JIPADって何? +慈恵におけるGATEWAY 2016/10/4 慈恵ICU火曜勉強会 内野 滋彦 WHAT IS JIPAD? WHAT IS JIPAD? Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome Criteria in Defining Severe Sepsis Kirsi-Maija Kaukonen, M.D., Ph.D., Michael Bailey, Ph.D., David Pilcher, F.C.I.C.M., D. Jamie Cooper, M.D., Ph.D., and Rinaldo Bellomo, M.D., Ph.D. Ø72 intensive care units in Australia and New A BS T R AC T Zealand from 2000 through 2013. BACKGROUND ØPatients with infection and organ failure The consensus definition of severe sepsis requires suspected or proven infection, ØSIRS-positive SIRSsepsis organ failure, and signs thator meet two or negative more criteria severe for the systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS). We aimed to test the sensitivity, face validity, and Ø109,663 infection construct validity ofhad this approach. METHODS Ø87.9% had SIRS-positive severe sepsis We studied data from patients from 172 intensive care units in Australia and New Zealand from 2000 through 2013. We identified patients with infection and organ failure and categorized them according to whether they had signs meeting two or WHAT IS JIPAD? B Adjusted Annual Odds of Death 1.6 1.4 Odds of Death 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 13 20 12 20 11 20 10 20 09 20 08 20 07 20 06 20 05 20 04 20 03 20 02 20 01 20 00 20 19 99 0.0 Figure 1. Mortality among Patients with Severe Sepsis, According to Status with Respect to Criteria for the Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (SIRS). Patients were categorized according to whether they had symptoms meeting two or more SIRS criteria (SIRS-positive sepsis) or symptoms meeting less than two SIRS criteria (SIRS-negative sepsis). Panel A shows the un- WHAT IS JIPAD? Patients Wh B Adjusted Annual Odds of Death 1.6 1.4 10 5 1.2 Odds of Death 15 0 1.0 1 2 3 4 No. of SIRS Criteria Met 0.8 B Adjusted Odds of Death 0.6 2.0 0.4 1.8 1.6 0.2 20 05 20 04 20 03 20 02 20 01 20 00 20 99 06 Odds of2 Death 00 7 20 08 20 09 20 10 20 11 20 12 20 13 1.4 0.0 19 0 1.2 1.0 0.8 Figure 1. Mortality among Patients with Severe0.6Sepsis, According to Status with Respect to Criteria for the Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome 0.4 (SIRS). 0.2 Patients were categorized according to whether they had symptoms meet0.0 ing two or more SIRS criteria (SIRS-positive sepsis) or 0symptoms 1 meeting 2 3 4 less than two SIRS criteria (SIRS-negative sepsis). Panel A shows un-Criteria WHATMet IS JIPAD? No. ofthe SIRS admisU) and he sys(SIRS) expreson.3 In mptoms e sepsis sepsis, r of infied by College al Care minant ME THODS STUDY DESIGN We conducted a retrospective study from January 1, 2000, to December 31, 2013, using data from the Australia and New Zealand Intensive Care Society (ANZICS) Adult Patient Database (APD),16 a high-quality database run by the ANZICS Centre for Outcome and Resource Evaluation. The ANZICS APD includes information on more than 90% of all ICU admissions in Australia and New Zealand. The Alfred Hospital Human Research Ethics Committee, Melbourne, Australia, approved the study with a waiver of informed consent. The data were gathered as a part of routine WHAT IS JIPAD? two or quality-assurance benchmarking processes by データベースでNEJMかいっ!!! JAMAもかいっ! WHAT IS JIPAD? WHAT IS JIPAD? WHAT IS JIPAD? WHAT IS JIPAD? 80% of all ICUs WHAT IS JIPAD? WHAT IS JIPAD? WHAT IS JIPAD? WHAT IS JIPAD? WHAT IS JIPAD? WHAT IS JIPAD? WHAT IS JIPAD? AIMS of ANZICS-CORE • Provide a peer review mechanism for contributing adult and paediatric ICUs by providing data processing and reporting facilities • Provide reliable information to clinicians, policy makers, health care providers and state and federal governments • Develop research focus and activities of the ANZICS CORE through local, national and international collaboration • Promote research activities directed at greater understanding of critical illness, its management and outcome WHAT IS JIPAD? WHAT IS JIPAD? WHAT IS JIPAD? WHAT IS JIPAD? JIPADの歩み 年月 2011年7月 ICU学会DB作成準備 WG発足 2011年11月 ICU機能評価委員会で事業計画 2012年7月 ANZICS-COREと合意、情報提供、収集項目決定 2013年1月 パイロットスタディ(5施設) 2013年3月 学術総会にて結果報告、参加呼びかけ 2014年1月 本格稼働 2015年2月 8施設、968例 2015年3月 サイトビジットなど積極的な活動開始 WHAT IS JIPAD? 