Catalogue of products N -O OW L L FO November 19, 2014 November 2014 - page 1 Catalogue of PRODUCTS November 19 2014 This is the MyOcean catalogue of PRODUCTS There are 127 MyOcean PRODUCTS as of November 19 2014. “INFO”, “DATA ACCESS” and “VIEW” links are available from the MyOcean WebPortal. We welcome user feedback on the content and functionality of this catalogue. Please contact our Service Desk ([email protected]) for any comments and feedback. Analysis and Forecast Global Ocean …………………………………………….. Arctic Ocean……………………………………….……… Baltic Sea…………………………………………………. European North West Shelf Seas ……………………… Iberia Biscay Ireland Regional Seas ……………...…… Mediterranean Sea………………………………….……. 3 6 7 9 12 14 Observations Sea Level …………………………………………………. Ocean Colour……………………………………………… Sea Surface Temperature………………………….……. Sea Ice…………………………………………………….. Wind………………………………………………….…….. In Situ…………………………………………………….… November 2014 15 18 26 30 32 33 2 of 37 Global Ocean GLOBAL_ANALYSIS_BIO_001_014 Global Ocean Biogeochemistry Analysis Product GLOBAL_ANALYSIS_BIO_001_014 produced by Mercator Ocean in Toulouse, France, is a global Ocean Biogeochemical analysis product at 1/2°. It supersedes former product GLOBAL_ANALYSIS_BIO_001_008b. It provides 3D global ocean biogeochemical weekly mean analysis for the past 2 years updated every week. No forecast is provided. This product includes weekly mean files of dissolved iron, nitrate, phosphate, silicate, dissolved oxygen, chlorophyll concentration, phytoplankton concentration and primary production parameters from the top to the bottom of the Global Ocean on a 1/2° regular grid projection interpolated from the 1/4° ARAKAWA-C native grid. Vertical coverage includes 50 levels ranging from 0 to 5500 meters. Outputs are delivered as weekly mean files with Netcdf format (CF-1.4 convention). Files are updated weekly on thursday at noon. MORE INFO GLOBAL_REANALYSIS_BIO_001_018 Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) (1998-2011) You can find here the biogeochemistry non assimilative hindcast simulation GLOBAL_REANALYSIS_BIO_001_018 at 1/4° over period 1998 - 2011. Outputs are delivered as monthly mean files with Netcdf format (CF/COARDS 1.5 convention) on the native tripolar grid (ORCA025) at ¼° resolution with 75 vertical levels. This simulation is based on the PISCES biogeochemical model. It is forced offline at a daily frequency by the equivalent of the GLOBALREANALYSIS-PHYS-001-009 physics product but without data assimilation. MORE INFO November 2014 3 of 37 GLOBAL_ANALYSIS_FORECAST_PHYS_001_015 Global Ocean 1/4° Physics Analysis and Forecast updated Daily The UK Met Office Global Seasonal coupled forecast system (GloSea5) is used to provide 7 days of 3D global ocean forecasts, at ¼ degree, updated daily. In addition the Forecast Ocean Assimilation Model (FOAM) ocean analysis used to initialise the coupled system is provided daily, along with an updated analysis a day later which makes use of more observations. This product includes daily mean files of temperature, salinity, currents, sea level, mixed layer depth and sea ice parameters. MORE INFO GLOBAL_REANALYSIS_PHYS_001_010 Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis UR025.4 (1993-2010) You can find here the University of Reading (Reading, UK) UR025.4 reanalysis (1/4 deg lat x 1/4 deg lon, 75 vertical levels, from 1993 to 2010) (i.e. one of the four global ocean reanalysis GLOBAL_REANALYSIS_PHYS_001_009, 010,011 and 017) for the Global Ocean and Sea Ice Physics : monthly means of Temperature, Salinity, Currents, Sea Surface Height and Sea Ice Parameters, at 1/4 degree horizontal resolution, with 75 vertical levels, forced by ERA-Interim atmospheric variables and covering the 1993-2010 time period, with Data Assimilation of in situ and satelitte SST, Sea Level Anomalies, Temperature and Salinity profiles and satellite Sea Ice Concentration using the UK Met Office FOAM system. MORE INFO GLOBAL_ANALYSIS_FORECAST_PHYS_001_002 Global Ocean 1/12° Physics Analysis and Forecast updated Daily The Operational Mercator global Ocean analysis and forecast system – at 1/12 degree - is providing 7 days of 3D global ocean forecasts updated daily and ocean analysis updated weekly. The time series start on January 1st 2013 and is aggregated in time in order to reach a two full year’s time series sliding window. This product includes daily mean files of temperature, salinity, currents, sea level and ice parameters from the top to the bottom of the Ocean over the Global Ocean. MORE INFO GLOBAL_REANALYSIS_PHYS_001_009 Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis GLORYS2V3 (1993-2012) You can find here the new Mercator Ocean (Toulouse, FR) GLORYS2V3 (19932012) global ocean reanalysis (i.e. one of the four global ocean reanalysis GLOBAL_REANALYSIS_PHYS_001_009, 010, 011 and 017) for the Global Ocean and Sea Ice Physics : monthly means of Temperature, Salinity, Currents, Sea Surface Height and Sea Ice Parameters, at 1/4 degree horizontal resolution, with 75 vertical levels, forced by ERA-Interim atmospheric variables and covering the 1993-2012 time period, with SEEK/IAU Data Assimilation of Temperature and Salinity profiles as well as Sea Level Anomalies, Sea Ice Concentration and Sea Surface Temperature. MORE INFO November 2014 4 of 37 GLOBAL_REANALYSIS_PHYS_001_004 Global Ocean Physics NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast Reference Simulation (1993-2011) You can find here the new reference non assimilative HINDCAST simulation of the Global Ocean and Sea Ice Physics (monthly means of Temperature, Salinity, Currents, Sea Surface Height and Sea Ice Parameters) at 1/4 degree horizontal resolution, forced by ERA-Interim atmospheric variables and covering the period 1993-2011. It is also called the LGGE MJM105b (FR) reference simulation (1/4 deg lat x 1/4 deg lon, 75 vertical levels, from 1993 to 2011) and is a free hindcast run without data assimilation that serve as reference run for Reanalyses GLOBAL_REANALYSIS_PHYS_001_009, 010,011 and 017. MORE INFO GLOBAL_ANALYSIS_PHYS_001_003 Global Observed Ocean Physics Temperature and Salinity Analysis You can find here the Global T,S Armor-3D L4 Analysis: Combined products from satellite observations (Sea Level Anomalies and Sea Surface Temperature) and in-situ (Temperature and Salinity profiles) on a 1/3 degree mercator grid; MORE INFO GLOBAL_REANALYSIS_BIO_001_019 Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PELAGOS025) (1998-2010) You can find here the CMCC (Bologna, IT) non assimilative HINDCAST simulation of the Global Ocean Biogeochemistry with monthly mean fields for 3D nitrate, phosphate, dissolved oxygen, and chlorophyll concentration at 1/4 degree horizontal resolution (all variables on the same grid point) with 50 vertical levels. The full time series is covering the period 1998-2010. MORE INFO GLOBAL_REANALYSIS_PHYS_001_017 Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2012) You can find here the ECMWF (Reading, UK) ORAP5.0 reanalysis (1/4 deg lat x 1/4 deg lon, 75 vertical levels, from 1979 to 2012) (i.e. one of the four global ocean reanalysis GLOBAL_REANALYSIS_PHYS_001_009, 010, 011 and 017) for the Global Ocean and Sea Ice Physics: monthly means of Temperature, Salinity, Currents, Sea Surface Height, Sea Surface Temperature and Sea Ice Parameters, as well as daily mean 2-dimensional fields (mixed layer depth, depth of 20/26/28 degree isotherm, heat content in upper 300m/700m/total column steric height … ) at 1/4 degree horizontal resolution, with 75 vertical levels, forced by ERA-Interim atmospheric variables and covering the 1979-2012 time period, with NEMOVAR (3DVAR/FGAT) data assimilation of Temperature and Salinity profiles, Sea Level Anomalies, and satellite Sea Ice Concentration observations. MORE INFO November 2014 5 of 37 GLOBAL_REANALYSIS_PHYS_001_011 Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis CGLORS (1982-2012) You can find here the CMCC (Bologna, IT) CGLORS reanalysis (1/4 deg lat x 1/4 deg lon, 50 vertical levels, from 1982 to 2012) (i.e. one of the four global ocean reanalysis GLOBAL_REANALYSIS_PHYS_001_009, 010, 011 and 017) for the Global Ocean and Sea Ice Physics : monthly means of Temperature, Salinity, Currents, Sea Surface Height and Sea Ice Parameters, as well as daily mean surface fields for Temperature, Salinity, Currents, Sea Surface Height and Sea Ice Parameters, as well as daily mean surface fields for Temperature, Salinity, Currents, Sea Surface Height and Sea Ice Parameters, at 1/4 degree horizontal resolution, with 50 vertical levels, forced by ERA-Interim atmospheric variables and covering the 1982-2012 time period, with 3DVAR/FGAT Data Assimilation of Temperature and Salinity profiles as well as Sea Level Anomaly observations and nudging to sea surface temperature and sea-ice concentration observations. MORE INFO GLOBAL_REP_PHYS_001_013 Global Observed Ocean Physics Temperature Salinity and Currents Reprocessing (1993-2012) You can find here the Global T,S,U,V,H Armor-3D L4 Reprocessing: Combined products from satellite observations (Sea Level Anomalies, Geostrophic Surface Currents, Sea Surface Temperature) and in-situ (Temperature and Salinity profiles) on a 1/4 degree regular grid over the time period 1993-2012. MORE INFO Arctic Ocean ARCTIC_ANALYSIS_FORECAST_PHYS_002_001_a Arctic Ocean Physics Analysis and Forecast The operational TOPAZ4 Arctic Ocean system uses the HYCOM model and a 100-member EnKF assimilation scheme. It is run daily to provide 10 days of forecast (one single member) of the 3D physical ocean, including sea ice; data assimilation is performed weekly to provide 7 days of analysis (ensemble