FINANCIAL STATEMENTS PT BANK TABUNGAN PENSIUNAN NASIONAL Tbk AS AT 31 DECEMBER 2013 AND 31 DECEMBER 2012 (In Million Rupiah) STATEMENTS OF FINANCIAL POSITION STATEMENTS OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME EARNING ASSETS QUALITY AND OTHER INFORMATION (in million Rupiah) (in million Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) (in million Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) As at 31 December 2013 and 31 December 2012 For the year ended 31 December 2013 and 2012 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Audited Audited ACCOUNTS A SSETS 1. Cash 1,102,840 929,454 2. Placements with Bank Indonesia 8,734,282 13,615,257 3. Placements with other banks 592,228 370,099 4. Spot and derivative receivables - - 5. Marketable securities: 2,912,858 1,382,726 a. Measured at fair value through profit/loss - - b. Available for sale 482,635 299,648 c. Held to maturity 2,430,223 1,083,078 d. Loans and receivables - - 6. Securities sold under repurchase agreements (Repo) - - 7. Claims from securities purchased under resale agreements (Reverse Repo) 7,424,681 1,567,422 8. Acceptance receivables - - 9. Loans: 44,751,099 38,340,123 a. Measured at fair value through profit/loss - - b. Available for sale - - c. Held to maturity - - d. Loans and receivables 44,751,099 38,340,123 10. Sharia financing 1,354,338 503,973 11. Investments 22 22 12. Allowance for impairment losses on financial assets -/- : 486,446 384,190 a. Marketable securities - - b. Loans 486,446 384,190 c. Others - - 13. Intangible assets 264,205 183,481 Accumulated amortization of intangible assets -/- 96,965 53,163 14. Property, plant and equipment 1,429,056 1,154,022 Accumulated depreciation of property, plant and equipment -/- 673,952 508,582 15. Non-productive assets: 4,789 4,995 a. Abandoned properties - - b. Foreclosed assets 4,709 4,814 c. Suspense accounts 72 173 d. Interbranch assets: 8 8 - Conducting operational activities in Indonesia 8 8 - Conducting operational activities outside Indonesia - - 16. Allowance for impairment losses on non - productive assets -/- - - 17. Leased receivables - - 18. Deferred tax assets 61,773 34,680 19. Other assets 2,290,065 1,949,813 TOTAL ASSETS 69,664,873 59,090,132 LIABILITIES & EQUITY LIABILITIES 1. Demand deposits 610,405 333,795 2. Saving deposits 6,465,360 6,478,523 3. Time deposits 43,558,545 37,665,163 4. Revenue sharing investment funds 1,561,549 595,122 5. Liabilities to Bank Indonesia - - 6. Liabilities to other banks 16,048 5,998 7. Spot and derivative payables - - 8. Securities sold under repurchase agreements (Repo) - - 9. Acceptance liabilities - - 10. Marketable securities issued 4,967,186 4,533,156 11. Borrowings: 1,377,753 623,536 a. Subordinated loans - - b. Other borrowings 1,377,753 623,536 12. Margin deposits - - 13. Interbranch liabilities: - - a. Conducting operational activities in Indonesia - - b. Conducting operational activities outside Indonesia - - 14. Deferred tax liabilities - - 15. Other liabilities 1,200,162 1,120,908 16. Profit sharing investment funds - - TOTAL LIABILITIES 59,757,008 51,356,201 EQUITY 17. Issued and fully paid-in capital: 116,806 116,806 a. Authorized capital 150,000 150,000 b. Unpaid capital -/- 33,194 33,194 c. Treasury stock -/- - - 18. Additional paid-in capital: 1,472,280 1,429,385 a. Agio 1,429,385 1,429,385 b. Disagio -/- - - c. Capital contribution - - d. Capital paid in advance - - e. Others 42,895 - 19. Other comprehensive expense: (118) (56) a. Foreign exchange translation adjustment of financial statements - - b. Loss from changes in the value of marketable securities - - available for sale (118) (56) c. Cash flow hedging - - d. Differences arising from fixed assets revaluation - - e. Other comprehensive income from associate entity - - f. Gain (loss) from actuarial defined benefit program - - g. Income tax related to other comprehensive income - - h. Others - - 20. Difference in quasi reorganization - - 21. Difference in restructuring of entities