2016年度秋学期 G30経済学部授業時間割 G30 School of Economics Timetable for the Fall Semester of Academic Year 2016 8:45~10:15 1st Period Period Day Subject Year 10:30~12:00 2nd Period Instructor Classroom Subject 言語文化Ⅰ Basic GE, LanguageⅠ 1 理系基礎科目 Sciences Basic 言語文化Ⅱ Basic GE, LanguageⅡ 2 政治思想(E) Political Thoughts(E) 0411150 Year 13:00~14:30 3rd Period Instructor Classroom 言語文化Ⅱ Basic GE, LanguageⅡ 1 3-4 Subject Kato (Law) 社会科学のための日本語Ⅰ(E) 404/405 Japanese for Social Sciences Ⅰ(E) IRB 0410201 Year 14:45~16:15 4th Period Instructor Classroom Subject 健康・スポーツ科学実習II Health and Sports Science : Practicum(Exercise and Sports) II 2 2 Kondo (Law) 404/405 言語文化Ⅰ IRB Basic GE, LanguageⅠ Year 16:30~18:00 5th Period Instructor Classroom 国際環境と政治・外交(E) 0412050 専門特論(Finance)(E) Specialized Advanced Lecture (Finance)(E) 0411532 1 法律文書を読む(E) Reading Legal Documents (E) 0412070 2 理系教養科目 Sciences Liberal McGinty (Law) 905/ 言語文化Ⅱ GSL Bldg. Basic GE, LanguageⅡ クリエイティブ・ネットワーキング(E) * 0412030 Tue 専門特論(Introduction to Japanese Business)(E) Specialized Advanced Lecture (Introduction to Japanese Business)(E) 0411517 基礎セミナーA First Year Seminar A 1 言語文化Ⅱ Basic GE, LanguageⅡ Wed 文系教養科目 Arts Liberal 1 2 言語文化Ⅱ Basic GE, LanguageⅡ 2 言語文化Ⅱ Basic GE, LanguageⅡ エコノメトリックスⅠ(E) Introductory Econometrics Ⅰ (E) 0410031 1 2 Iguchi (SIS) SIS4 3-4 Kato (Economics) Seminar Room 5 専門特論(International Economics B)(E) Specialized Advanced Lecture(International Economics B)(E) 0411531 3-4 Instructor Classroom Yanase (Economics) Lecture Room 3 国際交渉論(E)<隔週> International Negotiation(E) <every other week> 0411140 開放科目 Open 1 言語文化Ⅰ Basic GE, LanguageⅠ 1 全学教養科目 InterD Liberal 1 2 文系教養科目 Arts Liberal 2 言語文化Ⅰ Basic GE, LanguageⅠ 2 全学教養科目 InterD Liberal 2 言語文化Ⅰ Basic GE, LanguageⅠ 2 専門特論(Economic Policy)(E) SIS Specialized Advanced Lecture Laborator (Economic Policy)(E) y 0411533 3-4 2 3-4 Arita (SIS) Sano (Economics) SIS クリエイティブ・ネットワーキング(E) * Laborator 0412030 y 経済トピックス(E) Lecture Introductry Review on Economics(E) Room 3 0410091 1 経営トピックス(E) Introductory Review on Management (E) 0410092 2 特殊講義(社会科学における計量分析) (E) Special Problems (Quantitative Analysis in the Social Sciences)(E) 0412506 1-2 Yokomizo/ Colombo (Law) Nakamura (Economics) 2 Arita (SIS) 2-4 Doi (Economics) 3-4 Kokubun /Ito (Law) 2-4 Doi/ Kato (Economics) 3-4 Tamura /Green (Law) 特殊講義(公共圏管理論)(E)<隔週> Seminar Special Problems (Good Governance Room 18 vs. Corruption)(E)<every other week> 0412507 Lecture 理系教養科目 Room 3 Scienced Liberal Seminar 理系基礎科目 Room 18 Sciences Basic 1 Lecture 言語文化Ⅱ room2/ Basic GE, LanguageⅡ GSL Bldg. 2 1 ミクロ経済学Ⅰ(E) Introductory Microeconomics Ⅰ(E) 0410011 1-2 Pan (Economics) 2 特殊講義(キャンパスアセアン共同教育 科目)(E) Special Studies (Campus ASEAN Joint Education Course)(E) 0412512 1-4 Itoh (GSID) 2 Xue Seminar (Economics) Room 18 Morigiwa (Law) 特殊講義(公共圏管理論)(E)<隔週> 911/ Special Problems (Good Governance vs. GSL Bldg. Corruption)(E)<every