SE Ein Unternehmen der ProSiebenSat.1 Media AG Unterföhring, 5th October 2016 Technical Specifications Index P. 04 P. 04 P. 04 P. 04 General Delivery Technical Control Mislaeading Ads Ads Online Standards FlashLayer 400 x 400 Special Advertisement Video Ad Package FlashLayer Tandem Expandable Wallpaper Expandable Wallpaper Billboard (Spot) Maxi Ad Baseboard (Spot) Interstitial Spot Banderole Ad Halfpage Ad (Spot) Pushdown Ad (Spot) Fireplace Ad / Fireplace Spot XL Sitebar Double Sitebar InStream VideoAds Pre-/Mid-/Post-Roll Post-Roll-Rectangle Overlay Break Ad (Plus 2 P. 05 P. 06 P. 07 P. 08 P. 09 P. 10 P. 11 P. 12 P. 13 P. 15 P. 16 P. 17 P. 18 P. 19 P. 20 P. 21 P. 22 P. 24 P. 25 P. 26 P. 27 P. 30 P. 31 P. 32 InGame Advertising PreRoll InGame … P. 33 P. 34 Digital out of home (DOOH) Digital Touchpoints - Airport Digital Touchpoints - Highway Digital Touchpoints - Urban XXL Board (Airport) Digital Touchpoints - Urban XXL Board (City) Digital Touchpoints – POS LEH (Rewe) / Shopping Mall / Lotto P. 35 P. 36 P. 37 P. 38 P. 39 Technical Information General Performance Flash HTML5 3rd Party Streaming & Sound P. 41 P. 42 P. 43 P. 44 P. 47 P. 50 P. 51 Mobile VideoAds & Display P. 52 Contact P. 54 P. 40 General Information 3 General Information Delivery Ads have to be delivered to this e-mail address [email protected] only. For integrated ads delivery time is 3 working day. For special ads delivery time is 5 working days. Please include the following information in your mail: - Name of customer, - Name of campaign, - Booking period, - Booked pages, - Position on the page, - Link: ‘‘, C - ontact person, - Nielsen product, - ad-name (optional). Technical control All incomming ads will be checked if they meet our specificatins. Still it is possible that after the start of the campaign problems will arise. For this reason SevenOne Media reserve the right to remove ads partially or comletley, if: we receive massive complaints from our users after the start of the campaign, the advertisement causes performance problems either on the web page or on the user device, an external ad will be changed afterwards without any notification and there for doesn’t meet the specifications any more. Misleading ads Misleading ads are not permitted. In this context ‘misleading‘ means ads which contain e. g. typical Microsoft Windows Symbols. Disregard of the specifications or a delayed or wrong delivery can result in complications for the completion of the campaign. The start of a campaign on time is no longer guaranteed. 4 Standards 5 Standards Standards • Delivery time is 3 working days 71 Ads Size (width x height) Weight SWF/GIF/JPG/HTML5 Soun d VideoStreaming • Please inform us if you need another size for your FlashLayer or Skyscraper. Superbanner*1 728x90 max. 40 KB / 200 KB HTML5 no no*3 • Important technical information (Sound, Flash, 3rd Party on p. 54) Fullbanner 468x60 max. 40 KB / 200 KB HTML5 no no*3 • Ads have to be delivered to this e-mail address [email protected] only (Sticky-) Skyscraper*2 120x600 max. 40 KB / 200 KB HTML5 no no*3 • *2 Please include the sticky-function in to the code on 3rd Party (Sticky)Wide Skyscraper*2 160x600 max. 40 KB / 200 KB HTML5 no no*3 • Rectangle 180x150 max. 40 KB / 200 KB HTML5 no no*3 *3 Possible via Redirect and booking as Medium Rectangle Spot. Streaming/sound must have an ‘on‘/‘off‘ button and may only start by pushing a button. Medium Rectangle (Spot) 300x250 max. 40 KB / 200 KB HTML5 no no*3 • Please note our HTML5 information on p. 47 PopUnder max.800x600 max. 30 KB / 200 KB HTML5 no no*3 Flashlayer 400x400 SWF max. 40 KB / 200 KB HTML5 no no*3 Promotionbox 300x250 max. 40 KB / 200 KB HTML5 no no*3 6 FlashLayer 400 x 400 Format: Size: Weight Flash: 3rd Party: Streaming/Sound: Required: SWF / GIF / JPG 400 x 400 (Please inform us if you need another size) 40 KB yes no, (Ausnahme: bei Buchung eines Streaming Flashlayer erlaubt) Clickcommand (or URL) Please note: The Flashlayer must have a visible close button placed at the top of the creative. Please mark the close button with an "x"-symbol and ‘Close‘ or "Schliessen". Animation: the Flashlayer must close automatically after 10 seconds. Function = Transparent areas must provide the clickability of the content behind. Delivery is needed 5 working days before start of the campaign. Usage of (AS2 and AS3) import flash.external.ExternalInterface; Is not necessary to import for AS3. Functions-Call for Close-Button:"adlayerhider"); Please note our HTML5 information on p. 47 7 Special Advertisements 8 Video Ad Package Description: Our Video Ad Package