under common control - - 22. Other Equity - - 23. Reserves: 23,361 23,361 a. General reserves 23,361 23,361 b. Statutory reserves - - 24. Profit/loss: 8,295,536 6,164,435 a. Previous years 6,164,435 4,185,449 b. Current year 2,131,101 1,978,986 TOTAL EQUITY ATTRIBUTABLE TO THE OWNERS OF THE PARENT 9,907,865 7,733,931 25. Non-controlling interest - - TOTAL EQUITY 9,907,865 7,733,931 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND EQUITY 69,664,873 59,090,132 As at 31 December 2013 and 2012 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Audited Audited ACCOUNTS OPERATING INCOME AND EXPENSES A. Interest Income and Expenses 1. Interest Income 10,943,058 9,292,950 a. Rupiah 10,943,058 9,292,950 b. Foreign currencies - 2. Interest Expenses 3,894,609 3,221,836 a. Rupiah 3.894.609 3,221,836 b. Foreign currencies - Net Interest Income 7,048,449 6,071,114 B. Other Operating Income and Expenses 1. Other Operating Income 400,394 282,805 a. Increase in fair value of financial assets (mark to market) - - i. Marketable securities - - ii. Loans - - iii. Spot and derivatives - - iv. Other financial assets - - b. Decrease in fair value of financial liabilities (mark to market) - - c. Gain from sale of financial assets - - i. Marketable securities - - ii. Loans - - iii. Other financial assets - - d. Realized gain from spot and derivative transactions - - e. Dividend - 4 f. Gain from investment under equity method - - g. Commissions/provisions/fees and administration 112,131 129,102 h. Reversal in allowance for impairment losses - - i. Other income 288,263 153,699 2. Other Operating Expenses 4,571,085 3,866,761 a. Decrease in fair value of financial assets (mark to market) - - i. Marketable securities - - ii. Loans - - iii. Spot and derivatives - - iv. Other financial assets - - b. Increase in fair value of financial liabilities (mark to market) - - c. Losses from sale of financial assets - - i. Marketable securities - - ii. Loans - - iii. Other financial assets - - d. Realized losses from spot and derivative transactions - - e. Impairment losses on financial assets 590,121 455,325 i. Marketable securities - - ii. Loans 574,334 451,107 iii. Sharia financing 15,788 4,218 iv. Other financial assets - - f. Losses related to operational risks 18,358 9,450 g. Losses from investment under equity method - - h. Commissions/provisions/fees and administration 15,891 860 i. Losses from decrease in value of non-financial assets 1,206 - j. Personnel expenses 2,116,715 1,749,582 k. Promotion expenses 172,947 218,591 l. Other expenses 1,655,847 1,432,953 Net Other Operating Expenses (4,170,691) (3,583,956) NET OPERATING INCOME 2,877,758 2,487,158 NON-OPERATING INCOME AND EXPENSES 1. (Loss)/gain from sale of fixed assets and equipments (762) 5,945 2. Gain/(loss) on adjustments of foreign exchange translation - - 3. Other non-operating expenses (8,141) (7,789) NET NON OPERATING (EXPENSES)/INCOME (8,903) (1,844) INCOME BEFORE TAX FOR THE CURRENT YEAR 2,868,855 2,485,314 Income tax: a. Estimated current year tax (764,788) (511,636) b. Deferred tax expenses 27,065 5,661 c. Current tax adjustments from the previous year (31) (353) NET INCOME FOR THE CURRENT YEAR AFTER TAX 2,131,101 1,978,986 OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME/(LOSS) a. Foreign exchange translation adjustment of financial statements - - b. Loss from changes in the value of marketable securities - available for sale (88) (2,150) c. Cash flow hedging - - d. Gain from fixed assets revaluation - - e. Other comprehensive income from associate entity - - f. Gain/(loss) from actuarial defined benefit program - - g. Income tax related to other comprehensive income 26 432 h. Others - - Other comprehensive loss of the current year - net of tax (62) (1,718) TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME OF THE CURRENT YEAR AFTER TAX 2,131,039 1,977,268 Total net income attributable to: EQUITY HOLDERS 2,131,101 1,978,986 NON-CONTROLLING INTERESTS - - TOTAL NET INCOME IN CURRENT YEAR 