other week> 0412507 2 Morigiwa (Law) 911/ GSL Bldg. 905/ GSL Bldg. 905/ GSL Bldg. 1 言語文化Ⅰ Basic GE, LanguageⅠ 経済学卒論研究Ⅰ Graduation Thesis Research on Economics Ⅰ 0410610 Fri 政治文書を読む(E) Reading Political Documents (E) 0412120 3-4 Bennett (Law) 健康・スポーツ科学講義 Health and Sports Science : Lecture 1 4 2 国際交渉論(E)<隔週> 905/ International Negotiation(E) GSL Bldg. <every other week> 0411140 専門特論(International Accounting B)(E) Doi Seminar Specialized Advanced Lecture (Economics) Room 18 (International Accounting B) (E) 0411506 Westra (Law) 政治学(E) 905/ Political Science (E) GSL Bldg. 0411160 専門基礎演習Ⅲ(E) Introductory Seminar Ⅲ(E) 0410103 現代日本法I(E) Contemporary Japanese Law I(E) 0412130 2 言語文化Ⅱ Basic GE, LanguageⅡ 2 McGinty (Law) 専門特論(Humen Resource Management)(E) Lecture Sano Specialized Advanced Lecture(Humen 3-4 Room 3 (Economics) Resource Management)(E) 0411518 3-4 Bennett (Law) 全学教養科目 InterD Liberal 1 言語文化Ⅰ Basic GE, LanguageⅠ 2 理系基礎科目 Sciences Basic 1 全学教養科目 InterD Liberal 1 言語文化Ⅰ Basic GE, LanguageⅠ 2 905/ GSL Bldg. Lecture Room 3 言語文化Ⅱ Basic GE, LanguageⅡ Noguchi (Economics) 2 Tamura (Law) 2 M.Martinrodriguez (Economics) 3-4 Colombo (Law) 905/ GSL Bldg. 905/ GSL Bldg. 1 3-4 Lecture 比較法Ⅱ(大陸法)(E) room3/ Comprative LawⅡ(Continental)(E) GSID 0412100 専門特論(History of Social Thoughts B) (E) Seminar Specialized Advanced Lecture(History of Room 7 Social Thoughts B)(E) 0411534 政治システム論(E) 905/ Political Systems (E) GSL Bldg. 0411180 応用経営学Ⅰ(E) Seminar Introductory Practical Management Ⅰ Room 2 (E) 0410061 文系基礎科目 Arts Basic 2 3-4 Nagao (Economics) Seminar 言語文化Ⅱ Room 5 Basic GE, LanguageⅡ 1 Westra (Law) 経済学演習Ⅰ 905/ Seminar on Economics I GSL Bldg. 0410205 1-2 Yorozu (Economics) Seminar Room 3 ◆<Intensive Course> 「世界の教育制度(E)」 "Education in the World (E)" 0412240 [Instructor:Stefania Dimitrova(Education)] Please see syllabus for details. Series of numbers mentioned after the course title is the registration code. ◆ Students cannot take classes for the upper grade. ◆ Year Instructor Classroom 1 Thu 言語文化Ⅱ Basic GE, LanguageⅡ Subject 言語文化Ⅰ Basic GE, LanguageⅠ 特殊講義(国際商事仲裁の事例 研究)(E) Special Problems (Case Study 3-4 of International Commercial Arbitration)(E) 0412508 言語文化Ⅰ Basic GE, LanguageⅠ Year 2 比較法Ⅲ(体制移行国法)(E) Comparative Law Ⅲ (Regime-Changing)(E) 0412110 言語文化Ⅰ Basic GE, LanguageⅠ Subject 18:15~19:45 6th Period 2 Mon 言語文化Ⅰ Basic GE, LanguageⅠ From: 10/01/2016 To: 03/31/2017 ◆ The courses with * marks are only available in Japanese language. 1 言語文化Ⅰ Basic GE, LanguageⅠ 1 2 専門基礎演習Ⅰ(E) Introductory Seminar Ⅰ(E) 0410101 1 Yorozu (Economics) Seminar Room 5 1-2 Noguchi (Economics) Seminar Room 7 3-4 Doi (Economics) Special Seminar Room 2 3 会計学Ⅰ(E) Doi Seminar Introductory Accounting Ⅰ(E) (Economics) Room 18 0410071 特殊講義(ASEAN Business and Economy) (E) Special Studies(ASEAN Business and Economy)(E) 0412510
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