Rideau Carleton Sonntag, 9. Oktober 2016 1 00:30 Race 1 2 00:47 Race 2 3 01:04 Race 3 4 01:21 Race 4 5 01:38 Race 5 6 01:55 Race 6 7 02:12 Race 7 8 02:29 Race 8 9 02:46 Race 9 10 03:03 Race 10 11 03:20 Race 11 12 03:37 Race 12 09.10.2016 - Rideau Carleton 1600 m 1600 m 1600 m 1600 m 1600 m 1600 m 1600 m 1600 m 1600 m 1600 m 1600 m 1600 m 3.450 3.450 5.950 3.950 4.700 5.000 4.100 3.950 4.550 5.950 3.450 5.150 ©2016 by Wettstar / LiveSports.at KG / Meeting ID: 111866 Seite 1 09.10.2016 - Rideau Carleton Seite 2 Rennen # 8 WANN STARTET IHR PFERD... After Market Antar Phil Astreos Boy Badlandia Be Calm Hanover Beach Boy Bestofbest Hanover Big Ricky Broadway Prince Burn The House Casiano Casimir Power Pac Cedar Dunes Chummy Park Classic Novel Cliff Drummond Dali On Up Debbies Mach 2 4 9 1 4 7 10 10 3 4 2 9 9 9 2 6 5 8 Desirable Cam Docs Hoss Dont Be Cruel Dontburstmybubble Draft Hanover E L Wild Spirit Earlymorninarrival First Impression Flight Of An Angel Four Starz Speed Ghirardelli Lindy Goodmorningmister Hawaiian Drummond Hellas Angel Heres The Magic Herestojessica Hopetobefirst Ill Bea Star Too 1 11 7 11 2 5 12 11 12 3 3 9 5 1 3 8 6 5 Ill Stay Here Jamigo Jens Credit Jeremeyes Jewel Joshua My Boy Keystone Charles Leading Camdidate Life Khanquerer Likeavirgin Lutetia Semalu Machs Boy Meersburg Modern Mystery My Buddy Mason Mybestolxfriendray Negligent Hanover Norvena Hanover Noudidnt Blue Chip 3 3 12 8 10 9 7 6 11 8 4 10 12 11 5 1 1 12 Officially Rusty Ok Diablo Ok Ebury Only The Lonely Persuader Plans Over Playin For Keeps Putnams New Year Racing For Space Raising Richard Rave On Retail Rock Fame Ruthies Pride Salvo Santana Sass Seawind Hudson Shadow Newton 12 7 12 10 5 4 6 4 10 3 2 2 10 1 7 5 9 4 Shesbadtothebone Shipps Xpectancy Slight Touch Stonebridge Rich Style Semalu Summer Bliss Tell Me Why The Love Bug The Platinum Guy Thundering Bay Torches Angel Trys Little Prince Uno Cincuenta Vincent Van Go Viper Select Windham Hanover Windsong Lisa Y S Joe 8 2 6 3 8 11 1 10 12 11 3 6 12 10 10 7 8 5 WANN STARTET IHR JOCKEY / FAHRER... Brett Macdonald Darrell Coville Guy Gagnon Marie Auger Pierre Desjardins Sebastien Turenne Ted Mcdonald 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12 2,3,8 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,12 9,11 3 1 4,5,6,10,12 Clarke Steacy Gord Brown Jacques Beaudoin Matt Harvey Rheo Filion Stephane Lareau 5,6,7,8,11,12 2,3,4,5,7,10,11 1,6,7,8,10,12 10,12 3,8,9 1,3,4,5,7,9,10,12 Darcy Clancy Guy Chretien Louis Roy Melanie Plourde Richard Simard Stephane Pouliot Andre Champagne Brian Gibson Darcy Clancy Drew Smyth Gerard Vaillancourt Jean Brazeau Kathy Mcbride Marco Lanoie Melanie Plourde Normand Beaudoin Randy Scott Ronald Charette Stephane Lareau Yves Tessier 8 5 11 4,7 3 12 1,5 2 10 1,7 7 12 3,9,10 3,5,10 11 2,9,11 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12 10 1,3,4,5,7,10,12 1,2 WANN STARTET IHR TRAINER... Alain Martin Blake Curran Chelsea Knapp Denis Guindon Gary Mc Donald Guy Gagnon Johanne Begin Lyne Binette Matt Harvey Michel Allard Philip Doyle Robert Bernicky Sebastien Giroux Stephen Leblanc 09.10.2016 - Rideau Carleton 9 2,3,4 1,8 10 2,3,11 4 8,10,12 1 12 6 5,6,12 10 1,3,6,8 4,10 Alain Veilleux Brian Collins Claude Larose Dominic Gladu Gerard Demers Jean Beaulieu John Macmillan Macy Cassell Matthew Mcdonald Nathalie Seguin Philippe Laframboise Robert Dube Sebastien Turenne Ted Mcdonald 5 12 9 9 5,6,7,8,9 5,11 3,4 7,8,10,12 11 12 2 3 1 4,5,10 ©2016 by Wettstar / LiveSports.at KG / Meeting ID: 111866 Anne Turenne Carlo Micucci David Robson Edward Merkley Guy Chretien Jennifer Smiley Luc Loyer Marie Auger Michael Armstrong Paul Smyth Rheo Filion Ronald Macdonald Stephane Pouliot 6 1 7 10 2,9,11 11 7,12 9,11 7 2 8 4 2 Seite 2 09.10.2016 - Rideau Carleton 1 00:30 1600 ML: 8 2 NEGLIGENT HANOVER 7j. grau S (Jeremes Jet - Alliwannabe) Trainer: Carlo Micucci Besitzer: Carlo Micucci,Bourget,On JACQUES BEAUDOIN 5j. rotbraun S (Badlands Hanover - Giovanna Trainer: Chelsea Knapp Besitzer: Chelsea Knapp,Prescott,On RUTHIES PRIDE 7j. rotbraun S (Jeremes Jet - Turquoise Pride) Trainer: Normand Beaudoin Besitzer: Jocelyne Pesant-Normand Be STEPHANE LAREAU DESIRABLE CAM 8j. rotbraun S (Camluck - Breathless Desire) Trainer: Kathy Mcbride Besitzer: Kathy Mcbride,Almonte,On 65.8 GUY GAGNON NORVENA HANOVER 7j. rotbraun S (Western Ideal - Northern Dilige Trainer: Sebastien Giroux Besitzer: Sebastien Giroux,Qc-Richard 63.5 7 31.12.12 Rideau Carleton 28.12.12 Rideau Carleton 21.12.12 Rideau Carleton 07.12.12 Rideau Carleton 23.11.12 Rideau Carleton 5 6 2 2 2 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 Larose Claude Larose Claude 1 Larose Claude Larose Claude 1 Larose Claude 12.12.13 Wdb 28.11.13 Wdb 22.11.13 Wdb 11.11.13 Lon 31.10.13 Wdb 6 7 3 1 3 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 153 95 9 8 30 16.11.13 Flamboro Downs 07.11.13 Wdb 30.10.13 Moh 7 8 3 1600 1600 1600 24 Davisjr Billy J 177 Mcnair Douglas R Mcnair Douglas R Dollysplace - Chantillyrose - Cyndalianneduc Myvictorino - Tigraseelster - Pinotnoir Somethinincredible - Keytopic - Badlandia 14.12.13 Flamboro Downs 07.12.13 Flamboro Downs 30.11.13 Flamboro Downs 21.11.13 Flamboro Downs 14.11.13 Flamboro Downs 7 2 2 4 2 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 83 36 41 450 173 Coulter Scott Coulter Scott Coulter Scott Young Scott R Coulter Scott Joltsprayer - Tigraseelster - Sophiaseelster Russiankisses - Ruthiespride - Islandblue Russiankisses - Ruthiespride - Artsbest Islandview - Onelastbono - Rockqueen Onelastbono - Ruthiespride - Badlandsprincess 22.12.13 Rideau Carleton 15.12.13 Rideau Carleton 08.12.13 Rideau Carleton 01.12.13 Rideau Carleton 17.11.13 Rideau Carleton 3 6 4 6 9 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 32 76 64 435 41 St Pierre Denis Coville Darrell