average). MORE INFO ARCTIC_ANALYSIS_FORECAST_BIO_002_004 Arctic Ocean Biogeochemistry Analysis and Forecast The operational TOPAZ4-NORWECOM Arctic Ocean system uses the HYCOM physical model coupled to the NORWECOM biological model, and a 100member EnKF assimilation scheme (physics only). It is run daily to provide 10 days of forecast of 3D biogeochemical variables ocean, including nutrients and algae; a 7-day analysis is updated weekly. MORE INFO November 2014 6 of 37 ARCTIC_REANALYSIS_BIO_002_005 Arctic Ocean Biogeochemistry Reanalysis (2007-2010) The coarse resolution (50km) Arctic Ocean Reanalysis provides 3D biological ocean demonstration variables for the time period 2007-2010. The reanalysis uses the HYCOM-NORWECOM model and a 100-members EnKF assimilating ocean colour data since 1st Jan 2008. MORE INFO ARCTIC_REANALYSIS_PHYS_002_003 Arctic Ocean Physics Reanalysis (1991-2010) The TOPAZ4 Arctic Ocean Reanalysis provides 3D physical ocean and sea ice variables for the time period 1991-2010. The reanalysis uses the HYCOM model and a 100-members DEnKF to assimilate both in situ profiles and satellite data from different sensors. MORE INFO Baltic Sea BALTICSEA_REANALYSIS_PHYS_003_005 Baltic Sea Physics Reanalysis from SMHI (1990-2009) For the Baltic Sea, we provide two different Reanalysis products. Both products provide monthly mean fields for the physical conditions in the Baltic Sea based on 20 year reanalysis simulations for the period January 1990 - December 2009. Monthly mean fields for temperature, salinity and horizontal velocities are provided from surface to 400 meters deep (25 different depth levels), together with sea level variations and sea ice parameters for the surface. Both reanalyses are based on the Baltic community physical ocean model code Hiromb-BOOS-Model (HBM-V1). The purpose of having two Baltic reanalysis products is to estimate the accuracy of a Baltic reanalysis by using different data assimilation methods. The reanalysis BALTICSEA_REANALYSIS_PHYS_003_005 is produced at SMHI with the code SMHI-HBM-V1 run on a 3 nautical mile horizontal grid with a Uni-variate optimal interpolation with elliptical shaped correlation functions data assimilation scheme. MORE INFO November 2014 7 of 37 BALTICSEA_ANALYSIS_FORECAST_BIO_003_007 Baltic Sea Biogeochemistry Analysis and Forecast The Baltic Sea biogeochemical model product provides forecasts for the biogeochemical conditions in the Baltic Sea. The Baltic forecast is updated twice daily providing a new two days forecast with hourly data for the parametres dissolved oxygen, nitrate, phosphate, chl-a. The product is produced by the biogeochemical model ERGOM (Neumann, 2000) one way coupled to the Baltic 3D ocean model HBM, that provides the MyOcean Baltic physical ocean product. MORE INFO BALTICSEA_REANALYSIS_PHYS_003_004 Baltic Sea Physics Reanalysis from DMI (1990-2009) For the Baltic Sea, we provide two different Reanalysis products. Both products provide monthly mean fields for the physical conditions in the Baltic Sea based on 20 year reanalysis simulations for the period January 1990 - December 2009. Monthly mean fields for temperature, salinity and horizontal velocities are provided from surface to 400 meters deep (25 different depth levels), together with sea level variations and sea ice parameters for the surface. Both reanalyses are based on the Baltic community physical ocean model code Hiromb-BOOS-Model (HBM-V1). The purpose of having two Baltic reanalysis products is to estimate the accuracy of a Baltic reanalysis by using different data assimilation methods. The reanalysis BALTICSEA_REANALYSIS_PHYS_003_004 is produced at DMI with the code DMI-HBMV1 run on a 6 nautical miles horizontal grid with a 3Dvar data assimilation scheme. MORE INFO BALTICSEA_ANALYSIS_FORECAST_PHYS_003_006 Baltic Sea Physics Analysis and Forecast The Baltic Sea physical model product provides forecasts for the physical conditions in the Baltic Sea. The Baltic forecast is updated twice daily providing a new two days forecast with hourly data for sea level variations, ice concentration and thickness at the surface, and temperature, salinity and horizontal velocities for the 3D field. The product is based on the 3D ocean model code HBM (HIROMB-BOOS Model) developed within the Baltic ocean community. MORE INFO November 2014 8 of 37 European North West Shelf Seas NORTHWESTSHELF_REANALYSIS_BIO_004_012 Atlantic- European North West Shelf- Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast from IMR (1993-2009) The reanalysis covers the period January 1993 until December 2009 and is based upon the Regional Ocean Modelling System (ROMS) coupled offline to the NORWECOM system on 8x8 km resolution grid. The biological model used is the NORWegian ECOlogical Model system (NORWECOM) (Aksnes et al., 1995; Skogen et al., 1995; Skogen and Søiland, 1998). In the present study the model is run in offline mode, using physical fields from the ROMS reanalysis described below. The reanalysis was conducted in four sections: January 1993, 1998, 2002 and 2006 using a spin-up period from February 15 the year period. All biological variables were stored as monthly means. ROMS is a hydrodynamic model of the North West European shelf forced at the surface by ERA-interim winds, atmospheric temperature, and precipitation fluxes. Horizontal boundary conditions were provided by the Mercator Ocean (Toulouse, FR) GLORYS2V1 global reanalysis. E-Hype data were used for river inputs. The ROMS models integrated Incremental Strong constraint 4 Dimensional Variational Analysis (IS4DVAR) advanced assimilation method system was used for the assimilation of sea surface satellite temperature data. Physical outputs are provided as monthly means. The reanalysis was conducted in four sections: January 1993, 1995, 2000, and 2007 where each simulation period overlapped the following by 8 months. Each of these sections was initialized separately, and users should be aware of possible discontinuities between them. MORE INFO NORTHWESTSHELF_REANALYSIS_PHYS_004_009 European North West Shelf- Ocean Physics REANALYSIS from METOFFICE (1985-2012) The reanalysis covers the period January 1985 until July 2012 and is based upon the Forecasting Ocean Assimilation Model 7km Atlantic Margin Model (FOAM AMM7).This is a hydrodynamic model of the North West European shelf forced at the surface by ERA-interim winds, atmospheric temperature, and precipitation fluxes. Horizontal boundary conditions were provided by the NOC global reanalysis prior to 1989 and by the GloSea reanalysis thereafter. Boundary conditions in the Baltic sea came from the IOM-GETM model. E-Hype data were used for river inputs. Hydrodynamic calculations were performed by the Nucleus for European Modelling of the Ocean (NEMO) system, while the 3DVar NEMOVAR system was used for the assimilation of sea surface temperature data. Physical outputs are provided both as monthly means and as daily 25 hour, detided, averages. The reanalysis was conducted in three sections: January 1984 -> March 1989; April 1989 -> December 2003; January 2004 -> June2012. Each of these sections was initialised separately, and users should be aware of possible discontinuities between them. An older non-assimilative hindcast for the European North-West continental Shelf (NWS) can be found in product NORTHWESTSHELF_REANALYSIS_PHYS_004_005 which covers a longer period albeit without SST assimilation. MORE INFO November 2014 9 of 37 NORTHWESTSHELF_ANALYSIS_FORECAST_BIO_004_002_b Atlantic - European North West Shelf - Ocean Biogeochemistry Analysis and Forecast The Forecasting Ocean Assimilation Model 7km Atlantic Margin model (FOAM AMM7) is a coupled hydrodynamic-ecosystem model, nested in a series of oneway nests to the Met Office global ocean model. The hydrodynamics are supplied by the Nucleus for European Modelling of the Ocean (NEMO) with an Analysis Correction (AC) data assimilation scheme for sea surface temperature. This is coupled to the European Regional Seas Ecosystem Model (ERSEM), developed at Plymouth Marine Laboratory (PML). It is the operational product for the European North-West continental Shelf (NWS). ERSEM based models have been used operationally to forecast biogeochemistry in the region for a number of years (Siddorn et al., 2006). MORE INFO NORTHWESTSHELF_ANALYSIS_FORECAST_PHYS_004_001_b Atlantic - European North West Shelf - Ocean Physics Analysis and Forecast The Forecasting Ocean Assimilation Model 7km Atlantic Margin model (FOAM AMM7) is a coupled hydrodynamic-ecosystem model, nested in a series of oneway nests to the Met Office global ocean model. The hydrodynamics are supplied by the Nucleus for European Modelling of the Ocean (NEMO) with an Analysis Correction (AC) data assimilation scheme for sea surface temperature. This is coupled to the European Regional Seas Ecosystem Model (ERSEM), developed at Plymouth Marine Laboratory (PML). MORE INFO NORTHWESTSHELF_REANALYSIS_BIO_004_008 Atlantic- European North West Shelf - Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast from IMR (1985-2008) This product is one of two Ocean Biogeochemistry non assimilative Hindcast simulations for the Atlantic- European North West Shelf- Ocean, on grid (40degN- 65degN; 20degW-13degE) and at horizontal resolution (~12km; 1/9 deg lat x 1/6 deg lon). Another Ocean Biogeochemistry non assimilative Hindcast simulation is provided in product NORTHWESTSHELF_REANALYSIS_BIO_004_007. This product provides monthly means hindcast of Ocean biogeochemistry for the Northwest Shelf Sea from 1985 to 2009, issued from the NORWECOM system. NORWECOM, or the NORWegian ECOlogicalModel system, is a coupled 