includs the following ads • Banderole Spot • Billboard Spot • Halfpage Spot • Pushdown Spot • Baseboard Spot und • Medium Rectangle Spot Specification on next page 9 Flash Layer Tandem A Flash Layer Tandem is a regular Flash Layer with an internally connected ad (e.g. Superbanner, Rectangle or Skyscraper) as Tandem. Transparent areas must provide the clickability of the content behind. The Flashlayer must have a visible close button placed at he top of the creative. Please mark the close button with an‘x‘-symbol and ‘Close‘ or ‘Schliessen‘. Animation on the Flashlayer must close automatically after 10 seconds Functions-Call for Close-Button:"adlayerhider"); Please note our HTML5 information on p. 47 10 Expandable Despriction : An Expandable is a layer which has the same size like an integrated ad. By mouseover the layer expands. The Superbanner expands down. The Skyscraper expands to the left. Medium Rectangle expands symmetrically (exception: ‘’ expends to the right only, for ‘Pro7’ to the left only). By mouseout reduces to the size of the integrated ad. Format: SWF / GIF / JPG SWF / sound is only possible during the expansion Size: Possible for Superbanner (728x400), Skyscraper (420x600), Rectangle (400x400) Weight: 40 KB JavaScript-Funktion on MouseOver: Fullbanner = soi_expfull Skyscraper = soi_expsky Rectangle = soi_exprt JavaScript-Funktion on MouseOut: Fullbanner = soi_colfull Skyscraper = soi_colsky Rectangle = soi_colrt wmode = transparent or opaque 3rd-Party-Tag: Note: Delivery is needed 5 working days before start of the campaign. Please note our HTML5 information on p. 47 11 Wallpaper Despriction : A Wallpaper is a tandem ad consisting of Superbanner and Skyscraper. Positioning of Superbanner and Skyscraper: All sites: The Skyscraper is placed underneath or right of the Superbanner Format Size: SWF / JPG / GIF / HTML5 For Superbanner (728x90 px) and Skyscraper (160x600 px) specifications of integrated (standards) ads. Skyscraper size width 160 px only are to be used. Weight: 3rd Party: 80 KB possible delivery via 3rd party (only adscale, flashtalking, mediamind, groupm, eyewonder, AdForm, Facilitate, Doubleclick and twoIFrameTags Streaming/Sound: Required: Please note: no/no Image-Fallbacks, Clickcommand / URL und ggf. Zählpixel Background color in hex code e.g. FFFFFF (Background color is not possible for 3rd-Party-Tags). Delivery is needed 5 working days before start of the campaign. When delivering HTML5 creatives we only need two iframe tag redirects without local connect. Importand information for „Connect“ on • Superbanner an d Skyscraper has to be realised in two separate files (Part 1: Superbanner 728 x 90 px / Part 2: Skyscraper with 160 x 600 px • The Skyscraper is placed on the right site of the Superbanner • Communication between the ads are possible with local connect 12 Expandable Wallpaper Despriction: An Expandable Wallpaper has the basic size of a regular Wallpaper. By mouse over it expands into a Rectangle which expansions are limited to the size of the Superbanner and the Skyscraper (728 x 600). Weight: 80 KB Streaming/Sound: While expanded a movie window gets visible. Sound is now possible Size: The complete ad has to be realised in two separate files Part 1: Superbanner with size 728 x 90 px Part 2: Skyscraper with 160 x 600 px => max. expandable 728 px on left site Please note: Delivery is needed 5 working days before start of the campaign. 13 Expandable Wallpaper Javascript-Function for Mousover: ‘onRollOver‘ Javascript-Function: soi_expsky() and ‘onRollOut‘ with Javascript-Function soi_colsky() For a close button: soi_colsky() • The communication between Superbanner and Sky is via ‘Local Connection‘ possible delivery via 3rd party (only mediamind, flashtalking and Eyewonder) • For Flash files click commands and image counting pixels (not js-pixels) must be delivered separately • The high-band version (incl. video) is limited to a maximum weight of 900 kb • The low-band version (excl. video) is limited to a maximum weight of 90 kb The fallback version is limited to 90 kb (GIF/JPG only) • Background color in hex code e.g. FFFFFF • Event rating is possible (see technical information for details) 14 Billboard (Spot) 800 x 250 Size for 71Rotation: Size for Sites: Auto-Rotation 930 x 250* => 960 x 250 => 930 x 250 => 960 x 250 => 970 x 250 940 x 250 90Min 800x250 940 x 250 800x250 982x250 960 x 250 800x250 940 x 250 948 x 250 940 x 250 960 x 250 960 x 250 970 x 250 980x250 980 x 250 980 x 250 825 x 250 15 995x250 982x250 1141x250 940 x 250 980x250 1020 x 250 940 x 250 1020 x 250 980x250 980 x 