Mr. Koichi Namiki - Mitsubishi Press Server

Koichi Namiki
Corporate General Manager
Global Pickup Project Promotion Office
Koichi Namiki
Date de naissance
Janvier 1962
Mars 1984
Diplômé de Kinki University Department of Electric
Janvier 2014
Corporate General Manager, Global Pickup Project
Promotion Office
Octobre 2013
Corporate General Manager, Global Pickup Project
Promotion Office and General Manager, Business Planning
Avril 2012
Product Executive (RV) and Compliance Officer
Juin 2011
Corporate General Manager, Product Strategy Office and
General Manager, Alliance Planning and Promotion Office
Décembre 2009
General Manager, Alliance Planning and Promotion Office,
Product Strategy Office
Avril 2009
Senior Expert, Product Strategy Office
Avril 2008
General Manager, Engine Designing Dept., Development
Engineering Office
Juillet 2004
Senior Expert, Engine Designing Dept., Development
Engineering Center, [Product Operations]
Strategic Project Leader, [New Product Project] , Car
Product Operations Group Headquarters
Group Leader, Engine System Development Dept., Car
R&D Office
Mars 2003
Juin 2001
Avril 2000
Group Leader, Engine Designing Dept., Car R&D Center
Août 1986
Rejoint Mitsubishi Motors Corporation, Car R&D Center