L Forgie Kyle Forgie Kyle Forgie Kyle Kinkygrin - Aprilbandit - Desirablecam Stladsrhythm - Debster - Beckysdelight Windsunrachel - Geminiseelster - Debster Watersidelucky - Giddyupbella - Delirante Dgslaurie - Carlyhollywood - Hellasangel 13.12.13 Wdb 05.12.13 Wdb 28.11.13 Wdb 14.11.13 Wdb 07.11.13 Wdb 3 3 5 8 6 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 205 520 740 170 363 Baillargeon Mario J Baillargeon Mario J Baillargeon Mario J Hudon Phillip Oliver Keith R Shesamaniac - Noteasingme - Norvenahanover Parttimelady - Lalka - Norvenahanover Shesamaniac - Caviartmandy - Stladsmorgan Shesamaniac - Noartographsplease - Noteasingme Katherineb - Luckytaryn - Shesamaniac 22.12.13 Rideau Carleton 15.12.13 Rideau Carleton 08.12.13 Rideau Carleton 01.12.13 Rideau Carleton 24.11.13 Rideau Carleton 2 4 2 2 6 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 28 43 115 74 231 Turenne Sebastien Turenne Sebastien Turenne Sebastien Turenne Sebastien Turenne Sebastien Watersidelucky - Hellasangel - Windsunrachel Watersidelucky - Windsunrachel - Chocolatine Missdollarmam - Hellasangel - Watersidelucky Missdollarmam - Hellasangel - Windsunrachel Giddyupbella - Chocolatine - Beckysdelight Macdonald Anthony A Filion Sylvain R Filion Sylvain R Henry Trevor Filion Sylvain Satinglidehanover - Lovelykiss - Gailiem Rosevance - Momenttocherish - Satinglidehanover Weekendlove - Tellmewhy - Couleurmagnifique Weekendlove - Tellmewhy - Gailiem Satinglidehanover - Tellmewhy - Dgsperfectbeach Badgirlvegas - Dgspesquero - Dancehallgirl Windsongjacoba - Oliviav - Wonderfulcharm Envioushanover - Cruelgirl - Negligenthanover Negligenthanover - Rubberbelly - Larjonlaura Majordancer - Misspoppycock - Negligenthanover STEPHANE POULIOT 70.3 6 ML: 4 RICHARD SIMARD BADLANDIA 59.0 5 ML: 6 6j. rotbraun S (The Panderosa - Northern Dilig Trainer: Lyne Binette Besitzer: Lyne Binette,Montreal,Qc 72.1 4 ML: 3 Rennpreis: 3.450 FILLIES & MARES. CLAIMING $6,500. NW $700. LAST 3|STARTS OR NW 1 RACE OR $2,000. IN 2016. TELL ME WHY 3 ML: 5 Race 1 1 ML: 9 Seite 3 Rennen # 1 1600 m 3.450 LOUIS ROY HELLAS ANGEL ML: 7 9j. grau S (Astreos - Repent) Trainer: Sebastien Turenne Besitzer: Alexis Zielke-Sebastien Turen SEBASTIEN TURENNE Ergebnis: 09.10.2016 - Rideau Carleton Quoten: ©2016 by Wettstar / LiveSports.at KG / Meeting ID: 111866 Seite 3 09.10.2016 - Rideau Carleton 2 00:47 1600 ML: 9 1 2 ML: 8 STEPHANE POULIOT CASIANO 5j. rotbraun S (Real Artist - Kadijah) Trainer: Blake Curran Besitzer: Blake Curran,Perth,On GORD BROWN RAVE ON 10j. rotbraun W (Art Major - Gone Dancing) Trainer: Guy Chretien Besitzer: Qc Guy Chretien-Stephane H ML: 3 GUY CHRETIEN 4 ML: 4 LOUIS ROY SHIPPS XPECTANCY 10j. grau W (Mach Three - Armbro Purse) Trainer: Marco Lanoie Besitzer: Marco Lanoie,Lac Simon,Qc GUY GAGNON 07.11.13 Rideau Carleton 31.10.13 Rideau Carleton 27.10.13 Rideau Carleton 20.10.13 Rideau Carleton 13.10.13 Rideau Carleton 1 5 6 2 1 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 3 489 45 10 15 Gagnon Guy Filion Rheo Mcdonald Ted S Gagnon Guy Gagnon Guy Retail - Becalmhanover - Hillsideace Hopetobefirst - Becalmhanover - Shanghaibg Tradeeditor - Doingsomedamage - Picknscoop Shanghaibg - Retail - Icaredechafra Retail - Aaronsmattjesty - Shanghaibg 28.08.13 Pcd 22.08.13 Pcd 14.08.13 Pcd 06.08.13 Pcd 30.07.13 Pcd 1 2 6 3 2 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 5 Kakaley Matt Kakaley Matt 134 Napolitanojr Geo. 36 Kakaley Matt 63 Kakaley Matt 13.12.13 Wdb 06.12.13 Wdb 29.11.13 Wdb 22.11.13 Wdb 09.11.13 Wdb 1 6 8 6 8 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 29 655 254 133 1252 Hudon Phillip Hudon Phillip Hudon Phillip Hudon Phillip Macdonald James A Raveon - Fleetsensation - Westernsenator Allamericanextra - Docshoss - Doingsomedamage Allamericanextra - Martytyme - Lostinpanslation Allamericanextra - Lostinpanslation - Docshoss Dapperdenzil - Genesee - Putnamsattack 26.12.13 Lon 10.12.13 Lon 02.12.13 Lon 25.11.13 Lon 15.11.13 Wdb 6 1 1 1 7 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 4 13 20 11 101 Steward Nicholas Macdonald James Macdonald James A Mcnair Douglas Davisjr Billy J Macktwowilldew - Hidethecash - Riverwalk Drafthanover - Luigi - Thespartan Drafthanover - Albergetty - Hidethecash Drafthanover - Asuddentwist - Albergetty Battleriverstorm - Westernsenator - Allamericanextr 14.12.13 Wdb 07.12.13 Wdb 30.11.13 Wdb 16.11.13 Wdb 09.11.13 Wdb 6 8 8 9 2 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 233 469 439 162 19 Davisjr Billy J Davisjr Billy J Davisjr Billy J Davisjr Billy J Davisjr Billy J Montecristo - Sunnybeachday - Daddywarbucks Draindaddy - Montecristo - Skymcfly Luckyterror - Draindaddy - Mymancharley Topgear - Coolrock - Winningdream Winningdream - Shippsxpectancy - Kindlypoet Casiano - Thebeachnextdoor - Ipleadthefifth Parknorchard - Casiano - Pita Nastysweetness - Belclare - Beachgranny Seashellhanover - Shesaidhesaidisaid - Casiano Beachstory - Casiano - Camsdali AFTER MARKET 5j. rotbraun W (Stonebridge Regal - Park Aven Trainer: Gary Mc Donald Besitzer: Graeme Mitchell,Gloucester- 61.2 7 ML: 5 11j. rotbraun W (Dragon Again - Debras Char Trainer: Philippe Laframboise Besitzer: Yvan Laframboise,Gatineau, 65.8 6 ML: 6 DRAFT HANOVER 63.5 5 ML: 7 Rennpreis: 3.450 CLAIMING $6,500. NW $700. (FM $875) LAST 3 STARTS OR|NW 1 RACE OF $2,000. IN 2016. 