250 980x250 982x250 980x250 940 x 250 940 x 250 940 x 250 940 x 250 980x250 960x250 940 x 250 940 x 250 940 x 250 940 x 250 1000 x 250 940 x 250 990 x 250 1040 x 250 1040 x 250 940 x 250 980 x 250 900x250 940 x 250 940 x 250 970 x 250 800 x 250 1145 x 250 1065 x 250 800x250 Weight : 3rd Party: Counting Pixel: Fallback Sound: 90 KB yes possible In every case a fallback (GIF or JPG) has to be delivered an on/off Button needs to be included Please note our HTML5 information on p. 47 Baseboard Description: Size: Weight : 3rd Party: Streaming/Sound: JavaScript-Functions: Countigpixel The complete ad has to be realised in three separate files: SWF, fallback and Background SWF: 728 x 90 =>, expanding into the Height of 220px Background (will be duplicated) as PNG for the better semitransparent junction to the webpage 80 KB possible under the following conditions: a) Webpage special elements are considered b) Ads centering on the webpage is retained (baseboard must be oriented towards content centering) max. 30 seconds (a sound on/off button is a must. After the lapse of time the collapse-function must be conducted through SWF) - Expand: soi_exp_baseboard - Collapse: soi_col_baseboard - Close: soi_close_baseboard possible Teil 1 Teil 3 Fallback Essential: - Close-Button, fallback and clickcommand (orURL) - Class-Call: import flash.external.ExternalInterface; Required elements: - Clickommand (or URL) - Category invocation: import flash.external.ExternalInterface; - Scripts are not to be reside on the standard buttons but as a function on the movieclip-buttons Please Note: In case of the direct delivery the close-button is a must only for SWF and is not required for the fallback. Therefor the fallback maximal height is 90px, just the same as the non-expandable baseboard height. In case of the 3rd party delivery the close-button is required for the SWF and is optional for the fallback. Please note our HTML5 information on p. 47 16 Teil 2 Interstitial Spot A Interstitial Spot covers the entire content and consists of a header with a inapge videoad and Close button and sitelogo. Bookings on all platforms possible on site rotation. When booking on the "home" only day fixed placements in connection with a wallpaper. When booking in network rotation, we ask you to observe the RON specifications Description: Requirements by ROS-Bookings Delivery of the motive with external production take place, e.g. by DG Mediamind, Flashtalking or File weight: 3rd Party / Physically: Animations-/Spot duration: 40 KB (polite Download the Video) yes / no 10-30 seconds (Sport1 max. 10 seconds) Video spot preferably in MOV format (not flv) a resolution of 1024 x 576, there will be scaled to fit the screen Sound may only start on user click. On / Off button must be Sound: present An easily visible close button must be present Please note: Requirements by RON-Bookings Certified service provider for network rotation MOV.AD and Flashtalking Size: File weight: Party / Physically: Animations-/Spot duration: Sound: Please note: 17 720 x 400 (16:9-Size) the rest is grayed out 40 KB (polite Download the Video) yes / no max. 10 seconds Sound may only start on user click. On / Off button must be present An easily visible close button must be present to run (even at a resolution of 800 x 600) and closing action immediately visible. It must be run with a countdown that displays the remaining spot length Banderole Ad (Spot) 770 x 250 SWF 20 x 250 px (collapsed) 770 x 250 px (expanded) Weight: 90 KB Sound: yes Streaming: yes (please pay attention to note) 3rd-Party: yes (please pay attention to note) Animation: 10 seconds Format: Size: Note: - 3rd-Party possible only as iframe-redirect with a size of 770 x 250 - A close button doesn’t have to be implemented separately because it will be added by us - Streamings/Sounds need to have an ‘on’ or ‘off’ button - Sound only starts with a click on a ‘sound-on’ button (no mouseover) - Sounds are not allowed to loop - The volume of the medium has to be adequate - Bookings are possible on all platforms - Please note our HTML5 information on p. 47 Delivery: Please send the mediums within 5 working days to [email protected] 18 Halfpage Ad (Spot) Advertisment, which is incorporated on the right side of the site. Positioning within the Description: content, not on the skyscraper position outlying. Size: Weight: 300x600 [double Medium Rectangle] 80 KB 3rd Party: yes Streaming/Sound: Streaming is possible, sound can only be integrated with user interaction. Frequency Capping: Countig Pixel: Essential: possible possible Clickcommand Please