治療内容 重症度スコア 入退院/入退室 病名リスト WHAT IS JIPAD? WHAT IS JIPAD? WHAT IS JIPAD? 16歳以上 APACHE III APACHE II SAPS II 15歳以下 PIM 2 WHAT IS JIPAD? WHAT IS JIPAD? Research Intensive Care National Audit & Research Centre, London, UK 1Statistician, Open Access Statistician, Intensive Care and National Audit & Research Centre, UK Case mix, outcome length of stay forLondon, admissions to adult, Intensive Care National Audit & Research Centre, London, UK general critical care units in England, Wales and Northern Ireland: the Intensive Care National Audit & Research Centre Correspondence: A Harrison, [email protected] Case Mix David Programme Database 2Senior 3Director, David A Harrison1, Anthony R Brady2 and Kathy Rowan3 Received: 6 November 2003 1 Statistician, Intensive Care National Audit & Research Centre, London, UK 2Senior Statistician, Intensive Care National Audit & Research Centre, London, UK Revisions requested: 6 January 2004 3Director, Intensive Care National Audit & Research Centre, London, UK Revisions received: 28 January 2004 Correspondence: David A Harrison, [email protected] Accepted: 13 February 2004 Received: 626 November 2003 2004 Published: February Revisions requested: 6 January 2004 Revisions received: 28 January 2004 Abstract Accepted: 13 February 2004 Published: 26 February 2004 Critical Care 2004, 8:R99-R111 (D This article is online at http://ccforu © 2004 Harrison et al., licensee Bi (Print ISSN 1364-8535; Online ISSN Access article: verbatim copying an permitted in all media for any purpo Critical Care 2004, 8:R99-R111 (DOI 10.1186/cc2834) preserved along with the article's o This article is online at http://ccforum.com/content/8/2/R99 © 2004 Harrison et al., licensee BioMed Central Ltd (Print ISSN 1364-8535; Online ISSN 1466-609X). This is an Open Access article: verbatim copying and redistribution of this article are permitted in all media for any purpose, provided this notice is preserved along with the article's original URL. Introduction The present paper describes the methods of data collection and valida the Intensive Care National Audit & Research Centre Case Mix Programme (C Abstract comparative audit of outcome for adult, critical care admissions. The paper also de Introduction The present paper describes the methods of data collection and validation employed in mix, outcome and activity of the admissions in the Case Mix Programme Database (C the Intensive Care National Audit & Research Centre Case Mix Programme (CMP), a national Methods CMP forcollects data consecutive admissions comparative auditThe of outcome adult, critical careon admissions. The paper also describesto theadult, case general crit mix,England, outcome andWales activity ofand the admissions in the Case MixExplicit Programme Database Northern Ireland. steps are(CMPD). taken to ensure the accu Methods The CMP collects data on consecutive admissions to adult, general critical care units in IS JIPAD? including of a dataset initial and the refresher training courses, and o England, Walesuse and Northern Ireland. specification, Explicit steps are of taken to ensure accuracyWHAT of the data, Open Access Research Intensive Care National Audit & Research Centre, London, UK 1Statistician, Figure 2 Statistician, Intensive Care and National Audit & Research Centre, UK Case mix, outcome length of stay forLondon, admissions to adult, Intensive Care National Audit & Research Centre, London, UK general critical care units in England, Wales and Northern Ireland: the Intensive Care National Audit & Research Centre Correspondence: A Harrison, [email