2,131,101 1,978,986 Total comprehensive income attributable to: EQUITY HOLDERS 2,131,039 1,977,268 NON-CONTROLLING INTERESTS - - TOTAL NET INCOME IN CURRENT YEAR 2,131,039 1,977,268 PROFIT/(LOSS) TRANSFERRED TO HEAD OFFICE - DIVIDEND - EARNING PER SHARE (FULL AMOUNT) 365 341 ACCOUNTS RELATED PARTIES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Placements with other banks a. Rupiah - - - - - - - - - - - - b. Foreign currencies - - - - - - - - - - - - Spot and derivative receivables a. Rupiah - - - - - - - - - - - - b. Foreign currencies - - - - - - - - - - - - Marketable securities a. Rupiah - - - - - - - - - - - - b. Foreign currencies - - - - - - - - - - - - Securities sold under repurchase agreements (Repo) a. Rupiah - - - - - - - - - - - - b. Foreign currencies - - - - - - - - - - - - Claims on securities purchased under resale agreements (Reverse Repo) a. Rupiah - - - - - - - - - - - - b. Foreign currencies - - - - - - - - - - - - Acceptance receivables - - - - - - - - - - - - Loans a. Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (UMKM) i. Rupiah - - - - - - - - - - - - ii. Foreign currencies - - - - - - - - - - - - b. Non-Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (UMKM) i. Rupiah 32,189 - - - - 32,189 34,090 - - - - 34,090 ii. Foreign currencies - - - - - - - - - - - - c. Restructured loans i. Rupiah - - - - - - - - - - - - ii. Foreign currencies - - - - - - - - - - - - d. Property loans 15,705 - - - - 15,705 17,494 - - - - 17,494 Investments - - - - - - - - - - - - Temporary equity investment - - - - - - - - - - - - Commitment and contingencies a. Rupiah - - - - - - - - - - - - b. Foreign currencies - - - - - - - - - - - - Foreclosed assets - - - - - - - - - - - - II. NON-RELATED PARTIES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Placements with other banks a. Rupiah 592,228 - - - - 592,228 370,099 - - - - 370,099 b. Foreign currencies - - - - - - - - - - - - Spot and derivative receivables a. Rupiah - - - - - - - - - - - - b. Foreign currencies - - - - - - - - - - - - Marketable securities a. Rupiah 2,912,858 - - - - 2,912,858 1,382,726 - - - - 1,382,726 b. Foreign currencies - - - - - - - - - - - - Securities sold under repurchase agreements (Repo) a. Rupiah - - - - - - - - - - - - b. Foreign currencies - - - - - - - - - - - - Claims on securities purchased under resale agreements (Reverse Repo) a. Rupiah 7,424,681 - - - - 7,424,681 1,567,422 - - - - 1,567,422 b. Foreign currencies - - - - - - - - - - - - Acceptance receivables - - - - - - - - - - - - Loans a. Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (UMKM) i. Rupiah 9,031,773 453,455 79,707 89,666 51,953 9,706,554 7,400,657 317,768 52,948 66,970 41,007 7,879,350 ii. Foreign currencies - - - - - - - - - - - - b. Non-Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (UMKM) i. Rupiah 35,906,172 373,468 26,479 33,411 27,164 36,366,694 30,547,939 319,406 17,681 21,857 23,773 30,930,656 ii. Foreign currencies - - - - - - - - - - - - c. Restructured loans i. Rupiah 614,183 177,097 28,048 22,018 15,200 856,546 354,535 116,942 16,703 16,460 19,097 523,737 ii. Foreign currencies - - - - - - - - - - - - d. Property loans 208,432 2,032 1,306 149 7,191 219,110 223,178 1,462 - 957 6,287 231,884 Investments 22 - - - - 22 22 - - - - 22 Temporary equity investment - - - - - - - - - - - - Commitment and contingencies - - - - - - - - - - - - a. Rupiah 883,289 - - - 28 883,317 1,013,152 - - - 28 1,013,180 b. Foreign currencies - - - - - - - - - - - - Foreclosed assets 4,620 - 89 - - 4,709 4,814 - - - - 4,814 III. OTHER INFORMATION 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Value of Bank’s assets pledged as collateral: a. To Bank Indonesia b. To other parties Total allowance for impairment losses on financial assets Total required provision for possible losses on earning asset Percentage of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (UMKM) loans to total loans Percentage of Micro and Small Enterprises (UMK) loans to total loans Percentage of