w w w. m u r t a l . a t ax M n an Vo r M ur Ca ta rd l rm us te M D de ie k n le gr in oß e K en ar re te gio m na it le n n ile te D A S G R Ü N E H ER Z Ö ST ER R EI C H S M ur t ar al d D Max de ie k Muste rman n le gr in n oß e K en ar re te gio m na it le n Vo r Gä ste C ÜN E H E RZ ÖS n ile te ard RR EIC HS len TE rtei S G R Mu rt C al Die den kleine groß Kart en re e mit gion alen Vo DA Ca r d Die den kleine groß Kart en re e mit gion alen Vort eile n 2016/17 M Gäs ur ta te l Photo: © Steiermark Tourismus ikarus.cc MY HOLIDAY. MY MURTAL. WINTER EXCURSION DESTINATIONS E EISUR HOT L LD O C R O S TIPS F Y A D R WINTE More holiday for the same price Welcome to the Murtal holiday region Our recipe for a relaxing holiday is a huge selection of activities and a fascinating natural backdrop! In the Murtal holiday region, time is all you need to enjoy everything the wide range of leisure activities offers. Holidays with the Murtal GästeCARD! len rtei Vo HS IC RE ER ST Ö len RZ HE E ÜN GR S rtei DA Vo Ca r d ann Di de e klei n gr ne oß Ka en rte regi m on it alen S EICH ERR teilen an n If the excursion destination has this symbol, the additional discount is valid for MurtalCARD holders. Mus H Mu r Catal rd A9 term A2 Di de e klei n gr ne oß Ka en rte regi m on it alen A2 S 35 Mu rta rdl A9 Musterm A2 A 10 Gä ste Ca S6 A 12 A 13 Ca r d Die klei den gro ne Karte ßen regi mit onalen Vor Murt al A2 Max I Max CH teilen A1 D Z Ö ST SK A1 Burggasse 69 A-8750 Judenburg Tel: +43(0)3572 44249 Fax: +43(0)3572 44249 4 email: [email protected] Web: www.murtal.at www.facebook.com/Urlaubsregion.Murtal Simply book, set off and enjoy your holiday – our guests receive their Murtal GästeCARD from their host immediately upon arrival! It is valid during their entire stay and allows them to benefit from countless excursion destinations throughout the region. HER CZ IT‘S SO SIMPLE TO GET A MURTAL GÄSTECARD NE ......................................................................................Page 26 - 27 Gäste Map GRÜ Murtal district ............................................................Page 14 - 25 DAS Murau district ............................................................Page 06 - 12 The Murtal GästeCARD offers attractive discounts on visits to the ski mountains and other holiday destinations such as spas, indoor swimming pools and museums, as well as in shops and other commercial outlets – even if you only stay for one night. Die klei den gro ne Karte ßen regi mit onalen Vor +43 (0)3572 442 49 www.murtal.at Murt al Your perfect holiday SLO The complete winter experience! It’s not only the ski mountains in the Murtal holiday region that offer action-packed fun: families and children in particular enjoy the fantastic experiences other than skiing, including thermal spas and Murtal traditions. Wenn die ersten Schneeflocken fallen, wird die Urlaubsregion Murtal zum Wintererlebnis! Die 8 Murtaler Skiberge haben nicht nur ausgezeichnete Pistenqualität und Schneesicherheit, sondern bieten auch Abfahrten für jedes Können, jeden Anspruch. Hier ist auch das richtige Gelände für die ersten Schritte im Schnee. Von der Kinderexpedition nehmen die Kleinen schöne Erinnerungen mit nach Hause. Zum Winterurlaub gehören auch Fun & Action: Testen Sie die Alpen-Achterbahn „Nocky Flitzer“, gehen Sie auf eine Tubing-Abfahrt, erleben Sie den Sternenhimmel beim Nachtskifahren Visit us at www.murtal.at Comprehensive information on the region and much more! Murau District Murau district As soon as the first snowflakes start to fall, the Murtal district is transformed into a true winter wonderland! Murtal’s 8 skiing mountains boast perfectly prepared pistes and reliable snow conditions whilst offering many challenging downhill descents for skiing pros. Fun and action are also an important part of your winter holiday: whiz down the Turracher Höhe on the “Nocky Flitzer” Alpine rollercoaster, have a go on the tubing track, experience the clear sky when descending the mountain during a night ski tour or ask the “Piste Butler” for a glass of sparkling wine or an ice-cream! Why not try something romantic: a torch-lit hike, a ski tour or a winter hike? Or get into the holiday spirit with activities off the ski slopes: cross-country skiing, tobogganing, snow-shoe hiking, ice skating, Austrian curling or a horse-drawn sleigh ride. 1 KREISCHBERG & LACHTAL – STYRIAN FAVOURITES i OPEN: 3 Dec 2016 - 2 April 2017 ENTRY: You can find all the prices on our website HS IC RE ER ST Ö rtei len RZ HE E ÜN GR S Vo Mu r Catal rd DA approx. 10% discount on all multi-day passes 06 excursion destinations 2 AUDIO TOUR OF MURAU ilen Let Anna Neumann explain the importance of wood for the town and construction. This audio tour of the mediaeval town of Murau will enchant you. Audio guides are available in English, German, Hungarian and Italian. ile rte Die de kle n gro ine ße Karte n reg mi ion t ale n Vo Mu r Catal rd rte DA S GR ile ÜN E HE n RZ Ö ST ER RE IC HS n Vo Mu rta ar l d Gä ste C Vorte Die de kle n gro rmann Muste Max Die klein den großee Karte n regiomit nalen ine ße Karte n reg mi ion t ale Murt a Cardl ilen n Vorte E 5.00 per audio guide x Mu ste rm an n i Tourismusverband Murau-Kreischberg Ma S EICH ERR Z Ö ST HER NE GRÜ DAS Die klein den großee Karte n regiomit nalen The Lachtal is characterised by its high Alpine character, the vastness of the ski resort and the special atmosphere of the Alpine huts. The Kids’ Lachtal resort offers a magic carpet, a teddy rope-tow, a figurine course and a mogul slope. Toboggan run, high-altitude cross-country skiing trails and winter hiking trails are also Styrian