平成 28 年 12 月 8 日 電気新聞広告欄掲載 入札参加資格事前審査 公告 パキスタン・イスラム共和国国営送電会社は、日本の無償資金協力による「送変電設備運用・維 持研修所強化計画」の入札参加資格事前審査を公示します。送配電訓練用シミュレーター及び研 修施設の建設及び同資機材の調達・据付及び操作指導を実施するもので、詳細は以下の通りです。 NOTICE FOR PREQUALIFICATION National Transmission and Despatch Company Limited on behalf of the Government of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan announces the prequalification for tender for the Project for Strengthening Training Center on Grid System Operations and Maintenance under the Grant Aid extended by the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) based on the Grant Agreement signed on the 1st of March, 2016. The project consists of the following scope: (1) - (2) Construction Work Construction of the New Training Simulator Building including Building Services, Furniture and Office Automation Equipment 1) Story: Two (2) story and one (1) Rooftop shack 2) Main structure: Reinforced concrete structure 3) Floor area: 1,038.74 m2 4) Highest point of roof: Approx.12.0 m Procurement Work - Protection Relay Operation Training Simulator - GSO Operation Training Simulator - Common Apparatus for the Simulators - Protection Relays (3) Installation Work - Protection Relay Operation Training Simulator - GSO Operation Training Simulator - Common Apparatus for the Simulators (4) Operation Training Work - Protection Relay Operation Training Simulator - GSO Operation Training Simulator - Common Apparatus for the Simulators - Protection Relays The applicants shall be a consortium consisting of a Japanese trading firm and a Japanese construction firm and be required to satisfy the following conditions: (1) Consortium leader (Trading Firm/Company) shall be required: 1) To be a Firm/Company, duly organized and registered under the laws of Japan, which is controlled by Japanese physical persons. Any firms, who fall under any of the items of Article 26, paragraph 1 of the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Act (Gaikokukawase-oyobi-Gaikokuboeki-Ho, Law No.228 of 1949, Japan), shall not be regarded as being controlled by Japanese physical persons; 2) To be in sound financial condition in the last two fiscal years. The applicants who have applied for the commencement of the reorganization procedures as defined in Article 17 of the Corporation Reorganization Act (Kaisha-Kosei-Ho, Law No. 154 of 2002, Japan) or the rehabilitation procedures as defined in Article 21 of the Civil Rehabilitation Act (Minji-Saisei-Ho, Law No. 225 of 1999, Japan) but have not received the decision on the commencement of the above-mentioned procedures of the said Act are excluded from the tendering; 3) To declare, if any, overseas construction experiences, regardless of prime contracting or sub-contracting and regardless of headquater’s work, overseas affiliated company’s work or subsidiary company work; 4) To declare, if any, similar type to this project construction experiences (including subcontracted works) regardless of domestic or overseas works for the nominated manufacturer (Similar type of the Project means the monitoring and control systems for electric power transmission network more than 220kV); 5) To declare, if any, specific type to this project construction experiences (including subcontracted works) regardless of domestic or overseas works for the nominated manufacturer (Specific work means training simulator for sub-station operation and central load dispatch center operation and Protection Relay Operation Training Simulator for the training center of electric power companies); 6) To declare number experienced and qualified engineers; and 7) Not to be a firm stated in Section 1.07 and a firm who has the conflict of interest stated in Section 1.08 of the Chapter II Guidelines for Procurement of the Products and Services, the Procurement Guidelines for the Japanese Grants. (2) Consortium partner (Construction Firm/Company) shall be required: 1) To be a general civil contractor, duly organized and registered under the laws of Japan, which is controlled by Japanese physical persons. Any firms, who fall under any of the items of Article 26, paragraph 1 of the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Act (Gaikokukawase-oyobi-Gaikokuboeki-Ho, Law No.228 of 1949, Japan), shall not be regarded as being controlled by Japanese physical persons; 2) To be in sound financial condition in the last two fiscal years. The applicants who have applied for the commencement of the reorganization procedures as defined in Article 17 of the Corporation Reorganization Act (Kaisha-Kosei-Ho, Law No. 154 of 2002, Japan) or the rehabilitation procedures as defined in Article 21 of the Civil Rehabilitation Act (Minji-Saisei-Ho, Law No. 225 of 1999, Japan) but have not received the decision on the commencement of the above-mentioned procedures of the said Act are excluded from the tendering; 3) To declare, if any, overseas construction experiences, regardless of prime contracting or sub-contracting and regardless of headquater’s work, overseas affiliated company’s work or subsidiary company work; 4) To declare, if any, similar type to this project construction experiences (including subcontracted works) during the last ten years, regardless of domestic or overseas works. “Experiences of construction works for facilities with similar type to the Project” means the construction of a building for a training center building and/or substation; 5) To declare number experienced and qualified engineers; and 6) Not to be a firm stated in Section 1.07 and a firm who has the conflict of interest stated in Section 1.08 of the Chapter II Guidelines for Procurement of the Products and Services, the Procurement Guidelines for the Japanese Grants. Prequalification documents are available from 10:00 to 17:00 on the 8th day of December, 2016 up to the 12th day of December, 2016 at the following Consultant's office: Asia Engineering Consultant Co., Ltd. International Department SawadaKoujimachi Bldg. 4 Floor, 10-5, Koujimachi 1 Chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-0083 JAPAN Telephone: +81-3-6261-2042 Facsimile: +81-3-6261-3383 Contact: Kenji Nandoh The application form should be submitted to the Consultant's office by 17:00 on 15th December, 2016. Attention The firms against whom sanctions are imposed by JICA based on the JICA Rules on Sanctions against Persons Engaged in Fraudulent Practices, etc. in Projects of ODA Loan and Grant Aid, shall be excluded from the tendering process.
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