TM CATALOGUE Ersatzteile für Mähdrescher Spare parts for combine harvesters Pièces détachées pour moissonneuse-batteuse Запасные части для комбайнов Produktkatalog'/'Products'catalog 2015J2016 passend'zu'/'suitable'for'''CLAAS 2 passend'zu'/'suitable'for'''Case'IH 20 passend'zu'/'suitable'for'''John'Deere 32 passend'zu'/'suitable'for''Massey'Ferguson 40 passend'zu'/'suitable'for'''New'Holland 45 Ersatzteile passend zu Claas / Spare parts suitable for Claas PW Artikel Nr. CL-553-540R OEM Nr. 553540.0 Replaced Nr. Weight, kg.: Dimensions (mm): Lamellensieb / Lower sieve Claas Tucano 320 Claas Tucano 330 Claas Tucano 340 Claas Tucano 430 Claas Tucano 440 Claas Tucano 450 Claas Tucano 470 Claas Tucano 480 25,800 1275x760 31,000 1739х685 Name: Application: CL-553-541R 553541.1 Obersieb Getreide / Upper sieve Claas Tucano 320 Claas Tucano 330 Claas Tucano 340 Claas Tucano 430 Claas Tucano 440 Claas Tucano 450 Claas Tucano 470 Claas Tucano 480 CL-600-111R 600111.4 Lamellensieb / Lower sieve Claas Dominator 76 Claas Dominator 78 29,000 1010x1275 CL-600-112R 600112.1 Obersieb Getreide ohne 3-D / Upper sieve without 3-D Claas Dominator 76 Claas Dominator 78 48,000 1010x1739 Untersieb / Lower sieve Claas Medion 340 Claas Mega 208 Claas Mega 218 Claas Mega 208II Claas Mega218II Claas Mega300 Claas Mega 360\370 Claas Dominator 106 Claas Dominator 108\118 Claas Dominator108\118 VX Claas Commandor 116 Claas Commandor 228 25,800 1275x760 Obersieb Getreide ohne 3-D / Upper sieve without 3-D Claas Medion 340 Claas Mega 208 Claas Mega 218 Claas Mega 208II Claas Mega218II Claas Mega 300 Claas Mega 360\370 Claas Dominator 106 Claas Dominator 108\118 Claas Dominator108\118 VX Claas Commandor 116 Claas Commandor 228 32,000 1739x760 Obersieb Getreide ohne 3-D / Upper sieve without 3-D Claas Dominator 86 Claas Dominator 96 Claas Dominator 88 Claas Dominator 98 Claas Dominator 88VX Claas Dominator 98VX Claas Commando 114 CS Claas Commando 115CS Claas Mega 202 Claas Mega 203 Claas Mega 204 27,000 1739x632 Untersieb / Lower sieve Claas Dominator 86 Claas Dominator 96 Claas Dominator 88 Claas Dominator 98 Claas Dominator 88VX Claas Dominator 98VX Claas Commandor 114 CS Claas Commandor 115CS Claas Mega 203 Claas Mega 204 Claas Mega 202 Claas Medion 310 Claas Medion 330 17,800 1275x632 CL-600-117R CL-600-118R CL-646-097R CL-646-098R 600117.4 600118.1 646097.0 646098.2 Picture Page 2 Ersatzteile passend zu Claas / Spare parts suitable for Claas PW Artikel Nr. CL-647-126R OEM Nr. 647126.2 Replaced Nr. 647126.1 Dimensions (mm): Obersieb Getreide mit 3-D / Upper sieve with 3-D Claas Dominator 88 Claas Dominator 98 Claas Dominator 88VX Claas Dominator 98VX Claas Mega202 Claas Mega 203 Claas Mega 204, Claas Commandor 114 Claas Commandor 115 Claas Medion 310 Claas Medion 320 30,000 1760x564 Obersieb Getreide mit 3-D / Upper sieve with 3-D Claas Dominato 108 Claas Dominato 118 Claas Dominato 108VX Claas Dominato 128VX Claas Mega 208 Claas Mega 218 Claas Medion 340 Claas Commandor 116CS Claas Commandor 228CS 27,000 1739x694 Application: CL-647-127R 647127.1 CL-704-505R 704505.1 Lamellensieb / Sieve Consul Claas Compact 20 Claas Compact 25 Claas Compact 30 22,500 920x850 CL-725-139R 725139.1 Obersieb Getreide ohne 3-D / Upper sieve without 3-D Claas Dominator 48 Claas Dominator 58 Claas Dominator 68 Claas Dominator 130-150 39,600 1130x1010 CL-725-140R 725140.1 Lamellensieb / Lower sieve Claas Dominator 48 Claas Dominator 58 Claas Dominator 68 Claas Dominator 130-150 30,000 1443x1010 Obersieb Getreide / Upper sieve Claas Lexion 440 Claas Lexion 450 MTS Claas Lexion 460 Claas Lexion 480 Claas Lexion 540 Claas Lexion 550 Montana Claas Lexion 560 Claas Lexion 560 Montana Claas Lexion 580 32,000 1739x752 Untersieb / Lower sieve Claas Lexion 440 Claas Lexion 450 MTS Claas Lexion 460 Claas Lexion 480 Claas Lexion 540 Claas Lexion 550 Montana Claas Lexion 560 Claas Lexion 560 Montana Claas Lexion 580 24,000 1275x820 Lamellensieb / Upper sieve Claas Lexion 405 Claas Lexion 410 Claas Lexion 420 Montana Claas Lexion 430 Claas Lexion 430 Montana Claas Lexion 470 Claas Lexion 470 Montana Claas Lexion 510 Claas Lexion 520 Montana Claas Lexion 530 Claas Lexion 530 Montana Claas Lexion 570 Claas Lexion 570 Montana 25,000 1739x612 CL-736-060R CL-736-061R CL-736-182R Page 3 736060.2 736061.2 736182.2 647127.0 Weight, kg.: Name: Picture Ersatzteile passend zu Claas / Spare parts suitable for Claas PW Artikel Nr. OEM Nr. Replaced Nr. Name: Application: Weight, kg.: Dimensions (mm): 19,000 1275Х680 CL-736-183R 736183.2 Untersieb / Lower sieve Claas Lexion 405 Claas Lexion 410 Claas Lexion 420 Montana Claas Lexion 430 Claas Lexion 430 Montana Claas Lexion 470 Claas Lexion 470 Montana Claas Lexion 510 Claas Lexion 520 Montana Claas Lexion 530 Claas Lexion 530 Montana Claas Lexion 570 Claas Lexion 570 Montana CL-756-461R 756461.0 Lamellensieb / Upper sieve Claas Lexion 750-740 Claas Lexion 570 Jet Stream 27,000 1855х633 CL-756-462R 756462.0 Untersieb / Lower sieve Claas Lexion 750-740 Claas Lexion 570 Jet Stream 23,000 1536х633 Picture Page 4 Ersatzteile passend zu Claas / Spare parts suitable for Claas PW Artikel Nr. OEM Nr. CL-600-000R 600000.4 CL-600-938R 600938.4 CL-600-951R 600951.5 Replaced Nr. Name: Siebkasten / Sieve Box Siebkasten / Sieve Box Siebkasten / Sieve Box CL-662-206R 662206.1 Siebkasten / Sieve Box CL-662-234R 662234.1 Siebkasten / Sieve Box CL-662-275R 662275.1 CL-600-914R 600914.3 CL-687-365R 687365.0 CL-749-941R 7494910 CL-749-900R 7494900 Siebkasten / Sieve Box Spreuklappe / Chaff door Spreuklappe / Chaff door Spreuklappe / Chaff door Spreuklappe / Chaff door CL-647-517R 647517.1 Siebwange links / Strainercheek lh. CL-647-518R 647518.1 Siebwange rechts / Strainercheek rh. CL-647-544R 647544.1 Siebwange Mitte / Strainercheek cent. CL-647-630R 647630.0 Querprofil / Cross profile CL-647-634R 647634.1 Querverbindung / Cross Connection CL-647-636R 647636.1 U-Profil / U-Beam CL-617-619R 617619.0 Leitblech 3D/ Guide plate 3D Page 5 Weight, kg.: Dimensions (mm): Claas Dominator 76 108,000 1904 x 1036 x 592 ClaasDominator 86 ClaasDominator 96 ClaasDominator 98 112,000 1290 x 2007 x 600 Claas Dominator 106 135,000 1290 x 2007 x 600 135,000 1540 x 1950 x 600 112,000 1290 x 2007 x 600 Claas Dominator 78 108,000 1150 x 1950 x 560 Claas Dominator 76 5,500 1010 x 560 Claas Mega 208 Claas Mega 218 Claas Dominator 118 Claas Dominator 108 Claas Commandor 116 Claas Commandor 228 CS 4,290 780 x 570 Claas Lexion 680 5,200 824 х651 х 59 Claas Lexion 680 5,200 824 х651 х 59 13,500 1870 x 180 x 180 13,500 1870 x 180 x 180 10,448 1870 x 180 x 180 5,464 1490 x 100 x 35 4,008 1540 x 80 x 35 4,993 1484 x 40 x 40 0,450 733 х 136 х 1,5 Application: Claas Mega 208 Claas Mega 218 Claas Dominator 118 Claas Dominator 108 Claas Commandor 116 Claas Commandor 228 CS Claas Dominator 88 Claas Dominator98 Claas Mega 202 Claas Mega 204/203 II Claas Dominator 78 Claas Dominato 88 Claas Dominato 88 VX Claas Dominato 98 Claas Dominato 98 VX Claas Dominato 108 Claas Dominato 108 VX Claas Dominato 118 Claas Dominato 128 VX Claas Mega 202 Claas Mega 202 II Claas Mega 203 Claas Mega 203 II Claas Mega 204 Claas Mega 204 II Claas Mega 208 Claas Mega 208 II Claas Mega 218 Claas Mega 218 II Claas Mega 310 Claas Mega 330 Claas Mega 340 Claas Commandor 114CS Claas Commandor 115CS Claas Commandor 116CS Claas Commandor 228CS Claas Medion 330H Claas Dominator 108 VX Claas Dominator 116CS Claas Dominator 118, Claas Dominator 128 VX, Claas Mega 208, Claas Mega 208 II, Claas Mega 218 II, Claas Mega 360, Claas Mega 370, Claas Commandor 228 Claas Dominator 108 Claas Medion 340 Claas Mega 218 Picture Ersatzteile passend zu Claas / Spare parts suitable for Claas PW Artikel Nr. OEM Nr. Replaced Nr. Name: CL-736-012R 736012.1 Siebrahmen 3D / Sieve frame 3D CL-754-948R 754948.2 AUFNAHMEBLECH LI. CL-754-949R 754949.2 AUFNAHMEBLECH RE. CL-757-757R 757757.0 ENDPROFIL Application: Claas Lexion 440 Claas Lexion 440 II Claas Lexion 450 II MTS Claas Lexion 450 TerraTrac Claas Lexion 460 ab SN 45402867, Claas Lexion 460 II Claas Lexion 460 II MTS Claas Lexion 480 TerraTrac ab SN 46800022 Claas Lexion 480 ab SN 46600862 Claas Lexion 460 TerraTrac ab SN 45700033 Claas Lexion 480 II Claas Lexion 480 II MTS Claas Lexion 540 Claas Lexion 550 Montana Claas Lexion 560 Claas Lexion 560 Montana Claas Lexion 580 Claas Lexion 440 Claas Lexion 440 II Claas Lexion 450 