7j. rotbraun W (Royal Mattjesty - Jodi St Laure Trainer: Stephane Pouliot Besitzer: Giovanni & Giuseppe Bonado 65.8 3 Race 2 RETAIL 59.0 Seite 4 Rennen # 2 1600 m 3.450 BRETT MACDONALD CLASSIC NOVEL 65.3 4j. rotbraun W (Classic Card Shark - Attack Th Trainer: Paul Smyth Besitzer: Paul Smyth,Metcalfe,On DARRELL COVILLE Ergebnis: 09.10.2016 - Rideau Carleton Quoten: ©2016 by Wettstar / LiveSports.at KG / Meeting ID: 111866 Seite 4 09.10.2016 - Rideau Carleton 3 01:04 1600 1 2 3 RICHARD SIMARD STONEBRIDGE RICH 5j. rotbraun W (Angus Hall - Priceless Image) Trainer: Gary Mc Donald Besitzer: Gordon Mc Donald-Christoph 4 ML: 11 6j. grau S (Angus Hall - Torch) Trainer: Yves Tessier Besitzer: Francois Morin,Beauceville,Q LOUIS ROY GHIRARDELLI LINDY 7j. rotbraun W (Chocolatier - Armbro Alfresco) Trainer: Robert Dube Besitzer: Saul Mendelson,Montreal,Qc 65.3 5 DARRELL COVILLE HERES THE MAGIC 7j. rotbraun W (Kadabra - Blackberry Hanover) Trainer: Blake Curran Besitzer: Blake Curran-Jason Jamieso 65.8 ML: 7 6 GORD BROWN BROADWAY PRINCE 6j. rotbraun W (Broadway Hall - Queen Of Gra Trainer: Gary Mc Donald Besitzer: Graeme Mitchell,Gloucester- 65.8 ML: 8 7 GUY GAGNON 1 3 2 3 6 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 21 162 72 37 666 Fritz Dale W Fritz Dale W Fritz Dale W Coulter Scott Morrissey Dennis Jamigo - Graciesharmony - Ednaloral Fashionfun - Strikealight - Jamigo Reviewtheglide - Jamigo - Randomarrival Victoryspeanut - Yesterdaysnews - Jamigo Strikealight - Whitewaterrapids - Wallytyme 12.09.13 Rideau Carleton 24.08.13 Ayrcl 20.08.13 Trrvs 2 2 5 1600 1600 1600 Pouliot Stephane Desjardins Pierre M St Jacques Yves Stereotype - Stonebridgerich - Ramzan Aworthybi - Stonebridgerich - Kfbkimmi Promisetobelucky - Flamereno - Mayablanco 26.12.13 Flamboro Downs 18.12.13 Flamboro Downs 04.12.13 Flamboro Downs 27.11.13 Flamboro Downs 01.11.13 Lon 1 3 2 5 2 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 22 Davisjr Billy 52 Davisjr Billy J 4 Davisjr Billy J Davisjr Billy J 67 Holliday Ryan L Torchesangel - Saulsbrookfork - Tysonbambino Mswarkentin - Draginthewagon - Torchesangel Sharpratio - Torchesangel - Wannabelikesim Hesgolden - Chandelle - Quietmoment Thunderaway - Torchesangel - Thorseelster 22.12.13 Rideau Carleton 15.12.13 Rideau Carleton 08.12.13 Rideau Carleton 01.12.13 Rideau Carleton 24.11.13 Rideau Carleton 5 1600 unpl 1600 1600 1600 1600 100 St Pierre Daniel 1 3 7 Margaritaman - Michelangelo - Painite Michelangelo - Margaritaman - Roadsense Ghirardellilindy - Mistereminic - Doubleheart Tymalohsonice - Surveillance - Ghirardellilindy Margaritaman - Specialthanks - Vivalangus 12.12.13 Flamboro Downs 05.12.13 Flamboro Downs 28.11.13 Flamboro Downs 21.11.13 Flamboro Downs 09.11.13 Flamboro Downs 3 1 5 3 7 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 388 33 65 257 157 25.08.13 Vd 17.08.13 Pcd 08.08.13 Pcd 02.08.13 M 27.07.13 M 9 7 6 6 9 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 762 Schnittker Raymond W 585 Mccarthy Andrew Schnittker Raymond W 158 Schnittker Raymond W 495 Smith Steve 20.12.13 M 29.11.13 M 14.11.13 Mea 07.11.13 Mea 12.10.12 Pcd 3 2 4 2 2 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 10 Coville Darrell L 43 Coville Darrell L 92 Coville Darrell L Shepherd Robert Henry Trevor S Haughan Anthony P Steward Nicholas Henry Trevor S Watkins - Kashscaviar - Heresthemagic Heresthemagic - Valdabro - Actionimagehall Keystoneorion - Kashscaviar - Lexushelios Spartanvictory - Momsapplepie - Heresthemagic Rockinwithdewey - Longago - Onthemoneyside Lindystrugrit - Punxsutawney - Alllaidout Bambinoglide - Itscomplicated - Brewmaster Sjsencore - Michaelswildboy - Bashanover Exemplar - Deadliestcatch - Bloodstockshalltab Highbridge - Wheelingndealin - Smilineli ILL STAY HERE 4j. grau S (Pilgrims Taj - Short Vacation) Trainer: Stephane Lareau Besitzer: Jacques Rousson,Kemptville, 70.3 ML: 9 10.12.13 Lon 06.12.13 Lon 03.12.13 Lon 12.11.13 Lon 04.11.13 Lon BRETT MACDONALD TORCHES ANGEL 63.5 ML: 3 Rennpreis: 5.950 NW $2,765 (FM $3,125) L. 3 S. OR NW 3 (FM 4) OR NW|$50,000 (FM $62,500) LIFE. AE: CLAIMING $15,000. AE: NW|$6,000. (FM $7,500) IN 2016. 8j. grau W (Amigo Hall - Jeepers) Trainer: Gerard Vaillancourt Besitzer: Gerard Vaillancourt,Kemptvill 61.2 ML: 5 Race 3 JAMIGO 72.1 ML: 4 Seite 5 Rennen # 3 1600 m 5.950 STEPHANE LAREAU 8 RAISING RICHARD 9 FOUR STARZ SPEED 4j. grau W (Deweycheatumnhowe - Raising Th Trainer: John Macmillan Besitzer: 2099551 Ontario Inc,Greely-J ML: 6 RHEO FILION ML: 10 68.0 11j. grau W (Conway Hall - Lotstoliveupto) Trainer: Sebastien Giroux Besitzer: Sebastien Giroux,Qc-Richard PIERRE DESJARDINS Ergebnis: 09.10.2016 - Rideau Carleton 27 Gingras Yannick 36 Gingras Yannick Weimer Kenneth Palone David 23 Kakaley Matthew Helios - Itzaziam - Fourstarzspeed Holdontightly - Fourstarzspeed - Overandout Tsmphotobugger - Runandtellpap - Capricciohanov Cutiepie - Fourstarzspeed - Liz Throtime - Fourstarzspeed - Overruled Quoten: ©2016 by Wettstar / LiveSports.at KG / Meeting ID: 111866 Seite 5 09.10.2016 - Rideau Carleton 4 01:21 1600 ML: 3 1 2 ML: 7 ML: 5 ML: 8 ML: 9 ML: 4 5j. rotbraun W (Mach Three - Bluewater Cam) Trainer: Guy Gagnon Besitzer: Qc Ecuries Guy Gagnon Inc- GUY GAGNON 17 84 42 26 162 2 1600 07.10.13 Moh 30.09.13 Moh 12.09.13 Moh 06.09.13 Moh 30.08.13 Moh 4 5 6 5 9 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 922 464 484 1062 965 27.12.13 Np 20.12.13 Np 29.11.13 Np 22.11.13 Np 01.11.13 Np 4 3 5 3 3 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 211 178 17 22 47 Brown Gord D Lacaille Sylvain G Brown Gord D Brown Gord D Brown Gord D Becalmhanover - Hillsideace - Sumbodysfool Xexy - Hillsideace - Becalmhanover Hillsideace - Picknscoop - Xexy Medolandmachoman - Becalmhanover - Freshherb Retail - Becalmhanover - Hillsideace Hudon Phillip Starlitekid - Plansover - Lyonsparkhavenlake Mayotte Roger F Mayotte Roger F Mayotte Roger F Christoforou Chris Mayotte Roger F Okgalahad - Surprisehanover - Marcodevie Plhaymaker - Wacobruiser - Dravenseelster Biggreentractor - Italianrebel - Brodysscrapper Shadios - Arockalypsenow- - Italianrebel+ Thatsmyopinion - Smacktalk - Plhaymaker Hudon Gerry J Hudon Gerry J Hudon Gerry J Hudon Gerry J Hudon Gerry J Hesacountryboy - Aprideday - Metajkaroad Hesacountryboy - Lifeonhomicide - Burnthehouse Burntontop - Hesacountryboy - Blistillmyheart Westernshootout - Outlawpocketrocket - Burntheho Medicinehat - Blistillmyheart - Burnthehouse PUTNAMS NEW YEAR 7j. rotbraun W (Southwind Balsam - Woodmer Trainer: Stephen Leblanc Besitzer: Stephen Leblanc,Perth,On RICHARD SIMARD ANTAR PHIL 4j. rotbraun W (Sportswriter - Hazel) Trainer: John Macmillan Besitzer: 2099551 Ontario Inc,Greely-J LOUIS ROY BURN THE HOUSE 6j. kastanie W (Ameripan Gigolo - Flame) Trainer: Ronald Macdonald Besitzer: Ronald Macdonald,Embrun,O 61.2 7 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 STEPHANE LAREAU MACHS BOY 63.5 6 1 3 4 2 2 6j. rotbraun W (Badlands Hanover - Babababa 15.05.13 Moh Trainer: Drew Smyth Besitzer: Macy Cassell,Smiths Falls-Dr 72.1 5 ML: 6 GORD BROWN 19.12.13 Rideau Carleton 15.12.13 Rideau Carleton 05.12.13 Rideau Carleton 17.11.13 Rideau Carleton 07.11.13 Rideau Carleton PLANS OVER 65.8 4 Rennpreis: 3.950 CLAIMING $6,500. ALLOWANCES FOR AGE & SEX. 8j. rotbraun W (Western Ideal - Be Still And Kn Trainer: Blake Curran Besitzer: Blake Curran,Perth,On 70.3 3 Race 4 BE CALM HANOVER 65.8 Seite 6 Rennen # 4 1600 m 3.950 BRETT MACDONALD SHADOW NEWTON 54.4 5j. grau W (Shadow Play - Nicki Newton) Trainer: Ted Mcdonald Besitzer: Julie Ferguson,Greely,On TED MCDONALD Ergebnis: 09.10.2016 - Rideau Carleton Quoten: ©2016 by Wettstar / LiveSports.at KG / Meeting ID: 111866 Seite 6 09.10.2016 - Rideau Carleton 5 01:38 1600 1 2 3 ML: 10 ML: 4 ML: 5 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 71 35 55 39 32 Gagnon Guy Gagnon Guy Gagnon Guy Gendron Stephane Gagnon Guy Illbeastartoo - Madameraymonde - Shanghaigadget Kneeslapper - Shanghaigadgette - Darkfire Luckyjournal - Romanseelster - Canbecisback Brotherjohn - Canbecisback - Dragonalittle Hawaiianjoe - Dragonalittle - Romanseelster TED MCDONALD SANTANA SASS 4j. rotbraun W (Santanna Blue Chip - Sassy G Trainer: Gerard Demers Besitzer: Qc La Ferme Tag Inc-Les Ec GUY GAGNON DALI ON UP 5j. grau W (Dali - Lofty Expectations) Trainer: Yves Tessier Besitzer: Francois Morin,Beauceville,Q LOUIS ROY MYBESTOLXFRIENDRAY 4j. grau W (Cheyenne Rei - Baywatch) Trainer: Philip Doyle Besitzer: Philip Doyle,Burlington,On CLARKE STEACY E L WILD SPIRIT 5j. grau W (I Am A Fool - Wild Today) Trainer: Brian Gibson Besitzer: William Gibson,Kingston,On 65.8 8 1 4 7 4 5 4j. rotbraun W (Mach Three - Jk Hello Dolly) Trainer: Ted Mcdonald Besitzer: Lloyd Stone,Portland,On 77.1 7 ML: 8 STEPHANE LAREAU 19.12.13 Rideau Carleton 12.12.13 Rideau Carleton 05.12.13 Rideau Carleton 28.11.13 Rideau Carleton 14.11.13 Rideau Carleton PERSUADER 63.5 6 ML: 9 6j. rotbraun S (Artiscape - Ifuwantitcumngetit) Trainer: Kathy Mcbride Besitzer: Kathy Mcbride,Almonte,On 65.8 5 ML: 3 RICHARD SIMARD ILL BEA STAR TOO 54.4 4 Rennpreis: 4.700 CLAIMING $12,000, NW 3 (FM 4) RACES OR NW $50,000 (FM|$62,500) LIFETIME. ALLOWANCES FOR AGE AND SEX. 5j. grau S (Santanna Blue Chip - Hawaiian Stri Trainer: Alain Veilleux Besitzer: La Ferme Drummond Inc,Sai 70.3 ML: 7 Race 5 HAWAIIAN DRUMMOND 72.1 ML: 6 Seite 7 Rennen # 5 1600 m 4.700 GORD BROWN Y S JOE 61.2 4j. kastanie H (Mach Three - Miss Far West) Trainer: Jean Beaulieu Besitzer: Michel Daneault,Terrebonne, BRETT MACDONALD Ergebnis: 09.10.2016 - Rideau Carleton Quoten: ©2016 by Wettstar / LiveSports.at KG / Meeting ID: 111866 Seite 7 09.10.2016 - Rideau Carleton 6 01:55 1600 ML: 6 1 LOUIS ROY 2 TRYS LITTLE PRINCE 3 CLIFF DRUMMOND 6j. grau W (Million Dollar Cam - Trytanium) Trainer: Michel Allard Besitzer: Rene Allard,Matamoras,Pa JACQUES BEAUDOIN SLIGHT TOUCH 6j. rotbraun W (Badlands Hanover - Touch Of Trainer: Anne Turenne Besitzer: Matthew & Michael & Alex Mc TED MCDONALD HOPETOBEFIRST 8j. rotbraun W (Sagebrush - Hopetobebest) Trainer: Gerard Demers Besitzer: Qc La Ferme Tag Inc-Les Ec 65.8 6 ML: 8 BRETT MACDONALD 54.4 5 ML: 5 8j. rotbraun W (Leader Bayama - Canaco Moli Trainer: Sebastien Giroux Besitzer: Sebastien Giroux,Qc-Richard 61.2 4 ML: 3 Rennpreis: 5.000 CLAIMING $9,000. ALLOWANCES FOR AGE & SEX. 8j. rotbraun W (Cole Muffler - Panfastic) Trainer: Sebastien Giroux Besitzer: Pierre Desjardins,Gatineau,Q ML: 7 ML: 4 Race 6 PLAYIN FOR KEEPS 63.5 GUY GAGNON LIFE KHANQUERER 77.1 10j. rotbraun W (Life Sign - Armbro Agakhan) Trainer: Philip Doyle Besitzer: Philip Doyle,Burlington,On CLARKE STEACY Ergebnis: 09.10.2016 - Rideau Carleton Seite 8 Rennen # 6 1600 m 5.000 10.12.13 Mea 03.12.13 Mea 19.11.13 Mea 12.11.13 Mea 05.11.13 Mea 5 4 4 7 3 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 217 472 436 634 185 Grismore Greg Grismore Greg Grismore Greg Grismore Greg Grismore Greg Regiltiger - Tugriverclaude - Dmbigdogdaddy Regiltiger - Dmbigdogdaddy - Darklightning Northernriver - Odinbluechip - Regiltiger Hhall - Darklightning - Odinbluechip Darklightning - Keystoneroyce - Playinforkeeps 20.12.13 Wdb 13.12.13 Wdb 07.12.13 Wdb 29.11.13 Wdb 22.11.13 Wdb 2 6 6 8 6 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 711 717 231 689 151 Macdonald Anthony A Macdonell Paul Macdonell Paul Macdonell Paul Macdonell Paul Avatartist - Tryslittleprince - Americhi Alexasjackpot - Hesasensation - Avatartist Yucatan - Sunnybeachday - Rocknrollharmony Thorninyourside - Alexasjackpot - Seaharrier Thorninyourside - Alexasjackpot - Seaharrier 15.12.13 Rideau Carleton 08.12.13 Rideau Carleton 01.12.13 Rideau Carleton 17.11.13 Rideau Carleton 10.11.13 Rideau Carleton 4 9 1 7 1600 1600 1600 1600 unpl 1600 22 29 382 364 Plourde Melanie Plourde Melanie Plourde Melanie Plourde Melanie Draconian - Poppysbuckyboy - Woodrocknation Woodrocknation - Okebury - Poppysbuckyboy Cliffdrummond - Poppysbuckyboy - Draconian Collegemajor - Dgswoodstock - Beachrunneram Savannahsplendor - Ifiremember - Blozero 15.09.13 Rideau Carleton 08.09.13 Rideau Carleton 01.09.13 Rideau Carleton 09.08.13 Moh 03.08.13 