Proyecto docente Oferta sin docencia (a extinguir) Plan 170 Lengua Extranjera Asignatura 15570 ANALISIS DE TEXTOS (INGLES) Grupo 1 Presentación Comentarios lingüísticos y literarios de textos ingleses Programa Básico Objetivos Programa de Teoría Programa Práctico Evaluación Bibliografía LIBRO DE TEXTO MANSFIELD, K. (2000). The Garden Party and Other Stories. O.U.P. OTRO MATERIAL: Fotocopias facilitadas por el profesor. Página 1 de 4 Presentación Comentarios lingüísticos y literarios de textos ingleses Programa Básico Objetivos Programa de Teoría Programa Práctico Evaluación Bibliografía LIBRO DE TEXTO MANSFIELD, K. (2000). The Garden Party and Other Stories. O.U.P. OTRO MATERIAL: Fotocopias facilitadas por el profesor. Página 2 de 4 Grupo 2 Presentación Comentarios lingüísticos y literarios de textos ingleses Programa Básico Objetivos At the end of the semester the student should be able to perform stylistic analyses of short modern-contemporary English poems. Programa de Teoría ANÁLISIS DE TEXTOS POÉTICOS: FORMAL FEATURES ("TEXTURE") Rhythm and Metre (foot, stress, pause, enjambment) Verbal repetition (free repetition, anaphora, epistrophe, symploce, anadiplosis …) Patterns of Sound (rhyme, alliteration, consonance, assonance, onomatopoeia, chiming) Syntax (syndetic features, parallelism, embedding, complexity) CONCEPTUAL FEATURES Tone and intention Semantic domains Imagery (sensory information and synesthaesia) Figurative language (metaphor, simile, metonymy and synecdoche) Hiperbole and litotes Irony Ambiguity (puns and word-play, sources of multiple and indeterminate significance) Absurdity (oxymoron, paradox) Programa Práctico Evaluación CLASS WORK (10%): participation in classroom activities PAPERS (40%): (Couples, class work) Stylistic analyses of poems provided by the teacher. FINAL PAPER (50%): (Individually) stylistic analysis of a poem at the student’s choice. Bibliografía Página 3 de 4 Presentación Comentarios lingüísticos y literarios de textos ingleses Programa Básico Objetivos At the end of the semester the student should be able to perform stylistic analyses of short modern-contemporary English poems. Programa de Teoría ANÁLISIS DE TEXTOS POÉTICOS: FORMAL FEATURES ("TEXTURE") Rhythm and Metre (foot, stress, pause, enjambment) Verbal repetition (free repetition, anaphora, epistrophe, symploce, anadiplosis …) Patterns of Sound (rhyme, alliteration, consonance, assonance, onomatopoeia, chiming) Syntax (syndetic features, parallelism, embedding, complexity) CONCEPTUAL FEATURES Tone and intention Semantic domains Imagery (sensory information and synesthaesia) Figurative language (metaphor, simile, metonymy and synecdoche) Hiperbole and litotes Irony Ambiguity (puns and word-play, sources of multiple and indeterminate significance) Absurdity (oxymoron, paradox) Programa Práctico Evaluación CLASS WORK (10%): participation in classroom activities PAPERS (40%): (Couples, class work) Stylistic analyses of poems provided by the teacher. FINAL PAPER (50%): (Individually) stylistic analysis of a poem at the student’s choice. Bibliografía Página 4 de 4
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