豊藍。a慮認諾器嵩 - AuctionZip.com

Greenmount Area
7もl)I,博nl `絶食博Y用
Equipment: Case 5240 tracto「 2WD 5500 hr言i’Ont Weights, gOOd加es, held
read)! 8’I2nd Pnde bush hog, 12’cuItimuIchei・、 JD 214 sllage wagoIl. BMW
6’3 pt. snowblower, mOre equlPment ∞ming. SllOP TboIs: eiecmc bandsaW
Sabresaw, l’Outer, ai「 impact, bolt cabme=ots o「 bolts, 11utS. & washei●S,
3 grmders, 2 dri= presses, ChainS, Chaln blndeiS. Pu=ey pu=e両and d「I=s、 Iots
Of blts, 4 fence stretcheIS, O11 & gl-eaSe ba汀els, glease gunS. Handyman 」aCk,
manuI℃ fo「k, WeIding table, Honda 300 4-WheeIeI. (iunS), 2 24’’saw bIades,
2 snow biades fo「 ga「den mctol同d hay fork, Old hoISe PloW 3 p血tooIbox, Calr
Cart, SClaP metal, SeVera=addeIS, ChlCken coop, Watemg trOugh「 OId firepIace
mantle, WO「k lights, 4-wheelel‘ SPrayer, LinCOin AC 250 Weldei. bolt cutteIS.
4 vises, floor jack, kerosene heater, WheeibarroW electrlC COl‘ds, Blg Red
3-Wheeler, Plpe VISe, Wmco 35 kw 3-Pt. gene「atOl● W/ calて, Odens 12 kw
genemtO「, 15’gooseneck tlalIer, SlmPllCrty 48” 1armmowel‘. 2 heavy 3-Pt.
CrOSSbars, Calfpuller, DeWblt mltreSaW, Craftsman 8’tablesaw, SCVeral s(OIage
cabinets, mOtOr lifl more items commg. Some ltemS may be sold pno「 to
auction. Tbrms and Condition§: Cash, gOOd check Not 「esponslbIe m CaSe
Ofa∞ldents. Fbod. Announcements on day ofauction takes pl eCedence over ad.
T. WeaverAuctionee「ing www.auctionzip.com/糾512
VA# 2367 fo「 info 54O-435-OO20 Food by Virginia Morris
tweaverauctions@gmail com