August - The Lakes at Castle Rock

Castle Rock Times
Volume 6 Issue 8
August 2014
Lakes Tidbits
Inside this issue:
Lakes Tidbits
From the President
Social Notes & News
Homes For Sale
Sundae Sunday
Kathy’s Pet Center
Toss Out
Account Balances
Things to Do
Gate Procedures
Board List
May Board Minutes
Water Line Insurance
July Meeting Agenda
The annual Lakes "Ice
Cream Sundae Sunday" is this Sunday!
Join your neighbors
and enjoy ice cream
sundaes and Root Beer
Floats. This is an event for the whole
family, but please... residents only (no
guests). Come to the Rec Center from
2:00 to 4:00 pm. You need to RSVP
today (Friday, July 18) to Shirley at 760
-3181 to ensure that we have enough
cool treats for everyone.
In the Fitness Center, the Precor Step
machine has been out of order for a
while. We are awaiting parts that
should arrive next week. As soon as
they appear, the machine will be back
in good working order.
The new electronics that control the
two entrances to the Lakes seem to
have settled down. This has been quite
a battle to get everything to work properly. We've installed bright yellow steel
blockades in an effort to prevent anyone from running into the control boxes
in the future. Beautiful... no. But they
should prevent costly damage.
Now that the gate equipment seems
to be working, we'll start to eliminate
unused codes by issuing totally new
five digit numbers. In the next few
weeks you will receive a letter from
Cadden (our management company)
requesting you to complete a questionnaire. From that data, you will receive
your new code number. If you don't
send the form back to Cadden, you will
not get your new code and you will not
be able to get into the Lakes via a code
number. Your old code will be disabled a
few weeks after the questionnaire is
mailed. You will receive an email when
the letters go out as a reminder.
Don't forget... if you need assistance
with the squawk box, you should call the
"emergency number" on the box. Once
you identify yourself with your lot number or similar ID, they can open the gate
for you. But this is only for unusual circumstances such as your clicker / card
is forgotten and no one is home for you
to call to open the gate.
The cameras have been installed at
the East gate and the Rec Center installation should be completed by the end
of July. All cameras record activity, so if
there is a problem we have a visual record of the incident. In addition Cox Cable should have all hook ups completed
soon, so we will have Internet viewing
access at both gates.
We just recently discovered that of the
6 or 7 inlets that supply the Fitness Center pool with clean water, only one is
working. It appears that sometime in the
past a pool company sealed off the
other inlets. We are working to reinstall
those inlets, so that the pool will operate at full capacity. If you have a problem, please contact our manager Daniel
Castillo at [email protected] immediately. It's the only way to fix issues that
otherwise go unnoticed.
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From the President
Hi Neighbors,
As I mentioned, months before, cameras have been installed at the West gatehouse
and the Fitness Center. By the end of the month, we will have cameras at the East
gatehouse and the Rec. Center... with Internet connection.
On behalf of the board, I want to apologize for having to close the pools over the 4th of
July weekend. Due to weather conditions, the pools were inundated with debris, causing the closures. Steps are being taken to not have this happen again.
The Lakes @ Castle Rock is a wonderful community. To enjoy all the amenities it has to offer, I want to
caution those individuals who have taken it upon themselves to damage the Rec. Center bathrooms. If
and when we find who these individuals are, the HOA will prosecute them to the fullest extent of the
You can turn down your irrigation for a while, with the Monsoons finally getting here. Enjoy the Summer rains.
Mel Silverman, President
From the Social Director
In June, I completed 3 years of volunteering my service for the Lakes. In
October, I will be on the Board of Directors 3 years. My first thought in volunteering was, I do not have time.
Little did I realize, it’s really not time
consuming. A few hours a month is
nothing, considering the satisfaction
received in return.
Alex and Adeline
with their children
Adams & Amy
In these few years, I have met many nice and caring residents. And one of the pleasures of volunteering, you are in
a loop of people who shares their thoughts, concerns, enjoyment living at the Lakes and their appreciations for your
service. Giving of one self, can be a very satisfying feeling.
The Board is always looking for volunteers. If you would
like to be a part of the community in this capacity, we have
openings that need to be filled, including being on my committee.
Please join us at the ICE CREAM SOCIAL, on July 20, from
2:00 – 4:00 and remember to RSVP by July 19. Come
meet the volunteers, who are supporting our community
with their service.
Fun and Games in 2014
July 20
August 16
October 24
November 15
November 21
December 19
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Homes For Sale In The Lakes
According to the listings on, as of Jluy 15, 2014 the following houses were for sale in the Lakes.
