大学院 課程修了要件 139 ߿Ӏ୷ພഒࠗ ú߿ ߿ཉ൫á¸ۂ෭âû ߿¸ཉ¸൫¸ભ¸๋ ൲ĒĒైĒڧ शްݦપԙપԙЦĒĒĒĒףڽҭ ĒĒĒĒ৳ܫ ԙ್ݛ ࠒ ࡶ ¾ލ ĒĒĒĒ ¾ލ ĒĒĒĒ ¾ލ ĒĒĒĒ อ 140 Title page úDissertationáSampleâû Ũ ŝ Ũ Month Student No. Readers: Š E Year Taro Joukoku ĒĒĒĒ ĒĒĒĒ ĒĒĒĒ Graduate School of ĒĒĒĒ ĒĒĒĒ Program JOSAI INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSIYY 大学院 課程修了要件 141 ߿Ӏ୷ພഒࠗ ú߿ཉ൫ࠎá¸ۂ෭âû ߿ཉ൫ࠎ ߿ ཉ ൫ ભ ๋ ൲ĒĒైĒڧ शްݦપԙપԙЦ ĒĒĒĒףڽҭ ĒĒĒĒ৳ܫ ԙ್ݛ ࠒ ࡶ ¾ލ ĒĒĒĒ ¾ލ ĒĒĒĒ ¾ލ ĒĒĒĒ อ 142 Title page úAbstract of the DissertationáSampleâû Abstract of the Dissertation T I T L Month Year Student No. Readers: Taro E Joukoku ĒĒĒĒ ĒĒĒĒ ĒĒĒĒ Graduate School of ĒĒĒĒ ĒĒĒĒ Program JOSAI INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSIYY 大学院 課程修了要件 143 ƓǑ 2.54 ̹ áâಋƳƬƌƮƷ¹ȕÓdz್ݛǚࣩƕ¹रҟދЫƥǔƦǔƓǑ 2.54 ̹ ưǓƛưº ƓǑ 2.54 ̹ ƓǑ 2.54 ̹ ƓǑ 2.54 ̹ (ȕÓdz್)ݛ 1. 27cm 144 2.54 ̹ Typescripts must be submitted double-spaced, with 2.54cm margins at the top, bottom, right and left. Border lines at margins are not required Page numbers should appear centered below the bottom margin, as shown below. 2.54 ̹ 2.54 ̹ 2.54 (Page Number) 1. 27cm 大学院 課程修了要件 145 ಇ߿Ӏ୷ພഒࠗ úԙϳৈמཉ൫á¸ۂ෭âû áഒࠗâ ԙ ¸ ԙ¸ϳ¸ৈ¸¸מཉ¸൫¸ભ¸๋ ϳ ¸ ৈ ¸ מ ¸ ཉ ¸ ൫ ¸ ભ ¸ ๋ ൲ĒĒైĒڧ ൲ Ē Ē ై Ē ڧ शްݦપԙપԙЦ ĒĒ৳ܫ श¸ݦઃགྷ श ¸ݦ ઃ གྷ ĒĒףڽҭ 146 Title page úDissertationáSampleâû (Spine) Ũ¸ŝ¸Ũ¸Š¸ř Ũ ŝ Ũ Month Year Month Taro Š E Year Joukoku Taro Joukoku Graduate School of ĒĒ ĒĒ Program JOSAI INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSIYY 大学院 課程修了要件 147 ಇ߿Ӏ୷ພഒࠗ úԙϳৈמཉ൫ࠎá¸ۂ෭âû ԙ¸ϳ¸ৈ¸¸מཉ¸൫¸¸ࠎ ԙ¸ϳ¸ৈ¸¸מཉ¸൫¸ભ¸๋ ൲ĒĒైĒڧ शްݦપԙપԙЦ ĒĒ৳ܫ श¸ݦઃགྷ ĒĒףڽҭ 148 Title page úAbstract of the DissertationáSampleâû Abstract of the Dissertation T I T L Month Year Taro E Joukoku Graduate School of ĒĒ ĒĒ Program JOSAI INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSIYY 大学院 課程修了要件 149 ƓǑ 2.54 ̹ áâಋƳƬƌƮƷ¹ȕÓdz್ݛǚࣩƕ¹रҟދЫƥǔƦǔƓǑ 2.54 ̹ ưǓƛưº ƓǑ 2.54 ̹ ƓǑ 2.54 ̹ ƓǑ 2.54 ̹ (ȕÓdz್)ݛ 1. 27cm 150 2.54 ̹ Typescripts must be submitted double-spaced, with 2.54cm margins at the top, bottom, right and left. Border lines at margins are not required Page numbers should appear centered below the bottom margin, as shown below. 2.54 ̹ 2.54 ̹ 2.54 (Page Number) 1. 27cm
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