PROGRAMME »DREILÄNDERTAGUNG« SWISS, AUSTRIAN AND GERMAN SOCIETIES for BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING 4–6 OCTOBER 2016 CONGRESS CENTER BASEL [CH] ©Fotolia: Basel Minster over Rhine by night - Switzerland Leonid Andronov BMT 2016 » Programme overview • Tuesday, 4 October « Singapore Samarkand Osaka Mexico Nairobi Miami Foyer 08:30–09:00 Keynote 1 p. 11 09:00–10:30 09:00–10:30 Modelling and Modelling and Simulation I Simulation: Pulmonary Technology p. 28 11:00–12:30 Modelling and Simulation II p. 33 p. 29 11:00–12:30 Neural Signal Processing p. 34 09:00–10:30 09:00–10:30 Biomaterials and Functional Biocompatibility I Electrical Stimulation and Neuroprosteses p. 30 p. 31 11:00–12:30 11:00–12:30 Biomaterials and FS Novel aspects Biocompatibility II in dental implant therapy: surfaces, biomechanics and work flow p. 35 p. 36 09:00–10:30 Devices and Systems for Surgical Intervention I p. 32 11:00–12:30 Devices and Systems for Surgical Intervention II p. 37 12:30–13:30 12:30–13:30 General Postersession I Assembly SSBE p. 37 p. 77 13:30–14:00 Keynote 2 p. 11 14:00–15:30 14:00–15:30 Biosensors and FS BrainLinksBioanalytics BrainTools: Methods and tools for neural engineering p. 38 p. 39 14:00–15:30 Prosthetics and Rehabilitation Engineering p. 40 14:00–15:30 Training and Further Education for Engineers and Physicians p. 41 14:00–15:30 FS ICCAS Special Session on Computerassisted procedures p. 42 14:00–15:30 EAMBES council meeting p. 42 15:30–16:30 Postersession II p. 84 16:30–18:00 16:30–18:00 16:30–18:00 Image Computing Biomechanics FS Magnetische and Orthopeadics Nanopartikel und Magnetoenzephalographie p. 43 18:00–19:00 Conference opening p. 44 p. 45 16:30–18:00 Biomedical Instrumentation & Micro and Nano Systems p. 46 16:30–18:00 EAMBES: activities and EU policy on BME p. 47 p. 14 19:00–20:00 Welcome reception 2 p. 23 » Programme overview • Wednesday, 5 October « Singapore Samarkand 08:30–10:00 08:30–10:00 FS Image guided Cardiac Signal interventions Processing p. 48 10:30–11:00 Keynote 3 p. 49 Osaka 08:30–10:00 Bioprinting and Additive Manufacturing Mexico Nairobi 08:30–10:00 FS Technik und Methodik des pelvinen Intraoperativen Neuromonitorings 08:30–10:00 FS Hygiene Optimiertes Design u. Aufbereitung von Medizinprodukten p. 51 p. 52 p. 50 Foyer p. 12 11:00–12:30 11:00–12:30 Cellular-, Tissue- Carciovascular Implants and Bioengineering 11:00–12:30 Imaging I p. 53 p. 54 11:00–12:30 11:00–12:30 FS Biosignalverar- FS Interoperabeitung in der bilität für eine Chronobiologie einrichtungsübergreifende Patientenversorgung p. 55 p. 56 p. 57 12:30–13:30 Postersession III p. 91 13:30–14:00 Keynote 4 p. 12 14:00–15:00 Award session p. 16 15:15–16:45 Imaging II 15:15–16:45 Cardio Technology p. 58 17:00–18:30 Modelling and Simulation: Cardio Technology I p. 63 15:15–16:45 Biocompatible Coating p. 59 p. 60 17:00–18:30 17:00–18:30 FS Ultraschall FS Biohybrid implants – the golden cut between engineering & biology? p. 64 15:15–16:45 Drug Delivery Technologie 15:15–16:45 FS Innovationmanagement in Medical Engineering & Scientific Writing p. 61 p. 62 17:00–18:30 17:00–18:30 Junges Forum Clinical Engineering and trifft alte Hasen Hospital Technology p. 65 p. 66 18:30–19:30 General Assembly ÖGBMT p. 67 p. 15 18:30–19:30 General Assembly DGBMT p. 67 Social Event at Osypka AG (see p. 23) 3 » Programme overview • Thursday, 6 October « Singapore Samarkand Osaka Mexico Nairobi Foyer 08:30–09:00 Keynote 5 p. 13 09:00–10:30 Biosignal Processing I 09:00–10:30 Medical Implants/ Implant Development I p. 68 p. 69 09:00–10:30 Modelling and Simulation: Cardio Technology II 09:00–10:30 AIIC – Developments in clinical engineering in Europe p. 70 p. 70 10:30–11:00 Postersession IV p. 99 11:00–11:30 Keynote 6 p. 13 11:30–12:00 Closing p. 71 12:00–13:30 Biosignal Processing II 12:00–13:30 12:00–13:30 Medical Implants/ Optical Imaging Implant Development II p. 72 p. 73 p. 74 12:00–13:30 12:00–13:30 Smart Assistance DGCH – MedizinSystems produkte und ihre Evaluation – Umsetzung der MDR p. 75 Keynote lecture Other sessions and programme items Track A: Biomaterials and Biocompatibility Track B: Biomechanics and Orthopaedics Track C: Biomedical Instrumentation & Micro and Nano Systems Track F: Biosensors and Bioanalytics Track G: Biosignal Processing Track H: Cardio Technology Track I: Cellular-, Tissue- and Bioengineering Track K: Clinical Engineering and Hospital Technology Track L: Devices and Systems for Surgical lntervention Track M: Drug Delivery Technology Track N: Functional Electrical Stimulation and Neuroprostheses Track O: Imaging, Image Processing and Image Guided Interventions Track P: Implants Track Q: Medical Information Mangagement Track S: Medical Technology & Society Track T: Modelling and Simulation Track U: Neural Engineering Track X: Prosthetics and Rehabilitation Engineering Track Y: Smart Assistance Systems Track Z: Training and Further Education for Engineers and Physicians 4 p. 76 13.30–14.30 Farewell p. 76 » Table of contents « Organisation and imprint....................................................................................... 6 Welcome notes...................................................................................................... 8 Keynote speaker.................................................................................................... 11 Conference opening.............................................................................................. 14 Young forum BMT.................................................................................................. 15 Award session........................................................................................................ 16 Students competition............................................................................................ 18 General information.............................................................................................. 19 General hints for authors and presenters............................................................. 21 General hints for poster presenters...................................................................... 22 Social and cultural programme . ........................................................................... 23 Sponsors, exhibitors and cooperation partners.................................................... 24 Plan of exhibition area .......................................................................................... 25 Sitzungen der Fachausschüsse der DGBMT.......................................................... 26 Track title overview................................................................................................ 27 Scientific programme Tuesday, 4 October......................................................................... Wednesday, 5 October................................................................... Thursday, 6 October....................................................................... 28 48 68 Poster sessions Poster session I • Tuesday, 4 October............................................ Poster session II • Tuesday, 4 October........................................... Poster session III • Wednesday, 5 October.................................... Poster session IV • Thursday, 6 October........................................ 77 84 91 99 Index of keynote speakers, chairs and authors..................................................... 102 5 » Organisation and imprint « Venue Congress Center Basel Messeplatz 21 • 4058 Basel (CH) Date 4–6 October 2016 Conference website Organiser Swiss Society for Biomedical Engineering (SSBE) Austrian Society for Biomedical Engineering (ÖGBMT) German Society for Biomedical Engineering within VDE e. V. (DGBMT) University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW) Conference chair Prof. Dr. Erik Schkommodau University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland School of Life Sciences Institute for Medical and Analytical Technologies Gründenstraße 40 • 4132 Muttenz (CH) Programme Co-Chair Prof. Dr. David Hradetzky University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland School of Life Sciences Institute for Medical and Analytical Technologies Gründenstraße 40 • 4132 Muttenz (CH) Conference organisation Conventus Congressmanagement & Marketing GmbH Isabelle Eichelberger Carl-Pulfrich-Straße 1 • 07745 Jena (DE) Phone +49 3641 31 16-320 [email protected] • Design and layout Layout Editorial Deadline Print Circulation 6 krea.tif-studio UG (haftungsbeschränkt) 21 September 2016 Junggebauer Medien GmbH 600 » Organisation and imprint « Scientific programme committee Christian Baumgartner (AT) Doan Baykut (CH) Stefano Bergamasco (IT) Kurt Becker (DE) Christian Bosshard (CH) Volker Bucher (DE) Andreas Büchner (DE) Clemens Bulittta (DE) Philippe Cattin (CH) Olivier Chételat (CH) Florian Coigny (CH) Michael de Wild (CH) Wolfgang Deiters (DE) Hartmut Dickhaus (DE) Catherine Disselhorst-Kluge (DE) Olaf Dössel (DE) Thomas Falck (DE) Robert Farkas (DE) Stephen J. Ferguson (CH) Peter Foehr (DE) Diego Ghezzi (CH) Hermann Gilly (AT) Birgit Glasmacher (DE) Jens Haueisen (DE) Dieter Hayn (AT) Simone Hemm-Ode (CH) Simon Herrlich (DE) Roman Heuberger (CH) Ernst Hofer (AT) Klaus-Peter Hoffmann (DE) Ulrich G. Hofmann (DE) David Hradetzky (CH) Jari Hyttinen (FI) Michael Imhoff (DE) Herbert Jennissen (DE) Stefan Jockenhoevel (DE) Pascal Joris (CH) Philipp Jürgens (CH) Jörn Justiz (CH) Eugenijus Kaniusas (AT) Ernst Klar (DE) Petra Knaup-Gregori (DE) Werner Kneist (DE) Cornelia Kober (DE) Volker Koch (CH) Joachim Köser (CH) Marc Kraft (DE) Jens Krauss (CH) Thilo B. Krüger (DE) Wolfgang Lauer (DE) Thomas Lenarz (DE) Steffen Leonhardt (DE) Winfried Mayr (AT) Knut Möller (DE) Sven Meister (DE) Andreas Melzer (DE) Robert Modre-Osprian (AT) Ute Morgenstern (DE) Francesco Moscato (AT) Jens Mühlsteff (NL) Rainer Müller (DE) Thomas Neumuth (DE) Heinrich Martin Overhoff (DE) Joris Pascal (CH) Thomas Penzel (DE) Kevin Pfaffner (DE) Uwe Pieles (CH) Dominique Pioletti (CH) Gernot Plank (AT) Frank Pude (CH) Klaus Radermacher (DE) Theresa Rienmüller (AT) Alex Ringenbach (CH) Christian Rotsch (DE) Tillmann Sander-Thömmes (DE) Thomas Schanze (DE) Stephan Scheidegger (CH) Heinrich Schima (AT) Alexander Schlaefer (DE) Marianne Schmid Daners (CH) Klaus-Peter Schmitz (DE) Thomas Schmitz-Rode (DE) Günter Schreier (AT) Jörg Schröttner (AT) Ralf Schumacher (CH) Ashesh Shah (CH) Jess Snedeker (CH) Alfred Stett (DE) Thomas Stieglitz (DE) Rudolf Stollberger (AT) Florian Thieringer (CH) Lutz Trahms (DE) Steffen H. Tretbar (DE) Gerald Urban (DE) Zoran Vidakovic (CH) Andreas Voss (DE) Karin Wårdell (SE) Scott Wearing (AU) Franz Weber (CH) Stefan Weber (CH) Regine Willumeit-Römer (DE) Thomas Wittenberg (DE) Philippe Zysset (CH) 7 » Welcome • Conference chair « Dear colleagues and friends, On behalf of the Austrian, German and Swiss Societies for Biomedical Engineering, I kindly welcome you to the “Dreiländertagung” in Basel in 2016. Following the long-lasting tradition of this conference, it will provide the opportunity to obtain a wide-range overview of the current state of art within the field of biomedical engineering in our countries. Almost all universities involved in biomedical engineering will participate and contribute to this event. More than 400 submissions enabled us to form a programme of highest quality with 6 keynote lectures, 49 scientific sessions with almost 270 oral presentations and 190 posters in 4 poster sessions, which will provide the base for fruitful discussions and intense knowledge exchange among all participants. At this time, we will celebrate the 50th anniversary of the German society, and therefore additional events dedicated to the history will take place during the conference. The conference location Basel – a vivid city at river Rhine, surrounded by the Jura Mountains, Vosges Mountains and Black Forest – is worth a visit. Located at the border triangle of France, Germany and Switzerland, it is easily accessible by train, plane and car. Basel also used to be the home of many famous persons dedicating their live to sciences and faith. Erasmus von Rotterdam, Johannes Calvin, Paracelsus, Jacob Bernoulli and Leonhard Euler lived in Basel. Join us and follow their footsteps. With kind regards, Erik Schkommodau Conference chair 8 » Welcome • President ÖGBMT « Dear colleagues and friends, The three-country meeting of the Swiss, the German and the Austrian Societies for Biomedical Engineering is a triennial event with a long tradition in providing a comprehensive forum for scientific exchange integrating engineering, medicine, economy and education in the field. It also follows the tradition to invite us to special places with beautiful landscape, cultural heritage and academic and economical importance. This is more than literally fulfilled by our hosts of the 2016 edition in Basel, the oldest university city in Switzerland, embedded in the wonderful environment of the tri-border region with France and Germany, situated on the Rhine, close to the Swiss Alps, and economic center with world leading healthcare companies. Biomedical Engineering has substantial socioeconomic influence. It creates valuable products for improvements in healthcare and unloading of healthcare costs, it can boost economy even in unstable business environment and it develops and maintains high quality employment. A paramount role of expert societies is promotion of political awareness and to advocate for optimal border conditions. This can be well undertaken or at least tackled in meetings of adequate size and profound representation of expertise and opinion leadership. Those give opportunity for critical discussion of accomplishments, but also help for qualified consensus-building on positive and negative developments and influential communication to the public. In this respect, as a most actual example, I want to draw attention to the forthcoming implementation of the new European medical device regulation that we observe with growing concerns. The intended gain in medical product safety appears questionable, the realization may rather impede innovation, delay developments, keep useful products off the market, cause considerable additional costs and endanger start-ups and SMUs in their existence. Please take the opportunity of this representative and competent assembly for solution-oriented discussions on coping with this critical situation that requires our attention. I want to end with thanking Professor Erik Schkommodau and his team for their dedication to provide this outstanding basis for a fruitful and creative gathering of our Biomedical Engineering community. Their efforts will be rewarded by an extraordinary success and the event will undoubtedly be remembered as a strong and sustainable impulse for prosperity of our field. Winfried Mayr President of the Austrian Society for Biomedical Engineering (ÖGBMT) 9 » Welcome • President DGBMT « Dear members of DGBMT, dear attendees of the BMT 2016, As president of the German Society of Biomedical Engineering I send you a warm welcome to this year’s conference BMT 2016 in Basel. The three country conference focusses on all aspects of biomedical engineering represented by leading experts in the field and international guests. For the first time the conference language will be English in order to address the international collaboration as well as the international research groups working in this field of technology. Biomedical engineering has become a major backbone of modern medicine throughout all areas of patient care in diagnostic and therapy but also in rehabilitation. A special focus on medical implants also reflects the true interdisciplinary character of research and development from basic and applied sciences into translation and clinical application. Current challenges as related to regulatory affairs are addressed and highlight the complex environment in which R&D has taken place today. This year’s conference is also the 50th Conference of the German Society of Biomedical Engineering. Given this long lasting tradition it also shows the strong position this field has in Germany both in academia and industry. This cooperation is essential at core for the progress in the field which we want to promote with this year’s conference. We are thankful to our host Prof. Schkommodau and his team for taken the effort to organize this truly international event. Prof. Dr. med. Thomas Lenarz President of the German Society for Biomedical Engineering within VDE e. V. (DGBMT) 10 » Keynote speaker • Tuesday, 4 October « 08:30–09:00 Keynote 1 Cognitive Computing/Watson Haig Alexander Peter (Rüschlikon/CH) Haig A. Peter is a Cognitive Computing Ambassador at IBM Research- Zurich having joined the IBM Corporation in 2000. As an ambassador at IBM, Haig meets with hundreds of clients annually to help them understand how cognitive computing systems can learn and interact naturally with people to extend what either humans or machine could do on their own, particularly when it comes to making better decisions by penetrating the complexity of Big Data. Haig has been an invited keynote speaker at many conferences around Europe on the topic cognitive computing and Watson in Healthcare -Oncology and the Global Technology Outlook which identifies significant technology trends and identifies highimpact disruptive technologies leading to game-changing products and services over a 3-5-year horizon. Haig focuses on the following industries: Healthcare, Pharmaceutical, Life Sciences, Retail, Consumer Products, and Travel & Transportation. 