The Castle Rock Times takes no responsibility for errors of commission, omission, accuracy, errors and/or
changes. This information is for your enjoyment only so, please don’t shoot the messenger. Instead, consult a
qualified real estate agent to verify information and to receive additional details.
2286 N Catalina Vista Loop 3,520 Sq Ft on a .24 acre lot
4 bed. 4 bath
MLS: 21414333
2424 N Diamond Lake Drive 2,335 Sq Ft on a .17 acre lot
4 bed. 3 bath
MLS: 21414377
2411 N Emerald Lake Court 2,022 Sq Ft on a .20 acre lot
3 Bed 2 Bath
MLS: 21414264
2255 N Quail Lake Place 2,659 Sq Ft on .36 acre lot
3 Bed 3 Bath
MLS: 21414485
9260 E Northview Ct 4,279 Sq Ft on .62 acre lot
5 bed. 5½ bath
MLS: 21407147
2210 N Creek Vista Drive 1,460 Sq Ft on a .15 acre lot
3 Bed 2 Bath
MLS: 21402688
2425 N Diamond Lake Dr
2,065 Sq Ft on a .13 acre lot
3 Bed 2½ Bath
MLS: 21411812
2391 N. Lake Star Drive 2,065 Sq Ft on a 0.16 Acre lot
3 Bed 2½ Bath
MLS: 21409307
9783 E Rock Ridge Court
2,613 Sq Ft on a 0.23 Acre lot
4 bed. 3 bath
MLS: 21415765
2225 N Quail Lake Place 2,659 Sq Ft house
2 bed. 2½ bath
MLS: 21326267
No sign on property.
New this month.
Price reduced since last month’s issue
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Homes for Sale Continue from page 3..
2255 N Quail Lake Place 9720 E. Sandcastle Court 2,613 Sq Ft on a .16 acre lot
4 Bed 3 Bath
MLS: 21408551
2,659 Sq Ft on a .36 acre lot
3 bed. 3 bath
MLS: 21414485
9793 E Sandcastle Court
9721 E Sandcastle Court 2,613 Sq Ft on a 0.18 acre lot
4 Bed 3 Bath
MLS: 21414097
2,176 Sq Ft on a 0.17 acre lot
4 Bed 2½ Bath
MLS: 21416968
2289 N Split Rock Place 9488 E. Star Water Drive 2,603 Sq Ft on a .23 acre lot
5 bed. 3 bath
MLS: 21405419
2088 N. Water View Court
2,456 Sq Ft on a .12 acre lot
4 Bed 2½ Bath
MLS: 21407798
9684 E Waters Edge Place
3,042 Sq Ft on a .33 acre lot
4 Bed 2½ Bath
MLS: 21408356
2,905 Sq Ft on a .28 acre lot
3 Bed 3 Bath
MLS: 21416132
Sundae Sunday
Annual Ice Cream Social at the Lakes
Sunday July 20 2:00-4:00 pm at the Rec Center
Summer’s upon us. Escape from the heat.
Come and meet with your neighbors and enjoy a sweet treat!
Ice Cream Sundaes & Root Beer Floats for the entire family!
RSVP by Friday, July 18 to Shirley at 760-3181
Residents Only, Please
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Kathy’s Pet Corner
Kathy Harris
Today on a Facebook page a woman posted that she
had found a loose dog near her home. She took the
scared dog in, fed it, and cleaned it up with a couple of
baths and a clip job on the matted coat. Then she
posted before and after pictures, announcing she took
the badly neglected dog to the Humane Society. She
was hoping that the dog would not find its owners so
she could adopt it and ‘take better care’ of the dog
than they did.
I turned from the Facebook page and perused the
Craigslist ‘Lost and Found’ ads…sure enough, there
was the dog! It had gotten scared with the recent
storms and dug its way out of the yard and ran. I managed to get a hold of the owner, notified her that the
dog was at the HSSA. Later she confirmed that yes, it
was their dog and they all were on their way home! A
success story for sure!
When we come across a stray dog (or cat), the first
thought is to assume that it was neglected or it wouldn’t be out and about in the first place. Often, these
frightened animals will become so frantic that they will
run for miles, going through many weather conditions
before it is either captured or gives up due to exhaustion. Their coats become soiled, matted, they may
lose weight or their paws can be damaged if they are
out in the elements for some time. Remember, at
least 75% of the time their condition is due to being a
stray, not neglect. Dogs are flight creatures…when
frightened they will run AWAY from what is scaring
them. Cats on the other hand, will hide into the smallest of spaces and not make a sound.
