HYDEL ® PC7 - Halbzeuge Chemis c he B ez eic hnung PC (Polycarbonat) Farbe schwarz Dic ht e 1,2 g/cm3 Haupt merk male static dissipative gute Dimensionsbeständigkeit gute mechanische Eigenschaften minimal sloughing Zielindus t rien Computertechnik Elektronik Explosionsschutz Elektronikschutz Zus ät z e Kohlenstoffnanofasern Me ch a n i s ch e Ei g e n s ch a fte n We rt Ei n h e i t N o rm Ko m m e n ta r Zug-Elastizitätsmodul 333,000 psi ASTM D 638 (1) @ 10% strain Zugfestigkeit 9,000 psi ASTM D 638 Streckdehnung 8 % ASTM D 638 Biegefestigkeit 10,800 psi ASTM D 790 Biege-Elastizitätsmodul 340,000 psi ASTM D 790 Druckfestigkeit 12,300 psi ASTM D 695 Schlagzähigkeit (Izod) 1.2 ft-lbs/in ASTM D 256 We rt Ei n h e i t N o rm Th e rm i s ch e Ei g e n s ch a fte n Me s s -Pa ra m e te r Me s s -Pa ra m e te r Ko m m e n ta r Formbeständigkeitstemperatur 280 °F ASTM D 648 Einsatztemperatur 260 °F - Wärmeausdehnung (CLTE) 3.7 *10 -5 in/in/°F ASTM D 696 El e ktri s ch e Ei g e n s ch a fte n Me s s -Pa ra m e te r spezifischer Oberflächenwiderstand 1) We rt Ei n h e i t N o rm 10 5 - 10 7 Ω/square ASTM D 257 Ko m m e n ta r So n s ti g e Ei g e n s ch a fte n Me s s -Pa ra m e te r We rt Ei n h e i t N o rm Feuchtigkeitsaufnahme @ 24 hrs, 73 °F 0.15 % ASTM D 570 Ko m m e n ta r Resin specification: Ensinger Internal Specification Shapes specification: This information reflec ts the c urrent state of our knowledge and is intended only to assist and advise. It is given without obligation or liability. It does not assure or guarantee c hemic al resistanc e, quality of produc ts or their suitability in any legally binding way. Values are not minimum or maximum values, but guidelines that c an be used for c omparative purposes in material selec tion. They are within the normal range of produc t properties and do not represent guaranteed property values. Testing under individual applic ation c irc umstanc es is always rec ommended. Data is obtained from extruded shapes material unless otherwise noted. Referenc es to FDA c omplianc e refer to the resins from whic h the produc ts were made unless otherwise noted. All trade and patent rights should be observed. All rights reserved. Data sheet values are subjec t to periodic review, the most rec ent update c an be found at www.ensinger-inc .c om. Ensinger Inc. Headquarters 365 Meadow lands Boulevard Washington, PA 15301, USA Phone 800-243-3221 Sales Phone 800-869-4029 Technical Fax 724-746-9209 [email protected] Stand: 24.10.2016 Version: A0
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