Moh 9 8 9 6 8 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 280 Simard Richard 473 Larose Claude Larose Claude 142 Macdonald Anthony A 566 Macdonald Anthony A Salute - Keepingoptimistic - Nomoreexcuses Okebury - Summerbliss - Onefalsemove Keepingoptimistic - Pembrokedreamer - Rsonoflife Panperofirpo - Jaelpocketrocket - Canhego Warraweenonsuch - Machpride - Rocknrollharmony 22.12.13 Rideau Carleton 15.12.13 Rideau Carleton 08.12.13 Rideau Carleton 05.12.13 Rideau Carleton 01.12.13 Rideau Carleton 2 5 1 8 1 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 17 123 378 85 14 Toth Emil Toth Emil Lacaille Sylvain G Mc Donald Gary F Brown Gord D Aaronsmattjesty - Hopetobefirst - Tradeeditor Tradeeditor - Aaronsmattjesty - Poweroff Hopetobefirst - Gibsonontherocks - Tradeeditor Hillsideace - Picknscoop - Xexy Hopetobefirst - Salute - Theplatinumguy 22.12.13 Rideau Carleton 15.12.13 Rideau Carleton 08.12.13 Rideau Carleton 01.12.13 Rideau Carleton 24.11.13 Rideau Carleton 3 6 6 1 6 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 198 219 95 55 139 Steacy Clarke J Steacy Clarke J Steacy Clarke J Steacy Clarke J Steacy Clarke J Poppysbuckyboy - Woodrocknation - Lifekhanquer Draconian - Poppysbuckyboy - Woodrocknation Woodrocknation - Okebury - Poppysbuckyboy Lifekhanquerer - Knockoutartist - Pembrokedreame Ifiremember - Draconian - Dgstinkerbell Quoten: ©2016 by Wettstar / LiveSports.at KG / Meeting ID: 111866 Seite 8 09.10.2016 - Rideau Carleton 7 02:12 1600 1 2 3 RICHARD SIMARD OK DIABLO 8j. rotbraun W (Modern Art - Island Escape) Trainer: Michael Armstrong Besitzer: Rachel Burns,Cardinal,On LOUIS ROY LEADING CAMDIDATE 9j. rotbraun W (Camluck - Skippin School) Trainer: Drew Smyth Besitzer: Drew Smyth,Metcalfe,On ML: 10 JACQUES BEAUDOIN 4 ML: 9 3 6 8 5 2 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 863 621 142 203 Henry Travis J Henry Trevor S Holliday Ryan L Woodward Jason R Woodward Jason R Mcjestic - Topofthemorning - Youvegotbankers Dereksdevil - Cheyennenixon - Ratingshanover Ratingshanover - Dervishhanover - Dereksdevil Mrxl - Maxwellsgold - Thomsonseelster Blushingpromise - Youvegotbankers - Ronniesgrin 24.11.13 Flamboro Downs 16.11.13 Flamboro Downs 06.11.13 Flamboro Downs 20.10.13 Grvr 10.10.13 Moh 7 6 7 1 7 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 43 61 68 14 502 Haughan Anthony P Haughan Anthony P Shepherd Robert Mackenzie Paul Macdonald Anthony A Buckbuckbuckmach - Underskyelpasso - Bornwithc Buckbuckbuckmach - Rlilking - Dihanover Mistericon - Rocknrollking - Abbysluck Okdiablo - Sharonthemoment - Buckbuckbuckmach Hobokenhanover - Perfectescape - Lostinpanslatio 04.06.12 Grvr 28.05.12 Grvr 21.05.12 Grvr 14.05.12 Grvr 05.05.12 Geod 3 3 5 1 4 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 17.12.13 Lon 10.12.13 Lon 29.11.13 Lon 21.11.13 Flamboro Downs 15.11.13 Lon 8 8 2 6 2 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 922 491 62 2066 43 Lilley Alex J Lilley Alex J Lilley Alex J Richardson Bruce Richardson Bruce M Machitpaid - Charmbowillie - Twinbbrat Drafthanover - Luigi - Thespartan Tylersgreat - Dontbecruel - Ozzydoesit Orator - Gerriesbeach - Tylersgreat Machinegun - Dontbecruel - Kerrona 17.11.13 Rideau Carleton 10.11.13 Rideau Carleton 27.10.13 Rideau Carleton 20.10.13 Rideau Carleton 06.10.13 Rideau Carleton 6 5 7 5 5 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 46 30 144 126 34 Gagnon Guy Beaudoin Normand Beaudoin Normand Beaudoin Normand Beaudoin Normand Okedward - Somehowsomeway - Fbseelster Southwindavalanch - Medolandmachoman - Lilorph Knockoutartist - Clownssmile - Imjustalittleguy Hopetobefirst - Starsonthewater - Luckyday Aaronsmattjesty - Starsonthewater - Trevorjayb 28.11.13 Rideau Carleton 22.08.13 Kd 15.08.13 Kd 20.07.13 Kd 13.07.13 Kd 1 8 5 8 6 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 200 225 413 303 Gilchrist Louis Samons Murray Webb Richard Thomson John Thomson John Yaaahoookwik - Callmebill - Whitesandmerlot Zebscambo - Johnnyprinetyme - Icdmoolah Woodrocknation - Shinrone - Zebscambo Nitesicantremember - Zebscambo - Woodrocknatio Solongmylove - Plgyro - Somewherewithyou Shepherd Robert H Shepherd Robert H 1 Shepherd Robert H Shepherd Robert H 2 Shepherd Robert H Acceptablerisk - Intheirons - Leadingcamdidate Mymancharley - Donegalgerald - Leadingcamdidat Fleetsensation - Fullcircleking - Donegalgerald Leadingcamdidate - Illcalluback - Pisti Blendedwhiskey - Amazonart - Barenecessity 5j. rotbraun W (Jennas Beach Boy - Cassidys Trainer: Macy Cassell Besitzer: Keith Cassell,Smiths Falls,On CLARKE STEACY WINDHAM HANOVER 12j. rotbraun W (Mach Three - Wendy Cam) Trainer: Normand Beaudoin Besitzer: Jocelyne Pesant,Mascouche, STEPHANE LAREAU SALVO 5j. rotbraun W (Santanna Blue Chip - Intended Trainer: Luc Loyer Besitzer: Luc Loyer,Gatineau,Qc 65.8 8 ML: 3 BRETT MACDONALD 13.09.13 Grvr 23.08.13 Grvr 09.08.13 Grvr 01.08.13 Kd 27.07.13 Kd BEACH BOY 70.3 7 ML: 7 8j. braungra W (Rocknroll Hanover - Art Collec Trainer: David Robson Besitzer: Courtney Robson,Gatineau,Q 77.1 6 ML: 8 DONT BE CRUEL 61.2 5 ML: 5 Rennpreis: 4.100 CLAIMING $6,500. ALLOWANCES FOR AGE & SEX. 8j. rotbraun W (Rambaran - Off To The Bank) Trainer: Randy Scott Besitzer: Randy Scott,Trenton,On 63.5 ML: 6 Race 7 YOUVE GOT BANKERS 72.1 ML: 4 Seite 9 Rennen # 7 1600 m 4.100 GORD BROWN YAAAHOOO KWIK 65.8 8j. rotbraun W (Sir Luck - Futurama Kwik) Trainer: Gerard Demers Besitzer: Qc Les Ecuries Gld Inc-Jean GUY GAGNON Ergebnis: 09.10.2016 - Rideau Carleton Quoten: ©2016 by Wettstar / LiveSports.at KG / Meeting ID: 111866 Seite 9 09.10.2016 - Rideau Carleton 8 02:29 1600 ML: 9 1 ML: 4 CLARKE STEACY LUTETIA SEMALU 6j. grau S (Million Dollar Cam - Signature Sem Trainer: Gerard Demers Besitzer: Qc Les Ecuries Gld Inc-Jean GUY GAGNON HERESTOJESSICA 7j. rotbraun S (Mach