For most people, the thought is to ‘chase’ the dog,
hoping they can corner it (very bad idea). If the dog is
responsive, just making fun sounds and running in the
opposite direction will alter the dogs thinking and it
just may follow. (One of my dogs has ‘selective listening’, he will only respond to ‘cookie’ when he decides
that that big area outside of his yard is fair game for
‘reading the local newspaper’). If it is your dog, taking
a heavily scented item of clothing and leaving it with
food and water may draw the dog to it. It is familiar to
them; they will seek comfort in the scent. If you manage to capture a loose dog, be sure to have it scanned
for a microchip or lip/ear/thigh tattoo. There are FREE
listings on Craigslist, Facebook or even through our
neighborhood newsletter. If you can house the dog
temporarily, make sure you notify both PACC and
HSSA. Make every effort to connect the dog back with
its owner, whether or not you feel it has been neglected. And, if the dog has a microchip, just by calling
the microchip company can set the chain of events
rolling to get the dog back to its original owner.
Monsoon storms can arrive quickly and vary in intensity. During this time of the year it may be prudent to
contain your pet indoors within an ‘inside’ room with a
radio playing. We let our older dog hang out in our
laundry room, he feels safer there. As he’s gotten
older the thunderstorms increasingly frighten him. He
is fed herbal calming remedy, has a yummy bone to
chew on and has some of our clothing to help him
cope. If he’s crated while I’m out and I suspect an oncoming storm, he gets his crate covered on 4 of the 5
sides to create a ‘den’. I’m saddened to see some
dogs outside when it is so hot, barking and frothing,
just begging to come inside. A bucket of water isn’t
enough to keep them cool while you are out. Just by
barking and jumping, they can overheat quickly! They
can also dig, jump or climb out from the yard in their
frustration and fear. Crate training is an invaluable
training tool for insecure dogs!
Remember, if you find (or lose) a dog in our neighborhood, be sure to email our newsletter editor Steve so
he can send out an email blast. I own a microchip
scanner, and am willing to scan the dog to help connect it with its owner. Be sure to give me a call at 520
-615-0541 and we’ll get that dog scanned!
Do you know that if you mix plain, unsweetened yogurt, unsweetened applesauce, some peanut butter
together and freeze it in muffin tins it makes a GREAT
treat for dogs?
Help Open the Modern Streetcar
The City of Tucson seeks
volunteers to hand out
water and assist guests at
each of the UA Sun Link
stops beginning Friday,
July 25 through Sunday
July 27, 2014. Multiple
shifts are available. To be a part of this historic
event, get more information and sign up at: http://
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Summer Toss Out
There are things that may be in your home that are
harmful or just too old to use…
Piled-Up Plastic Containers. - Containers with
recycle codes 3 or 7 may contain BPA, a hormone-disrupting chemical that leaches into food as
containers age or get heated in the microwave or dishwasher.
can aggravate allergies, asthma and sinusitis. Try this:
Fold your pillow in half and squeeze out the air. If it
doesn't spring back, it's too old.
Expired Canned Food - Those cans you've had
since Reagan was president? They need to go.
Food-safety experts say canned tomatoes and
fruits are good for 18 months; canned meat and vegetables, up to five years. Just don't donate them to the
Tupperware - made before 2010 can also have
food bank. If they're unsafe for you, they're unsafe for
BPA. Replace with new plastic or glass containeveryone. Germy Kitchen Sponge -Start fresh with a
ers, which do not contain the chemical.
new kitchen sponge. Studies show it's the germiest
Old Spice(s) - Dried-up, decades-old spices won't thing in most American households, with bacteria thrivmake you sick, but they won't add flavor to food ing in the damp crevices, says microbiologist Philip
Tierno, Ph.D., of New York University. To cut contaminaor impart any nutrients either. The experts at McCormick say seasoning blends last one to two years; herbs tion, microwave your sponge daily in an inch of water
for a minute on high heat.
and ground spices, one to three years; and whole
Source: AARP.
spices, up to four years.
Moldy Makeup - Makeup stays safe for only a
limited time; after that, bacteria that may cause
infection can start to grow — especially in eye makeup.
Mascara has the shortest shelf life (two to three
months), followed by lip gloss (six months). Replace
foundation after six months to a year, at most.
Crusty Contact Lens Cases - Studies show that
up to 92 percent of cases are contaminated due
to poor cleaning and hygiene. Eye experts and the government say cases should be replaced every month to
three months, and cleaned and air-dried (facedown)
daily. Use fresh soaking solution every day — no topping off or reusing.
Pathetic Pillows - When was the last time you
replaced your pillow? Pillows older than 18
months contain fungi, dead skin and dust mites that
Account Balances
June 2014
May 2014
RESERVE (cash only)
$ 28,172.14
$ 27,127.63
$ 45,668.26
$ 46,323.03
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All Around
Things to Do!
