Anmeldung zum Internationalen Sommerkurs für deutsche Sprache und Landeskunde 02. – 25. August 2017 (Application Form – International Summer Course for German Language and Cultural Studies, August 2 to 25, 2017) Bitte in Druckbuchstaben ausfüllen! (Please fill in in block letters!) weiblich (female) männlich (male) Familienname (Last name) ............................................................................................................ Vorname (First name) ............................................................................................................ Adresse (Address) Straße/Hausnummer (Street/Number) ............................................................................................................ Stadt (City) ............................................................................................................ PLZ (Postal Code) ............................................................................................................ Land (Country) ............................................................................................................ E-Mail (Email) ............................................................................................................ Geburtsdatum (Date of Birth) _ _. _ _._ _ _ _ yyyy Nationalität (Nationality) ................................................ Bachelor-Student (undergraduate student) Master-Student (graduate student) Doktorand oder Postdoc (postgraduate student) Berufstätiger (professional) Studienfach / Beruf (Subject of study / profession) ............................................................................................................ Kontaktadresse für Notfälle (Emergency contact) Vor- u. Nachname (First and last name) ............................................................................................................ E-Mail (Email) ............................................................................................................ Telefon (Phone) ............................................................................................................ Wunsch nach Zimmerreservierung in einem Studentenwohnheim – Zusatzkosten (Room in dormitory – additional costs) Keine Garantie: Zimmertyp ist abhängig von der Verfügbarkeit/ Availability not guaranteed: Type of room depends on availability Eigene Unterkunft (Own lodging) Adresse (Address in Germany) ............................................................................................................ Zahlungsart (Method of payment) Überweisung 750€ Kursgebühr (Bank transfer: 750€ course fee) Überweisung 750€ Kursgebühr + Unterkunft (optional) (Bank transfer: 750€ course fee + accommodation (optional)) Die Bankverbindung erhalten Sie nach der Anmeldung per E-Mail / After registration, you will get an email stating the banking information Visum (Visa) Ich benötige ein offizielles Einladungsschreiben der Universität Bonn zur Beantragung eines Visums (I need an official letter from the University of Bonn confirming my admission in order to apply for a visa). Ja (Yes) Nein (No) Besondere räumliche Vorkehrungen (Special accommodations) Ich benötige besondere räumliche Vorkehrungen im Hörsaal / während der Exkursionen (z.B. barrierefreier / behindertengerechter Zugang) (I require special accommodations in the lecture hall / during excursions (for example handicapped access)). Ja (bitte auf einem gesonderten Blatt erläutern) (Yes; please explain on a separate sheet.) Nein (No) Seite 1 von 2 Wie haben Sie von dem Programm erfahren? (How did you hear about this program?) Online (online) Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD) (German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)) Werbung (Flyer, Poster) (Advertisement; Flyer, poster) Fakultät (Faculty) Akademisches Auslandsamt (Study Abroad Office) Mundpropaganda (Word of mouth) Anderes (Other) Zwei mit meinem Namen gekennzeichnete Passfotos liegen bei (Please find enclosed two small photos) Zwei mit meinem Namen gekennzeichnete Passfotos werde ich per Post nachreichen (I will send two small photos via mail) Ich versichere die Richtigkeit meiner Angaben und melde mich verbindlich zur Teilnahme an. Von den beigefügten Richtlinien habe ich Kenntnis genommen. (I hereby enrol for the International Summer Course and understand and accept the course participation guidelines stated on this form. The enrolment is binding.) Datum (Date) ............................................ Unterschrift (Signature) ..................................................... Participation Guidelines: With your signature on the application form you accept the following principles: 1. Applications for admission to the International Summer Course can only be accepted from individual persons. Collective applications by organizations, including partner universities, cannot be accepted. 2. The acceptance of an application by our office constitutes an individual relationship between the International Office of the University of Bonn and the applicant. All further communication will be performed between these two partners. This includes requests for further information and complaints. There is no obligation for the University of Bonn to communicate with organizations, universities, and parents acting on behalf of the Summer Course participant. 3. The course fee covers tuition, excursions and further program elements described in program announcements. 4. Accommodation is not an integral part of the program. The prospective Summer Course participant is free to make his/her arrangements for this. The International Office will assist with finding suitable accommodation within the limits of its possibilities. 5. Student dorms are neither a legal nor an organizational part of the University of Bonn but belong to the Studierendenwerk Bonn, which is an independent organization. The International Office, therefore, has neither administrative nor legal control over the conditions in these dorms. All arrangements for accommodation in student dorms made by the International Office in the context of the Summer Course aim at facilitating access to student accommodation for its participants. Complaints and/or requests for a change of rooms, however, have to be settled between the individual participant and the Studierendenwerk. Upon request and in circumstances that justify such a step, help with communication can be provided by the Summer Course organizers. 6. Payments for rent and deposits for rooms in student dorms of the Studierendenwerk are cashed by the International Office on behalf of that organization, again in order to facilitate procedures for the participant. This way of payment does, however, not constitute a responsibility by the International Office for the quality of accommodation and service offered by the Studierendenwerk Bonn. Seite 2 von 2
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