Liste der bis 2016 von der Universitätsbibliothek Eichstätt

 Liste der bis 2016 von der Universitätsbibliothek Eichstätt-Ingolstadt lizenzierten Elsevier-Zeitschriften
Acta psychologica
Annals of tourism research
Brain and cognition
Brain and language
Economic modelling
European economic review
European journal of operational research
European management journal
Geomorphology (weiter über Lizenz verfügbar)
Indagationes mathematicae
Industrial marketing management
International busines review
International journal of forecasting
International journal of production economics
International journal of research in marketing
Journal of experimental child psychology
Journal of approximation theory
Journal of banking and finance
Journal of busines research
Journal of econometrics
Journal of economic theory
Journal of financial economics
Journal of historical geography
Journal of interactive marketing
Journal of international economics
Journal of memory and language
Journal of monetary economics
Journal of pragmatics
Journal of public economics
Journal of pure and applied algebra
Journal of retailing
Journal of school psychology
Personality and individual differences
Research in organizational behavior
Tourism management
World development