3 dimensional physical, chemical, biological model system for studying of primary production and dispersion of particles (such as fish larvae and pollution). The model was originally developed for simulations in the North Sea and Skagerrak, but has also been used in the Norwegian Sea, the Barents Sea and the Benguela. MORE INFO November 2014 10 of 37 NORTHWESTSHELF_REANALYSIS_PHYS_004_005 Atlantic- European North West Shelf- Ocean Physics NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast from NERCPOL (1960-2004) This product is one of the 2 Ocean Physics non assimilative Hindcast simulations for the Atlantic- European North West Shelf- Ocean, on grid (40degN- 65degN; 20degW-13degE) at the horizontal resolution (~12km; 1/9 deg lat x 1/6 deg lon) produced for the original MyOcean project (the other being NORTHWESTSHELF_REANALYSIS_PHYS_004_006). Users should be aware that a more recent reanalysis of the European North West Shelf physics with SST data assimilation can be found in NORTHWESTSHELF_REANALYSIS_PHYS_004_009. The Atlantic Margin Model is a coupled hydrodynamic-ecosystem model, nested in a series of one-way nests to global reanalyses. The hydrodynamics are supplied by the Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory Coastal Ocean Modeling System (POLCOMS) and the ecosystem component is supplied by the European Regional Seas Ecosystem Model (ERSEM), developed at Plymouth Marine Laboratory (PML). It provides monthly means hindcast products for the Northwest Shelf Sea from 1960 to 2004. MORE INFO NORTHWESTSHELF_REANALYSIS_PHYS_004_006 Atlantic- European North West Shelf- Ocean Physics NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast from IMR (1985-2008) This product is one of two Ocean Physics non assimilative Hindcast simulations for the European North West Shelf- Ocean, on grid (40degN- 65degN; 20degW13degE) and at the horizontal resolution (~12km; 1/9 deg lat x 1/6 deg lon) produced for the original MyOcean project (the other being NORTHWESTSHELF_REANALYSIS_PHYS_004_005). Users should be aware that a more recent reanalysis of the European North West Shelf physics with SST data assimilation can be found in NORTHWESTSHELF_REANALYSIS_PHYS_004_009. This product provides monthly means hindcast of Ocean physics for the Northwest Shelf Sea from 1985 to 2009, issued from the NORWECOM system. NORWECOM, or the NORWegian ECOlogicalModel system, is a coupled 3 dimensional physical, chemical, biological model system for studying of primary production and dispersion of particles (such as fish larvae and pollution). The model was originally developed for simulations in the North Sea and Skagerrak, but has also been used in the Norwegian Sea, the Barents Sea and the Benguela. MORE INFO NORTHWESTSHELF_REANALYSIS_BIO_004_007 Atlantic- European North West Shelf - Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast from NERCPOL (1967-2004) This product is one of the 2 Ocean Biogeochemistry non assimilative Hindcast simulations for the Atlantic- European North West Shelf- Ocean, on grid (40degN- 65degN; 20degW-13degE) at the horizontal resolution (~12km; 1/9 deg lat x 1/6 deg lon). Another Ocean Biogeochemistry non assimilative Hindcast simulation is provided in product NORTHWESTSHELF_REANALYSIS_BIO_004_008. The Atlantic Margin Model is a coupled hydrodynamic-ecosystem model. The hydrodynamics are supplied by the Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory Coastal Ocean Modeling System (POLCOMS) and the ecosystem component is supplied by the European Regional Seas Ecosystem Model (ERSEM), developed at Plymouth Marine Laboratory (PML). It provides monthly means hindcast products for the Northwest Shelf Sea from 1967 to 2004. MORE INFO November 2014 11 of 37 NORTHWESTSHELF_REANALYSIS_PHYS_004_010 Atlantic- European North West Shelf- Ocean Physics Reanalysis from IMR (1993-2009) The reanalysis covers the period January 1993 until December 2009 and is based upon the Regional Ocean Modelling System (ROMS) on 8x8 km resolution grid. This is a hydrodynamic model of the North West European shelf forced at the surface by ERA-interim winds, atmospheric temperature, and precipitation fluxes. Horizontal boundary conditions were provided by the Mercator Ocean (Toulouse, FR) GLORYS2V1 global reanalysis. E-Hype data were used for river inputs. The ROMS models integrated Incremental Strong constraint 4 Dimensional Variational Analysis (IS4DVAR) advanced assimilation method system was used for the assimilation of sea surface satellite temperature data. Physical outputs are provided as monthly means. The reanalysis was conducted in four sections: January 1993, 1995, 2000, and 2007 where each simulation period overlapped the following by 8 months. Each of these sections was initialized separately, and users should be aware of possible discontinuities between them. MORE INFO Iberia Biscay Ireland Regional Seas IBI_REANALYSIS_BIO_005_003 Atlantic-Iberian Biscay Irish- Ocean BioGeoChemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (2002-2011) A high-resolution 1/12º reanalysis, comprising biogeochemical variables and covering the altimetric decade (2002-2012) is provided by the MyOcean IBI-MFC for the Atlantic-Iberian Biscay Irish-Ocean. The biogeochemical model PISCES is coupled online with the ocean physics code NEMO used to generate the IBI ocean physics reanalysis. The Biogeochemistry model provides with 24 prognostic variables, simulating biogeochemical cycles of oxygen, carbon and the main nutrients controlling phytoplankton growth (nitrate, ammonium, phosphate, silicic acid and iron). The model distinguishes four plankton functional types based on size. IBI_REANALYSIS_BIO_005_003 product comprises 3D monthly fields for concentration of variables such as: chlorophyll, iron, nitrate, ammonium, oxygen, phosphate, silicate, phytoplankton Net Primary Productivity of Carbon and the euphotic zone depth. This product was generated by the Mercator Ocean Production Unit and it is distributed by the Puertos del Estado Dissemination Unit. MORE INFO November 2014 12 of 37 IBI_REANALYSIS_PHYS_005_002 Atlantic-Iberian Biscay Irish- Ocean Physics Reanalysis (2002-2011) A high-resolution 1/12º reanalysis comprising physical variables and covering the altimetric decade (2002-2012) is provided by the MyOcean IBI-MFC for the Atlantic-Iberian Biscay IrishOcean. The Physical IBI reanalysis product is generated through the IBIRYS ocean reanalysis system and is based on a NEMO model application similar to the one currently used to generate the IBI-MFC daily forecast service. The NEMO application has a free-surface and includes same tidal forcing than the IBI forecast one. Horizontal resolution of the IBI reanalysis is 1/12º, and the vertical one reaches up to 75 z-levels. The reanalysis run was forced with ECMWF ERAInterim 3-h atmospheric data. Boundary conditions were imposed from MyOcean GLOBAL reanalysis run. A similar assimilation scheme to the one used in the MyO GLOBAL reanalysis were used. IBI_REANALYSIS_PHYS_005_002 product comprises 3D monthly and daily mean fields of Temperature, Salinity, Sea Surface Height, Zonal and Meridional Velocity components. Likewise, hourly mean of surface fields (Sea Surface Height, Surface Temperature and Currents, together with barotropic velocities) are also provided. This product was generated by the Mercator Ocean Production Unit and it is distributed by the Puertos del Estado Dissemination Unit. MORE INFO IBI_ANALYSIS_FORECAST_PHYS_005_001_b Atlantic-Iberian Biscay Irish- Ocean Physics Analysis and Forecast The IBI MFC provides through its operational IBI Ocean Analysis and Forecasting system, a 5-day hydrodynamic forecast (+ 1 day of hindcast as best estimate) including high frequency processes of paramount importance to characterize regional scale marine processes (i.e. tidal forcing, surges and high frequency atmospheric forcing, fresh water river discharge, etc.). The system is based on a (eddy-resolving) NEMO model application run at 1/36 deg. horizontal resolution. IBI_ANALYSIS_FORECAST_PHYS_005_001_b is the product of the IBI Physical Forecasting system and it is composed by 3D daily means fields of Temperature, Salinity, Sea Surface Height, Zonal Velocity and Meridional Velocity, as well as by hourly means of surface fields (Sea Surface Height and Surface Temperature and Currents). This product is daily generated by Puertos del Estado (Nominal IBI System) and Mercator-Ocean (as Back-up System). MORE INFO November 2014 13 of 37 Mediterranean Sea MEDSEA_ANALYSIS_FORECAST_PHYS_006_001_a Mediterranean Sea Physics Analysis and Forecast The physical component of the Mediterranean Forecasting System (Medcurrents) is a coupled hydrodynamic-wave model implemented over the whole Mediterranean Basin. The model horizontal grid resolution is 1/16˚ (ca. 6-7 km) and has 72 unevenly spaced vertical levels. The hydrodynamics are supplied by the Nucleous for European Modelling of the Ocean (NEMO) while the wave component is provided by WaveWatch-III. The model solutions are corrected by the variational assimilation (based on a 3DVAR scheme) of temperature and salinity vertical profiles and along track satellite Sea Level Anomaly observations. MORE INFO MEDSEA_REANALYSIS_PHYS_006_004 Mediterranean Sea Physics Reanalysis (1987-2012) The Mediterranean Forecasting System, physical reanalysis component, is a hydrodynamic model, supplied by the Nucleous for European Modelling of the Ocean (NEMO), with a variational data assimilation scheme (OceanVAR) for temperature and salinity vertical profiles and satellite Sea Level Anomaly along track data.The model horizontal grid resolution is 1/16˚ (ca. 6-7 