II MTS Claas Lexion 450 TerraTrac Claas Lexion 460 ab SN 45402867, Claas Lexion 460 II Claas Lexion 460 II MTS Claas Lexion 480 TerraTrac ab SN 46800022 Claas Lexion 480 ab SN 46600862 Claas Lexion 460 TerraTrac ab SN 45700033 Claas Lexion 480 II Claas Lexion 480 II MTS Claas Lexion 540 Claas Lexion 550 Montana Claas Lexion 560 Claas Lexion 560 Montana Claas Lexion 580 Claas Lexion 440 Claas Lexion 440 II Claas Lexion 450 II MTS Claas Lexion 450 TerraTrac Claas Lexion 460 ab SN 45402867, Claas Lexion 460 II Claas Lexion 460 II MTS Claas Lexion 480 TerraTrac ab SN 46800022 Claas Lexion 480 ab SN 46600862 Claas Lexion 460 TerraTrac ab SN 45700033 Claas Lexion 480 II Claas Lexion 480 II MTS Claas Lexion 540 Claas Lexion 550 Montana Claas Lexion 560 Claas Lexion 560 Montana Claas Lexion 580 Weight, kg.: Dimensions (mm): 102,000 1800 x 1600 x 180 1,600 184 x 800 1,586 184 x 800 9,907 200 x 800 Picture Page 6 Ersatzteile passend zu Claas / Spare parts suitable for Claas Weight, kg.: Dimensions (mm): Claas Dominator 118/108 Claas Dominator 128/108 VX 130,000 2007 x 1560 x 210 Förderboden / Conveyor Floor Claas Dominator 128/108 VX Claas Medion 340 Tucano 340 130,000 2007 x 1560 x 260 662242.0 Förderboden / Conveyor Floor Claas Dominator 88 Claas Dominator 88 VX Claas Dominator 98 Claas Dominator 98 VX Claas Medion 330 H Claas Medion 330 H 330-310 110,000 2007 x 1300 x 210 CL-662-272R 662272.0 Förderboden / Conveyor Floor Claas Commandor 228/116CS 150,000 2007 x 1500 x 260 CL-662-641R 662641.0 Förderboden / Conveyor Floor Claas Mega 218/208 Claas Mega 218/208 II Claas Mega 370/360 188,000 2047 x 1580 x 260 CL-663-582R 663582.0 Förderboden / Conveyor Floor Claas Mega 204/203 Claas Mega 350 130,000 2560 x 1310 x 260 CL-600-444R 600444.0 Stufenblech / Step plate Claas Dominator 106 Claas Dominator 118/108 47,000 2000 x 1560 CL-662-201R 662201.0 Stufenblech / Step plate Claas Dominator 118/108 Claas Dominator 128/108 VX Claas Medion 340 47,000 2000 x 1560 CL-662-248R 662248.0 Stufenblech / Step plate Claas Dominator 88-98 26,800 2000 x 520 CL-662-664R 662664.0 Stufenblech / Step plate Claas Mega 218/208 Claas Mega 370/360 47,000 1278 x 1010 CL-663-590R 663590.0 Stufenblech / Step plate Claas Mega 204/203 Claas Mega 350 30,000 2000 x 520 CL-647-072R 647072.0 Step plate Claas Commandor 114 Claas Mega 204/203 Claas Mega 218/208 1,250 780 x 240 PW Artikel Nr. OEM Nr. CL-662-192R 662192.0 Förderboden / Conveyor Floor CL-662-193R 662193.0 CL-662-242R Page 7 Replaced Nr. Name: Application: Picture Ersatzteile passend zu Claas / Spare parts suitable for Claas PW Artikel Nr. CL-678-282R CL-555-932R OEM Nr. Replaced Nr. 678282.0 555932.0 678651.0 735401.0 Application: Weight, kg.: Dimensions (mm): Schüttlerhorde / Straw walker Claas Dominator 76 Claas Dominator 78 bis SN 09102568 Claas Dominator 96 Claas Dominator 98 bis SN 09606622 Claas Dominator 106 Claas Dominator 108 Claas Dominator 118 bis SN 09405680 84,000 4370 x 250 x 300 Schüttlerhorde / Straw walker Claas Dominator 78 ab SN 09102569 Claas Dominator 98 ab SN 09606623 Claas Dominator 98 VX Claas Dominator 108 Claas Dominator 108 VX 118 Claas Dominator 128 VX Claas Mega 203 Claas Mega 203 Claas Mega 204 Claas Mega 208 Claas Mega 218 Claas Mega 350 Claas Mega 360 Claas Mega 370 Claas Medion 310 Claas Medion 330 Claas Medion 340 Claas Tucano 320 Claas Tucano 430 Claas Tucano 440 Claas Tucano 450 65,000 4370 x 250 x 300 Schüttler / Straw walker Claas Lexion 410 Claas Lexion 420 Montana Claas Lexion 430 Claas Lexion 430 Montana Claas Lexion 440 Claas Lexion 450 MTS Claas Lexion 460 Claas Lexion 510 Claas Lexion 520 Montana Claas Lexion 530 Claas Lexion 530 Montana Claas Lexion 540 Claas Lexion 550 Claas Lexion 550 Montana Claas Lexion 560 68,000 4365 x 275 x 350 Name: CL-792-727R 792727.1 CL-670-939R 670939.3 Schüttlerbelag 0,8 mm / StrawWalk.cover Claas Dominator/Medion Claas Mega 2,280 710 x 245 x 25 CL-673-913R 673913.2 Schüttlerbelag 0,8 mm / StrawWalk.cover Claas Dominator/Medion Claas Mega 2,210 1330 x 245 x 25 CL-684-996R 684996.2 Schüttlerbelag 1.5 mm / StrawWalk.cover Claas Dominator/Medion Claas Mega 3,103 920 x 245 x 25 CL-735-418R 735418.2 Schüttlerbelag 1,5 mm / Strawwalkalk.cover Claas Lexion 2,312 915 х 260 х 30 CL-735-419R 735419.3 Schüttlerbelag 0,8mm / StrawWalk.cover Claas Lexion 1,047 720 x 260 x 25 CL-735-420R 735420.3 Schüttlerbelag 0,8 mm / StrawWalk.cover Claas Lexion 2,020 1802 x 260 x 25 Picture Page 8 Ersatzteile passend zu Claas / Spare parts suitable for Claas PW Artikel Nr. OEM Nr. Replaced Nr. CL-550-204R 550204.0 552809.0 Name: Application: Weight, kg.: Dimensions (mm): Korbsegment / Concave Segment Claas Tucano 470 5,953 1360 x 460 x 150 Claas Lexion 410-405 Claas Lexion 430-410 II Claas Lexion 470 Claas Lexion 530-510 Claas Lexion 570 3,564 1570 x 520 x 180 100,000 1570 x 600 x 240 90,000 1315 x 510 x 130 CL-553-125R 553125.0 Korbsegment mais/ Concave Segment Mais CL-600-230R 600230.0 Hauptkorb mais. / Main Concave mais. Claas Dominator 106 Claas Dominator 118/108 CL-600-240R 600240.3 Normalkorb mais./ Standard Concave mais. Claas Dominator 88 Claas Dominator 96 Claas Dominator 98 CL-601-752R 601752.1 Normalkorb / Standard Concave Claas Dominator 106 Claas Dominator 118/108 105,000 1310 x 600 x 240 CL-601-753R 601753.0 Dreschkorb / Concave Claas Dominator 118/108 Claas Dominator 106 110,000 1570 x 520 x 130 CL-601-754R 601754.1 Normalkorb / Standard Concave Claas Dominator 86 Claas Dominator 88 Claas Dominator 96 Claas Dominator 98 90,000 1570 x 600 x 280 CL-601-755R 601755.0 Dreschkorb / Concave Claas Dominator 86 Claas Dominator 88 Claas Dominator 96 Claas Dominator 98 95,000 1305 x 525 x 170 CL-647-458R 647458.0 601754.0 Dreschkorb / Concave Claas Dominator 86 Claas Dominator 88 Claas Dominator 96 Claas Dominator 98 90,000 1305 x 525 x 170 CL-647-483R 647483.0 601752.0 Hauptkorb - 10mm/ Claas Dominator 106 Claas Dominator 108 Main Concave - 10mm Claas Dominator 118 ab SN 09400526 105,000 1570 x 520 x 130 CL-662-725R 662725.0 Korbsegment (mais)/ Concave Segment Claas Commandor 228/116CS 8,499 515 x 394 x 80 662728.0 Korbsegment (drahtversion, durchgang 10mm) / Concave Segment (wire, 10 mm) Claas Commandor 228/116CS 8,028 515 x 394 x 80 662808.0 Korbsegment (drahtversion, durchgang 10mm) / Concave Segment (wire, 10 mm) Claas Dominator 108 Claas Dominator 108 VX Claas Dominator 118 Claas Dominator 118 VX Claas Medion 340 Claas Tucano 340 10,585 520 x 510 x 140 662811.0 Hauptkorbsegment (mais) - 19mm / Main concave Segment (mais) - 19mm Claas Dominator 108 Claas Dominator 108 VX Claas Dominator 118 Claas Dominator 118 VX Claas Medion 340 Claas Tucano 340 12,444 320 х 553 х 70 CL-662-728R CL-662-808R CL-662-811R Page 9 Picture Ersatzteile passend zu Claas / Spare parts suitable for Claas PW Artikel Nr. OEM Nr. Replaced Nr. Name: Application: Weight, kg.: Dimensions (mm): 662815.0 Hauptkorbsegment 10mm / Main concave Segment - 10mm Claas Dominator 88 Claas Dominator 88 VX Claas Dominator 98 Claas Dominator 98 VX Claas Medion 310 Claas Medion 330 Claas Tucano 320 Claas Tucano330 9,357 500 x 430 x 135 CL-662-817R 662817.0 Hauptkorbsegment (mais) - 19mm / Main concave Segment (mais) - 19mm Claas Dominator 88 Claas Dominator 88 VX Claas Dominator 98 Claas Dominator 98 VX Claas Medion 310 Claas Medion 330 Claas Tucano 320 Claas Tucano330 10,773 510 х 515 х 140 CL-662-900R 662900.1 Vorkorbsegment 19mm / Pre-concave segment - 19mm Claas Mega 218/208 Claas Mega 218/208 II Claas Mega 370/360 7,753 515 x 328 x 80 CL-662-902R 662902.2 Einheitskorb / Universal Concave Claas Mega 218/208 110,000 1570 x 520 x 180 662927.1 Vorkorbsegment 6,5mm / Pre-concave segment - 6,5mm Claas Mega 218/208 9,552 515 x 328 x 80 CL-663-341R 663341.0 Vorkorb-Segment Getreide (draht, durchgang 10mm) / Pre-concave segment wheat (wire, 10 mm) Claas Mega 202 Claas Mega 204/203 8,143 429 x 335 x 80 CL-663-345R 663345.1 Vorkorbsegment 19mm / Pre-concave segment - 19mm Claas Mega 202II Claas Mega 204/203II Claas Mega 350 6,501 429 x 335 x 80 CL-663-347R 663347.1 Hauptkorb (draht, durchgang 18mm, Mais und Getreide)/ Standard Concave (wire, 18mm, wheat and mais) Claas Mega 202 Claas Mega 204/203 Claas Mega 350 91,000 1570 x 520 x 180 CL-663-941R 663941.0 Hauptkorb / Main Concave Claas Mega 218/208 II Claas Mega 370/360 110,000 1570 x 600 x 280 CL-663-946R 663946.0 Normalkorb / Standard Concave Claas Mega 202II Claas Mega 