Three - Sippin Time) Trainer: Rheo Filion Besitzer: Rheo Filion,Gatineau,Qc ML: 7 RHEO FILION 4 ML: 6 ML: 5 3 6 7 2 1 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 24 35 66 50 107 Filion Sylvain R Filion Sylvain R Filion Sylvain R Filion Sylvain R Filion Sylvain R Murrayfield - Cruelgirl - Lutetiasemalu Backyardbaby - Memumsnotnice - Caviartmandy Machnbyrdprincess - Lyonssweetie - Putmeintogo Lyonssweetie - Lutetiasemalu - Panstakingly Lutetiasemalu - Paraderoute - Stonebridgeadore 21.11.13 Wdb 14.11.13 Wdb 25.09.13 Moh 20.09.13 Moh 11.09.13 Moh 2 5 5 9 1 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 48 Drury Jonathan L Drury Jonathan L Hudon Phillip 341 Mcnair Douglas R Zeron Scott Machochick - Herestojessica - Tarasjet Wildcatart - Pinnaclepeak - Sasummersluck Modernlegend - Hardtomach - Mymancharley Seasiderory - Lifetimejewel - Requestforparole Herestojessica - Gerriesbeach - Westernmajesty 14.01.11 Yr 15.12.10 Chst 08.12.10 Chst 30.11.10 Chst 19.11.10 Yr 7 5 2 5 1 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 135 84 32 216 53 Dube Daniel Dube Daniel Dube Daniel Dube Daniel Dube Daniel Gottogetoutmore - Giveittoemstaight - Cheyennetri Redstarhottie - Bintensified - Lightningtreasure Ultimatebest - Stylesemalu - NativedollIdealnewton - Shackedup - Ireneonthemove Stylesemalu - Elusiveprey - Mariesztam 19.12.13 Wdb 12.12.13 Wdb 28.11.13 Wdb 21.11.13 Wdb 14.11.13 Wdb 6 3 2 8 4 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 89 102 246 333 311 Macdonell Paul Macdonell Paul Macdonell Paul Hudon Phillip Hudon Phillip Handsoffhanover - Misspoppycock - Lyonssweetie Wonderfulcharm - Misspoppycock - Jeremeyesjew Envioushanover - Jeremeyesjewel - Sentimentallad Putmeintogo - Stonebridgeadore - Misspoppycock Lutetiasemalu - Paraderoute - Stonebridgeadore 18.12.13 Ppk 07.12.13 Ppk 30.11.13 Ppk 22.10.13 Lon 17.10.13 Wdb 3 5 8 7 5 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 79 Rossjr Walter Rossjr Walter Rossjr Walter 12 Hudon Phillip 541 Hudonjr Joseph P 4j. rotbraun S (Stonebridge Regal - Lucktown Trainer: Chelsea Knapp Besitzer: 2099551 Ontario Inc,Greely,O 65.3 DARRELL COVILLE 5 STYLE SEMALU 6 JEREMEYES JEWEL 11j. rotbraun S (Million Dollar Cam - Alcyon Se Trainer: Johanne Begin Besitzer: Andre Beaudoin,St-Boniface- JACQUES BEAUDOIN 6j. rotbraun S (Jeremes Jet - Allamerican Eyef Trainer: Sebastien Giroux Besitzer: Pierre Desjardins,Gatineau,Q 61.2 7 19.12.13 Wdb 06.12.13 Wdb 29.11.13 Wdb 21.11.13 Wdb 14.11.13 Wdb WINDSONG LISA ML: 8 ML: 3 Rennpreis: 3.950 FILLIES & MARES, CLAIMING $6,500. ALLOWANCES FOR AGE. 5j. rotbraun S (Mach Three - Debbielynnekillea Trainer: Macy Cassell Besitzer: Keith Cassell,Smiths Falls,On 65.8 3 Race 8 DEBBIES MACH 77.1 2 Seite 10 Rennen # 8 1600 m 3.950 BRETT MACDONALD SHESBADTOTHEBONE 63.5 6j. rotbraun S (Badlands Hanover - Jollie Plac Trainer: Andre Champagne Besitzer: Andre Champagne,Trois-Rivi LOUIS ROY Ergebnis: 09.10.2016 - Rideau Carleton Icumisty - Realnicegirl - Shesbadtothebone Dojeamaidscaptor - Sabrianalane - Flyaway Sciroccoandy - Fantasticrock - Pattyscourage Deararyss - Moderndaynite - Idealodds Cruelgirl - Sentimentallady - Lutetiasemalu Quoten: ©2016 by Wettstar / LiveSports.at KG / Meeting ID: 111866 Seite 10 09.10.2016 - Rideau Carleton 9 02:46 1600 ML: 4 1 ML: 9 MARIE AUGER 3j. rotbraun H (Power Park - Financiere Stena) Trainer: Dominic Gladu Besitzer: Gilbert Sauve,St-Jacques,Qc LOUIS ROY KEYSTONE CHARLES 4j. grau W (Shark Gesture - Keystone Caitlyn) Trainer: Claude Larose Besitzer: Claude Larose,Gatineau,Qc RHEO FILION 4 4j. rotbraun W (Sportswriter - Hey Girl) Trainer: Alain Martin Besitzer: Alain Martin,Gatineau,Qc BRETT MACDONALD CASIMIR POWER PAC 3j. grau W (Astronomical - Creme Fraiche) Trainer: Gerard Demers Besitzer: Gerard Demers,St Andre Avel 65.8 6 ML: 5 SEAWIND HUDSON 61.2 5 ML: 3 Rennpreis: 4.550 CLAIMING $12,000, NW 3 (FM 4) RACES OR NW $50,000 (FM|$62,500) LIFETIME. ALLOWANCES FOR AGE AND SEX. CHUMMY PARK ML: 8 ML: 7 Race 9 4j. rotbraun W (Astronomical - Armbro Traditio Trainer: Marie Auger Besitzer: Louison Morin,Beauceville,Qc 63.5 3 Seite 11 ASTREOS BOY 63.5 2 Rennen # 9 1600 m 4.550 GUY GAGNON CEDAR DUNES 3j. rotbraun W (Somebeachsomewhere - Perfe Trainer: Stephane Lareau Besitzer: Jacques Rousson,Kemptville, 70.3 7 STEPHANE LAREAU GOODMORNINGMISTER ML: 6 4j. rotbraun W (Ameripan Gigolo - Cinnamon S Trainer: Guy Chretien Besitzer: Les Ecuries Piramidan,Gatine GUY CHRETIEN Ergebnis: 09.10.2016 - Rideau Carleton Quoten: ©2016 by Wettstar / LiveSports.at KG / Meeting ID: 111866 Seite 11 09.10.2016 - Rideau Carleton 10 03:03 1600 1 2 3 GORD BROWN VIPER SELECT 11j. rotbraun W (Dauntless Bunny - Elance An Trainer: Denis Guindon Besitzer: Denis Guindon,Carleton Plac GUY GAGNON 6 6 1 3 3 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 137 415 26 39 38 12.05.13 Rideau Carleton 05.05.13 Rideau Carleton 25.04.13 Rideau Carleton 02.12.12 Rideau Carleton 22.11.12 Rideau Carleton 2 6 1 9 7 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 21 Larose Claude 28 Larose Claude Larose Claude 31 Gagnon Guy 173 Larose Claude 1 3 6 1600 1600 1600 Paver Ray Paver Ray Paver Ray 30.10.13 Hop 17.10.13 Hop 10.10.13 Hop 28.09.13 Crydn 23.09.13 Cnsv 3 1 2 3 2 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 26 Tetrick Trace 13 Tetrick Trace 44 Tetrick Trace Harness Carl O Conrad Charlie 14.12.13 Wdb 30.11.13 Wdb 23.11.13 Wdb 09.11.13 Wdb 02.11.13 Wdb 1 7 3 3 3 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 79 288 113 141 181 Moiseyev Jack G Moiseyev Jack G Moiseyev Jack G Condren Stephen Condren Stephen Joshuamyboy - Breescreek - Produece Avatartist - Glammit - Jettinsdragon Avatartist - Genesee - Joshuamyboy Thorninyourside - Rocknrollharmony - Joshuamybo Cougarhall - Mckinney - Joshuamyboy 03.12.13 Yr 17.11.13 Dd 10.11.13 Dd 