UMKM debtors to total debtors Percentage of UMK debtors to total debtors Others: a. Channeling loans b. Distribution of Mudharabah Muqayyadah funds c. Earning assets written-off d. Recovery of earning assets written-off e. Write-off on earning assets with elimination of right to collect - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 486,446 - - - (In million Rupiah) Objective Hedging Derivative Receivables and Payables Receivables Payables A. RELATED TO EXCHANGE RATE - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- B. RELATED TO INTEREST RATE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Forward Option a. Put b. Call Future Swap Others - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- -- C. OTHERS TOTAL - - - - - - - - 199,244 - - 28 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 384,190 - - - 3,701 - - - - - 383,750 - - - 152,472 28 (In million Rupiah) As at 31 December 2013 5,922 - - - - - 453,695 - - - 31 December 2012 (Audited) Allowance for impairment Required Provision Individual Collective General Specific STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS SPOT AND DERIVATIVE TRANSACTIONS - - - ACCOUNTS 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Audited Audited Cash flows from operating activities Interest received 10,868,323 9,191,782 Fee and commission income 400,394 282,805 Payment of interest (3,800,526) (3,181,267) Loan recoveries 149,947 152,058 Payment of personnel expenses (2,145,734) (1,833,713) Other operating expenses (1,560,822) (1,374,900) Non-operating income 8,435 79,388 Non-operating expense (2,587) (12,540) Corporate income tax paid (716,903) (354,193) Cash flows before changes in operating assets and liabilities 3,200,527 2,949,420 Decrease/(increase) in operating assets and liabilities: Placements with Bank Indonesia and other banks- with maturity more than 3 months (12,076) 4,725,975 Securities purchased under resale agreement (Reverse Repo) (5,857,259) (1,567,422) Loans (7,899,063) (9,067,118) Other assets (276,852) (388,221) Liabilities due immediately (2,979) (1,343) Deposits from customers 7,123,256 9,454,603 Deposits from other banks 10,050 (109,071) Tax payables 12,045 23,806 Other liabilities (46,037) (40,015) Net cash flows (used in)/provided from operating activities (3,748,388) 5,980,614 Cash flows from investing activities Securities-with maturity more than 3 months (1,530,210) 731,915 Proceeds from sale of abandoned property 2,807 13,708 Proceeds from sale of property plant and equipment 250 13 Purchase of property, plant equipment and intangible assets (396,236) (450,745) Net cash flows used in investing activities (1,923,389) 294,891 Cash flows from financing activities Proceeds from issuance of bonds payable 1,550,000 1,250,000 Bonds issuance cost (8,960) (5,862) Payment for due bonds payable (1,115,000) (350,000) Proceeds from borrowings 970,200 Installment payment and settlement of borrowings (214,073) Payment of finance lease payables (7,926) (2,442) Net cash flows provided from financing activities 1,174,241 891,696 Net (decrease)/increase in cash and cash equivalent (4,497,536) 7,167,201 Cash and cash equivalent at the beginning of year 14,879,886 7,712,685 Cash and cash equivalent at the end of year 10,382,350 14,879,886 Activities not affecting cash flows Share-based payment 42,895 Convertible loan conversion into common shares - 139,461 Total activities not affecting cash flows 42,895 139,461 Cash and cash equivalent at the end of year consist of: Cash 1,102,840 929,454 Current account with Bank Indonesia 4,311,653 4,049,000 Current account with other banks 17,228 45,099 Placement with Bank Indonesia and other banks- with maturity of 3 months or less 4,950,629 9,856,333 Total cash and cash equivalent 10,382,350 14,879,886 Notes : 1 2 3 As at 31 December 2013 and 2012 For the year ended 31 December 2013 and 2012 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Audited Audited - - - - - - - - - - 486,446 384,190 658,889 539,951 21.05% 20.28% 12.98% 56.06% 55.14% 35,203 - 1,168,946 454,479 12.06% 41.80% 40.61% 36,262 - 900,543 305,585 403,502 606,075 - - (in million Rupiah) Performance Ratio 1. Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) 23.09% 21.49% 2. Non-performing earning assets and non-earning assets to total earning assets and non-earning assets 0.49% 0.43% 3. Non-performing earning assets to total earning assets 0.50% 0.43% 4. Allowance for impairment losses on financial assets to earning assets 0.79% 0.74% 5. Non-Performing Loans (NPL) - gross 0.67% 0.58% 6. Non-Performing Loans (NPL) - net 0.38% 0.31% 7. Return on Assets (ROA) 4.54% 4.71% 8. Return on Equity (ROE) 26.15% 32.58% 9. Net Interest Margin (NIM) 12.72% 13.12% 10. Operating Expenses to Operating Revenues 74.63% 74.03% 11. Loan to Deposit Ratio (LDR) 88.33% 86.18% Compliance 1. a. Percentage Violation of Legal Lending Limit i. Related parties - ii. Non-related parties - b. Percentage Lending in Excess of the Legal Lending Limit i. Related parties - ii. Non-related parties - 2. Statutory Reserves Requirements a. Rupiah 8.09% 8.13% b. Foreign currencies - 3. Net Open Position - - Spot Forward Option a. Put b. Call Future Swap Others STATEMENTS OF COMMITMENTS AND CONTINGENCIES FINANCIAL RATIOS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. (in million Rupiah) As at 31 December 2013 and 2012 Trading CAPITAL ADEQUACY RATIO Placements with other banks Spot and derivative receivables Marketable securities Securities sold under repurchase agreements (Repo) Claims on securities purchased under resale agreements (Reverse Repo) Acceptance receivables Loans Investments Temporary equity investment Commitment and contingencies TRANSACTION (In million Rupiah) ACCOUNTS Notional Amount 31 December 2012 (Audited) DPK KL D M TOTAL ALLOWANCE FOR IMPAIRMENT LOSSES 31 December 2013 (Audited) Allowance for impairment Required Provision Individual Collective General Specific RATIOS (%) 31 December 2013 (Audited) DPK KL D M TOTAL L I. As at 31 December 2013 and 2012 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. L The above financial information as at and for the years ended 31 December 2013 and 2012 is taken from the financial statements which have been audited by Public Accounting Firm Tanudiredja, Wibisana & Rekan - a member firm of PwC global network (Partner in charge: Drs. Muhammad Jusuf Wibisana, M.Ec.,CPA), whose report dated 18 February 2014, expressed an unqualified opinion. The financial information above is published in order to meet and in accordance with: a) Regulation of Bank Indonesia No. 3/22/PBI/2001 dated 13 December 2001 as amended with Regulation of Bank Indonesia No. 14/14/PBI/2012 dated 18 October 2012 regarding Transparancy and Publication of Bank’s Financial Statements; b) The Circular Letter of Bank Indonesia No. 13/30/DPNP dated 16 December 2011, regarding third amendment of Bank Indonesia’s Circular Letter No. 3/30/DPNP dated 14 December 2001 regarding Quarterly and Monthly Published Financial Statements of Commercial Banks as well as certain Reports Submitted to Bank Indonesia; c) Capital Market Supervisory Agency Regulation Number X.K.2 Attachment Decision of Chairman of Capital market Supervisory Agency No: Kep-346/BL/2011 dated 5 July 2011 concerning Submission of periodic Financial Statements; d) Decision of The Board of Directors of The Jakarta Stock Exchange Number: Kep-306/BEJ/07-2004 dated 19 July 2004 concerning rule number I-E concerning The Obligation of Information Submission. For comparative purposes, several accounts in the financial information as at and for the year ended 31 December 2012 have been reclassified to conform with the presentation of financial information as at and for the year ended 31 December 2013. ACCOUNTS I. CAPITAL COMPONENT A. Core Capital 1. Paid in capital 2. Disclosed reserves 2.1. Additional factors a. Agio b. Capital contribution c. General reserves d. Statutory reserves e. Previous years profit which can be calculated into capital (100%) f. Current year