204/203II Claas Mega 350 91,000 520 x 510 x 140 CL-663-970R 663970.0 Vorkorbsegment / Pre-concave segment Claas Mega 218/208 Claas Mega 218/208 II Claas Mega 370/360 10,201 515 x 328 x 80 CL-663-975R 663975.0 Korbsegment / Concave Segment Claas Mega 218/208 Claas Mega 218/208 II Claas Mega 370/360 10,201 515 x 328 x 80 CL-662-815R CL-662-927R Picture Page 10 Ersatzteile passend zu Claas / Spare parts suitable for Claas PW Artikel Nr. OEM Nr. Replaced Nr. Name: Application: Weight, kg.: Dimensions (mm): CL-664-140R 664140.0 Vorkorb-Segment Getreide (draht, durchgang 10mm) / Pre-concave segment wheat (wire, 10mm) CL-682-892R 682892.0 Dreschkorb / Concave Claas Dominator 88-98 734501.2 Hauptkorb (perforiert für Mais und Getreide) / Main Concave (perfor, wheat and mais) Claas Lexion 480 Claas Lexion 480 MTS Claas Lexion 480 TerraTrac Claas Lexion 580 Claas Lexion 600 735440.1 Vorkorb-Segment für Körnermais - 19 mm / Pre-concave Segment (mais) - 19 mm Claas Lexion 440 Claas Lexion 450 MTS Claas Lexion 450 Claas Lexion TerraTrac 460 Claas Lexion 460 TerraTrac Claas Lexion 480 Claas Lexion 480 MTS Claas Lexion 480 TerraTrac Claas Lexion 540 Claas Lexion 560 bis SN 58401071 8,160 370 x 555 x 70 735442.0 Vorkorb-Segment 12 mm (getreide) 12x42 lochung / APS concave - 12 mm (wheat) Claas Lexion 405 bis SN 45200696 Claas Lexion 410 Claas Lexion 430 bis SN 45301481 8,000 370 x 555 x 70 735444.1 Vorkorb-Segment für Körnermais / Pre-concave Segment (mais) Claas Lexion 405 Claas Lexion 410 Claas Lexion 430 Claas Lexion 510 bis SN 58300368, Claas Lexion 530 6,800 370 x 555 x 70 CL-735-550R 735550.0 Hauptkorb (draht, durchgang 10mm, Mais und Getreide)/ Standard Concave (wire, 10mm, wheat and mais) Claas Lexion 440 Claas Lexion 450 TerraTrac Claas Lexion 460 Claas Lexion 460 TerraTrac 140,000 1694 x 1280 x 365 CL-735-594R 735594.0 Korbsegment / Concave Segment Claas Lexion 440-460 Claas Lexion 480 8,400 370 x 555 x 70 CL-748-646R 748646.0 Vorkorb-Segment 12 mm (getreide) / APS concave - 12 mm (wheat) Claas Lexion 440 ab SN 4500029 Claas Lexion 450 TerraTrac Claas Lexion 460 Claas Lexion 460 TerraTrac Claas Lexion 480 TerraTrac Claas Lexion 480 ab SN 46600042 Claas Lexion 480 9,325 370 x 555 x 70 CL-755-232R 755232.0 Hauptkorbsegment 10mm / Main concave Segment - 10mm Claas Dominator 108 VX Claas Dominator 128 VX Claas Medion 340 Claas Tucano 340 10,585 520 x 510 x 140 756070.0 Hauptkorbsegment 10mm / Main concave Segment - 10mm Claas Mega 320 Claas Mega 330 Claas Mega 330H Claas Dominator 98 VX Claas Dominator 88 VX Claas Medion 310 Claas Tucano 330 14,000 429 x 494 x 136 CL-734-501R CL-735-440R CL-735-442R CL-735-444R CL-756-070R Page 11 Claas Mega 202II Claas Mega 204/203II Claas Mega 350 8,706 330 x 430 x 60 85,000 1305 x 525 x 170 155,000 1694 x 1280 x 365 Picture Ersatzteile passend zu Claas / Spare parts suitable for Claas PW Artikel Nr. OEM Nr. Replaced Nr. Name: Application: Weight, kg.: Dimensions (mm): 756080.1 Hauptkorb (drahtversion 18mm, für Mais und Getreide) / Main Concave (wire 18mm, wheat and mais) Claas Lexion 440 Claas Lexion MTS Claas Lexion 450 TerraTrac Claas Lexion 460 Claas Lexion 460 MTS Claas Lexion 460 TerraTrac ab SN 45700027 Claas Lexion 540 Claas Lexion 550 Montana Claas Lexion 560 Claas Lexion 560 Montana Claas Lexion 580 153,000 1694 x 1280 x 365 756178.0 Korbsegment (getreide) - 10mm / Concave Segment (wheat) - 10mm Claas Lexion 405 ab SN 45200697 Claas Lexion 410 Claas Lexion 430 ab SN 45301482 Claas Lexion 510 bis SN 58300368 Claas Lexion 530 9,801 1570 x 520 x 180 756184.1 Hauptkorb (drahtversion 18mm, für Mais und Getreide) / Main Concave (wire 18mm, wheat and mais) Claas Lexion 405 ab SN 45200697 Claas Lexion 410 Claas Lexion 415 Claas Lexion 420 Montana Claas Lexion 430 ab SN 45301482 Claas Lexion 430 Montana Claas Lexion 470 Claas Lexion 470 Montana Claas Lexion 510 Claas Lexion 520 Montana Claas Lexion 530 Claas Lexion 530 Montana Claas Lexion 570 Claas Lexion 570 Montana 90,600 1694 x 1280 x 365 CL-756-195R 756195.0 Vorkorbsegment (getreide) - 10mm / Pre-concave segment (wheat) - 10mm Claas Lexion 440 Claas Lexion 440 Claas Lexion 450 MTS Claas Lexion 450 TerraTrac Claas Lexion 460 ab SN 45700027 Claas Lexion 460 MTS Claas Lexion 540 Claas Lexion 560 bis SN 58401071 11,500 370 x 555 x 70 CL-757-427R 757427.0 Vorkorb-Segment 12 mm (getreide) / APS concave - 12 mm (wheat) Claas Lexion 470 Claas Lexion 470 Montana 4,620 370 x 555 x 70 757439.1 Vorkorb-Segment für Körnermais - 19mm / Pre-concave Segment (mais) - 19mm Claas Lexion 540 ab SN 58401072 Claas Lexion 550 Montana Claas Lexion 560 Claas Lexion 560 Montana Claas Lexion 580 Claas Lexion 600 4,267 lange 236 757441.1 Vorkorb-Segment für Körnermais - 19 mm/ Pre-concave Segment (mais) - 19 mm Claas Lexion 420 Montana Claas Lexion 430 Claas Lexion 470 Claas Lexion 470 Montana Claas Lexion 510 Claas Lexion 520 Montana 530, 530 ab SN 58300369, 570, 570 Montana, 580R Australien 8,160 370 x 555 x 70 777238.1 APS concave - 10mm Claas Lexion 470 Claas Lexion 470 Montana Claas Lexion 510 ab SN 58300369 Claas Lexion 520 Montana Claas Lexion 530 Claas Lexion 530 Montana Claas Lexion 570 Claas Lexion 570 Montana Claas Lexion 580R Australien 6,400 370 x 555 x 70 777249.0 Vorkorbsegment (getreide, 10mm) / Pre-concave segment (wheat, 10mm) Claas Lexion 540 ab SN 58401072 Claas Lexion 540 Montana Claas Lexion 560 Claas Lexion560 Montana Claas Lexion 580 ab SN 58600918 Claas Lexion 600 10,201 lange 236 Dreschkorb / Concave Claas Lexion Claas Mega 208 Claas Mega 218 Claas Mega 360 Claas Mega 370 ab SN 84500202 Claas Tucano 440 110,000 480 х 430 х 100 CL-756-080R CL-756-178R CL-756-184R CL-757-439R CL-757-441R CL-777-238R CL-777-249R CL-777-531R 777531.0 Picture Page 12 Ersatzteile passend zu Claas / Spare parts suitable for Claas Weight, kg.: Dimensions (mm): Claas Mega 350 Claas Lexion Mega 204\203 II 91,000 495 х 428 х 140 Vorkorbsegment / Pre-concave segment Claas Mega 350/360 10,201 515 x 328 x 80 777591.0 Vorkorbsegment / Pre-concave segment Claas Mega 350 8,706 330 x 430 x 60 CL-751-426R 751426.0 ABSCHEIDEKORB Claas Lexion 480 Claas Lexion 580 5,558 313 x 584 x 298 CL-752-811R 752811.0 ABSCHEIDEKORB Claas Lexion 480 Claas Lexion 580 7,530 518 x 526 x182 752543.0 Dreschsegment / Treshing segment Claas Lexion 460-440 Claas Lexion480 Claas Lexion 560-540 Claas Lexion 580 Claas Lexion 600 4,623 550 x 110 x 60 PW Artikel Nr. OEM Nr. CL-777-551R 777551.0 Dreschkorb / Concave CL-777-580R 777580.0 CL-777-591R CL-752-543R Page 13 Replaced Nr. Name: Application: Picture Ersatzteile passend zu Claas / Spare parts suitable for Claas PW Artikel Nr. CL-508-042R CL-554-697R OEM Nr. Replaced Nr. Name: Application: Weight, kg.: Dimensions (mm): 508042.0 734291.0 Wendetrommelblech Impeller Plate Claas Lexion 460-440 Claas Lexion 560-540 4,200 1690 x 211 554697.0 634981.1 Wendetrommelblech Impeller Plate Claas Mega 218/208 Claas Medion 340 Claas Commandor 228/116 CS Claas Dominator 118/108 Claas Dominato 128/108 VX 5,200 1580 x 207 3,500 1060 x 207 4,350 1320 x 207 Claas Dominator 13 Claas Dominator 140 Claas Dominator 150 Claas Dominator 48 Claas Dominator 58 Claas Dominator 68 Claas Dominator 76 Claas Dominator 78 Claas Mega 202 Claas Mega 204/203 Claas Mega 350 Claas Commandor 114 CS Claas Commandor 115 CS Claas Dominator 88-98 VX Claas Medion 330-310 CL-555-768R 530377.0 608548.0 Wendetrommelblech Impeller Plate CL-555-768R 555768.0 608549.1 Wendetrommelblech Impeller Plate CL-674-481R 674481.1 Wendetrommelblech Impeller Plate Claas Dominator 106 Claas Dominator 118/108 5,240 1590 х 207 CL-735-617R 735617.0 Wendetrommelblech Impeller Plate Claas Lexion 410 Claas Lexion 430 Claas Lexion 510 Claas Lexion 520 Claas Lexion 530 3,550 1410 x 211 CL-777-063R 777063.0 Wendetrommelblech 2,0mm / Impeller Plate 5,570 1690 x 211 CL-777-218R 777218.0 Wendetrommelblech 2mm / Impeller Plate 5,570 1690 x 211 CL-777-219R 7772190 Wendetrommelblech 2mm / Impeller Plate Claas Lexion 410 Claas Lexion 430 Claas Lexion 510 Claas Lexion 520 Claas Lexion 530 4,7 1410 х 213 CL-663-157R 663157.0 Kappe / Cap Claas Lexion Claas Mega Claas Commandor 0,175 65 x 60 x 18 Claas Lexion 440 Claas Lexion 450 Claas Lexion 460 Claas Lexion 540 Claas Lexion 550 Claas Lexion 560 Claas Lexion 440 Claas Lexion 450 Claas Lexion 460 Claas Lexion 540 Claas Lexion 550 Claas Lexion 560 Picture Page 14 Ersatzteile passend zu Claas / Spare parts suitable for Claas PW Artikel Nr. CL-646-822R OEM Nr. 646822.0 Replaced Nr. Name: Abdeckleiste / Cover strip Application: Claas Mega 202 Claas Mega 204/203 Claas Mega 350 Claas Commandor 114 CS Claas Commandor 115 CS Claas Dominator 88-98 VX Claas Medion 330-310 Claas Dominator 108 Claas Dominator 108 VX Claas Dominator 118 Claas Dominator 128 VX Claas Commandor228 Claas Commandor 116CS Claas Mega 208 Claas Mega 208 II Claas Mega 218 II Claas Mega 360 Claas Mega 370 Claas Medion 340 Claas Tucano 340 Claas Tucano 440 Claas Tucano 450 Claas Dominator 88 Claas Dominator 88 VX Claas Dominator 98 Claas Dominator 98 VX Claas Mega 202 Claas Mega 202 II Claas Mega 203 Claas Mega 203 II Claas Mega 204 Claas Mega 204 II Claas Mega 350 Claas Mega 430 Claas Medion 310 Claas Medion 330 Claas Tucano 320 Weight, kg.: Dimensions (mm): 29,500 1300 x 140 x 35 45,000 1560 х 135 х 25 37,000 1300 x 135 x 35 CL-662-883R 662883.0 Tromm. Abdeckblech (1St.)