林 邦好 ■所属・職名: ハヤシ クニヨシ 臨床疫学センター 講師 ■連絡先: ■URL: 更新日: 16/09/27 05:02 研究者基本情報 学位 1. 博士(情報科学) 研究活動情報 研究分野 1. 情報学基礎、数学 研究キーワード 統計科学、数理情報学、数学基礎・応用数学 論文 1. Illustration of an approach based on influence scores for detecting a change point Hayashi, K. and Kurihara, K. Proceedings of ISIS2015 and 16th International Symposium on Advanced Intelligent Systems, pp. 1147-1159 2. Detection of mislabeled training data in pattern recognition with influence function Hayashi, K., Suito, H. and Kurihara, K. Proceedings of the Joint Meeting of the Korea-Japan Conference of Computational Statistics and the 25th Symposium of Japanese Society of Computational Statistics, pp. 97-100 2011 年 3. Detection of influential low usability web pages using variation of maximum log-likelihood Hayashi, K., Yamada, T., Nakamichi, N., Komiya, Y., Minami, H. and Mizuta, M. Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Global COE Program of Center Next – Generation Information Technology Based on Knowledge Discovery and Knowledge Federation, pp. 159-160 4. Diagnostics of linear discriminant analysis for detecting low usability web pages Hayashi, K., Yamada, T., Nakamichi, N., Komiya, Y., Minami, H. and Mizuta, M. 2010 年 Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Global COE Program of Center Next – Generation Information Technology Based on Knowledge Discovery and Knowledge Federation, pp. 169-174 5. 2009 年 Rotation of principal components Hayashi, K., Tomita, M. and Tanaka, Y. Proceedings of the 2007 International Association for Statistical Computing – ARS Special Conference,pp. 183-189 書籍等出版物 1. Detecting a change point using statistical sensitivity analysis based on the influence function Hayashi, K. and Kurihara, K. Proceedings of Joint 7th International Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems and 15th International Symposium on Advanced Intelligent Systems, pp. 506-511 2014 年 2. Geostatistical data analysis with outlier detection Kim, S., Hayashi, K. and Kurihara, K. Journal of the Korean Data Analysis Society, 16・5(A),pp. 2285-2297 2014 年 3. 胸部大動脈ステント治療に関する統計的アプローチ(査読付) 石岡文生, 林邦好, 植田琢也, 水藤寛, 栗原考次 応用数理, 24・2, pp. 50-58 2014 年 4. 胸部大動脈瘤ステントグラフト治療に関わる予後予測(査読付) 林邦好, 石岡文生, 植田琢也, 水藤寛, 栗原考次 計算機統計学,26・2, pp. 59-77 2014 年 5. Influence functions for a linear subspace method Hayashi et al. (2008), Hayashi et al. (2011), Hayashi et al. Pattern Recognition, 47・6, pp. 2241-2254 2014 年
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