km) and the unevenly spaced vertical levels are 72. MORE INFO MEDSEA_ANALYSIS_FORECAST_BIO_006_006 Mediterranean Sea Biogeochemistry Analysis and Forecast The biogeochemical analysis and forecasts for the Mediterranean Sea are produced by the OGS Production Unit by means of the OPATM-BFM model system (described below), using as physical forcing the output of the Med-MFCcurrents products managed by the INGV Production Unit. The forecasting system is automatically run at the CINECA supercomputing centre (Bologna, Italy). Seven days of analysis/hindcast and ten days of forecast are produced twice per week on Wednesday and on Saturday, and data assimilation of surface chlorophyll satellite observations (provided by the OCTAC managed by GOSISAC-CNR) is performed once a week in the Wednesday run. MORE INFO MEDSEA_REANALYSIS_BIO_006_007 Mediterranean Sea Biogechemistry Reanalysis (1999-2010) A decadal reanalysis of Mediterranean Sea biogeochemistry was carried out along a time period of 12 years (1999-2010), using the OPATM-BFM model implemented in the V3.1 version driven by physical forcing fields produced by the Med_MFC-Currents model managed by INGV (version V3). A database of surface chlorophyll concentration estimated by SeaWiFS satellite and delivered within OCTAC was used for data assimilation. This reanalysis provides monthly means of 3D fields of chlorophyll, nutrients (phosphate and nitrate) and dissolved oxygen concentrations, net primary production and phytoplankton biomass. MORE INFO November 2014 14 of 37 Sea Level SEALEVEL_MED_MDT_L4_REF_OBSERVATIONS_008_014 Mediterranean Sea Mean Dynamic Topography For the Mediterranean Sea- Mediterranean Mean Dynamic Topography computed on a 7 years period (1993-1999). MORE INFO SEALEVEL_MED_SLA_ASSIM_L3_NRT_OBSERVATIONS_008_021 MEDITERRANEAN SEA ALONG-TRACK SEA LEVEL ANOMALIES NRT TAILORED FOR DATA ASSIMILATION For the Mediterranean Sea- Mono altimeter satellite along-track sea surface heights computed with respect to a twenty-year mean. Several corrections are added to the product in order to subtract them from the SLA if needed: the Dynamic Atmospheric correction (DAC), the oceanic tide and the long wavelength error (LWE). For the computation of SLA: All the missions are homogenized with respect to a reference mission which is currently Jason-2. The acquisition of various altimeter data is a few days at most. This product is computed with a non-centered computation time window (6 weeks before the date). MORE INFO SEALEVEL_MED_REF20YTO7Y_L4_OBSERVATIONS_008_035 MEDITERRANEAN SEA GRIDDED SEA LEVEL ANOMALIES REFERENCE CHANGE CORRECTION For the Mediterranean Sea- available on a regular grid: 0.125°x0.125° zone: lon:353.9375-397.0625xlat:29.9375-46.0625 MORE INFO November 2014 15 of 37 SEALEVEL_ARC_SLA_L3_NRT_OBSERVATIONS_008_025 ARCTIC OCEAN ALONG-TRACK SEA LEVEL ANOMALIES NRT For the Arctic Ocean - Mono altimeter satellite along-track sea surface heights computed with respect to a twenty-year mean. All the missions are homogenized with respect to a reference mission which is currently Jason-2. The acquisition of various altimeter data is a few days at most. This product is computed with a non-centered computation time window (6 weeks before the date). MORE INFO SEALEVEL_BS_SLA_L3_NRT_OBSERVATIONS_008_022 BLACK SEA ALONG-TRACK SEA LEVEL ANOMALIES NRT For the Black Sea- Mono altimeter satellite along-track sea surface heights computed with respect to a twenty-year mean. All the missions are homogenized with respect to a reference mission which is currently Jason-2. MORE INFO SEALEVEL_BS_REF20YTO7Y_L4_OBSERVATIONS_008_036 BLACK SEA GRIDDED SEA LEVEL ANOMALIES REFERENCE CHANGE CORRECTION For the Black Sea- available on a regular grid: 0.125°x0.125° zone: lon:26.937542.0625xlat:39.9375-47.0625 MORE INFO SEALEVEL_EUR_SLA_L3_NRT_OBSERVATIONS_008_024 EUROPEAN OCEAN ALONG-TRACK SEA LEVEL ANOMALIES NRT For the European Ocean (North-West Shelf, Iberic-Biscaye-Ireland Mediterranean Sea, Black Sea and Baltic Sea) Sea- Mono altimeter satellite along-track sea surface heights computed with respect to a twenty-year mean. All the missions are homogenized with respect to a reference mission which is currently Jason-2. The acquisition of various altimeter data is a few days at most. This product is computed with a non-centered computation time window (6 weeks before the date). MORE INFO SEALEVEL_GLO_MSS_L4_REF_OBSERVATIONS_008_015 Global Ocean Mean Sea Surface For the Global Ocean- Mean sea surface above Topex/Poseidon reference ellipsoid available on a 1/30 deg. x 1/30 deg. regular grid. MORE INFO November 2014 16 of 37 SEALEVEL_GLO_NOISE_L4_NRT_OBSERVATIONS_008_032 GLOBAL OCEAN GRIDDED SEA LEVEL ANOMALIES NOISE NRT For the Global Ocean and for Arctic and Europe areas- available on a regular grid: 2°x2° MORE INFO SEALEVEL_GLO_SLA_L3_NRT_OBSERVATIONS_008_017 GLOBAL OCEAN ALONG-TRACK SEA LEVEL ANOMALIES NRT For the Global Ocean- Mono altimeter satellite along-track sea surface heights computed with respect to a twenty-year mean. All the missions are homogenized with respect to a reference mission which is currently Jason-2. The acquisition of various altimeter data is a few days at most. This product is computed with a non-centered computation time window (6 weeks before the date). MORE INFO SEALEVEL_MED_SLA_L3_NRT_OBSERVATIONS_008_019 MEDITERRANEAN SEA ALONG-TRACK SEA LEVEL ANOMALIES NRT For the Mediterranean Sea- Mono altimeter satellite along-track sea surface heights computed with respect to a twenty-year mean. All the missions are homogenized with respect to a reference mission which is currently Jason-2. The acquisition of various altimeter data is a few days at most. This product is computed with a non-centered computation time window (6 weeks before the date). MORE INFO SEALEVEL_GLO_REF20YTO7Y_L4_OBSERVATIONS_008_034 GLOBAL OCEAN GRIDDED SEA LEVEL ANOMALIES REFERENCE CHANGE CORRECTION For the Global Ocean- available on a regular grid: 0.25°x0.25° MORE INFO SEALEVEL_GLO_MDT_L4_REF_OBSERVATIONS_008_013 Global Ocean Mean Dynamic Topography For the Global Ocean- Mean Dynamic Topography computed on a 7 years period (1993-1999). MORE INFO SEALEVEL_GLO_SLA_L3_REP_OBSERVATIONS_008_018 GLOBAL OCEAN ALONG-TRACK SEA LEVEL ANOMALIES REPROCESSED (1993-ONGOING) For the Global Ocean- Mono altimeter satellite along-track sea surface heights computed with respect to a twenty-year mean. All the missions are homogenized with respect to a reference mission which is currently Jason-2. This product is computed with an optimal and centered computation time window (6 weeks before and after the date). MORE INFO November 2014 17 of 37 SEALEVEL_BS_SLA_L3_REP_OBSERVATIONS_008_023 BLACK SEA ALONG-TRACK SEA LEVEL ANOMALIES REPROCESSED (1993-ONGOING) For the Black Sea- Mono altimeter satellite along-track sea surface heights computed with respect to a twenty-year mean. All the missions are homogenized with respect to a reference mission which is currently Jason-2. This product is computed with an optimal and centered computation time window (6 weeks before and after the date). Two kinds of datasets are proposed: filtered (nominal dataset) and unfiltered. MORE INFO SEALEVEL_GLO_NOISE_L4_REP_OBSERVATIONS_008_033 GLOBAL OCEAN GRIDDED SEA LEVEL ANOMALIES NOISE REPROCESSED For the Global Ocean and for Arctic and Europe areas- available on a regular grid: 2°x2° MORE INFO SEALEVEL_MED_SLA_L3_REP_OBSERVATIONS_008_020 MEDITERRANEAN SEA ALONG-TRACK SEA LEVEL ANOMALIES REPROCESSED (1993-ONGOING) For the Mediterranean Sea- Mono altimeter satellite along-track sea surface heights computed with respect to a twenty-year mean. All the missions are homogenized with respect to a reference mission which is currently Jason-2. This product is computed with an optimal and centered computation time window (6 weeks before and after the date). MORE INFO Ocean Colour OCEANCOLOUR_GLO_CHL_L3_REP_OBSERVATIONS_009_065 Global Surface Chlorophyll Concentration from Satellite observations (daily average) Reprocessed (1997-2012) For the Global Ocean- Daily mean sea surface Chlorophyll-a concentration in mg.m-3 derived from the multi-sensor, merged, Rrs produced by ESA's OC-CCI project. MORE INFO November 2014 18 of 37 OCEANCOLOUR_GLO_OPTICS_L3_REP_OBSERVATIONS_009_064 Global Ocean, Ocean Optics Products (daily average) Reprocessed (1997-2012) For the Global Ocean- “Optics” products are derived from a combination of SeaWIFS, MODIS-Aqua, and MERIS sensor data. These products include the RRSxxx, which is the daily remote sensing reflectance at xxx nm (expressed in sr-1). The list of spectral values is: 412, 443, 490, 510, 555, and 670 nm. MORE INFO OCEANCOLOUR_ARC_OPTICS_L3_REP_OBSERVATIONS_009_068 Arctic Ocean, Ocean Optics Products (daily average) Reprocessed (1997-2012) For the Arctic Ocean- Plymouth Marine Laboratory is providing Ocean Colour, Climate Change Initiative (OC-CCI) Remote Sensing Reflectances for the MyOcean2 ARC region. These Rrs are derived from SeaWiFS, MODIS-AQUA, and MERIS data covering the period 1997-2013 at 1km resolution. MORE INFO OCEANCOLOUR_ATL_CHL_L3_REP_OBSERVATIONS_009_067 North Atlantic Chlorophyll Concentration from Satellite observations (daily average) Reprocessed (1997-2012) For the North Altlantic area,- the ESA-CCI Remote Sensing Reflectance (Rrs) are used to compute surface Chlorophyll (mg m-3, 1 km resolution) using the regional OC5 and OC488 chlorophyll algorithms. The Rrs are generated by merging the data from SeaWiFS, MODIS-Aqua and MERIS sensors and realigning the spectra to that of the SeaWiFS sensor. The chlorophyll products produced at PML for MyOcean are based on the OC5 algorithm developed by Francis Gohin and others