/ Drum Cover Plate CL-662-886R 662886.0 Trom-Abdeckblech/ Drum Cover Plate 755995.1 Tromm. Abdeckblech (1St.) / Drum Cover Plate Claas Lexion 410-405 Claas Lexion 430-410 II Claas Lexion 470 Claas Lexion 530-510 Claas Lexion 570 5,570 1393 x 118 x 57 755996.1 Tromm. Abdeckblech (1St.)/ Drum Cover Plate Claas Lexion 460-440 Claas Lexion 480 Claas Lexion 560-540 Claas Lexion 580 Claas Lexion 600 6,676 1674 x 118 x 57 CL-755-995R CL-755-996R Page 15 Picture Ersatzteile passend zu Claas / Spare parts suitable for Claas PW Artikel Nr. CL-174-763R OEM Nr. 174763.0 Replaced Nr. Weight, kg.: Dimensions (mm): Schlagleistensatz (l+l) / Rasp Bar Set (l+l) Claas Lexion 540 Claas Lexion 550 Montana Claas Lexion 560 Claas Lexion 560 Montana Claas Lexion 580 Claas Lexion 580 TerraTrac Claas Lexion 600 Claas Lexion 600 TerraTrac 15..525 1680 x 74 Schlagleistensatz (r+r) / Rasp Bar Set (r+r) Claas Lexion 540 Claas Lexion 550 Montana Claas Lexion 560 Claas Lexion 560 Montana Claas Lexion 580 Claas Lexion 580 TerraTrac Claas Lexion 600 Claas Lexion 600 TerraTrac 15..525 1680 x 74 Name: Application: CL-174-764R 174764.0 CL-174-765R 174765.0 Claas Lexion 510 Claas Lexion 520 Claas Lexion 530 Claas Lexion 570 13,000 1400 х 74 CL-174-766R 174766.0 Claas Lexion 510 Claas Lexion 520 Claas Lexion 530 Claas Lexion570 13,000 1400 х 74 177531.0 Schlagleisten (l+r) / Rasp Bar Set (l+r) Claas Dominator 130 Claas Dominato 150/140 Claas Dominato 48 Claas Dominato 58/48 SP Claas Dominato 68 Claas Dominato 68R/SR Claas Dominato 76 Claas Dominato 78 9,400 1045 x 74 Schlagleisten (l+r) / Rasp Bar Set (l+r) Claas Dominator 86 Claas Dominator 88 Claas Dominator 88 VX Claas Dominator 96 Claas Dominator 98 Claas Dominator 98 VX Claas Mega 202 Claas Mega 202 II Claas Mega 203 Claas Mega 204 II Claas Mega 350 Claas Commandor 114CS, Claas Commandor 115CS Claas Medion 310 Claas Medion 330 Claas Medion 330H Claas Tucano 320 Claas Tucano 330 Claas Tucano 430 11.450 1305 x 74 Schlagleisten (l+r) / Rasp Bar Set (l+r) Claas Dominator 108 Claas Dominator 108 VX Claas Dominator 118 Claas Dominator 128 VX Claas Mega 208 Claas Mega 208 II Claas Mega 218 Claas Mega 218 II Claas Mega 340 Claas Mega 360 Claas Mega 370 Claas Commandor 228 Claas Commandor 116CS Claas Tucano 340 Claas Tucano 440 Claas Tucano 450 14.100 1565 x 74 Schlagleistensatz (l+l) / Rasp Bar Set (l+l) Claas Lexion 405 Claas Lexion 410 Claas Lexion 415 Claas Lexion 420 Claas Lexion 430 Claas Lexion 450 Claas Lexion 460 Claas Lexion 470 CL-177-531R CL-177-532R CL-177-533R CL-181-741R 177532.0 177533.0 181741.0 Picture 1400 x 74 Page 16 Ersatzteile passend zu Claas / Spare parts suitable for Claas PW Artikel Nr. CL-181-742R CL-181-743R OEM Nr. 181742.0 181743.0 Replaced Nr. Name: Application: Weight, kg.: Dimensions (mm): Schlagleistensatz (r+r) / Rasp Bar Set (r+r) Claas Lexion 405 Claas Lexion 410 Claas Lexion 415 Claas Lexion 420 Claas Lexion 430 Claas Lexion 450 Claas Lexion 460 Claas Lexion 470 Schlagleistensatz (l+l) / Rasp Bar Set (l+l) Claas Lexion 440 Claas Lexion 440 II Claas Lexion 450 II MTS Claas Lexion 450 TerraTrac Claas Lexion 460 Claas Lexion 460 II Claas Lexion 460 II MTS Claas Lexion460 TerraTrac Claas Lexion 480 Claas Lexion 480 II Claas Lexion 480 mk2 MTS Claas Lexion 480 TerraTrac 15.110 1680 x 74 15.110 1680 x 74 1400 x 74 CL-181-744R 181744.0 Schlagleistensatz (r+r) / Rasp Bar Set (r+r) Claas Lexion 440 Claas Lexion 440 II Claas Lexion 450 II MTS Claas Lexion 450 TerraTrac Claas Lexion 460 Claas Lexion 460 II Claas Lexion 460 II MTS Claas Lexion460 TerraTrac Claas Lexion 480 Claas Lexion 480 II Claas Lexion 480 mk2 MTS Claas Lexion 480 TerraTrac CL-555-707R 555707.0 Schlagleisten (l+r) / Rasp Bar Set (l+r) Claas Tucano 14,300 1565 x 74 CL-557-386R 557386.0 Schlagleisten (l+r) / Rasp Bar Set (l+r) Claas Tucano 11.560 1305 x 74 Page 17 Picture Ersatzteile passend zu Claas / Spare parts suitable for Claas Weight, kg.: Dimensions (mm): Claas Lexion 560-540 Claas Lexion 580 Claas Lexion 600 27,900 1450 x 250 x 250 Walze / Roller Claas Lexion 460-440 Claas Lexion 480 Claas Lexion 560-540 25,500 1450 x 250 x 250 24,136 1440 x 250 x 250 25,500 1450 x 250 x 250 24,000 1300 x 250 x 250 24,000 1300 x 250 x 250 25,000 1300 x 250 x 250 PW Artikel Nr. OEM Nr. Replaced Nr. Name: CL-518-782R 518782.0 Walze / Roller CL-630-401R 630401.0 Application: CL-650-778R 650778.2 Walze / Roller Claas Mega 218/208 Claas 370/360 Claas Dominator 118/108 Claas 128/ 108 VX Claas Medion 340 Claas Commandor 228/116CS CL-767-583R 767583.0 Walze / Roller Claas Lexion 460-440 Claas Lexion 480 Claas Lexion 560-540 CL-650-696R 650696.2 Walze / Roller CL-630-645R 630645.0 Walze / Roller CL-767-581R 767581.0 Walze / Roller Claas Dominator 88 Claas Dominator 98 Claas Medion 310 Claas Medion 320 Claas Medion330 Claas Mega 203 Claas Mega 204 Claas Mega 300 Claas Mega 350 Claas Tucano 320 Claas Tucano 330 Claas Tucano 430 Claas Lexion 405 Claas Lexion 410 Claas Lexion 420 Claas Lexion 430 Claas Lexion 450 Claas Lexion 460 Claas Lexion 470 Claas Lexion 510 Claas Lexion 520 Claas Lexion 530 Claas Lexion 450 Claas Lexion 460 Claas Lexion 470 Claas Lexion 510 Claas Lexion520 Claas Lexion 530 Claas Lexion 560 Claas Lexion 570 Claas Lexion 580 CL-000-001R Repair disk for roller Claas Lexion Claas Mega 1,400 D 100х90 CL-000-002R Repair disk for roller Claas Lexion Claas Mega 2,800 D 260х40 CL-000-003R Repair disk for roller Claas Lexion Claas Mega 2,600 D 290х6 Picture Page 18 Ersatzteile passend zu Claas / Spare parts suitable for Claas PW Artikel Nr. OEM Nr. Replaced Nr. Name: Application: Claas Lexion 405 Claas Lexion 410 Claas Lexion 410II Claas Lexion 420 Montana Claas Lexion 430 Claas Lexion 430II Claas Lexion 430 Montana Claas Lexion 440 Claas Lexion 440II Claas Lexion 450II MTS Claas Lexion 450 TerraTrac Claas Lexion 405 Claas Lexion 410 Claas Lexion 415 Claas Lexion 430 Claas Lexion 440 Claas Lexion 450 TerraTrac Claas Lexion 460 Claas Lexion 460 TerraTrac ab SN 45700017 Claas Lexion 480 ab SN 46600488 Weight, kg.: Dimensions (mm): 8,583 382 x 543 x 274 31,000 313 x 913 x 420 CL-735-992R 735992.1 Unteres ElevatorGehäuse für Korntank / Elevator foot CL-756-761R 756761.0 Oberes ElevatorGehäuse für Korntank / Elevator head CL-795-440R 795440.0 Unteres ElevatorGehäuse für Korntank / Elevator foot Claas Lexion 13,996 382 x 543 x 543 CL-682-759R 682759.1 ELEVATORKOPF / Elevator head Claas Mega 218/208 Claas Mega 218/208 II 23,500 630 x 726 x 460 CL-647-750R 647750.0 ELEVATORFUSS / Elevator foot Claas Commandor 114 Claas Commandor 115 Claas Commandor 116CS Claas Commandor 228CS ClaasMega 218/208 ClaasMega 218/208 II 13,000 536 x 380 x 275 CL-554-502R 554502.3 BEFUELLKOPF / Elevator head Claas Tucano 470 Claas Tucano 480 25,400 1775 x 450 x 775 Page 19 Picture Ersatzteile passend zu Case IH / Spare parts suitable for Case IH PW Artikel Nr. CS-1322467R CS-1957316R CS-1325323R CS-1322464R CS-1322673R CS-1347372R OEM Nr. 1322467C6 1957316C7 Replaced Nr. 1322673C6 1347372С7 Application: Weight, kg.: Dimensions (mm): 87,0 1906х1525х95 138630А1 387443A1 87710708 87492183 Lamellensieb/ Upper Sieve Case IH 1680; Case IH 1682; Case IH 1688; Case IH 2188; Case IH 2388; Case IH 2577; Case IH 2588; Case IH 5088; Case IH 6088; Case IH 7088 138633А1 Lamellensieb/ Upper Sieve Case IH 1644; Case IH 1666; Case IH 2144; Case IH 2166; Case IH 2344; Case IH 2366 63,0 1906х1142х95 Lamellensieb/ Bottom Sieve Case IH 1644; Case IH 1666; Case IH 2144; Case