017 Thursday, 14th September 2017 4.00 pm to 5.30 pm Parallel symposia (proposals) 4.00 pm to 5.30 pm Hall C (174) Symposium 1: Treatment guidelines for people with severe mental illness: state of the art 4.00 pm to 5.30 pm Hall J (174) Symposium 2: National developments of Assertive Community Treatment models: update 2017 4.00 pm to 5.30 pm Room 221 (150) Symposium 3: Evidenzbasierte Behandlungsmodelle für schwere psychische Erkrankungen (in deutscher Sprache) Further symposia will be available 5.30 pm Meeting in the conference foyer to walk to the landing stage of the boat trip 6.00 pm to 7.30 pm Alster boat trip with drinks and finger food (separate registration required) Thursday, 14th September 2017 9.00 am to 10.30 am Hall A (622) Key note session: National solutions in crisis and assertive outreach models 10.30 am to 11.00 pm Coffee break 11.00 am to 12.30 am Parallel workshops (proposals) 11.00 am to 12.30 am Hall C (174) Workshop 1: Core structures and interventions in assertive early intervention services 8 11.00 am to 12.30 am Room 120 (70) Workshop 2: Prevention and treatment of violence and self-harm in severe mental illness 11.00 am to 12.30 am Room 122 (52) Workshop 3: Integrated care of physical health needs of people with severe mental illness 11.00 am to 12.30 am Room 221 (150) Workshop 4: Pflege und Bezugstherapie in einem aufsuchenden Versorgungssystem (in deutscher Sprache) Further workshops will be available 12.30 am to 1.30 pm Served lunch and poster exhibition 1.30 pm to 3.00 pm Hall A (622) Key note session: Changing the system – experiences and hopes in assertive mental health care 3.00 am to 3.30 pm Coffee break 3.30 pm to 5.00 pm Parallel Meet-The-Expert-Sessions (proposals) 4.00 pm to 5.30 pm Room 120 (70) Meet-The-Expert-Session 1: Early detection of severe mental illness in young people 4.00 pm to 5.30 pm Room 120 (70) Meet-The-Expert-Session 2: Pharmacotherapy of severe mental illness 4.00 pm to 5.30 pm Room 121 (64) Meet-The-Expert-Session 3: Psychotherapy in schizophrenia and bipolar disorder 9 Primarily scientific program Key dates Key note sessions and key note symposia Abstract submission Thursday, 14th September 2017 Further Meet-The-Expert-Sessions will be available 5.15 pm to 6.00 pm Music and special event 7.00 pm to 11.00 pm Ship dinner on the Rickmer Rickmers in Hamburg’s harbour (separate registration required) „Submit Abstract n ow “ Date Activity 1 September 2016 Opening abstract submission 28th February 2017 End abstract submission 1st March 2017 Reviewing process 1st April 2017 Notifications of acceptance/rejection st Friday, 15th September 2017 9.30 am to 11.00 pm Parallel symposia (proposals) 9.30 am to 11.00 pm Hall C (174) Symposium 1: Integrating peers and relatives into care and research 9.30 am to 11.00 pm Room 221 (150 Symposium 2: Integrierte Behandlungsmodelle in Deutschland (in deutscher Sprache) Further symposia will be available 11.00 pm to 11.30 pm Coffee break 11.30 am to 1.00 pm Key note session: Learning from each other in the future 1.00 pm to 1.15 pm Closing ceremony and presentation of the EAOF congress 2019 Moderator: Niels Mulder 1.15 pm to 2.00 pm Farewell party with served food and drinks Visit 10 Date Activity 1st September 2016 Opening early bird registration 31th May 2017 End of early bird registration 1st June 2017 Opening standard registration 