単体業績 Non-consolidated operating results ■主な業績と予想 ...... Results and forecasts for major financial indicators 2015年度/FY2015 第2四半期/1H 2015.3.1 - 2015.8.31 金額/Amount 前年比/YoY チェーン全店売上高 (百万円) Net sales of all convenience stores (millions of yen) 加盟店売上高 (百万円) Net sales of franchised stores (millions of yen) 2016年度/FY2016 通期/Full year 2015.3.1 - 2016.2.29 金額/Amount 通期計画/Full year (Forecast) 第2四半期/1H 前年比/YoY 2016.3.1 - 2016.8.31 金額/Amount 前年比/YoY 2016.3.1 - 2017.2.28 金額/Amount 前年比/YoY 992,999 100.4% 1,960,266 101.4% 1,028,626 103.6% 2,048,000 104.5% 976,256 100.3% 1,926,544 101.3% 1,008,944 103.3% - - 16,743 106.0% 33,722 109.8% 19,682 117.6% - - 167,461 102.5% 333,855 105.5% 180,065 107.5% 367,000 109.9% 155,128 102.1% 308,889 105.1% 165,495 106.7% - - 15.6% - 15.8% - 16.1% - - - 120,705 106.1% 251,641 108.0% 133,724 110.8% - - 直営店売上高 (百万円) Net sales of company-operated stores (millions of yen) *1 営業総収入 (百万円) Gross operating revenue (millions of yen) 営業総利益 (百万円) Gross operating profit (millions of yen) (対チェーン全店売上高比) (Gross operating profit on Net sales of all convenience stores) 販売費及び一般管理費 (百万円) Selling, general and administrative expenses (millions of yen) (対チェーン全店売上高比) (Selling, general and administrative expenses on Net sales of all convenience stores) 営業利益 (百万円) Operating profit (millions of yen) (対チェーン全店売上高比) (Operating profit on Net sales of all convenience stores) 経常利益 (百万円) Recurring profit (millions of yen) 四半期(当期)純利益 (百万円) Profit (millions of yen) 1株当たり四半期(当期)純利益 (円) Profit per share (yen) 純資産 (百万円) Net assets (millions of yen) 総資産 (百万円) Total assets (millions of yen) 1株当たり純資産 (円) Net assets per share (yen) 総資産当期純利益率 ROA 自己資本当期純利益率 ROE 流動比率 Current ratio 固定比率 Fixed ratio 自己資本比率 Shareholders' equity ratio 12.2% - 12.8% - 13.0% - - - 34,423 90.2% 57,247 93.9% 31,770 92.3% 59,000 103.1% 3.5% - 2.9% - 3.1% - - - 33,560 87.8% 54,982 89.2% 30,407 90.6% 56,600 102.9% 13,277 64.4% 21,802 83.2% 137.2% 28,000 132.78 218.02 18,216 182.14 246,991 751,530 2,466.87 1.8% 5.4% 60.7% 227.2% 243,576 714,875 2,432.73 3.1% 8.9% 52.8% 233.2% 248,855 780,858 2,484.90 2.4% 7.4% 60.2% 234.6% 279.96 - 32.8% 34.0% 31.8% - (注) Notes: *1 営業総収入は直営店売上高、加盟店からの収入等の合計です。 *2 計画の1株当たり当期純利益に関しては、2016年8月31日現在の期末発行済株式数を用いて算出しております。 *1 The gross operating revenue is a sum of total sales of company-operated stores and commissions from franchised stores. *2 Forecasted profit per share is calculated based on the number of outstanding shares as of August 31, 2016. Copyright © 2016 Lawson, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 128.4% *2 12 単体業績 Non-consolidated operating results ■損益計算書 A.営業総収入 ...... Non-consolidated statement of income B+E Gross operating revenue *1 B.売上高 Net sales *2 C.売上原価 Cost of goods sold B-C *3 D.売上総利益 Gross profit on sales E.営業収入 Operating revenue F+G F.加盟店からの収入 Franchise commission from franchised stores G.その他の営業収入 H.