protected] Case Mix David Programme Database 2Senior 3Director, David A Harrison1, Anthony R Brady2 and Kathy Rowan3 Received: 6 November 2003 1 Statistician, Intensive Care National Audit & Research Centre, London, UK 2Senior Statistician, Intensive Care National Audit & Research Centre, London, UK Revisions requested: 6 January 2004 3Director, Intensive Care National Audit & Research Centre, London, UK Revisions received: 28 January 2004 Correspondence: David A Harrison, [email protected] Accepted: 13 February 2004 Received: 626 November 2003 2004 Published: February Revisions requested: 6 January 2004 Revisions received: 28 January 2004 Abstract Accepted: 13 February 2004 Published: 26 February 2004 Critical Care 2004, 8:R99-R111 (D This article is online at http://ccforu © 2004 Harrison et al., licensee Bi (Print ISSN 1364-8535; Online ISSN Access article: verbatim copying an permitted in all media for any purpo Critical Care 2004, 8:R99-R111 (DOI 10.1186/cc2834) preserved along with the article's o This article is online at http://ccforum.com/content/8/2/R99 © 2004 Harrison et al., licensee BioMed Central Ltd (Print ISSN 1364-8535; Online ISSN 1466-609X). This is an Open Access article: verbatim copying and redistribution of this article are permitted in all media for any purpose, provided this notice is preserved along with the article's original URL. Introduction The present paper describes the methods of data collection and valida the Intensive Care National Audit & Research Centre Case Mix Programme (C Abstract comparative audit of outcome for adult, critical care admissions. The paper also de Introduction The present paper describes the methods of data collection and validation employed in mix, outcome and activity of the admissions in the Case Mix Programme Database (C the Intensive Care National Audit & Research Centre Case Mix Programme (CMP), a national Methods CMP forcollects data consecutive admissions comparative auditThe of outcome adult, critical careon admissions. The paper also describesto theadult, case general crit mix,England, outcome andWales activity ofand the admissions in the Case MixExplicit Programme Database Northern Ireland. steps are(CMPD). taken to ensure the accu Methods The CMP collects data on consecutive admissions to adult, general critical care units in IS JIPAD? including of a dataset initial and the refresher training courses, and o England, Walesuse and Northern Ireland. specification, Explicit steps are of taken to ensure accuracyWHAT of the data, An example of the Intensive Care National Audit & Research Centre Coding Method — bacterial pneumonia. Open Access Research Case mix, outcome and length of stay for admissions to adult, general critical care units in England, Wales and Northern Ireland: the Intensive Care National Audit & Research Centre Case Mix Programme Database David A Harrison1, Anthony R Brady2 and Kathy Rowan3 1Statistician, Intensive Care National Audit & Research Centre, London, UK Statistician, Intensive Care National Audit & Research Centre, London, UK 3Director, Intensive Care National Audit & Research Centre, London, UK 2Senior Correspondence: David A Harrison, [email protected] Received: 6 November 2003 Critical Care 2004, 8:R99-R111 (DOI 10.1186/cc2834) Revisions requested: 6 January 2004 This article is online at http://ccforum.com/content/8/2/R99 Revisions received: 28 January 2004 Accepted: 13 February 2004 Published: 26 February 2004 © 2004 Harrison et al., licensee BioMed Central Ltd (Print ISSN 1364-8535; Online ISSN 1466-609X). This is an Open Access article: verbatim copying and redistribution of this article are permitted in all media for any purpose, provided this notice is preserved along with the article's original URL. Abstract Introduction The present paper describes the methods of data collection and validation employed in the Intensive Care