note: Delivery is needed 5 working days before start of the campaign. Information for HTML5 advertising on p. 47 19 Pushdown Ad (Spot) Description: The pushdown ad is an advertisment which is positioned above the actual site. Through expandation of the customer, the push down ad, pushes the site down. The push down ad closes automatically after 10 seconds or by mouseout. Afterwards the customer can expand it again through a mouse-over. Size: width 728 to 800 px heidth 90 (300 expanded) Weight: 3rd Party: Streaming/Sound: Frequency Capping: Coutingpixel: 80KB not possible yes (an on/off Button needs to be included posseble possible Essential: Clickcommand JavaScript-Function on MouseOver: JavaScript-Function on MouseOut: Please note our HTML5 information on p. 47 20 soi_expfull soi_colfull Fireplace Ad / Fireplace Ad Spot XL Size Skyscraper: Skyscraper right width: 160 - height: 600 px // Skyscraper left width: 130 – height: 600 px Size Skyscraper Fireplace Spot XL: Gamestar/Gamepro Superbanner: 1580 x 250 // Sky left: 300 x 550 // Sky right: 300 x 550 File weight: 3rd Party: Streaming/Sound: Required: Background: Clicktag 90 KB not possible / physical delivery of advertising material needed not possible Clickcommand (or URL) possible. Desired background color in hexadecimal code e.g. FFFFFF 4 clicktags are possible Please note our HTML5 information on p. 47 21 Fireplace Ad Size of Superbanner: 12autowerkstatt 1222x90 12gebrauchtwagen 1250x90 12neuwagen 1250x90 1254x90 90Min => not possible Advopedia 1250x90 autoplenum 1250x90 bundesliga 1258x90 browsergames 1270x90 dtb-tennis 1270x90 Eatsmarter 1290x90px fem 1250x90 gamepro 1370x90* gamestar 1370x90* gesundheit 1135x90 kabeleins 1250x90 22 mpora 1060x90 n24 1250x90 netzwelt 1330x90 onlinewelten 1270x90 playnation 1000x90 prosieben 1250x90 promipool 1290x90 prosiebengames 1270x90 Prosiebenmaxx 1250x90 ran 1250x90 sat1 1250x90 sat1gold 1250x90 sat1spiele 1270x90 schlagerplanet 1291x90 sixx 1250x90 songtexte 1220x90 sport1 1330x90 sport1fm 1330x90 tennis 1250x90 testedich 1270x90 thevoiceofgermany 1250x90 tvtotal 1250x90 TV-Brand-Rotation 1250x90 twitch 1272x90 werweisswas 1270x90 wetter 1435x90 1284x90 wikia 1322x90 **SpecialSizes: also possible for Gamestar & Gamepro => Superbanner=1580x250px + Skyscraper (left/right) = 300 x 550px twitch (home) => Superbanner = 1582 x 250 + Sky left and right each 300 x 600 px Sites with non-centered layout, we do not offer a Fireplace. For rotations, sites are grouped with similar banner widths, whereby only one advertising medium has to be delivered in most cases. Sitebar Description: The "Sitebar" is fix in the visible free area of the site and offers a large space for advertisement. The ad is conform with the size of the screen and therefore it guarantees the best performance. If you like to avoid transparency of the creative on the page, we suggest you to insert an additional coloured area inside the lowest flashlayer. Unfortunately, it is insufficient to colorize the stage. Format: Size: SWF (Fallback GIF or JPG) // HTML5 on p. 47 120x600 or 160x600 or 200x600 or 300x600 - 50% 50% scalable and sticky Weight: 80 KB 3rd Party: yes, with restrictions - the creative must not leave the designated advertising space - the creative must not layer or hide behind side elements - an intervention within the site (DOM) via Java Script is disallowed - no technical support by SevenOne Media yes/yes Clickcommand (or URL) Streaming/Sound: Essential: Delivery is needed 5 working days before start of the campaign. Information for HTML5 advertising on p. 47 Please note: 23 Double Sitebar Description: Format: Size: Weight : 3rd Party: Streaming: Sound: Essential: General indication: Please note (creation): 24 The Sitebar is fixed embeded within the visible area of the web site and offers an extensive presence as it uses the available space next to the centered web site. The creative adjusts automatically to the size of the monitor and therefore guarantees an ideal display. SWF (Fallback GIF or JPG) Sitebar links Sitebar rechts Sitebar left (200 x 600 px) Sitebar right (300 x 600 px) 50% scalable and sticky 140 KB für beide Sitebars zusammen yes, with limitations - the creative must not leave the actual space, which means it may not connect to <body> or any other HTML elements of the site - the creative may not overlay or underlay other elements - intervention via Java Script into the site (DOM) is not permitted - just one tag redirect for both elements - no technical support provided by SevenOne Media yes, but 3rd party only, as there is an afterimaging