*for fo oreigners Frrom Sa at. Noov 19, 16 6:00 to Sun. Nov N 20 0, 10:00 0 Place : K Kyoiku-Pla aza Kasai (Stay fo or one night at the Plaza.) P Maximum m number of participants:20 0 foreigners & 20 Ja apanese sstudents. Applicatiion : Subm mit applica ation form m by Fri. Nov 4 to Ky yoiku-Plaz za or Youtth Develop pment Sec ction of Ed dogawa City C Office. Gro oup Ga ame, Ta alking, Outdoo O or Cook king, Se ento Tou ur, etc… …. Lett’s hav ve fun n With h Japa anese junior j r-high h & high sch hool sttudents!! # Rules R : English only y, No-alcoh hol, smok king # Participat P ion fee : Foreigners F s No Cha arge Japanese students s 1,000yen # For F public rrelations, ev vent staff may take picttures and postt in public relations r or web site an nd so on. # In I case of th he number of o applicantts is over the t maximu um, participants are chosen by dra awing. # Iff you attend d the taking g public bath (Sento) prrogram, you u need to pay p extra 46 60yen. # Bring B clothees for chang ge, items to take bath, and a what yoou need to stay s (We willl prepare ssleeping bag gs). This progra am is org ganized by b Youth Developm ment Sec ction of E Edogawa City Offfice TE EL: 03-566 62-1629 F FAX: 03-56 607-5151 ((Edogawa aku Seisho onen-kakaari) Mon-Fri 8:30-17::00 c ut cutt Applicat A tion Form m of English Ca amp 201 16 (date of applyy name gendder nationality phone No o. / / 2016)) M F age Hom me Mobile e-mail Home address permissio on (ex: Tokyyo, Edogawa-ku u, chuuou 1-4-1 〒134-0081) (If applicant is unde er 19years olld) Name and a signature e of curator If you have h someth hing special request, ple ease write down. d (ex : fooods, allergy y, etc) (Kasai) 共育プラザ葛⻄ Kyoiku-Plaza Kasai 〒134-0082 Funabori Station 江⼾川区宇喜⽥町 175 番地 175 Ukita Edogawa City Tokyo TEL:03-3688-8611 Toei Shinjuku line FAX:03-5674-6243 Shinkawa River Ukita shougakkou Bus stop ・都営新宿線「船堀駅」下⾞ 徒歩 15 分 または都バス:葛⻄ 24 番「宇喜⽥⼩学校」下⾞ ・東⻄線「⻄葛⻄」下⾞ 徒歩 15 分 Culture Center ・東⻄線「葛⻄」下⾞ Kyoiku-Plaza Kasai 都バス:葛⻄ 24 番「宇喜⽥⼩学校」下⾞ ・駐⾞場なし Gyosen Park ・15 minutes by walk from Funabori Station (Toei-shinjyuku line) or Take Toei bus Ukita Bus Stop (No.24 Kasai) get down Ukita shougakkou Bus stop ・15 minutes by walk from Nishikasai Station (Touzai line) Kasaibashi Ave. Nishikasai Elementary School Sports Center ・Take Toei bus (No.24Kasai) and get down Tozai line Ukita shougakkou Bus stop from Kasai station (Tozai line) Nishikasai Station ・No Parking area *先にFAXでお申込みの場合は、後日原本を提出して下さい *If you sent by fax first, please submit the original later.
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