Global Biogeography グローバル生物地理学 Fur seals on a rock, Western Cape Province, Republic of South Africa. Exploitation of the Low-Latitude Rainforest Ecosystem EYE ON GLOBAL CHANGE The rainforest ecosystem, home of the world's most diverse collection of plants and animals, is threatened by deforestation and conversion to cropland and rangeland. 熱帯雨林 どこにあるか ・南アメリカ ・東南アジア ・アフリカ 生物多様性 ・genetic reservoir of many species 熱帯雨林の利用 ・slash-and burn method 焼き畑 ・現代の利用は? なぜ、熱帯林 1:熱帯多雨林、2:熱帯・亜熱帯の半常緑樹林、2a:熱帯・亜熱帯のサバンナ・低木林など、3: 熱帯・亜熱帯の砂漠・半砂漠、4:冬雨地帯の半緑硬葉樹林、5:暖温帯常緑広葉樹林、6:冷温 帯夏緑広葉樹林、7:温帯草原(ステップ、プレーリー、パンパ)、7a:寒冷な冬をもつ砂漠・半砂 漠(チベットを含む)、8:北半球の北方針葉樹林(タイガ)、9:ツンドラ、10:アルプスなどの高山 植生 (林一六、「植生地理学」、原図はWalter,1968) 焼き畑農業 slash-and-burn agriculture 熱帯林の破壊-どうすれば止められるか 1990 2000 土地被覆変化と 私たちの暮らし Natural Vegetation 自然植生 Natural vegetation is a plant cover that develops with little or no human interference. ⇔ human-influenced vegetation Most of the Earth's land surface is influenced subtly or strongly by human activities, including clearing for agriculture and grazing, fire suppression, and introduction of alien plants and animals. The great Yellowstone fire After the burn(left) and Ten years later(right) 潜在植生、自然植生、原生林、二次林 [植生図] 地表の植生の分布を地図上に描き分けた図 日本全体の植生図は多くの場合、4つの植生帯として描かれる。 ①常緑広葉樹林帯(シイ・カシ林) ②冷温帯夏緑広葉樹林(ブナ・ミズナラ林) ③北方針葉樹林(エゾマツ林、シラビソ林) ④暖温帯夏緑広葉樹林(ナラ・シデ林) ⇒[原植生図] 日本列島に人間の作用がほとんど加わっていなかった時 代の植生を現代の知識で復元 ⇒[推定極相図]現在のある地域に人間の作用を全く加えず、充分長い時 間(200年くらい)自然条件に放置しておいた場合に成立するであろう植生 [現存植生図] 図を描く時点で現実に分布している植生や耕地、市街地 などを忠実に地図の上に描いたもの [潜在自然植生図] 潜在自然植生(Tuxen,1956)とは、「現在の気候およ び土壌条件下において人間の干渉なしに遷移が完成した時に成立する 植生構造」。この推定された植生を地図上に描いた図。 潜在自然植生図≒推定極相図 (林一六著、「植生地理学」、大明堂) [自然林] 人間が植栽した林以外のすべての林を指し、伐採した林 や火入れをした林でも、そこから自然に回復した林はすべて自然林 [一次林(原生林)] 自然林のうち、過去一度も人為の加わらない森 林。極相に達した一次林と遷移の途中相のものがある。 [二次林] 過去に幾度か人為の加わった林を指す。 日本列島の潜在植生(右)と二次林 の分布(杉谷ほか著、「風景のなかの 自然地理」、古今書院) Human activities Deforestation and desertification Deforestation - Frontier forest - Degraded forest (large, mostly virgin forest) - Frontier forest 8,000 years ago Clear cutting Wood gathering Desertification - Very high - High - Moderate - Low Slash-and-burn 気候学的に必然的に 存在する砂漠 <峻別> 人により荒廃した 半乾燥地域 Overgrazing STRUCTURE AND LIFE-FORM OF PLANTS The biogeographer is less connected with individual species and more interested in plant cover as a whole. 木より森 Life-form of the plant – its physical structure, size, and shape. Layers of a beech-maple-hemlock forest Maple(カエデ), hemlock(ツガ), Beech(ブナ), Ash(トネリコ) Tropical Rain Forest Profile showing mature (ends) and building phases of the lowland evergreen dipterocarp rain forest at Belalong, Brunei. (Whitmore,Tropical Rain Forest) Terrestrial Ecosystems – The Biomes Biogeographers recognize five principal biomes. Formation classes are subdivisions of biomes based on vegetation structure and life-form. Five principle biomes - forest biome - savanna biome - grassland biome - desert biome - tundra biome 群系 ある地域で一 番発達している植生 について、それを構 成している植物の方 (生育型)に着目して 植生を類型化 生物群系 バイオーム 照葉樹は? Vegetation types and climates BIOMES, FORMATION CLASSES, AND CLIMATE A generalized world map of vegetation formation classes. - Equatorial and tropical-zone rainforests - Monsoon forest, savanna woodland, thorntree-tall grass savanna - Subtropical evergreen forest - Midlatitude decisuous forest - Cold needleleaf forest and coastal forest - Sclerophyll vegetation - Tall-grass prairie - Short-grass prairie - Semidesert - Desert shurub and desert - Ice, Ice sheet Forest Biome Six major formations: - low-latitude rainforest - monsoon forest - subtropical evergreen forest - midlatitude deciduous forest - needleleaf forest - sclerophyll forest LOW-LATITUDE RAINFOREST Rainforest layers Low-latitude rainforests are very diverse, containing large numbers of plant and animal species. Broadleaf evergreen trees dominate the vegetation cover. The rainforest climates is wet all year or has a short dry season. a World distribution of lowlatitude rainforest. World distribution of monsoon forest. Monsoon forest is an open cover of deciduous trees that shed their leaves during a pronounced dry season. It occurs in the wet-dry tropical climate, ranging from South America to Africa and southern Asia. 熱帯季節林 雨緑林 World distribution of subtropical evergreen forest. 照葉樹林 The subtropical evergreen forest includes both brpadleaf and needleleaf types and is found in moist subtropical climate regions of southeastern North America and Southeast Asia. Most of this formation class has been lost to cultivation. MIDLATITUDE DECIDUOUS FOREST Midlatitude deciduous forest consists largely of trees that drop their leaves during the cold season. It is characteristic of the marine west-coast and moist continental climate. 東京大学秩父演習林 NEEDLELEAF FOREST Needleleaf forest includes boreal and coastal forest. Boreal forest stretches across the northern reaches of North America and Eurasia. Coastal forest is restricted to the coast ranges of the Pacific Northwest region. SCLEROPHYLL FOREST Sclerophyll forest is dominated by low trees with thick, leathery leaves that are welladapted to the long summer drought of the Mediterranean climate. Southern California's chaparral, found on coast-range slopes, is a form of sclerophyll scrub. Sclerophyll 硬葉植物 (ジーニアス英和辞典) 強い乾生形態をした森林 - 硬葉樹が優先し、強い 耐乾性を示す森林 (植生地理学、林一六) Chaparral 矮性カシの木の密林 (ジーニアス英和辞典) Savanna and Grassland Biomes SAVANNA BIOME The savanna biome is adapted to a strong wet-dry annual cycle. Grazing by large mammals and periodic burning in the dry season maintain the openness of the savanna by suppressing tree seedlings. 雨季と乾季が特徴 ITCZ(inter Tropical Convergence Zone)の通過 Savanna woodland Thorntree-tall-grass savanna 雨季と乾季 1988年タンザニア GRASSLAND BIOME The grassland biome includes tallgrass prairie and short-grass prairie(steppe). Tall-grass prairie provides rich agricultural land suited to cultivation and cropping. Shortgrass prairie occupies vast regions of semidesert and its suited to grazing. Steppe(short grass prairie) Tall-grass prairie Desert and Tundra Biomes DESERT BIOME The desert biome includes semidesert and dry desert and occupies the tropical, subtropical, and midlatitude dry climate. Desert plants vary widely in appearance and in adaptation to the dry environment. Semidesert 半砂漠 Desert 砂漠 砂漠の景観 TUNDRA BIOME The tundra biome includes low plants that are adapted to survival through a harsh, cold winter. They grow, bloom, and set seed during a short summer thaw. Clinate and Altitude Gradients CLIMATE GRADIENTS AND BIOME TYPES Mapping Global Land Cover by Satellite 衛星観測による全球植生図の作成が可能になったのは1980年代にNOAA/AVHRRによる GVIが作成されてからで、1985年に最初の成果がでている。 Global land cover from MODIS ALTITUDE GRADIENT Altitude zones of vegetation near Grand Canyon, Arizona 高度に伴う植生帯および 農作物の変化
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