of the video spot. Several versions of the video spot should lay behind the spot, which will be displayed according to the user´s available bandwidth. The afterimaged video spot´s weight is max. 1 MB. yes 2 click-url or Clickcommand 2 Clicktrackings Optional - 1 Visibility Tracking bookable on all centered sites at least 5 working days before the campaign starts In case the creative is not supposed to be transparent after displaying, an extra colored plot needs to be implemented, since it is not sufficiant to just color the stage. Information for HTML5 advertising on p. 47 InStream VideoAds 25 Pre-/Mid-/Post-Roll Description: Integration before the video starts (Pre-Roll) Integration during the runtime of the video (Mid-Roll) Exclusive animated ad (integration of spots, clips and videos) Automated start Clickcommand (URL) Linking and image counting pixels (not js-pixels) are possible Essential for multiscreen-ads: On the basis the VAST 2 standards possible for 3rd party redirects AdForm, Doubleclick and Flashtalking. physical video and landingpage for mobilescreen Please consider! Because of technical reasons it is not possible to avoid the overlap of the campaign during the spot at the moment. VAST redirects are not possible on 7TV-App. 26 Pre-/Mid-/Post-Roll Specifications for physical supply Format: Resolution: Proportion: Size: Tracking: Sound: Flash: Note: Please note: AVI / MOV / WMV / MP4 / MPG 1024 x 576 px 16:9 max. 100 MB clickcommand and imagepixel (no JS-pixel) possible as to be integrated in the video no FLV is not a valid video format regarding a physical supply. The video material has to be delivered in the best possible quality. Length of spot max. 30 sec. VideoAd spots longer than 30 sec. on request only. The video must be with sound, which means that all sound tracks have to with with sound. Videos in SWF-Format are not possible. Secure and non-secure Advertising media must be provided one upon the delivery (http://.... and https://....). Important note regarding data transmission: Videos with a size up to 10 MB can be transmitted by email to [email protected]. Please send a download link for any other larger data (max. 100 MB). Specifications for a 3rd party supply yes, on basis of VAST 2 Standard (please consider VAST-Note on the following page) FLV => MP4 (please consider the prescribed order of the XML) h264 818 x 460 Pixel 16:9 < 750 kbps 32-Bit 25 fps For Advertising material for RON excl. Studio71 it is mandatory to supply a SOM-certified redirect which works both secured and non-secured when supplying creatives. Our adserver automatically decides whether requests are served secured or non-secured based on a macro (%%SCHEME%%). Upon delivery of advertising material, it is necessary to supply a SOM-certified redirect and separately a YouTube-certified redirect (SSL encryption of tracking and media files contained FLV, MP4 and webM). 3rd Party: Format: Codec: Resolution: Proportion: Whole bit rate: Colour intensity: Frame rate: Please Note: 27 Pre-/Mid-/Post-Roll Technical Information Sound: Integrated in the video Flash: Only the mentioned formats are valid 3rd Party: On the basis the VAST 2 standards of possible mediamind, Eyewonder, or Flashtalking (VAST = Digital Video Ad Serving Template) Guidelines ot the VAST according to IAB: A video-commercial spot on the internet has to be delivered in one format only. Audio loudness normalisation and permitted maximum level controlled by EBU-R128 Media File node in XML needs to call first FLV and then MP4. VAST 2 is not possible on Brokencomedy, Sport1 Livestream, Pro7 & Sat1 Connect App (Android & iOS) and Pro7 Windows8 App. Please note: 28 Post-Roll-Rectangle Format: SWF Size: 300 x 250 px Weight 3rd-Party: possible via Eyeblaster and Eyewonder or on the basis of the VAST 2 standards Tracking: Image counting pixels (not js-pixels) and clickcommand (URL) are possible Streaming/Sound: has to be integrated in the video Flash: see technical information Please note: Medium rectangle (SWF) which is displayed after runtime of the main video was played. Keywords and categories can be targeted. Size and weight are identical with the Medium Rectangle. VAST: On the basis of the VAST 2 standards. (VAST = Digital Video Ad Serving Template). Guidelines ot the VAST according to IAB: A video-commercial spot on the internet has to be delivered in one format only. 29 Overlay Description: Format: An Overlay cannot have a close-button. JPG / GIF Size: 900 x 140 px Weight: max.100 KB Tracking: Clickcommand (URL) Linking, image counting pixels (not js-pixels) are possible 3rd Party: 3rd Party are not possible Sound: no Please note: Delivery is needed 5 working days before start of the campaign. 