at Ifremer (Gohin, F., et al., 2008.), for case 2 waters, and on the newly developed OC488 developed at PML (Taberner, M., et al, 2014), for case 1 and case 2 waters. MORE INFO November 2014 19 of 37 OCEANCOLOUR_ARC_CHL_L3_REP_OBSERVATIONS_009_069 Arctic Chlorophyll Concentration from Satellite observations (daily average) Reprocessed (1997-2012) For the Arctic area,- the ESA-CCI Remote Sensing Reflectance (Rrs) are used to compute surface Chlorophyll (mg m-3, 1 km resolution) using the regional OC5 and OC488 chlorophyll algorithms. The Rrs are generated by merging the data from SeaWiFS, MODIS-Aqua and MERIS sensors and realigning the spectra to that of the SeaWiFS sensor. The chlorophyll products produced at PML for MyOcean are based on the OC5 algorithm developed by Francis Gohin and others at Ifremer (Gohin, F., et al., 2008.), for case 2 waters, and on the newly developed OC488 developed at PML (Taberner, M., et al, 2014), for case 1 and case 2 waters. MORE INFO OCEANCOLOUR_ATL_OPTICS_L3_REP_OBSERVATIONS_009_066 Pan European Seas, Ocean Optics Products (monthly average) Reprocessed (1997-2010) For the North Atlantic Ocean- Plymouth Marine Laboratory is providing Ocean Colour, Climate Change Initiative (OC-CCI) Remote Sensing Reflectances for the MyOcean2 ATL region. These Rrs are derived from SeaWiFS, MODIS-AQUA, and MERIS data covering the period 1997-2013 at 1km resolution. MORE INFO OCEANCOLOUR_MED_CHL_L3_REP_OBSERVATIONS_009_073 Mediterranean Sea Surface Chlorophyll Concentration from Multi Satellite observations Reprocessed (ESA-CCI) (1997-2012) For the Mediterranean Sea, the ESA-CCI input Remote Sensing Reflectance (Rrs) spectrum is used to compute surface Chlorophyll (mg m-3, 4 km resolution) via regional ocean color algorithm (MedOC4, Volpe et al., 2007). This algorithm was developed and used for near real time, delayed time and re-analysis of SeaWiFS data by the Group for Satellite Oceanography (GOS-ISAC) of the Italian National Research Council (CNR), in Rome. ESA-CCI Rrs results from the merging of SeaWiFS, MODIS-Aqua and MERIS sensors. MORE INFO November 2014 20 of 37 OCEANCOLOUR_BS_CHL_L3_REP_OBSERVATIONS_009_071 Black Sea Surface Chlorophyll Concentration from Multi Satellite observations Reprocessed (ESA-CCI) (1997-2012) For the Black Sea, the ESA-CCI input Remote Sensing Reflectance (Rrs) spectrum is used to compute surface Chlorophyll (mg m-3, 4 km resolution) via regional ocean color algorithm (BSAlg, Kopelevich et al., 2013). BSAlg algorithm is used for near real time, delayed time and re-processed data by the Group for Satellite Oceanography (GOS-ISAC) of the Italian National Research Council (CNR), in Rome. ESA-CCI Rrs results from the merging of SeaWiFS, MODISAqua and MERIS sensors. MORE INFO OCEANCOLOUR_ARC_OPTICS_L3_NRT_OBSERVATIONS_009_046 Arctic Remote Sensing Reflectances, Attenuation Coefficient at 490nm, and inherent optical properties from Satellite observations For the Arctic Ocean- PML's Inherent Optical Properties model, Remote Sensing Reflectances, and attenuation coefficient of light at 490 nm is operationally produced by the Plymouth Marine Laboratory Remote Sensing Group in Plymouth, United Kingdom. Daily products are available in Near Real Time (NRT) and few days after in Delayed Time (DT). DT is of better quality as it uses hindcast meteorological and navigational data. MORE INFO OCEANCOLOUR_ARC_CHL_L3_NRT_OBSERVATIONS_009_047 Arctic Surface Chlorophyll Concentration from Satellite observations For the Arctic Ocean- Cholorophyll is estimated from the OC5 (case 2 waters), developed by Francis Gohin and others at Ifremer (Gohin, F., et al., 2008.), and from the OC488 (case 1 and 2 waters) algorithm developed at PML. Separate chlorophyll products are produced from MODIS and VIIRS data. Daily products are available in Near Real Time (NRT) and few days after in Delayed Time (DT). DT is of better quality as it uses hindcast meteorological and navigational data. MORE INFO OCEANCOLOUR_MED_OPTICS_L4_NRT_OBSERVATIONS_009_039 Mediterranean Sea Monthly and Weekly means of Attenuation Coefficient at 490nm from Satellite observations For the Mediterranean Sea - Diffuse attenuation coefficient of light at 490 nm is operationally produced by the Group for Satellite Oceanography (GOS-ISAC) of the Italian National Research Council, in Rome, for near real time and delayed time data from MODIS-Aqua and NPP-VIIRS sensors. MORE INFO November 2014 21 of 37 OCEANCOLOUR_ATL_OPTICS_L3_NRT_OBSERVATIONS_009_034 North Atlantic Remote Sensing Reflectances, Attenuation Coefficient at 490nm, and inherent optical properties from Satellite observations For the North Atlantic Ocean- PML's Inherent Optical Properties model, Remote Sensing Reflectances, and attenuation coefficient of light at 490 nm is operationally produced by the Plymouth Marine Laboratory Remote Sensing Group in Plymouth, United Kingdom. Daily products are available in Near Real Time (NRT) and few days after in Delayed Time (DT). DT is of better quality as it uses hindcast meteorological and navigational data. MORE INFO OCEANCOLOUR_ATL_CHL_L3_NRT_OBSERVATIONS_009_036 North Atlantic Surface Chlorophyll Concentration from Satellite observations For the North Atlantic Ocean- Cholorophyll is estimated from the OC5 (case 2 waters), developed by Francis Gohin and others at Ifremer (Gohin, F., et al., 2008.), and from the OC488 (case 1 and 2 waters) algorithm developed at PML. Separate chlorophyll products are produced from MODIS and VIIRS data. Daily products are available in Near Real Time (NRT) and few days after in Delayed Time (DT). DT is of better quality as it uses hindcast meteorological and navigational data. MORE INFO OCEANCOLOUR_GLO_OPTICS_L3_NRT_OBSERVATIONS_009_030 Global Ocean, Ocean Optics Products (daily observation) For the Global Ocean- The “Optics” products available at Global level are: #RRSxxx : the fully normalised remote sensing reflectances at xxx nm (expressed in sr-1). The list of spectral values is: 412, 443, 490, 555 and 670 nm. #CDM443: the coloured dissolved and detrital organic materials absorption coefficient at 443nm (expressed in m-1). #BBP443 is the particulate back-scattering coefficient at 443nm (expressed in m1). #KD490 is the diffuse attenuation coefficient at 490nm (expressed in m-1). #ZSD is the Secchi disk depth estimate (expressed in m). Products are available at 4km, 25km or 100km of resolution Additional products are also available: *Chlorophyll-a observation in the dataset OCEANCOLOUR_GLO_CHL_L3_NRT_OBSERVATIONS_009_032. *Optimal Interpolation of the chlorophyll-a observation in the dataset OCEANCOLOUR_GLO_CHL_L4_NRT_OBSERVATIONS_009_033. MORE INFO OCEANCOLOUR_BAL_OPTICS_L3_NRT_OBSERVATIONS_009_048 Baltic Sea, Ocean Colour Optics product (daily observation) For the Baltic Sea- The “Optics” products available over Baltic Sea are: #RRSxxx : the fully normalised remote sensing reflectances at xxx nm (expressed in sr-1). The list of spectral values is: 412, 443, 490, 555 and 670 nm. #CDM443: the coloured dissolved and detrital organic materials absorption coefficient at 443nm (expressed in m-1). #BBP443 is the particulate back-scattering coefficient at 443nm (expressed in m1). #KD490 is the diffuse attenuation coefficient at 490nm (expressed in m-1). #ZSD is the Secchi disk depth estimate (expressed in m). Products are available at 1km of resolution Additional products are also available: *Chlorophyll-a observation in the dataset OCEANCOLOUR_BAL_CHL_L3_NRT_OBSERVATIONS_009_049. MORE INFO November 2014 22 of 37 OCEANCOLOUR_GLO_CHL_L3_NRT_OBSERVATIONS_009_032 Global Ocean, Ocean Colour Chlorophyll (daily observation) For the Global Ocean- The chlorophyll-a observation (expressed in mg/m3) at Global level. Products are available at 4km, 25km or 100km of resolution Additional products are also available: *Optimal Interpolation of The chlorophyll-a observation in the dataset OCEANCOLOUR_GLO_CHL_L4_NRT_OBSERVATIONS_009_033. *“Optics” products (reflectance, CDM, BBP, KD490 and ZSD) in the dataset OCEANCOLOUR_GLO_CHL_L3_NRT_OBSERVATIONS_009_030. MORE INFO OCEANCOLOUR_BAL_CHL_L3_NRT_OBSERVATIONS_009_049 Baltic Sea, Ocean Colour Chlorophyll (daily observation) For the Baltic Sea- The chlorophyll-a observation (expressed in mg/m3) over Baltic Sea. Products are available at 1km of resolution Additional products are also available: *Optimal Interpolation of The chlorophyll-a observation in the dataset OCEANCOLOUR_GLO_CHL_L4_NRT_OBSERVATIONS_009_033. *“Optics” products (reflectance, CDM, BBP, KD490 and ZSD) in the dataset OCEANCOLOUR_GLO_CHL_L3_NRT_OBSERVATIONS_009_030. MORE INFO OCEANCOLOUR_BS_CHL_L4_NRT_OBSERVATIONS_009_045 Black Sea Monthly and Weekly Interpolated means of Surface Chlorophyll Concentration from Satellite observations For the Black Sea - Surface Chlorophyll (mg m-3) is operationally produced using regional ocean color algorithms. The Group for Satellite Oceanography (GOSISAC) of the Italian National Research Council (CNR), in Rome, uses the algorithm developed by Kopelevich et al. (2013, BSAlg) for near real time and delayed time data from MODIS-Aqua and NPP-VIIRS sensors. MORE INFO OCEANCOLOUR_BS_CHL_L3_NRT_OBSERVATIONS_009_044 Black Sea Surface Chlorophyll Concentration from Satellite observations For the Black Sea - Surface Chlorophyll (mg m-3, 1 km resolution) is operationally produced using regional ocean color algorithms. The Group for Satellite Oceanography (GOS-ISAC) of the Italian National Research Council (CNR), in Rome, uses the algorithm developed by Kopelevich et al. (2013, BSAlg) for near real time and delayed time data from MODIS-Aqua and NPPVIIRS sensors. MORE INFO November 2014 23 of 37 