IH 2166; Case IH 2344; Case IH 2366 98,0 1648х1160х95 Bottom Sieve/ Lamellensieb Case IH 1680; Case IH 1682; Case IH 1688; Case IH 2188; Case IH 2388; Case IH 2577; Case IH 2588; Case IH 5088; Case IH 6088; Case IH 7088 65,0 1651х1543х95 Lamellensieb/ Upper Sieve (mais) Case IH 1680; Case IH 1682; Case IH 1688; Case IH 2188; Case IH 2377; Case IH 2388; Case IH 2577; Case IH 2588 80,0 1906х1525х95 Lamellensieb/ Upper Sieve (Luft lamelles) Case IH 1680; Case IH 1682; Case IH 1688; Case IH 2188; Case IH 2388; Case IH 2577; Case IH 2588; Case IH 5088; Case IH 6088; Case IH 7088 76,0 1525х2020х80 1325323C6 1322464C7 Name: 87712275 374476A1 87710709 Picture Page 20 Ersatzteile passend zu Case IH / Spare parts suitable for Case IH PW Artikel Nr. CS-192057R CS-192056R CS-191645R OEM Nr. 192057C1 Replaced Nr. 87745690; 87546889; 87379130; 87379122; 1312938C1 192056C1 191645С6 Weight, kg.: Dimensions (mm): Stufenblech / Grain pan Case IH 1480; Case IH 1482; Case IH 1680; Case IH 1682; Case IH 1688; Case IH 2188; Case IH 2377; Case IH 2388; Case IH 2577; Case IH 2588; Case IH 5088; Case IH 6088; Case IH 7088 6,4 1467x390x22 Stufenblech / Grain pan Case IH 1440; Case IH1460; Case IH 1470; Case IH 1640; Case IH 1660; Case IH 1666; Case IH 1670; Case IH 2144; Case IH 2166; Case IH 2344; Case IH 2366 5,0 1084х416х23 Auger Through Fits Case IH 1480; Case IH 1482; Case IH 1680; Case IH 1682; Case IH 1688; Case IH 2188; Case IH 2377; Case IH 2388; Case IH 2588 49,8 Case IH 1440; Case IH1460; Case IH 1470; Case IH 1640; Case IH 1644; Case IH 1660; Case IH 1666; Case IH 1670; Case IH 2144; Case IH 2166; Case IH 2344; Case IH 2366 32,0 1347х1180х247 Case IH AFX8010 65,0 1684х1568х97 Name: Application: CS-185038R 185038С5 Auger Through Fits CS-86974863R 86974863 Stufenblech / Grain pan 1312969C1 Support, Chaffer Pan/ Shoe Side Case IH 1680W; Case IH 1688; Case IH 2188; Case IH 2388; Case IH 2577; Case IH 2588 4,6 1467х95х28 Shoe Side/ Support, Chaffer Pan Case IH 1640; Case IH 1664; Case IH 1660; Case IH 1666; Case IH 2144; Case IH 2166; Case IH 2344; Case IH 2366 3,5 1084х95х29 CS-1312969R CS-1312156R Page 21 1312156C1 87379150 Picture Ersatzteile passend zu Case IH / Spare parts suitable for Case IH PW Artikel Nr. CS-1322452R CS-1322453R CS-1979207R CS-1979206R CS-1979900R CS-1979901R OEM Nr. 1322452C2 1322453C2 Replaced Nr. 87379120;84169 374 87379121; 84169439 1979207С1 1979206С1 1979900С5 1979901С5 87376648; 84169462 87376649 84169474 Weight, kg.: Dimensions (mm): Siebwange / Rail, Chaffer (LH) Case IH 5088 ; Case IH 1680 s/n JJC0047412-; Case IH 1688; Case IH 2188; Case IH 2377; Case IH 2388; Case IH 2577; Case IH 2588 20,0 2233x202x44 Siebwange/ Rail, Chaffer (RH) Case IH 5089 ; Case IH 1680 s/n JJC0047412-; Case IH 1688; Case IH 2188; Case IH 2377; Case IH 2388; Case IH 2577; Case IH 2588 20,0 2234x202x44 Siebwange / Rail, Chaffer (RH) Case IH 1640; Case IH 1664; Case IH 1660; Case IH 1666; Case IH 2144; Case IH 2166; Case IH 2344 11,0 2255х250х45 Siebwange / Rail, Chaffer (LH) Case IH 1640; Case IH 1664; Case IH 1660; Case IH 1666; Case IH 2144; Case IH 2166; Case IH 2344 11,0 2255х250х45 Siebwange / Support, Shoe Side (LH) Case IH 1640; Case IH 1664; Case IH 1660; Case IH 1666; Case IH 1680; Case IH 2144; Case IH 2166; Case IH 2188; Case IH 2344; Case IH 2366; Case IH 2377; Case IH 2388 13,8 1768х211х120 Siebwange / Support, Shoe Side (RH) Case IH 1640; Case IH 1664; Case IH 1660; Case IH 1666; Case IH 1680; Case IH 2144; Case IH 2166; Case IH 2188; Case IH 2344; Case IH 2366; Case IH 2377; Case IH2388 13,8 1768х211х120 Name: Application: Picture Page 22 Ersatzteile passend zu Case IH / Spare parts suitable for Case IH PW Artikel Nr. OEM Nr. Replaced Nr. Name: Application: Weight, kg.: Dimensions (mm): Umlenkwalze / Drum, Feed Roll Case IH 1480; Case IH 1482; Case IH 1680; Case IH 1682; Case IH 1688; Case IH 2188 28,6 1060х242х242 Umlenkwalze / Drum, Feed Roll Case IH 1420; Case IH 1440; Case IH 1460; Case IH 1470; Case IH 1620; Case IH 1640; Case IH 1644; Case IH 1660; Case IH 1666; Case IH 1670; Case IH 2144; Case IH 2166; Case IH 2188; Case IH 2344; Case IH 2366 23,0 825х242х242 Umlenkwalze / Drum, Feed Roll Case IH 1480; Case IH 1482; Case IH 1680; Case IH 1682; Case IH 1688; Case IH 2188; Case IH 2377; Case IH 2388; Case IH 2577; Case IH 2588 28,6 1060х242х242 1957437С1 Umlenkwalze / Drum, Feed Roll Case IH 1440; Case IH 1460; Case IH 1470; Case IH 1620; Case IH 1640; Case IH 1644; Case IH 1660; Case IH 1666; Case IH 2144; Case IH 2166; Case IH 2344; Case IH 2366 23,0 825х242х242 CS-196409R 196409A2 Umlenkwalze / Drum, Feed Roll Case IH 2188; Case IH 2377; Case IH 2388; Case IH 2577; Case IH 2588 28,6 1060х242х242 CS-196359R 196359A2 Förderleiste / Slat, Serrated (RH) Case IH 2188; Case IH 2377; Case IH 2388; Case IH 2577; Case IH 2588 2,1 578х50х25 CS-196360R 196360A3 Förderleiste / Slat, Serrated (LH) Case IH 2188; Case IH 2377; Case IH 2388; Case IH 2577; Case IH 2588 2,1 578х50х25 CS-118270R 118270A1 Förderleiste / Slat, Feeder House Case IH 1640; Case IH 1644; Case IH 1660; Case IH 1666; Case IH 1670 3,8 870х50х28 118271A1 Förderleiste / Slat, Feeder House Case IH 1480; Case IH 1482; Case IH 1680; Case IH 1682; Case IH 1688; Case IH2188 5,0 1104х50х28 CS-1957440R CS-1957439R CS-1957438R CS-1957437R CS-118271R Page 23 1957440С3 1957439С3 1957438С1 Picture Ersatzteile passend zu Case IH / Spare parts suitable for Case IH PW Artikel Nr. CS-386188R CS-386189R CS-418646R CS-418647R OEM Nr. 386188A1 386189A1 418646A1 418647A1 Replaced Nr. 418645A1; 1300859C ; Weight, kg.: Dimensions (mm): Dreschkorb/ Concave Case IH 1680; Case IH 1682; Case IH 1688; Case IH 2188; Case IH 2377; Case IH 2388; Case IH 2577; Case IH 2588; Case IH 5088; Case IH 6088; Case IH 7088 36,3 1069x353x409 Dreschkorb/ Concave Case IH 1680; Case IH 1682; Case IH 1688; Case IH 2188; Case IH 2377; Case IH 2388; Case IH 2577; Case IH 2588; Case IH 5088; Case IH 6088; Case IH 7088 32,0 1069x353x348 Dreschkorb/ Concave Case IH 2377; Case IH 2388; Case IH 2577; Case IH 2588; Case IH 5088; Case IH 6088; Case IH 7088 32,0 1069x353x348 Dreschkorb/ Concave Case IH 1682; Case IH 1688; Case IH 2188; Case IH 2377; Case IH 2388; Case IH 2577; Case IH 2588; Case IH5088; Case IH 6088; Case IH 7088 38,0 1069x353x409 35,0 1069x353x348 Name: Application: CS-418648R 418648A1 Dreschkorb/ Concave Case IH 1682; Case IH 1688; Case IH 2188; Case IH 2377; Case IH 2388; Case IH 2577; Case IH 2588; Case IH 5088; Case IH 6088; Case IH 7088 CS-1302563R 1302563С1 Grate Concave Keystock Case IH 1480; Case IH 1680; Case IH 1688; Case IH 2188; Case IH 2388 16,5 870х293х298 Slotted Grate Case IH 1480; Case IH 1680; Case IH 1688; Case IH 2188; Case IH 2388 12,2 852х296х298 Dreschkorb/ Concave Case IH 1640; Case IH 1644; Case IH 1660; Case IH 1666; Case IH 1670; Case IH 2144; Case IH 2166; Case IH 2366 45,0 910х303х404 Dreschkorb/ Concave Case IH 1640; Case IH 1644; Case IH 1660; Case IH 1666; Case IH 1670; Case IH 2144; Case IH 2166; Case IH 2366 42,0 910х303х348 CS-191535R CS-430964R CS-430965R 191535С2 430964А1 430965А1 Picture Page 24 Ersatzteile passend zu Case IH / Spare parts suitable for Case IH PW Artikel Nr. CS-430960R CS-430963R CS-191538R CS-1302562R Page 25 OEM Nr. 430960А1 430963А1 191538C3 1302562C6 Replaced Nr. Weight, kg.: Dimensions (mm): Dreschkorb/ Concave Case IH 1640; Case IH 1644; Case IH 1660; Case IH 1666; Case IH 1670; Case IH 2144; Case IH 2166; Case IH 2366 46,5 910х303х404 Dreschkorb/ Concave Case IH 1640; Case IH 1644; Case IH 1660; Case IH 1666; Case IH 1670; Case IH 2144; Case IH 2166; Case IH 2366 43,5 910х303х348 Slotted Grate Case IH 1640; Case IH 1644; Case IH 1660; Case IH 1666; Case IH 1670; Case IH 2144; Case IH 2166; Case IH2366 10,5 720х248х298 Grate Concave Keystock Case IH 1640; Case IH 1644; Case IH 1660; Case IH 1666; Case IH 1670; Case IH 2144; Case IH 2166; Case IH 2366 14,2 730х24248х298 Name: Application: Picture Ersatzteile passend zu Case IH / Spare parts suitable for Case IH PW Artikel Nr. CS-1317456R CS-192430R CS-192475R CS-1317376R CS-191778R CS-1318590R CS-1317270R CS-1317673R OEM Nr. Replaced Nr. 1317456C6 192430C3 192475C3 1317376C9 191778C2 1318590С3 1317270С2 1317673С2 87470913 Weight, kg.: Dimensions (mm): Housing, Clean Grain Elevator Case IH 1680; Case IH 1682; Case IH 1688; Case IH 2188; Case IH 2377; Case IH 2388; Case IH 2577; Case IH 2588 51,0 