30 Break Ad (Plus) 600 x 500 An Break Ad cannot have a close-button. Labels such as ‘promotion or Description: notification’ are not required – it is automated Format: JPG / GIF Size: Break Ad = 600 x 500 px // Break Ad Plus = 1920 x 1080 px Weight: max. 100KB (Flash) Tracking: Clickcommand (URL) Linking, image counting pixels (not js-pixels) are possible 3rd-Party: not possible Sound: no Please note: Delivery is needed 5 working days before start of the campaign. 31 InGame Advertising 32 PreRoll InGame Format: AVI, MOV, WMV, MP4 or MPG Size: 16:9, 1024 x 576 3rd-Party: Sound: yes, on the basis the VAST 2 -standards has to be integrated in the video Physical: Clickcommands (URL) and image counting pixels (not js-pixels). Duration: max. 20 seconds VAST (= Digital Video Ad Serving Template) 3rd Party ist auf Basis des VAST2-Standards z. B. über mediamind, Flashtalking, Adform und möglich. Zwingend notwendig ist, dass im XML Knoten <mediafile> sowohl mindestens ein FLV-Format als auch mindestens ein MP4-Format angeboten werden muss. Dabei ist in der Abfolge das FLV-Format zuerst aufzurufen. Nähere Infos auf zu VAST 2 finden Sie auch auf der Seite: Hinweis: FLV is not a valid video format. Please provide the best video quality possible. The video should not exeed 100 MB. SWF are not allowed. Delivery is needed 5 working days before start of the campaign. Data transfer: Videos up to 10 MB can be mailed to [email protected] Please send a download link for larger data files (up to a maximum of 100 MB). 33 Digital out of home (DooH) SevenOne Media powered by 34 DIGITAL TOUCHPOINTS – 7AIRPORT SevenOne Media powered by AIRPORTS EXCL. STUTTGART STUTTGART Format: Video or Image Format: WMV3 (codec 9) / JPG Size: 1920 x 1080 Full HD (video) 1920 x 1080 Full HD (image) Size: 1360 x 768 (video) 72 dpi / 1360 x 768 (image) 72 dpi Best case mp4 / H264 More specifications Proportion: 16:9 More specifications: Proportion: 16:9 square pixel A sound track is necessary square pixel A sound track is necessary Delivery time is 7 working days Ads have to be delivered to this e-mail address [email protected] only 35 DIGITAL TOUCHPOINTS – 7HIGHWAY SevenOne Media powered by SCREENS (sales rack, cashpoint, cool counter) STELEN (restaurant area) Format: WMV 9 Format: WMV 9 Size: 1.080 x 1.920 Pixel Size : 1.366 x 768 Pixel More specifications: Videoencoding WMV3 More specifications: Videoencoding WMV3 25,00 fps progressiv 25,00 fps progressiv square pixel square pixel 1-pass CBR 1-pass CBR 16,7 Mio. color 16,7 Mio. color rate 3500 Kbit/s Datenrate von 3500 Kbit/s No soundtrack No soundtrack Delivery time is 7 working days Ads have to be delivered to this e-mail address [email protected] only 36 DIGITAL TOUCHPOINTS – 7AIRPORT VIDEOWALL SevenOne Media powered by COLOGNE-BONN DRESDEN Format: MPG4 / JPG Size: 1920 x 1080 (video) or 3840 x 2160 (video + image) 4K HD/UHD or Full-HD möglich More specifications: Length: 10, 20 or 30 sec Format: MPG / MP4 / JPG (mind. 72 dpi) Size: 1920 x 1080 square pixel (video + image) Full-HD 720p possible More specifications: Length: 10 - 30 sec A sound track is necessary Delivery time is 7 working days Ads have to be delivered to this e-mail address [email protected] only 37 DIGITAL TOUCHPOINTS – 7URBAN SevenOne Media powered by Cologne HAMBURG Format: JPG Format: JPG Size: 1.024 x 768, RGB, 72-300 dpi Size: 800 x 416 Pixel, Proportion 10mm,SMD, 3in1 More specifications: Length: 15 oder 30 sec More specifications: Length : 10 sec Delivery time is 7 working days Ads have to be delivered to this e-mail address [email protected] only 38 DIGITAL TOUCHPOINTS – 7SHOP SevenOne Media powered by supermarket paper store shopping mall Format: MPG / JPG Format: MPG / JPG Format: MPG / JPG Format: MPG / JPG Size: 1280 x 720 (video) HD720p / 1360 x 768 (image) 72 dpi Size: 1280 x 720 (HDvideo) HD720p / 1360 x 768 (image) 72 dpi Größe: 1080 x 1920 (HDvideo) H264 Codec/768 x 1360 (image) 72 dpi Size: 1280 x 720 (video) HD720p / 1360 x 768 (image) 72 dpi More specifications: Proportion: 16:9 More specifications Proportion: 9:16 square pixel square pixel A sound track is necessary A sound track is necessary More specifications: Proportion: 16:9 square pixel A sound track is necessary Delivery time is 7 working days Ads have to be delivered to this e-mail address [email protected] only More specifications: Proportion: 16:9 square pixel A sound track is necessary Technical Information 40 General •Flash version 