favourites. Murt a Cardl Enjoy carving and boarding in two of the most popular and largest ski resorts in Styria! The Kreischberg and Lachtal inspire with fantastic wide, perfectly prepared pistes at 850 - 2222 m above sea level. A speed course, a permanent racing slope and a tubing arena provide more fun and action on the Kreischberg, while freestylers meet in the Snowpark Kreischberg! The Dinopark and Yabba-Dabba-Doo-Land offer even more experiences for children. Gäste Max Mus term an n Di de e klei n gr ne oß Ka en rte regi m on it alen Gä ste C Di de e klei n gr ne oß Ka en rte regi m on it alen Vo Mu rta ar l d rtei len Kreischberg Seilbahnen Tel.: +43 (0)3537 300 www.kreischberg.at Lachtal Seilbahnen Tel.: +43 (0)3587 203 www.lachtal.at Liechtensteinstraße 3 - 5, 8850 Murau Tel: +43 (0)3532 2720, www.murau-kreischberg.at OPEN: all year round PRICES: E 9.00 per audio guide excursion destinations 07 Murau District 3 KRANZELBINDER WORLD OF GEMSTONES, TURRACHER HÖHE 4 TOCKNERALMLIFT KRAKAU Cheap day passes at the Tockenalmlift! 2 T-bar tows (with snow machines) connect well-constructed, family-friendly pistes. Not only beginners, but also experienced skiers and snowboarders will find challenges here. A skiing holiday for the whole family. i OPEN: Di de e kle n gro ine ße Karte n reg mi ion t ale n Vo rte ile n IC RE ER ST Ö RZ Mu r Catal rd DA S GR ÜN E HE Di de e kle n gro ine ße Karte n reg mi ion t ale n Vo rte ile n n an rm ste Ma x Mu 5 OPEN: Christmas 2016 to mid-March 2017 ENTRY: You can find all the prices on our website KRAKAU CROSS-COUNTRY SKIING CENTRE GR ile ÜN E HE n RZ Ö ST ER RE IC HS Di de e kle n gro ine ße Karte n reg mi ion t ale n Vo Mu rta ar l d rte ile n The intact, unspoilt countryside is home to a wonderful cross-country skiing trail network with the Jagawirt (cross-country skiing seal of quality) and Klausnerberg centres. It‘s not just the wonderful skating-style, classic and practice trails that will leave an impression; the landscape is unique too! Parking available! Gä ste C rte Di de e kle n gro ine ße Karte n reg mi ion t ale n Vo Mu r Catal rd Free x Mu ste rm an n i Tourismusverband Krakau Ma destination for young and old. Austria‘s largest natural treasure trove offers huge crystals, 250 million-year-old fossilized trees and over 10,000 individual exhibits from every continent in the world - an unforgettable experience for both young and old. HS Mu r ta ar l d Gä ste C rte n an term Mus Max 300 m from the “Nocky Flitzer“ you can experience Austria‘s largest collection of gemstones and jewellery. Whether you are visiting the exhibition, admiring giant, metre-long crystals, creating your own pieces of jewellery or even cracking open a gemstone, you will be left with a lasting impression. The foundations for the museum were laid in the early 60s and it is now a unique Austrian excursion S n ile Krakauebene 34b, 8854 Krakau, Tel.: +43 (0)3535 8606 [email protected] www.krakau.at Vo Mu r Catal rd Reduced entry: € 4.00 (instead of € 6.00) 10% discount with the purchase of a 3-day pass i Tourismusverband Krakau DA IC RE ER ST Ö RZ HE E ÜN GR S DA Gä ste Ca HS Vo Mu rta rdl rte ile n Mythos Edelstein Kranzelbinder Turracher Höhe 15 Near the Hotel Hochschober 9565 Ebene Reichenau Tel. +43 (0) 4275 8233 [email protected] www.turracherhoehe.at Di de e klei n gr ne oß Ka en rte regi m on it alen Vorteilen Ca r d Di de e klei n gr ne oß Ka en rte regi m on it alen Musterm ann Max Die klein den groß e Kart en regie mit onalen Murt al Krakauebene 34b, 8854 Krakau, Tel.: +43 (0)3535 8606 [email protected] www.krakau.at 6 OPEN: Winter 2016/2017 ENTRY: Free WINTER & SNOW-SHOE HIKING IN KRAKAU HS IC RE ER ST Ö n RZ HE E ile ÜN GR S Di de e kle n gro ine ße Karte n reg mi ion t ale n Vo Mu r Catal rd rte DA Di de e kle n gro Gä ste Ca ine ße Karte n reg mi ion t ale n Vo Mu rta rdl rte ile n The vastness of Styrian Krakau is ideal for snow-shoe hiking and winter hiking! Winter and snowshoe hikers are rewarded with a unique backdrop. The ski school in Krakau offers snow shoe hire and guided tours. Tel.: +43 (0) 664 2377 956 Free Ma x Mu ste rm an n i Tourismusverband Krakau Krakauebene 34b, 8854 Krakau, Tel.: +43 (0)3535 8606 [email protected] www.krakau.at WINTER AM RING powered by PEWAG 7 The ski-touring resort in “Styrian Krakau” - those who discover it love it and come again every year. Enjoy simple ski-touring on your winter holiday with everything from short ascents to high-alpine tours and magnificent descents. The Preber (2,740m) and the Tockneralm (2,457m) are among the region’s most popular ski mountains. 08 excursion destinations ile rte HS IC RE ER ST Ö n RZ HE E ile ÜN GR S n Vo Mu r Catal rd rte DA Di de e kle n gro ine ße Karte n reg mi ion t ale n Vo Mu rta ar l d Gä ste C Free x Mu ste rm an n i Tourismusverband Krakau Ma projekt-spielberg.com www.facebook.com/Projekt.Spielberg n FROM 26 NOVEMBER 2016 WINTER BUGGIES WINTER HIKING TRAIL CROSS-COUNTRY SKIING CHRISTMAS MARKET BULL-SLIDE BIATHLON WINTER TRAINING ICE SKATING INDOOR TRIAL SLEDDING FOR KIDS AND MUCH MORE! OPEN: Winter 2016/2017 ENTRY: Free SKI-TOURING IN KRAKAU Di de e kle n gro ine ße Karte n reg mi ion t ale rd S EICH ERR Z Ö ST HER NE GRÜ DAS mit regional en Vort Murt al eilen daily from 9:30am – 5:30pm Closed on Sundays Gäste Ca oßen Murau District Krakauebene 34b, 8854 Krakau, Tel.: +43 (0)3535 8606 [email protected] www.krakau.at OPEN: Winter 2016/2017 ENTRY: Free excursion destinations 09 Murau District Mu r Catal rd Vo rtei DA S GR ÜN E HE len RZ Ö ST ER RE IC HS Vo rtei len LiftGesmbH St. Lambrecht-Grebenzen Pabstin 4, 8813 St. Lambrecht Tel.: +43 (0) 3585-2455 