PROGRAMM/PROGRAM Internationaler Kongress für Kinderphilosophie International Conference on Philosophy for Children: Kosmopolitanismus und Identität/Cosmopolitanism and Identity 13. - 16. Oktober 2016/October 13 - 16 Meerscheinschlössl der Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz Mozartgasse 3 A-8010 Graz Simultanübersetzung Deutsch/Englisch Donnerstag, 13. Oktober 17.00-19.00 Simultaneous Translation German/English Thursday, October 13 Anmeldung, Zusammenkunft Registration, Gathering Meerscheinschlössl der Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz Mozartgasse 3, 8010 Graz/Austria Freitag, 14. Oktober Friday, October 14 09.30-10.00 Opening and Welcoming Eröffnung, Begrüßung und Einführung Leitung/Chair: Daniela G. Camhy (Graz/Austria) 10.00-10.30 Lukas Meyer (Graz/Austria): “Cosmopolitan Communities” 10.30-11.00 Laurance Splitter (Melbourne/Australia): “Transcending the Contingencies: Underscoring the Case for Philosophy and Philosophy for Children” 11.00-11.30 Pause Break Leitung/Chair: Arie Kizel (Haifa/Israel) 11.30-12.00 Nicole Decostre (Mons/Belgium): “The Philosophical Community of Inquiry - an Atelier for a Cosmopolitan Identity” 12.00-12.30 Elena Theodoropoulou (Rhodes/Greece), Mania Monioudi (Rhodes/Greece): “Stoïc oikeiôsis, Critical Thinking & Philosophical Education” 12.30-14.00 Mittagessen Lunch Leitung/Chair: Nicole Decostre (Mons/Belgium) 14.00-14.30 Valentin Vandyshev (Sumy/Ukraine), Helena Perelomova (Sumy/Ukraine): “Identity in the Context of Globalization and Cosmopolitanism” 14.30-15.00 Lorenz Festin (Manila/Philippinnes): “Aristotle’s Pedagogy and the Task of Securing Human Individuality in a Globalized World” 15.00-15.30 Daniela G. Camhy (Graz/Austria): “Reflective Cosmopolitanism, Democracy and Dialogue” 15.30-16.00 Pause Break Leitung/Chair: Laurance Splitter (Melbourne/Australia) 16.00-16.30 Maria de los Angeles Alvarez Laso (Sola/Norway): “Philosophy for Children in Polilingual Context: Adel Alas Community of Inquiry in Rogaland´s Libraries with Cosmos-ID Program.” 16.30-17.00 Ivana Zagorac (Zagreb/Croatia): “Vulnerability, the Self, and the Other” 17.00-17.30 Barbara Reiter (Graz/Austria): “Cosmopolitanism and Nature” 17.30-18.00 Manjulika Ghosh (North Bengal/India): “The Child and the School” 19.00 Empfang beim Bürgermeister der Stadt Graz/Reception at the Mayor of Graz Rathaus/Townhall – Hauptplatz 1, A-8010 Graz/Austria Samstag 15. Oktober Saturday, October 15 Leitung/Chair: Ivana Zagorac (Zagreb/Croatia) 09.00-09.30 Harald Stelzer (Graz/Austria): “Critical Dualism, Cultural Particularism and the Clash of Cultures” 09.30-10.00 Arie Kizel (Haifa/Israel): “The Concept of ‘Continuous Life’ in Philosophical Communities of Inquiry” 10.00-10.30 Yuka Nakai (Hiroshima/Japan), Satoshi Higuchi (Hiroshima/Japan): “Aesthetics for Children: Reading Poetry and Painting” 10.30-11.00 Pause Break Leitung/Chair: Harald Stelzer (Graz/Austria) 11.00-11.30 Gianluigi Segalerba (Vienna/Austria): „Das Recht, Rechte zu haben. Anmerkungen zum Werk von Seyla Benhabib“ 11.30-12.00 Thomas Sukopp (Siegen/Germany), Christian Prust (Siegen/Germany): „Ist Moral lehrbar? – Philosophieren mit Kindern als Unterrichtsprinzip am Beispiel der Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung (BNE)“ 12.00-14.00 Mittagessen Lunch Leitung/Chair: Gianluigi Segalerba (Vienna/Austria) 14.00-14.30 Jerwin Agpaoa (Diliman/Philippines): “Teaching Cosmopolitanism and Identity to a Community of Inquiry in Light of Aristotle’s Golden Mean, Practical Wisdom and Proper Self-Love” 14.30-15.00 Karitsa Anika C. Arevalo (Ehime/Japan): “Cosmopolitanism as a Model for Esthetic Learning Experience in Japan“ 15.00-15.30 German Melikhov (Kazan/Russia): “Reflection and Shift: L. Wittgenstein on Therapy by Philosophizing” 15.30-16.00 Pause Break Leitung/Chair Maria de los Angeles Alvarez Laso (Sola/Norway) 16.00-16.30 Bernhard Heiden (Villach/Austria): „Sokratischer Dialog im kosmopolitischen und Identität stiftenden Kontext Praxisbeispiel gezeigt an Hand des Techcamp der FH Kärnten“ 16.30-17.00 Leander P. Marquez (Diliman/Philippines): “Critical Thinking in Philippine Education: What We Have and What We Need” 18.30 Konzert-Programm “The path you choose” Gesang: SHEENA THIEL-SMITH Am Flügel: ALEKSEY VYLEGZHANIN Anschließend Empfang der Steiermärkischen Landesregierung Reception of the Government of the Land of Styria Meerscheinschlössl, Mozartgasse 3, 8010 Graz/Austria Sonntag, 16. Oktober Sunday, October 16 09.00-11.00 City Tour Departure Stadtrundgang Abreise Post Conference Workshop Sonntag, 16. Oktober bis Dienstag, 18. Oktober 2016 • Sunday, October 16 to Tuesday, October 18, 2016 Beginn des Workshops 16. Oktober, 15:00 Uhr • Workshop Beginning at 3:00pm, October 16, 2016 Ende des Workshops 18. Oktober, 15:00 Uhr • Workshop Ending at 3:00pm, October 18, 2016 Ort • Held at ACPC Austrian Center of Philosophy with Children, Karmeliterplatz 2, Graz Austria Leitung • Workshop Directors Dr. Laurance Splitter (Melbourne/Australia) Professor of Philosophy and Education Dr. Daniela G. Camhy (Graz/Austria) Director of the Austrian Center of Philosophy for Children Information • Organisation Institut für Kinder- und Jugendphilosophie ACPC Austrian Center of Philosophy with Children Tel: +43 (0) 316 90 370 201 Fax: +43 (0) 316 90 370 202 E-Mail: [email protected] Homepage:
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