13:30–14:00 Keynote 2 ERC-Grant Integration von „BCI“ und „Sensory Feedback“ für die Steuerung von Prothesen und Neuroprothesen Gernot R. Müller-Putz (Graz/AT) Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. techn. Gernot Müller-Putz is head of the Institute of Neural Engineering and its associated Laboratory of Brain-Computer Interfaces. He received his MSc in electrical and biomedical engineering in 2000, his PhD in electrical engineering in 2004 and his habilitation and “venia docendi” in medical informatics from Graz University of Technoloy in 2008. Since 2014 he is full professor for semantic data analysis. He has gained extensive experience in the field of biosignal analysis, brain-computer interface research, EEG-based neuroprosthesis control, communication with BCI in patients with disorders of consciousness, hybrid BCI systems, the human somatosensory system, and BCIs in assistive technology over the past 16 years. He has also managed several national projects (State of Styria) and international projects (Wings for Life, EU Projects) and is currently coordinator of the EU Horizon 2020 project Moregrasp. Furthermore, he organized and hosted six international Brain-Computer Interface Conferences over the last 13 years in Graz, currently preparing the 7th Conference in Sept. 2017. He is also steering board member of the International BCI Meeting, which takes place in the US every three years (last time in 2016). He is Review Editor of Frontiers in Neuroscience, special section Neuroprosthetics, Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions in Biomedical Engineering and Associate Editor of the Brain-Computer Interface Journal. In 2014/15 he was Guest editor in chief of a special issue of the Proceedings of the IEEE “The Plurality of Human Brain-Computer Interfacing”. He has authored more than 132 peer reviewed publications and more than 100 contributions to conferences which were cited more than 8000 times (h-index 42). Recently he was awarded with an ERC Consolidator Grant “Feel your Reach” from the European Research Council. 11 » Keynote speaker • Wednesday, 5 October « 10:30–11:00 Keynote 3 Sensing and IT – Current Advances in MRI Technology Klaas P. Prüssmann (Zurich/CH) Since August 2002 Klaas Prüssmann has been Assistant Professor and since October 2005 Associate Professor for Magnetic Resonance Imaging Technology at the ETH. Born on June 7th of 1969 in Waiblingen, Germany, Klaas Prüssmann studied Physics and Medicine at the University of Bonn. After receiving a diploma in Physics in 1995, he was a doctoral student at the Institute for Biomedical Engineering of the University and ETH Zürich. In the year 2000 he received a PhD in Physics and took a position as a project leader. For his work on parallel magnetic resonance imaging he received the Günther-Laukien-Prize and the Philips Innovation Award in 2001. 13:30–14:00 Keynote 4 LED phototherapy – What’s new? Matthias Born (Aachen/DE) Professor Born has been working with Philips since 1992 (current rank Director Clinical & Scientific Affairs and Principal Scientist) and is Professor for Physics at the Heinrich-HeineUniversity of Düsseldorf. In 2000 he made his habilitation in Experimental Physics and received the Venia Legendi. He is specialized in Plasma Physics, Laser Physics & Optics and Medical Technology. He coordinated various activities for the Philips businesses in Healthcare, Consumer Lifestyle and Lighting including Philips Research. Actually, he is heading the Clinical & Scientific Affairs of Philips Light & Health within the business group Emerging Businesses and Philips Research. 12 » Keynote speaker • Thursday, 6 October « 08:30–09:00 Keynote 5 Image guided therapy of the musculoskeletal apparatus Lutz-P. Nolte (Bern/CH) Lutz-P. Nolte is professor for Surgical Technology and Biomechanics at the University of Bern, Switzerland. He received the M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in Civil Engineering from the Ruhr-University Bochum in Germany. After several years of research in the USA, he joined the M.E. Müller Institute -ISTB at the University of Bern, which he leads as a director since 2003. In 2007 Lutz Nolte was co-founder of the Artificial Organ Center for Biomedical Engineering Research (ARTORG) and its first director. From 2001–2013 he served as codirector of the National Center of Competence in Research „Computer Aided and Image Guided Medical Interventions“ based at the ETHZ. His research focuses on image-guided therapies and spinal disorders. Lutz Nolte is a member of the Swiss Academy of Technical Sciences (SATW) and held various positions in the federal innovation promotion agency CTI for over 15 years, currently heading the domain of CTI Start-up and Entrepreneurship. 11:00–11:30 Keynote 6 Multiscale multiphysics models of total cardiac function: from basics science towards clinical application Gernot Plank (Graz/AT) Gernot Plank received the M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from the Institute of Biomedical Engineering, Technical University of Graz, Graz, Austria, in 1996 and 2000, respectively. Afterwards he was a Postdoctoral Fellow with the Technical University of Valencia, Valencia, Spain (2000–2002), the University of Calgary, AB, Canada (2003), and a Marie Curie Fellow with Johns Hopkins University (2006–2008). In 2008 he was selected for an Academic Fellow position at the Oxford e-Research Centre, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK (2008–2014). Since 2010 he is an Associate Professor with the Institute of Biophysics, Medical University of Graz, Graz, Austria, where he is heading the Computational Cardiology Laboratory. His research interests comprise computational modeling of cardiac electrophysiology, mechanics and hemodynamics in terms of both methodological as well as applied aspects. Besides numerical work on parallel accelerated iterative solvers as well as anatomical meshing technologies, his applied research focuses on understanding mechanisms underlying formation and maintenance of cardiac arryhthmias and their treatment with electrical defibrillation therapy, heart failure mechanisms and cardiac resynchronization therapy and, more recently, cardiac and vascular hemodynamics. 13 » Conferene opening • Tuesday, 4 October « 18:00–19:00 Room Conference opening Singapore Prof. Dr. Winfried Mayr President of the Austrian Society for Biomedical Engineering Prof. Prof. h. c. Dr. med. Thomas Lenarz President of the German Society for Biomedical Engineering Opening lecture on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the German Society for Biomedical Engineering (DGBMT) Welcome notes Prof. Dr. Erik Schkommodau Conference chair Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Klaus-Peter Schmitz University of Rostock Institute for Biomedical Engineering (IBMT) Institute for Implant Technology and Biomaterials e.V. (IIB e. V.) “Technik hilft heilen” “Technology helps Healing” Prof. Schmitz has studied Applied Mechanics at the University of Rostock from 1964 to 1969. He conducted his postgraduate work in the field of Structural Mechanics and received his PhD in 1972. From 1972 to 1984 he worked as a development engineer in the shipbuilding industry at the Institute for Naval Architecture in Rostock. Concurrently, he completed his habilitation thesis on the theory of oscillations in 1980. After that, he was appointed as Head of the research department “Biomechanics and Medical Materials” at the Clinic for Internal Medicine at the University of Rostock. Since 1992 he is Professor for Biomedical Engineering, and in 1995 he was appointed as Director of the Institute for Biomedical Engineering at the University of Rostock. His research focusses on implants and biomaterials with a special emphasis on cardiovascular implants. Prof. Schmitz is a full member of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities, Class of Technological Sciences. Moreover, he is a founder member of acatech, the National Academy of Science and Engineering in Germany. From 1996 to 2004 he was active as an alternative consultant to the German Research Society, DFG, in the field of Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering. He is Chairman of the Board of the coordinated research project “RESPONSE – Partnership for Innovation in Implant Technology” within the BMBF program “zwanzig20 – Partnership for Innovation”. Moreover he is Chairman of the Board of the Competence Center for Medical Engineering Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. His medline record features 159 publications. He is co-inventor of more than 50 patents. Prof. Schmitz was awarded the “VDE Ehrenring” of the VDE, the Association for Electrical, Electronic and Information Technologies in Germany, in 2008. 19:00–21:00 Welcome reception Room Foyer 14 » YOUNG FORUM BMT « Während der BMT-Dreiländertagung in Basel findet am 05.10.2016 in der Zeit von 17:00–18:30 Uhr die Session „Junges Forum trifft alte Hasen“ gemeinsam mit dem DGBMT-Fachausschuss „Aus- und Weiterbildung – Biomedizinische Technik im Studium“ statt. Ziel der Veranstaltung ist der Austausch von Studierenden und Berufseinsteigern mit erfahrenen Persönlichkeiten im Bereich der Biomedizintechnik. 17:00–18:30 Junges Forum trifft alte Hasen Gast Prof. Dr. med. Dr. med. dent. Dr. h.c. Hans-Florian Zeilhofer (Chefarzt Mund-, Kiefer- und Gesichtschirurgie, Universitätsspital Basel) Thema Von der Vision zum Medizinprodukt – der steinige Weg zur Innovation Moderation Dr.-Ing. Karsten Seidl 17:00 Impulsvortrag 17:30 Podiumsdiskussion Typ Session des DGBMT-Fachausschusses Aus- und Weiterbildung – Biomedizinische Technik im Studium Raum Nairobi Prof. Dr. med. Dr. med. dent. Dr. h.c. Hans-Florian Zeilhofer ist Chefarzt der Mund-, Kieferund Gesichtschirurgie am Universitätsspital Basel. Seine Forschungsgebiete umfassen unter anderem computerassistierte Chirurgie (CAS), intraoperative Navi-gationssysteme, medizinisches Rapid-Manufacturing sowie Laser-Therapie und -Chirurgie. In diesen Bereichen ist Prof. Zeilhofer in verschiedene sehr erfolgreiche Start-up-Unternehmen involviert. In der Session geben Prof. Zeilhofer zusammen mit einem CEO eines jungen Start-ups Einblick in die Chancen und Hürden einer Unternehmensgründung im Bereich der Biomedizintechnik; angefangen von der medizinischen Vision bis zur disruptiven Innovation. 15 » Award session • Wednesday, 5 October « DGBMT awards Prize for Patient Safety in Medical Technology 2016 This year again, the Deutsche Gesellschaft Biomedizinische Technik (DGBMT) also awards the Prize for Patient Safety in Medical Technology together with the Aktionsbündnis Patientensicherheit (APS). The prize is endowed with 6,500 EUR and founded by Dr. med. Hans Heindl. The winners of the prize in 2016 are: Christiane Haupt A model-based product evaluation protocol for comparison of safety-engineered protection mechanisms of winged blood collection needles Dipl.-Ing. Christoph Hoog Antink Reducing False Alarms in the ICU by Quantifying Self-Similarity of Multimodal Biosignals The prizes will be awarded by Prof. Dr. Olaf Dössel. Klee-Prize 2016 Once again this year, the Deutsche Gesellschaft Biomedizinische Technik (DGBMT) also awards the DGBMT prize of the Klee family foundation endowed with 5.000 EUR for the promotion of young scientists. The winner of the DGBMT prize of the Klee family foundation in 2016 is: Dr.-Ing. Jan-Philipp Kobler Ein knochenfixiertes, mechatronisches Assistenzsystem für die minimalinvasive Cochleaimplantat-Chirurgie The prize will be awarded by Prof. Dr. Olaf Dössel, chairman of the DGBMT prize committee. The prize-giving ceremony and the laudatory speech for the winners will take place on the occasion of the Award Session in room Singapore on Wednesday, 5 October, 14:00–15:00 hrs. 16 » Award session • Wednesday, 5 October « ÖGBMT Award Stefan-Schuy-Preis Every year, the Austrian Society of Biomedical Engineering (ÖGBMT) awards the ”StefanSchuy-Preis” endowed with 1.500 EUR to promote excellent scientific work in the field of biomedical engineering. The winner of the Stefan Schuy Prize in 2016 is: Dr. Christoph Augustin Anatomically accurate high resolution modeling of human whole heart electromechanics: A strongly scable algebraic multigrid solver method for nonlinear deformation The prize will be awarded by Univ.-Prof. DI DDr. Winfried Mayr, chairman of the prize committee. SSBE Award Research Award The Swiss Society of Biomedical Engineering (SSBE) awards yearly its Research Award for a doctoral thesis or an equivalent body of research. The award consists of a certificate and a cash prize of 5,000 CHF. The winner of the SSBE Research Award in 2016 is: Andreas Schmocker Surgical probe and implant development for nucleus pulposus replacements The prize will be awarded by Prof. sc. tech. Jess Gerrit Snedeker, chairman of the prize committee. The prize-giving ceremony and the laudatory speech for the winners will take place on the occasion of the Award Session in room Singapore on Wednesday, 5 October, 14:00–15:00 hrs. 17 » Students competition « Students competition 2016 (DGBMT, ÖGBMT and SSBE) From 13 finalists the best 5 presentations are assessed by the jurors during the running sessions of the BMT conference and the winners determined and awarded certificates and prizes. The members of the jurors are: • • • • Prof. Stephen Fergusson (ETH Zurich) Prof. Dominique Pioletti (EPF Lausanne) Prof. David Hradetzky (University of Applied Science, Muttenz) Dr. Andre Bucher (Robert Mathys Foundation) The assessment at the conference is based on the following criteria: • Scientific content of the paper • Scientific content of the presentation • Quality of the presentation • Timing in the presentation • Demonstration of competence in the discussion • Dealing with audience 1st prize 1,000 EUR 2nd prize 500 EUR 3rd prize 300 EUR 4th prize 100 EUR 5th prize 100 EUR The announcement of the winners and the award of certificates takes place during the closing session of the conference on 6 October 2016 from 11:30 hrs in room Singapore. 18 » General information « Registration Registration for the conference is required. Please register online at The registration fees include •Admission to all scientific sessions and access to the industrial exhibition •Opening ceremony • Welcome reception • Conference materials (conference bag, final programme, abstract publication, name badge, etc.) •Refreshments as indicated in the programme General terms and conditions Please find our general terms and conditions at Online programme planner With the help of the planner of the scientific programme you can structure your personal conference programme. Benefit from the intuitive handling and get an overview of the daily programme and each session. Desktop PCs, tablets or cell phones, the display will automatically adapt to your (mobile) device to ensure user-friendly presentation. Access sessions and lectures wherever you are: office, on the way or at the congress itself. Like to know if a person is involved in additional sessions? Just check, by clicking on this person or using the search function. A particular overview will summarise all commitments of each and everyone involved in the scientific programme. Please find the online programme planner at Publication of abstracts Accepted abstracts will be published online as a supplement (with DOI) to the journal ‘Biomedical Engineering’ by de Gruyter in the regular volume. Published abstracts will be available online on the de Gruyter’s homepage (free access). Accepted conference paper will be published online in the open access journal ‘Current Directions in Biomedical Engineering’ by de Gruyter. Accepted conference papers will be prepared for listing by PubMed Central and will be available online (with DOI each) on the de Gruyter’s homepage (free access). BMTE: CDBME: 19 » General information « Certificate of attendance Certificates of attendance will first be made available on the last day of the conference at the check-in desk. Name badge Please wear your name badge during all conference events, including the networking activities. Admission to scientific sessions and to the industrial exhibition is restricted to participants wearing their badge. Participants will receive their name badge when collecting their conference documents at the check-in desk. Cloakroom The coat and luggage room at the conference is with costs and secure. Opening hours Check-In Speakers presentation upload area Poster Exhibition Industrial Exhibition 04. October 07:00–19:00 07:00–18:00 05. October 07:30–18:30 07:30–17:00 06. October 07:30–13:30 07:30–13:30 09:30–18:30 09:30–20:30 08:30–18:30 09:30–17:30 08:30–11:00 10:00–11:00 Internet corner and WIFI access Computers with internet connection are available for conference participants in the speakers’ presentation upload area (foyer 2nd floor). WIFI is available for free throughout the whole conference area. Please ask at the check-in desk for the login data. Conference language The official conference language is English. Several programme sessions will be held in German. They are highlighted in the programme with a German flag. Catering Catering will be served during the official coffee and lunch breaks in the foyer. All food provided is covered by the registration fee. Service for impaired people All rooms are accessible by wheelchair. 