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Prentice Hall, 2010. Hardcover. Book Condition: Neu. Gebraucht - Sehr gut Unbenutzt. Schnelle Lieferung,
Kartonverpackung. Abzugsfähige Rechnung. Bei Mehrfachbestellung werden die Versandkosten anteilig
erstattet. - In City of Dust, Anthony DePalma o ers the first full accounting of one of the gravest environmental
catastrophes in United States history. The destruction on 9/11 of two of the world's largest buildings unleashed
a vortex of dust and ash that blotted out the sun and has distorted science, medicine and public policy ever
since. The likely dangers of 9/11's massive dust cloud were evident from the beginning, yet thousands chose not
to see. 352 pp. Englisch.
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