POLICECIRCUI.AR ORDERN0.347 ***** for The PoliceOrderNo.302/2010 was issuedwith the approvalof the Government of Battalions to the rank of Havildar.The basic direct promotionof Sepoys/Constables principle in the rankof for issuance of the PoliceOrderwasin orderto fill up the vacancies sanctioned by the Govt.to Havildarin IndiaReserveBattalions/ SpecialSecurityBattalions fight naxalmenace/Maoistactivitiesin the state.The LanceNaiks/Sepoys/Constables within the age group of 35 and havingcompleted5 years of serviceand successful in the selection test completion of basiccourseof trainingweremadeeligiblefor appearing of their promotionto the rank Havildar.Subsequently, the PoliceOrder for consideration No.49700, Resolution dt.26.L2.20L2. waspublished in shapeof HomeDepadment postedat India Reserv€Battalions/ It has cameto the noticethat suchHavildars for consideration of their postingto the units SpecialSecurityBattalions are representing Battalions/ Special SecurityBattalions. Consideration of postingof otherthan IndiaReserve Battalionsf I't,znd,3'd,& 4s SpecialSecurityBattalions is the Havildar out of IndiaReserve jeopardizingthe very norm of Home DepartmentResolutionNo.49700,dt.26.I2.20I2 (PoliceOrderNo.302). Keepingin view of the abovecircumstances and in the interestof discipline of the postedat India ReserveBattalions/1't, forcethe tenureof Havildars 2nd,3.d,& 4thSpecial SecurityBattalions on promotion as perthe Govt.Resolution is fixedas follows 1. The Havildar will continueto be postedin IndiaReserve Battalions andOdishaState (1$SpecialSecurityBattalion ArmedPoliceSpecial SecurityBattalions at Sambalpur, 2nd SpecialSecurityBattalion at Keonjhar, 3'dSpecialSecurityBattalion at Gajapati and 4tn Special Security Battalion at Malkangiri).Other than the above establishments, the Havildarcan only be deputedto SOG.Their representation for transferto non naxalaffectedunits/establishments will be considered onlyafterthey attainthe ageof 45 years. The tenureof a Havildarat SOGwill not be morethan 5 yearsincluding the period spentas Constable in SOG. J. promoted The Havildars videHomeDepaftment Resolution No.49700, dt.26.t2.2012 (PoliceOrderNo.302/2010) will be treatedas Havildar(Armed)notionallyfor the purposeof identification in the commoncadreof Havildar of Battalions. r{.4,,\, ( Prakash Mishra) D,G.& I.G.of Police, Odisha,Cuttack. MemoNo. Dt. 2J-. (o /3 Copyforwardedto all Headsof PoliceEstablishments for informationand necessary action. s'/ c OdishaCuftack. OD: Copyto All SeniorOfficers/All BranchOfficers/All SectionalHeads/Inspector ComputerRoomfor informationand necessary action.
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