www.grebenzen.at term an n Max Mus (easyski-liftaccess) 2 Dec 2016 - 19 March 2017 daily from 9:00am - 4:00pm DAY PASS: Adults: € 34.00 Children: € 19.50; Young persons: € 28.50 Di de e klei n gr ne oß Ka en rte regi m on it alen • SkiingattheresortinGrebenzenorattheTonnerhütte • BERGaufRODELN(Uphilltobogganing)attheTonnerhütte i OPEN: Di de e klei n gr ne oß Ka en rte regi m on it alen Experience winter in Zirbitzkogel-Grebenzen Nature Park SKI GREBENZEN ST. LAMBRECHT Mu r ta ar l d naturpark zirbitzkogel grebenzen 8 Gä ste C Foto:©SkiGrebenzen/ikarus.cc Murau District • Cross-countryskiingontheLaßnitz-St.Lambrecht cross-countryskiingtrail withStyriancross-countryskiingsealofquality • Guidedwinterhikes • Guidedsnow-shoehikestotheGrebenzen • Ski-touring • Iceskating • Austriancurling • RelaxationattheGesundheitsthermeWildbadEinödspa 10% discount on multi-day ski passes FANTASTIC, AFFORDABLE SKIING! 25 km of pistes and ski routes up to 1,900 m above sea level. The nature park resort puts the focus on young persons - we offer great prices for the under28s. The Grebenzen team guarantees perfect piste quality. There is a practice area for children with a baby lift, magic carpet and carousel by the cable car valley station. Ski huts offer local specialities. Treasure hunt in the Grebenzen snow On 17 Dec 2016, children can find real gold bars worth over € 2,000.00 in the snow. Events: rwirt Market,Fische ventChristmas - m 0p .0 :1 un &S Zeutschach -9:00pm,Sat 6|Fri:3:00pm 25-27Nov201 9.00pm ütte night,Tonnerh bogganingby m-9:00pm to ill 0p :0 ph I7 U 7 n: le 01 Müh 6-23April2 01 2 -9:30pm ec m D 0p 22 :0 s, Thursday April2017I7 5 -2 6 01 2 ec D Saturdays,31 leyStation rebenzen,Val comeShowG el 0pm :W :3 ht |5 ec 7 br St.Lam 19Feb201 Feb2017and ), ecelebrations 27Dec2016,5 NewYear‘sEv epr r( te es ilv erns m Neumarkt:Bau ec2016I5:00p eumarkt|30D MainSquare,N rgad :2ndStyrianBe Findalltheeventsat www.natura.at New: Information&booking: Tourismusverband NaturparkZirbitzkogel-Grebenzen St.Lambrecht:+43(0)3585/2345 Neumarkt:+43(0)3584/2005 [email protected]|www.natura.at Foto: © Aris Media Cross-country skiingwith ow guaranteedsn machine coverage Mühlen–Neumarkt–St.Lambrecht 10 excursion destinations ganing g o b o t l l i h Up on the Zirbitzkogel Tobogganists can save themselves the tedious uphill drag and travel up the mountain by T-bar tow – only at the Tonnerhütte! 2-for-1 deal: 2 x 1 hour of uphill tobogganing during the day for the price of one, including a safety toboggan! Our tip: Uphill to bo by night gganing every Th (floodlit) urs. and Sat. (by prior appo the day b intment efore) A-8822 Mühlen, Tel: 03586/30077 Mobil: 0660/3463816, www.tonnerhuette.at excursion destinations 11 Murau District Christmas markets Moments of happiness from the Sölk Pass to Greim Winter magic in the Katschtal St. Peter and Schöder are an inside tip for a winter holiday full of mountain adventures. • Austrian curling lane a popular meeting place • Ski-touring - Sölk Pass and Greim (up to 2,500 m above sea level) • Unique traditions - Carnival procession 27/02/2017 • Romantic horse-drawn sleigh rides and riding • Snow-shoe and torch-lit hikes • Winter hiking and tobogganing • Family ski resort in Schöder • Cross-country skiing trails • Floodlit ice rink (1800 m2) Glücksmomente zwischen Sölkpaß & Greim T +43 (0) 3536 / 761120 E offi[email protected] W www.greim.at facebook.com/greim.at 9 Reductions with the Murtal GästeCARD ST. PETER/SCHÖDER SKI TOURS HS IC RE ER ST Ö n RZ HE E ile ÜN GR S n Vo Mu r Catal rd rte DA Di de e kle n gro ine ße Karte n reg mi ion t ale Di de e kle n gro Gä ste C ine ße Karte n reg mi ion t ale n Vo Mu rta ar l d rte ile n Whether short and demanding, steep with real challenges or easy, but long. The Sölk Pass and Greim offer unlimited freedom. Ascents are rewarded with an amazing panorama! A stop-off for an Almkaffee, a fortified local coffee, or mulled wine is a must after any mountain experience. Free Ma x Mu ste rm an n i Infobüro St. Peter-Schöder 8843 St. Peter am Kammersberg 82 Tel.: +43 (0)3536 761120, www.greim.at 10 OPEN: December - April PRICES: Free SNOW-SHOE TOURS AROUND THE SÖLK PASS & GREIM in the Murtal holiday region 18 - 20 Nov 2016 Opening of the Judenburger Christkindlmarkt Open daily 25 Nov - 23 Dec 2016 20 Nov 2016 7th Pölstaler Adventzauber, Bretstein 25 Nov - 24 Dec 2016 Adventmarkt, Knittelfeld 25 - 27 Nov 2016 Steirischer Bergadvent, Zeutschach 25 - 27 Nov 2016 Altstadt Advent, Murau 26 Nov- 18 Dec 2016 Adventmarkt beim Hotel G`Schlössl Murtal, Großlobming (Sat & Sun) 26 Nov 2016 Predlitzer Adventzauber, Predlitz 26 - 27 Nov 2016 Krakauer Bergadvent, Krakau 2 - 4 Dec & 9 - 12 Dec 2016 St. Lambrechter Advent, St. Lambrecht 3 Dec 2016 3rd Stadl Adventmarkt, Stadl/Mur Recreation Ground 3 - 4 Dec 2016 Adventmarkt, Neumarkt 4 - 8 Dec 2016 Advent am See, Mühlen 8 - 11 Nov / 15 - 18 Dec 22 - 23 Dec 2016 Turracher Adventmarkt, Turrach 8 - 11 Dec 2016 26th Farracher Adventmarkt, Farrach bei Zeltweg 10 - 11 Dec 2016 St. Ruprechter Advent 11 Dec 2016 Adventzauber, Althofen HS IC RE ER ST Ö n RZ HE E ile ÜN GR S n Vo Mu r Catal rd rte DA Di de e kle n gro ine ße Karte n reg mi ion t ale Gä ste C Di de e kle n gro ine ße Karte n reg mi ion t ale n Vo Mu rta ar l d rte ile n Experience the magnificent countryside around the Sölk Pass and Greim away from the slopes and cross-country skiing trails. Let the beauty of the landscape enchant you and enjoy peace and relaxation. Feldkögerl: Starting point: Gasthaus Gangl; Total vertical distance: approx. 800 m; Distance: 10 km. Greim: Starting point: Greimhütte; Total vertical distance: approx. 