20 » General hints for authors and presenters « Speakers’ presentation upload area Presentations should be submitted in due time in the dedicated speakers’ presentation upload area (foyer 2nd floor). Presentation format Please bring your presentation on a USB mass storage, CD-ROM or DVD and include all video files. The presentation should be prepared as PDF or MS Office PowerPoint (up to 2016 version, Windows10) in format 4:3. A presentation notebook will be provided. To guarantee a smooth running of the programme, please upload your presentation in due time – at least 2 hours before your presentation is due to start. For Mac users To make sure your presentation is displayed correctly, please • bring your presentation as pdf-file with fonts embedded or • restrict yourself to Arial/Times New Roman (not Times)/Courier New (not Courier)/ Symbol/Wingdings when creating your ppt- or pptx-file. Technical equipment All technical equipment (presentation computer, video projector, sound system, laser pointer) will be available on-site. The use of personal notebooks is possible upon agreement. However, it may interrupt the flow of the programme in the lecture hall. Please provide an adapter for VGA if necessary. Should you wish to use non-digital equipment, please contact us at [email protected]. Time allocation Please prepare your presentation for the allotted amount of time. Chairs and moderators may interrupt should you overrun your time limit. Online programme planner Make use of our online programme planner to find the time of your presentation as well as the session and its detailed programme. 21 » General hints for poster presenters « Poster session Poster authors are requested to be present at their posters during the official poster sessions. Posters will be presented in 4 poster sessions. For further information regarding assignment of a poster to a session, please refer to pages 77, 84, 91 and 99. Poster session I Poster session II Poster session III Poster session IV Tuesday, 4 October Tuesday, 4 October Wednesday, 5 October Thursday, 6 October 12:30–13:30 15:30–16:30 12:30–13:30 10:30–11:00 Poster mounting All posters have to be mounted until 12:00 hrs on Tuesday, 4 October. Posters have to be removed until 12:00 hrs on Thursday, 6 October at the latest. Any posters left on the boards at the close of the poster session will be considered as waste. Poster preparation Please prepare and print your poster in advance to the conference. Your poster must be prepared in English and should have a size of DIN A0 (84,1 cm x 118,9 cm) preferably in a portrait format (not landscape format). Pins will be provided on your poster board. The size of the poster boards is 110 cm (width) x 150 cm (height). Please do not use any other type of pins than those provided. All poster boards will be labelled with a poster number. You can find your poster number in the programme book (see pages 77 ff.). Online programme planner Make use of our online programme planner to find the time of your poster presentation as well as the poster session and its detailed programme. 22 » Social and cultural programme « Welcome Reception • Tuesday, 4 October We would like to invite you to join the welcome reception and to have a nice evening with your conference colleagues and exhibitors in a relaxed atmosphere; refreshing beverages and finger-food will be served. Time Location Fee 19:00–20:30 Foyer, Congress Center Basel Messeplatz 21 4058 Basel (CH) inclusive © l Social Event • Wednesday, 5 October We are glad to invite you to the social event of the “Dreiländertagung” at the OSYPKA AG premises in Rheinfelden. It is the special honor of Prof. Dr-Ing. Dr.-Ing. Eh. Peter Osypka, founder of OSYPKA AG and founding member of the DGBMT Society, to host you at our headquarter facility. OSYPKA AG – a name that stands for innovative medical devices © Osypka AG and implants created with the highest level of precision. The 1977 founded family owned company with around 200 employees is a pioneer in catheter technology (first cardiac RF-ablation) as well as implantable and temporary cardiac pacing leads. OSYPKA AG not only produces OSYPKA-brand products but also offers development and production of any kind of stimulation leads, balloon catheters, cardiac catheters, processes for encapsulation of AIMDs, and sterilization service for other medical devices companies. More than 90% of the manufacturing processes are performed in-house, which is rather unique in this industry. All interested persons are invited to a tour through the production facilities. Enjoy a memorable evening in a stimulating atmosphere accompanied by great music. A cozy relax-area invites you and your colleagues and friends to get into a lively exchange. Time Location Fee 20:00–01:00 Osypka AG Earl-H.-Wood-Straße 1 79618 Rheinfelden-Herten (DE) 75 EUR Bus shuttles leave from Congress Center Basel to Rheinfelden at 19:00 hrs and 19:30 hrs. From 22:00 hrs a bus shuttle leaves every hour back to the Congress Center Basel. Last departure at 01:00 hrs. 23 » Sponsors, exhibitors and cooperation partners « Sponsors Kanton Basel-Stadt Exhibitors Atlas Copco Tools Central Europe GmbH (Essen/DE) Booth nr. 2 BIOPAC Systems, Inc. (Goleta, CA/US) 4 Cluster Life Sciences Tirol/MTC Medizintechnik-Cluster (Innsbruck/AT) 9 COMSOL Multiphysics GmbH (Zurich/CH) 5 De Gruyter GmbH (Berlin/DE) 7 g.tec medical engineering GmbH (Schiedlberg/AT) 6 LifeMaps – Making gene mapping usable (Greifswald/DE) 3 Technische Universität München, Lehrstuhl für Medizintechnik (Garching/DE) 10 Universitätsmedizin Rostock, Institut für Biomedizinische Technik (Rostock/DE) 1 VDE Verband der Elektrotechnik Elektronik Informationstechnik e. V. (Frankfurt a. M./DE) 8 Cooperation partners Cluster Life Sciences Tirol (Tirol/AT) Medical Cluster (Bern/CH) MTC Medizintechnik-Cluster (Linz/AT) State at printing 24 Room Room Room Singapore Room Nairobi » Plan of exhibition area « State at printing 25 » Sitzungen der Fachausschüsse der DGBMT « We cordially invite you to the meetings of the DGBMT Fachausschüsse (expert committees). The meetings are publicly for every interested participant of the conference. Tuesday, 4 October 12:30–13:30 Medizintechnik in der MRT Nairobi 12:30–13:30 Mobile Diagnostik und Therapiesysteme Osaka 12:30–13:30 Neuroprothetik und Intelligente Implantate Mexico 12:30–13:30 Rehabilitationstechnik Samarkand 15:30–16:30 Informationsmanagement in der Medizin Mexico 15:30–16:30 Ultraschall in der Medizin Samarkand Wednesday, 5 October 12:30–13:30 Bildgestützte navigierte Intervention Miami 12:30–13:30 Biomaterialien und Medizinische Implantate Singapore 12:30–13:30 Implantierbare Assistenzsysteme Osaka 12:30–13:30 Magnetische Methoden in der Medizin Samarkand 12:30–13:30 Methodik der Patientenüberwachung Mexico 12:30–13:30 Mikro- und Nanosysteme Nairobi 15:30–16:30 Biosignale – Informationsverarbeitung in Medizin und Biowissenschaften Miami 26 » Track title overview « A B C E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Biomaterials and Biocompatibility Biomechanics and Orthopaedics Biomedical Instrumentation & Micro and Nano Systems Bioprinting and Additive Manufacturing Biosensors and Bioanalytics Biosignal Processing Cardio Technology Cellular-, Tissue- and Bioengineering Clinical and Ambulatory Monitoring Clinical Engineering and Hospital Technology Devices and Systems for Surgical lntervention Drug Delivery Technology Functional Electrical Stimulation and Neuroprostheses Imaging, Image Processing and Image Guided Interventions Implants Medical Information Mangagement Medical Device Management Medical Technology and Society Modelling and Simulation Neural Engineering Patient Monitoring Personalized Health Prosthetics and Rehabilitation Engineering Smart Assistance Systems Training and Further Education for Engineers and Physicians 27 » Scientific Programme • Tuesday, 4 October « 08:30–09:00 Keynote 1 Room Singapore Cognitive computing/Watson Haig Alexander Peter (Rüschlikon/CH) 09:00–10:30 Room Chairs 09:00 T-OP-19 09:15 T-OP-20 09:30 T-OP-21 09:45 T-OP-22 10:00 T-OP-23 10:15 T-OP-18 Track T: Modelling and Simulation I Singapore Zoran Vidakovic (Zurich/CH), Andreas Voss (Jena/DE) 28 Dynamic Model of an upper limb exoskeleton with user interaction Markus Hessinger, Niko Faul, Peter P. Pott Roland Werthschützky (Darmstadt/DE) Development of parietal bone surrogates for parietal graft lift training Marianne Hollensteiner (Linz, Salzburg/AT), David Fürst Benjamin Esterer, Stefan Hunger, Michael Malek (Linz/AT) Peter Augat, Falk Schrödl (Salzburg/AT) Daniel Stephan (Bürmoos/AT), Andreas Schrempf (Linz/AT) Numerical simulation of mechanically stimulated bone remodelling Josephine Mauck, Jan Wieding, Daniel Kluess Rainer Bader (Rostock/DE) Conversion of engineering stresses to Cauchy stresses in tensile and compression tests of thermoplastic polymers Kerstin Schümann, Udo Röhr, Klaus-Peter Schmitz Niels Grabow (Rostock/DE) Numerical examinations of simplified spondylodesis models concerning energy absorption in magnetic resonance imaging Nicole Hadert (Gelsenkirchen/DE), Qi Liu (Dundee/GB) Waldemar Zylka (Gelsenkirchen/DE) Principle study on the signal connection at transabdominal fetal pulse oximetry Marcel Böttrich, Daniel Laqua, Peter Husar (Ilmenau/DE) » Scientific Programme • Tuesday, 4 October « 09:00–10:30 Room Chairs 09:00 T-OP-12 Track T: Modelling and Simulation – Pulmonary Technology Samarkand Steffen Leonhardt (Aachen/DE) Knut Möller (Villingen-Schwenningen/DE) Computational model of a fractal lung to simulate and visualize gas transport for diagnostic purposes and patient education Carl-Friedrich Benner, Sylvia Nyilas, Pinelopi Anagnostopoulou David Hasler, Philipp Latzin, Dominik Obrist (Bern/CH) 09:15 T-OP-13 Assessment of nasal resistance using computational fluid dynamics Jan Osman, Friederike Großmann, Kay Brosien, Ulrich Kertzscher Leonid Goubergrits, Thomas Hildebrandt (Berlin/DE) 09:30 T-OP-14 09:45 T-OP-15 10:00 T-OP-16 10:15 T-OP-17 Resistance in a non-linear autoregressive model of pulmonary mechanics Ruby Langdon, Paul Docherty (Christchurch/NZ), Bernhard Laufer Knut Möller (Villingen-Schwenningen/DE) Cascaded control environment for a CPAP-device Mathias Scheel (Wismar, Schwerin/DE), Olaf Simanski (Wismar/DE) Andreas Berndt (Schwerin/DE) Inspiratory and expiratory elastance in a non-linear autoregressive model of pulmonary mechanics Ruby Langdon, Paul Docherty (Christchurch/NZ) Knut Möller (Villingen-Schwenningen/DE) Determination of regional lung function in cystic fibrosis using electrical impedance tomography Sabine Krüger-Ziolek, Benjamin Schullcke, Zhanqi Zhao, Bo Gong Knut Möller (Villingen-Schwenningen/DE) 29 » Scientific Programme • Tuesday, 4 October « 09:00–10:30 Room Chairs 09:00 A-OP-01 09:15 A-OP-02 09:30 A-OP-03 09:45 A-OP-04 10:00 A-OP-05 10:15 A-OP-06 30 Track A: Biomaterials and Biocompatibility I Osaka Michael de Wild (Muttenz/CH), Franz Weber (Zurich/CH) Tailored protein adsorption on biocompatible plasma nanofilms Michael Bergmann, Gerald Urban (Freiburg i. Br./DE) Alginate-based anisotropic capillary hydrogels as biomaterial scaffolds for oriented axon regeneration Rainer Müller, Manuel Brunner, Gerhard Luedicke (Regensburg/DE) Armin Blesch (Indianapolis, IN/US), Manuel Günther Thomas Schackel, Norbert Weidner (Heidelberg/DE) A standardized investigation of the biocompatibility of spider silk Jörn W. Kuhbier, Vincent Coger, Judith Müller, Christina Liebsch Kerstin Reimers, Frederik Schlottmann, Vesna Bucan, Khaled Dastagir Peter M. Vogt, Sarah Strauß (Hanover/DE) Synthesis and characterization of PIL/pNIPAAm hybrid hydrogels Sylvia Pfensig, Daniela Arbeiter, Klaus-Peter Schmitz Niels Grabow, Thomas Eickner, Sabine Illner (Rostock/DE) Novel blood protein based scaffolds for cardiovascular tissue engineering Antonia Kuhn, Marc Müller, Sara Knigge Birgit Glasmacher (Hanover/DE) Cell adhesion and viability of human endothelial cells on electrospun polymer scaffolds Claudia Matschegewski, Jörn-Bo Matthies, Niels Grabow Klaus-Peter Schmitz (Rostock/DE) » Scientific Programme • Tuesday, 4 October « 09:00–10:30 Room Chairs Track N: Functional Electrical Stimulation and Neuroprostheses Mexico Simone Hemm-Ode (Muttenz/CH) Thomas Stieglitz (Freiburg i. Br./DE) 09:00 N-OP-01 09:15 N-OP-02 09:30 N-OP-03 09:45 N-OP-04 10:00 N-OP-05 10:15 N-OP-06 A flexible standalone system with integrated sensor feedback for multi-pad electrode functional electrical stimulation Jan Loitz, Aljoscha Reinert, Ann-Krisitin Neumann, Fanny Quandt Dietmar Schroeder, Wolfgang Krautschneider (Hamburg/DE) Smart control for functional electrical stimulation with optimal pulse intensity Aljoscha Reinert, Jan Loitz, Fanny Quandt, Dietmar Schroeder Wolfgang Krautschneider (Hamburg/DE) Tactile display on the remaining hand for unilateral hand amputees Tao Li (Biel/CH), Huaiqi Huang (Biel, Neuchâtel/CH) Christian Antfolk (Lund/SE), Jörn Justiz, Volker M. Koch (Biel/CH) On the way to a self-sufficient closed-loop implant for early seizure detection Simon Heller, Michael Kroener, Peter Woias, Christian Donos Matthias Dümpelmann, Andreas Schulze-Bonhage, Farrokh Manzouri Daniel Lachner, Joschka Boedecker, Manuel Blum (Freiburg i. Br./DE) Effects of sustained electrical stimulation on spasticity assessed by the pendulum test José Luis Vargas Luna, Halla K. Guðfinnsdóttir, Gígja Magnúsdóttir Vilborg Guðmundsdóttir (Reykjavik/IS), Matthias Krenn Winfried Mayr (Vienna/AT), Guðbjörg K. Ludvigsdóttir Thordur Helgason (Reykjavik/IS) Clinical reliability of a subretinal implant Martin Kokelmann, Sandra Rudorf, Walter G. Wrobel (Reutlingen/DE) 31 » Scientific Programme • Tuesday, 4 October « 09:00–10:30 Room Chair 09:00 L-OP-01 Track L: Devices and Systems for Surgical lntervention I Nairobi Klaus Radermacher (Aachen/DE), Philippe Cattin (Basel/CH) 09:15 L-OP-02 09:30 L-OP-03 09:45 L-OP-04 10:00 L-OP-05 Implant for bone expansion as new procedure for generation of vascularised grafts to bridge long bone defects Matthias Militz (Murnau/DE), Carolin Gabler Josephine Mauck (Rostock/DE), Robert Bialas Christoph Miethke (Potsdam/DE), Volker Buehren (Murnau/DE) Wolfram Mittelmeier, Rainer Bader (Rostock/DE) Markus Oehlbauer (Murnau/DE) In vivo electrical impedance measurement in mastoid bone Thomas Wyss Balmer (Bern/CH) Development of a skull phantom for the assessment of implant X-ray visibility Thomas Hoffmann, Fabian Klink, Axel Boese, Karin Fischer Oliver Beuing, Georg Rose (Magdeburg/DE) Ultrasonic-based transcutaneous energy supply and signal transmission for hermetically encapsulated miniature implants Margit Biehl, Peter Weber, Matthias Molitor, Timo Koch Andreas Schneider (St. Ingbert/DE) Accuracy investigation of a new mininavigation system for dental implants Stephan Böhringer, Philipp Jürgens, Erik Schkommodau Frank Berlinghoff, Simone Hemm-Ode (Basel/CH) 10:30–11:00 Coffe break Room Foyer 32 » Scientific Programme • Tuesday, 4 October « 11:00–12:30 Room Chairs 11:00 T-OP-24 11:15 T-OP-25 11:30 T-OP-26 11:45 T-OP-27 12:00 T-OP-28 12:15 T-OP-29 Track T: Modelling and Simulation II Singapore Ute Morgenstern (Dresden/DE), N.N. Interdisciplinary modeling of nanotherapy targeting the tumor microenvironment Hermann Frieboes (Louisville, KY/US) Influence of Siluron® insertion on model drug distribution in the simulated vitreous body Sandra Stein, Malte Bogdahn, Werner Weitschies Anne Seidlitz (Greifswald/DE) Investigating the constitutive activity of ghrelin receptor by molecular modelling Andrea Danani, Marco Deriu, Gianvito Grasso Ginevra Licandro (Manno/CH) Small myocyte enclaves may facilitate conduction of excitation through scar tissue: A one-dimensional simulation study Eike Moritz Wülfers, Peter Kohl, Gunnar Seemann (Freiburg i. Br./DE) Evaluating different approaches to identify a three parameter gas exchange model Jörn Kretschmer (Villingen-Schwenningen/DE) Paul Docherty (Christchurch/NZ), Axel Riedlinger Knut Möller (Villingen-Schwenningen/DE) Effects of fibrosis on the extracellular potential based on 3D reconstructions from histological sections of heart tissue Markus Rottmann, Jannik Zürn, Ufuk Arslan (Karlsruhe/DE) Karin Klingel (Tuebingen/DE), Olaf Dössel (Karlsruhe/DE) 33 » Scientific Programme • Tuesday, 4 October « 11:00–12:30 Room Chairs 11:15 G-OP-02 Track G: Neural Signal Processing Samarkand Hartmut Dickhaus (Heidelberg/DE), Thilo B. Krüger (Emmendingen/DE) 11:00 G-OP-01 11:30 G-OP-03 11:45 G-OP-04 Simulation and evaluation of stimulation scenarios for targeted vestibular nerve excitation Peter Schier, Michael Handler Daniel Baumgarten (Innsbruck/AT), Christian Baumgartner (Graz/AT) 12:00 G-OP-05 12:15 G-OP-06 Neural information processes in EEG during general anaesthesia and coma Denis Jordan, Rüdiger Ilg, Daniel Golkowski, Andreas Ranft Sebastian Berger (Munich/DE), Gudrun Stockmanns (Mülheim/DE) Gerhard Schneider (Wuppertal/DE), Eberhard F. Kochs (Munich/DE) 34 Modular workflow for simulating patient specific stimulation efficiency of vestibular implants Michael Handler, Peter Schier, Karl Fritscher (Hall in Tirol/AT) Lejo Johnson Chacko, Rudolf Glueckert, Anneliese Schrott-Fischer Rami Saba (Innsbruck/AT), Rainer Schubert Daniel Baumgarten (Hall in Tirol/AT) Christian Baumgartner (Graz/AT) Deep brain stimulation: increasing efficiency by alternative waveforms Soheil Mottaghi, Kevin Joseph, Katerina Argiti, Thomas J. Feuerstein Ulrich G. Hofmann (Freiburg i. Br./DE) Extraction of tremor features from Parkinson patients with DBS treatment Rene Peter Bremm (Belvaux/LU) Prediction of immediately occurring microsleep events from brain electric signals Martin Golz, David Sommer (Schmalkalden/DE) Jarek Krajewski (Cologne/DE) » Scientific Programme • Tuesday, 4 October « 11:00–12:30 Room Chairs 11:00 A-OP-07 11:15 A-OP-08 11:30 A-OP-09 11:45 A-OP-10 12:00 A-OP-11 12:15 A-OP-12 Track A: Biomaterials and Biocompatibility II Osaka Michael de Wild (Muttenz/CH), Rainer Müller (Regensburg/DE) High-strength biomaterials for implants Bernhard Mingler, Maciej Krystian, Jelena Horky Manfred Bammer (Vienna/AT) Biofilm formation and antibiotic susceptibility of quorum sensing mutant P. aeruginosa in implant infection mouse model Muhammad Imran Rahim, Manfred Rohde, Jan-Marten Seitz Peter Paul Mueller (Lahore/PK) Changes in impedance and cell recording by surface etching of a carbon nanotube-silicone rubber electrode material Katharina Tegtmeier, Fabian Borrmann, Dominique Manikowski Birgit Andrée, Thomas Lenarz, Theodor Doll (Hanover/DE) Effects of heat treatment and welding process on superelastic behaviour and microstructure of micro electron beam welded NiTi Isabel Balz, Uwe Reisgen, Julia Schoft (Aachen/DE) Christian Otten (Hünstetten-Kesselbach/DE) Long-term stable modifications of silicone elastomer for improved hemocompatibility Cécile Boudot, Sarah Burkhardt, Miriam Haerst (Garching/DE) The effect of thermal treatment on the mechanical properties of PLLA tubular specimens Daniela Arbeiter, Kerstin Schümann, Thomas Eickner, Olga Sahmel Klaus-Peter Schmitz, Niels Grabow (Rostock/DE) 35 » Scientific Programme • Tuesday, 4 October « 11:00–12:30 Room Chair 11:00 P-OP-13 11:15 P-OP-14 Fokus Session Fachausschuss: Biomaterialien und medizinische Implantate Track P: Novel aspects in dental implant therapy: surfaces, biomechanics and work flow Mexico Herbert Jennissen (Essen/DE) 11:45 P-OP-16 12:00 P-OP-15 Advanced wettability analysis of implant surfaces Herbert Jennissen (Essen/DE) 12:15 TBC N.N. 36 Digital dentistry meets implant dentistry Florian Beuer (Berlin/DE) Latest developmentts in dental implant system designing and effects on implant restoration concepts Axel Kirsch (Filderstadt/DE) Protecting ultra- and hyperhydrophilic surfaces in dry state from loss of wettability Herbert Jennissen (Essen/DE), Steffen Lüers Markus Laub (Bochum/DE) » Scientific Programme • Tuesday, 4 October « 11:00–12:30 Room Chairs 11:00 L-OP-06 11:15 L-OP-07 11:30 L-OP-08 11:45 L-OP-09 12:00 L-OP-10 12:15 L-OP-11 Track L: Devices and Systems for Surgical lntervention II Nairobi Philipp Jürgens (Lörrach/DE), N.N. Surgical navigation with QR codes Manuel Katanacho, Wladimir De la Cadena Sebastian Engel (Berlin/DE) Development and evaluation of a cooled RF-lesion electrode which yields increased lesion size and energy delivery Helena Tronnier, Rudi Mattmüller, Thilo B. Krüger Oliver Weihberger (Emmendingen/DE) Investigation of the pressure gradient of embolic protection devices Anja Kurzhals, Jörn-Bo Matthies (Rostock/DE) Reimer Andresen (Heide/DE), Niels Grabow, Klaus-Peter Schmitz Wolfram Schmidt (Rostock/DE) Design of a haptic human-machine-interface for bimanual control of a surgical robot Carsten Neupert, Sebastian Matich, Christian Hatzfeld, Peter P. Pott Roland Werthschützky (Darmstadt/DE) Computer assistance in femoral derotation osteotomy: A bottom-up approach Christoph Auer, Sebastian Kallus, Andreas Geisbüsch, Thomas Dreher Hartmut Dickhaus (Heidelberg/DE) Fibre optical probe navigation during deep brain stimulation implantation – safety aspects Karin Wårdell (Linköping/SE) Simone Hemm-Ode (Linköping/SE; Muttenz, Basel/CH) Peter Zsigmond (Linköping/SE) 12:30–13:30 General Assembly SSBE Room Miami 12:30–13:30 Poster session I (see pages 77 ff.) and lunch break Room Foyer 37 » Scientific Programme • Tuesday, 4 October « 13:30–14:00 Keynote 2 Room Singapore ERC-Grant Integration von „BCI“ und „Sensory Feedback“ für die Steuerung von Prothesen und Neuroprothesen Gernot R. Müller-Putz (Graz/AT) 14:00–15:30 Room Chairs 14:00 F-OP-01 Track F: Biosensors and Bioanalytics Singapore Eugenijus Kaniusas (Vienna/AT), Jens Krauss (Neuchátel/CH) A universal platform for nucleic acid based point-of-care diagnostics Philipp Holz, Benedikt Hauer, Albrecht Brandenburg, Simon Wadle Steffen Zehnle, Mark Keller (Freiburg i. Br./DE), Ronny Möller Birgit Koger (Hamburg/DE) 14:15 F-OP-02 14:30 F-OP-03 14:45 F-OP-04 15:00 F-OP-05 Electrochemical biosensor system integration on flexible substrates for wearable health applications Lars Blohm, Agnieszka Kurylo, Jörg Albers, Gundula Piechotta Eric Nebling, Thomas Knieling (Itzehoe/DE) 15:15 F-OP-06 Investigating radiofrequency ablation lesions within an in vitro setup using electrophysiological data Khaled Naib (Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen/DE) Stefan Pollnow (Karlsruhe/DE), Taleieh Rajabi, Ralf Ahrens Andreas Guber (Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen/DE) Olaf Dössel (Karlsruhe/DE) 38 IR-Spectroscopy and multivariate data analysis in point of care testing Anja Niedermayr (Munich/DE), Jeremy Murray (Edinburgh/GB) Matthias Schreiter, Michael Schmalenberg, Peter B. Luppa Alexander M. Gigler (Munich/DE) Biochemical piezoresistive sensors based on pH- and glucose-sensitive hydrogels for medical applications Ulrike Schmidt, Margarita Guenther, Gerald Gerlach (Dresden/DE) Development of implantable electrochemical sensors for in vivo measurement of Dopamine Tanja Martin, Markus Westerhausen, Boris Hofmann (Tuebingen/DE) » Scientific Programme • Tuesday, 4 October « 14:00–15:30 Room Chair 14:00 U-OP-01 14:15 U-OP-02 14:30 U-OP-03 14:45 U-OP-04 15:00 U-OP-05 15:15 U-OP-06 Fokus Session Fachausschuss: Intelligente Implantate und Neuroprothetik Track U: BrainLinks-BrainTools – Methods and tools for neural engineering Samarkand Thomas Stieglitz (Freiburg i. Br./DE) BrainLinks-BrainTools – Methods and tools for neural engineering Thomas Stieglitz, Oliver Paul, Ulrike Wallrabe Patrick Ruther (Freiburg i. Br./DE) Controlling Bessel beams for optophysiology Ulrike Wallrabe, Angelina Müller, Markus Reisacher Oliver Ambacher, Katarcyna Holc Matthias Wapler (Freiburg i. Br./DE) MEMS-based micro-optical tools for optogenetic applications Patrick Ruther, Marie Theresa Alt, Eva-Maria Fiedler Christian Mounir, Linda Rudmann, Michael Schwaerzle, Oliver Paul Thomas Stieglitz (Freiburg i. Br./DE) Developments for the next generation of brain probes Thomas Stieglitz, Eva-Maria Fiedler, Danesh Ashouri Vasjari Christian Bentler, Rickard Liljemalm, Fredrick Pothof Abdalrahmen Sayed Herbawi, Falk Barz, Matthias Kuhl, Oliver Paul Patrick Ruther (Freiburg i. Br./DE) Achievements and trends of CMOS-assisted neural recording interfaces Matthias Kuhl (Freiburg i. Br./DE) Beyond slow waves – Non-invasive High-Gamma mapping in an optimized EEG Lab Martin Völker, Lukas D. J. Fiederer, Martin Glasstetter Sofie Berberich, Wolfram Burgard, Andreas Schulze-Bonhage Tonino Ball (Freiburg i. Br./DE) 39 » Scientific Programme • Tuesday, 4 October « 14:00–15:30 Room Chairs 14:00 X-OP-01 14:15 X-OP-02 14:30 X-OP-03 14:45 X-OP-04 15:00 X-OP-05 Control scheme selection in human-machine-interfaces by analysis of activity signals Wolfgang Doneit, Ralf Mikut (Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen/DE) David Liebetanz (Göttingen/DE), Rüdiger Rupp (Heidelberg/DE) Markus Reischl (Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen/DE) 15:15 X-OP-06 Event-based sampling for reducing communication load in wireless IMU networks Daniel Laidig (Berlin/DE), Sebastian Trimpe (Tuebingen/DE) Thomas Seel (Berlin/DE) 40 Track X: Prosthetics and Rehabilitation Engineering Osaka Catherine Disselhorst-Klug (Aachen/DE), Marc Kraft (Berlin/DE) Development of a locomotor therapy device for infants Jörg Schröttner, Andreas Tilp, Robert Neubauer (Graz/AT) Sigrid Ranner, Peter Grieshofer (Gratwein-Staßengel/AT) The exoprostheses test device gait simulator – next steps for comprehensive fatigue and functional examination Peter Seufert, Philip Töllner, Simon Gallinger, Julius Thiele Marc Kraft (Berlin/DE) An adaptive learning agent to improve myoelectric-controlled prosthesis – concept and ideas Weerayot Aramphianlert, Christoph Kast, Matthias Krenn Winfried Mayr (Vienna/AT) Development of a closed-loop control system for upper limb prosthesis integrating electromyographic inputs and position feedback Christoph Kast, Weerayot Aramphianlert, Matthias Krenn Christian Hofer, Oskar C. Aszmann, Winfried Mayr (Vienna/AT) » Scientific Programme • Tuesday, 4 October « 14:00–15:30 Room Chairs 14:00 Z-OP-01 Track Z: Training and Further Education for Engineers and Physicians Mexico Ute Morgenstern (Dresden/DE), Frank Pude (Muttenz/CH) Gap of education in medical technology for physicians: a challenge for biomedical engineering Ernst Hofer, Robert Arnold, Gernot Reishofer Helmut Ahammer (Graz/AT) 14:15 Z-OP-02 14:30 Z-OP-03 Technical Medicine – an online study-program for medical professionals and biomedical engineers Jonathan Ahles, Carola Schneider Dominik von Elverfeldt (Freiburg i. Br./DE) 14:45 Z-OP-04 15:00 Z-OP-05 15:15 Z-OP-06 A passive beating heart setup for interventional cardiology training Marcus Granegger, Philipp Aigner, Erwin Kitzmüller, Martin Stoiber Francesco Moscato, Ina Michel-Behnke, Heinrich Schima (Vienna/AT) Biomedical engineering in Northern Iraq – DAAD-Projects BIONIQ-Bios and BIONIQ-MedPhys Thomas Schanze, Jan-Dirk Janßen, Robin Etzel Martin Fiebich (Giessen/DE) Unique set-up for training of CTO intervention and evaluation of new catheter technologies with haptic feedback Christian Hatzfeld, Nataliya Stefanova, Thomas Opitz (Darmstadt/DE) Jochen Genzel (Würzburg/DE), Roland Werthschützky Mario Kupnik (Darmstadt/DE), Wolfram Voelker (Würzburg/DE) Mathematical and physical models for simulation of biomedical engineering processes in comparison to real patient data for research, education, and training Ute Morgenstern, Tobias Meyer, Martin Oelschlägel, Julia Kuß Richard Stodtmeister (Dresden/DE), Tilo Winkler (Boston, MA/US) 41 » Scientific Programme • Tuesday, 4 October « 14:00–15:30 Room Chairs 14:00 L-OP-12 Fokus Session Innovation Center Computer Assisted Surgery (ICCAS) Track L: ICCAS Special Session on Computer-assisted procedures Nairobi Andreas Melzer, Thomas Neumuth (Leipzig/DE) 14:20 14:40 L-OP-13 15:00 L-OP-14 Blood flow clustering and applications in virtual stenting of intracranial aneurysms Steffen Oeltze-Jafra (Leipzig/DE) A service for monitoring the quality of intraoperative cone beam CT images Frank Heckel (Bremen, Leipzig/DE), Jan Schlamelcher (Oldenburg/DE) Hanna Rotermund (Nuremberg/DE), Max Rockstroh (Leipzig/DE) Stephan Zidowitz (Bremen/DE), Thomas Neumuth (Leipzig/DE) Clinical decision support system for TNM classification of laryngeal cancer using Bayesian networks Mario A. Cypko, Jan Gaebel, Jan Wojdziak Matthaeus Stoehr (Leipzig/DE) Automatic depth scanning system for 3D infrared thermography Michael Unger (Leipzig/DE), Adrian Franke (Ilmenau/DE) Claire Chalopin (Leipzig/DE) 14:00–15:30 EAMBES council meeting Room Miami 15:30–16:30 Poster session II (see pages 84 ff.) and coffe break Room Foyer 42 » Scientific Programme • Tuesday, 4 October « 16:30–18:00 Room Chairs 16:30 O-OP-01 16:45 O-OP-02 17:00 O-OP-03 17:15 O-OP-04 17:30 O-OP-05 17:45 O-OP-06 Track O: Image Computing Singapore Alex Ringenbach (Muttenz/CH), Rudolf Stollberger (Graz/AT) An improved tracking framework for ultrasound probe localization in image-guided radiosurgery Svenja Ipsen, Ralf Bruder, Philipp Jauer, Floris Ernst (Lübeck/DE) Oliver Blanck (Kiel, Frankfurt a. M., Güstrow/DE) Achim Schweikard (Lübeck/DE) Improvement of a subviral particle tracker by the use of a LAP-Kalman-algorithm Andreas Rausch, Dennis Müller, Thomas Schanze (Giessen/DE) Learning discriminative classification models for grading anal intraepithelial neoplasia Philipp Kainz, Michael Mayrhofer-Reinhartshuber (Graz/AT) Roland Sedivy (Krems-Stein/AT; Bern/CH) Helmut Ahammer (Graz/AT) Regularization of EIT reconstruction based on multi-scales wavelet transforms Bo Gong, Benjamin Schullcke, Sabine Krueger-Ziolek Knut Möller (Villingen-Schwenningen/DE) Segmentation of nucleus in HEp-2 specimen images using Fuzzy c-Means clustering approach Suhail Parvaze Pathan, Swaminathan Ramakrishnan (Chennai/IN) Segmentation and analysis of brainstem in Alzheimer MR images using region based level set method S. Rao Shashanka, Mitra Kaushik, Swaminathan Ramakrishnan (Chennai/IN) 43 » Scientific Programme • Tuesday, 4 October « 16:30–18:00 Room Chairs 16:30 B-OP-01 16:45 B-OP-02 17:15 B-OP-04 17:30 B-OP-05 17:45 B-OP-06 44 Track B: Biomechanics and Orthopaedics Samarkand Florian Thieringer (Basel/CH), Scott Wearing (Kelvin Grove/AU) Towards in silico prognosis using big data Nicholas Ohs, Fabian Keller, Ole Blank (Zurich/CH) Yuk-Wai Wayne Lee, Chun-Yiu Jack Cheng (Hong Kong/HK) Peter Arbenz, Ralph Müller, Patrik Christen (Zurich/CH) In vivo measurement of human tendon properties during activities of daily living using guided transmission mode ultrasonography Scott Wearing, Christian Langton (Kelvin Grove/AU) Werner Klingler (Ulm/DE), Sue Hooper (Brisbane/AU) Torsten Brauner (Munich/DE) Technical concept and evaluation of a novel shoulder simulator with adaptive muscle force generation and free motion Mark Verjans, Nad Siroros, Klaus Rademacher Jörg Eschweiler (Aachen/DE) Effect of indenter diameters during creep indentation on articular cartilage and model-based parameter identification using the biphasic model Peter Foehr (Munich/DE), Thomas Reuter (Chemnitz/DE) Constantin von Deimling, Lara Kuntz, Andreas Obermeier Rainer Burgkart (Munich/DE) Usability evaluation of a locomotor therapy device considering different strategies Sonja Langthaler, Alexander Lassnig, Christian Baumgartner Jörg Schröttner (Graz/AT) » Scientific Programme • Tuesday, 4 October « 16:30–18:00 Room Chair 16:30 O-OP-31 16:45 O-OP-32 Fokus Session Fachausschuss: Magnetische Methoden in der Medizin Track O: Magnetische Nanopartikel und Magnetoenzephalographie Osaka Tilmann Sander-Thömmes (Berlin/DE) 17:00 O-OP-33 17:15 O-OP-34 17:30 O-OP-36 Impact of different registration methods in MEG source analysis Marie Theiß (Recklinghausen, Münster/DE) Advanced analysis of tracers for magnetic particle imaging: magnetic and geometric characterization by multidetector field-flow fractionation Norbert Löwa, Frank Wiekhorst (Berlin/DE) Interactions of protein corona coated magnetic nanoparticles and human cells Andreas Weidner (Ilmenau/DE), Christine Gräfe (Jena/DE) Hilke Remmer (Braunschweig/DE), Moritz von der Lühe Joachim H. Clement (Jena/DE), Frank Ludwig (Braunschweig/DE) Felix H. Schacher (Jena/DE), Silvio Dutz (Ilmenau/DE) Setup of a sleep recording system compatible with magnetoencephalography Tilmann Sander-Thömmes, Martin Glos Christian Veauthier (Berlin/DE) Magnetorelaxometry tomography for quantitative imaging of the mobility of magnetic nanoparticles Maik Liebl (Berlin, Ilmenau/DE), Uwe Steinhoff (Berlin/DE) Daniel Baumgarten (Ilmenau/DE; Hall in Tyrol/AT) Frank Wiekhorst (Berlin/DE) 45 » Scientific Programme • Tuesday, 4 October « 16:30–18:00 Room Chairs 16:30 C-OP-01 16:45 C-OP-02 17:00 C-OP-03 17:15 C-OP-04 17:30 C-OP-05 17:45 C-OP-06 46 Track C: Biomedical Instrumentation & Micro and Nano Systems Mexico Ernst Hofer (Graz/AT), Gerald Urban (Freiburg i. Br./DE) A microfluidic-based toolkit for automated analyses of C. elegans nematodes as models for mitochondrial and neurodegenerative human diseases Matteo Cornaglia, Laurent Mouchiroud, Gopalan Krishnamani Alexis Marette, Shreya Narasimhan, Virginija Jovaisaite Vincenzo Sorrentino, Thomas Lehnert, Johan Auwerx Martin Gijs (Lausanne/CH) Hypoxia-on-a-Chip Generating hypoxic conditions in microfluidic cell culture systems Mathias Busek, Stefan Grünzner, Tobias Steege, Udo Klotzbach Frank Sonntag (Dresden/DE) Monitoring the effectiveness of the vacuum bell during the treatment of pectus excavatum: technical innovation Sergio Sesia, David Hradetzky, Frank-Martin Haecker (Basel/CH) Integration of a semi-automatic in-vitro RFA procedure into an experimental setup Stefan Pollnow, Lisa-Mareike Busch (Karlsruhe/DE) Eike Moritz Wülfers (Karlsruhe, Freiburg i. Br./DE) Robert Arnold (Graz/AT), Olaf Dössel (Karlsruhe/DE) Development of a pneumo-tactile vibrissae stimulator for freely behaving rodents Benedikt Hofmeier (St. Blasien/DE) Fabrication of MEMS-based 3D-μECoG-MEAs Martin Deckert, Michael Lippert, Kentaroh Takagaki Andreas Brose, Frank Ohl, Bertram Schmidt (Magdeburg/DE) » Scientific Programme • Tuesday, 4 October « 16:30–18:00 Room Chairs 16:30 16:42 16:54 17:06 EAMBES – activities and EU policy on BME Nairobi Jari Hyttinen (Tampere/FI) Birgit Glasmacher (Hanover/DE) 17:18 Recent EAMBES activities – European Parliament Interest Group on BME Jari Hyttinen (Tampere/FI) 17:30 Round table discussion on BME policy goals and activities in EU and worldwide Jari Hyttinen (Tampere/FI), Birgit Glasmacher (Hanover/DE) Karin Wårdell (Linköping/SE), Michael Imhoff (Bochum/DE) EAMBES overview and its policy activities on BME Jari Hyttinen (Tampere/FI) European Economic and Social Committee report on BME Birgit Glasmacher (Hanover/DE) EAMBES fellows and recognition of excellence on BME Karin Wårdell (Linköping/SE) EAMBES position on EU medical devices directive Affairs Michael Imhoff (Bochum/DE) 17:00–18:00 CDBME Editorial Board meeting Room Miami 18:00–19:00 Conference opening (see page 14) Room Singapore 19:00–21:00 Welcome reception (see page 23) Room Foyer 47 » Scientific Programme • Wednesday, 5 October « 08:30–10:00 Room Chair 08:30 O-OP-25 08:48 O-OP-26 09:06 O-OP-27 09:24 O-OP-28 09:42 O-OP-29 48 Fokus Session Fachausschuss: Bildgeführte navigierte Interventionen Track O: Image guided interventions Singapore Heinrich Martin Overhoff (Gelsenkirchen/DE) Inside-Out access strategy using new trans-vascular catheter approach Axel Boese, Dirk Foerstenberg, Michael Friebe (Magdeburg/DE) US/MRI Fusion with new optical tracking and marker approach for interventional procedures inside the MRI suite Yeshaswini Nagaraj, Bjoern Menze (Garching/DE) Michael Friebe (Magdeburg/DE) Determination of needle axis in in-plane acquired 3-D ultrasound image volumes using stick transform Heinrich Martin Overhoff, Sebastian Schmitt Anke Poelstra (Gelsenkirchen/DE) Development of patient-specific TAVR to reduce regurgitation Markus Bongert, Markus Geller (Dortmund/DE) Markus Schlömicher (Bochum/DE), Tim Ricken (Dortmund/DE) Volkmar Nicolas, Justus Strauch (Bochum/DE) Selective visualization of mammary ducts of sub-millimeter diameter in 3-D ultrasound image volumes Heinrich Martin Overhoff (Gelsenkirchen/DE) » Scientific Programme • Wednesday, 5 October « 08:30–10:00 Room Chairs 08:30 G-OP-07 08:45 G-OP-08 09:00 G-OP-09 09:15 G-OP-10 09:30 G-OP-11 09:45 G-OP-12 Track G: Cardiac Signal Processing Samarkand Joris Pascal (Muttenz/CH), Thomas Schanze (Giessen/DE) Determining cardiac vagal threshold from short term heart rate complexity Rami Abou Hamdan, Andy Schumann, Marco Herbsleb (Jena/DE) Marcus Schmidt, Georg Rose (Magdeburg/DE) Karl-Jürgen Bär, Holger Gabriel (Jena/DE) Classification of cardiac excitation patterns during atrial fibrillation Christian Reich, Tobias Oesterlein, Markus Rottmann (Karlsruhe/DE) Gunnar Seemann (Karlsruhe, Freiburg i. Br./DE) Olaf Dössel (Karlsruhe/DE) An Algorithm to automatically determine the cycle length coverage to identify rotational activity during atrial fibrillation: A simulation study Wenzel Kaltenbacher, Markus Rottmann, Olaf Dössel (Karlsruhe/DE) Deriving respiration from high resolution 12-channel-ECG during cycling exercise Andy Schumann (Jena/DE), Marcus Schmidt (Magdeburg/DE) Marco Herbsleb, Charlotte Semm (Jena/DE) Georg Rose (Magdeburg/DE), Holger Gabriel Karl-Jürgen Bär (Jena/DE) Reducing of gradient induced artifacts on the ECG signal during MRI examinations using Wilcoxon filter Marcus Schmidt, Johannes Krug, Georg Rose (Magdeburg/DE) Automatic detection and mapping of double potentials in intracardiac electrograms Tobias Oesterlein, Alexander Kramlich, Gustavo Lenis, Armin Luik Claus Schmitt, Olaf Dössel (Karlsruhe/DE) 49 » Scientific Programme • Wednesday, 5 October « 08:30–10:00 Room Chairs 08:30 E-OP-01 08:45 E-OP-02 Track E: Bioprinting and Additive Manufacturing Osaka Christian Rotsch (Dresden/DE), Ralf Schumacher (Muttenz/CH) 09:00 E-OP-03 09:15 E-OP-04 09:30 E-OP-05 09:45 E-OP-06 Patient specific root-analogue dental implants: additive manufacturing and finite element analysis Johannes Gattinger, Christian Bullemer (Garching/DE) Ola Harrysson (Raleigh, NC/US) 50 Effect of process parameters on hardness of SLM-Mg material Jasmine Rüegg (Muttenz/CH), Fabian Wohlfender (Basel/CH) Romy Marek, Michael de Wild, Nicola Vogt (Muttenz/CH) Experimental studies on 3D printing of barium titanate ceramics for medical applications Robert Mau, Mark Schult, Eric Buckow Hermann Seitz (Rostock/DE) 3D printing – a key technology for tailored biomedical cell culture lab ware Florian Schmieder, Joachim Ströbel, Mechthild Rösler Stefan Grünzner, Bernd Hohenstein, Udo Klotzbach Frank Sonntag (Dresden/DE) 3-D printed bioreactors – perspectives and concepts Markus Eblenkamp (Garching/DE), Sarah Burkhardt Matthias Schuh, Stefan Leonhardt (Garching/DE) In situ photopolymerized composite hydrogels for implants: application to a nucleus pulposus replacement Andreas Schmocker, Azadeh Khoushabi (Lausanne/CH) Daniela Frauchiger, Benjamin Gantenbein (Bern/CH) Constantin Schizas, Christophe Moser, Pierre-Etienne Bourban Dominique Pioletti (Lausanne/CH) » Scientific Programme • Wednesday, 5 October « 08:30–10:00 Room Chairs 08:30 G-OP-16 08:45 G-OP-17 Fokus Session Fachausschuss: Implantierbare Assistenzsysteme Track G: Technik und Methodik des pelvinen Intraoperativen Neuromonitorings Mexico Klaus-Peter Hoffmann (St. Ingbert/DE), Werner Kneist (Mainz/DE) 09:00 G-OP-18 09:15 G-OP-19 09:30 G-OP-20 Postprocessing algorithm for automated analysis of pelvic intraoperative neuromonitoring signals Celine Wegner, Thilo B. Krüger (Emmendingen/DE) Klaus-Peter Hoffmann (St. Ingbert/DE), Daniel W. Glos Werner Kneist (Mainz/DE) Modeling the pelvic region for non-invasive pelvic intraoperative neuromonitoring Tomasz Moszkowski (Kraków/PL; Emmendingen/DE) Thilo B. Krüger (Emmendingen/DE), Werner Kneist (Mainz/DE) Klaus-Peter Hoffmann (St. Ingbert/DE) Intra-anal surface electrode design for a pelvic intraoperative neuromonitoring Roman Ruff, Jan Diesing (St. Ingbert/DE) Thilo B. Krüger (Emmendingen/DE), Werner Kneist (Mainz/DE) Klaus-Peter Hoffmann (St. Ingbert/DE) Best practice – surgeon driven application in pelvic operations Thilo B. Krüger, Karin Somerlik-Fuchs, Celine Wegner Rudi Mattmüller (Emmendingen/DE) Klaus-Peter Hoffmann (St. Ingbert/DE) Extracorporeal stimulation of pelvic autonomic nerves under non-invasive intra-anal surface EMG of the internal anal sphincter: preliminary results of an experimental study Nicolas Wachter, Daniel W. Kauff, Axel Heimann (Mainz/DE) Thilo B. Krüger (Emmendingen/DE) Klaus-Peter Hoffmann (St. Ingbert/DE), Hauke Lang Werner Kneist (Mainz/DE) 51 » Scientific Programme • Wednesday, 5 October « 09:45 G-OP-21 Minimal invasive pelvic intraoperative neuromonitoring: Novel developments within translational research and collaboration Daniel W. Kauff, Nicolas Wachter, Axel Heimann (Mainz/DE) Thilo B. Krüger (Emmendingen/DE), Hauke Lang Werner Kneist (Mainz/DE) 08:30–10:00 Room Chair 08:30 K-OP-02 08:48 K-OP-03 09:06 K-OP-04 09:24 K-OP-05 09:42 K-OP-06 Fokus Session Fachausschuss: Hygiene und Medizintechnik Track K: Hygiene Optimiertes Design und Aufbereitung von Medizinprodukten Nairobi Clemens Bulitta (Weiden i. d. Opf./DE) Safe reprocessing of medical devices with a view of the entire process chain – the guideline VDI 5700 Marc Kraft (Berlin/DE) Hygenic design and validated reprocessing of angiography systems and other non-sterile used medical devices Sebastian Buhl, Sabine Hentschel, C Werner, Nicole Eschenbecher Clemens Bulitta (Weiden i. d. Opf./DE) Anti-microbial surfaces for health care applications using transition metallo-acids Peter Guggenbichler (Kössen/AT) Cleanroom suitability qualification of a six axis robot system for sterile pharmaceutical manufacturing – holistic approach Markus Keller, Stefanie Boos, Gabriela Baum, Mathias Brückner Frank Bürger, Udo Gommel (Stuttgart/DE) Hygiene Optimiertes Design und Aufbereitung von Medizinprodukten – Design and Reprocessing of Medical devices: How to optimize under hygienic aspects? Gerhard Kirmse (Tuttlingen/DE) 10:00–10:30 Coffe break Room Foyer 52 » Scientific Programme • Wednesday, 5 October « 10:30–11:00 Room Keynote 3 Singapore 11:00–12:30 Room Chairs 11:00 O-OP-07 11:15 O-OP-08 11:30 O-OP-09 Track O: Imaging I Singapore Thomas Schmitz-Rohde (Aachen/DE), Stefan Weber (Bern/CH) 11:45 O-OP-10 12:00 O-OP-11 12:15 O-OP-12 Sensing and IT – Current Advances in MRI Technology Klaas P. Prüssmann (Zurich/CH) Investigation of regional pulmonary perfusion using electrical impedance tomography Michael Kircher, Olaf Dössel (Karlsruhe/DE) Design of complex RF pulse shapes for asymmetric excitation patterns via optimal control Christoph Stefan Aigner (Graz/AT), Christian Clason (Essen/DE) Armin Rund, Andreas Petrovic, Rudolf Stollberger (Graz/AT) Assessing MRI susceptibility artefacts through an indicator of image distortion Alfredo Illanes, Johannes Krug, Michael Friebe (Magdeburg/DE) Computer assisted assessment of bone metastases in the craniofacial skeleton including evaluation of CT-based versus CBCT-based application Cornelia Kober (Hamburg/DE), Philipp Jürgens, Hans-Florian Zeilhofer Britt-Isabelle Berg (Basel/CH) Combined magnetic particle and magnetic resonance imaging of the liver Jan Dieckhoff, Michael G. Kaul, Tobias Mummert, Caroline Jung Tobias Knopp, Gerhard Adam, Harald Ittrich (Hamburg/DE) Influence of tracer concentration on image reconstruction of a commercial preclinical MPI-scanner Olaf Kosch (Berlin/DE) 53 » Scientific Programme • Wednesday, 5 October « 11:00–12:30 Room Chairs 11:00 I-OP-01 11:15 I-OP-02 11:30 I-OP-03 11:45 I-OP-04 12:00 I-OP-05 12:15 I-OP-06 54 Track I: Cellular-, Tissue- and Bioengineering Samarkand Birgit Glasmacher (Hanover/DE), Jess Snedeker (Zurich/CH) Influence of storage conditions on the release of growth factors in Platelet-Rich Blood derivatives Katharina Düregger, Anqi Peng, Markus Eblenkamp (Garching/DE) Cryopreservation of cells using defined serum-free cryoprotective agents Lothar Lauterböck, Jan-Cedric Volbers, Nicola Hofmann Birgit Glasmacher (Hanover/DE) Influence of mesenchymal stem cell differentiation by 3D co-culturing with meniscal cells in an equine model Antje Kremer (Würzburg/DE), Iris Ribitsch, Florien Jenner (Vienna/AT) Heike Walles, Jenny Reboredo (Würzburg/DE) New bioreactor vessel for tissue engineering of human nasal septal chondrocytes Sascha Princz, Ulla Wenzel, Silke Schwarz, Nicole Rotter Martin Hessling (Ulm/DE) Determination of the membrane hydraulic permeability of MSCs Lothar Lauterböck, Jennifer Contreras Lopez Birgit Glasmacher (Hanover/DE) Fluid flow simulations in a porous scaffold to improve co-cultivation of human mesenchymal stromal stem cells and human microvascular endothelial cells for bone tissue engineering Valentin Jossen, Dieter Eibl (Wädenswil/CH) » Scientific Programme • Wednesday, 5 October « 11:00–12:30 Room Chairs 11:00 H-OP-07 11:15 H-OP-08 11:30 H-OP-09 11:45 H-OP-10 Track H: Cardiovascular Implants Osaka Stefan Jockenhoevel (Aachen/DE), Francesco Moscato (Vienna/AT) 12:00 H-OP-11 12:15 H-OP-12 Transient Euler-Lagrange/DEM simulation of stent thrombosis Michael Stiehm, Carolin Wüstenhagen, Niels Grabow Klaus-Peter Schmitz (Rostock/DE) Textile-reinforcement for aortic tissue-engineered heart valves Christine Donay, Linda Schiermeister, Ricardo Moreira Magnus Kruse, Petra Mela, Stefan Jockenhoevel (Aachen/DE) Comparison of the dynamic diameter deformation of nitinol carotis stents during fatigue testing with radial loading Maria Boeck, Frank Kamke, Niels Grabow Wolfram Schmidt (Rostock/DE) A method to determine the kink resistance of stents and stent delivery systems according to international standards Christoph Brandt-Wunderlich, Christopher Schwerdt, Peter Behrens, Niels Grabow, Klaus-Peter Schmitz Wolfram Schmidt (Rostock/DE) Comparison of stented bifurcation and straight vessel 3D-simulation with a prior simulated velocity profile inlet Carolin Wüstenhagen, Finja Borowski, Niels Grabow Klaus-Peter Schmitz, Michael Stiehm (Rostock/DE) Long-term validation study of a solar powered pacemaker Lukas Bereuter, Sebastian Williner, Adrian Zurbuchen (Bern/CH) Rolf Vogel (Solothurn/CH), Andreas Haeberlin (Bern/CH) 55 » Scientific Programme • Wednesday, 5 October « 11:00–12:30 Room Chairs 11:00 11:30 11:45 G-OP-13 12:00 G-OP-14 12:15 G-OP-15 56 Fokus Session Fachausschuss: Biosignale – Informationsverarbeitung in Medizin und Biowissenschaften Track G: Biosignalverarbeitung in der Chronobiologie Mexico Thomas Penzel (Berlin/DE), Thomas Schanze (Giessen/DE) Chronobiologie – ein Überblick Christian Cajochen (Basel/CH) Analyse des EEG bei 24-Stunden Messung Peter Achermann (Zurich/CH) Spectral analytic assessment of Non-REM/REM sleep dynamics Bernd Feige (Freiburg i. Br./DE) Pulse wave parameters for quantification of cardiovascular risk over 24 hours Dirk Sommermeyer (Karlsruhe/DE; Gothenburg/SE) Ding Zou (Gothenburg/SE), Winfried J. Randerath (Solingen/DE) Joachim H. Ficker (Nürnberg/DE), Thomas Penzel (Berlin/DE) Bernd Sanner (Wuppertal/DE), Jan Hedner Ludger Grote (Gothenburg/SE) Heart rate variability in healthy subjects with 40 hours sleep deprivation Thomas Penzel, Martin Glos, Niels Wessel, Ingo Fietze (Berlin/DE) » Scientific Programme • Wednesday, 5 October « 11:00–12:30 Room Chair 11:00 Fokus Session Fachausschuss: Informationsmanagement in der Medizin Track Q: Interoperabilität für eine einrichtungsübergreifende Patientenversorgung Nairobi Petra Knaup-Gregori (Heidelberg/DE), Lothar Schöpe (Dortmund/DE) 11:20 Q-OP-01 11:40 Q-OP-02 Towards a recommending system to establish supply and care chains in the field of medical and social work Marius R. Khan, Sabine Sachweh (Dortmund/DE) Digital health and digital biomarkers – enabling value chains on health data Sven Meister, Wolfgang Deiters (Dortmund/DE) Stefan Becker (Essen/DE) 12:00 Q-OP-03 OpenEHR platform concept for semantic interoperability in project HaMSTR Erik Tute (Braunschweig, Dortmund/DE) Begrüßung und Kurzvorstellung des Fachausschusses Informationsmanagement in der Medizin und des Arbeitskreises Interoperabilität Petra Knaup-Gregori (Heidelberg/DE), Lothar Schöpe (Dortmund/DE) 12:30–13:30 Poster session III (see pages 91 ff.) and lunch break Room Foyer 13:30–14:00 Keynote 4 Room Singapore LED Phototherapy – What’s new? Matthias Born (Aachen/DE) 14:00–15:00 Award Session (see page 16 f.) Room Singapore DGBMT – Prize for Patient Safety in Medical Technology 2016 DGBMT – Klee-Prize 2016 ÖGBMT – Stefan-Schuy-Preis 2016 SSBE – Research Award 2016 57 » Scientific Programme • Wednesday, 5 October « 15:00–15:15 Coffe break Room Foyer 15:15–16:45 Room Chairs 15:15 O-OP-13 15:30 O-OP-14 15:45 O-OP-15 16:00 O-OP-16 16:15 O-OP-17 16:30 O-OP-18 58 Track O: Imaging II Singapore Steffen H. Tretbar (St. Ingbert/DE), Cornelia Kober (Hamburg/DE) Possibilities of ultrasound measurements for in vitro differentiation of bone qualities D1-D4 Susanne Reimann, Fabian Becker (Bonn/DE) Bilal Al-Nawas (Mainz/DE), Christoph Bourauel Gerhard Wahl (Bonn/DE) Focusing ultrasound through anisotropic media Marc Fournelle, Jorge Oevermann, Wolfgang Bost, Daniel Schmitt Steffen H. Tretbar (St. Ingbert/DE) High-speed interleaved optoacoustic and plane wave compounded imaging Marc Fournelle, Steffen Weber, Wolfgang Bost, Holger Hewener Steffen H. Tretbar (St. Ingbert/DE) Shear wave elastography in ultrasound research Holger Hewener, Lukas Brausch (St. Ingbert/DE) EyeGuidance – a computer controlled system to guide eye movements Bernd Köhler, Georg Bretthauer (Karlsruhe/DE) Rudolf Guthoff (Rostock/DE), Klaus-Martin Reichert Ingo Sieber (Karlsruhe/DE), Oliver Stachs (Rostock/DE) Lorenzo Toso, Stephan Allgeier (Karlsruhe/DE) Analysis of corneal subbasal nerve fiber length in mosaic image series acquired by guided eye movements Stephan Allgeier (Karlsruhe/DE), Karsten Winter (Leipzig/DE) Georg Bretthauer (Karlsruhe/DE), Rudolf Guthoff Sabine Peschel (Rostock/DE), Klaus-Martin Reichert (Karlsruhe/DE) Oliver Stachs (Rostock/DE), Bernd Köhler (Karlsruhe/DE) » Scientific Programme • Wednesday, 5 October « 15:15–16:45 Room Chairs 15:15 H-OP-01 15:30 H-OP-02 15:45 H-OP-03 16:00 H-OP-04 16:15 H-OP-05 16:30 H-OP-06 Track H: Cardio Technology Samarkand Michael Imhoff (Bochum/DE), Jens Mühlsteff (Eindhoven/NL) In vitro experiments to characterize ventricular electromechanics Robert Arnold, Anton J. Prassl, Ernst Hofer, Gernot Plank (Graz/AT) Continuous non-invasive monitoring of blood pressure in the operating room – a cuffless optical technology at the fingertip Josep Sola, Martin Proença, Fabian Braun (Neuchatel/CH) Nicolas Pierrel, Yan Degiorgis (Lausanne/CH), Christophe Verjus Mathieu Lemay, Mattia Bertschi (Neuchatel/CH) Patrick Schoettker (Lausanne/CH) Application of microwave sensor technology in cardiovascular disease for plaque detection David Wagner (Magdeburg/DE), Sebastian Vogt (Marburg/DE) Farabi Ibne Jamal, Subhajit Guha, Christian Wenger, Jan Wessel Dietmar Kissinger (Frankfurt a. d. O./DE), Kai Pitschmann Ulrich Schumann, Bertram Schmidt, Markus Detert (Magdeburg/DE) Artificial blood circulatory and special Ultrasound Doppler probes for detecting and sizing gaseous embolism Philipp Stark, Christoph Kalkbrenner, Rainer Brucher (Ulm/DE) Patrick Braß (Krefeld/DE) First clinical study of continuous beat-to-beat hemodynamic monitoring in patients with implantable blood pumps Francesco Moscato, Christoph Gross, Michael Haller Christiane Marko, Daniel Zimpfer, Heinrich Schima (Vienna/AT) Detection of microsleep events in a car driving simulation study using electrocardiographic features Gustavo Lenis, Patrick Reichensperger (Karlsruhe/DE), David Sommer Christian Heinze, Martin Golz (Schmalkalden/DE) Olaf Dössel (Karlsruhe/DE) 59 » Scientific Programme • Wednesday, 5 October « 15:15–16:45 Room Chairs 15:15 A-OP-13 15:30 A-OP-14 15:45 A-OP-15 16:00 A-OP-16 16:15 A-OP-17 16:30 A-OP-18 60 Track A: Biocompatible Coating Osaka Uwe Pieles (Muttenz/CH) Volker Bucher (Villingen-Schwenningen/DE) Biocompatible wear-resistant thick ceramic coating Nicola Voigt (Muttenz/CH), Katarzyna Wozniak, Armando Salito (Dättwil/CH) Michael de Wild (Muttenz/CH) Modification of neural electrode surfaces by nanoporous platinum coatings Kim Dana Kreisköther, Jennifer Schulze, Dawid Peter Warwas, Nina Ehlert Hans-Christoph Schwarz, Athanasia Warnecke, Peter Behrens (Hannover/DE) Protection of active implant electronics with organosilicon open air plasma coating for plastic overmolding Matthias Zeppenfeld, Maximilian Wardenberg, Christin Rapp Markus Eblenkamp (Garching/DE) Fabrication and development of an all-inkjet printed microelectrode array for the investigation of cell-chip interactions Bernd Bachmann, Nouran Adly, Jan Schnitker, Alexey Yakushenko (Jülich/DE) Bernhard Wolfrum (Munich/DE) Examination of dielectric strength of thin Parylene C films under various conditions Andreas Heid (Villingen-Schwenningen/DE), Rene von Metzen Alfred Stett (Reutlingen/DE), Volker Bucher (Villingen-Schwenningen/DE) Open air plasma deposited antimicrobial SiOx/TiOx composite films for biomedical applications Christin Rapp, Andreas Baumgärtel, Lucas Artmann Markus Eblenkamp (Garching/DE), Syed Salman Asad (Steinhagen/DE) » Scientific Programme • Wednesday, 5 October « 15:15–16:45 Room Chairs 15:15 M-OP-01 Track M: Drug Delivery Technology Mexico Simon Herrlich (Villingen-Schwenningen/DE) David Hradetzky (Muttenz/CH) 15:30 M-OP-02 15:45 M-OP-03 16:00 M-OP-04 16:15 M-OP-05 PCL/PLA fibers as a dual drug delivery system for anti-coagulant agents Fedaa AL Halabi, Alexandros Repanas, Marc Müller, Michael Bode Birgit Glasmacher (Hanover/DE) In vitro simulation of distribution processes following intramuscular injection Mareike Probst, Martin Schmidt, Werner Weitschies Anne Seidlitz (Greifswald/DE) 16:30 M-OP-06 Development of smart controlled drug delivery system based on nanoporous titania dioxide coatings for dental implants Philipp Abendroth, Carina Brickwedde, Jörn Schäske, Katharina Doll Andreas Winkel, Meike Stiesch, Peter Behrens (Hanover/DE) 3D printing of model polycaprolactone implants using fused depositon modeling Wiebke Kempin, Christian Franz, Werner Weitschies Anne Seidlitz (Greifswald/DE) Development of delivery systems based on nanoporous silica nanoparticles for neuronal applications Nadeschda Schmidt, Tanja Heemeier, Jennifer Schulze Athanasia Warnecke, Peter Behrens (Hanover/DE) Dermaject – a new medical drug delivery safety device enabling