The following activities and information are supplied by The Tucson Convention and
Visitors Website (
Curtis Reframed: The Arizona Volumes - Now until Jul
30. This exhibit of iconic photographs by Edward S.
Curtis, famed photographer of the American West, features approximately 60 images from the permanent
collections of Arizona State Museum and the Center
for Creative Photography. The exhibit explores Curtis'
work in Arizona from 1900 to 1921, featuring photogravures and narratives from his life's work, The North
American Indian, a 20-volume set.
Summer Beer Tastings at Hotel Congress - Now until
Aug 2. What better way to cool off than with a tall, cold
one? Every Saturday, beginning in June and lasting all
summer long, Hotel Congress is hosting samplings of
beers from all around the world, every weekend. At the
end of every summer month, join us when we pair the
brews from that month's tasting with cuisine from Cup
Cafe for a very special beer dinner.
Summer Concert Series at Kief-Joshua Vineyards Now until Aug 23. The Summer Concert Series will feature terrific local singers every Saturday May 24
through August 23. Chef Stephen will also be selling
sandwiches and other goodies.
Desert Cooking Classes at Ventana Canyon Resort Now until Aug 26. Loews Ventana Canyon Resort presents on select Friday afternoons, June-August, a series of three cooking classes featuring Sonoran Desert
native foods. Each class offers participants opportunities to have hands-on experiences in the resort's stateof-the-art kitchens and interact one-on-one with the
chefs. Each cooking class covers a different portion of
a meal -- ranging from cocktails to desserts -- and features the property's different chefs including Executive
Chef Ken Harvey and Pastry Chef Krista Owens.
Bat Bridge Discovery - Now until Aug 28. Every Thursday evening at dusk, in June, July, and August, docents
from the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum are stationed
at two "Bat Bridges" (River/Campbell and Pantano/22nd) with information and answers to questions
about the huge clouds of Mexican free-tailed bats that
fly out from under Tucson bridges at sunset and fly
into the twilight sky.
Cinema La Placita: Outdoor Film Series - Now until Aug
28. Cinema La Placita is a summertime outdoor movie
series that screens classic domestic and international
movies in the La Placita Village courtyard.
Cox Movies in the Park - Now until Aug 29. Bring a
blanket or lawn chair and enjoy a FREE movie along
with popcorn, soda, food vendors, live music, jumping
castles, balloon twisters, and arts and crafts exhibits
from area non-profits. Movies are on rotating Friday
nights during the summer of 2014 - Aug 1, 15 & 29.
Cool Summer Nights at Desert Museum - Now until
Aug 30. Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum stays open
after sundown on Saturday evenings all summer long
as the nocturnal creatures of The Living Desert come
to life.
Naomi & Michelle's Excellent Adventure - Now until
Aug 30. The Great American Playhouse presents
"Naomi and Michelle's Excellent Adventure" where
Nola, a humble seed-planter, must protect her clan of
Ashers from the Schmucks, a Neanderthal tribe that
has stolen the Ashers only source of fire. But, all is not
as it seems: Friends may be enemies, enemies may be
allies and the world is changing before their very eyes.
Inside Desert Cosmos - Now until Aug 31. At Tucson
Desert Art Museum, see astrophotographs taken by
Adam Block of the U of A Sky Center.
Ghostblasters at Gaslight Theatre - Now until Aug 31.
Catch the assembled team of misfit scientists, calling
themselves "The Ghostblasters" for a spine-tingling
and side-splitting musical comedy adventure, at the
Gaslight Theatre.
Moonlight Madness Tours - Now until Sep 13. Beat
the heat and tour the Titan Missile Museum by the
light of the full moon! Special activities for the kids
include launching seltzer rockets, sampling space food
and taking the astronaut test. Fun for the whole family
on the second Saturday night of the month, June 14,
July 12, August 9, September 13.
Mount Lemmon Sky Ride - Now until Sep 7. The Mt.
Lemmon Ski Valley ski lift is open as a Sky Ride, Thursdays through Mondays, during the summer.
Tucson Museum of Art - Rose Cabat at 100: A Retrospective Exhibition of Ceramics - Now until Sep 14.
The artistry of Rose Cabat--an American studio ceramicist living in Tucson. Considered one of the most important ceramic artists of the Mid-century Modernist
movement, Cabat is best known for her innovative
glazes on small porcelain pots called "feelies" which
she developed in the 1960s. This exhibition will be a
survey of her different styles from the 1960s until the
present to celebrate the year of her 100th birthday.
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Peach Mania at Apple Annie's - Jul 19 - 20. A celebration of Willcox peaches, featuring sweet and juicy treeripened peaches, starting with a delicious "All You Can
Eat" peaches and pancakes breakfast served from 7
a.m. to 10:30 a.m. each Saturday and Sunday. Take a
free wagon ride and experience the fun of picking your
own peaches! Enjoy free samples of peaches and dozens of peach products.
