DS 21/30 DNC | DS 21/30 EC | DS 21/40 DNC | DS 50/32 DNC Tandem DS 21/30 DNC | DS 21/30 EC | DS 21/40 DNC | DS 50/32 DNC Tandem Direct warping machine DS 21/30 DNC | DS 21/30 EC | DS 21/40 DNC | DS 50/32 DNC Tandem Computer-controlled direct warping machines for producing sectional beams for warp knitting DS 21/30 DNC DS 21/30 EC DS 21/40 DNC 21” 21” 21” 30” 40” 21” 30” 21” x 21” 21” x 30” 21” x 40” 21” x 21” 21” x 30” KARL MAYER Direct warpers for warp knitting with sectional beams, identical in circumference and length, on KARL MAYER warp knitting machines. Perfectly coordinated creel systems, feeding aggregates and brake synchronization allow our customers to achieve high profits with speeds of up to 1200 m/min. 1200 Computerized, absolutely safe process control for all the operational conditions, start/stop and running phase. Deviations in circumference among the sectional beams do not exceed one millimeter – even in case of delicate yarns. As a matter of course, KARL MAYER warp units are easy to be operated and can quickly be converted according to different yarn parameters. Highly intelligent brake synchronization systems guarantee full control of the yarn sheet even during the 0.6 seconds necessary to stop the brake application of 1200 m/min The KARL MAYER warping units ensure high efficiency in the further processing on the warp knitting machines. DNC control KAMCOS® Operator Interface IPC / Touchscreen, Ethernet interface for networking and connection for the relevant data acquisition and Teleservice 1200 0,6 1 2 4 7 5 6 3 DS 21/30 DNC 型全电脑控制长丝整经机 1 Creel 1 2 Levelling roller WA-III 4Q 2 3 Yarn inspector Warpstop 3 4 Yarn storage 4 5 Oiling device 5 6 Warping head 6 7 Touch screen 7 Levelling roller WA-III 4Q with yarn tension compensating device. Wrapping angle is infinitely variable. Front reed with vertical and horizontal traverse. DNC control KAMCOS® DNC teu KAMCOS® Touchscreen Touchscreen “WA-III 4Q” “WA-III Walzenaggregat WA-III4Q” 4Q mit Spannungsausgleichseinrichtung. Stufenlose Einstellung des Umschlingungswinkels, höhen- und seitenchangierendes Vorriet. Levelling roller WA-III 4Q DS 21/30 DNC | DS 21/30 EC | DS 21/40 DNC Direct Warping for filament yarn Direktschären von Filamentgarnen 2 3 4 1 1 Antistatic device – 1 transformer, 4 rods 1 2 Main reed 2 3 Overrun roller 3 4 Gumming device 4 Yarn storage With 9 m back winding capacity. Allows control of the last 9 m of the warp sheet on the beam. Garnspeicher mit 9 m Speicherkapazität. Ermöglicht die Kontrolle der letzten 9 m Fadenschar, die sich auf dem Baum befinden. Oiling device filament infinitely variable oil coating, pump for oil refilling from the barrel. Öleinrichtung Filament Ölauftrag stufenlos regelbar, Pumpe zur Ölnachfüllung vom Fass. Yarn breakage control Camscan End break detection using a camera including a display of actual number of ends. Yarn storage Garnspeicher Fadenbruchkontrolle Camscan Fadenbruchüberwachung durch Kamera, inkl. Zählen und Anzeigen jeden Fadens. Yarn breakage control Camscan Fadenbruchko Camscan Oiling device filament Öleinrichtung Filament Beaming head DS 21/30 EC 机头DS21/30 EC Touchscreen monitor 触摸屏 DS 21/30 EC The KARL MAYER direct warper DS 21/30 EC is an economical direct warper for the warp knitting industry, being equipped with the full set of well-known and established features: Tension roller WA II EC 平衡罗拉 WA II EC DS 21/30 EC 卡尔迈耶直接整经机 DS 21/30 EC 是用于经编生产的一款经济型直接整经机, 拥有多项众所周知的特点: intelligent brake synchronization 智能化同步制动 computer controlled beam build-up 电脑控制盘头成型 Master beam/copy beam analysis 母盘头/子盘头拷贝分析 Integrated MMI panel (10") 集成的人机界面 (10") KAMCOS ® control (Ethernet interface) KAMCOS ® 控制系统(以太网接口) Pressure roller device For processing technical yarns. Egalisation of surface and increase of beam hardness. Presswalzeneinrichtung Zur Verarbeitung von technischen Garnen. Egalisierung der Oberfläche sowie Erhöhung der Baumhärte. Beam doffing and loading / Beam clamping To load and doff as well as clamp the sectional beams Baumauslegung / Baumspannung Zum Ein- und Auslegen sowie zum Spannen der Teikettbäume Pressure roller device Presswalzeneinrichtung Beam doffing and loading / Beam clamping Baumauslegung / Baumspannung DS 50/32 DNC Tandem Direct warping machine with tandem warping device Direktschärmaschine mit Tandemeinrichtung 2x21” 1x21” 21” 30” 21” 30” 1x42” 21” x 21” 21” x 30” For processing 2 x 21"x21" or 2 x 21"x30". Consisting of central support with pneumatic beam unclamping and cross motion device for the warping head. 21” 21” x30” 21” 21” x 30” 21” x 40” Zum Arbeiten von 2 x 21“x21“ oder 2 x 21“x30“. 2 x 21"x30" 2 x 21"x21" Bestehend aus Mittelabstützung mit pneumatischer Baumlösevorrichtung und einer Querfahreinrichtung für den Schärkopf. DNC-Computer control KAMCOS® DNC–Steuerung KAMCOS® Circumference Umfang Master beam Copy beam Folgebaum Inner circumference Innenumfang Drive systems incl. circumference control Antriebssystem inkl. Umfangskontrolle Beam protocol Bäumprotokoll Protocol overview for one beam set Protokollübersicht für einen Bäumsatz Outer circumference Außenumfang Windings Wicklungen DS 21/30 DNC | DS 21/30 EC | DS 21/40 DNC | DS 50/32 DNC Tandem Technical data Technische Daten Machine type/ DS 21/30 DNC DS 21/30 EC DS 21/40 DNC DS 50/32 DNC Tandem Max. speed/ 1000 m/min 1000 m/min 1000 m/min 1200 m/min Max. yarn tension/ 200 N 200 N 320 N 540 N Pressure roller/ Possible/ Not Possible/ Possible/ Possible/ Levelling roller unit/ WA-III 4Q WA II EC WA-III 4Q Control/ DNC-KAMCOS EC-KAMCOS High-Tenacity device/ Possible/ Max. yarn tension/ 600 N Max. speed/ 600 m/min ® WA-III 4Q DNC-KAMCOS DNC-KAMCOS® Not possible/ Possible/ Possible/ - 600 N 1600 N - 600 m/min 600 m/min ® ® Dimensions Abmessungen 1 Oil device / 7 Camscan / 2 Shield / 8 Duo warp stop / 3 Antistatic tube / 9 WA III – 4Q / 4 Front reed / 10 Eyelet reed / 5 Back-winding device / 11 Main reed / 6 Tension balancing device / 12 Deviation Roller / 11 1 5 3 3 3 2 3 6 4 12 3 4 7 10 4 8 9 12015 DS 21/30 DNC 13320 DS 21/30 EC 13590 DS 21/40 DNC 12000 DS 50/32 DNC WE 203/1/6/2007/2/6/08/3/3/10
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