precise and reproducible intradermal injections Markus Clemenz, Michael Kegel, Simon Herrlich Bernd Folkmer (Villingen-Schwenningen/DE) Steffen Baumeister (Donaueschingen/DE), Jörg Kalla Martin Trächtler (Villingen-Schwenningen/DE) Roland Zengerle (Freiburg i. Br./DE) 61 » Scientific Programme • Wednesday, 5 October « 15:15–16:45 Room Chair 15:15 S-OP-01 15:35 S-OP-02 15:55 S-OP-03 16:15 16:45–17:00 Room 62 Fokus Session Track S: Innovationmanagement in Medical Engineering and Scientific Writing Nairobi Robert Farkas (Aachen/DE), Olaf Dössel (Karlsruhe/DE) Composition of inventor teams and technological progress: academia, industry and factors influencing efficiency in innovation processes Friedrich Dornbusch (Leipzig/DE) Empirical assessment of the time course of innovation in biomedical engineering – first results of a comparative approach Robert Farkas, Andrei Alexandru Puiu, Nader Hamadeh Mark Bukowski, Thomas Schmitz-Rode (Aachen/DE) Key success elements for speeding up innovation in medical device industry Christoph Appert (Basel/CH) Wissenschaftliches Schreiben Olaf Dössel (Karlsruhe/DE) Coffee break Foyer » Scientific Programme • Wednesday, 5 October « 17:00–18:30 Room Chairs 17:00 T-OP-01 Track T: Modelling and Simulation – Cardio Technology I Singapore Doan Baykut (Basel/CH), Winfried Mayr (Vienna/AT) Modeling and experimental validation of hypothermalinduced mechanisms in cardiac tissue Christian Baumgartner (Graz/AT) Roland Kienast, Michael Handler, Friedrich Hanser, Jörg Schröttner Theresa Rienmüller (Graz, Hall in Tirol/AT) 17:15 T-OP-02 Virtual electrode polarization under myocardial acute ischemia: dependence on ischemic area and border zone sizes of the exciting electric field Edda Boccia, Ulrich Parlitz, Stefan Luther (Göttingen/DE) 17:30 T-OP-03 17:45 T-OP-04 18:00 T-OP-05 18:15 T-OP-06 Effect of left atrial hypertrophy on P-Wave morphology in a computational model Robin Andlauer, Axel Loewe, Olaf Dössel (Karlsruhe/DE) Gunnar Seemann (Karlsruhe, Freiburg i. Br./DE) Simulation of intracardiac electrograms around acute ablation lesions Joachim Greiner, Stefan Pollnow, Steffen Schuler Gustavo Lenis (Karlsruhe/DE) Gunnar Seemann (Karlsruhe, Freiburg i. Br./DE) Olaf Dössel (Karlsruhe/DE) Parametrization of activation based cardiac electrophysiology models using bidomain model simulations Birgit Stender (Lübeck/DE) Comparison of two spatio-temporal approaches for solving the inverse problem of ECG Danila Potyagaylo, Olaf Dössel (Karlsruhe/DE) 63 » Scientific Programme • Wednesday, 5 October « 17:00–18:30 Room Chair 17:00 Fokus Session Fachausschuss: Biomaterialien und medizinische Implantate Track P: Biohybrid implants – The golden cut between engineering and biology? Samarkand Stefan Jockenhoevel, Valentine Gesché (Aachen/DE) 17:20 Autologous cells for biofunctional cochlear implants Athanasia Warnecke (Hanover/DE) 17:36 Computational modelling for biohybrid organs Sotirios Korossis (Hanover/DE) 17:52 EndOxy – development of an endothelialized oxgenator Christian Cornelissen, Sarah Menzel, Lena Thiebes (Aachen/DE) 18:08 Challenges to engineer complex vascularized implants Christoph Rücker, Heike Walles, Oliver Pullig (Wuerzburg/DE) 64 Biohybrid implants – The golden ratio in regenerative medicine? Stefan Jockenhoevel, Christian Apel, Petra Mela Valentine Gesché (Aachen/DE) » Scientific Programme • Wednesday, 5 October « 17:00–18:30 Room Chair 17:00 O-OP-37 17:22 O-OP-38 Fokus Session Ultraschall in der Medizin Track O: Ultraschall Osaka Steffen H. Tretbar (St. Ingbert/DE) 17:44 O-OP-39 18:06 O-OP-40 3D Ultrasound tomography for breast cancer diagnosis Nicole V. Ruiter, Torsten Hopp, Michael Zapf, Hartmut Gemmeke (Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen/DE) 3D segmentation of thyroid ultrasound images by using active contours Michael Friebe (Magdeburg/DE), Prabal Poudel (Bonn/DE) Christian Hansen, Julian Sprung (Magdeburg/DE) High frequency ultrasonic transducers using soft mold process Sylvia Gebhardt, Paul Günther, Susan Walter, Thomas Herzog Henning Heuer, Holger Neubert (Dresden/DE) Detection and tracking of microbubbles for vascular imaging in oncology Georg Schmitz, Stefanie Dencks, Dimitri Ackermann (Bochum/DE) 65 » Scientific Programme • Wednesday, 5 October « 17:00–18:30 Room Chairs 17:00 J-OP-01 Track J: Clinical Engineering and Hospital Technology Mexico Clemens Bulitta (Weiden i. d. Opf./DE), Jörg Schröttner (Graz/AT) Multiple factors influencing OR ventilation system effectiveness: A comparative study Sebastian Buhl, Clemens Bulitta, Nicole Eschenbecher Sabine Hentschel (Weiden i. d. Opf./DE) 17:15 J-OP-02 17:30 J-OP-03 Ventilation with “Expiratory Ventilation Assistance“ – in vivo evaluation of a mechanical ventilator prototype Johannes Schmidt, Christin Wenzel, Marlene Mahn, Sashko Spassov Heidi Cristina-Schmitz, Silke Borgmann, Jörg Haberstroh Stephan Meckel, Steffen Wirth, Stefan Schumann (Freiburg i. Br./DE) 17:45 J-OP-04 18:00 J-OP-05 18:15 J-OP-06 Comparative assessment of stroke patients‘ upper limb tasks to evaluate a system based on inertial measurement units and fuzzy logic Braulio R. Duarte, Catherine Disselhorst-Klug (Aachen/DE) 66 Pressure-flow characteristics of coaxial tubing systems Christin Wenzel, Stefan Schumann Johannes Spaeth (Freiburg i. Br./DE) In vitro assessment of the effects of high glucose levels on rheological blood parameters Steven Ndzengue, Marc Müller (Hanover/DE) Jörg Vienken (Usingen/DE), Birgit Glasmacher (Hanover/DE) Evaluation of an app-based stress protocol Claudius Noeh, Carlos Fonseca Ulloa, Johannes Mollenhauer Simon Hofmann, Lisa Steinbrecher, Andreas Haller, Michael Scholtes Florian Schudt, Keywan Sohrabi, Volker Gross (Giessen/DE) » Scientific Programme • Wednesday, 5 October « 17:00–18:30 Junges Forum trifft alte Hasen (see page 15) Room Nairobi 18:30–19:30 General Assembly ÖGBMT Room Mexico 18:30–19:30 General Assembly DGBMT Room Nairobi 20:00–01:00 Social event (see page 23) Did you know? Conventus is the Professional Congress Organiser from BMT* * ”DreilänDerTagung“ Swiss, Austrian and German Societies for Biomedical Eengineering 67 » Scientific Programme • Thursday, 6 October « 08:30–09:00 Room Keynote 5 Singapore 09:00–10:30 Room Chairs 09:00 G-OP-22 09:15 G-OP-23 09:30 G-OP-24 09:45 G-OP-25 10:00 G-OP-26 10:15 G-OP-27 Track G: Biosignal Processing I Singapore Christian Baumgartner (Graz/AT), N.N. 68 Image guided therapy of the musculoskeletal apparatus Lutz-P. Nolte (Bern/CH) Vasomotor assessment by camera-based photoplethysmography Alexander Trumpp, Joachim Schell, Hagen Malberg Sebastian Zaunseder (Dresden/DE) Classification of morphologic changes in photoplethysmographic waveforms Timo Tigges, Zenit Music, Alexandru-Gabriel Pielmus, Michael Klum Aarne Feldheiser, Oliver Hunsicker, Reinhold Orglmeister (Berlin/DE) Novel computation of pulse transit time from multi-channel PPG signals by wavelet transform Alexandru-Gabriel Pielmus, Maik Pflugradt, Timo Tigges Michael Klum, Aarne Feldheiser, Oliver Hunsicker Reinhold Orglmeister (Berlin/DE) Efficient design of FIR Filter based low-pass differentiators for biomedical signal processing Michael Wulf (Dortmund/DE), Gerhard Staude Andreas Knopp (Neubiberg/DE), Thomas Felderhoff (Dortmund/DE) Nonlinear causal influences assessed by mutual compression entropy Andy Schumann, Berit Fleckenstein, Karl-Jürgen Bär (Jena/DE) Comparative study of methods for solving the correspondence problem in EMD applications Diana Piper, Karin Schiecke, Herbert Witte, Lutz Leistritz (Jena/DE) » Scientific Programme • Thursday, 6 October « 09:00–10:30 Room Chairs 09:00 P-OP-01 09:15 P-OP-02 09:30 P-OP-03 09:45 P-OP-04 10:00 P-OP-05 10:15 P-OP-06 Track P: Medical Implants/Implant Development I Samarkand Peter Foehr (Munich/DE), Klaus-Peter Schmitz (Rostock/DE) Intracochlear stimulation of the basilar membrane Wouter J. van Drunen, Viktor Hofmann, Jens Twiefel Anatoly Glukhovskoy, Sebastian Beringer, Marc C. Wurz Thomas S. Rau, Jörg Wallaschek, Lutz Rissing, Thomas Lenarz Omid Majdani (Hanover/DE) Acoustical test of a direct acoustical cochlear stimulator Christof Stieger, Andreas Arnold (Bern/CH) Claudia Candreia (Bern, Luzern/CH), Yasser Alnufaily Marco Caversaccio (Bern/CH), Jérémie Guignard (Bern, Basel/CH) Radiopacity assessment of neurovascular implants Thomas Hoffmann, Sebastian Gugel, Oliver Beuing Georg Rose (Magdeburg/DE) Soft and stretchable electronics for interfacing muscle and nervous tissue Flurin Stauffer, Klas Tybrandt, Marc Schneider Vincent Martinez, Martin Schwab, Thomas Kessler Janos Vörös (Zurich/CH) Development of a desiccant based dielectric for monitoring humidity conditions in miniaturized hermetic implantable packages Michael Langenmair, Linda Rudmann (Freiburg i. Br./DE) Juan S. Ordonez (Eindhoven/NL; Freiburg i. Br./DE) Thomas Stieglitz (Freiburg i. Br./DE) Development of an artifact-free aneurysm clip Alexander Brack (Aachen/DE), Sebastian Senger Gerrit Fischer (Homburg/Saar/DE), Henning Janssen (Aachen/DE) Joachim Oertel (Homburg/Saar/DE), Christian Brecher (Aachen/DE) 69 » Scientific Programme • Thursday, 6 October « 09:00–10:30 Room Chairs 09:00 T-OP-07 09:15 T-OP-08 09:30 T-OP-09 Track T: Modelling and Simulation – Cardio Technology II Osaka Marianne Schmid Daners (Zurich/CH), Olaf Dössel (Karlsruhe/DE) Deformation and contraction energy in a simulated human heart Lukas Baron, Olaf Dössel (Karlsruhe/DE) Virtual angiography of complex vascular networks to assist arteriovenous malformation therapy Sabrina Frey, Marius Schwalbe, Stefan Weber Hendrik von Tengg-Kobligk, Dominik Obrist Iris Baumgartner (Bern/CH) System identification of a left ventricular assist device for sensorless estimation of the pump flowrate Martin Maw, Heinrich Schima, Francesco Moscato (Vienna/AT) 09:45 T-OP-11 Differences in tension development due to electrophysiological apico-basal heterogeneity gradients in a computational rabbit ventricle model Robin Moss (Freiburg i. Br./DE), Lukas Baron (Karlsruhe/DE) Gunnar Seemann (Freiburg i. Br./DE) 09:00–10:30 Room Chair 09:00 K-OP-01 Italian Association of Clinical Engineers (AIIC) Track K: AIIC – Developments in clinical engineering in Europe Nairobi Stefano Bergamasco (Forli/IT) 09:30 10:00 The international relatiohships among clinical engineering societies Paolo Lago (Pavia/IT) 70 AIIC – a winning model for membership and partnership in Clinical Engineering Associations Stefano Bergamasco (Forli/IT) Clinical engineering – time for a paradigm shift in education and operations – from cost and technology to strategy and value creation Clemens Bulitta (Weiden i. d. Opf./DE) » Scientific Programme • Thursday, 6 October « 10:30–11:00 Poster session IV (see pages 99 ff.) and coffe break Room Foyer 11:00–11:30 Keynote 6 Room Singapore Multiscale multiphysics models of total cardiac function: From basics science towards clinical application Gernot Plank (Graz/AT) 11:30–12:00 Student competition/Closing Room Singapore 71 » Scientific Programme • Thursday, 6 October « 12:00–13:30 Room Chairs 12:00 G-OP-28 12:15 G-OP-29 Track G: Biosignal Processing II Singapore Joris Pascal (Muttenz/CH), Volker M. Koch (Biel/CH) 12:30 G-OP-30 Semi-automated detection of fractional shortening in zebrafish embryo heart videos Christian Pylatiuk (Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen/DE) Sara Nasrat (Amman/JO), Daniel Marcato (Karlsruhe/DE) Sofia Hirth (Ulm/DE), Markus Reischl (Karlsruhe/DE) 12:45 G-OP-31 13:00 G-OP-32 13:15 G-OP-33 Towards an automatic detection and quantification of urinary bladder activity in overactive bladder patients Thomas Niederhauser (Biel/CH), Tarcisi Cantieni, Michelle Grämiger Andreas Haeberlin, Dominik Obrist, Fiona Burkhard Francesco Clavica (Bern/CH) 72 fNIRS for future use in auditory diagnostics Günther Bauernfeind, Sabine Haumann Thomas Lenarz (Hanover, Oldenburg/DE) Changed central vascular regulation in glaucoma patients Andreas Voss, Cristina Gonzalez, Claudia Fischer (Jena/DE), Eva Koch Niklas Plange (Aachen/DE), Kathleen Kunert (Erfurt/DE) Blood pressure measurement on the cheek Sarah Schneider, Klaus Affeld, Claudia Kopic Ulrich Kertzscher (Berlin/DE) Derivation of the respiratory rate from directly and indirectly measured respiratory signals using autocorrelation Fabian Schrumpf, Matthias Sturm, Gerold Bausch Mirco Fuchs (Leipzig/DE) » Scientific Programme • Thursday, 6 October « 12:00–13:30 Room Chairs 12:00 P-OP-07 12:15 P-OP-08 12:30 P-OP-09 Track P: Medical Implants/Implant Development II Samarkand Thorsten Göttsche (Rheinfelden/DE), Roman Heuberger (Bettlach/CH) Topology optimized osteosynthesis plates – a new approach for patient-specific treatments in mandibular reconstructions Peter Foehr, Constantin von Deimling (Munich/DE) Michael Seebach (Garching/DE), Thomas Baum, Jochen Weitz Marco Kesting, Rainer Burgkart (Munich/DE) 12:45 P-OP-10 The effect of different manufacturing process parameters on the bond strength between Y-TZP and a veneering ceramic Sarah Busemann (Garbsen/DE) 13:00 P-OP-11 13:15 P-OP-12 Adjustable bone fixation of an artificial hip stem by using an intergrated sensor actuator system Christian Rotsch, Gille Katarina, Sandra Hunger, Andreas Heinig Hagen Grätz (Dresden/DE), Christian Schulze Rainer Bader (Rostock/DE), Martin Ettrichrätz, Thomas Töppel Welf-Guntram Drossel (Dresden/DE) New design and adapted materials for degradable implants Janne Haack (Bremen/DE) Enhancing the regeneration of bone defects by alkalizing the peri-implant zone – an in vitro approach Philipp Wysotzki, Anne-Marie Galow, Werner Baumann Jan Gimsa (Rostock/DE) Rapid Prototyping of replica knee implants for in vitro testing Mark Verjans, Malte Asseln, Klaus Radermacher (Aachen/DE) 73 » Scientific Programme • Thursday, 6 October « 12:00–13:30 Track O: Optical Imaging Room Osaka Chairs Christian Bosshard (Muttenz/CH), Jörn Justiz (Biel/CH) 12:00 O-OP-20 12:15 O-OP-19 12:30 O-OP-21 Mapping of functional integrity of brain cortex in glioma patients by intraoperative optical imaging using direct cortical stimulation Martin Oelschlägel, Tobias Meyer, Stephan B. Sobottka Matthias Kirsch, Gabriele Schackert, Ute Morgenstern (Dresden/DE) 12:45 O-OP-22 13:00 O-OP-23 Doppler optical coherence tomography as a promising tool for detecting fluid in the human middle ear Lars Kirsten, Simon Baumgärtner, Mikael Timo Erkkilä, Jonas Golde Max Kemper, Thomas Stoppe, Matthias Bornitz, Marcus Neudert Thomas Zahnert, Edmund Koch (Dresden/DE) 13:15 O-OP-24 3D Local in vivo Environment (LivE) Imaging for single cell protein analysis of bone tissue Carly Taylor, Ariane Scheuren, Andreas Trüssel Ralph Müller (Zurich/CH) 74 A framework for feedback-based segmentation of 3D image stacks Markus Reischl, Nico Peter, Ralf Mikut Johannes Stegmaier (Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen/DE) Heike Leitte (Kaiserslautern/DE), Rasmus Schröder, Ira Mang Julia Portl (Heidelberg/DE) Local binary patterns for differentiation of brain tissue types in optical coherence tomography images Marcel Lenz, Robin Krug, Christopher Dillmann, Nils C. Gerhardt Hubert Welp, Kirsten Schmieder, Martin R. Hofmann (Bochum/DE) Motion artifact removal in optical mapping of cardiac tissue Jan Christoph, Stefan Luther (Göttingen/DE) » Scientific Programme • Thursday, 6 October « 12:00–13:30 Room Chairs 12:00 Y-OP-01 12:15 Y-OP-02 12:30 Y-OP-03 12:45 Y-OP-04 13:00 Y-OP-05 13:15 Y-OP-06 Track Y: Smart Assistance Systems Mexico Olivier Chételat (Neuchátel/CH), Jens Mühlsteff (Eindhoven/NL) Camera-based respiration monitoring Fabian Braun (Neuchâtel, Lausanne/CH), Alia Lemkaddem Virginie Moser, Stephan Dasen Olivier Grossenbacher (Neuchâtel/CH) Contactless respiratory monitoring system for magnetic resonance imaging applications using a laser range sensor Johannes Krug, Robert Odenbach, Axel Boese Michael Friebe (Magdeburg/DE) Interactive monitoring system for visual respiratory biofeedback: Assessment of an air bellows belt Robert Odenbach, Axel Boese, Michael Friebe (Magdeburg/DE) Hemodynamic response to exercise in patients with a left ventricular assist device – in-sights from clinical data and a numerical model Christoph Gross, Martin Maw, Christiane Marko Thomas Schlöglhofer, Michael Haller, Daniel Zimpfer Heinrich Schima, Francesco Moscato (Vienna/AT) Development of a low-cost senor based aid for visually impaired people Nora Loepthien, Tanja Jehnichen, Josephine Hauser, Benjamin Schullcke Knut Möller (Villingen-Schwenningen/DE) Patient assistive system for the shoulder joint Erika Scheuner, Jonas Fabech, Dominik Textor, Roman Kuster Bernd Heinlein (Winterthur/CH) 75 » Scientific Programme • Thursday, 6 October « 12:00–13:30 Room Chairs 12:00 12:22 12:44 13:06 Deutsche Gesellschaft für Chirurgie (DGCH) Medizinprodukte und ihre Evaluation: Umsetzung der Medical Device Regulation Nairobi N. N., Thomas Lenarz (Hanover/DE) Medical Device Regulation – Neufassung Michael Imhoff (Bochum/DE) Neufassung der Medical Device Regulation aus der Sicht des Bundesinstituts für Arzneimittel und Medizinprodukte Wolfgang Lauer (Bonn/DE) Die Novellierung der Medical Device Regulation: hatten die Stellungnahmen der Fachgesellschaften einen Effekt? Ernst Klar (Rostock/DE) Herausforderungen in der Umsetzung der Medical Device Regulation aus der Sicht des Anwenders Mathias Wilhelmi (Hanover/DE) 13:30–14:30 Farewell Room Foyer 76 » Poster session I • Tuesday, 4 October « 12:30–13:30 Room Topics (ID) A-PP-01 A-PP-02 A-PP-04 A-PP-05 A-PP-06 A-PP-07 A-PP-08 Poster session I Foyer Track A: Biomaterials and Biocompatibility (A-PP01–10) Track G: Biosignal Processing (G-PP01–15) Track J: Clinical and Ambulatory Monitoring (J-PP01–02) Track L: Devices and Systems for Surgical lntervention (L-PP01–06) Track N: Functional Electrical Stimulation and Neuroprostheses (N-PP01–02) Track T: Modelling and Simulation (T-PP01–15) Track V: Patient Monitoring (V-PP01–02) Measuring the long term stability of (flexible) multi