Doctoral position available!

Univ.- Prof. Dr. Rudolf J. Wiesner
Telefon: +49 221 478-3610
Telefax: +49 221 478-3538
E-mail: [email protected]
Uniklinik Köln | Institut für Vegetative Physiologie
Robert-Koch-Str. 39 • 50931 Köln
Köln, November 29th, 2016
We offer a
Doctoral Position (Allowance: 50 - 65% TV-L 13 for 3.5 years)
in the laboratory of Prof. Dr. Rudolf Wiesner, Institute of Vegetative Physiology, Medical
Faculty, University of Cologne
Our group is interested in understanding why dopaminergic neurons of the S. nigra are
more vulnerable to mitochondrial dysfunction than dopaminergic neurons of the
accompanying VTA region. For details see Website of our group within the CRC/SFB
For this project, we are now seeking a highly motivated neurobiologist with a proven
record of excellent previous work, experienced in handling colonies of genetically
modified mice, who will approach this question together with a fellow doctoral student in
the laboratory of Prof. Dr. Peter Kloppenburg. Please send an email with a short
motivation letter and CV to
[email protected]
Looking forward to hearing from you:
Prof. Dr. Rudolf J. Wiesner
Institute of Vegetative Physiology
Robert-Koch-Straße 39
50931 Köln
Kerpener Straße 62
50937 Köln
Telefon: +49 221 478-0
Telefax: +49 221 478-4095
Universitätsklinikum Köln (AöR)
Vorstand: Prof. Dr. Edgar Schömig (Vorsitzender und Ärztlicher Direktor) • Dipl.-Kfm. Günter Zwilling (Kaufmännischer Direktor)
Prof. Dr. Dr. Thomas Krieg (Dekan) • Vera Lux (Pflegedirektorin) • Prof. Dr. Peer Eysel (stellv. Ärztlicher Direktor)
Bank für Sozialwirtschaft Köln • BLZ: 370 205 00 • Konto: 815 0000 • IBAN: DE04 3702 0500 0008 1500 00 • BIC: BFSWDE33XXX
Steuernummer: 223/5911/1092 • Ust-IdNr.: DE 215 420 431 • IK: 260 530 283
ÖPNV: Straßenbahn Linie 9 Hst. Lindenburg, Linie 13 Hst. Gleueler Str./Gürtel • Bus Linie 146 Hst. Leiblplatz