Distribution Monitor Distributing R3load Processes among multiple application Servers TD Core AS&VM I18N & Printing November 2009 Motivation Unicode conversion causes high CPU load especially for cluster tables. One application server is typically not sufficient to use full capacity of the source DB host. As a rule of thumb, you need about 1 GHz CPU speed per 1 MByte/sec source DB speed. © SAP 2009 / NW AS Internationalization Page 2 Overview Run R3load processes on multiple machines in parallel. R3load-Export AppServer & Import R3load-Export AppServer & Import R3load-Export AppServer & Import R3load-Export AppServer & DB server UC DB server NUC © SAP 2009 / NW AS Internationalization Page 3 Import Distribution Monitor + Migration Monitor Migration Monitor Distributes tasks between multiple R3load processes on one machine Synchronizes Export and Import Controls package order Time Analyzer Collects start and end time of tasks from R3load logs Distribution Monitor Distributes R3load tasks between multiple machines Controls package order Constantly starts time analyzer Collects time analyzer results and log files from multiple machines © SAP 2009 / NW AS Internationalization Page 4 Communication Directory The central communication directory contains control information for each machine (*.properties, *.STR). For monitoring purpose log and status information is copied from each machine to the communication directory. The transferred data are stored in local data dirs on each machine. AppServer1 Export Data Dir Import commDir Source DB Target DB AppServer2 Export © SAP 2009 / NW AS Internationalization Page 5 Data Dir Import Distribution Process Status Monitor Preparation Phase Export Phase Import Phase The preparation phase creates control information and Migration Monitor is performed only on one designated machine. The export and import is started on each machine. The export and import can run in parallel. Monitoring is possible at any time. © SAP 2009 / NW AS Internationalization Page 6 Phases Central preparation (-p) Create and distribute STR files Create Migration Monitor command files Run as <sid>adm Local execution of Export/Import (-e/-i) Fetch STR files to local data dir Start Migration Monitor locally Continuously copy status file to communication directory Run as <sid>adm Central monitoring (-d) Preparation status per machine Package distribution Package status © SAP 2009 / NW AS Internationalization Page 7 Preparation Overview SourceDB R3ldctl DDL*.TPL *.STR *.EXT Package Splitter *.STR © SAP 2009 / NW AS Internationalization Page 8 R3szchk R3load R3ta *.WHR Where Splitter *.WHR IDX*.CMD IDX*.TSK Preparation Overview SourceDB R3ldctl DDL*.TPL *.STR R3szchk *.EXT Package Splitter R3load R3ta *.WHR Where Splitter *.WHR *.STR Distribution Monitor <commDir>/<machine>/*.STR;*.WHR © SAP 2009 / NW AS Internationalization Page 9 IDX*.CMD IDX*.TSK Preparation Overview Create control files for R3load DDL<DBTYPE>.TPL – database command files *.STR – R3load package with description of all contained tables Cut R3load packages ( *.STR) into suitable pieces R3szchk (optional) package splitter table splitter Distribute resulting packages ( *.STR, *.WHR) between machines © SAP 2009 / NW AS Internationalization Page 10 Export overview DDL*.TPL *.STR R3load task and cmd file creation *.CMD *.TSK R3load export export_time.* © SAP 2009 / NW AS Internationalization Page 11 TimeAnalyzer *.TOC *.XML *.00? *.LOG SourceDB Export overview DDL*.TPL Distribution Monitor *.STR R3load task and cmd file creation *.CMD *.TSK <commDir/machine> R3load export Distribution Monitor export_time.* © SAP 2009 / NW AS Internationalization Page 12 TimeAnalyzer *.TOC *.XML *.00? *.LOG SourceDB Export Overview Copy R3load control files (DDL*.TPL, *.STR, *.WHR) to local data dump directory Create R3load command and task files (*.CMD, *.TSK) for each package Export each package (*.00?, *.TOC, *.XML) Monitor state (*.TSK, export_state.properties) Run time analyzer to collect package runtime (export_time.txt, export_time.html) Copy monitoring information to communication directory © SAP 2009 / NW AS Internationalization Page 13 Import Overview DDL*.TPL TargetDB *.STR R3load task and cmd file creation R3load import *.CMD *.TSK *.TOC *.00? © SAP 2009 / NW AS Internationalization Page 14 Import Overview DDL*.TPL TargetDB *.STR R3load task and cmd file creation *.CMD *.TSK R3load import <commDir/machine> Distribution Monitor import_time.* © SAP 2009 / NW AS Internationalization Page 15 TimeAnalyzer *.TOC *.00? *.LOG Import Overview Create R3load command and task files (*.CMD, *.TSK) for each package Import each package Monitor state (*.TSK, export_state.properties) Run time analyzer to collect package runtime (import_time.txt, import_time.html) Copy monitoring information to communication directory © SAP 2009 / NW AS Internationalization Page 16 Status Monitor Displays overall status Displays preparation phase status per machine Displays export/import progress and package status per machine Displays package distribution © SAP 2009 / NW AS Internationalization Page 17 Distribution Monitor - Display © SAP 2009 / NW AS Internationalization Page 18 Distribution Monitor - Display Trouble Shooting Check distribution_monitor_<mode>.log From log file: Determine step that failed Determine further log files to check for that step Check error messages and warnings in these log files If failing step is calling another tool and no log file for this tool is available: check availability of called tool Check database connection (with –test option) In case of Import/Export problems check overview page and <machine> page of status monitor © SAP 2009 / NW AS Internationalization Page 20 Copyright 2009 SAP AG All Rights Reserved No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or for any purpose without the express permission of SAP AG. The information contained herein may be changed without prior notice. Some software products marketed by SAP AG and its distributors contain proprietary software components of other software vendors. SAP, R/3, xApps, xApp, SAP NetWeaver, Duet, SAP Business ByDesign, ByDesign, PartnerEdge and other SAP products and services mentioned herein as well as their respective logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of SAP AG in Germany and in several other countries all over the world. All other product and service names mentioned and associated logos displayed are the trademarks of their respective companies. Data contained in this document serves informational purposes only. National product specifications may vary. The information in this document is proprietary to SAP. No part of this document may be reproduced, copied, or transmitted in any form or for any purpose without the express prior written permission of SAP AG. 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Einige von der SAP AG und deren Vertriebspartnern vertriebene Softwareprodukte können Softwarekomponenten umfassen, die Eigentum anderer Softwarehersteller sind. SAP, R/3, xApps, xApp, SAP NetWeaver, Duet, SAP Business ByDesign, ByDesign, PartnerEdge und andere in diesem Dokument erwähnte SAP-Produkte und Services sowie die dazugehörigen Logos sind Marken oder eingetragene Marken der SAP AG in Deutschland und in mehreren anderen Ländern weltweit. Alle anderen in diesem Dokument erwähnten Namen von Produkten und Services sowie die damit verbundenen Firmenlogos sind Marken der jeweiligen Unternehmen. Die Angaben im Text sind unverbindlich und dienen lediglich zu Informationszwecken. Produkte können länderspezifische Unterschiede aufweisen. Die in dieser Publikation enthaltene Information ist Eigentum der SAP. 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