Loft Kids Fest - Jul 19 - 27. Super summer excitement
returns to The Loft Cinema with the eighth annual
LOFT KIDS FEST! Each morning, kids and their parents
can experience some of the best children's films of all
time, along with fun games, interactive activities, super giveaways and crazy surprises.
International Boys & Men's Choral Festival - Jul 20.
The legendary Tucson Boys Chorus, "America's Singing
Ambassadors," will take part in a public performance
in Tucson as part of the multi-city, International Boys &
Men's Choral Festival.
Live Theatre Workshop: Molly Sweeney - Jul 24 - Aug
30. Molly Sweeney, blind since infancy is given a
chance to see. This poetic play explores Molly's fantasies and expectations of how everything will change.
This is a play about the limits of the human senses.
'Sunrise on Sun Link' Streetcar Grand Opening - Jul 25
- 27. Celebrate the dawn of a new era in Tucson transit. Passenger service for Tucson's new Sun Link
Streetcar starts July 25 with a community celebration
at 5 districts located along the 4-mile route. Public
rides on the streetcar will start at approximately 10 am
on Friday, July 25, 2014 along the entire streetcar
route. Free rides will be available Friday, Saturday and
Sunday, July 25-27. More than 100 places along the
streetcar line are participating in the Connect in the
City summer discount promotion. Buy the $5 card and
save up to 50% off at participating merchants and
venues all summer long.
"Dog Days of Summer" Fashion Show and More - Jul
25. The merchants at Plaza Colonial center will host
the third annual "Dog Days of Summer" fundraising
event to benefit the Humane Society of Southern Arizona.
Streetcar Celebrations at Agustín Kitchen - Jul 25 - 27.
Agustin Kitchen at Mercado San Agustin will be the
center of celebration and fun July 25-27th in honor of
the official Streetcar launch. Chef Ryan Clark promises
a great weekend of celebration. On the 25th and 26th
in the Mercado, festivities will include a beer garden
from 6 to midnight featuring local beers, bratwurst and
live music. On the 27th from 11am to 3pm, enjoy Beer,
Beats and Brunch while DJ Corbin Dooley spins some
great tunes at the Agustin Sunday Brunch.
4th Annual Breeze In The Trees 5K - Jul 26. A cool
summer 5K run through the shady Green Valley Pecan
Farm orchards, preparing runners for the Pecan Classic in November (special award if you run both).
Night Wings at Pima Air & Space Museum - Jul 26.
Pima Air & Space Museum hosts tram rides until sundown; a walking tour of indoor hangars; hands-on aviation-related activities for kids. 8:00pm last admission.
Garlic Festival at Triangle T Ranch - Jul 26 - 27. Celebrate the 5th annual garlic harvest at Triangle T Guest
Ranch, co-sponsored with RichCrest Farms, with free
music, dozens of vendors and artisans, garlic cooking
contest, face painting, and more fun. Proceeds help
raise funds for Wounded Warrior Project and Make-AWish Foundation of Arizona.
Sunset Saturdays at Tucson Botanical Gardens - Jul 26
- Sep 27. The Tucson Botanical Gardens presents an
evening of glorious visuals, vocals, with food and drink
at twilight every fourth Saturday evening this summer.
Program includes a diverse lineup of local musicians,
Café Botanica will have delicious, local fare available
for purchase, Isabella's Ice Cream truck will be back
serving refreshing and unique flavors and a beer and
wine will be available for purchase.
Meteor Mania at Kitt Peak - Jul 28. Watch Mother Nature's summer fireworks show at Kitt Peak National
Observatory. Travel far away from the city lights to view
a Triple-Threat Version! with Delta Aquarids, Piscis Austrinids, and Alpha Capracornids. Although these showers do not have high Zenith Hourly Rates (ZHR) individually, taken together we should get a plethora of
meteors. And we'll have an opportunity to count meteors from three separate radiants at the same time.
Festivities begin late and stretch into the wee hours of
the morning to observe one of Nature's most spectacular cosmic shows. Learn about meteors, comets, meteor showers, and touch an actual piece of an asteroid.
Twilight Thursdays: Alien Edition - Jul 31. The Tucson
Botanical Gardens hosts an evening with fun family
activities and entertainment focused around an 'Alien
Invasion: Of the Plant Kind' exhibit. Enjoy Alien-inspired
crafts, food and drink options, a guided tour of the
Alien Invasion exhibit and more! Enjoy the lovely garden setting without the intense summer sun.
"Going West" Exhibit at Madaras Gallery - Aug 1 - 31.