14th August 2017 End of standard registration 15th August 2017 Opening late registration 13th to 15th of September 2017 EOAF Conference in Hamburg Visit 11 Congress location Hallerstraße H al lerst raße aß as f ho de l in 6 M Museum für Völkerkunde ra St . Johan ni s ße Conference venue COME TOGETHER – Alsterboat trip Come together in a special place in Hamburg. After the first conference day we will meet at the Alster to discover the city’s stunning panorama with its church spires and bridges as well as the natural life along the lakeside with a boat (no fee; separate registration ist required). Location/time: Jungfernstieg, 6 to 7.30 pm Johnsallee Heimhuder Straße ße ra rgst ra ße W arbu M 71 ße Gorch -Fo Esplan er r a sse r fe Al t er t ru Visit Als st e Teich cis Alter Botanischer Garten a gl Bucerius Law School STEPHANSPLATZ Fotos: UHH/Schell; pf st el w Schaugewächshaus ck -Wa ll 300 m e e rgst ra ße ra ß W arbu r St t ra Be ille er f en r se st hhö K irc sd or Te Roth MOORWEIDE Flügel Ost DAMMTOR s giu Jun id en e Al Karolinenenstraße lle ße MESSEHALLEN 200 s-A aß ra Eingang Ost 12 er ße st r St Ma 100 m rpfst ra TheodorHeussPlatz Grabenst ra ße Eingang Süd Tesdo ie be n ge r Hamburg Messe dS Ra sb ur un ue er aß e Ne et Ed m e da m m .P aß r- St tr Congress Centrum Hamburg Parksee Eingang West ns mt o R en PLANTEN UN BLOMEN te e i denstr Moor w Uni-Hauptgebäude Mittelweg ga r 14th of September 2017: eg er raß e Da m t zels t ra ß e Ti Flügel West Fontenay it t rch Du e ße lle ra la de sc hn in Heinrich-Hertz-Turm (Fernsehturm) nenstra ße Gr it t ße Curio-Haus Hamburg Feldbrun ra Staats- u. UniversitätsBibliothek ussee st t Schlüter s es nd Kindergarten WiWi BAföG-AMT cha enba um Pa Bu Re nt pe n ze l st da m ra m ße Location and address: tudierendenhaus Mensa Germany Edmund-Siemers-Allee 1, 20146 Hamburg, Mensa Moorweide nst Ha mburg Messe 13th of September 2017: Heimweg Johnsal lee Audimax An der Verbindungsbahn and: Februar 2015 r st Mensa VonMellePark M ße 0 M le ol straße e JosephCarlebachPlatz Gr n be t ra GustavStuhlmacherPlatz Schlüt erst raße ra fg f ts ra ß be r e ße u La st i ra ß ra öd er l st Turmw eg The EAOF conference 2017 is located within the main of the Univerers tr a ß e Bindbuilding MartinLuther-KingAllendeB in der stra ße Platz Platz sity of Hamburg. The building exterior is distinguished, and the interior has M Phil-Turm been elaborately restored and equipped with modern technology. omatikum Sc hr r Di l ns t st M st ße n da B or t ra es nd Se st raße ße ee et ei Ha rtu ng Bie e aß Rothenbaumchaussee rihc H ein p um Sc hl im ll dela on liz r ba h n e Be sch rstra ß R ut Rap pst ra Grin M Bu Po eu /F eh te Schlü Hal -B a r t h- lerp la t z St r a ße e SCHLUMP w er HALLERSTRASSE Mittelweg rg Ha ll erstraß e Heimhuder Straße e delb e st r a lle n ge 69 Feldbrunnenstraße 5 gen Gri n Bo Bo Social program Ship dinner on the river Elbe The harbor of Hamburg is an open tidal port on the lower Elbe in the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg. The ship dinner will take place on the Rickmer Rickmers, an 1896 build sailing ship. Location/time: St. Pauli Landungsbrücken, Ponton 1a, 7 to 11 pm (fee: 80 €; separate registration ist required) Visit 13 ad e Copyright: Univ. Hamburg, Ref. 22 Committees Local organizing committee Prof. Dr. M. Lambert, Germany Prof. Dr. J. Gallinat, Germany