Univ.COOP By Ken Miyazaki Tohoku University COOP CSC Tohoku Univ. COOP We are University COOP Tohoku Univ. COOP Coop services Shop/ Bookstore Kyosai Travel Service Dining Service Housing Service Tohoku Univ. COOP What is Kyosai? ★ 留 学 生 の 皆 さま へ 2015年度版 病気 Disease For International Students ケガ Injury 火災 Fire (UNIV.CO-OP’s Student Mutual Benefit) =Life Mutual Insurance 大学生協 =Fire Mutual Insuranceの UNIV. CO-OPʼs Student Mutual Benefit (=KYOSAI) 学 生 総 合共 済 =Personal Liability for Student 厚生労働大臣認可 生命共 済 Life Mutual Insuranc e 火災 共済 Fire Mutual Insurance 全国209 大学生協・65 万人以上の学生組合員がたすけあう、安心の保障制度です。 A secured insurance system that arises from the mutual aid of more than 650 thousand CO-OP members from 209 ives university all around cooperat the Japan. あわせておすすめする保険 Together with another recommended insurance 学生賠償責任保険 学生賠償責任保険は、全国大学生協共済生活協同組合連合会が保険契約者となり、共栄火災海上保険 株式会社と締結する団体契約です。被保険者(保障の対象となる方) としてご加入いただくことができるのは、 全国大学生協共済生活協同組合連合会の会員である大学生協の組合員である方のうち、学校教育法に定 める学校の学生または生徒のみとなります。 This Personal liability insurance for students is a group contract with KYOEI FIRE & MARINE for which the University Cooperatives Mutual Federation becomes the contractor of the insu Those who can apply as Insurants are limited to students of schools specified by the School Personal Liability Insurance for Students (=GAKUBAI) are members of university cooperatives which are registered with the University Cooperative http://kyosai.univcoop.or.jp/ Tohoku Univ. COOP For example… Recommended! Bee-arena café ★ here Bush Clover Cafe ★ About 500Yen! ATM Tohoku Univ. COOP & Barber shop Have you seen this card? Or Have you got this card ? Tohoku Univ. COOP TUO CARD -Credit Card Credit Card for our members If you want to know it in detail, GO to the shop at the end Tohoku Univ. COOP For more information Included in today’s materials Tohoku Univ. COOP
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