Madaras Gallery hosts an exhibit of mini acrylic paintings by one of Diana's favorite teachers, William Hook
of Santa Fe and Carmel. Hook captures cowboys,
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horses, forest studies, water's edge and fisherman
with equal ease and charm.
HarvestFest at Sonoita Vineyards - Aug 2 - 3. Sonoita
Vineyards Winery, in Elgin, hosts wine tastings with
wine and food pairings, horse drawn winery and vineyard tours, and grape-stomping competitions each
day during the annual festival.
Salute to the Buffalo Soldiers - Aug 2 - 3. A celebration to salute the Buffalo Soldiers sponsored by the
Wild West Detachment Marine Corps League and the
Merchants of the City of Tombstone includes street
entertainment, a parade, car show, the Buffalo Soldiers Parade down historic Allen Street, and other
activities in Tombstone, AZ.
Kenny Wayne Shepherd and Los Lonely Boys - Aug 3.
The Rialto Theatre presents songwriter, bluesman
Kenny Wayne Shepherd, featuring his new album
titled "Goin' Home," and Los Lonely Boys, whose music draws equally from Rock, Blues, Tex-Mex, Conjunto, and Tejano, in an all-ages concert.
Sunday in the Park - Aug 3. "Jaguars of the Borderlands"is presented by Sergio Avila, Sky Island Alliance. Learn all about these magnificent creatures
and how we can help preserve them, at Colossal
Cave Mountain Park.
AVA Amphitheater: Counting Crows - Aug 6. Casino
Del Sol presents Counting Crows, who have sold
more than 20 million albums worldwide after exploding into the music scene with their multi-platinum
album "August" and "Everything After" in 1993.
Primavera Cooks! at Acacia - Aug 6. A summer dining
event at Acacia featuring a multi-course meal prepared with help from apprentice chefs and sommeliers to raise funds supporting services for Tucson's
homeless and working poor.
3rd Annual "House Rockin' Blues Review" - Aug 8. A
cool night of hot blues at El Casino Ballroom featuring "Swamp Blues" legend and celebrated recording
artist Lazy Lester along with an impressive lineup of
nationally known musicians and local stars, including
Dave Riley and Bob Corritore, Rhythm Room All Stars,
Tom Walbank, Michael P. & The Blue Star Players,
and more.
66th Annual Vigilante Days - Aug 8 - 10. Authentic
Arizona Wild West history comes to life in the streets
of Tombstone, "the town too tough to die,” with street
entertainment at the actual O.K. Corral, a chili cookoff, 1880s fashion show, a 10K run, and more.
Prince Royce at AVA Amphitheater - Aug 9. Casino Del
Sol presents Prince Royce a bachata singer from New
York with an urban style of Latin pop at Anselmo Valencia Tori Amphitheater.
Arizona Onstage Productions: "Les Miserables" - Aug 9
- 17. Be prepared to be swept away by the grandeur
and pathos and musical theater awesomeness in August as Arizona Onstage Productions stages Les Miserables. Experience the world's longest-running musical
and winner of 100 international awards in a performance at Berger Center for Performing Arts.
Welcome to Beveldom: Mat Bevel's Museum of Kinetic
Art - Aug 9 - Sep 28. Tucson Museum of Art presents
an art exhibition that explores the plethora of
"gizmotronic fanfare of spunk, funk and kinetic junk,"
assembled into fantastical sculptures and performance props. Ned Schaper, in the persona of Mat Bevel,
will display his deeply philosophical works that reflect
on society in all its absurdity.
Borderland in Concert at Monterey Court - Aug 14.
Multi-instrumentalists Oscar Fuentes, Tom Fetter, John
June, and Mike Olson who make up the new group Borderland explore the roots of the music which is found
on both sides of the border through- rock-blues-Latinjazz and unusual covers.
Oro Valley Concert Series: Dr. Mojo & the Zydeco Cannibals - Aug 14. Southern Arizona Arts & Cultural Alliance presents another in the series of free concerts
featuring a unique group of musicians performing Louisiana bayou dance and party music. Attendees are
encouraged to bring their own chairs to enjoy the concert.
Salsa & Tequila Challenge - Aug 16. Southern Arizona
Arts and Cultural Alliance presents annual salsa competition featuring red, green, hot, mild or fruity salsas,
live mariachi music, salsa dancing, silent auctions and
more at La Encantada shopping center. All tickets include Salsa & Chips. Sampling from participating competitors, as well as Tequila Based Mixed Drinks and
Menu Pairings from up to 50 area emerging and established chefs.
Arizona Historical Society - "In Pursuit of a Dream" Aug 16. Join the Arizona History Museum in celebrating the 150th Birthday of the Arizona Historical Society! A fun filled evening includes: Dinner and a Movie,
Old West menu and the movie "In Pursuit of a Dream."
Twenty-four modern-day teenagers experience pioneer
life as they travel along the Oregon-California Trail. Free
parking, free access to all museum exhibits, sneak preview of the new AHS 150 exhibit, admission to a speThings to Do Continue On Page 10..
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cial one night only exhibit featuring pioneer artifacts,
raffle, plus a Costume Contest. Come dressed for the
19th Century as there will be prizes for best outfits.
Primavera Cooks! at Tavolino Ristorante Italiano - Aug
17. Tavolino Ristorante Italiano hosts a wine-paired
dinner prepared with help from apprentice chefs and
sommeliers to raise funds supporting services for local
homeless and working poor.
Tucson's Birthday Flag Raising Ceremony - Aug 20.
Tucson's Birthday at the Presidio. There will be Birthday cake and refreshments, the annual flag ceremony
and music. Presidio soldiers will be in attendance as
will others dressed in period costumes.
FORBES: Tucson Among the Top 10 New Capitals of Influence
Tucson rounds out Forbes magazine's list in its article "Why the Southwest is the New Capital of Influence." Forbes points to the region's Hispanic/American culture and Latin millennials making lives in the
Southwest. The article says "millennials have real clout, both for their spending power now and for their
ability to influence what comes next. Marketers especially should start paying attention." It also says
Tucson’s millennial reputation is that the city is future-affordable and very authentic. From Forbes:
Attention All Residents… All Vehicles With Trailers Must Use East Gate:
Please tell your landscapers and others using trailers to enter at the East gate, rather than the West
gate. Some, not all, have trailers that have a rear platform/ramp that catches the arm when they go
through. These are the real culprits to knocking down the arms. Thank you.
2014 Board Members and Officers:
Mel Silverman
Steve Schuldenfrei
Chris Burt
Doug Baker
Shirley Henning
Chris Kaselemis
Vice President
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Page 11
Castle Rock Times
Lakes at Castle Rock
Board of Directors Meeting
Members Present:
May 27, 2014
6:30 pm
Recreation Center
Mel Silverman, President
Lee Smith, Vice President
Chris Burt, Treasurer
Doug Baker, Director-at-Large
Shirley Henning, Director-at-Large
Members Absent:
Steve Schuldenfrei, Secretary
Chris Kaselemis, Director-at-Large
Daniel Castillo, Association Manager
Cadden Community Management
Daniel Castillo, Association Manager
Quorum requirement is five directors. A quorum was present to conduct a meeting.
Mel Silverman called to order at 6:30 pm for homeowners’ comments.
• The pedestrian gate at the exit only gate has been damaged. Management will have it
• A light over Lake 14 was discussed. The Board will look into the cost.
• It was suggested to ask for weights and mats as donations in the Monthly newsletter.
• Installing a dog park behind the tennis courts was discussed. Terry Kellman will look into
the cost and present the Board with some figures. Management will look into the liability
Motion was made and seconded to approve the April 29, 2014 minutes and passed unanimously.
Report was submitted to board. The Treasurer presented April financials to the Board.
Discussion ensued. No discrepancies were noted. Motion was made and seconded to approve the April 2014 Financials as presented and passed unanimously. Notes from the
CPA’s financial review were presented by the Chris Burt, the Treasurer.
A copy of the Manager’s report was provided in the Board packet for review. No questions
brought forth.
a. Tree Proposals - Motion was made and seconded to approve the proposal from Complete landscaping for thinning 4 eucalyptus trees near the recreation center. Lee Smith
Landscape chair also accepted Complete Landscaping proposal for Palm tree pruning.
b. Proposals for cool decking the REC center Pool - Motion was made and seconded to
approve the proposal from Dorn’s Engineering for re-doing the cool deck at the Rec. Center and passed unanimously.
May Meeting Minutes Continue on Page 12...
Castle Rock Times
Page 12
May Meeting Minutes Continue From Page 11.
(con’t) :
Steve will put the start and approximate finish dates in the Newsletter for the Members of
the Community.
c. Key Refunds - Discussion ensued. Fitness center keys require a $25 deposit that will be
refunded when the key is turned in.
d. Pool Issues - Motion was made and seconded to add better ventilation to the Fitness center pump room and passed unanimously.
e. Gate Codes - Discussion ensued regarding the gate code times, whether they should be
24hrs or restricted. Motion was made and seconded to keep the gate codes active from
6am to 6pm daily and passed unanimously.
f. As brought forth - Installing solar panels in common area property was discussed. Costs
and benefits will be presented by Doug Baker. Adding lights over Lake 14 and Lake 8 was
discussed. Costs will be looked into. Speed Humps in the community need to be repainted.