National Audit & Research Centre Case Mix Programme (CMP), a national comparative audit of outcome for adult, critical care admissions. The paper also describes the case mix, outcome and activity of the admissions in the Case Mix Programme Database (CMPD). Methods The CMP collects data on consecutive admissions to adult, general critical care units in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. Explicit steps are taken to ensure the accuracy of the data, WHAT IS JIPAD? ICU DIAGNOSIS – REASON FOR ICU ADMISSION Tick one admission diagnosis from either a non-op. or post-operative group (see list below). If “ICU Admission Source” is entered as “OT/Recovery” then the APACHE diagnosis entry must be from the post-operative group. Non-operative Parasitic Pneumonia Bacterial Pneumonia Viral Pneumonia Other Respiratory Disease Cardiovascular Cardiogenic Shock Cardiac Arrest Aortic Aneurysm Congestive Heart Failure Peripheral Vasc. Disease Rhythm Disturbance Acute Myocardial Infarct. Hypertension Cardiomyopathy Unstable Angina Other Cardiovasc. Disease Respiratory Aspiration Pneumonia Resp Neoplasm incl. larynx/trachea Respiratory Arrest Pulm.Oedema (non-cardiac) COPD Pulmonary Embolism Mechanical Airway Obstruct. Asthma Gastrointestinal Hepatic Failure GI Bleeding - Varices GI Bleeding - Ulcer/lacerat. GI Bleeding - Diverticulosis GI Perforation GI Obstruction GI Vascular Insufficiency Pancreatitis GI Cancer Other GI Inflammatory Disease Other GI Disease Neurological Intracerebral Haemorrhage Subarachnoid Haemorrhage Stroke If Acute Myocardial Infarction – Thrombolytic therapy? Yes No Neurologic Infection Neurologic Neoplasm Neuromuscular Disease Seizure Epidural haematoma Coma Other Neurologic Disease Sepsis Sepsis (other than Urinary) Sepsis of Urinary Tract Origin Sepsis with Shock (not urinary) Sepsis - UT Origin with Shock Trauma Head Trauma +/- Multi Trauma Multiple Trauma excl. Head Burns Multi. Trauma – Spin. Cord Inj. Isolated Cervical Cord Injury Metabolic Metabolic Coma Diabetic Ketoacidosis Drug Overdose Other Metabolic Diseases Haematological Coagulop./Neutro./Thromb. Other Haem. Diseases Genitourinary Renal Diseases Pre-eclampsia Haemorrhage, post partum Musculoskeletal/skin Musculoskeletal/skin Disease Cellulitis/soft tissue infection Other Other medical diseases (Use only if ‘Other Diseases in specific organ system is inappropriate) Unknown Post-operative Cardiovascular Periph. Vascular Dis. – no Graft Periph. Artery Bypass Graft eg Fempop Elective AA Surgery Carotid Endarterectomy Valvular Heart Surgery (CABG) Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Dissecting Aortic Aneurysm Ruptured Aortic Aneurysm Aorto-femoral bypass Graft CABG with Valve repair replacement Endoluminal Aortic Repair Other Cardiovascular Diseases Neopl.M’th/larynx/sinus/trach. Other Respiratory Disease Gastrointestinal GI Perforation/Rupture GI Bleeding GI Obstruction GI Neoplasm Cholecystitis/cholangitis Liver Transplant Fistula/Abscess surgery GI Vascular ischemia resection surgery Peritonitis Pancreatitis Other GI Inflammatory Disease Other GI Disease Respiratory Respiratory Infection Respiratory Neoplasm - Lung If CABG – CABG redo? Yes Neurologic Intracerebral Haemorrhage Subdural/Epidur. Haematoma Subarachnoid Haemorrhage Laminectomy/Spin. Cord Surg. Craniotomy for Neoplasm Other Neurologic Disease Musculoskeletal/skin Orthopedic. surgery Skin surgery Cellulitis/soft tissue infection Trauma Head Trauma +/- Multi Trauma Multi Trauma excluding Head Multi Trauma + Spinal Cord Burns Isolated Cervical Spine Injury No Diagnostic sub code (optional, see Appendix B) ____________________________________ Metabolic Metabolic Diseases Haematological Haematologic Diseases Genitourinary Renal Neoplasm Kidney Transplant Genitourinary/procedure Other Renal Diseases Gynaecologic Hysterectomy Pregnancy related Disorder Other Gynaecologic