Ad 16 Series Pilo t Lam p Ad16 Series Pilot Lamp Product Overview Ad16 series pilot la mp on ly use LED la mp as the lig ht sou rce. T he adv antag e have : long life, gentle w eight , small cubag e , save energ y. It is the ad vance d prod uct of all kinds of th e inca ndesc ence lamp a nd the neon lamp o f the X D type . The c over o f the lamp is mad e of P C material, a nd hav e goo d shoc k resistance . It can be us ed as indica tion pi lot ligh t, acc ident s ignal a nd oth er signa ls in th e circ uits of such e quipm ent as telec ommunicatio n. Specifications Elect rical L ife≥30 000 h ours Brigh tness:≥100c d/m2 Perm itted Voltage±20% (≥11 0V) Comp arativ e Trac king In dex CT1≥1 00,flame retardant Diele ctric S trengt h:2.5k V(AC RMS),1 min Insula tion R esista nce: U i≤60V,5MΩ:60V<Ui≤6 60V,50 MΩ Usag e Freq uency (AC):5 0~60 Hz Light Color: red, g reen,y ellow, white, blue,o range Rated Operating Curren t:≤20 mA Operating T empe rature: -25℃ ~55℃ Implication of Type ★ AD16 Code of series ■ The installation dimension of the neck; 16:Φ16mm 22:Φ22mm □ The design code (A,B,C…… express different type of the same neck dimension) M buzzer S flicker SM flicker buzzer SS Dual- color lamp S expresses the super short type, the standard type is without letter. △ ▲ Color of pilot lamp: R red G green Y yellow O orange W white B blue Voltage ● K expresses anti-interference type, the normal type is without letter. Diagram of Interior Connection AC/DC Type Pilo t Lamp R AC Type Pilot Lamp R C X1 LED X1 LED LE D R X2 R A C/ DC Ty pe Dual-co lo r La mp LED Thre sho ld C ircu it X1 LED R LE D R T hreshold Circuit X2 X2 LED X0 R X2 R R X2 Red:X1-X0 Green:X2-X0 R X1 LED R Threshold Circuit X0 C R X2 Red:X 1-X0 G reen:X2 -X0 (Yellow :X1-X2) X1 R C R Threshold Circuit Threshold Circuit X0 Red:X1-X0 Green:X2-X0 (Yellow:X1-X2) C X1 R X1 R X2 AC Type Dual- color Lamp X1 X0 X2 Red:X1-X0 Green:X2-X0 Note:1 ,AC/DC type pilot lamp is resistor step -down form; AC type pilo t lamp is cap acitor step-down form. 2 ,When voltag e is 110V or a bove it,The temperature of outer shell of AC/DC typ e pilot lamp is higher tha n AC type pil ot lamp. Attentions 1,The frequency of AC type pilo t lamp is 50~60Hz. If wor k in other freq uency range s, it will be b roken . 2,The c ommon thre shold value o f anti-interf e rence pilot l amp is below 40V; and if y ou need high er threshold value please tell us. We s uggest that t he threshold value should n't be too hig h. Please ch eck the routin g If the inter ference volta ge is too hig h. 3,Conn ection error is not allowa ble to AC typ e dual-color light, otherw ise pilot lamp will be brok en. 4,Avoi d using weld ing mode to c onnect lines as possible and you shou ld using gen eral plug (2. 5×0.8mm)to connect and wear the pro tective sleev e. If you need to weld, please fini sh it in 3 seco nds by the e lectric iron w hich is below 30W and do n't exert exte rnal force on terminals . -51- A d16 Series Pilot Lamp Product Cutline(Φ16) Sha pe Type Numb er Co lor Operating Voltage Shape & Dimensions Rem arks Φ16A AC/DC 6 V Ma x5 AC /DC 1 2V AD16 -16A/△/▲ AC /DC 2 4V Pin terminal AC /DC 3 6V 10 AC /DC 4 8V 24 10 Φ16B AC /DC 11 0V AC /DC 23 0V Max5 AC /DC 38 0V AD16 -16B/△/▲ Pin terminal A C 110 V A C 230 V 10 39 10 A C 380 V Φ16E Max 5 AD1 6-16E /△/▲ AC/DC 6 V Screw terminal AC /DC 1 2V Electr ic Shock AC /DC 2 4V AC /DC 3 6V Prote ct ion 9.3 39.2 Struc ture AC /DC 4 8V AC /DC 11 0V Φ16 Flicker Buzzer A D16-16M/▲ Buzz er AC /DC 23 0V Sou nd Intensity: AC /DC 38 0V A C 110 V AD16-16 S/▲ F licker L amp ≥8 0dB(10cm) A C 230 V Continuo us Buzz A C 380 V 11 .2 AD16-16SM/▲ Flicker Buzzer Volume Max5 45.5 Incont inuous Buzz Ie≤28mA F r e q u e n cy 2 3 00±3 0 0 Hz -52- Ad 16 Series Pilo t Lam p Product Cutline(Φ22) Sha pe Typ e Num ber Col or Op erating Voltage Sh ape & Dimen sions R emark s Φ22BS (super short type) 6Max Screw Type Co nnection Electric Shock Protection Structure AD16 -22B S/△/▲ 13 38 Φ22DS(super short type) Screw Type Connection Elect ric Shock Protection 6Max AD16-22DS/△/▲/◎ Structure 13 38 Φ22ES(super short type) 6Max AC/DC 6V AD 16 -22ES/△/▲ Screw Ty pe Connec tion Elec tric Shoc k A C/DC 12V A C/DC 24V A C/DC 36V 13 38 A C/DC 48V Protectio n Structure A C/DC 110V Φ22HS(super short type) A C/DC 230V 6Max A C/DC 380V AC 11 0V A D16-22 HS/△/▲ AC 23 0V Sc re w Type Connection Electric Shock Pr otection Structure AC 38 0V 19 38 Φ22B 6Max AD16 -2 2B /△/▲/● 13 50 Φ22D 6Max AD16-22D/△/▲/●/◎ 13 -53- 50 Screw Type Connection Electric Shock Protection Structure Antiinterference type can be customized. Screw Type Connection Elect ric Shock Protection Structure Antii nterference type can be customi zed . A d16 Series Pilot Lamp S hape Ty pe Nu mber Col or Op era ting Voltage S hape & Dime nsion s R emark s Φ22E Screw Type 6Max Connection Electric Shock Protection Structure AD16-22E /△/▲/● Antiinterference 13 50 Φ22H Screw Type Connection Electric Shock Protection Structure Anti- interference type can be customized. 6Max AC /DC 6V AC/DC 12 V AD16-22 H /△/▲/● AC/DC 24 V AC/DC 36 V AC/DC 48 V AC/DC 110V 19 AC/DC 230V AC/DC 380V AC 110V AC 230V Φ22 Two-color Pilot Lamp 50 6Max AC 380V AD16-2 2SS /△/▲/● 13 Φ22 Flicker Buzzer AD16-22M/▲ AD16- 22S/▲ AD16 -22SM/▲ B uzzer 50 Screw T ype Connection Electric S hock Protection Structure Ant i-int er fe re nc e typ e can b e cu stomized. Other colo r typ es can be cu stomized. 6Max Sou nd Inte nsi ty: Volume F licker L amp F licker B uzzer type can be customized. ≥80 dB(1 0cm) Continuous Buzz 13 50 Incontinuous Buzz Ie≤ 28mA F r e q u e n cy 2 3 00±3 0 0 Hz -54-
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