2595х446х335 Housing, Clean Grain Elevator Case IH 1480; Case IH 1482; Case IH 1680; Case IH 1682; Case IH 1688; Case IH 2188; Case IH 2377; Case IH 2388; Case IH 2577; Case IH 2588 26,0 1834х357х161 ELEVATORFUSS/ Elevator Sump Case IH 1420; Case IH 1440; Case IH 1460; Case IH 1480; Case IH 1482; Case IH 1620; Case IH 1640; Case IH 1644; Case IH 1660; Case IH 1666; Case IH 1680; Case IH 2166; Case IH 2188; Case IH 2344; Case IH 2366; Case IH 2388 18,5 757х535х344 Housing, Clean Grain Elevator Case IH 1640; Case IH 1644; Case IH 1660; Case IH 1666; Case IH 1670; Case IH 2144; Case IH 2166; Case IH 2344; Case IH 2366 46,0 2495х432х276 Housing, Clean Grain Elevator Case IH 1440; Case IH 1460; Case IH 1470; Case IH 1640; Case IH 1644; Case IH 1660; Case IH 1666; Case IH 1670; Case IH 2144; Case IH 2166; Case IH 2344; Case IH 2366 20,0 1835х300х161 Guard, Deflector Case IH 1680; Case IH 1682; Case IH 1688; Case IH 2188; Case IH 2377; Case IH 23882577; Case IH 2588 0,9 200х210х29 Guard, Deflector Case IH 1640; Case IH 1664; Case IH 1660; Case IH 1666; Case IH 1670, Case IH 2144, Case IH 2166, Case IH 2344, Case IH 2366 0,8 155х210х29 Boot, Clean Grain Elevator Case IH 1640; Case IH 1664; Case IH 1660; Case IH 1666; Case IH 1670; Case IH 2144; Case IH 2166; Case IH 2344; Case IH2366 2,5 400х310х63 Name: Application: Picture Page 26 Ersatzteile passend zu Case IH / Spare parts suitable for Case IH PW Artikel Nr. CS-1979134R CS-1317430R CS-1318584R CS-1318585R CS-199006R OEM Nr. Replaced Nr. 1979134С1 1317430С1 1318584С2 1318585С3 199006A2 251472A1 Weight, kg.: Dimensions (mm): Boot, Clean Grain Elevator Case IH 1660; Case IH 1666; Case IH 1680; Case IH 1688; Case IH 2144; Case IH 2166; Case IH 2188; Case IH 2344; Case IH 2366; Case IH 2377; Case IH 2388; Case IH 2577; Case IH 2588 2,9 357х190х230 Clean Grain Elevator Door Case IH 1680; Case IH 1682; Case IH 1688; Case IH 2188; Case IH 2377; Case IH 2388; Case IH 2577; Case IH 2588 3,8 358х188х230 Boot, Clean Grain Elevator Case IH 1680; Case IH 1682; Case IH 1688; Case IH 2188; Case IH 2377; Case IH 2388; Case IH 2577; Case IH 2588 1,9 400х310х50 Boot, Clean Grain Elevator Case IH 1640; Case IH 1664; Case IH 1660; Case IH 1666; Case IH 1670; Case IH 16801682; Case IH 1688; Case IH 2144; Case IH 2166; Case IH 2344; Case IH 2366 2,3 400х310х47 Clean Grain Auger Trough Tube Case IH 2144; Case IH 2166; Case IH 2188; Case IH 2344; Case IH 2366; Case IH 2388 7,5 888х337х139 4,5 488х337х150 3,9 705х197х197 Name: Application: CS-1321560R 1321560C2 Tube, Upper Grain Elevator Head Case IH 1666; Case IH 1680; Case IH 1688; Case IH 2144; Case IH 2166; Case IH 2188; Case IH 2344; Case IH 2366; Case IH 2377; Case IH 2388 CS-191854R 191854C1 TUBE Part Case IH 2388 Page 27 Picture Ersatzteile passend zu Case IH / Spare parts suitable for Case IH PW Artikel Nr. OEM Nr. Replaced Nr. Weight, kg.: Dimensions (mm): Interupter Bar Case IH 1460; Case IH 1470; Case IH 1480; Case IH 1620; Case IH 1640; Case IH 1644; Case IH 1660; Case IH 1666; Case IH 1670; Case IH 1680; Case IH 1688; Case IH 2144; Case IH 2166; Case IH 2188; Case IH 2344; Case IH 2366; Case IH 2388 0,1 156х28х24 Name: Application: CS-1324046R 1324046С3 CS-191536R 191536С1 Channel, Grate Adjusting Case IH 2388 0,2 274х25х10 CS-1338287R 1338287С3 Arm, Feeder Drum (LH) Case IH 1666 3,2 594х60х50 CS-1338288R 1338288С3 Arm, Feeder Drum (RH) Case IH 1666 3,2 594х60х50 CS-1319875R 1319875С5 Rock Drum Arm Case IH 1666 4,7 688х225х53 CS-1319876R 1319876С5 Rock Drum Arm Case IH 1666 4,7 688х225х53 CS-1994707R 1994707С2 SIDE PLATE Case IH 2188 13,4 617х485х48 CS-140519R 140519А1 SIDE PLATE Case IH 2188 12х 617х485х48 CS-1347205R 1347205С1 SCHUTZBLECH Case IH 2188 26,0 475х107х1563 87379142 Picture Page 28 Ersatzteile passend zu Case IH / Spare parts suitable for Case IH Weight, kg.: Dimensions (mm): Case IH 2388 53,6 1563х175х766 TAILINGS TROUGH Case IH 2388 7,7 1178х451х121 1338395С1 Siebwange / Support Case IH 1666; Case IH 2366 11,1 540х604х77 CS-275499R 275499А2 Siebwange / Support 12,9 540х715х77 CS-86992365R 86992365 Siebwange / Support Case IH 2388 18,4 540х776х92 CS-87615040R 87615040 Siebwange / Support Case IH 2388 14,5 540х770х85 CS-1338397R 1338397С1 Siebwange / Support Case IH 2188 12,1 540х232х76 CS-84549785R 84549785 Siebwange/ Support 15,3 540х832х76 PW Artikel Nr. OEM Nr. CS-181147R 181147С4 Bottom knife sheet CS-1346956R 1346956С2 CS-1338395R Page 29 Replaced Nr. Name: Application: Picture Ersatzteile passend zu Case IH / Spare parts suitable for Case IH PW Artikel Nr. CS-1303038R OEM Nr. 1303038С2 Replaced Nr. Name: Rotor Bar CS-1302103R 1302103С3 Rotor Bar CS-1319270R 1319270С1 Beater Blade CS-1319266R 1319266С1 Beater Blade CS-84551013R CS-84581120R CS-38253109R 84551013 84581120 38253109 Plate Cover plate Plate CS-229609R 229609А2 Elevator Head Corn and Grain Cover Application: Case IH 1440; Case IH 1460; Case IH 1470; Case IH 1640; Case IH 1644; Case IH 1660; Case IH 1666; Case IH 1670; Case IH 2144; Case IH 2166; Case IH 2344; Case IH 2366; Case IH 1420; Case IH 1480; Case IH 1482; Case IH 1620; Case IH 1680; Case IH 1682; Case IH 1688; Case IH 2188; Case IH 2377; Case IH 2388; Case IH 2577; Case IH 2588 Case IH 1440; Case IH 1460; Case IH 1640; Case IH 1644; Case IH 1660; Case IH 1666; Case IH 1670; Case IH 2144; Case IH 2166; Case IH 2344; Case IH 2366; Case IH 1420; Case IH 1480; Case IH 1620; Case IH 1680; Case IH 1688; Case IH 2188; Case IH 2388 Case IH 1480; Case IH 1482; Case IH 1660; Case IH 1682; Case IH 1688; Case IH 2188; Case IH 2388; Case IH 2577; Case IH 2588; Case IH 5088; Case IH 6088; Case IH 7088 Case IH 1420; Case IH 1440; Case IH 1460; Case IH 1470; Case IH 1480; Case IH 1482; Case IH 1620; Case IH 1640; Case IH 1644; Case IH 1660; Case IH 1666; Case IH 1670; Case IH 1680; Case IH 1682; Case IH 1688; Case IH 2144; Case IH 2166; Case IH 2188; Case IH 234442377; Case IH 2388 Case IH 2144;2 Case IH 166; Case IH 2168; Case IH 2344; Case IH 2366; Case IH 2377; Case IH 2388; Case IH 2577; Case IH 2588 Weight, kg.: Dimensions (mm): 2,5 1068х50х6 2,8 1066х70х6 8,6 308х1137х20 4,0 356х356х57 6,9 7,8 5,3 1220х226х30 1220х285х15 196х190х210 1,7 412х80х164 Picture Page 30 Ersatzteile passend zu Case IH / Spare parts suitable for Case IH OEM Nr. CS-144028R 144028А2 Auger CS-1308541R 1308541С1 Auger CS-143959R 143959А2 Auger Case IH 2188; Case IH 2388 22,0 Auger Case IH 1440; Case IH 1460; Case IH 1470; Case IH 1480; Case IH 1482; Case IH 1640; Case IH 1644; Case IH 1660; Case IH 1666; Case IH 1670; Case IH 1680; Case IH 1682; Case IH 1688; Case IH 2144; Case IH 2166; Case IH 2188; Case IH 2344; Case IH 266; Case IH 2388; Case IH 2577; Case IH 2588 22,8 Auger Case IH 1660; Case IH 1666; Case IH 1680; Case IH 1688; Case IH 2144; Case IH 2166; Case IH 2188; Case IH 2377; Case IH 2388; Case IH 2577; Case IH 2588 13,5 Auger Case IH 1640; Case IH 1644; Case IH 1660; Case IH 1680; Case IH 1688; Case IH 2144; Case IH 2166; Case IH 2188; Case IH 2344; Case IH 2366; Case IH2388 20,0 CS-87617556R CS-249275R CS-1347389R Page 31 87617556 249275А2 1347389С1 Replaced Nr. Name: Application: Weight, kg.: PW Artikel Nr. Case IH 2188; Case IH 2388 Case IH 1420; Case IH 1440; Case IH 1460; Case IH 1470; Case IH 1480; Case IH 1482; Case IH 1620; Case IH 1640; Case IH 1644; Case IH 1660; Case IH 1666; Case IH 1670; Case IH 1680; Case IH 1682; Case IH 1688; Case IH 2144; Case IH 2166; Case IH 2188; Case IH 2344; Case IH 2377; Case IH 2388 18,6 10,0 Dimensions (mm): Picture Ersatzteile passend zu John Deere / Spare parts suitable for John Deere PW Artikel Nr. JD-AH172942R JD-AH130160R OEM Nr. AH172942 Replaced Nr. AH149545 Upper Sieve AH130160 JD-AH172949R AH172949 JD-AZ43468R AZ43468 Name: Bottom Sieve AH149551 Chaffer, Top, Short Finger Weight, kg.: Dimensions (mm): John Deere 9500 ; John Deere 9500SH ; John Deere 9400 ; John Deere 9501 ; John Deere 9410 ; John Deere 9510 ; John Deere SH9510 ; John Deere 9450 ; John Deere 9550 ; John Deere 9550SH ; John Deere 9560 E; John Deere 9560SH; John Deere 9540WTS ; John Deere 9560WTS ; John Deere 9580WTS ; John Deere 9540i WTS ; John Deere 9560i WTS ; John Deere 9580i WTS ; John Deere 6068HZ060 ; John Deere 6068HZ470 ; John Deere 6081HZ008 ; John Deere 6081HZ009 ; John Deere 6081HZ017 14,500 1054х711х140 John Deere 9500 ; John Deere 9500SH ; John Deere 9400 ; John Deere 9501 ; John Deere CTS COMBINE; 19,300 1295х724х117 