Diseases No of coronary arteries grafted? ____________ WHAT IS JIPAD? WHAT IS JIPAD? REVIEW Clinical review: Scoring systems in the critically ill Vincent and Moreno Critical Care 2010, 14:207 http://ccforum.com/content/14/2/207 Page 2 of 9 Vincent and Moreno Critical Care 2010, 14:207 http://ccforum.com/content/14/2/207 Table 1. Comparison of general outcome prediction models Jean-Louis Vincent*1 and Rui Moreno2 APACHE SAPS APACHE II MPMa Abstract Characteristics [3] [10] [4] [14] General illness severity scores the Year 1981 1984 are widely 1985used in1985 ICU to predict outcome, characterize disease severity Countries 1 1 1 1 and degree of organ dysfunction, and assess resource ICUs 2 8 13 1 use. In this article we review the most commonly used Patients 5,815 2,783 scoring systems 705 in each of 679 these three groups. We Selection of the history Panel of thePanel Panel of theMultiple examine development initial variables and of of of logistic major systems experts in each group, discussexperts the construction their weights experts regression of subsequent versions, and, when available, provide Variables recent comparative data regarding their performance. Age Yes of scores Yes shouldYes Importantly, the No different types be Origin No No No No seen as complementary, rather than competitive and mutually Surgical exclusive. status No It is possible No that their Yes combined Yes useChronic could provide indication of Yes Yesa more accurate No Yes healthseverity status disease and prognosis. All these scoring systems will need withYes time as ICU Physiology Yesto be updated Yes Yes populations change Acute diagnosis No and new No diagnostic, Yes therapeutic No and prognostic techniques become available. ThIIIe objective thisIIb review is3 to APACHE give the APACHE SAPS II ofMPM SAPS IV intensivist MPM III [5]without [11] [15] [12] [8] any particular knowledge or expertise [17] in this 1991 area 1993of the 2005 an1993overview current 2006 status of2007 these For a1 more 1 instruments 12 and their 12 possible 35 applications. 1 explanation 40detailed 137 140of the development, 303 104application 135 and limitations of these models, the reader is referred to a 17,440 12,997 19,124 16,784 110,558 124,855 recent review [1]. REVIEW Multiple Multiple Multiple Multiple logistic logistic logistic logistic Outcome prediction regression regression regressionscores regression Multiple logistic regression Multiple logistic regression Clinical review: Sc Number of variables 34 14 17 11 The original outcome prediction scores were developed more than 25 years ago to provide an indication of the Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes risk of death of groups of ICU patients; they were not YesdesignedNofor individual No Yes Yes Patient No prognostication. demoYesgraphics,Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes disease prevalence, and intensive care practice 1 since 2 considerably Yeshave changed Yes Yes Yes [2], and Yes statistical Yes and computational techniques have also progressed. As a Yesresult, allYesthree of the Yes major scores Yes Yes category Yeshave in this updated accuracy Yesbeen recently No Yes to ensure Yes their continued Yes Yes 26in today’s17ICU (Table 1). 15c 20 142 16d Score Yes Yes No Yes Jean-Louis Vincent* and Rui Moreno Yes No Yes Yes No Abstract Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes The original APACHE score Yes was developed in 1981 to Mortality prediction No No Yes Yes Introduction These models are basedused on previous versions, developed by the same authors. Scoring systems in critically ill patients can be a Yes Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation WHAT IS JIPAD? Theclassify numbers presented for the according admission component of the model groupsare ofthose patients to severity of illness b REVIEW Clinical review: Scoring systems in the critically