OCEANCOLOUR_ATL_CHL_L4_NRT_OBSERVATIONS_009_037 North Atlantic Chlorophyll (Optimal Interpolation) For the North Atlantic Ocean- The Optimal Interpolation product of chlorophyll-a (chl-a) observation (expressed in mg/m3) over the Atlantic. Products are available at 1km of resolution. This product is an estimation of the daily cloudless fields of chl-a. Daily products are available in Near Real Time (NRT) and few days after in Delayed Time (DT), with this time a better estimation of the continuous daily chl-a fields as the number of available observations is more important (some artifacts caused by the lack of data may appear in some regions on the NRT product). MORE INFO OCEANCOLOUR_BS_OPTICS_L4_NRT_OBSERVATIONS_009_043 Black Sea Monthly and Weekly means of Attenuation Coefficient at 490nm from Satellite observation For the Black Sea – Diffuse attenuation coefficient of light at 490 nm is operationally produced by the Group for Satellite Oceanography (GOS-ISAC) of the Italian National Research Council, in Rome, for near real time and delayed time data from MODIS-Aqua and NPP-VIIRS sensors. MORE INFO OCEANCOLOUR_MED_CHL_L4_NRT_OBSERVATIONS_009_041 Mediterranean Sea Monthly and Weekly Interpolated means of Surface Chlorophyll Concentration from Satellite observations For the Mediterranean Sea - Surface Chlorophyll (mg m-3, 1 km resolution) is operationally produced using regional ocean color algorithms. The Group for Satellite Oceanography (GOS-ISAC) of the Italian National Research Council (CNR), in Rome, uses an updated version of the algorithm reported in Santoleri et al. (2008) for case 1 waters for near real time and delayed time data from MODIS-Aqua and NPP-VIIRS sensors. MORE INFO November 2014 24 of 37 OCEANCOLOUR_MED_CHL_L3_NRT_OBSERVATIONS_009_040 Mediterranean Sea Surface Chlorophyll Concentration from Satellite observations For the Mediterranean Sea - Surface Chlorophyll (mg m-3, 1 km resolution) is operationally produced using regional ocean color algorithms. The Group for Satellite Oceanography (GOS-ISAC) of the Italian National Research Council (CNR), in Rome, uses an updated version of the algorithm reported in Santoleri et al. (2008) for case 1 waters for near real time and delayed time data from MODIS-Aqua and NPP-VIIRS sensors. MORE INFO OCEANCOLOUR_GLO_CHL_L4_NRT_OBSERVATIONS_009_033 Global Ocean, Ocean Colour Chlorophyll (Optimal Interpolation) For the Global Ocean- The Optimal Interpolation product of chlorophyll-a (chl-a) observation (expressed in mg/m3, 4km) at Global level. Products are available at 4km of resolution. This product is an estimation of the daily cloudless fields of chl-a. Daily products are available in Near Real Time (NRT) and few days after in Delayed Time (DT), with this time a better estimation of the continuous daily chl-a fields as the number of available observations is more important (some artifacts caused by the lack of data may appear in some regions on the NRT product). MORE INFO OCEANCOLOUR_BS_OPTICS_L3_NRT_OBSERVATIONS_009_042 Black Sea Remote Sensing Reflectances and Attenuation Coefficient at 490nm from Satellite observations For the Black Sea - Remote Sensing Reflectances and diffuse attenuation coefficient of light at 490 nm is operationally produced by the Group for Satellite Oceanography (GOS-ISAC) of the Italian National Research Council, in Rome, for near real time and delayed time data from MODIS-Aqua and NPP-VIIRS sensors. MORE INFO OCEANCOLOUR_MED_OPTICS_L3_NRT_OBSERVATIONS_009_038 Mediterranean Sea Remote Sensing Reflectances and Attenuation Coefficient at 490nm from Satellite observations For the Mediterranean Sea - Remote Sensing Reflectances and diffuse attenuation coefficient of light at 490 nm is operationally produced by the Group for Satellite Oceanography (GOS-ISAC) of the Italian National Research Council, in Rome, for near real time and delayed time data from MODIS-Aqua and NPPVIIRS sensors. MORE INFO November 2014 25 of 37 Sea Surface Temperature SST_ARC_SST_L4_NRT_OBSERVATIONS_010_008_b Arctic Ocean High resolution Sea Surface Temperature Analysis. For The Arctic Ocean- The MET.NO Sea Surface Temperature analysis aims at providing daily gap-free maps of sea surface temperature, referred as L4 product, at 0.03deg. x 0.03deg. horizontal resolution, using satellite data from infra-red (and microwave radiometers. It is the sea surface temperature operational nominal product for the Arctic. MORE INFO SST_BAL_SST_L4_REP_OBSERVATIONS_010_016 Baltic Sea- Sea Surface Temperature Reprocessed (1982-2009) For the Baltic Sea- The DMI Sea Surface Temperature reprocessed analysis aims at providing daily gap-free maps of sea surface temperature, referred as L4 product, at 0.03deg. x 0.03deg. horizontal resolution, using satellite data from infra-red radiometers. MORE INFO SST_NWS_SST_L4_NRT_OBSERVATIONS_010_003 Atlantic European North West Shelf Ocean - ODYSSEA Sea Surface Temperature Analysis For the Atlantic European North West Shelf Ocean- The ODYSSEA NWS Sea Surface Temperature analysis aims at providing daily gap-free maps of sea surface temperature, referred as L4 product, at 0.02deg x 0.02deg horizontal resolution, using satellite data from both infra-red and micro-wave radiometers. It is the sea surface temperature operational nominal product for the Northwest Shelf Sea. MORE INFO November 2014 26 of 37 SST_GLO_SST_L3S_NRT_OBSERVATIONS_010_010 Global Ocean Sea Surface Temperature L3 Observations For the Global Ocean- Sea Surface Temperature L3 Observations MORE INFO SST_BAL_SST_L4_NRT_OBSERVATIONS_010_007_b Baltic Sea- Sea Surface Temperature Analysis For the Baltic Sea- The DMI Sea Surface Temperature analysis aims at providing daily gap-free maps of sea surface temperature, referred as L4 product, at 0.02deg. x 0.02deg. horizontal resolution, using satellite data from infra-red and microwave radiometers. MORE INFO SST_EUR_SST_L3C_NRT_OBSERVATIONS_010_009_b European Ocean- Sea Surface Temperature Mono-Sensor L3 Observations For the European Ocean- Sea Surface Temperature Mono-Sensor L3 Observations. MORE INFO SST_EUR_SST_L3S_NRT_OBSERVATIONS_010_009_a European Ocean- Sea Surface Temperature Multi-Sensor L3 Observations For The European Ocean- The L3 multi-sensor (supercollated) product is built from bias-corrected L3 mono-sensor (collated) products at the resolution 0.02 degrees. If the native collated resolution is N and N < 0.02 the change (degradation) of resolution is done by averaging the best quality data. If N > 0.02 the collated data are associated to the nearest neighbour without interpolation nor artificial increase of the resolution. MORE INFO SST_MED_SST_L4_NRT_OBSERVATIONS_010_004 Mediterranean Sea High Resolution and Ultra High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature Analysis For the Mediterranean Sea- The CNR MED Sea Surface Temperature provides daily gap-free maps (L4) at 0.0625deg. x 0.0625deg. horizontal resolution over the Mediterranean Sea. The data are obtained from infra-red measurements collected by satellite radiometers and statistical interpolation. It is the MyOcean sea surface temperature nominal operational product for the Mediterranean Sea. MORE INFO November 2014 27 of 37 SST_GLO_SST_L4_NRT_OBSERVATIONS_010_005 Global Ocean Sea Surface Temperature Multi Product Ensemble (GMPE) For The Global Ocean- The GHRSST Multi-Product Ensemble (GMPE) system has been implemented at the UK Met Office which takes inputs from various analysis production centres on a routine basis and produces ensemble products at 0.25deg.x0.25deg. horizontal resolution. MORE INFO SST_GLO_SST_L4_NRT_OBSERVATIONS_010_001 Global Ocean OSTIA Sea Surface Temperature and Sea Ice Analysis For the Global Ocean- the OSTIA global Sea Surface Temperature product provides daily gap-free maps of: *Sea Surface Temperature at 0.05° x 0.05° horizontal resolution, using in-situ and satellite data from both infra-red and micro-wave radiometers. *Sea Surface Temperature anomaly from the Pathfinder climatology at 0.25° x 0.25° horizontal resolution. *Estimates of SST bias in each of the satellites contributing to the OSTIA SST analysis at 0.25° x 0.25° horizontal resolution. Monthly and seasonal means of the daily Sea Surface Temperature product at 0.25° x 0.25° horizontal resolution are also available. MORE INFO SST_BS_SST_L3S_NRT_OBSERVATIONS_010_013 Black Sea - High Resolution and Ultra High Resolution L3S Sea Surface Temperature For the Black Sea- The L3S data consist of supercollated(merged-multisensor) L3P SST data remapped over the Black Sea, at high (HR=1/16 deg.) and Ultra High (UHR=0.01°) spatial resolution, representative of night SST values (00:00 UTC). The L3S data are produced selecting only the highest quality input data from input L2P images within a strict temporal window (local nightime), to avoid diurnal cycle and cloud contamination. Consequently, the L3S processing is run daily, but L3S files are produced only if valid SST measurements are present on the area considered. MORE INFO SST_MED_SST_L3S_NRT_OBSERVATIONS_010_012 Mediterranean Sea - High Resolution and Ultra High Resolution L3S Sea Surface Temperature For the Mediterranean Sea- The L3S data consist of supercollated (mergedmultisensor) L3P SST data remapped over the Mediterranean Sea at high (HR=1/16 deg.) spatial resolution, representative of night SST values (00:00 UTC). The L3S data are produced selecting only the highest quality input data from input L2P images within a strict temporal window (local nightime), to avoid diurnal cycle and cloud contamination. Consequently, the L3S processing is run daily, but L3S files are produced only if valid SST measurements are present on the area