14,100 1124х1035х118 50,800 56,700 1532х1339х112 1732х1339х140 Application: John Deere 9500 ; John Deere 9500SH; John Deere 9400 ; John Deere 9501 ; John Deere 9410 ; John Deere 9510 ; John Deere 9450 ; John Deere 9550 ; John Deere 9550SH ; John Deere 9560; John Deere 9560SH ; John Deere 9660CTS ; John Deere 9650CTS ; John Deere 9540WTS ; John Deere 9560WTS ; John Deere 9580WTS; John Deere 9540i WTS ; John Deere 9560i WTS ; John Deere 9580i WTS ; John Deere 6068HZ060 ; John Deere 6068HZ470 ; John Deere 6081HZ008 ; John Deere 6081HZ009 ; John Deere 6081HZ017 ; Picture Bottom Sieve JD-AZ49147R AZ49147 Upper Sieve JD-AXE20456R JD-AXE20455R AXE20456 AXE20455 Bottom Sieve Chaffer, Upper Sieve John Deere 2064 ; John Deere 2066 ; John Deere 2264 ; John Deere 2266 ; John Deere 2266EXTRA Page 32 Ersatzteile passend zu John Deere / Spare parts suitable for John Deere PW Artikel Nr. JD-AH136605R JD-AZ50490R OEM Nr. Replaced Nr. Name: AH136605 Concave (14 Cross Bars) AZ50490 Concave, Wrap Around JD-AZ101140R AZ101140 Concave JD-AН205255R АН205255 Concave JD-AН205254R АН205254 Concave Page 33 Application: John Deere 9500 -; John Deere 9500SH ; John Deere 9400 ; John Deere 9501 ; John Deere CTS COMBINE; John Deere 9410 ; John Deere 9510 ; John Deere SH9510 ; Weight, kg.: Dimensions (mm): 113,500 1372х749х282 218,630 1803х1085х660 36,740 991х386х343 40,400 991х432х356 John Deere 2064 ; John Deere 2066 ; John Deere 2264 ; John Deere 2266 ; John Deere 2266EXTRA ; John Deere 9640WTS ; John Deere 9660WTS ; John Deere 9680WTS ; John Deere 9640i WTS ; John Deere 9660i WTS ; John Deere 9680i WTS ; John Deere T660 ; John Deere T670 ; John Deere W650 ; John Deere W660 John Deere 9650STS ; John Deere 9750STS ; John Deere 9860STS ; John Deere 9660STS ; John Deere 9760STS ; John Deere 9880STS ; John Deere 9880i STS ; John Deere 9880i STS Hillmaster ; John Deere 9670STS ; John Deere 9770STS ; John Deere 9870STS ; John Deere S690 ; John Deere 9670 STS ; John Deere 9770 STS E; John Deere S660 ; John Deere S670 ; John Deere S670 HILLMASTER ; John Deere S680 ; John Deere S680 HILLMASTER ; John Deere S690 HILLMASTER John Deere 9650STS ; John Deere 9750STS ; John Deere 9860STS ; John Deere 9660STS ; John Deere 9760STS ; John Deere 9880STS ; John Deere 9880i STS ; John Deere 9880i STS Hillmaster ; John Deere 9670STS ; John Deere 9770STS ; John Deere 9870STS ; John Deere S690 ; John Deere 9670 STS ; John Deere 9770 STS E; John Deere S660 ; John Deere S670 ; John Deere S670 HILLMASTER ; John Deere S680 ; John Deere S680 HILLMASTER ; John Deere S690 HILLMASTER ; Picture Ersatzteile passend zu John Deere / Spare parts suitable for John Deere PW Artikel Nr. OEM Nr. Replaced Nr. Name: JD-AН205261R АН205261 Concave JD-AН206456R АН206456 Concave Application: John Deere 9650STS ; John Deere 9750STS ; John Deere 9860STS ; John Deere 9660STS ; John Deere 9760STS ; John Deere 9880STS ; John Deere 9880i STS ; John Deere 9880i STS Hillmaster ; John Deere 9670STS ; John Deere 9770STS ; John Deere 9870STS ; John Deere S690 ; John Deere 9670 STS ; John Deere 9770 STS E; John Deere S660 ; John Deere S670 ; John Deere S670 HILLMASTER ; John Deere S680 ; John Deere S680 HILLMASTER ; John Deere S690 HILLMASTER John Deere 9650STS ; John Deere 9750STS ; John Deere 9860STS ; John Deere 9660STS ; John Deere 9760STS ; John Deere 9880STS ; John Deere 9880i STS ; John Deere 9880i STS Hillmaster ; John Deere 9670STS ; John Deere 9770STS ; John Deere 9870STS ; John Deere S690 ; John Deere 9670 STS ; John Deere 9770 STS E; John Deere S660 ; John Deere S670 ; John Deere S670 HILLMASTER ; John Deere S680 ; John Deere S680 HILLMASTER ; John Deere S690 HILLMASTER Weight, kg.: Dimensions (mm): 35,400 991х432х356 30,840 965х394х356 Picture Page 34 Ersatzteile passend zu John Deere / Spare parts suitable for John Deere PW Artikel Nr. JD-AZ47217R JD-AZ47216R OEM Nr. Replaced Nr. Weight, kg.: Dimensions (mm): 15,400 1656х74 Rasp Bar John Deere 2054 ; John Deere 2056 ; John Deere 2058 ; John Deere 2254 ; John Deere 2256 ; John Deere 2258 13,000 1372х74 61,500 1365 x 74 Name: Application: John Deere 2064 ; John Deere 2066 ; Rasp Bar (1645 mm) John Deere 2264 ; John Deere 2266 ; John Deere 2266EXTRA AZ47217 AZ47216 JD-V12070R A-V12070 5 AH161407 5 AH161409 Rasp Bar (set) John Deere CTS; John Deere CTS II; John Deere 9400; John Deere 9410; John Deere 9450; John Deere 9500; John Deere 9500SH; John Deere 9510; John Deere 9510SH; John Deere 9550; John Deere 9550SH; John Deere 9560; John Deere 9560; John Deere 9650CTS JD-V12071R A-V12071 5 pcs. AH161395 5 pcs. AH161398 Rasp Bar (set) John Deere 9600; John Deere 9610; John Deere 9650; John Deere 9660 74,000 1638 x 74 JD-V12072R A-V12072 5 AH205122 5 AH205123 Rasp Bar (set) John Deere 9600; John Deere 9610; John Deere 9650; John Deere 9660 74,000 1638 x 74 Rasp Bar John Deere 9540WTS ; John Deere 9560WTS ; John Deere 9580WTS; John Deere 9540i WTS ; John Deere 9560i WTS ; John Deere 9580i WTS ; John Deere 9780CTS ; John Deere 9780i CTS ; John Deere C670 ; John Deere T550 E; John Deere T560 ; John Deere W540 ; John Deere W550 ; John Deere 6068HZ060 ; John Deere 6068HZ470 ; John Deere 6068HZ480 ; John Deere 6081HZ008; John Deere 6081HZ009 ; John Deere 6081HZ017; John Deere 6081HZ019 ; John Deere 6090HZ003 12,300 1361 x 74 Rasp Bar John Deere 9640WTS ; John Deere 9660WTS; John Deere 9680WTS ; John Deere 9640i WTS ; John Deere 9660i WTS ; John Deere 9680i WTS ; John Deere T660 ; John Deere T670; John Deere W650 ; John Deere W660; John Deere 6081HZ017 ; John Deere 6081HZ018 E; John Deere 6081HZ019 ; John Deere 6090HZ003 15,000 1636 x 74 JD-AZ58904R JD-AZ58905R Page 35 AZ58904 AZ58905 Picture Ersatzteile passend zu John Deere / Spare parts suitable for John Deere PW Artikel Nr. JD-AZ49920R JD-AH209840R JD-AZ49202R OEM Nr. AZ49920 AH209840 AZ49202 Replaced Nr. Weight, kg.: Dimensions (mm): Straw Walker John Deere 2054 ; John Deere 2056 ; John Deere 2058 ; John Deere 2064 ; John Deere 2066 ; John Deere 2254 ; John Deere 2256 ; John Deere 2258 -; John Deere 2264 ; John Deere 2266 ; John Deere 2266EXTRA 68,000 4491х554х305 Straw Walker John Deere 9500 ; John Deere 9500SH ; John Deere 9600 ; John Deere 9501 ; John Deere 9510 ; John Deere SH9510 ; John Deere 9610; John Deere 9550 ; John Deere 9550SH ; John Deere 9650 ; John Deere 9560 ; John Deere 9660 ; John Deere 9560SH ; 116,000 4674х508х432 Name: Application: Picture John Deere 2064 E; John Deere 2066 ; John Deere 2264 ; John Deere 2266 ; John Deere 2266EXTRA ; Page 36 Ersatzteile passend zu John Deere / Spare parts suitable for John Deere PW Artikel Nr. JD-AXE19162R JD-AXE19176R JD-AH218675R JD-AH218676R Page 37 OEM Nr. AXE19162 AXE19176 AH218675 AH218676 Replaced Nr. AZ100409, AH202219 AH202221,A Z100421 AH166671, AH171358, AH202198 AH166670, AH171359, AH202199 Weight, kg.: Dimensions (mm): Sieve Frame John Deere 9640WTS ; John Deere 9660WTS ; John Deere 9680WTS; John Deere 9640i WTS ; John Deere 9660i WTS ; John Deere 9680i WTS ; John Deere T660; John Deere T670 ; John Deere W650; John Deere W660 ; John Deere 6081HZ017 ; John Deere 6081HZ018 ; John Deere 6081HZ019 ; John Deere 6090HZ003 123,800 1956х1651х610 Sieve Frame John Deere 9640WTS; John Deere 9660WTS; John Deere 9680WTS; John Deere 9640i WTS; John Deere 9660i WTS ; John Deere 9680i WTS 147,870 1836х1600х726 Sieve Frame Assembly; RH John Deere 9560STS; John Deere 9650STS; John Deere 9660STS; John Deere 9750STS; John Deere 9760STS; John Deere9860STS; John Deere 9880iSTS 18,200 1765х432х135 Sieve Frame Assembly; LH John Deere 9560STS; John Deere 9650STS; John Deere 9660STS; John Deere 9750STS; John Deere 9760STS; John Deere 9860STS; John Deere 9880iSTS 18,200 1765х432х135 Name: Application: Picture Ersatzteile passend zu John Deere / Spare parts suitable for John Deere PW Artikel Nr. JD-AH169233R OEM Nr. AH169233 Replaced Nr. AH131808, AH137288, AH136239, AH141573, AH156177, AH163614 Name: Elevator, Tailings Application: John Deere CTS; John Deere CTS II; John Deere 9400; John Deere 9410; John Deere 9450; John Deere 9500; John Deere 9500SH John Deere 9510; John Deere 9510SH; John Deere 9550; John Deere 9550SH; John Deere 9560; John Deere 9560SH; John Deere 9600; John Deere 9610; John Deere 9650; John Deere 9650CTS; John Deere 9660 Weight, kg.: Dimensions (mm): 105,230 3404х724х368 Picture Page 38 Ersatzteile passend zu John Deere / Spare parts suitable for John Deere PW Artikel