ill Vincent and Moreno Critical Care 2010, 14:207 http://ccforum.com/content/14/2/207 Page 2 of 9 Vincent and Moreno Critical Care 2010, 14:207 http://ccforum.com/content/14/2/207 Vincent and1. Moreno Critical of Care 2010, 14:207 Page 4 o Table Comparison general outcome prediction models Jean-Louis Vincent*1 and Rui Moreno2 http://ccforum.com/content/14/2/207 ThIIIe objective thisIIb review is3 to APACHE give the APACHE SAPS APACHE II MPMa APACHE SAPS II ofMPM SAPS IV intensivist MPM III Abstract Characteristics [3] [10] [4] [14] [5]without [11] [15] [12] [8] any particular knowledge or expertise [17] in this General illness severity scores the Year 1981 1984 are widely 1985used in1985 1991 1993of the 2005 area an1993overview current 2006 status of2007 these ICU to predict outcome, characterize disease severity For a1 more Countries 1 1 1 1 1 instruments 12 and their 12 possible 35 applications. 1 Tableand 2. Comparison of three organ dysfunction scores degree of organ dysfunction, and assess resource explanation ICUs 2 8 13 1 40detailed 137 140of the development, 303 104application 135 and use. In this article we review the most commonly used Characteristics LODS [29] MODS [30] SOFA [31] limitations of these models, the reader is referred to a Patients 705 679 5,815 2,783 17,440 12,997 19,124 16,784 110,558 124,855 scoring systems in each of these three groups. We recent review [1]. Year of publication 1996 1995 1996 Selection of the history Panel of thePanel Panel of theMultiple Multiple Multiple Multiple Multiple Multiple Multiple examine development initial variables and of weightsof of logisticlogistic logistic Literature logisticreviewlogistic logistic Panellogistic logistic Selection of variables and their Multiple regression and logistic of experts major systems experts in each group, discussexperts the construction Outcome prediction scores their weights experts regression regression regression regression regression regression regression regression of subsequent versions, and, when available, provide Th e original outcome prediction scores were developed Variables Variables used to assess organ dysfunction recent comparative data regarding their performance. more than 25 years ago to provide an indication of the Age No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Importantly, the different types ofGlasgow scores should be Neurologic Coma Scale Coma Glasgow Coma risk Glasgow of death of Scale groups of ICU patients; they Scale were not Origin No No than competitive No No YesdesignedNofor individual No Yes Yes Patient No seen as complementary, rather and prognostication. Cardiovascular Heart rate, systolic blood Pressure-adjusted heart rate Mean arterial blood demopressure, mutually their combined Surgical exclusive. status No It is possible No that Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes pressure vasopressor care use practice graphics, disease prevalence, and intensive 1 2 useChronic could provide a more accurate indication of changed considerably since and statistical Yes No Yesurea or urea Yesnitrogen, YeshaveSerum Yes Yes Yes [2], Yes Yes and Renal Serum creatinine Serum creatinine, urine output healthseverity status disease and prognosis. Allcreatinine, these scoring computational techniques have also progressed. As a urine output systems will need withYes time as ICU Physiology Yesto be updated Yes Yes Yesresult, allYesthree of the Yes major scores Yes Yes category Yeshave in this Respiratory PaO2/FiO2 ratio, mechanical PaO2/FiO2 ratio PaO2/FiO2 ratio, mechanical populations change updated continued accuracy Acute diagnosis No and new No diagnostic, Yes therapeutic No Yesbeen recently No Yes to ensure Yes their Yes Yes ventilation ventilation and prognostic techniques become available. Number of variables 34 14 17 11 26in today’s17ICU (Table 1). 