営業総利益 Other A-C=D+E Gross operating profit I.販売費及び一般管理費 Selling, general and administrative expenses H-I J.営業利益 Operating profit 営業外収益 Non-operating income 営業外費用 Non-operating expenses 経常利益 Recurring profit 特別利益 Extraordinary gain 特別損失 Extraordinary loss 税引前当期純利益 Income before income taxes 法人税、住民税及び事業税 Income taxes - current 法人税等調整額 Deferred income taxes 四半期純利益 Profit ■販売費及び一般管理費の主な明細 2015年度1H 2016年度1H 前年増減 2015.3.1 - 2015.8.31 2016.3.1 - 2016.8.31 Increase (Decrease) 百万円/Millions of yen 前年比/YoY 百万円/Millions of yen 前年比/YoY 百万円/Millions of yen 167,461 17,354 12,333 102.5% 107.7% 107.7% 180,065 20,408 14,570 107.5% 117.6% 118.1% 12,603 3,053 2,237 5,021 150,106 133,156 16,950 155,128 120,705 34,423 1,452 2,315 33,560 8,600 24,959 9,743 1,937 13,277 107.7% 101.9% 102.2% 99.8% 102.1% 106.1% 90.2% 104.8% 178.3% 87.8% 210.6% 72.9% 76.2% 233.0% 64.4% 5,838 159,656 140,082 19,574 165,495 133,724 31,770 1,898 3,261 30,407 2,333 28,074 7,348 2,509 18,216 116.3% 106.4% 105.2% 115.5% 106.7% 110.8% 92.3% 130.7% 140.8% 90.6% 27.1% 112.5% 75.4% 129.5% 137.2% 816 9,549 6,925 2,624 10,366 13,019 -2,653 445 945 -3,153 -6,267 3,114 -2,395 571 4,938 Selling, general and administrative expenses 地代家賃 Rents 人件費 Personal expenses 動産リース料 Equipment leasing charges 有形固定資産減価償却費 Depreciation of property and store equipment 広告宣伝費 Advertising and promotional expenses その他 Other 合計 Total 2015年度1H 2016年度1H 前年増減 2015.3.1 - 2015.8.31 2016.3.1 - 2016.8.31 Increase (Decrease) 百万円/Millions of yen 前年比/YoY 百万円/Millions of yen 前年比/YoY 百万円/Millions of yen 47,143 19,325 1,312 17,560 5,170 30,192 120,705 104.6% 104.5% 76.1% 123.1% 127.8% 100.1% 106.1% 49,460 20,707 677 19,514 7,661 35,704 133,724 104.9% 107.1% 51.6% 111.1% 148.2% 118.3% 110.8% 2,316 1,381 -634 1,954 2,490 5,511 13,019 (注) Notes: *1 「売上高」は、直営店売上高及びEコマース売上高の合計です。 *2 「売上原価」は、商品売上原価です。 *3 「売上総利益」は、商品売上総利益です。 *1 Net sales of company-operated stores and e-commerce business. *2 Cost of goods sold. *3 Gross profit on goods sales. Copyright © 2016 Lawson, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 13 単体業績 Non-consolidated operating results ■営業外収益・営業外費用内訳 ...... Non-operating income & Non-operating expenses 2015年度1H 2016年度1H 前年増減 2015.3.1 - 2015.8.31 2016.3.1 - 2016.8.31 Increase (Decrease) 受取利息 Interest received 受取配当金 Dividend income その他 Other 営業外収益合計 Non-operating income 支払利息 Interest expense リース解約損 Loss on cancellation of store lease contract 為替差損 Foreign exchange losses その他 Other 営業外費用合計 Non-operating expenses ■特別利益・特別損失内訳 百万円/Millions of yen 百万円/Millions of yen 百万円/Millions of yen 441 314 696 1,452 753 966 179 416 2,315 394 485 1,017 1,898 782 690 1,108 679 3,261 -46 171 320 445 29 -276 928 263 945 Extraordinary gain & Extraordinary loss 特別利益合計 Extraordinary gain 固定資産除却損 Loss on retirement of non-current assets 減損損失 Loss on impairment of long-lived assets 関係会社株式評価損 Loss on valuation of shares of