840 m; Distance: 7 km (circuit). Christmas markets Free Ma x Mu ste rm an n i Infobüro St. Peter-Schöder 8843 St. Peter am Kammersberg 82 Tel.: +43 (0)3536 761120, www.greim.at 12 excursion destinations OPEN: December - April PRICES: Free excursion destinations 13 Murtal District Murtal district Winter in the Murtal region offers a wide array of winter activities. Winter and snow-shoe hikes, the wide range of cross-country skiing trails or a day of Alpine skiing or ski-touring will give you an over-all feeling of well-being whilst providing you with the opportunity to be close to nature – something that is almost alien to many of us nowadays. Or why not have a go at ice climbing, ice skating or try your hand at Austrian curling? With hot punch, mulled wine and “Lebkuchen” gingerbread to finish. Or what about a change of scene: a high-speed winter circuit of the Red Bull Ring in an X-Bow? If you would like to take a break from the snow for a day, the nearby towns and markets are perfect for a pleasant stroll whilst discovering more about the regional culture. Warm up by diving into the waters of a thermal spa: the Therme Aqualux in Fohnsdorf or the indoor swimming pools in Judenburg and Knittelfeld. n rte Vorte HS RE ER ST Ö n RZ HE E ile ÜN GR S DA rte ine ße Karte n reg mi ion t ale n Vo Mu r Catal rd rmann IC Die de kle n gro ine ße Karte n reg mi ion t ale n Vo M Gä ur ste t Ca al rd Muste Max 30% discount on entry price Ma x Mu ste rm an n Die de kle n gro Tel.: +43 (0) 3577 81111, [email protected] www.edelsteine-krampl.com 12 Pölstal Tourism Association ilen Experience cool winter fun sawing and shovelling ice in a team to create an ice palace. Includes a visit to a mountain hut. Other activities: Ice fishing and barbecue, snow-shoe hiking (beginner level to high-alpine), full-moon snow-shoe hiking and tobogganing (with headlamps). n ile n HE E ÜN DA S GR n Vo rte ile ine ße Karte n reg mi ion t ale Ma x Mu ste rm an n Die de kle n gro i Alpine Freizeitgestaltung & Eventmanagement Koingraben 13, 8763 Pölstal, Tel: +43 (0)664 2812 568 [email protected], www.j-m-p.at 14 Marktplatz 3, 8762 Pölstal/Oberzeiring www.poelstal.info e-mail: office @poelstal. info Telefon: +43 (0) 3571/21700 n Vo rte RZ Ö ST ER RE IC HS 10% discount for children and groups Mu r Catal rd ilen Vorte Muste rmann Die de kle n gro ine ße Karte n reg mi ion t ale M Gä ur ste t Ca al rd Murt a Cardl Max Die klein den großee Karte n regiomit nalen S EICH ERR Z Ö ST HER NE GRÜ DAS Die klein den großee Karte n regiomit nalen OPEN: Mon – Fri: 9:00am – 6:00pm, Sat 9:00am – 12:00 midday ENTRY: Adults: E 8.00 / Children: E 3.00 / Groups (min. 10 persons): E 6.00 / School groups: E 3.00 IGLOO BUILDING - A WINTER ADVENTURE Vorte Murt a Cardl Alongside the diverse range of wintersports, the Pölstal offers a pure mountain climate, fresh air and acres of unspoilt natural environment - an invitation to switch off and recharge your batteries. ile ilen Murt a Cardl S EICH ERR Z Ö ST HER NE GRÜ DAS Vorte KRAMPL GEMSTONES WEISSKIRCHEN i Bahnhofstraße 7, 8741 Weißkirchen Gäste Unique skiing tours, crosscountry skiing trails, fastpaced ice-skating or simply a traditional walk through the idyllic countryside the intact Pölstal is a true winter paradise for young and old. The world of precious stones. We turn predominantly Styrian stone into unique workpieces and jewellery. With a glass factory, jewellery studio, jewellery workshop, stone sculptor and a glittering world of crystals, we are a popular excursion destination for families and tour groups. Die klein den großee Karte n regiomit nalen Die klein den großee Karte n regiomit nalen Gäste Card Murt al ilen 11 Surrounded by a harmonious mountain landscape and numerous peaks over 2000 m lies the Pölstal, a valley that stretches between the 3 municipalities of Pölstal, Pusterwald and Pöls-Oberkurzheim. excursion destinations OPEN: Winter 2016/2017 ENTRY: Dates can be arranged individually depending on group size ... naturally excursion destinations 15 Murtal District 7 Murtal District hea venly places Discover the 7 heavenly places! Whether you prefer cross-country skiing, skiing, tobogganing, winter hiking trails, Austrian curling, snow shoe or ski-touring. A selection of heavenly places await you on the cross-country skiing trails, Order the ski slopes and walking paths. folder now! Enjoy a break on the “Wolkenbankerl” viewing benches! Collect “Wolkenbankerl” photos! Take a selfie on the “Wolkenbankerl” viewing benches! Those who visit and photograph three or more heavenly places will receive a “heavenly” surprise. A little closer to heaven Infos: +43 (0) 3618/335, www.hohentauern.at 15 Sparkling snow and blue skies - the perfect ingredients for ski-touring! In the Triebental, fantastic tours lead to the Himmeleck or the Hochleitenspitze, for example. We recommend stopping off at the Bergerhube or Gasthaus Braun. You can also find a free ski-touring folder with detailed descriptions of the best tours at the Tourist Information Centre! n ile rte TOBOGGANING FROM THE EDELRAUTEHÜTTE Free ine ße Karte n reg mi ion t ale n Vo Mu r Catal rd rte DA S GR ile ÜN E HE n RZ Ö ST ER RE IC HS n Vo 14 Di de e kle n gro ine ße Karte n reg mi ion t ale i TVB Hohentauern, 8785 Hohentauern 8 x Mu ste rm an n Di de e kle n gro Tel.: +43 (0)3618 335, [email protected] www.hohentauern.at Ma n ile rte Ma x Mu ste rm an n Die de kle n gro Tel.: +43 (0)3618 335, [email protected] www.hohentauern.at OPEN: Winter 2015/16 ENTRY: Day pass E 5.00 (Children E 3.00) Week pass E 25.00 (Children E 15.00) Gä ste Ca n Vo HS IC RE ER ST Ö RZ HE E ÜN GR S DA ine ße Karte n reg mi ion t ale