Nr. OEM Nr. Z62288 H211160 Z62287 Z54802 Replaced Nr. Name: Application: CTS ; 9650STS ; 9750STS; 2054; Page 39 Förderleiste / 2056; 2058; 2254; 2256 ; 2258; Slat, Feeder House 9780; Förderleiste / 2064; 2066 ; 2264 ; 2266 ; Slat, Feeder House 2266EXTRA Weight, kg.: Dimensions (mm): Picture Ersatzteile passend zu Massey Ferguson / Spare parts suitable for Massey Ferguson Replaced Nr. Weight, kg.: Dimensions (mm): Massey Ferguson 34-36 ; Massey Ferguson7256 18,400 1435х1348х75 Upper sieve Massey Ferguson 34-36 ; Massey Ferguson 7256 20,400 1435х1348х75 31,700 1400х810х194 PW Artikel Nr. OEM Nr. Name: MF-2848-2053R D28482053 Bottom sieve MF-2848-2054R D28482054 Application: MF-2848-0100R D28480100 Upper sieve Massey Ferguson 38-40; Massey Ferguson 7272; Massey Ferguson 7274; Massey Ferguson 7278 MF-2848-0099R D28480099 Bottom sieve Massey Ferguson 38-40; Massey Ferguson 7272; Massey Ferguson 7274; Massey Ferguson7278 28,000 1400х810х80 MF-7138-7678R 71387678 Upper sieve Massey Ferguson 9790; Massey Ferguson 9795; Massey Ferguson 9895 84,000 1556х2100х95 Sieve box Massey Ferguson 38-40; Massey Ferguson 7272; Massey Ferguson 7274; Massey Ferguson 7278 117,000 1844х1826х460 MF-2848-0537R D28480537 Picture Page 40 Ersatzteile passend zu Massey Ferguson / Spare parts suitable for Massey Ferguson Dimensions (mm): Massey Ferguson 34-36; Massey Ferguson 38-40 54,000 4427х270х462 Straw walker Massey Ferguson 38-40; Massey Ferguson 7272; Massey Ferguson 7274; Massey Ferguson 7278 40,000 3962х200х492 Straw walker Massey Ferguson 7270 ; Massey Ferguson 7276; Massey Ferguson 7278 63,000 3973х673х273 Straw walker grid Massey Ferguson 38-40; Massey Ferguson 7272; Massey Ferguson 7274; Massey Ferguson 7278 0,700 571х193х15 Straw walker grid Massey Ferguson 38-40; Massey Ferguson 7272; Massey Ferguson 7274; Massey Ferguson 7278 0,930 802х193х15 Straw walker grid Massey Ferguson 38-40; Massey Ferguson 7272; Massey Ferguson 7274; Massey Ferguson 7288 1,140 995х193х15 OEM Nr. MF-2848-0523R D28480523 Straw walker MF-2848-5200R D28485200 MF-6204921R 6204921M91 MF-2848-5205R MF-2848-5206R MF-2848-5207R Page 41 D28485205 D28485206 D28485207 Replaced Nr. Weight, kg.: PW Artikel Nr. Name: Application: Picture Ersatzteile passend zu Massey Ferguson / Spare parts suitable for Massey Ferguson Application: Weight, kg.: Dimensions (mm): Concave (wheat) Massey Ferguson 7272; Massey Ferguson7274; Massey Ferguson 7288 125,000 1664х657х282 D28380066 Concave (wheat) Massey Ferguson 38-40 114,000 1664х657х227 D28380161 Concave (mais) Massey Ferguson 38-40 75,000 16х658х220 Concave (wheat) Massey Ferguson 7260Beta 78,000 1344х705х241 PW Artikel Nr. OEM Nr. MF-2838-0519R D28380519 MF-2838-0066R MF-2838-0161R MF-322928250R LA322928250 Replaced Nr. Name: Picture Page 42 Ersatzteile passend zu Massey Ferguson / Spare parts suitable for Massey Ferguson Weight, kg.: Dimensions (mm): Massey Ferguson 38-40; Massey Ferguson 7272; Massey Ferguson 7274; Massey Ferguson 7278 6,000 1662х170х65 Rasp bar Massey Ferguson 38-40; Massey Ferguson 7272; Massey Ferguson 7274; Massey Ferguson 7278 14,500 1670х74 Rasp bar Massey Ferguson 38-40; Massey Ferguson 7272; Massey Ferguson 7274; Massey Ferguson 7278 14,500 1670х74 Beater Massey Ferguson 38-40; Massey Ferguson 7272; Massey Ferguson 7274; Massey Ferguson 7278 8,500 1660х124х52 Beater Massey Ferguson 38-40; Massey Ferguson 7272; Massey Ferguson 7274; Massey Ferguson 7278 8,500 1660х124х52 PW Artikel Nr. OEM Nr. MF-2838-0423R D28380423 Impeller plate MF-2808-0861R D28080861 MF-2808-0862R D28080862 MF-2838-0254R MF-2838-0255R Page 43 D28380254 D28380255 Replaced Nr. Name: Application: Picture Ersatzteile passend zu Massey Ferguson / Spare parts suitable for Massey Ferguson Weight, kg.: Dimensions (mm): Elevator bottom part Massey Ferguson 34-36 5,000 326х266х290 D28580115 Elevator top part Massey Ferguson34-36 7,800 467х372х252 MF-2858-0779R D28580779 Elevator bottom part Massey Ferguson 38-40 от №47597 5,200 326х266х290 MF-2858-5297R D28585297 Elevator top part Massey Ferguson 7272 9,000 477х375х210 MF-2858-5299R D28585299 Elevator top part Massey Ferguson 34-36; Massey Ferguson 7256 8,000 467х372х252 MF-2858-0309R D28580309 Spacer grain elevator Massey Ferguson 34-36; Massey Ferguson 7256 4,200 303х312х258 MF-2858-0124R D28580124 Housing elevator Massey Ferguson 34-36; Massey Ferguson 38-40 30,000 2066х307х230 MF-2858-0310R D28580310 Auger housing Massey Ferguson 38-40 26,000 2207х614х357 MF-2888-5637R D28885637 Auger housing Massey Ferguson 7272; Massey Ferguson 7274; Massey Ferguson 7278 28,000 2235х673х413 PW Artikel Nr. OEM Nr. MF-2858-0048R D28580048 MF-2858-0115R Replaced Nr. Name: Application: Picture Page 44 Ersatzteile passend zu New Holland / Spare parts suitable for New Holland Artikel NH-8077-1968R NH-8080-1477R NH-8080-2392R NH-8080-4233R OEM Nr. 80771968 80801477 80802392 80804233 NH-3209-5940R Name Abdeckgitter / Sieve Sieb / Lower sieve Sieb / Upper sieve Sieb / Sieve New Holland TR-88 New Holland TR-88 New Holland TR-88 New HollandTR-88 Weight: 22,000 31,000 30,000 30,000 Dimensions: 795 x 980 x 105 1338 x 986 x 100 1338 x 986 x 100 1338 x 986 x 100 320959400 Sieb / Lower sieve New Holland L-624 31,000 1735 x 770 x 88 NH-3221-3680R 322136800 Sieb / Upper sieve New HollandL-624 34,000 1710 x 770 x 192 NH-3221-3710R 322137100 Siebverlängerung / Sieve New lengthening HollandL-624 9,500 704 x 770 x 95 NH-8092-0643R 80920643 Pre-sieve NH-8043-0148R 80430148 NH-8043-1943R 80431943 NH-8042-8934R 80428934 NH-8045-2799R 80452799 NH-8045-3193R 80453193 Upper sieve NH-8045-3258R 80453258 Upper sieve NH-8045-3201R 80453201 Bottom sieve NH-8983-3224R 89833224 Pre-sieve NH-8092-2645R 80922645 Pre-sieve NH-8043-0148R 80430148 Upper sieve NH-8043-1943R 80431943 Upper sieve NH-8983-1346R 89831346 Bottom sieve NH-8983-2171R 89832171 Pre-sieve New Holland TX 66; New Holland TX 68 NH-8092-0647R 80920647 Pre-sieve New Holland TX 66; New Holland TX 68 NH-8045-3193R 80453193 Upper sieve New Holland TX 66; New Holland TX 68 NH-8045-3258R 80453258 Upper sieve New Holland TX 66; New Holland TX 68 NH-8983-1370R 89831370 Bottom sieve NH-8407-8414R NH-8042-6371R 84078414 80426371 Upper sieve Bottom sieve NH-8410-0965R 84100965 Upper sieve Page 45 Replaced Nr. Application: New Holland TF 42; New Holland TF 44 New Holland TF 42; Upper sieve New Holland TF 44 New Holland TF 42; Upper sieve New Holland TF 44 New Holland TF 42; Bottom sieve /CL 1 1/8"/ New Holland TF 44 New Holland TF 46; Pre-sieve New Holland TF 78 New Holland TF 46; New Holland TF 78 New Holland TF 46; New Holland TF 78 New Holland TF 46; New Holland TF 78 New Holland TX 62; New Holland TX65 New Holland TX 62; New Holland TX65 New Holland TX 62; New Holland TX65 New Holland TX 62; New Holland TX65 New Holland TX 62; New Holland TX65 New Holland TX 66; New Holland TX 68 New Holland TC 56 New Holland TC 56 New Holland CX 840; New Holland CX 880 Stock availability Ersatzteile passend zu New Holland / Spare parts suitable for New Holland Artikel OEM Nr. Replaced Nr. Name Application: NH-8432-0037R 84320037 Upper sieve New Holland CX 840; New HollandCX 880 NH-8444-2356R 84442356 Pre-sieve New Holland CSX 7080 NH-8444-2418R 84442418 Upper sieve New Holland CSX 7080 NH-8446-0101R NH-8409-7906R 84460101 84097906 Upper sieve Bottom sieve New Holland CSX 7080 New Holland CSX 7080 Weight: Dimensions: Stock availability Page 46 Ersatzteile passend zu New Holland / Spare parts suitable for New Holland Artikel OEM Nr. NH-8753-2985R 87532985 Page 47 Replaced Nr. Name Concave Application: Weight: Dimensions: Stock availability Ersatzteile passend zu New Holland / Spare parts suitable for New Holland Artikel OEM Nr. Replaced Nr. Name Weight: Dimensions: NH-983-8438R 9838438 Schlagleisten (l+r) / Rasp Bar Set (l+r) New Holland CS6090TX 14,000 1556 Х 74 NH-983-8439R 9838439 Schlagleisten (l+r) / Rasp Bar Set (l+r) New Holland CS6090TX 14,000 1557 Х 74 NH-983-8436R 9838436 Schlagleisten (l+r) / Rasp Bar Set (l+r) New Holland ТС5080; New Holland ТС56; New Holland ТХ66/68 12,000 1296 Х 74 NH-983-8437R 9838437 Schlagleisten (l+r) / Rasp Bar Set (l+r) New Holland ТС5080; New Holland ТС56, New HollandТ Х66/69 12,000 1296 Х 74 NH-8408-1336R 84081336 Schlagleisten (l+r) / Rasp Bar Set (l+r) New Holland CX 8080 14,000 1558 Х 74 Application: Stock availability Page 48
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