Alvin Lucier 85th Birthday Festival 10.

Alvin Lucier
85th Birthday Festival
10.-14. Oktober 2016
Konzerte, Uraufführungen, Installationen, Workshops, Symposium
Mit Alvin Lucier, Joan LaBarbara, Charles Curtis, Anthony Burr, Roland
Dahinden, Hildegard Kleeb, Steven O`Malley von SunnO))), Oren Ambarchi,
Trio Retro Disco, Lars Mlekusch,Felix Profos und Studierenden der ZHdK.
Die Konzerte sind frei. Die Installationen, Workshops und Symposium finden
im Toni-Areal statt.
Die Teilnahme an den Workshops und Symposium ist ebenfalls frei,
Anmeldung erbeten bei Katrin Stowasser oder Bernhard Rietbrock
October 10-14, 2016, daily 6 p.m.-12 p.m.
Music on a Long Thin Wire (Kaskadenhalle), Directions of Sounds from the
Bridge (5.K10) , Empty Vessels (7.K10)
Sol LeWitt Walldrawing 730 (Ebene 5): Alvin Lucier Panorama
October 12-14, 2016
Mittwoch/Wednesday, October 12, 2016:
-------------------------------------------------18 Uhr / 6 p.m: Konzertsaal 1
Silver Streetcar for the Orchestra (A.Lucier)
Small Waves (A. Lucier) for string quartet, trombone, piano, and 2 dancers with 6
partially filled water containers; Roland Dahinden, Hildegard Kleeb and ZHdKStudents
20 Uhr / 8 p.m.: grosser Konzertsaal
Two Circles (A. Lucier) for flute, Bb clarinet, violin, cello, and piano; Felix Profos and
Uraufführung: Step, Slide and Sustain (A. Lucier) for horn in f, cello, and piano;
Trio Retro Disco
Slices (A. Lucier) Charles Curtis
Music for Solo Performer (A. Lucier) for enormously amplified brain waves and
percussion; Alvin Lucier
22.30 Uhr/ 10.30 p.m. grosser Konzertsaal
80 plus for Alvin Lucier (Christian Wolff) for any players, Lars Mlekusch and ZHdKstudents
Alvin Lucier Tribute-Pieces by Markus Trunk, Daniel Wolf, Roland Dahinden and
Hauke Harder; performed by ZHdK-students
Thursday, October 13, 2016:
--------------------------------------------------6 p.m.: Konzertsaal 1
Palimpsest (A. Lucier) Joan LaBarbara
8 p.m.: grosser Konzertsaal
Bird and Person Dyning (A. Lucier) for performer with microphones, amplifiers,
loudspeakers and electronic birdcall; Alvin Lucier
Music for Piano and one or more Snare Drums (A. Lucier) Hildegard Kleeb
Charles Curtis (A. Lucier) for cello with slow sweep pure wave oscillators, Charles
In Memoriam Jon Higgins (A.Lucier); Anthony Burr
Braid (A. Lucier) for alto flute, clarinet, english horn, and string quartet; Felix Profos
und Studierende
23 Uhr / 11. p.m. grosser Konzertsaal
Duo (Christian Wolff) Charles Curtis
Nothing is Real (A. Lucier) for piano, amplified teapot, tape recorder and miniature
sound system, ZHdK student
Criss-Cross (A. Lucier) for two electric guitars; Stephen O’Malley und Oren
Only (Morton Feldman) Joan LaBarbara
Hanover (A. Lucier) for violin, alto saxophone, tenor saxophone, 3 banjos, piano,
and bowed vibraphone; Oren Ambarchi, Stephen O’Malley, Felix Profos, Lars
Mlekusch and ZHdK-students
Friday, October 14, 2016:
----------------------------------------------18 Uhr / 6 p.m. grosser Konzertsaal
One Arm Bandits (A. Lucier) Charles Curtis Cello Quartett
20 Uhr / 8 p.m. grosser Konzertsaal
Uraufführung Double Rainbow (A. Lucier) for voice and slow sweep pure wave
oscillator; Joan LaBarbara
Panorama (A. Lucier) for trombone and thirteen strings, Roland Dahinden and
Ever Present (A. Lucier) for flute, saxophone, and piano with slow sweep pure wave
oscillators; Lars Mlekusch and ZHdK-students
I am Sitting in a Room (A. Lucier) Alvin Lucier
24 Uhr / 12 p.m. Walcheturm
Stephen O’Malley Solo Concert
Tuesday, October 11, 2016
Chamber music-workshop with Alvin Lucier (Atelier Felix Profos)
Wednesday October 12, 2016
Workshop: Alvin Lucier (10-13 Uhr / 10 a.m-1 p.m.) with theory- and composition
Workshop: Joan La Barbara ( 13.30-17 Uhr / 1.30 p.m. – 5 p.m.)
On advanced vocal techniques and contemporary repertoire
Symposium, Room 5.K03
Thursday, October 13, 2016, 10-16.30 Uhr / 10 a.m. – 4.30 p.m.
Dieter Mersch, Daniel Wolf, Jörn Peter Hiekel, Volker Straebel plus Gespräch mit
Hauke Harder und Charles Curtis
Friday, October 14, 2016, 10-16.30 Uhr / 10 a.m. – 4.30 p.m.
Helga de la Motte-Haber, Sabine Sanio, Martin Supper, Bernhard Rietbrock plus
Gespräch mit Daniel Wolf, Joan LaBarbara und Anthony Burr(evtl. Oren Ambarchi
und Stephen O'Malley)
plus Kino Toni
Sunday, October 9, 2016
20 Uhr / 8 p.m. No Ideas but in Things - the Composer Alvin Lucier