15c 20 142 16d REVIEW Clinical review: Sc Jean-Louis Vincent* and Rui Moreno Hematologic Score Yes Yes White blood cell count, platelet Yes count No Platelet count Yes Yes Abstract Platelet count No Yes Yes Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation Serum time SerumYes bilirubin Yes bilirubin Yesbilirubin, prothrombin Yes Yes Yes SerumYes No Hepatic Mortality prediction No No Yes Introduction The original APACHE score was developed inJIPAD? 1981 to WHAT IS These models are based on previous versions, developed by the same authors. The numbers presented are those for the admission component of the model LODS, Logistic Organ Dysfunction Score; MODS, Multiple Organ Dysfunction Score; SOFA, Sequential Organ Dysfunction Score. Scoring systems used in critically ill patients can be classify groups of patients according to severity of illness a b A&@aklgjqg^l`]9H9;@=K]lg^=imYlagfk L`]f]]\lg[gdd][limYdalqaf^gjeYlagfgfhYla]flkafl`]A;MYf\lgmk]l`Ylaf^gjeYlagflgaehjgn]gml[ge]kd]\lgl`]\]n]dghe]flg^ l`]9[ml]H`qkagdg_q$9_]$Yf\;`jgfa[@]Ydl`=nYdmYlagfkqkl]e$cfgofZqalkY[jgfqe9H9;@=S)U&Gja_afYl]\Yl?]gj_]OYk`af_lgf Mfan]jkalqZqOaddaYeCfYmkl`akk]n]jalqk[gj]e]Ykmj]oYkÆjklhmZdak`]\af)10)S*U&L`akafalaYdn]jkagfg^9H9;@=mladar]\nYdm]k ^jge++h`qkagdg_a[e]Ykmj]e]flk&>mjl`]jogjcZq<j&CfYmkYf\[gdd]Y_m]k<j&BY[cRaee]jeYf$=darYZ]l`<jYh]j$Yf\<j&<gm_dYk OY_f]jd]\lgl`]afljg\m[lagfg^9H9;@=AAaf)10-S+U&9H9;@=AA`gkhalYdegjlYdalqhj]\a[lagfko]j]ZYk]\gfl`]hjg_fgkla[aehY[lg^ l`]\]naYlagf^jgefgjeYdalq^gj)*h`qkagdg_a[nYdm]k 9[ml]H`qkagdg_qK[gj]gj9HK!$Y_]$[`jgfa[`]Ydl`klYlmk$Yf\gf]g^-.\ak]Yk] _jgmhk&L`]k]nYjaYZd]ko]j]mk]\lggZlYafjakcY\bmkl]\hj]\a[lagfkg^egjlYdalql`Yl[gmd\Z]mladar]\^gjgml[ge][gehYjakgfkYegf_ A;Mkl`Ylo]j]Y\bmkl]\^gj\a^^]jaf_hYla]fl[Yk]%eap& Af)11)9H9;@=AAAoYkafljg\m[]\S,U&<YlY]d]e]flko]j]k]d][l]\ZYk]\mhgfYk[a]flaÆ[]nYdmYlagfg^l`]ajaehY[lgfk]n]jalqjYl`]j l`YfmhgfYhYf]dg^]ph]jlk¾k]d][lagf&L`]fmeZ]jYf\o]a_`laf_kg^9HKnYjaYZd]ko]j][`Yf_]\$l`]e]Ykmj]e]flg^[`jgfa[`]Ydl` klYlmkj]nak]\oal`[g%egjZa\ala]kj]\m[]\^jge).lg/$l`]fmeZ]jg^\ak]Yk]_jgmhk]phYf\]\^jge-.lg/0$l]jek^gjY\eakkagf kgmj[]o]j]Y\\]\$Yf\YnYjaYZd]^gjgh]jYlan]klYlmkoYkaf[dm\]\afl`]eg\]d&L`akn]jkagfg^9H9;@=Z][Ye]cfgofYkAAAYf\ [gfkakl]\g^Yk]lg^]imYlagfk^gjhj]\a[laf_`gkhalYdegjlYdalq$A;MegjlYdalq$`gkhalYdd]f_l`g^klYq$A;Md]f_l`g^klYq$jakcg^Y[lan] lj]Yle]fl$\mjYlagfg^e][`Yfa[Ydn]fladYlagf$Yf\L`]jYh]mla[Afl]jn]flagfK[gjaf_Kqkl]e LAKK!&>mjl`]j^gjegjlYdalq$jakcg^Y[lan] lj]Yle]fl$Yf\LAKKk[gj]$\Yadq]imYlagfko]j]\]n]dgh]\l`Ylhj]\a[l]\l`]h]jlaf]flgml[ge]gfl`]f]pl\Yq&9\\alagfYd]imYlagfk o]j][gfkljm[l]\^gjmk]oal`hYla]flkmf\]j_gaf_[gjgfYjqYjl]jqZqhYkk_jY^laf_ ;9:?!kmj_]jq&:]lo]]f)11)Yf\)110l`]k] gml[ge]hj]\a[lagfko]j]j]%]nYdmYl]\Yf\mh\Yl]\S-U& 9H9;@=AAA%aoYkj]d]Yk]\af)110Yf\mh\Yl]\Yddg^l`]egjlYdalq]imYlagfkS.U&L`]9HKoYkeg\]d]\YkYkhdaf]\nYjaYZd]Yf\ l`]fmeZ]jg^\ak]Yk]_jgmhkaf[j]Yk]\lg1,&Af*(()9H9;@=AAA%boYkafljg\m[]\S/U&L`akn]jkagfmh\Yl]\l`]d]f_l`g^klYq ]imYlagfk Yf\ l`] hj]\a[l]\ \Yqk gf e][`Yfa[Yd n]fladYlagf& Af Y\\alagf Y f]o ]imYlagf oYk Y\\]\ l`Yl hj]\a[lk l`] j]eYafaf_ fmeZ]jg^A;M\Yqk^gjhYla]flkkladdafl`]A;Mgf\Yq-&9nYjaYZd]l`Ylj]k[Yd]\l`]HYG*2>aG*jYlagoYkaf[dm\]\$Yf\l`aknYjaYZd] Ydgf_oal`Y_]`Y\khdaf]l]jekY\\]\&D]f_l`g^klYqe]Ykmj]e]flkYf\hj]\a[lagfko]j][`Yf_]\^jge\Yqk Yfafl]_]jnYjaYZd]! lglae]e]Ykmj]\af^jY[lagfkg^\Yqk ]&_&(&-.\Yqk$)&*0\Yqk$.&++\Yqk$]l[&!& ;`Yf_]kafhjglg[gdkYf\hjY[la[]koal`afA;Mkhjgehl]\Y^mddj]na]oYf\mh\Ylaf_g^Yddg^l`]9H9;@=AAA]imYlagfk&L`]j]kmdlakYf]o n]jkagfg^l`]k]lg^]imYlagfko`a[`ak[Ydd]\9H9;@=AN& WHAT IS JIPAD? 何故APACHE III-jなのか? • APACHE IIやSAPS IIと異なり、キャリブ レーションの時期が21世紀 • おまけでAPACHE IIとSAPS IIが付いてくる • APACHE IVへの移行が比較的容易 WHAT IS JIPAD? Owner: Critical Care and Emergency Medicine ABU JIPAD? Even though the APACHE III score is the most critical componentWHAT of theISpredictive 何故APACHE III-jなのか? • APACHE IIやSAPS IIと異なり、キャリブ レーションの時期が21世紀 • おまけでAPACHE IIとSAPS IIが付いてくる • APACHE IVへの移行が比較的容易 • JIPAD的に、 ØANZICSと同じ Ø主病名のコード化 WHAT IS JIPAD? WHAT IS JIPAD? 