subsidiaries and associates 関係会社出資金評価損 Loss on valuation of investments in capital of subsidiaries and affiliates その他 Other 特別損失合計 Extraordinary loss Copyright © 2016 Lawson, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 2015年度1H 2016年度1H 前年増減 2015.3.1 - 2015.8.31 2016.3.1 - 2016.8.31 Increase (Decrease) 百万円/Millions of yen 百万円/Millions of yen 百万円/Millions of yen 1,812 4,559 1,455 773 8,600 1,815 417 99 2,333 3 -4,141 -1,455 -773 99 -6,267 14 単体業績 Non-consolidated operating results ■投融資の状況 ...... Capital expenditure 新店投資 New store investments 既存店投資 Existing store investments システム関連投資 IT - related investments その他 Other 投資小計 Subtotal 出資・融資 Investments and advances * リース Leases 合計 Total 有形固定資産減価償却費 Depreciation of property and store equipment 無形固定資産償却費 Amortization of intangible assets 減価償却費合計 Total depreciation and amortization (注) * 2016年度のリース債務の返済による支出は12,885百万円です。 Copyright © 2016 Lawson, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 2015年度1H 2016年度1H 前年増減 2016年度計画 2015.3.1 - 2015.8.31 2016.3.1 - 2016.8.31 Increase (Decrease) Forecasts / 2016.3.1 - 2017.2.28 百万円/Millions of yen 百万円/Millions of yen 百万円/Millions of yen 百万円/Millions of yen 17,695 2,086 5,185 345 25,312 6,701 18,879 50,893 17,560 2,470 20,030 15,835 2,941 6,822 617 26,217 -4,272 22,767 44,712 19,514 2,918 22,433 -1,859 855 1,636 272 904 -10,973 3,887 -6,180 1,954 448 2,402 47,500 8,000 15,500 1,000 72,000 -1,000 51,000 122,000 42,000 6,900 48,900 Note: * The amount of repayments of lease obligations is 12,885 millions of yen in fiscal year 2016. 15 単体業績 Non-consolidated operating results ...... ■貸借対照表 Non-consolidated balance sheet [ 資産の部 Assets ] 2016年度第2四半期 (2016年8月31日現在) 2015年度末からの増減 FY2015 (As of 2016.2.29) FY2016 (As of 2016.8.31) Increase (Decrease) from 2016.2.29 百万円/Millions of yen 流動資産 Current assets 現金及び預金 Cash and deposits 加盟店貸勘定 Accounts receivable - due from franchised stores 商品 Merchandise inventories 前払費用 Prepaid expenses 未収入金 Accounts receivable - other 繰延税金資産 Deferred tax assets その他 Other 貸倒引当金 Allowance for doubtful accounts 固定資産 Non-current assets 有形固定資産 Property and store equipment ・建物 Buildings ・構築物 Structures ・工具、器具及び備品 Tools, furniture and fixtures ・土地 Land ・リース資産 Lease assets ・建設仮勘定 Construction in progress 無形固定資産 Intangible assets ・ソフトウエア Software ・のれん Goodwill ・その他 Other 投資その他の資産 Investments and other assets ・投資有価証券 Investments securities ・関係会社株式 Stocks of subsidiaries and affiliates ・関係会社出資金 Investments in capital of subsidiaries and affiliates ・長期貸付金 Long-term loans receivable ・関係会社長期貸付金 Long-term loans receivable from subsidiaries and affiliates ・長期前払費用 Long-term prepaid expenses ・差入保証金 Lease deposits ・繰延税金資産 Deferred tax assets ・その他 Other ・貸倒引当金 Allowance for doubtful accounts 資産合計 Total assets 有形固定資産の減価償却累計額 2015年度 (2016年2月29日現在) Accumulated depreciation of property and store equipment Copyright © 2016 