layer substrates Markus Westerhausen, Tanja Martin, Boris Hofmann (Tuebingen/DE) Atmospheric plasma deposited silicon based organic/inorganic hybrid coatings on stainless steel for medical implants Christin Rapp, Marie Klose (Garching/DE), Syed Salman Asad Christian Buske (Steinhagen/DE), Markus Eblenkamp (Garching/DE) Electro-spun sPEEK membranes for oxygenation applications Magnus Kruse, Christine Neusser, Felix Hesselmann Suzana Djeljadini, Stefan Jockenhoevel (Aachen/DE) Hydrophilization of silicone elastomers for medical applications using polyethylene glycol Miriam Haerst, Markus Ahrens, Cécile Boudot Markus Eblenkamp (Garching/DE) SPR- Analysis of protein interactions on biodegradable polymer surfaces Katharina Wulf, Niels Grabow, Thomas Eickner (Rostock/DE) Calcification protocol for the enhanced in vitro screening of artificial heart valve materials Stefanie Kohse, Niels Grabow, Thomas Eickner (Rostock/DE) Systemic analysis about residual chloroform in PLLA films Michael Teske, Daniela Arbeiter, Konstanze Schober, Thomas Eickner Niels Grabow (Rostock/DE) 77 » Poster session I • Tuesday, 4 October « A-PP-09 A macrophage model of osseointegration Herbert Jennissen (Essen/DE) A-PP-10 G-PP-01 G-PP-02 G-PP-03 G-PP-04 G-PP-05 G-PP-06 Blood damage modeling for a dynamic haemocompatibility testing device Sara Knigge, Felix Lemcke, Benjamin Krolitzki Birgit Glasmacher (Hanover/DE) 78 Left cardiac atrioventricular delay and interventricular delay in cardiac resynchronization therapy responder and non-responder Matthias Heinke (Offenburg/DE), Helmut Kühnert (Jena/DE) Tobias Heinke (Rudolstadt/DE), Jonas Tumampos (Offenburg/DE) Gudrun Dannberg (Jena/DE) A study of ECG sampling frequency and its impact on the functionality of EDR methods Marcus Schmidt (Magdeburg/DE), Andy Schumann Karl-Jürgen Bär (Jena/DE), Georg Rose (Magdeburg/DE) An automatic systolic peak detector of blood pressure waveforms using 4th order cumulants Marcus Schmidt (Magdeburg/DE), Andy Schumann Karl-Jürgen Bär (Jena/DE), Georg Rose (Magdeburg/DE) Pacemaker and electrocardiography measurements in TAVI Jonas Tumampos, Pierre Christian Takam (Offenburg/DE) Michael Gick, Rolf-Peter Kienzle (Freiburg, Bad Krozingen/DE) Matthias Heinke (Offenburg/DE) Combined analysis of unipolar and bipolar electrograms for local activation time annotation near the stimulus site of paced rhythms Bhawna Verma, Tobias Oesterlein, Armin Luik, Claus Schmitt Olaf Dössel (Karlsruhe/DE) Real-time QRS detection using integrated variance for ECG gated cardiac MRI Marcus Schmidt, Johannes Krug, Georg Rose (Magdeburg/DE) » Poster session I • Tuesday, 4 October « G-PP-07 Impaired neuronal synchronization in schizophrenic patients Steffen Schulz (Jena/DE), Borja Cladera Beatriz Giraldo (Barcelona/ES), Karl-Juergen Baer, Matthias Bolz Andreas Voss (Jena/DE) G-PP-08 G-PP-09 G-PP-10 G-PP-11 G-PP-12 G-PP-13 G-PP-14 Preprocessing of unipolar signals acquired by a novel intracardiac mapping system Salina Huck, Tobias Oesterlein, Armin Luik Claus Schmitt (Karlsruhe/DE), Reza Wakili (Munich/DE) Olaf Dössel (Karlsruhe/DE) A fast algorithm for the recovering of an unknown periodic signal in a noisy recording Michael Feiling, Thomas Schanze (Giessen/DE) Level-crossing behavior analysis for seizure prediction in epilepsy Katja Mühlberg, Ronald Tetzlaff, Vanessa Senger (Dresden/DE) Transthoracic impedance cardiography measurements with different monitoring devices Jonas Tumampos, Nadine Schuler, Matthias Heinke (Offenburg/DE) Facial nerve paresis – a real-time digital biofeedback mirror as therapeutic exercise tool using phase based video motion processing Andy Kruder, Tobias Rempel, Nicolai Spicher (Dortmund/DE) Anke Schlüter, Stephan Lang (Essen/DE) Markus Kukuk (Dortmund/DE) Assessment of surface electromyography signals under nonfatigue and fatigue conditions using nonlinear techniques and machine learning methods Kiran Marri, Swaminathan Ramakrishnan (Chennai/IN) Analysis of stress states using electrodermal activity signals and wavelet transform G. Nagarajan, Swaminathan Ramakrishnan (Chennai/IN) 79 » Poster session I • Tuesday, 4 October « G-PP-15 J-PP-01 J-PP-02 L-PP-01 L-PP-02 L-PP-03 A democratic neuronal position estimation algorithm: Let the majority decide Martin Nguyen, Thomas Schanze (Giessen/DE) Camera-based pulse transition time measurement for blood pressure estimation Fabian Schrumpf, Juliane Bauer, Bianca Reichard, Daniel Matthes Mirco Fuchs (Leipzig/DE) Skin detetction based ROI selection for the analysis of rPPG signals in newborns Daniel Matthes, Christoph Mönch, Fabian Schrumpf, Mirco Fuchs Gerold Bausch (Leipzig/DE) Real-time prediction of temperature elevation during bone drilling using the torque and force signal Arne Feldmann, Manuel Stebinger, Kate Gavaghan Philippe Zysset (Bern/CH) Fibula flap registration for computer assisted mandibular reconstruction in craniomaxillofacial surgery Sebastian Kallus, Igor Nova, Christoph Auer, Urs Eisenmann Roland Metzner, Moritz Berger, Hartmut Dickhaus (Heidelberg/DE) A single port robot with parallel manipulators, latest results Sebastian Matich, Carsten Neupert, H. F. Schlaak Peter P. Pott (Darmstadt/DE) L-PP-04 L-PP-05 Multiaxial force sensor for tissue characteristics measurements Markus Hessinger (Darmstadt/DE), Tobias Pilic (Leipzig/DE) Roland Werthschützky, Peter P. Pott (Darmstadt/DE) L-PP-06 Resectoscope with an easy to use twist mechanism for improved handling Axel Boese, Holger Fritzsche, Martin Schostak Michael Friebe (Magdeburg/DE) 80 Marker for estimation of position and bearing of medical devices Axel Boese, Dirk Foerstenberg, Michael Friebe (Magdeburg/DE) » Poster session I • Tuesday, 4 October « N-PP-01 N-PP-02 Chronic High frequency stimulation of the dorsolateral striatum lowers the c-fos expression of cortical neurons Patrick Pflüger, Richard Pinnell, Nadja Martini Ulrich G. Hofmann (Freiburg i. Br./DE) T-PP-01 T-PP-02 T-PP-03 T-PP-04 Mathematical modeling of nanoparticle transport and cellular uptake based on in vitro sedimentation experiments Marie Weiel, Danila Potyagaylo, Olaf Dössel Gunnar Seemann (Karlsruhe/DE) Clinical setup for functional electrostimulation to promote nerve regrowth Karin Somerlik-Fuchs (Emmendingen/DE) Jean-Louis Divoux (Vallauris/FR), Michael Millrose (Murnau/DE) Andreas Eisenschenk (Greifswald/DE), Arneborg Ernst Rolf-Dieter Battmer (Berlin/DE), Rudi Mattmüller Thilo B. Krüger (Emmendingen/DE) P-Wave terminal force is affected by the site of earliest right atrial activation and its proximity to inter-atrial connections Independent from Atrial Size Axel Loewe (Karlsruhe/DE) Martin W. Krueger (Karlsruhe, Ladenburg/DE) Fredrik Holmqvist (Lund/SE), Olaf Dössel (Karlsruhe/DE) Gunnar Seemann (Karlsruhe, Freiburg i. Br./DE) Pyotr G. Platonov (Lund/SE) Estimation of dosimetric parameters based on the KNR and KNCSF correction factors for small field’s radiation therapy at 6 and 18MVlinac energies using Monte Carlo simulation methods Seyed Ali Rahimi (Sari/IR) Doppler optical coherence tomography for noise-reduced flow velocity measurements Julia Walther, Edmund Koch (Dresden/DE) 81 » Poster session I • Tuesday, 4 October « T-PP-05 T-PP-06 T-PP-07 T-PP-08 T-PP-09 T-PP-10 T-PP-11 T-PP-12 T-PP-13 82 Simulation a new mechanism of chaos in single ventricular cell S.H Sabzpoushan, Niloofar Shahidi, Azadeh Ghajarjazy (Tehran/IR) Investigation of pharyngeal flow patterns using phase contrast-MRI Pragathi Gurumurthy, Patricia Ulloa, Christina Kluck Thorsten M. Buzug, Martin A. Koch (Lübeck/DE) Sensitivity analysis on cochlear implants with fluid actuation Silke Hügl, Thomas S. Rau (Hanover/DE), Stefan Griebel Lena Zentner (Ilmenau/DE), Thomas Lenarz Omid Majdani (Hanover/DE) From imaging to hemodynamics – how reconstruction kernels influence the blood flow predictions in intracranial aneurysms Sylvia Glaßer, Philipp Berg, Samuel Voß, Steffen Serowy Gabor Janiga, Bernhard Preim, Oliver Beuing (Magdeburg/DE) A model for simulating electrophysiological features of a hypoglossal motoneuron S.H Sabzpoushan, Ziba Asadnejad Khomarlou, Azadeh Ghajarjazy Niloofar Shahidi (Tehran/IR) Development of a simulation model to assess time in stroke treatment Lisa Katharina Hinteregger, Alexander Lassnig, Theresa Rienmüller Christian Baumgartner, Jörg Schröttner (Graz/AT) Flow optimised design of a novel point-of-care diagnostic device for the detection of disease specific biomarker Manuel Dethloff (Rostock/DE), Marc Dangers Boris Wilmes (Schwerin/DE), Hermann Seitz (Rostock/DE) Improved FPGA controlled artificial vascular system for plethysmographic measurements Daniel Laqua, Carina Brieskorn, Jan Hannes Koch, Markus Rothmayer Steve Zeiske, Marcel Böttrich, Peter Husar (Ilmenau/DE) Deducing spectral information in a µ-CT scanner for use in verified drug transport simulations Tobias Klepsch, Franziska Eckardt, Henrik Botterweck (Lübeck/DE) » Poster session I • Tuesday, 4 October « T-PP-14 T-PP-15 V-PP-01 V-PP-02 Finite-element and network-model based performance studies of a fully implantable hearing aid in the incudostapedial joint gap Martin Koch, Martin Pachen, Uwe Marschner, Eric Starke Holger Neubert, Günther Pfeifer, Matthias Bornitz Thomas Zahnert (Dresden/DE) Mechanobiological simulation of forg gastrocnemius muscle using advanced activation model A. Fethi Okyar, Gokdeniz Yalcin, Namik Ciblak Mehmet A. Akgun (Istanbul/TR) Pulse wave analysis using novel strain gauges Madlen Witt, Dennis Vollberg, Matthäus Langosch Günter Schultes (Saarbrücken/DE) Minimally spaced electrode positions for multi-functional chest Sensors – ECG and respiratory signal estimation Michael Klum, Tobias Minn, Timo Tigges, Alexandru-Gabriel Pielmus Reinhold Orglmeister (Berlin/DE) 83 » Poster session II • Tuesday, 4 October « 15:30–16:30 Room Topics (ID) B-PP-01 B-PP-02 B-PP-03 B-PP-04 B-PP-05 84 Poster session II Foyer Track B: Biomechanics and Orthopaedics (B-PP01–07) Track C: Biomedical Instrumentation/Micro and Nano Systems (C-PP01–05) Track F: Biosensors and Bioanalytics (F-PP01–13) Track K: Clinical Engineering and Hospital Technology (K-PP01–12) Track R: Medical Device Management (R-PP01–07) Track U: Neural Engineering (U-PP01–04) Track W: Personalized Health (W-PP01–03) Track X: Prosthetics and Rehabilitation Engineering (X-PP01–03) Osteolysis in total hip arthroplasty after head and inlay revision surgery Lorenz Pisecky, Günter Hipmair, Bernhard Schauer Nikolaus Böhler (Linz/AT) Direct digital manufacturing of insoles for diabetic patients: New materials and layouts Tobias Ziegler, Jhina Maritza Hernandez Marquez (Freiburg i. Br./DE) Heart sound features usage for classification of ventricular septal defect size in children Alireza Karimi, Kamran Hassani, Hamid Torabiyan (Tehran/IR) John Doyle (Abu Dhabi/AE) Finite element model of the anterior part of the eye for accommodation simulations Heiner Martin, Oliver Stachs (Rostock/DE) Sönke Langner (Greifswald/DE), Niels Grabow Rudolf Guthoff (Rostock/DE) Modeling of red blood cell mechanics Kamran Hassani (Tehran/IR) » Poster session II • Tuesday, 4 October « B-PP-07 Design, analysis and prototyping of a muscle wire actuated vehicle Namik Ciblak, Burak C. Yukselen, Mehmet A. Akgun A. Fethi Okyar (Istanbul/TR) C-PP-02 C-PP-03 C-PP-04 C-PP-05 C-PP-01 F-PP-01 F-PP-02 CTCelect – fully automated singularization of circulating tumor cells from human blood for personalized cancer immunotherapy Tobias Schunck, Michael Bassler (Mainz/DE) Modular measuring systems for individual treatment and care of dementia patients Markus Detert (Magdeburg/DE), Erik Jung, Tobias Leipold (Berlin/DE) David Wagner, Gernot Heusinger von Waldegg (Magdeburg/DE) Marc Nagel (Berlin/DE), Bertram Schmidt (Magdeburg/DE) Ingolf Schlosser (Berlin/DE), Corinna Hartmann (Konstanz/DE) Jacqueline Detert (Berlin/DE) High speed digital interfacing for a neural data acquisition system Andreas Bahr, Lait Abu Saleh, Dietmar Schroeder Wolfgang Krautschneider (Hamburg/DE) Bionic forceps for the handling of sensitive tissue Lucia Kölle, Oliver Schwarz (Stuttgart/DE) Microwave evaluation of prostate tissue from transurethral resection Andreas Brensing, David Brandt, Dirk Fischer Guido Platz (Ruesselsheim/DE) Biosensing of extracellular complexes of glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored proteins and phospholipids as biomarkers for Type II Diabetes Günter Müller, Matthias Tschöp (Munich/DE) Application of electrophoresis to improve spectral analysis of lactate in blood plasma Felix Fiedler, René Gänger, Christian Stark, Benjamin Redmer Stefan Müller (Lübeck/DE) 85 » Poster session II • Tuesday, 4 October « F-PP-03 F-PP-04 F-PP-05 F-PP-06 Novel wireless measurement system of pressure dedicated to in vivo studies Enrique Bances, Antonio Fiestas, Hartmut Witte (Ilmenau/DE) F-PP-07 Spectroscopic lactate determination – an evaluation of prediction accuracy limiting effects Christian Stark, René Gänger, Felix Fiedler, Benjamin Redmer Stefan Müller (Lübeck/DE) F-PP-08 F-PP-09 F-PP-10 F-PP-11 In vitro polarimetric blood component determination in pretreated plasma samples Christian Stark, Reza Behroozian, Felix Fiedler, Benjamin Redmer Stefan Müller (Lübeck/DE) 86 Requirements and design of a fluidic circuit for optical measurements on non-hemolyzed human blood Benjamin Redmer, Jennifer Albrecht, Isabeau Dibbern, Christian Stark Felix Fiedler, Bodo Nestler (Lübeck/DE) A novel concept for optical concentration determination of hemoglobin derivatives in non-hemolyzed human blood Benjamin Redmer, Isabeau Dibbern, Jennifer Albrecht, Christian Stark Felix Fiedler, Bodo Nestler (Lübeck/DE) Preparation of human whole blood samples for spectral analysis of soluted blood components with magnetophoresis Felix Fiedler, Abdullah al Kamran Ripon, Christian Stark Benjamin Redmer, Stefan Müller (Lübeck/DE) Portable auricular device for real-time swallow and chew detection Konrad Carl Steimer, Christoph Zimmermann, Jennifer Zeilfelder Christian Pylatiuk, Wilhelm Stork (Karlsruhe/DE) Optical sensing of nucleic acids at high sensitivity Günnur Güler, Ercüment Karasulu (Izmir/TR) Detection of miRNA using a surface plasmon resonance biosensor and antibody amplification Stefan Schmieder, Janek Weißpflog (Dresden/DE) Norbert Danz (Jena/DE), Udo Klotzbach, Frank Sonntag (Dresden/DE) » Poster session II • Tuesday, 4 October « F-PP-12 F-PP-13 The effect of cochlear implant surgery on balance control Kourosh Roushan, Xenia Siemens, Christof Stieger Daniel Bodmer, John Allum (Basel/CH) K-PP-01 Performance evaluation of a treatment couch used for tumor tracking Alexander Jöhl, Markus Stäuble, Marcial Monn, Marianne Schmid Daners, Mirko Meboldt, Stephan Klöck Stephanie Tanadini-Lang (Zurich/CH) K-PP-02 K-PP-03 K-PP-04 K-PP-05 K-PP-06 K-PP-07 A novel mechanical ventilator for small animals enabling flow-controlled expiration (FLEX) Sara Lozano-Zahonero, Matthias Schneider, Johannes Spaeth Stefan Schumann (Freiburg i. Br./DE) Rapid on-site test of ESBL-producing bacteria Cornelia Hettrich, Eva Ehrentreich-Förster (Potsdam/DE) Identification of instruments and implants with RFID and Data Matrix Codes for the use at the instrument table Lukas Böhler (Tuttlingen/DE) Mateusz Daniol (Tuttlingen/DE; Kraków/PL) Christian Wehrle (Tuttlingen/DE) Humidification performance of three conventional humidiers under pulsatile Bi-Level ventilation Stefan Strohmer (Vienna/AT) A radiobiological modelling and evaluation system for radiation oncology treatment planning Ilias Sachpazidis, Dimos Baltas (Freiburg i. Br./DE) Oxygen consuming lung model Karolin Franke (Chur/CH) Medication process in Styrian hospitals Patrick Hahnkamper, Christian Baumgartner Jörg Schröttner (Graz/AT) 87 » Poster session II • Tuesday, 4 October « K-PP-08 K-PP-09 K-PP-10 K-PP-11 K-PP-12 R-PP-01 R-PP-02 R-PP-03 R-PP-04 R-PP-05 88 Development of a hybrid model to evaluate integrated care in heart failure treatment Alexander Lassnig, Theresa Rienmüller, Christian Baumgartner Jörg Schröttner (Graz/AT) Clinical Engineers improve patient safety in clinical trials Corrado Gemma, Ilaria Vallone, Paolo Lago (Pavia/IT) A sytem for monitoring of hand hygiene in hospitals Lars Bölecke, Johannes Freckmann, Lisa Hoffmann Daniel Laqua, Peter Husar (Ilmenau/DE) Regional governance, planning and management of medical equipment through an integrated biomedical technology information flow in Italy Stefania Bellelli (Turin/IT) Control tower to surgical theater clinical engineer as a leader of productive process in operating room block Matteo Buccioli (Forli/IT), Leo Traldi (Forlì, Modena/IT) How to deal with regulatory requirements – standards and other friends Thorsten Prinz (Frankfurt a. M./DE) Usability in the lifecycle of medical software development Franziska Trauzettel, Michael Minge (Berlin/DE) A case study on performance reliability of infusion pump devices Ali Tavakoli Golpaygani (Karaj/IR), Marzieh Reza (Tehran/IR) Mohammad Mehdi Movahedi (Shiraz/IR) Building medical device ontologies for cross device group risk profiles Robin Seidel, Ekkehard Stößlein, Wolfgang Lauer (Bonn/DE) Influence of different test gases in a non-destructive 100% quality control system for medical devices Manuel Dethloff, Thomas Pollack, Hermann Seitz (Rostock/DE) » Poster session II • Tuesday, 4 October « R-PP-06 Device development guided by user satisfaction survey on auricular vagus nerve stimulation Stefan Kampusch, Eugenijus Kaniusas, Florian Thürk, Dorian Felten Ibolya Hofmann, Jozsef Constantin Széles (Vienna/AT) R-PP-07 High throughput model building workflow for generating personalized models of whole heart anatomy and electromechanical function Anton J. Prassl, Andrew Crozier, Martin Holler (Graz/AT) Steven A. Niederer (London/GB), Gernot Plank (Graz/AT) U-PP-01 U-PP-02 U-PP-03 U-PP-04 W-PP-01 Epidural recordings of auditory evoked potentials in cochlear implant users Günther Bauernfeind, Sabine Haumann, Martin G. Bleichner Magnus