profit which can be calculated into capital (50%) g. Excess differences arising from translation of financial statement h. Capital paid in advance i. Issued warrant (50%) j. Stock option issued related to share-based compensation program (50%) 2.2. Deduction factors a. Disagio b. Previous years losses which can be calculated into capital (100%) c. Current year loss which can be calculated into capital (100%) d. Shortage differences arising from translation of financial statement e. Other comprehensive income: losses from equity investment for available for sale category f. Differences between allowance for possible losses and allowance for impairment losses of earning assets g. Allowance for possible losses on non-productive assets h. Negative differences on adjustment of fair value on financial instrument in the trading book 3. Innovative capital 3.1. Subordinated securities (perpetual non cumulative) 3.2. Subordinated loans (perpetual non cumulative) 3.3. Other innovative capital instruments 4. Deduction factor to core capital 4.1. Goodwill 4.2. Other intangible assets 4.3. Investments (50%) 4.4. Shortage of capital on insurance subsidiary company (50%) 5. Minority interest B. Supplementary Capital 1. Upper Tier-2 1.1. Preferred stock (perpetual cumulative) 1.2. Subordinated securities (perpetual cumulative) 1.3. Subordinated loans (perpetual cumulative) 1.4. Mandatory convertible bond 1.5. Innovative capital which is not calculated as core capital 1.6. Other instruments of upper Tier-2 capital 1.7. Fixed asset revaluation 1.8. General allowance for possible losses of earning assets (maximum 1.25% of RWA) 1.9. Other comprehensive income: gain from increase in equity investment fair value for available for sale category (45%) 2. Lower Tier-2 (maximum 50% of Core Capital) 2.1. Redeemable preference shares 2.2. Allowed subordinated loans/bonds 2.3. Other lower Tier-2 instruments 3. Deduction factor to supplementary capital 3.1. Investments (50%) 3.2. Shortfall on the capital of insurance subsidiary (50%) C. Deduction Factor for Core Capital and Supplementary Capital Securitization exposures D. Additional Supplementary Capital (Tier-3) E. Additional Supplementary Capital Allocated to Anticipate Market Risk II. TOTAL CORE AND SUPPLEMENTARY CAPITAL (A + B - C) III. TOTAL CORE CAPITAL, SUPPLEMENTARY CAPITAL AND ADDITIONAL SUPPLEMENTARY CAPITAL ALLOCATED TO ANTICIPATE MARKET RISK (A + B - C + E) IV. RISK WEIGHTED ASSET (RWA) - CREDIT RISK V. RISK WEIGHTED ASSET (RWA) - OPERATIONAL RISK VI. RISK WEIGHTED ASSET (RWA) - MARKET RISK VII. CAPITAL ADEQUACY RATIO FOR CREDIT RISK AND OPERATIONAL RISK [II : (IV + V)] VIII. CAPITAL ADEQUACY RATIO FOR CREDIT RISK, OPERATIONAL RISK AND MARKET RISK [III : (IV + V + VI)] As at 31 December 2013 and 31 December 2012 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 ACCOUNTS Unaudited Unaudited 8,600,288 116,806 8,483,482 8,655,938 1,429,385 - 23,361 - 6,553,214 116,806 6,436,408 6,592,219 1,429,385 - 23,361 - 6,129,727 4,149,980 1,052,018 989,493 - - - - - - 21,447 172,456 - - 155,811 - - - - - - - - - 172,443 - - - - - - - - - - - - - 372,007 372,007 - - - - - 315,804 315,804 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 8,972,295 6,869,018 8,972,295 29,672,943 9,187,752 - 6,869,018 25,192,653 6,776,693 - 23.09% 21.49% 23.09% 21.49% Unused borrowing facilities a. Rupiah b. Foreign currencies Outstanding spot and derivative purchased Others 883,317 1,013,180 - - - - - - - 883,317 28 883,289 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1,013,180 28 1,013,152 - 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Unused loans facilities granted to customers a. State-owned enterprises (BUMN) i. Committed - Rupiah - Foreign currencies ii. Uncommitted - Rupiah - Foreign currencies b. Others i. Committed ii. Uncommitted Unused loans facilities granted to other banks a. Committed i. Rupiah ii. Foreign currencies b. Uncommitted i. Rupiah ii. Foreign currencies Outstanding irrevocable L/C a. Foreign L/C b. Local L/C Outstanding spot and derivative sold Others III. CONTINGENT RECEIVABLES 1. 