n Vo Mu r Catal rd rmann SKI-TOURING IN HOHENTAUERN Mu rta rdl n rte ile ilen Die de kle n gro ine ße Karte n reg mi ion t ale Vorte M Gä ur ste t Ca al rd Muste Max -10% on week and season passes i TVB Hohentauern, 8785 Hohentauern 8 16 OPEN: January to March ENTRY: Free WINTER HIKING IN HOHENTAUERN Magnificent views and a fantastic panorama - the winter hiking trail is one wonder after the next. The prepared trail (7.8 km) makes a long circuit through the white winter wonderland. Hikers can experience culinary delights in the Pfahlbaudorf and the Draxlerhaus, which are both on the winter hiking trail. excursion destinations HS IC RE ER ST Ö n RZ HE E ile ÜN GR S Di de e kle n gro ine ße Karte n reg mi ion t ale n Vo Mu r Catal rd rte DA Free x Mu ste rm an n i TVB Hohentauern, 8785 Hohentauern 8 Tel.: +43 (0)3618 335, [email protected] www.hohentauern.at Ma OPEN: Late December to Easter ENTRY: Free Di de e kle n gro ine ße Karte n reg mi ion t ale n Vo n an rm ste x Mu Ma Tel.: +43 (0)3618 335, [email protected] www.hohentauern.at 16 Mu rta ar l d n ile rte n Vo Mu r Catal rd Free i TVB Hohentauern, 8785 Hohentauern 8 Gä ste C IC RE ER ST Ö RZ HE E ÜN GR S DA Gä ste C HS n Vo Mu rta ar l d rte rte ile n ile n In Hohentauern, tobogganing can be individually tailored to your fitness level: you can either walk uphill or travel in comfort with the toboggan taxi. Delicious treats await at the Edelrautehütte, which is where you rent the toboggans. The toboggan run is a decent 5.5 km. Di de e kle n gro ine ße Karte n reg mi ion t ale S EICH ERR Z Ö ST HER NE GRÜ DAS Murt a Cardl Die klein den großee Karte n regiomit nalen Vorte HOHENTAUERN CROSS-COUNTRY SKIING CENTRE The extensive cross-country skiing trail network (13 km, classic and skating-style) impresses both beginners and pros. The trail network has been created based on sports doctors‘ advice, and offers suitable trails for levels of ability. Perfect preparation is considered particularly important and the main trail has snow machine coverage. Di de e kle n gro ine ße Karte n reg mi ion t ale Die klein den großee Karte n regiomit nalen Gäste Card Murt al ilen 13 OPEN: December - late March ENTRY: Free excursion destinations 17 Murtal District Murtal District 17 AQUALUX THERME FOHNSDORF THERMAL SPA i OPEN: All year round ENTRY: You can find all the prices on our website WINTER HOLIDAYS IN FOHNSDORF „Exercise and Wellness“ HS IC RE ER ST Ö len RZ HE E ÜN GR S Mu r Catal rd Vo rtei DA -10% on 4-hour day ticket Max Mus term an n Di de e klei n gr ne oß Ka en rte regi m on it alen Gä ste C Di de e klei n gr ne oß Ka en rte regi m on it alen Mu r ta ar l d Vo rtei len Thermenallee 10 8753 Fohnsdorf Tel.: +43 (0)3573 207 80 [email protected] www.therme-aqualux.at A LEAP OF FAITH INTO THE ”SPA OF LIGHT” Refreshingly different: architecture, atmosphere and experiences. The AQUALUX thermal spa, which opened in 2007, revives and regenerates all five senses with long-lasting effects. On the edge of Fohnsdorf, just 5 km from Judenburg, the thermal spa and The ultimate in healthy winter fun: guided snow-shoe hikes through the wonderful winter wonderland around Fohnsdorf: suitable for young and old, a tonic for mind and soul, great for strengthening the immune system and fitness without stress or danger. So join in, enjoy yourself and get little taste of adventure ... ... and after a long walk in the cold, why not treat yourself to the toasty warm healing waters of the Therme Aqualux spa? its five AQUALUX areas offer something refreshingly (and accessibly) different. We have everything you need: fun, adventure, Wellness, relaxation and inner balance. Our two great restaurants, friendly staff, attractive packages for the whole family and the wide range of local excursions and accommodation underline the AQUALUX motto: ”I feel good!” THERMAL w w w.th er m e- aq ua lu x. at SPA FUN Fountains Black hole slide Flow channel Rain grotto Information und Kontakt: Fohnsdorf Tourismus 8753 Fohnsdorf, Hauptplatz 9, Tel. +43(0) 3573 5231 [email protected], www.fohnsdorf-tourismus.at 18 excursion destinations Therme Fohnsdorf • Thermenallee 10 • A-8753 Fohnsdorf Tel.: +43 (0) 3573 / 207 80 • E-Mail: [email protected] excursion destinations 19 Murtal District Ma n ile ilen rte n Vo HS Ma x Mu ste rm an n Die de kle n gro ine ße Karte n reg mi ion t ale n Vo Mu r Catal rd rte DA S GR ile ÜN E HE n RZ Ö ST Die de kle n gro ER RE IC ine ße Karte n reg mi ion t ale Vorte M Gä ur ste t Ca al rd Max Muste rmann ilen n rte ile ilen HS IC RE ER ST Ö RZ E HE n ÜN DA S GR ile rte ine ße Karte n reg mi ion t ale n Vo Mu r Catal rd Vorte n Vo ine ße Karte n reg mi ion t ale Die de kle n gro rmann Muste ilen Max Free entry OPEN: all year round Winter season: Mon – Fri: 9:00am - 2:00pm ENTRY: Free / Groups upon request Ma x Mu ste rm an n Die de kle n gro i Kaserngasse 27, 8750 Judenburg Tel.: +43 (0)3572 85053 www.judenburg.com 23 PUCH MUSEUM JUDENBURG STERNENTURM JUDENBURG PLANETARIUM i OPEN: Wed - Sun: 9:00am - 5:00pm, winter i OPEN: Regular new exhibits and annual special exhibitions make every visit a real experience! Parking is available right in front of the museum. excursion destinations len rtei Di de e klei n gr ne oß Ka en rte regi m on it alen Vo Mu r Catal rd rtei DA S GR ÜN E HE len RZ Ö ST ER RE IC HS Vo Mu rta ar l d Gä ste C eilen Ca r d ann Di de e klei n gr ne oß Ka en rte regi m on it alen Musterm Murt al Max Die klei den großne Kart en regie mit onalen Vort term an n Murtal GästeCard: 30% discount, MurtalCard: 15% discount Mus EICH S rd ERR Z Ö ST HER NE GRÜ DAS Die klei den großne Kart en regie mit onalen Vort Vorteile