Mel will paint three humps in the community as test.
DRC Committee - Doug Baker. The March DRC Committee report was presented. No questions brought forth.
Landscape and Lakes Committee- Lee Smith. The March Landscape and Lake Committee
Report was presented. No questions brought forth.
Facilities Committee - Mel Silverman. The Facilities Committee Report was presented. No
questions brought forth.
Social Committee – Shirley Henning. The Social Committee Report Reviewed. A Motion was
made and seconded to appoint Susie Vanheeswk to the Social Committee, and passed
unanimously. Susie will be the point of contact for Rec center rentals and will be compensated $20 per rental.
No new business.
Regular Board Meeting to be held on June 24, 2014 – 6:30 PM.
A MOTION was made to adjourn the meeting at 7:57 p.m. Unanimously approved Executive
session followed immediately thereafter.
Water Line Insurance Available
Lakes residents are eligible to buy insurance for their exterior water line. The National League of Cities and Towns is endorsing a water
and sewer line warranty program for Tucson residents who are interested in purchasing repair protection. On June 3, the Mayor and Tucson City Council unanimously approved a contract implementing the program. Tucson residents recently were mailed details of the offer. Homeowners are
responsible for their exterior water and sewer lines. The warranty program, from Service Line Warranties of America (SLWA), covers the homeowner's repair costs for leaking, clogged or broken
lines. More than 150 cities, including Phoenix, Avondale and Mesa, are co-sponsors of the Leaguesponsored program. The Service Line Warranty Program provides an important service to city homeowners, as repairs to the exterior water line can be very costly. A sewer line warranty also available
through SLWA. To learn more about the program or to enroll, call 1-855-326-4684 to speak with an
SLWA agent Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. – 6 p.m., or visit the SLWA website (,
where a list of frequently asked questions can be found. During this initial enrollment campaign
the Water Line Repair Program is available for $4.75 per month or for a one time discounted annual payment of $52 – a savings of almost 10 percent. Additionally, if you enroll by July 29 during
this initial campaign, SLWA will waive the normal 30-day waiting period, so you will be covered immediately. Your HOA does not endorse this or any insurance program. However there has been at least one water line break on the homeowner’s side of the water meter when someone parked their car right over the pipe. It cost many hundreds of dollars to have it repaired
(including the cost of the lost water) and the homeowner was without water for a day.
Page 13
Castle Rock Times
July Board Meeting Agenda
Tuesday, July 29, 6:30 pm
Lakes at Castle Rock Recreation Center
1. QUORUM - A quorum requirement is 5 directors
Mel Silverman, President
Steve Schuldenfrei, Secretary
Chris Burt, Treasurer
Chris Kaselemis, Member at Large
Doug Baker, Member at Large
Shirley Henning, Member at Large / Social Director
3. HOMEOWNER INPUT (3 Minutes per owner)
June 24, 2014
June 2014
6. MANAGERS REPORT - Provided for Board review
B. Installation of mirrors/ pull-up equipment at fitness center
C. Solar Lights at Mailboxes
D. Gate Access Information mailing / Timeline
E. Lighting for Lakes 14 and 8
8. NEW BUSINESS A. Review and Vote on resumes for Board member
B. Appoint Lakes and Landscape Committee Chair
C. Fitness Center Pool Plumbing
D. Additional Paving
E. Windows at Gate Houses
F. Clarification on Soliciting within community
G. Consideration for Implementing Parking Rules
H. As Brought Fourth Emergency Matter Only
A. DRC – Doug
B. Landscape/Lakes– Mel – Lake Report attached
C. Security/Gate/Roads/Facilities –Mel – Report attached
D. Social Committee/Communications -Shirley Henning – Report attached
10. NEXT MEETING - August 26, 2014
11. ADJOURNMENT - 8:30 p.m.
***To be followed immediately by a brief closed Executive Session, if needed.***
The Lakes at Castle Rock
Homeowners Association
All questions and/or concerns regarding
The Lakes at Castle Rock
should be address to our Manager:
Daniel Castillo
Cadden Community Management
1870 West Prince Road, Suite 47
Tucson, Arizona 85705
[email protected]
Phone: 520 297-0797
The Castle Rock Times is produced by:
Steve Schuldenfrei
2040 N. Water View Court
Tucson, AZ 85749
Phone: 520 344-7769
Email: [email protected]
Ideas, stories, news and help always
The Lakes at Castle Rock
C/O: Cadden Community Management
1870 West Prince Road, Suite 47
Tucson, Arizona 85705
This and back issues of your
Castle Rock Times
and much more
can be found at