The empress cities: urban centres, societies and economies in the age of Maria Theresia von Habsburg Le città dell’imperatrice: centri urbani, società ed economia nell’epoca di Maria Teresa d’Asburgo October, 20th - 21st, 2016 With the patronage of the Department of Political and Social Sciences University of Trieste Sala Costantinides Civico Museo Sartorio Largo Papa Giovanni XXIII, 1 Trieste ThurSday, 20th /giovedì 20 Friday, 21st /venerdì 21 h. 15.30 h 9.30 Address by the Authorities: CEI Central European Initiative; Municipality of Trieste; University of Trieste, Regione Friuli Venezia Giulia session two Introduction nicola bressi, Director of the Civic Museums, Municipality of Trieste session one Moderator Cristian Luca, Romanian Institute of Culture and Humanities Research, Venezia 16.00 Transformation of Buda and Pest at the time of Maria Theresia Markian Prokopovych University of Birmingham, United Kingdom, and Central European University, Hungary 16.30 Iconography of Prague during the Reign of Maria Theresa eva Chodějovská Czech Historical Institute in Rome, Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic 17.00 Keeping the Family Legacy, building the Monarchy: Maria Theresa and Rijeka/Fiume 1740-1780 ivana Jukić Department of History, Centre of Croatian studies, University of Zagreb, Croatia 17.30 “Comincia a prendere il nome”. Growth and Urban Development in the Trieste of Maria Theresa daniele andreozzi Department of Political and Social Sciences, University of Trieste, Italy Scientific Committee: Moderator edoardo demo, Department of Economic and Social Sciences, University of Verona The Development of the Urban Communities in Transylvania during Maria Theresia’s Reign remus Campeanu Romanian Academy “George Baritiu”, Istitute of History, Cluj-Napoca, Romania 10.00 Vienna at the time of Maria Theresa. The panorama of the “Political comments” anton Tantner Istitute of History, University of Vienna, Austria 10.30 Košice During the Reign of Maria Theresa: The Main Reasons for Changes in the City Peter Fedorčák Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Slovakia 11.00 “Costruire in questa città è portato al fanatismo”. The changes of Milan in the Teresian age Luca Mocarelli Department of Economics, University of Milano Bicocca, Milano, Italy 11.30 -13.30 round TabLe imperatrice, città e tricentenario: quali prospettive? Moderator rossella Fabiani, Historical Museum Castle Miramare, Trieste, Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism
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