Kirchplatz 1 8750 Judenburg Tel.: +43 (0)3572 44088 [email protected] www.sternenturm.at Max an n term Mus Max 20 you can find showpieces like the Puch 500, known affectionately by connoisseurs as the “Pucherl”, Haflinger and Pinzgauer, as well as pre-war motorcycles, barn finds, lovingly restored vehicles, and old military vehicles. Murt al HS IC RE ER ST Ö RZ DA S GR ÜN E HE rtei len Vo Di de e klei n gr ne oß Ka en rte regi m on it alen In the heart of the historic town of Judenburg, directly opposite the convention centre, the Puch Museum Judenburg invites the whole family to experience the milestones of vehicle development first hand. Legendary bicycles, motorcycles and cars are vividly presented and awaken memories of the worldwide success of the “Puch“ brand, which made a significant contribution to getting the Austrian population on the road. Here Gäste Ca rtei len Mu r Catal rd ann Di de e klei n gr ne oß Ka en rte regi m on it alen Vo Mu rta ar l d Gä ste C eilen Ca r d Die klei den großne Kart en regie mit onalen Vort Musterm Murt al Max EICH ERR Z Ö ST HER NE GRÜ DAS arte en regi mit onalen Murt al S n 30% discount on the entry price see website ENTRY: Adults: E 11.00 / Children: E 8.50 Seniors, students, groups: E 9.50 eilen season, by prior appointment ENTRY: E 5.00 / Guided tour: E 1.00 / Children and groups E 4.00 (min. 10 persons), Sternenturm group combi-ticket: E 14.00 Murtaler Platz 1 8750 Judenburg Tel.: +43 (0)3572 47127 [email protected] www.puchmuseum.at OPEN: Tennis: Mon–Fri: 7:00am - 10:00pm, Sat, Sun and public holidays: 9:00am - 10:00pm, Climbing hall: Mon-Sun: 9.30am - 10:00pm ENTRY: see www.sportaktiv.at JUDENBURG MUSEUM M Gä ur ste t Ca al rd Murt a Cardl S EICH ERR Z Ö ST HER NE GRÜ DAS Die klein den großee Karte n regiomit nalen Vorte Murt al Die klein den großee Karte n regiomit nalen n ile rte x Mu ste rm an n Die de kle n gro 20 Murtal GästeCard: 30% , MurtalCard: 15% On three floors, numerous exhibits, including a coin and art collection, document the history of Judenburg. Its prehistoric importance is illustrated by the Hallstatt finds at Falkenberg in Strettweg: you can see a replica of the famous Cult Wagon of Strettweg and the most recent excavations. Gäste Card n Vo HS IC RE ER ST Ö RZ HE E ÜN GR S DA ine ße Karte n reg mi ion t ale n Vo Mu r Catal rd OPEN: Tues - Sat: 2:00pm - 7:00pm, Sun: 10:00am - 7:00pm, Groups at any time by prior appointment ENTRY: E 5.00 (adult accompanying child: free) Tel.: +43 (0)664 27 29 332 www.zirbelix.at Murt a Cardl S EICH ERR Z Ö ST HER NE GRÜ DAS Die klein den großee Karte n regiomit nalen Vorte Murt al Die klein den großee Karte n regiomit nalen n ile Ma x Mu ste rm an n Die de kle n gro n rte ile ilen ilen Vorte Max Muste rmann Die klein den großee Karte n regiomit nalen Die de kle n gro ine ße Karte n reg mi ion t ale Vorte M Gä ur ste t Ca al rd Murt a Cardl S EICH ERR Z Ö ST HER NE GRÜ Die klein den großee Karte n regiomit nalen Murtal GästeCard: 30% , MurtalCard: 15% i Kaserngasse 5, 8750 Judenburg i Waltersdorfer Straße 3, 8750 Judenburg Tel.: +43 (0)3572 86950, [email protected] www.sportaktiv.at 22 ZIRBELIX KIDS’ PARADISE JUDENBURG Zirbelix, the indoor playground in the town centre of Judenburg offers fun and games whatever the weather. The 660-m² toddlers‘ area includes a mountain hut, giant puzzle and adventure play area with a slide, volcano and roundabout. A cosy gastro-area invites you to while away the time. DAS Murt al Gäste Card Gäste Card n HS RE ER ST Ö RZ HE E ÜN GR S DA rte OPEN: all year round Winter season: October - April ENTRY: You can find all the prices on our website ine ße Karte n reg mi ion t ale n Vo Mu r Catal rd Muste rmann Vorte Max IC Die de kle n gro ine ße Karte n reg mi ion t ale n Vo Vorte rte M G ä ur ste t Ca al rd S EICH ERR Z Ö ST HER NE GRÜ DAS Murtal GästeCard: 30% , MurtalCard: 15% JUDENBURG INDOOR CLIMBING AND TENNIS This well-equipped sports centre has an indoor climbing wall with more than 860m2 of climbing surfaces and features every kind of structure and dihedral possible (Grades 3-10). Tennis fans will find ideal facilities: three indoor and outdoor courts in perfect condition. ile ilen Murt a Cardl i Fichtenhainstraße 3, 8750 Judenburg Tel.: +43 (0)3572 85492, [email protected] www.judenburg.at 19 Gäste Ca r d n groß 21 JUDENBURG WATER PARK & INDOOR POOL Fun, sports and games the whole year round! Even in winter the water park and indoor pool in Judenburg offers swimming a swim-training pool and splashing around in the children’s area. The huge water toys - Nessy and the Great White Shark guarantee fun when they pop up! A sauna complex offers Wellness experiences and relaxation. Die klein den großee Karte n regiomit nalen Die klein den großee Karte n regiomit nalen Gäste Card Murt al ilen 18 Murtal District PLANETARIUM: Spectacular space shows, “all-encompassing“ flights through the universe of knowledge, and impressive music shows by Pink Floyd and Queen - experience all this in the 500-year-old Sternenturm Judenberg Planetarium whatever the weather! The most modern planetarium in Europe takes you into the mysterious depths of both space and the ocean. The ingenious 3D space action will amaze, entertain and educate. The exhibition is suitable for children ages 4 and up (with the exception of one show) and an overview of the current sky is always included. The planetarium is located in Austria’s highest town tower and features a spectacular glass-bottomed lift. You can also enjoy a unique view of the Murtal from our panoramic café (42 m). excursion destinations 21 Murtal District 24 Murtal District 27 ST. ANNA CROSS-COUNTRY SKIING