Dr. A. Rohenkohl, Germany F. Ruppelt, Germany Dr. C. Finter, Germany Prof. Dr. A. Karow, Germany Prof. Dr. T. Bock, Germany Organizing committee of the EAOF Prof. Dr. C.L. Mulder, The Netherlands Ms. M. Overdijk, The Netherlands Ms. M. van Putten, The Netherlands Mr. F. Koops, The Netherlands Scientific committee of the EAOF (in alphabetical order) Prof. Dr. T. Burns, UK M. Firn, UK Dr. J. Jambrina, Spain Dr. H. Kroon, The Netherlands Dr. R. Mezzina, Italy Prof. Dr. C.L. Mulder, The Netherlands Prof. Dr. M. Nordentoft, Denmark Prof. Dr. J. van Os, The Netherlands Prof. Dr. G. Pieters, Belgium Prof. Dr. S. Priebe, UK Prof. Dr. W. Rössler, Switzerland Prof. Dr. T. Ruud, Norway Prof. Dr. H.J. Salize, Germany C. Sixbey, ACTA, USA Drs. R. van Veldhuizen, The Netherlands Prof. Dr. J. Wancata, Austria Scientific program committee (Germany, Austria, Switzerland, in alphabetical order) Prof. Dr. M. Bauer, Germany Prof. Dr. A. Bechdolf, Germany Prof. Dr. T. Becker, Germany Prof. Dr. C. Correll, USA/Germany Prof. Dr. A. Deister, Germany Prof. Dr. P. Falkai, Germany Prof. Dr. A. Fallgater, Germany W. Faulbaum-Decke, Germany R. Fricke, Germany B. Görres, Germany N. Greve, Germany Prof. Dr. M. Härter, Germany Dr. I. Hauth, Germany Prof. Dr. A. Heinz, Germany Prof. Dr. F. Jessen, Germany Prof. Dr. G. Juckel, Germany Prof. Dr. R. Kilian, Germany Dr. C. Montag, Germany Dr. N. Mönter, Germany M. Olostiak, Germany Prof. Dr. A. Pfennig, Germany Dr. B. Puschner, Germany Prof. Dr. S. Riedel-Heller, Germany PD. Dr. T. Schillen, Germany G. Schliebener, Germany Prof. Dr. W. Fleischhacker, Austria Dr. M. Masoner, Austria Prof. Dr. J. Wancata, Austria Prof. Dr. P. Conus, Switzerland Dr. R.-P. Gebhardt, Switzerland Prof. Dr. U. Lang, Switzerland Registration fees Early bird registration Standard registration Late registration Conference fee from 1st September 2016 Conference fee from 1st June 2017 Conference fee from 15th August 2017 350.00 € 400.00 € 450.00 € Extra booking: Ship dinner on the river Elbe Extra booking: Ship dinner on the river Elbe Extra booking: Ship dinner on the river Elbe 80.00 € 80.00 € 80.00 € Special conference fees Students (e.g. medicine, nursing, health care and nursing stuff) 1,2) 200.00 € Representatives of patients / relatives associations 2) 100.00 € Pensioners 1,2) 200.00 € This fee requires a certificate. Please download your certificate during the registration process. Conference participation without such a certificate is only possible if the full conference fee is paid. 2) Restricted contingent of attendees 1) Conference organizer University Hamburg Marketing GmbH, event management and organization Event management: Christian Halm, Friederike Meyn Address: Feldbrunnenstraße 9, 20148 Hamburg, Germany Contact: Tel: +49 40 42838 - 9301 Fax: +49 40 42838 - 2011 Mail: [email protected] Web: Visit 14 15 Supported by (in alphabetical order) European Assertive Outreach Foundation (EAOF), the Netherlands European Community based Mental health Service providers Network (EuCoMS) German Association for Psychiatry, Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, Germany University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, Germany Sponsored scientific program (in alphabetical order) Janssen-Cilag GmbH, Germany Otsuka Pharma GmbH, Lundbeck GmbH, Germany
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