Lawson, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 百万円/Millions of yen 百万円/Millions of yen 147,670 48,453 29,636 952 12,179 40,895 3,141 12,419 -8 567,204 281,753 136,941 22,346 13,770 9,741 91,137 7,816 27,348 18,269 8,589 489 258,102 9,892 62,958 8,651 39,951 20,482 9,352 85,111 20,883 1,677 -857 714,875 197,838 85,561 33,366 1,157 11,956 49,939 2,660 13,205 -9 583,020 298,051 145,350 25,019 15,039 10,002 101,012 1,628 30,593 21,656 8,428 508 254,374 8,748 61,951 8,633 40,851 17,251 10,655 85,959 19,298 1,882 -858 780,858 50,167 37,107 3,729 204 -223 9,044 -481 786 -1 15,815 16,298 8,409 2,673 1,268 260 9,875 -6,188 3,244 3,386 -160 19 -3,727 -1,143 -1,006 -17 899 -3,230 1,303 848 -1,584 204 -0 65,983 259,981 266,255 6,274 16 単体業績 Non-consolidated operating results ...... ■貸借対照表 Non-consolidated balance sheet [ 負債の部 Liabilities ] 買掛金 Accounts payable - trade 関係会社短期借入金 Short-term loans payable to subsidiaries and affiliates 未払金 Lease obligations Accounts payable - other 未払法人税等 Income taxes payable 未払費用 Accrued expenses 預り金 Deposits payable 賞与引当金 Provision for bonuses その他 Other 固定負債 Non-current liabilities 長期借入金 Long-term loans payable リース債務 Lease obligations 退職給付引当金 Liability for employees' retirement benefits 役員退職慰労引当金 Provision for retirement benefits to executive officers 資産除去債務 2016年度第2四半期 (2016年8月31日現在) 2015年度末からの増減 FY2015 (As of 2016.2.29) FY2016 (As of 2016.8.31) Increase (Decrease) from 2016.2.29 百万円/Millions of yen 流動負債 Current liabilities リース債務 2015年度 (2016年2月29日現在) Asset retirement obligations その他 Other 負債合計 Total liabilities 百万円/Millions of yen 百万円/Millions of yen 279,880 97,005 37,880 21,431 24,966 6,175 2,028 81,015 3,047 6,331 191,418 50,000 82,425 9,417 341 21,702 27,532 471,298 328,878 121,044 47,550 23,922 19,893 8,243 2,216 98,168 2,727 5,112 203,125 50,000 91,710 9,777 377 22,489 28,769 532,003 48,997 24,039 9,670 2,491 -5,073 2,068 187 17,153 -320 -1,218 11,706 9,285 360 36 787 1,237 60,704 243,016 58,506 47,697 47,696 0 138,093 727 50,000 87,365 -1,280 252 818 -566 307 243,576 714,875 249,028 58,506 47,696 47,696 144,046 727 50,000 93,319 -1,221 -507 58 -566 334 248,855 780,858 6,011 -0 -0 5,953 5,953 58 -760 -760 27 5,278 65,983 [ 純資産の部 Net assets ] 株主資本 Shareholders' equity 資本金 Common stock 資本剰余金 Additional paid-in capital ・資本準備金 Legal capital surplus ・その他資本剰余金 Other capital surplus 利益剰余金 Retained earnings ・利益準備金 Legal retained earnings ・別途積立金 General reserve ・繰越利益剰余金 Retained earnings brought forward 自己株式 Treasury stock 評価・換算差額等 Valuation and translation adjustments その他有価証券評価差額金 Net unrealized gain (loss) on available-for-sale securities 土地再評価差額金 Revaluation reserve for land 新株予約権 Subscription rights to shares 純資産合計 Net assets 負債純資産合計 Liabilities and net assets Copyright © 2016 Lawson, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 17
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