TRAIL WINTER AND SNOW-SHOE HIKING HS IC RE ER ST Ö RZ DA S GR ÜN E HE Di de e kle n gro ine ße Karte n reg mi ion t ale n Vo rte ile n ste rm an n i Johanna & Günther Stocker Ma x Mu n an rm ste Ma x Mu 8742 Obdach, Tel.: +43 (0) 3578 3406 [email protected], www.zirbenland.at Free Mu r Catal rd Di de e kle n gro ine ße Karte n reg mi ion t ale n Vo rte ile n Mu r ta ar l d OPEN: December - March ENTRY: Free i Gasthaus Annawirt, Lavantegg 13 25 This winter, snow-lovers can experience hikes through the snowy Zirbenland. Whether with snow-shoes or without, you can experience a unique look at nature something you will never forget. The Rieseralm offers snow-shoe rental. Gä ste C DA S GR ÜN E HE Di de e kle n gro ine ße Karte n reg mi ion t ale n Vo rte ile n RZ Ö ST ER RE IC HS Free Mu r Catal rd Gä ste C Mu r ta ar l d Di de e kle n gro ine ße Karte n reg mi ion t ale n Vo rte ile n Leave your tracks on the riding trail (right in front of the hotel) or the nearby “Krumpenloipe” trail! In St. Anna you have the chance to use a free single- and double-track cross-country skiing trail (4.5 km) at 1290 m above sea level. The trail is perfect for both beginners and advanced cross-country skiers. Granitzen 31, 8742 Obdach Tel.: +43 (0) 3578 8215, www.rieseralm.at 28 RIESERALM TOBOGGAN RUN WINTERLEITEN TOBOGGAN RUN From the Almrauschhütte you can reach the Gasthof Rieseralm via the toboggan run. The 2-km toboggan run offers a diverse route with a few difficult parts where you can race. Fortification is available at the Almrauschhütte and the Rieseralm. A shuttle is available. Mu rta ar l d rte rte ile ile n n Toboggan in an atmosphere like the World Cup elite before you and enjoy a unique experience on the Winterleiten run. You can put your skills to the test on the free amateur run. A stop-off at the Winterleitenhütte is the perfect end to your toboggan adventure. n Vo Di de e kle n gro ine ße Karte n reg mi ion t ale n Vo Mu r Catal rd rte DA S GR ile ÜN E HE n RZ Ö ST ER RE IC HS Free x Mu ste rm an n i Winterleitenhütte, Ossach 45, 8750 Judenburg, Tel.: +43 (0) 3578 8210 www.winterleiten.com Ma n an rm ste x Mu Ma Granitzen 31, 8742 Obdach Tel.: +43 (0) 3578 8215, www.rieseralm.at 26 Di de e kle n gro ine ße Karte n reg mi ion t ale OPEN: November - March ENTRY: Free Gä ste C HS IC RE ER ST Ö RZ E HE n ÜN DA S GR ile rte Di de e kle n gro ine ße Karte n reg mi ion t ale n Vo Mu r Catal rd Di de e kle n gro ine ße Karte n reg mi ion t ale n Vo Mu rta ar l d Gä ste C Free i Johanna & Günther Stocker 29 RIESERALM SKI-LIFT i OPEN: len rtei HS IC RE ER ST Ö RZ DA S GR ÜN E HE len rtei 10% discount on day pass Max Mus term an n Di de e klei n gr ne oß Ka en rte regi m on it alen Vo Mu r Catal rd ann Di de e klei n gr ne oß Ka en rte regi m on it alen Gä ste C Musterm Skilift Obdach Liftstraße 6a, 8742 Obdach Tel.: +43 (0) 664 5186441 [email protected] www.schilift-obdach.at Vo Mu rta ar l d Ca r d Max S EICH eilen Die klei den großne Kart en regie mit onalen Vort eilen rd ERR Z Ö ST HER NE GRÜ DAS eilen Die klei den großne Kart en regie mit onalen Vort Murt al rtei len Vo Max Mus term an n Di de e klei n gr ne oß Ka en rte regi m on it alen The Rieseralm has something for everyone - from athletic skiers and snowboarders to leisurely winter hikers. Surrounded by pine forests and fresh mountain air, the Rieseralm’s natural setting is like almost no other. On the Rieseralm, skiing fun begins right on your doorstep - out of the house and onto the slopes. The Rieseralm offers 4 T-bar tows with natural snow slopes; snow machines stand Murt al HS IC RE ER ST Ö RZ HE E ÜN GR S DA Mu r Catal rd 10% discount on ski-lift pass Winter: 9:00am - 4:00pm daily ENTRY: You can find all the prices on our website Gäste Ca rtei len Vo Di de e klei n gr ne oß Ka en rte regi m on it alen Ca r d Mu rta ar l d Musterm ann Gä ste C Max eilen Die klei den großne Kart en regie mit onalen Vort Murt al EICH ERR Z Ö ST HER NE GRÜ DAS Ca r d ßen regi mit onalen Vort Murt al S Winter: 9:00am - 4:00pm daily ENTRY: You can find all the prices on our website Johanna & Günther Stocker Granitzen 31, 8742 Obdach Tel.: +43 (0) 3578 8215 [email protected] www.rieseralm.at OPEN: November - March ENTRY: Free OBDACH SKI-LIFT i OPEN: Gäste OPEN: December - March ENTRY: Free at the ready to guarantee snow. A total of 12 kilometres of slopes are available - offering something for everyone. Skiers can show off their skills and have masses of fun on the Rieseralm’s many forest trails, mogul slopes, the steep Sterngasse slope and in the Funpark. The Gasthof Rieseralm provides fortification. 22 excursion destinations The year is 2016 and the entire wintersports world is dominated by expensive, pretentious ski resorts. Only one small village of indomitable Styrians still holds out against the trend. They believe in small-scale, high-quality skiing fun, like today’s adults enjoyed in their childhood. Experience the history of a ski resort that takes you back to the winter of yesteryear. Fantastic slope quality in a place that offers the perfect conditions for everyone from beginners to pros. There is a free magic carpet for the little ones and for older skiers, the FIS course on the Kalchberghang. There are fantastic options for a stop-off right next to the lift. excursion destinations 23 Murtal District Murtal District 30 ZELTWEG SPORTS CENTRE i OPEN: 9:00am - 10:00pm, all year round ENTRY: see our website HS € 2.00 discount on drinks at the café Max Mus term an n Di de e klei n gr ne oß Ka en rte regi m on it alen Mu r Catal rd Vo rtei DA S GR ÜN E HE len RZ Ö ST ER RE IC Gä ste C Di de e klei n gr ne oß Ka en rte regi