29.10.13 Yr 22.10.13 Yr 1 8 9 2 1 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 17 755 1116 82 40 Kakaley Matthew Kakaley Matt Kakaley Matt Bartlett Jason Brennan George Onlythelonely - Letsrocktogether - Riverrunforryan Vegasvacation - Sunshinebeach - Emeritusmaximu Sunshinebeach - Emeritusmaximus - Twilightbonfir Rocnrolwilneverdie - Onlythelonely - Validusdeo Onlythelonely - Framedart - Rocnrolwilneverdie 4 3 2 1 1 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 15 16 11 34 41 Filion Sylvain R Filion Sylvain R Filion Sylvain R Filion Sylvain R Filion Sylvain R Statetreasurer - Modernlegend - Upfronthoosierboy Speedagain - Upfronthoosierboy - Bestofbesthanov Upfronthoosierboy - Bestofbesthanover - Camaesfe Bestofbesthanover - Upfronthoosierboy - Camaesfe Bestofbesthanover - Sparkymark - Shelbyscobra 5j. rotbraun W (Real Desire - Lady With A Futu 23.07.13 Scd 25.06.13 Scd Trainer: Johanne Begin 18.06.13 Scd Besitzer: Jacques Beaudoin,Manotick, Brown Gord D Coville Darrell L Brown Gord D Brown Gord D Brown Gord D Aaronsmattjesty - Hopetobefirst - Tradeeditor Tradeeditor - Aaronsmattjesty - Poweroff Thelovebug - Okedward - Salute Tradeeditor - Imjustalittleguy - Thelovebug Xexy - Hillsideace - Thelovebug Knockoutartist - Viperselect - Thebarber Summerbliss - Unclegoodfellow - Drafthanover Viperselect - Knockoutartist - Oliviasway Itsagoodthing - Toldonyou - Arabica Gdairliner - Stonebridgecowboy - Machitpaid Racingforspace - Flightagain - Docssmokin Artistfromabove - Twowillforever - Racingforspace Hesgotit - Limelightbeach - Dreamondreamon JACQUES BEAUDOIN 4 VINCENT VAN GO 4j. rotbraun W (Skydancer Hanover - Venturi E Trainer: Stephane Lareau Besitzer: Jacques Rousson,Kemptville, 70.3 ML: 8 5 STEPHANE LAREAU MEERSBURG 5j. rotbraun W (Sand Shooter - Belize) Trainer: Ted Mcdonald Besitzer: Julie Ferguson,Greely,On 54.4 ML: 4 6 ML: 11 ML: 10 TED MCDONALD JOSHUA MY BOY 7j. grau W (Jennas Beach Boy - Prada Girl) Trainer: Macy Cassell Besitzer: Keith Cassell,Smiths Falls,On 61.2 7 BRETT MACDONALD ONLY THE LONELY 6j. rotbraun W (Western Ideal - Lonesome Day Trainer: Edward Merkley Besitzer: Edward Merkley,Williamsburg 76.2 8 MATT HARVEY 3j. rotbraun W (Big Jim - Shez A Keeper) Trainer: Yves Tessier Besitzer: Gilles Caouette,Sudbury,On LOUIS ROY ROCK FAME 5j. rotbraun W (Rocknroll Hanover - Michelles Trainer: Robert Bernicky Besitzer: Robert Bernicky,L'ange-Gardi 72.1 10 Errudy - Sharpcheeser - Meersburg Meersburg - Gearedtowin - Wingqueen Semperfitillidie - Meersburg - Handnharleythejet Ermichael - Hoosiershooter - Meersburg Dabunka - Meersburg - Eroliver BIG RICKY 63.5 9 ML: 9 22.12.13 Rideau Carleton 15.12.13 Rideau Carleton 08.12.13 Rideau Carleton 01.12.13 Rideau Carleton 28.11.13 Rideau Carleton RACING FOR SPACE ML: 6 ML: 5 Rennpreis: 5.950 NW $2,500 (FM $3,125) L.3.S. OR NW 3 (FM 4) OR NW|$50,000 (FM $62,500) LIFE. AE: CLAIMING $15,000. AE: NW|$6,000. (FM $7,500) IN 2016. Also Eligible: BESTOFBEST HANOVER 9j. rotbraun W (Artesian - Poeme) Trainer: Stephen Leblanc Besitzer: Michelle & Stephen Leblanc,P 65.8 ML: 3 Race 10 THE LOVE BUG 65.8 ML: 7 Seite 12 Rennen # 10 1600 m 5.950 RICHARD SIMARD BESTOFBEST HANOVER05.10.13 Moh 59.0 8j. rotbraun H (Western Hanover - Bunny Lake 28.09.13 Moh Trainer: Melanie Plourde 21.09.13 Moh Besitzer: Melanie Plourde,Quebec,Qc 14.09.13 Moh MELANIE PLOURDE Ergebnis: 09.10.2016 - Rideau Carleton 07.09.13 Moh Quoten: ©2016 by Wettstar / LiveSports.at KG / Meeting ID: 111866 Seite 12 09.10.2016 - Rideau Carleton 11 03:20 1600 ML: 6 1 2 ML: 3 ML: 7 ML: 8 7j. rotbraun W (Riverboat King - Three Maiden Trainer: Jean Beaulieu Besitzer: Jean Beaulieu,Laval-Marc Ge LOUIS ROY LIKEAVIRGIN 6j. rotbraun W (Always A Virgin - Call Now) Trainer: Marie Auger Besitzer: Pierre Marc Longpre,Trois Riv MARIE AUGER GORD BROWN FIRST IMPRESSION 11j. grau W (Cape Crusader - Falcon Crest) Trainer: Gary Mc Donald Besitzer: The Three Gees Stable,Greel BRETT MACDONALD SUMMER BLISS 11j. rotbraun W (Blissfull Hall - Crest Of Summ Trainer: Guy Chretien Besitzer: Guy Chretien,L'ange-Gardien, ML: 9 GUY CHRETIEN 7 ML: 5 4 6 2 1 2 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 25.10.12 Mr 13.10.12 Vd 03.06.12 Tgdn 05.05.12 Tgdn 05.10.11 Btva 1 5 1 7 4 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 12.06.13 Hop 01.06.13 Hop 18.05.13 Hop 09.05.13 Hop 26.04.13 Hop 3 9 5 1 5 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 65 138 47 15 306 Whisman Jimmy Whisman Jimmy Dillander Jason Widger Sam Dillander Jason Fearlesschip - Outonparole - Likeavirgin Alligatorfalls - Bluebirdideal - Alwaysafighter Rivernonions - Bluebirdideal - Andrewluck Likeavirgin - Mimicsblackgold - Seeyalaterdude Alligatorfalls - Wwhitecomet - Stopthetraffic 8 6 7 3 8 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 476 206 186 112 556 Mcdonald Ted S Mcdonald Ted S Mcdonald Ted S Mcdonald Ted S Mcdonald Ted S Timetorocknroll - Shanghaibg - Survivalguide Eataamwhosurboy - Keepingoptimistic - Luckyday Allchrome - Luckyday - Keepingoptimistic Courierservice - Godivabeachdiamond - Dontburst Keepingoptimistic - Histoireeternelle - Noshirtnosho 4 10 8 9 1 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 98 99 277 44 6 Davisjr Billy J Jamieson Jody C Jamieson Jody C Allard Simon Allard Simon Barenecessity - Dapperdenzil - Keyedentry Barenecessity - Jacspade - Dapperdenzil Genesee - Keyedentry - Jacspade Ryanagain - Stladskingpin - Realattitude Firstimpression - Tivolihanover - Theetownlittleguy 22.12.13 Rideau Carleton 12.12.13 Rideau Carleton 29.09.13 Rideau Carleton 22.09.13 Rideau Carleton 15.09.13 Rideau Carleton 5 2 9 3 4 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 80 Lacaille Sylvain G Desjardins Pierre M 259 Coville Darrell L 96 Coville Darrell L 60 Coville Darrell L 12.12.13 Wdb 06.12.13 Wdb 29.11.13 Wdb 22.11.13 Wdb 07.11.13 Wdb 5 2 4 3 2 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 7j. grau W (Dontgetinmyway - Cosmic Burst) 17.11.13 Rideau Carleton Trainer: Jennifer Smiley 10.11.13 Rideau Carleton Besitzer: Jennifer Smiley-Andrea Smile 31.10.13 Rideau Carleton 61.2 6 07.06.12 Rideau Carleton 31.05.12 Rideau Carleton 17.05.12 Rideau Carleton 10.05.12 Rideau Carleton 29.04.12 Rideau Carleton DONTBURSTMYBUBBLE21.11.13 Rideau Carleton 65.8 5 ML: 4 DARCY CLANCY MY BUDDY MASON 63.5 4 Rennpreis: 3.450 CLAIMING $6,500. NW $700. (FM $875) LAST 3 STARTS OR|NW 1 RACE OF $2,000. IN 2016. 