Telemedicine – a Look to Europe: where about is Germany?

Last change: 21.10.2016
Telemedicine – a Look to Europe: where about is Germany?
Thursday, November 03, 2016
08:00 Entry, Registration, Coffee, Exhibition
12:10 Telemedicine in Portugal
Dr. Eduardo Castela, President Associação
Portuguesa de Telemedicina (APT), Centro
Hospitalar e Universitário de Coimbra
09:00 Opening
Prof. Dr. Hans-Jochen Brauns,
Chairperson DGTelemed, Berlin
12:30 Panel Discussion:
Challenges for Germany
Session I Telemedicine in Europe –
where about is Germany?
 EN
Moderator: Prof. Dr. Hans-Jochen Brauns,
Chairperson DGTelemed, Berlin
09:20 Telemedicine and its Significance for the
European Healthcare System and for European
Annika Nowak, European Commission, Member
of the Cabinet, Commissioner of Health and
Food Safety, Brussels
09:40 Telemedicine in France
Prof. Thierry Moulin, President Association
Nationale de Télémédecine – ANTEL, Paris
10:00 Telemedicine in Poland
Wojciech Glinkowski, President Polish
Telemedicine Association, Warsaw
10:20 Telemedicine in Great Britain
Dr. David Hargroves, East Kent Hospitals
University NHS Foundation Trust, Kent
10:40 Telemedicine in Austria
Dr. med. Andrea Vincenzo Braga, MBA, President
Austrian Scientific Society for Telemedicine and
eHealth (ASSTeH), Wien
11:00 Coffee Break, Exhibition, Networking
11:30 Telemedicine in Spain
Dr. Francisco José Sanchez Laguna, Head of
Information Systems Coordination Department
en Andalusian Health Service, Servicio Andaluz
de Salud, Sevilla
11:50 Telemedicine in Sweden
Sara Meunier, Technical Director INERA AB,
 DE
Moderator: Philipp Grätzel von Grätz,
Freelance journalist and author, Berlin
Nino Mangiapane, Head of Division "Basic Issues
of Telematics", Federal Ministry of Health, Berlin
Ekkehard Mittelstaedt, CEO German Association
of Health IT Vendors - bvitg e. V., Berlin
Dr. med. Franz-Joseph Bartmann, Federal
Chamber of Medical Doctors, Flensburg
Dr. Thomas Reuhl, Federal Union of Physicians
Federal Union of Physicians, Berlin
Rainer Höfer, Federal Union of Mandatory
Health Insurance Organisations, Berlin
13:15 Lunch Break, Exhibition, Networking
Session II e-Health Law and Innovation Fund –
is the Course Correctly Set?
Moderator: Prof. Dr. Hans-Jochen Brauns,
Chairperson DGTelemed, Berlin
14:15 E-Health-Law – Effects on Telemedicine in
Nino Mangiapane, Head of Division "Basic Issues
of Telematics", Federal Ministry of Health, Berlin
14:45 Telematics Infrastructure and Electronic Patient
Card – current State and Outlook
Benno Herrmann, gematik – Gesellschaft für
Telematikanwendungen der Gesundheitskarte
mbH, Berlin
15:15 Coffee Break, Exhibition, Networking
Session III Telemedicine up-to-date –
Overview of current Projects
 The official conference language is German. Presentations in Session I will be in English.
Last change: 21.10.2016
Moderator: Prof. Dr. Britta Böckmann,
Fachhochschule Dortmund, Chairperson
DGTelemed Scientific Committee
15:45 Patientus – the Online Consultation
Nicolas Schulwitz, CEO Patientus GmbH, Lübeck
16:05 Digitalisation as Key for Better Quality and
Higher Efficiency of Medical Services in Nursing
Irmgard Landgraf, doctor of Internal Medicine,
Care practice at Agaplesion Bethanien
Sophienhaus, Teaching medical practice of
Charité Berlin
16:45 Digital supply – demand and reality
Dr. Karsten Neumann, IGES Institut GmbH, Berlin
17:05 Summary, End of the 1st Congress Day
Prof. Dr. Hans-Jochen Brauns, Chairperson
DGTelemed, Berlin
17:15 Get Together, Exhibition, Networking
18:00 Award of the Telemedicine Prize 2016
and Dinner
16:25 Telemedicine in civil protection – the research
project KOPHIS
Sebastian Dresbach, ZTM – Center for
Telemedicine, Bad Kissingen
Friday, November 04, 2016
08:45 Entry, Registration, Coffee, Exhibition
09:30 Opening of the 2nd Congress Day
Wolfgang Loos, Managing Board Member
DGTelemed, Berlin
Session IV The Dialogue Continues: Dialogue with
Scientific Medical Associations
Moderator: Prof. Dr Hans W. Höpp,
University Hospital Köln, Chairperson
DGTelemed Scientific Committee
09:35 Telemedicine and Guidelines
Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. Gernot Marx, German
Society of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care,
10:05 Telemedicine in Cardiology
Dr. med. Axel Müller, German Association of
Cardiology, Cardiac and Circulation Research
(DGK), Chemnitz
10:35 Telemedicine in Ambulatory Care
Dr. med. Carl Hans Biedendieck, Association of
General Practitioners, Herford
11:05 Telemedicine and Hypertension
Dr. med. Egbert G. Schulz, German
Hypertension Ligue (DHL), Göttingen
11:35 Telemedicine and Stroke
Prof. Dr. med. Armin Grau, German Stroke
Association, Ludwigshafen
12:00 Lunch Break, Exhibition, Networking
Session V Telemedicine Prize 2016 – Best of:
The Best Candidates present their
Moderator: Prof. Dr. Britta Böckmann,
Fachhochschule Dortmund, Chairperson
DGTelemed Scientific Committee
13:00 Designation following a selection process
- There are nominated projects
16:00 Conclusion and Summary of the Congress
Prof. Dr. Hans-Jochen Brauns, Chairperson
DGTelemed, Berlin
16:10 Get Together
16:30 General Assembly DGTelemed
 The official conference language is German. Presentations in Session I will be in English.