全147ページ WHAT IS JIPAD? WHAT IS JIPAD? WHAT IS JIPAD? WHAT IS JIPAD? 収集データの質の担保 1. サイトビジット • 目的:各施設の状況を理解することにより、 データの質を維持し、負担をできるかぎり減 らせるような情報提供を行うこと • ”顔見知り”になる • 朝の回診やカンファレンスに参加 • 使用している入力システムや、実際に入力さ れているところを拝見 • 提案、あれば質問に回答 • 2015年3月から開始、現在まで21ヶ所を訪問 WHAT IS JIPAD? 2016年10月時点で合計23+2施設 WHAT IS JIPAD? WHAT IS JIPAD? 収集データの質の担保 2. 免許皆伝制度 • 参加施設より10例ずつデータをアップ • こちらでデータの内容を確認、入力ミスなどにつ いてのコメントを返信 • 参加施設はコメントの内容を確認し、必要であれ ばデータを修正して再アップ • 指摘内容を参考に、次の10例のデータ入力を行う • 10例全てで入力ミスがなくなるまでこのプロセス を継続 • ミスがなくなったら”免許皆伝”、それ以降は自 由にデータをアップしてOK WHAT IS JIPAD? ANZICS-APD in Auckland, NZ, 2015 WHAT IS JIPAD? ICNARC in London, UK, 2016 WHAT IS JIPAD? 25000 2000 1800 20000 1600 1400 15000 1200 1000 10000 800 600 5000 400 200 0 0 201508 201509 201510 201511 201512 201601 201602 201603 201604 201605 201606 201607 201608 201609 201610 201611 201612 WHAT IS JIPAD? JIPAD参加のメリット • 本邦のICUデータベースへの貢献 • ファイルメーカーがそのまま自施設のデータ ベースになる • 他施設(国外含む)との比較が可能 • 全データを研究目的に利用可能 Ø DPCなど他のデータベースと結合? WHAT IS JIPAD? JIPADの話は一旦終了。 次はGATEWAYについて。 WHAT IS JIPAD? 慈恵ICUデータベースの歴史 2006年4月 集中治療部設置。それ以前から患者台帳をファ イルメーカーで管理。 WHAT IS JIPAD? 慈恵ICUデータベースの歴史 2006年4月 集中治療部設置。それ以前から患者台帳をファ イルメーカーで管理。 2007年1月 重症度スコア、治療内容を含むデータベースの 運用開始。重症度スコアは24時間以上滞在患者 に対してのみ。 WHAT IS JIPAD? WHAT IS JIPAD? 慈恵ICUデータベースの歴史 2006年4月 集中治療部設置。それ以前から患者台帳をファ イルメーカーで管理。 2007年1月 重症度スコア、治療内容を含むデータベースの 運用開始。重症度スコアは24時間以上滞在患者 に対してのみ。 2009年7月 12床から20床に増床、PIMS導入。 2010年1月 PIMSを用いたデータベースを作成。重症度ス コアを全患者について収集開始。 WHAT IS JIPAD? WHAT IS JIPAD? 慈恵ICUデータベースの歴史 2006年4月 集中治療部設置。それ以前から患者台帳をファ イルメーカーで管理。 2007年1月 重症度スコア、治療内容を含むデータベースの 運用開始。重症度スコアは24時間以上滞在患者 に対してのみ。 2009年7月 20床に増床、PIMS導入。 2010年1月 PIMSを用いたデータベースを作成。重症度ス コアを全患者について収集開始。 2013年1月 日本集中治療医学会の多施設データベース (Japanese Intensive care PAtient Database, JIPAD)に基づき、収集項目を大幅に改訂。 WHAT IS JIPAD? 慈恵ICUデータベースの歴史 2006年4月 集中治療部設置。それ以前から患者台帳をファ イルメーカーで管理。 2007年1月 重症度スコア、治療内容を含むデータベースの 運用開始。重症度スコアは24時間以上滞在患者 に対してのみ。 2009年7月 20床に増床、PIMS導入。 2010年1月 PIMSを用いたデータベースを作成。重症度ス コアを全患者について収集開始。 2013年1月 日本集中治療医学会の多施設データベース (Japanese Intensive care PAtient Database, JIPAD)に基づき、収集項目を大幅に改訂。 2015年4月 GATEWAY開発終了、慈恵ICUに初導入。 WHAT IS JIPAD? WHAT IS JIPAD? 明るい黄色と 暗い黄色と 灰色 色分け 点線で囲まれた項目 WHAT IS JIPAD? GATEWAY業務:担当の分担 • 入室時:患者基本情報(赤ボタン) • 24時間経過:重症度スコア(青ボタン) • 日々の診療:治療内容、人工呼吸器 • 退室時:退室時情報、全体チェック(緑ボタン) WHAT IS JIPAD? GATEWAY業務:担当の分担 • 入室時:患者基本情報(赤ボタン) • 24時間経過:重症度スコア(青ボタン) • 日々の診療:治療内容、人工呼吸器 • 退室時:退室時情報、全体チェック(緑ボタン) 内野担当 • 毎週火曜日:退室一週間以上経過した症例の最終 チェック、データロック、PIMS上の保存 • 毎月上旬:先月退院症例の退院時転帰の取り込み WHAT IS JIPAD? 患者情報システム各社の対応状況 Ø PHILIPS:PIMS, ACSYS Ø 日本光電:CAP, Gaia Ø 富士フィルム:Prescient Ø フクダ電子:Mirrel Ø 富士通:EG-MAIN Ø ソフトウェアサービス WHAT IS JIPAD? 患者情報システムを使用した データ取り込みの問題点 ØPHILIPS以外では、患者情報システムが出力 したCSVファイルをJIPADに取り込む:デー タ移動の手間 Ø記録データの不備 • バイタルサインの異常値:動脈圧、呼吸数 • 開始終了時間の実際との不一致:入退室時 間、人工呼吸器 WHAT IS JIPAD? 実際にGATEWAYを使ってみよう リスト画面 Øソートが出来る Øフィルター設定 患者詳細画面 ØツールバーをONすると分かり易い Ø検索方法:検索実行キャンセル • 新規検索条件 • 一致するレコード • 演算子 Øレコードのエクスポートと保存 WHAT IS JIPAD? データベースの利用方法 データベースの解析 Ø 自施設の評価、運営のための情報 Ø 他施設との比較(多施設データベース) Ø 研究(多施設データベースを用いて) 研究のための情報提供 Ø 疾患・治療の検索 Ø 患者背景などの情報提供 Ø 他のデータとの結合:Excelを使いこなす WHAT IS JIPAD? WHAT IS JIPAD? WHAT IS JIPAD? WHAT IS JIPAD? • • • • サイトビジット終了、免許皆伝を取得した11施設 16歳以上、再入室は初回のみ 予定術後で24時間以内の生存退室例を除外 身長もしくは体重の情報のない症例も除外 5839症例 • Underweight (<18.5): 826例 • Lower normal (18.5-23): 2506例 • Higher normal (23-25): 1084例 • Overweight (25-30): 1167例 • Obese (>30): 246例 WHAT IS JIPAD? Multivariable logistic regression analysis for hospital mortality Obese Overweight Higher normal Lower normal Underweight 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 WHAT IS JIPAD? JIPADの今後 Ø 年次レポートの作成:2015年度より Ø 収集項目の追加:乳酸、HFNC、SOFA Ø Internationalなデータベースへの参加 Ø データ収集システム、ホームページの充実 WHAT IS JIPAD? JIPADの今後 WHAT IS JIPAD? JIPADの今後 Ø 年次レポートの作成:2015年度より Ø 収集項目の追加:乳酸、HFNC、SOFA Ø Internationalなデータベースへの参加 Ø データ収集システム、ホームページの充実 Ø 金!かね!カネ! WHAT IS JIPAD? WHAT IS JIPAD?
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