13j. rotbraun W (Albert Albert - Cams Crystal) Trainer: Darcy Clancy Besitzer: Walter Clancy,Napanee,On 63.5 3 Race 11 THUNDERING BAY 63.5 DOCS HOSS 77.1 8j. rotbraun W (Cams Eclipse - The House Of Trainer: Matthew Mcdonald Besitzer: Matthew & Michael & Alex Mc CLARKE STEACY Ergebnis: 09.10.2016 - Rideau Carleton Seite 13 Rennen # 11 1600 m 3.450 27.10.13 Rideau Carleton 14.12.13 Wdb 06.12.13 Wdb 30.11.13 Wdb 16.11.13 Pcd 09.11.13 Pcd 4 3 1 2 Clancy Darcy W Clancy Darcy W Clancy Darcy W Clancy Darcy W Clancy Darcy W Merton Gregory 1 Roberts Jonathan W Fisher Ray E Freese Tyler S 73 Whittemore D J 41 27 16 17 24 Christoforou Chris Christoforou Chris Christoforou Chris Christoforou Chris Christoforou Chris Itsagoodthing - Bestofbesthanover - Cajonthunder Stonebridgewish - Itsagoodthing - Firethorn Warraweekoine - Thunderingbay - Viperselect Thunderingbay - Highbetabluechip - Sunsetart Diditagain - Thunderingbay - Bornagaindragon Mybuddymason - Mrdeuce - Newyorkterror Splitticket - Sripanka - Westernwildking Mybuddymason - Bronsonbluechip - Nothaload Myboogieshoes - Raymondj - Tudeeedu Unionmanhanover - Gallantmajor - Thebruiser Luckyjournal - Pembrokedreamer - Goldentrip Dgswoodstock - Summerbliss - Blissfullspeed Poppysbuckyboy - Lulusboy - Therealone Martytyme - Salute - Summerbliss Therealone - Lifekhanquerer - Martytyme Allamericanextra - Beeeyouuuuuu - Doingsomeda Allamericanextra - Docshoss - Doingsomedamage Allamericanextra - Martytyme - Lostinpanslation Allamericanextra - Lostinpanslation - Docshoss Westernsenator - Docshoss - Johnnyprinetyme Quoten: ©2016 by Wettstar / LiveSports.at KG / Meeting ID: 111866 Seite 13 09.10.2016 - Rideau Carleton 12 03:37 1600 1 2 ML: 10 CLARKE STEACY THE PLATINUM GUY 8j. rotbraun W (Mach Three - Proxahantis) Trainer: Jean Brazeau Besitzer: Jean Serge Brazeau,Saint-Eu RICHARD SIMARD MODERN MYSTERY 6j. rotbraun W (Modern Art - Phoenix Arcane) Trainer: Matt Harvey Besitzer: J Lorraine Barr,Glenburnie,O 76.2 ML: 5 MATT HARVEY 2 3 3 4 1600 1600 1600 1600 unpl 1600 56 11 28 116 St Pierre Denis St Pierre Denis St Pierre Denis St Pierre Denis Missdollarmam - Theplatinumguy - Knockoutartist Rsonoflife - Printingaplace - Theplatinumguy Hopetobefirst - Salute - Theplatinumguy Jacksonkillean - Shanghaibg - Ruffmeup Goldenvanity - Walksoflife - Windsunrachel 14.11.13 Rideau Carleton 07.11.13 Rideau Carleton 24.10.13 Rideau Carleton 17.10.13 Rideau Carleton 10.10.13 Rideau Carleton 4 5 7 4 3 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 434 322 1221 143 Harvey Matt C Harvey Matt C Harvey Matt C Harvey Matt C Harvey Matt C Realbigg - Twiceasbright - Casimirmakinbacon Sophiesduke - Beaucastel - Unikbayama Romanseelster - Unikbayama - Canbeckameron Cleverthing - Geeperscreepers - Twiceasbright Bernsteinhanover - Deucesdiva - Modernmystery 23.10.13 Cnl 3 6 4 8 7 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 28 48 30 312 107 Christner Scott Christner Scott Christner Scott Christner Scott Christner Scott Whitewaterdelight - Gallowspole - Earlymorninarriv Southbound - Kingme - Drunkenfrenchman Northernattack - Chasingconnor - Eaglejacob Terrorofthetrack - Roundingthird - Alignedhanover Mobilbigjohn - Stonebridgeart - Artstar 22.12.13 Rideau Carleton 15.12.13 Rideau Carleton 08.12.13 Rideau Carleton 01.12.13 Rideau Carleton 24.11.13 Rideau Carleton 5 5 2 8 1 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 68 79 73 342 10 Gagnon Guy Gagnon Guy Gagnon Guy Loyer Luc Gagnon Guy Poppysbuckyboy - Woodrocknation - Lifekhanquer Draconian - Poppysbuckyboy - Woodrocknation Woodrocknation - Okebury - Poppysbuckyboy Cliffdrummond - Poppysbuckyboy - Draconian Okebury - Woodrocknation - Agooddaytowin NOUDIDNT BLUE CHIP 5 EARLYMORNINARRIVAL04.12.13 Nfld 3j. rotbraun W (Roll With Joe - She Walks The Trainer: Johanne Begin Besitzer: Jacques Beaudoin,On-Mauric JACQUES BEAUDOIN 9j. kastanie W (The Panderosa - Twinkling Dre 27.11.13 Nfld Trainer: Nathalie Seguin 19.11.13 Nfld Besitzer: Nathalie Seguin,Gatineau,Qc 04.11.13 Nfld 65.8 ML: 9 6 GUY GAGNON OFFICIALLY RUSTY 5j. grau W (Art Official - Rustys Puddin) Trainer: Ronald Charette Besitzer: Ronald Charette,Gatineau,Qc 63.5 ML: 3 7 ML: 11 LOUIS ROY JENS CREDIT 3j. rotbraun S (Up The Credit - Armbro Vertical Trainer: Macy Cassell Besitzer: Keith Cassell,Smiths Falls,On 70.3 8 STEPHANE LAREAU FLIGHT OF AN ANGEL 5j. rotbraun S (Mach Three - Prince Lee Fiesta Trainer: Brian Collins Besitzer: On Grace George-Brian Colli 54.4 9 ML: 4 15.12.13 Rideau Carleton 08.12.13 Rideau Carleton 01.12.13 Rideau Carleton 24.11.13 Rideau Carleton 20.10.13 Trrvs 4 ML: 7 ML: 8 Rennpreis: 5.150 NW $1,000 (FM $1,250) LAST 3 STARTS. W/O $4,000 (FM|$5,000) L. 6 S. INELIGIBLE AE: NW 2 (FM 3) RACES OR|$30,000 (FM $37,500) LIFETIME. 4j. rotbraun S (Dragon Again - Adriana G) Trainer: Philip Doyle Besitzer: Philip Doyle,Burlington,On 72.1 3 Race 12 UNO CINCUENTA 77.1 ML: 6 Seite 14 Rennen # 12 1600 m 5.150 TED MCDONALD OK EBURY 61.2 7j. schwarz (Modern Art - Jennies Girl) Trainer: Luc Loyer Besitzer: Luc Loyer,Gatineau,Qc BRETT MACDONALD Ergebnis: 09.10.2016 - Rideau Carleton Quoten: ©2016 by Wettstar / LiveSports.at KG / Meeting ID: 111866 Seite 14
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