1er Cours de direction Fribourgeois pour Futurs néonatologues et

1er Cours de direction Fribourgeois
Futurs néonatologues et autres spécialistes
1. Freiburger Führungskurs
Zukünftige Neonatologen und andere Spezialisten
Chers Collègues,
C’est avec un grand plaisir que je vous invite à participer à cette première. Je pense avoir pu
mettre en place un programme « non- médical » intéressant pour des futurs spécialistes
appelés à mener une équipe multidisciplinaire.
J’espère que les orateurs recrutés pourront vous apporter de nouvelles connaissances et
que celles- ci vous soient utiles dans vos activités futures.
Avec mes salutations les meilleures.
Liebe Kollegen
Es ist mir eine grosse Freude Sie zu dieser Premiere einzuladen. Ich glaube, ich konnte ein
interessantes „nicht medizinisches“ Programm für angehende Spezialisten zusammenstellen, insb. im Hinblick auf deren zukünftige Tätigkeit.
Ich hoffe die angeworbenen Referenten werden euch neues Wissen vermitteln und dass
erstere euch in Zukunft nützlich sein werden.
Mit freundlichen Grüssen.
Langue du cours/ Kurssprache:
Le bateau et la mer, décor de la Clinique Pédiatrique de Fribourg
Anglais/ Englisch
Boot und das Meer, Tapetenbild der Kinderklinik Fribourg
Samedi 15 octobre et 19 novembre 2016,
de 08h30 à 17h30
à l’HFR Fribourg, Salle Mont- Blanc
Samstag, den 15. Oktober und 19. November 2016,
von 8Uhr30 bis 17Uhr30
am HFR Fribourg, Saal Mont- Blanc
Dr med. Gregor Kaczala
FMH pédiatrie, soins intensifs et néonatologie
Executive Master of Business Administration (HEC Lausanne)
Médecin adjoint, Service de pédiatrie
HFR- Hôpital Cantonal, Site de Fribourg
026/426 8011
Inscription/ Einschreiben:
Via e-mail :
[email protected]
Portraits orateurs/ Vorstellung Redner (english)
Samedi 15 octobre 2016 / Samstag, den 15. Oktober 2016
Markus Hofstetter is an assistant manager at KPMG Switzerland.
08h00- 08h30
Arrivée des participants/ Ankunft der Teilnehmer
08h30- 12h30
Accounting basics : Balance sheet, income and cash- flow
statements ?!
He holds a Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) from the
Lucerne University of Applied Science and Arts.
Currently he’s based in Zurich and has various consulting mandates
in firms facing financial challenges.
Markus Hofstetter
12h30- 13h30
13h30- 17h30
Negotiations. Tips and tricks to get what you want!
Nicolas Piol is a board certified attending paediatrician and
neonatologist in the Hôpital Riviera Chablais.
Dr. med. Nicolas Piol
He graduated with a doctorate from Medical School in Nancy and has
completed his post- graduated training in Switzerland.
He’s currently involved in the merging process of the sites of Vevey
and Aigle to a newly built single center in Rennaz by 2018.
Samedi 19 novembre 2016 / Samstag, den 19. November 2016
08h00- 08h30
Arrivée des participants/ Ankunft der Teilnehmer
08h30- 12h30
Pharma/Medtech companies - How it works? How to interact with?
Stéphane Salerno is a senior Engineering Supervisor at Medtronic
Plc based in Tolochenaz.
Stéphane Salerno
12h30- 13h30
13h30- 17h30
Leadership. It’s not about you, it’s about the others!
He holds a bachelor of engineering in design and computer integrated
manufacturing from the HES-SO in Yverdon-les-Bains. He has 12+
years of experience within the industry and spent 9 years in the
medical devices environment, supporting new product development
from design to market launch.
Dr. med. Gregor Kaczala
Frais/ Kosten
Gregor Kaczala is a board certified attending paediatrician and
neonatologist in the Hôpital Fribourgeois.
CHF 400 via bulletin de versement/ via Einzahlungsschein
Y compris/ Inkl.
He graduate with a doctorate from Medical School in Berne and has
completed his training in Switzerland and Canada.
He’s currently supervising the neonatal unit and is responsible for the
Financials of the department of paediatrics.
Lunch, café/ thé/ eau; Lunch, Kaffee/ Tee/ Wasser - Support de cours/ Kursunterlagen
Public cible/ Zielplublikum
Candidats à l’examen de néonatologie ou autre spécialité demandant un tel cours (max. 10 pers.)/
Neonatologie oder andere Prüfungskandidaten, welche einen solchen Kurs benötigen (max. 10 Pers.)
CME Credits :
Société Suisse de Néonatologie/ Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Neonatologie:
We all met during our executive MBA at the HEC Lausanne which we graduated from in
December 2015. During these 15 months, we realized how little “managerial thinking” was
present in our daily jobs, especially in healthcare. After working together on various
healthcare related projects, we launched this idea.
We hope that by sharing some of the insight, we help you understand the language that
hospital administrators speak. We would like to contribute to your personal development in
order to become not only a “better doctor”, but also an astute manager of available