9 is recommended Due to technical reasons we can't accept Flash 7 or lower as advertising medium. • In every case a fallback (GIF or JPG) has to be delivered • The URL must not be implemented in the SWF file • The word ‘coockie‘ may not be specified in the clickcommand (URL) or image counting pixels (not js-pixels) • The URL (or clickcommand (URL)) is limited to a maximum of 250 characters • A ‘clickcommand (URL)‘ is a regluar link to the aimed page only, not a 3rd party tag 41 Performance Complexe animations within ads can result in a heavy CPU workload. The ad must not exceed 10% workload of an average Computer. The workload can be checked using the task manager. In order to avoid a high working load SevenOne Media recommends the Macromedia standard of 18 fps not to be exceeded. Recursive loops and extensive tweenings should be avoided. SevenOne Media reserves the right to decline CPU intensive ads or to stop them. . 42 Flash Programming For the link the flash must contain a button on the highest level. The button must contain the following command In case you want to embed the link into a movie, you need to change ‘clicktag‘ and ‘clicktarget‘ into ‘_root.clicktag‘ and ‘_root.clicktarget‘. 43 Flash Programming • Flash layer have to close automatically after 10 seconds. The command is: ‘‘ • The Flashlayer needs a visible close button placed at he top of the creative. Please mark the close button with an ‘x‘-symbol and ‘Close‘ or ‘Schließen‘. • Transparent areas must provide the clickability of the content behind. • Function-Call for Close-Button:"adlayerhider"); 44 Flash Programming for flash AS3 - ads / Flashplayer 9 +10 var clickTAG:String=loaderInfo.parameters.clickTAG; _btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, extLnk); _btn.buttonMode=_btn.useHandCursor=true; function extLnk(ev:Event = null):void {"", clickTAG, "_blank"); } Otherwise please use the „clickTag“-method: on(release) { getURL(clicktag, clicktarget); } 45 HTML5 HTML5 Display creatives are made of several elements, such as HTML files, CSS, Libraries (Javascript, Jquery, etc.), images and video clips. Formats and sizes (incl. libraries and images) are geared to the IAB standards and to given sizes by SevenOne Media. All single elements of HTML5 creatives must be created as small as possible. Please use the current codes and code optimizations on all files. Animations and integration of external elements like fonts and libraries should be used sparingly. Please do not use subfolder structures. SevenOne Media strongly recommends not to use an HTML converter. Delivery: SevenOne Media accepts HTML5 creatives only as redirects or iFrame tags. Physical delivery is not possible at this stage. Standard ads with HTML5 When delivering HTML5 advertising we only need a Iframe redirect. The SOM "clickTag" URL is passed as a request parameter in the JavaScript redirect. Special ads with HTML5 When delivering HTML5 advertising we only need a JavaScript redirect. The motif needs to be rendered in an iframe. The SOM "clickTag" URL is passed as a request parameter in the JavaScript redirect. The communication between the page and the iframe uses postMessage. The event attributes "origin" and "data" should be validated. The scalability (expand and collapse) or closing of the advertising (depends explicitly on the advertising material) must be implemented. Please deliver your creatives at least 5 workdays before the campaign starts to [email protected] Wight: Max. 200 KB 46 HTML5 Klicktag-Methode Clicktag syntax Syntax for clicktags: clicktag Syntax for multi clicktags: clicktag, clicktag1, clicktag2 The following code must be integrated within the HTML5 creative to transfer the clicktags (this function redirects all GET parameters which are delivered to the file): <script> var getUriParams = function() { var query_string = {} var query =; Example HTML and link allocation var parmsArray = query.split('&'); (2 HTML links without allocated links): if(parmsArray.length <= 0) return query_string; for(var i = 0; i < parmsArray.length; i++) { var pair = parmsArray[i].split('='); <a href="#clicktag" id="clicktag">IAB clicktag</a> var val = decodeURIComponent(pair[1]); <a href="#clicktag2" id=" clicktag2">IAB clicktag</a> if (val != '' && pair[0] != '') query_string[pair[0]] = val; To allocate clicktags to HTML elements use this Javascript code: } return query_string; }(); <script> </script> document.getElementById('clicktag').setAttribute('href', getUriParams.clicktag); You can check a functionable clicktag transfer with the following request: html5werbemittel.html?clicktag=%LANDINGPAGE% document.getElementById('clicktag2').setAttribute('href', getUriParams.clicktag2); </script> Please replace %LANDINGPAGE% with a test page. The link must be transferred URL encoded. (encodeURLcomponent function) 47 HTML5 Backupimage, browser compability If a browser (e.g. Chrome or Firefox) doesn‘t support a special feature or a delivered library there must be a fallback handling with either JPG or GIF. Creatives must be tested by the creative agency on all common browsers. Graphic compression Graphics must be optimized in reference to the file size. We recommend the use of PNG crushers and the use of scalable vector graphics. Streaming in HTML5 Video clips in HTML5 must be integrated with the tag video></video>. Ads which include video clips must have a preview (poster). The video clip starts as soon as it is fully loaded or through user interaction on mobile devices. Please consider that on video clips for mobile devices clicktags Code example: cannot be used. The clicktag must be put on a space outside of the clip. <video controls height='640' width='360'> The video clip must must be optimized in referrence to quality and file size and also must be streamed within an <source src='yourVideo.mp4' type='video/mp4' /> adequat server surounding. T <source src='yourVideo.webm' type='video/webm' /> he max. video clip file size is 2.5 MB. The video clip must be available in H264/mp4 as well as in VP8/WebM. Please note that rich media creatives can be delivered only to user of WLAN. 48 </video> 3rd Party 3rd Party Informations • 3rd party it‘s not allowed to leave the container in which they are loaded. They may not hang in the <body> or other HTML elements on the page. • A Tandem Flashlayer may be delivered as one tag ad • For both ads it must be warranted that the style attribute ‘position‘ can be set by SevenOne Media. This is necessary because the second ad may be positioned ‘absolute‘ (e.g. Skyscraper) • Countingpixel, tracking-SWF and tracking-Iframes have to stay in the specified dimension in order to avoid a change of the layout. Furthermore, visible color-pixel must be avoided as well. • One method to avoid it could be if you set the style options as follows: position: absolute; left: -5000px; • Alternatively tracking-pixel can also be caused due to the style option position: absolute; left: -5000px; in the JavaScript without causing an HTML element. • It will not be enough to set ’width’ and ’height’ to 0px via style option attribut or style only. SevenOne Media reserves the right to decline 3rd party ads because of technical reasons When providing a 3rd party redirect script, please adhere to the specifications for delivery of 3rd party tags. The providing agency or host is responsible for correct implementation, if necessary including positioning and functionality of the entire advertising format on the sites. 49 Streaming & Sound Streaming Requirements: • Every streaming must have an ‘on‘/‘off‘ button • The sound may only start by pushing the ‘sound-on‘ button • The maximum of 2,5 MB must not be exceeded (polite download)! • In each case a fallback must be provided. See specifications of integrated ads Sound • Sounds are not allowed to loop • The volume has to be adequate • Sound function has to be ‘off‘ generally • The user has to start sound by click on the ‘on‘ button (no mouseover possible) • By another click the sound has to turn off again 50 Mobile Video & Display 51 Mobile VideoAds & Display Mobile VideoAds Please note our InStream VideoAd information Mobile Display Please note our mobile display information 52 Contact 53 Contact Alexander Wavra Head of Ad Management mail: [email protected] fon +49 [0] 89/95 07 - 46 46 Andrey Raltchev Ad Manager mail: [email protected] fon +49 [0] 89/95 07 – 46 23 Osman Aksoy Ad Manager mail: [email protected] fon +49 [0] 89/95 07 – 45 44 Leon Wellmann Ad Manager mail: [email protected] fon +49 [0] 89/95 07 - 46 18 Technical Support Mo –Fr 18:00 –23:00 Sa, Su/Public holidays 10:00 –23:00 Hotline: 0160 4798880 or via email: help[at]sevenonemedia[dot]de 54 Sales Region Hamburg Moorfuhrtweg 17 D-22301 Hamburg Tel. +49 [0] 40/44 11 16 – 0 Fax +49 [0] 40/44 11 16 – 66 Sales Region Düsseldorf Zollhof 11 D-40221 Düsseldorf Tel. +49 [0]2 11/4 96 94 – 0 Fax +49 [0]2 11/4 96 94 – 20 Sales Region Frankfurt Rotfeder-Ring 11 D-60327 Frankfurt/Main Tel. +49 [0] 69/27 40 01 – 0 Fax +49 [0] 69/27 40 01 – 30 SevenOne Media GmbH Medienallee 4 D-85774 Unterföhring Tel. +49 [0] 89/95 07 – 40 Fax +49 [0] 89/95 07 – 43 99
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