
Law of Contract ~ eBook « B9G3LRKEUO
Law of Contract
By Christine Taylor W.T. Major
Longman, 1999. Softcover. Book Condition: Neu. Gebraucht Wie neu Unbenutzt. Schnelle Lieferung, Kartonverpackung.
Abzugsfähige Rechnung. Bei Mehrfachbestellung werden die
Versandkosten anteilig erstattet. - This volume aims to provide
a complete update of case law which has come into effect in
this area of law in recent years, particularly with regard to the
provisions of the Law of Property Act 1989. Suitable for
students at A-Level, professional and first-year undergraduate
level, this handbook provides a clear and concise introductory
guide to the principles of contract law. It is designed for CPE,
ILEX, ACCA, and CIMA students. 219 pp. Englisch.
[ 1.5 MB ]
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