m on it alen Mu r ta ar l d Vo rtei len Bundesstraße 16 8740 Zeltweg Tel.: +43 (0) 3577 24855 [email protected] www.sportzentrum-zeltweg.at The sports centre is in the centre of Aichfeld and offers - not least because of its size (126,600 m²) - a variety of leisure and sports activities for all ages. This attractive facility offers over 20 different (summer and winter) sports. The sports halls, spacious outdoor area and the generous parking facilities mean that it is also ideal as an event and exhibition centre. ail tr y r t n u o c s s o r c From piste to GAALER LIFTE The ski resort of Gaal impresses with its many years of experience, guaranteed snow and perfectly prepared slopes. Ski autobahn, skiing and snowboarding schools, ski hire, night skiing, training camp and much more. Gaaler Lifte, Schattenberg 59, 8731 Gaal, +43 664 1417858, www.gaalerlifte.at 31 ALOIS-PENZ-MUSEUM KNITTELFELD More than 7000 exhibits separated thematically and spread over an exhibition area of almost 400 m2. Among these are around 4000 carnival orders from all over Europe, the USA, Africa, Canada and Brazil. Discover the carnival uniforms of guards, elves, princes and dukes. Suitable for children. n IC RE ER ST Ö n RZ HE E ile ÜN GR S Mu r Catal rd n Vo rte DA Die de kle n gro ine ße Karte n reg mi ion t ale Gä ste Ca HS Mu rta rdl n Vo rte ile ilen Vorte Vorte Max Muste rmann Die de kle n gro ine ße Karte n reg mi ion t ale Murt a Cardl S EICH ERR Z Ö ST HER NE GRÜ DAS Die klein den großee Karte n regiomit nalen Die klein den großee Karte n regiomit nalen Murt al Gäste Card 10% discount on entry price x Mu ste rm an n i Hauptplatz 12/1, 8720 Knittelfeld Ma Ski & Fun Kleinlobming, Dorfstraße 13, 8734 Lobmingtal, +43 650 6262630, www.lobmingtal.at ilen KLEINLOBMING LIFT Skiing and fun in Kleinlobming - where learning is easier! This family resort offers tempting deals that make skiing affordable for families. T-bar tow, baby lift, twilight skiing, family days, ski courses and much more! RECHARGE YOUR BATTERIES! The newly designed hall includes 3 tennis and squash courts, a sports café and a Wellness complex. A perfectly prepared, cross-country skiing trail (1.5 km) with artificial snow, floodlit on Mon, Wed, Thurs and Fri from 6:00pm - 9:00pm, guarantees the entire family pure skiing fun. Wellness complex open from 1:00pm. Tel.: +43 (0) 664 1417865 [email protected], www.boef.at 32 CROSS-COUNTRY FEVER OPEN: Tues and Thurs: 3:00pm - 5:00pm and by prior telephone appointment ENTRY: Adults: E 3.00 / Children/students: E 1.00 / Group rates available upon request MODEL RAILWAY KNITTELFELD 5 stations on an area of 160 m2, with a track length of around 700 m. Original presentation of a railway. The system also includes a narrow-gauge track and monitors 220 points, 280 signals and 500 train detection sections. 24 excursion destinations ile rte Die de kle n gro ine ße Karte n reg mi ion t ale n Vo Mu r Catal rd rte DA S GR ile ÜN E HE n RZ Ö ST ER RE IC HS n Vo Mu rta ar l d Gä ste C Vorte Muste rmann Die de kle n gro ine ße Karte n reg mi ion t ale Murt a Cardl Max Die klein den großee Karte n regiomit nalen 10% discount on entry price x Mu ste rm an n i Bahnhofplazt 8, 8720 Knittelfeld Ma S ilen n Vorte EICH ERR Z Ö ST HER NE GRÜ DAS Die klein den großee Karte n regiomit nalen Gäste Tourismus am Spielberg Red Bull Ring Straße 1, 8724 Spielberg Tel.: +43 3577 20 22 71 66 www.tourismus-am-spielberg.at Murt a Cardl ilen Around 10 cross-country skiing trails make this THE cross-country experience in the region. Choose between circuits with guaranteed snow coverage in Zeltweg and the cross-country skiing centre in Hoftal or the natural trails that lead through the region. Tel.: +43 (0) 3512 75168 www.modelleisenbahn-knittelfeld.at OPEN: You can find all the opening hours on our website ENTRY: Adults: E 5 / Children accompanied by adult: free / Children: 6-16: E 3.00 excursion destinations 25 CZ SK A1 A1 D Excursion destinations A2 CH A2 A 10 A9 A 13 A2 at a glance A2 S 35 A9 H I SLO LEGEND: Excursion destinations in the Murau district Canoeing/rafting Abbey, church or monastery Thermal spa Golf course Excursion destinations in the Murtal district Murtal skiing mountain Train experience Holzwelt Murau (Murau World of Wood) reference point Campsite River Mur Cycling Trail Hiking village Certified Nordic Walking centre Motorsport circuit Legal Notice: Published by: Urlaubsregion Murtal. We accept no liability for mistakes or printing errors. Artwork & layout: Werbeagentur CreARTeam Judenburg, Translation: Internationale Übersetzungen A. Bolberitz, www.international-translations.at, Photos: © Steiermark Tourismus (Harry Schiffer, ikarus.cc, Schiffer/Symbol, Reinhard Lamm, Herbert Raffalt, Leo Himsl, Wolfgang Weinhäupl), Foto Mitteregger, Wolfgang Spekner, Georg Ott, Erwin Polanc, Projekt Spielberg, Herbert Raffalt, Philip Platzer, James Minchin, Naturpark Zirbitzkogel-Grebenzen, Zirbenland 50plus, Therme Aqualux, TV Hohentauern, TV Gleinalm, TV-Murau-Kreischberg, Bergbahnen Turracher Höhe. 26 S6 A 12 excursion destinations Summer toboggan excursion destinations 27 FOR FAMILIES, TOUR GROUPS, CLUBS, SCHOOLS, YOUNG & OLD T H E E XC U R S I O N D E ST I N AT I O N I N MU RTA L : THE WORLD OF PRECIOUS STONES T T HE GLITTERING WORLD O F C R Y STA L S R A N S PA R E N T FA C T O R Y J EWELLERY WORKSHOP S CULPTING WORKSHOP Opening hours: Monday – Friday: 9:00 am – 6:00 pm Saturday: 9:00 am – 12:00 midday Edelsteine Krampl Handels Ges. m. b.H. Bahnhofstraße 7 | 8741 Weißkirchen Tel: +43 (0) 3577 811 11 | [email protected] www.edelsteine-krampl.com
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