2. 3. Guarantees received a. Rupiah b. Foreign currencies Interest on non-performing loan a. Loan interest b. Other interest Others - - - - - - - - 40,396 39,121 - - - 40,396 40,396 - - - - - 39,121 39,121 - - CONTINGENT LIABILITIES - - 1. 2. - - - - - - - - Guarantees issued a. Rupiah b. Foreign currencies Others BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AND DIRECTORS BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS - President Commissioner (Independent) : Prof. DR. Dorodjatun Kuntjoro-Jakti - Independent Commissioner : Harry Hartono - Independent Commissioner : Irwan Mahjudin Habsjah - Commisioner : Ranvir Dewan - Commisioner : Ashish Jaiprakash Shastry - Commisioner : Sunata Tjiterosampurno BOARD OF DIRECTORS - President Director : Jerry Ng - Deputy President Director : Ongki Wanadjati Dana - Deputy President Director : Djemi Suhenda - Director of Compliance and Corporate Secretary : Anika Faisal - Director of Human Capital : Mahdi Syahbuddin - Director of Information Technology : Kharim Indra Gupta Siregar - Director of Micro Business : Hadi Wibowo - Director of Finance : Arief Harris Tandjung - Director of Pension Business : Asep Nurdin Alfallah - Director of Operations : Mulia Salim 315,804 - - - - - - - - 1. 2. 3. II. COMMITMENT LIABILITIES 50 - - IV. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 372,007 - 155,761 13 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Audited Audited I. COMMITMENT RECEIVABLES SHAREHOLDERS Ultimate Shareholder : Ultimate Shareholder is David Bonderman through TPG Nusantara S.à.r.l. : 41.00% Non-controlling shareholder through capital market (≥ 5%) : Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation : 24.26% Non-controlling shareholder not through capital market (≥ 5%) : None Jakarta, 18 February 2014 PT Bank Tabungan Pensiunan Nasional Tbk Board of Directors S.E. & O JERRY NG ARIEF HARRIS TANDJUNG President DirectorDirector INFORMATION ON SHARIA BUSINESS UNIT AS AT 31 DECEMBER 2013 AND 2012 (In million Rupiah) BALANCE SHEET As at 31 December 2013 dan 2012 (In million Rupiah) ACCOUNTS A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. B. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 A. 1. 2. 3. 4. B. C. D. E. F. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. G. H. TOTAL ASSETS 1,915,871 940,348 I. LIABILITIES AND EQUITY J. Wadiah funds 263,928 100,320 K. Other current liabilities 3,539 775 L. Liabilities to Bank Indonesia (FPJPS) - Liabilities to other banks - Securities issued - Other liabilities 168,210 329,974 Unrestricted investment fund 1,297,621 494,802 a. Mudharabah saving account 3,613 785 b. Mudharabah time deposits 1,294,008 494,017 1 Balance of profit (loss) 182,573 14,477 2 1,915,871 940,348 STATEMENT OF COMMITMENTS AND CONTINGENCIES As at 31 December 2013 and 2012 (In million Rupiah) ACCOUNTS SOURCE AND USES OF ZIS FUNDS REPORT (In million Rupiah) (In million Rupiah) ACCOUNTS ASSETS Cash 46,488 14,402 Wadiah current account to Bank Indonesia 107,514 53,377 Bank Indonesia Wadiah Certificate (SWBI) 223,300 310,000 Placement to other banks - Allowance for possible losses of placement to other banks -/- - Securities - Allowance for possible losses of securities -/- - Murabahah receivables 1,354,337 503,973 Allowance for possible losses of murabahah receivables -/- (22,940) (7,021) Other receivables - Allowance for possible losses of other receivables -/- - Mudharabah and Musyarakah financing - Allowance for possible losses of mudharabah and musyarakah financing -/- - Income will be received (Accrued Receivables) 17,337 10,388 Prepaid expenses 77,161 3,290 Fixed assets 134,929 60.402 Accumulated depreciation of fixed assets (32,404) (11,565) Other assets 10,149 3,102 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND EQUITY INCOME STATEMENT For the year ended 31 December 2013 and 2012 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 1. Financing facility