considered. MORE INFO November 2014 28 of 37 SST_BS_SST_L4_NRT_OBSERVATIONS_010_006 Black Sea High Resolution and Ultra High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature Analysis For the Black Sea- The CNR BS Sea Surface Temperature provides daily gapfree maps (L4) at 0.0625° x 0.0625° horizontal resolution over the Black Sea. The data are obtained from infra-red measurements collected by satellite radiometers and statistical interpolation. It is the MyOcean sea surface temperature nominal operational product for the Black Sea. MORE INFO SST_EUR_SST_L4_NRT_OBSERVATIONS_010_018 European Ocean- Sea Surface Temperature Multi Sensor L4 threehourly Observations For the European Ocean- the L4 multi-sensor three-hourly (day and night) satellite product is a 2km horizontal resolution subskin sea surface temperature analysis which contains the diurnal warming signal. MORE INFO SST_GLO_SST_L4_REP_OBSERVATIONS_010_011 Global Ocean OSTIA Sea Surface Temperature and Sea Ice Reprocessed (1985-2007) For the Global Ocean- The OSTIA global Sea Surface Temperature Reanalysis product provides daily gap-free maps of: *Foundation sea surface temperature (referred to as an L4 product) at 0.05deg.x 0.05deg. horizontal resolution, using in-situ and satellite data from infra-red radiometers. *Sea Surface Temperature anomaly from the Pathfinder climatology at 0.25° x 0.25° horizontal resolution. This product provides the foundation Sea Surface Temperature, which is the temperature free of diurnal variability. Monthly and seasonal means of the daily Sea Surface Temperature product at 0.25° x 0.25° horizontal resolution are also available. MORE INFO SST_MED_SST_L4_REP_OBSERVATIONS_010_021 Mediterranean Sea - High Resolution L4 Sea Surface Temperature Reprocessed (1981-2012) For the Mediterranean Sea- the CNR has reprocessed Pathfinder V5.2 (PFV52) AVHRR data over period Nov 1981-Dec 2012 to provide with daily gap-free maps (L4) at the original PFV52 resolution at 0.0417° x 0.0417°. The data are interpolated through an Optimal Interpolation algorithm. MORE INFO November 2014 29 of 37 SST_BS_SST_L4_REP_OBSERVATIONS_010_022 Black Sea - High Resolution L4 Sea Surface Temperature Reprocessed (1981-2012) For the Black Sea- the CNR has reprocessed Pathfinder V5.2 (PFV52) AVHRR data over period Nov 1981-Dec 2012 to provide daily gap-free maps (L4) at the original PFV52 resolution at 0.0417° x 0.0417°. The data are interpolated through an Optimal Interpolation algorithm. MORE INFO Sea Ice SEAICE_GLO_SEAICE_REP_OBSERVATIONS_011_009 Global Ocean Sea Ice Concentration Time Series REPROCESSED (1978-2009) The reprocessed sea ice concentration dataset of the EUMETSAT OSI SAF (OSI-409), covering the period from October 1978 to October 2009 (SMMR and SSM/I). Ice concentration is computed from atmospherically corrected SSM/I brightness temperatures, using a combination of state-of-the-art algorithms and dynamic tie-points. It includes error-bars for each grid cell (uncertainties). Version 1 of the dataset was released early 2010. MORE INFO SEAICE_ARC_SEAICE_REP_OBSERVATIONS_011_010 Arctic Ocean Sea Ice Drift REPROCESSED (1999-ongoing) (old v4.0) Arctic sea ice drift dataset at 3, 6 and 30 day lag during winter MORE INFO SEAICE_ANT_SEAICE_L4_NRT_OBSERVATIONS_011_012 Antarctic Ocean - Sea Ice Edge from SAR For the Antarctic Ocean - The British Antarctic Survey (BAS) produces near real time gridded ice edge position information obtained by manual interpretation of RADARSAT ScanSAR Wide mode data and CosmoSkymed ScanSAR HUGEREGION using an ArcGIS system. The nominal temporal span between interpreted swaths is 24hours, the nominal product grid resolution is 1km. MORE INFO November 2014 30 of 37 SEAICE_ARC_SEAICE_L4_NRT_OBSERVATIONS_011_002 Arctic Ocean - Sea Ice Concentration Charts - Svalbard For the Arctic Ocean - The operational sea ice service at provides ice charts of the Arctic area from east Greenland to Novaja Semlja. The charts are produced every weekday and show the ice concentration in WMO defined concentration intervals. MORE INFO SEAICE_ARC_SEAICE_L4_NRT_OBSERVATIONS_011_005 Arctic Ocean – High Resolution Sea Ice Edge Arctic high-resolution ice edge map at 1 day interval. MORE INFO SEAICE_GLO_SEAICE_L4_NRT_OBSERVATIONS_011_006 Global Ocean - High Resolution SAR Sea Ice Drift DTU Space produces polar covering Near Real Time gridded ice displacement fields obtained by MCC processing of Envisat ASAR WSM swath data or RADARSAT ScanSAR Wide mode data . The nominal temporal span between processed swaths is 24hours, the nominal product grid resolution is a 10km. MORE INFO SEAICE_BAL_SEAICE_L4_NRT_OBSERVATIONS_011_011 Baltic Sea - SAR Sea Ice Thickness and Drift For the Baltic Sea - The operational sea ice service at FMI provides ice parameters over the Baltic Sea. The products are based on SAR images and are poduced on pass-by-pass basis during the Baltic Sea ice season, and show the ice thickness and drift in a 500 m grid. MORE INFO SEAICE_ARC_SEAICE_L4_NRT_OBSERVATIONS_011_003 Arctic Ocean – Sea Ice Charts – Greenland For Greenland waters - The operational sea ice service at DMI provides ice charts of the sea ice area around Greenland. Charts are produced at irregular intervals daily and show the ice concentration in WMO defined ice concentration intervals. A supplemental overview product is produced twice weekly. MORE INFO November 2014 31 of 37 SEAICE_BAL_SEAICE_L4_NRT_OBSERVATIONS_011_004 Baltic Sea - Sea Ice Concentration and Thickness Charts For the Baltic Sea- The operational sea ice service at FMI provides ice parameters over the Baltic Sea. The parameters are based on ice chart produced on daily basis during the Baltic Sea ice season and show the ice concentration in a 1 km grid. Ice thickness chart (ITC) is a product based on the most recent available ice chart (IC) and a SAR image.The SAR data is used to update the ice information in the IC. The ice regions in the IC are updated according to a SAR segmentation and new ice thickness values are assigned to each SAR segment based on the SAR backscattering and the ice IC thickness range at that location. MORE INFO SEAICE_ARC_SEAICE_L4_NRT_OBSERVATIONS_011_007 Arctic Ocean - SAR Sea Ice Berg Concentration The iceberg product describes iceberg concencentration as number of icebergs counted within 10x10 km grid cells. The product is derived by applying a Constant False Alarm Rate (CFAR) algorithm on data from Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR)satellite sensors. MORE INFO SEAICE_GLO_SEAICE_L4_NRT_OBSERVATIONS_011_001 Global Ocean - Arctic and Antarctic - Sea Ice Concentration, Edge, Type and Drift For the Global - Arctic and Antarctic - Ocean. The OSI SAF delivers three global sea ice products in operational mode: sea ice concentration, sea ice edge, sea ice type (OSI-401 OSI-402 and OSI-403). These products are delivered daily at 10km resolution in a polar stereographic projection covering the Northern Hemisphere and the Southern Hemisphere. It is the Sea Ice operational nominal product for the Global Ocean. In addition, a sea ice drift product is delivered at 60km resolution in a polar stereographic projection covering the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. The sea ice motion vectors have a time-span of 2 days. MORE INFO Wind WIND_GLO_WIND_L4_CLIM_OBSERVATIONS_012_003 Global Ocean Wind Observations Climatology REPROCESSED (Monthly means) (2007-2012) For the Global Ocean- The IFREMER CERSAT surface wind climatology Fields include wind components (meridional and zonal), wind module, wind stress. They are estimated from ASCAT retrievals. The analyses are estimated as monthly averaged data over global ocean with spatial resolution of 0.25x0.25 degrees in latitude and longitude, They are available since April 2007. MORE INFO November 2014 32 of 37 WIND_GLO_WIND_L4_NRT_OBSERVATIONS_012_004 Global Ocean Wind L4 Near real Time 6 hourly Observations For the Global Ocean- The IFREMER CERSAT Global Blended Mean Wind Fields include wind components (meridional and zonal), wind module, wind stress. The associated error estimates are also provided. They are estimated from scatterometers ASCAT and OSCAT retrievals and from ECMWF operational wind analysis with a horizontal resolution of 0.25x0.25 degrees and 6 hours in time, and available at synoptic time 00h:00; 06h:00; 12h:00; 18h:00 since January, 1st 2013. MORE INFO WIND_GLO_WIND_L4_NRT_OBSERVATIONS_012_001 Global Ocean Wind Observations For the Global Ocean- The IFREMER CERSAT Global Blended Mean Wind Fields include wind components (meridional and zonal), wind module, wind stress. The associated error estimates are also provided. They are estimated from satellite observations (QuikSCAT and ASCAT scatterometers and SSM/I radiometers) and from ECMWF operational wind analysis with a horizontal resolution of 0.25x0.25 degrees and 6 hours in time, and available at synoptic time 00h:00; 06h:00; 12h:00; 18h:00 from the 1st April 2004 up to the 22th November 2009. MORE INFO WIND_GLO_WIND_L3_NRT_OBSERVATIONS_012_002 Global Ocean Daily Gridded Sea Surface Winds from Scatterometer For the Global Ocean- The product contains daily gridded sea surface wind observations from the ASCAT scatterometers on board METOP-A and METOP-B with two resolutions, i.e. 0.25 degrees based on 25 km scatterometer observations, and 0.125 degrees based on 12.5 km scatterometer observations, i.e., from the coastal product. The product also contains gridded data from OSCAT on Oceansat-2 with a resolution of 50 km. Data from ascending and descending passes are gridded separately. MORE INFO In Situ INSITU_GLO_TS_OA_NRT_OBSERVATIONS_013_002_a Global Ocean- Real time in-situ observations objective analysis For the Global Ocean- Gridded objective analysis fields of temperature and salinity using profiles from the in-situ near real time database are produced monthly, and daily for the last 30 days. Objective analysis is based on a statistical estimation method that allows presenting a synthesis and a validation of the dataset, providing a support for localized experience (cruises), providing a validation source for operational models, observing seasonal cycle and interannual variability. MORE INFO November 2014 33 of 37 INSITU_ARC_NRT_OBSERVATIONS_013_031 Arctic Ocean- In Situ Near Real Time Observations For the Arctic Oceans- The In Situ Thematic Assembly Centre (INS TAC) integrates near real-time in situ observation data. These data are collected from the Arctic ROOS members and complemented by the observation collected by the Global INS TAC in the area. The data are quality controlled using automated procedures. It is updated continuously and provides observations within 24-48 hours from acquisition in average. MORE INFO INSITU_GLO_TS_OA_REP_OBSERVATIONS_013_002_b Global Ocean- Delayed Mode gridded CORA- In-situ Observations objective analysis in Delayed Mode (1990-2012) For the Global Ocean- Gridded objective analysis fields of temperature and salinity using profiles from the reprocessed in-situ global product CORA (INSITU_GLO_TS_REP_OBSERVATIONS_013_001_b) using the ISAS software. Objective analysis is based on a statistical estimation method that allows presenting a synthesis and a validation of the dataset, providing a validation source for operational models, observing seasonal cycle and interannual variability. MORE INFO INSITU_IBI_TS_REP_OBSERVATIONS_013_040 Atlantic Iberian Biscay- In-situ Observations Yearly Delivery in Delayed Mode (1990-2012) For the IBI Seas- In-situ observation yearly delivery in delayed mode. The In Situ delayed mode product designed for reanalysis purposes integrates the best available version of in situ data for temperature and salinity measurements. These data are collected from national observing systems operated by IBI ROOS members (IBI-ROOS), scientific cruises from SeaDataNet NODCs. It is updated on a yearly basis. This product is delivered by authenticated FTP and is elaborated jointly with the SeaDataNet2 project. MORE INFO INSITU_BAL_TS_REP_OBSERVATIONS_013_038 Baltic- In-situ Observations Yearly Delivery in Delayed Mode (19902012) For the Baltic Sea- In-situ observation yearly delivery in delayed mode. The In Situ delayed mode product designed for reanalysis purposes integrates the best available version of in situ data for temperature and salinity measurements. These data are collected from national observing systems operated by Baltic ROOS members (BOOS), scientific cruises from SeaDataNet NODCs. It is updated on a yearly basis. This product is delivered by authenticated FTP and is elaborated jointly with the SeaDataNet2 project. MORE INFO November 2014 34 of 37 INSITU_BAL_NRT_OBSERVATIONS_013_032 Baltic Sea- In Situ Near Real Time Observations For the Baltic Sea- The In Situ Thematic Assembly Centre (INS TAC) integrates near real-time in situ observation data. These data are collected from the BOOS members and complemented by the observation collected by the Global INS TAC in the area. The data are quality controlled using automated procedures. It is updated continuously and provides observations with 24-48 hours from acquisition in average MORE INFO INSITU_IBI_NRT_OBSERVATIONS_013_033 Atlantic Iberian Biscay Irish Ocean- In-Situ Near Real Time Observations For the Iberia-Biscay-Ireland seas- The In Situ Thematic Assembly Centre (INS TAC) integrates near real-time in situ observation data. These data are collected from the IBI-ROOS members and complemented by the observation collected by the Global INS TAC in the area. The data are quality controlled using automated procedures. It is updated continuously and provides observations with 24-48 hours from acquisition in average. MORE INFO INSITU_MED_NRT_OBSERVATIONS_013_035 Mediterranean Sea- In-Situ Near Real Time Observations For the Mediterranean Sea- The In Situ Thematic Assembly Centre (INS TAC) integrates near real-time in situ observation data. These data are collected from the MONGOOS members and complemented by the observation collected by the Global INS TAC in the area. The data are quality controlled using automated procedures. It is updated continuously and provides observations with 24-48 hours from acquisition in average. MORE INFO November 2014 35 of 37 INSITU_MED_TS_REP_OBSERVATIONS_013_041 Mediterranean- In-situ Observations Yearly Delivery in Delayed Mode (1990-2012) For the Mediterranean Sea- In-situ observation yearly delivery in delayed mode. The In Situ delayed mode product designed for reanalysis purposes integrates the best available version of in situ data for temperature and salinity measurements. These data are collected from national observing systems operated by Mediterranean ROOS members (MONGOOS), scientific cruises from SeaDataNet NODCs. It is updated on a yearly basis. This product is delivered by authenticated FTP and is elaborated jointly with the SeaDataNet2 project. MORE INFO INSITU_BS_TS_REP_OBSERVATIONS_013_042 Black Sea- In-situ Observations Yearly Delivery in Delayed Mode (1990-2012) For the Black Sea- In-situ observation yearly delivery in delayed mode. The In Situ delayed mode product designed for reanalysis purposes integrates the best available version of in situ data for temperature and salinity measurements. These data are collected from national observing systems operated by Black Sea GOOS members, scientific cruises from SeaDataNet NODCs completed by main global networks (Argo, GOSUD, OceanSITES, World Ocean Database). It is updated on a yearly basis. This product is delivered by authenticated FTP and is elaborated jointly with the SeaDataNet2 project. MORE INFO INSITU_NWS_TS_REP_OBSERVATIONS_013_043 Atlantic-European North West Shelf- In-situ Observations Yearly Delivery in Delayed Mode (1990-2012) For the NWS seas- In-situ observation yearly delivery in delayed mode. The In Situ delayed mode product designed for reanalysis purposes integrates the best available version of in situ data for temperature and salinity measurements. These data are collected from national observing systems operated by NWS ROOS members (NOOS), scientific cruises from SeaDataNet NODCs. It is updated on a yearly basis. This product is delivered by authenticated FTP and is elaborated jointly with the SeaDataNet2 project. MORE INFO INSITU_NWS_NRT_OBSERVATIONS_013_036 Atlantic- European North West Shelf- Ocean In-Situ Near Real Time observations For the Northwest-Shelf area the In Situ Thematic Assembly Centre (INS TAC) integrates near real-time in-situ observation data. These data are collected from the NOOS members and complemented by observations collected by the Global INS TAC. The data are quality controlled using automated procedures and the portal is updated hourly MORE INFO November 2014 36 of 37 INSITU_GLO_NRT_OBSERVATIONS_013_030 Global Ocean- In-Situ Near-Real-Time Observations For the Global Ocean- The In Situ Thematic Assembly Centre (INS TAC) integrates near real-time in situ in situ observation data. These data are collected from main global networks (Argo, GOSUD, OceanSITES, GTS) completed by European data provided by EUROGOOS regional systems and national data providers assembled by the In Situ TAC regional components. The data are quality controlled using automated procedures and assessed using statistical analysis residuals. It is updated continuously and provides observations with 2448 hours from acquisition in average. MORE INFO INSITU_BS_NRT_OBSERVATIONS_013_034 Black Sea- In-Situ Near Real Time Observations For the Black Sea- The In Situ Thematic Assembly Centre (INS TAC) integrates near real-time in situ observation data. These data are collected from the Black Sea GOOS members and complemented by the observation collected by the Global INS TAC in the area. The data are quality controlled using automated procedures. It is updated continuously and provides observations with 24-48 hours from acquisition in average. MORE INFO INSITU_GLO_TS_REP_OBSERVATIONS_013_001_b Global Ocean- CORA- In-situ Observations Yearly Delivery in Delayed Mode (1990-2012) For the Global Ocean- In-situ observation yearly delivery in delayed mode. The In Situ delayed mode product designed for reanalysis purposes integrates the best available version of in situ data for temperature and salinity measurements. These data are collected from main global networks (Argo, GOSUD, OceanSITES, World Ocean Database) completed by European data provided by EUROGOOS regional systems and national system by the regional INS TAC components. It is updated on a yearly basis. MORE INFO INSITU_ARC_TS_REP_OBSERVATIONS_013_037 Arctic- In-situ Observations Yearly Delivery in Delayed Mode (19902012) For the Arctic Oceans- In-situ observation yearly delivery in delayed mode. The In Situ delayed mode product designed for reanalysis purposes integrates the best available version of in situ data for temperature and salinity measurements. These data are collected from national observing systems operated by Arctic ROOS members, scientific cruises from SeaDataNet NODCs completed by main global networks (Argo, GOSUD, OceanSITES, World Ocean Database). It is updated on a yearly basis. This product is delivered by authenticated FTP and is elaborated jointly with the SeaDataNet2 project. MORE INFO November 2014 37 of 37 N -O W O LL FO [email protected] [email protected]
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