to customer not yet withdrawn - - 2. Current irrevocable letters of credit - - 3. Guaranteed (Kafalah) given - - 4. Others - 6 3 4 5 Description 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 Operating Income Murabahah margin 524,498 168.274 Mudharabah revenue sharing distributed - 59 Bonuses 18,767 8,031 Other operating income 132 6,057 Total Operating Income 543,397 182,421 Revenue sharing distributed for investors of unrestricted investment fund a. Bank - b. Non Bank 59,690 19,056 c. Bank Indonesia (FPJPS) - Total revenue sharing distributed 59,690 19,056 Operating income after revenue sharing distributed for investor of unrestricted investment fund 483,707 163,365 Operating Expense Wadiah bonuses - Allowance for possible losses of earning assets 15,854 6,157 General and administration expenses 22,506 11,957 Personnel expenses 169,604 89,245 Other expenses 92,303 41,453 Total Operating Expense 300,267 148,812 Net Operating Income (Expense) 183,440 14,553 Non Operating income 7 7 Non Operating expense 874 83 Non Operating Profit (Loss) (867) (76) Profit (Loss) for the period 182,573 14,477 1. Source of ZIS fund in the beginning of year - 2. Source of ZIS fund a. Zakat from bank - b. Zakat from non bank - c. Infaq and shadaqah - Total Source ZIS fund - 3. Uses of ZIS fund 3.1.Distribute to others institution - 3.2.Self Distribute - Total ZIS fund used - - 5. Source of ZIS fund in the end of year - - (In million Rupiah) As at 31 December 2013 and 2012 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 50 - 160 - - - 160 - 25 10 35 125 175 76 - 34 - - - 34 - - 60 60 (26) 50 Description 1. Beginning of year information Portfolio finance (Project) Beginning balance 2. Current year information Financing Portfolio (Project) Received fund Withdraw fund -/- Profit (Loss) from investment Expense / Cost Fee / Bank Income 3. End of year information Financing portfolio (Project) Ending Balance 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 - - - - - - - - - - - - - Average balance Type of Funding 1. - - 2. - 3. - - - - - STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN RESTRICTED INVESTMENT FUND Description (In million Rupiah) - 4. Increase (Decrease) source of ZIS fund (In million Rupiah) As at 31 December 2013 and 2012 For the period of December 2013 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012 SOURCE AND USES OF QARDH FUNDS REPORT Source Qardh fund beginning of the year Source Qardh fund a. Infaq and Shadaqah b. Penalty c. Donation d. Non-halal Income e. Others Total source of Qardh fund Uses of Qardh fund a. Financing b. Donation c. Others Total Qardh fund used Increase (Decrease) source of Qardh fund Source of Qardh fund in the end of year TABLE OF REVENUE DISTRIBUTION As at 31 December 2013 and 2012 Revenues to be distributed Depositor’s portion Bonuses Rate of Nisbah and revenue return sharing indication Wadiah current account a. Bank - - - - b. Non Bank - - - - Mudharabah saving 3,900 167 13 a. Bank - - - - b. Non Bank 3,900 167 8% 13 3.91% Mudharabah time deposit 1,144,156 49,110 9,379 a. Bank - - - 1 month - - - - 3 months - - - - 6 months - - - - 12 months - - - - b. Non Bank 1,144,156 49,110 9,379 1 month 611,800 26,260 20% 5,170 10.14% 3 months 340,857 14,630 18% 2,683 9.45% 6 months 161,523 6,933 19% 1,292 9.60% 12 months 29,976 1,287 18% 234 9.37% TOTAL 1,148,056 49,277 9,392 SHARIA SUPERVISORY BOARD Chairman Member : : Drs. KH. Amidhan KH. Ahmad Cholil Ridwan Lc. The financial statement has been made to fulfill Bank Indonesia Circular Letter No. 7/56/DPbS dated 9 December 2005 and its amandment No. 8/11/DPbS dated 7 March 2006 regarding “Annual Report, Publication of Quarterly and Monthly Financial Reports, and Other Reports from Bank to Bank Indonesia. Jakarta, 18 February 2014 - - PT Bank Tabungan Pensiunan Nasional Tbk - Sharia Business Unit - - - - - - - - - Drs. KH. AMIDHAN ONGKI WANADJATI DANA - Sharia Supervisory Board Deputy President Director
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