J. Teschner, Stefan Debener Thomas Lenarz (Hanover, Oldenburg/DE) Cost-effective, high-channel-count system for impedance spectroscopy Frederick Pothof, Kirti Sharma, Oliver Paul Patrick Ruther (Freiburg i. Br./DE) Piezoelectric effect of PVDF and PVDF-TrFE scaffolds Sara Knigge, Fedaa AL Halabi, Alexandros Repanas, Marc Müller Oleksandr Gryshkov, Birgit Glasmacher (Hanover/DE) 3D Visualization of intraoperative stimulation test results for better target selection in DBS surgery Ashesh Shah (Muttenz/CH), Fabiola Alonso (Linköping/SE) Daniela Pison (Muttenz/CH) Jean-Jacques Lemaire (Clermont-Ferrand/FR) Karin Wårdell (Linköping/SE), Jérôme Coste (Clermont-Ferrand/FR) Erik Schkommodau, Simone Hemm-Ode (Muttenz/CH) Analysis of customized ocular data and wave front aberrations concerning their deviations from generic eye models Natascha Bayer, Nino Hirnschall, Lukas Traxler, Andreas Drauschke Oliver Findl (Vienna/AT) 89 » Poster session II • Tuesday, 4 October « W-PP-02 W-PP-03 X-PP-01 X-PP-02 X-PP-03 90 Prediction of individual aortic root prosthesis size: deformation modelling as an alternative to direct estimation Jannis Hagenah, Michael Scharfschwerdt Achim Schweikard (Lübeck/DE), Christoph Metzner (Hatfield/GB) Automated detection of alveolar arches for nasoalveolar molding in cleft lip and palate treatment Franz Xaver Bauer, Dominik Gau (Garching/DE) Florian Guell (Munich/DE), Markus Eblenkamp (Garching/DE) Denys J Loeffelbein (Munich/DE) Instrumentation of Timed-up-and-Go Test for stroke patients using multisensor insoles Veronika David, Harald Jagos, Stefan Kotzian, Mathias Forjan Anton Sabo (Vienna/AT) ROS-based validation and system integration of two different electromyography sensor hardware for control of mechatronic systems In Seong Yoo, Sebastian Becker, Tien Huy Vu Jörg Franke (Erlangen/DE) Automatic pairing of inertial sensors to lower limb segments: a Plug-and-Play approach David Graurock, Thomas Schauer, Thomas Seel (Berlin/DE) » Poster session III • Wednesday, 5 October « 12:30–13:30 Room Topics (ID) E-PP-01 E-PP-02 H-PP-01 H-PP-02 H-PP-03 Poster session III Foyer Track E: Bioprinting and Additive Manufacturing (E-PP01–02) Track H: Cardio Technology (H-PP01–09) Track I: Cellular-, Tissue- and Bioengineering (I-PP01–09) Track M: Drug Delivery Technology (M-PP01–05) Track O: Imaging, Image Processing Image Guided Interventions (O-PP01–31) Track Q: Medical Information Mangagement (Q-PP01) 3D printing of hydrogels in a temperature controlled environment with high spatial resolution Benjamin Fischer, André Schulz, Michael Gepp, Julia Neubauer Luca Gentile (Sulzbach/DE) Heiko Zimmermann (Sulzbach, Saarbrücken/DE) Biocompatibility of photopolymers for additive manufacturing Stefan Leonhardt (Garching/DE), Martin Klare (Dortmund/DE) Maurice Scheer (St. Gerogen/DE), Theresa Fischer, Burghard Cordes Markus Eblenkamp (Garching/DE) Quantification of the wall shear stress in a Chandler-loop hemocompatibility testing system Antonia Kuhn, Benjamin Krolitzki, Marc Müller Birgit Glasmacher (Hanover/DE) Modification of small-diameter vascular grafts with vascular endothelial growth factor has an advantage over modification with RGD peptides Anton Kutikhin, Larisa Antonova (Kemerovo/RU) Alexander Seifalian (London/GB), Victoria Sevostyanova Andrey Mironov, Amin Shabaev, Vera Matveeva, Elena Velikanova Evgeniya Sergeeva, Evgeniya Krivkina, Yuliya Kudryavtseva Olga Barbarash, Leonid Barbarash (Kemerovo/RU) Compliant transparent patient-specific aortic root phantoms for hemodynamic valve testing Silje Ekroll Jahren, David Hasler, Bernhard Vennemann Martina Correa Londoño, Zoltan Laszlo Madi Hendrik von Tengg-Kobligk, Dominik Obrist (Bern/CH) 91 » Poster session III • Wednesday, 5 October « H-PP-04 H-PP-05 H-PP-06 H-PP-07 H-PP-08 H-PP-09 Automation of a test bench for accessing the bendability of electrospun vascular grafts Antonia Kuhn, Martin Bensch, Marc Müller, Michael Bode Birgit Glasmacher (Hanover/DE) I-PP-01 Current applications of spider silk scaffolds in tissue engineering of ligament and tendon tissue using bioreactor technology Frederik Schlottmann, Kerstin Reimers, Christian Plaaß, Sarah Strauß Vincent Coger, Peter M. Vogt, Jörn W. Kuhbier (Hanover/DE) I-PP-02 Tracer gas analysis to quantify natural convection and atmosphere exchange in carbon dioxide incubators Matthias Schuh (Garching/DE), Bernd Schubert (Erlangen/DE) Markus Eblenkamp (Garching/DE) 92 Foldable blades for a minimally invasive right ventricular assist device Christine Donay, Fiete Böhning, Thomas Gries, Stefan Jockenhoevel Tim Bolle (Aachen/DE) Concept for a miniaturized cardiovascular multi sensor implant Michael Görtz, Özgü Dogan (Duisburg/DE) Enhanced compliance properties of an innovative small-calibre vascular graft Alexander Löwen, Klas-Moritz Kossel, Valentine Gesché Thomas Gries, Stefan Jockenhoevel (Aachen/DE) Automated control of the laser welding process of heart valve scaffolds Antonia Kuhn, Moritz Weber, Anna Lena Hoheisel Birgit Glasmacher (Hanover/DE) Development of an absorbable polymer stent structure for regenerative percutaneous transcatheter aortic valve replacement: Mechanical feasibility in vitro Niels Grabow, Nadine Troes, Nicklas Fiedler, Felix Möder Sebastian Kaule, Christoph Brandt-Wunderlich, Jörn-Bo Matthies Daniela Arbeiter, Wolfram Schmidt, Klaus-Peter Schmitz (Rostock/DE) » Poster session III • Wednesday, 5 October « I-PP-03 I-PP-04 I-PP-05 I-PP-06 I-PP-07 I-PP-08 I-PP-09 M-PP-01 Impact of shear stress on cell expansion and agglomerate formation in microcarrier-based cultivations of adipose tissue-derived stromal/stem cells Valentin Jossen, Regine Eibl, Dieter Eibl (Wädenswil/CH) Simultaneous recording of calcium transients and force production in tissue engineered muscle fibers reveal modulatory effects of Nitric Oxide Lisa-Mareike Scheid, Almut Lütge, Tim Heißenberg, Rainer H. A. Fink Matias Mosqueira (Heidelberg/DE) Development and evaluation of a bioprinting platform for printing cell-laden hydrogels under culture conditions Sascha Schwarz, Julian Blaser, Daniel Baier, Joseph Thaler Benedikt Kaufmann, Manuel Oestreich, Stefanie Sudhop Hauke Clausen-Schaumann, Alfred Fuchsberger (Munich/DE) Biocentered mechatronic multiscale cell cultivation system Robert Fischer, Anja Straube, Mike Stubenrauch Hartmut Witte (Ilmenau/DE) Climate retainment in carbon dioxide incubators Matthias Schuh, Michael Kirsch, Franziska Breuer, David Dillmann Markus Eblenkamp (Garching/DE) Development of Volvox spheres for the co-culture of cardiovascular cells for tissue engineering Sara Knigge, Sinduja Suresh, Oleksandr Gryshkov Birgit Glasmacher (Hanover/DE) A modular expendable Controlled-Rate Freezer for Cryovials® Peer-Phillip Ley, Tim Rittinghaus, Birgit Glasmacher (Hanover/DE) Metabolic comfortin oncology andfree amino acids – perspectives for the use of their regulatory actions in physiological concentrations Nefyodov Leonid (Grodno/BY) 93 » Poster session III • Wednesday, 5 October « M-PP-02 M-PP-04 M-PP-05 Preliminary design of a disposable multiposition flow valve for an innovative multiple infusions system Saif Abdul-Karim, Marko Seiler, Jörg Schroeter, Stephan Klein Bodo Nestler (Lübeck/DE) Adjusting inkjet printhead parameters to deposit drugs into micro-sized reservoirs Robert Mau, Hermann Seitz, Rigo Peters, Paul Oldorf (Rostock/DE) The impact of electrospray driven aerosols on the in vitro transfection efficiency for targeted gene and drug delivery David Hradetzky, Stephan Boehringer (Muttenz/CH), Paulius Ruzgys Saulius Satkauskas (Kaunas/LT), Thomas Geiser Amiq Gazdhar (Bern/CH) O-PP-01 O-PP-02 Self-adapting autofocus function for intravital microscopy using a tunable liquid lens Christian Schnabel, Christopher Schmidt, Edmund Koch (Dresden/DE) O-PP-03 O-PP-04 O-PP-05 Cerebral cortex classification by conditional random fields applied to intraoperative thermal imaging Nico Hoffmann, Edmund Koch, Uwe Petersohn, Matthias Kirsch Gerald Steiner (Dresden/DE) 94 Designing a compact MRI motion phantom Anita Möller, Max Schmiedel, Martin Koch Alfred Mertins (Lübeck/DE) Tissue stiffness of trabecular bone does not change in patients with atraumatic vertebral fractures Johannes Schneider, Matthias Pumberger, Vantte Kilappa Michael Putzier, Kay Raum (Berlin/DE) Classification of indirect immunofluorescence images using thresholded local binary count features Allmin Pradhap Singh Susaiyah, Suhail Parvaze Pathan Ramakrishnan Swaminathan (Chennai/IN) » Poster session III • Wednesday, 5 October « O-PP-06 O-PP-07 O-PP-08 O-PP-09 O-PP-10 O-PP-11 O-PP-12 O-PP-13 Analysis of muscle fatigue conditions using time-frequency images and GLCM features P. A. Karthick, M. Navaneethakrishna, N. Punitha, A. R. Jac Fredo Swaminathan Ramakrishnan (Chennai/IN) Numerical evaluation of image parameters of ETR-1 Shamim Ahmed (Halle/DE), Marian Krüger Christian Willomitzer (Brandenburg a.d. Havel/DE) Golam Zakaria (Köthen, Gummersbach/DE) Transfer characteristics of iterative reconstruction techniques David Heinemann, Andreas Keller, Dunja Jannek (Ilmenau/DE) High-throughput 3D volume measurement of polymer rods Design and implementation of a solution for a high-precision volume measurement of polymer rods with optical measuring technique and subsequent imaging processing Kerstin Boochs, Tim Klippel (Klein-Winternheim/DE) Dietrich Paulus (Koblenz/DE), Heiko Theuer Torsten Vest (Klein-Winternheim/DE) Virtual Template Registration – a general approach to control motion in DCE-MRI Isabella Radl, Stephen Keeling, Ursula Reiter Rudolf Stollberger (Graz/AT) Influence of denoising techniques on the absolute CBF quantification of ASL perfusion data Stefan Manfred Spann, Kamil S. Kazimierski, Christoph Stefan Aigner Markus Kraiger, Rudolf Stollberger (Graz/AT) Blood flow velocity measurements by Magnetic Particle Imaging Michael G. Kaul, Tobias Mummert, Johannes Salamon, Harald Ittrich Gerhard Adam, Tobias Knopp, Caroline Jung (Hamburg/DE) Fabrication of a compliant phantom of the human aortic arch for use in Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) experimentation Larissa Huetter (Karlsruhe/DE), Patrick Geoghegan, Paul Docherty Milad Lazarjan, Donald Clucas, Mark Jermy (Christchurch/NZ) 95 » Poster session III • Wednesday, 5 October « O-PP-14 O-PP-15 O-PP-16 O-PP-17 O-PP-18 Development and evaluation of a web based platform to assist the segmentation of medical images using crowdsourcing Daniel Xander (Muttenz/CH) O-PP-19 O-PP-20 Evaluation of florescent cell image segmentation algorithms for overlapping cell on simulated fluorescent data sets with known ground truth Veit Wiesmann, Matthias Bergler, Ralf Palmisano Thomas Wittenberg (Erlangen/DE) 96 Effect of the number of electrodes on the reconstructed lung shape in Electrical Impedance Tomography Benjamin Schullcke, Sabine Krueger-Ziolek, Bo Gong Knut Möller (Villingen-Schwenningen/DE) Influence of storage technologies to the overall performance of massively parallel cluster computing workflows in intraoperative thermal imaging Nico Hoffmann, René Jäkel, Matthias Kirsch Wolfgang E. Nagel (Dresden/DE) Hardware dependencies of GPU-accelerated beamformer performances for microwave breast cancer detection Christoph Salomon, Sebastian Ley, Marko Helbig (Ilmenau/DE) Intraoperative hyperspectral imaging extending optical imaging of stimulated active brain areas in neurosurgery – a feasibility study Richard Mühle, Martin Oelschlägel, Tobias Meyer Stephan B. Sobottka, Matthias Kirsch, Gabriele Schackert Ute Morgenstern (Dresden/DE) Magnetic targeting of ferrofluids under liquid stream conditions for tumor therapy – simulation and experimental investigations Ioana Slabu, Anjali Roeth, Gernot Güntherodt, Martin Baumann Thomas Schmitz-Rode (Aachen/DE) » Poster session III • Wednesday, 5 October « O-PP-21 O-PP-22 O-PP-23 O-PP-24 O-PP-25 O-PP-26 O-PP-27 O-PP-28 Computer assisted assessment of progressing osteoradionecrosis of the jaw for clinical diagnosis and treatment Cornelia Kober (Hamburg/DE), Göran Kjeller (Gothenburg/SE) Robert Sader (Frankfurt a. M./DE), Hans-Florian Zeilhofer Britt-Isabelle Berg (Basel/CH) Evaluation of reconstruction parameters of electrical impedance tomography on aorta detection during saline bolus injection Florian Thürk (Vienna/AT), Andreas D. Waldmann (Landquart/CH) Karin H. Wodack, Constantin J. Trepte, Daniel Reuter (Hamburg/DE) Stefan Kampusch, Eugenijus Kaniusas (Vienna/AT) Evaluation of open-source software for the lung segmentation Aseel Alnaser, Bo Gong, Knut Möller (Villingen-Schwenningen/DE) Automatic determination of lung features of CF patients in CT Scans Tanusree Chaudhuri, Bo Gong Knut Möller (Villingen-Schwenningen/DE) Image analysis of self-organized multicellular patterns Christian Thies (Reutlingen/DE), Galina Khachaturyan (Stuttgart/DE) Assaf Zemel (Jerusalem/IL) Ralf Kemkemer (Reutlingen, Stuttgart/DE) Peptide-modified micelles and liposomes – carriers for xenon hyper-CEST MRI of blood brain barrier endothelial cells Margitta Dathe, Karl Sydow, Matthias Schnurr Leif Schroeder (Berlin/DE) Effect of key parameters on Synthesis of Superparamagnetic Nanoparticles (SPIONs) Ankit Malhotra (Lübeck/DE), Kerstin Lüdtke-Buzug Corinna Stegelmeier, Felix Spieß, Christina Debbeler (Lübeck/DE) Atomic magnetometers for magnetic susceptometery and magnetic particle imaging Victor Lebedev, Simone Colombo, Vladimir Dolgovskiy Zoran Grujic (Fribourg/CH), Junhai Zhang (Fribourg/CH; Harbin/CN) Antoine Weis (Fribourg/CH) 97 » Poster session III • Wednesday, 5 October « O-PP-29 O-PP-30 O-PP-31 Magnetic characterization of phantom materials by magnetic particle spectroscopy Patricia Radon, Norbert Löwa, Felix Ptach, Dirk Gutkelch (Berlin/DE) Q-PP-01 Virtual reality visualization for neurosurgery Florian Coigny, Nicolas Ganz, Ashesh Shah, Simone Hemm-Ode Erik Schkommodau (Muttenz/CH) 98 Magnetic nanoparticle-gel materials for development of long-term stable magnetic particle imaging phantoms Anne Mattern (Ilmenau/DE), Alexander Joos (Berlin, Munich/DE) Daniel Baumgarten (Ilmenau/DE), Olaf Kosch (Berlin/DE) Andreas Weidner (Ilmenau/DE), Frank Wiekhorst (Berlin/DE) Silvio Dutz (Ilmenau, Berlin/DE) Fast assessment of magnetic nanoparticle tracers applying a preclinical MPI scanner Olaf Kosch, Gael Bringout, Norbert Löwa (Berlin/DE) Alexander Joos (Berlin, Garching/DE), Harald Kratz, Jörg Schnorr Lutz Trahms, Frank Wiekhorst (Berlin/DE) » Poster session IV • Thursday, 6 October « 12:30–13:30 Room Topics (ID) Poster session IV Foyer Track P: Implants (P-PP01–15) Track SP: Nachwuchsforscher (SP-PP01) Track SP: Late Poster (SP-PP02–03) Track Y: Smart Assistance Systems (Y-PP01–07) P-PP-01 P-PP-02 P-PP-03 P-PP-04 P-PP-05 P-PP-06 P-PP-07 Investigations on the integrity of epoxy – silicone rubber interfaces Simone Lauser, Paul Cvancara, Thomas Stieglitz (Freiburg i. Br./DE) Towards reliable and resealable multichannel electrical connections in implants – enhancing conduction and isolation properties in planar contact pad arrays Julia Koch, Matthias Mueller, Martin Schuettler Thomas Stieglitz (Freiburg i. Br./DE) Correlation of thermo-mechanical loads while grinding and residual strength behavior of mixed oxide ceramics for medical applications Sarah Busemann (Garbsen/DE) Proof of concepts study of non-destructive component validation in neural implant manufacturing Paul Cvancara, Kerstin Thiemann, Fabian Böser Thomas Stieglitz (Freiburg i. Br./DE) Observation of failure mechanisms in laser fabricated parylene C based electrode arrays Matthias Mueller, Tim Hoesel (Freiburg i. Br./DE) Juan S. Ordonez (Eindhoven/NL), Thomas Stieglitz (Freiburg i. Br./DE) Powering body area networks with stochastic and discontinuous power chunks Saskia Habermann, Therese Winkler, Konstantin Rönsch Christina Junger, Daniel Laqua, Peter Husar (Ilmenau/DE) Development of pHEMA based diffusion barriers for in vitro analysis of drug eluting bone implants Jan Krieger, Nicole Runge, Azin Baset, Stephan Klein (Lübeck/DE) 99 » Poster session IV • Thursday, 6 October « P-PP-08 P-PP-09 P-PP-10 P-PP-11 P-PP-12 P-PP-13 P-PP-14 P-PP-15 100 Enhanced application procedure of an injectable drug delivery system for glaucoma treatment Stefan Siewert, Franziska Kopp, Michael Stiehm, Sylvia Pfensig Paul Reister, Jana Lafrentz, Friederike Hauschulz, Thomas Stahnke Karen Falke, Niels Grabow, Rudolf Guthoff, Klaus-Peter Schmitz Thomas Eickner (Rostock/DE) Rapid tooling of vascular models for hydrodynamic assessment of transcatheter heart valves Sebastian Kaule, Christoph Brandt-Wunderlich, Leonie Kandler Wolfram Schmidt, Niels Grabow, Klaus-Peter Schmitz (Rostock/DE) Micro-folding polyimide structures for neural implants Max Eickenscheidt, Thomas Stieglitz (Freiburg i. Br./DE) Patient-specific hip prostheses designed by surgeons Florian Coigny (Muttenz/CH), Adrian Todor, Horatiu Rotaru Ralf Schumacher (Cluj-Napoca/RO), Erik Schkommodau (Muttenz/CH) Plasma treatment on novel cage of carbon fiber reinforced PEEK to enhance bioactivity Michael Banghard, Christian Freudigmann, Volker Bucher Kamel Silmy, Alfred Stett (Reutlingen/DE) Deposition of bioactive and bioinert ceramic coatings on magnesium using detonation Oleksandr Gryshkov (Hanover/DE), Nickolai Klyui Volodymyr Temchenko (Kyiv/UA), Birgit Glasmacher (Hanover/DE) Wear of a total intervertebral disc prosthesis – abrasion tests of a tribological system of total intervertebral disc prosthesis with dampening characteristics Carina Micheler, Erhard Krampe (Garching/DE) Peter Foehr (Munich/DE), Miriam Haerst (Garching/DE) Rainer Burgkart (Munich/DE) A highly miniaturized two-axis acceleration sensor for implantable hemodynamic controlling system Dirk Wuensch, Mario Baum, Roman Forke, Karla Hiller (Chemnitz/DE) » Poster session IV • Thursday, 6 October « SP-PP-01 Low-power energy management circuit for intracorporal PVDF piezoelectric energy harvesters Alexey Antsipkin, Uwe Marschner (Dresden/DE) Christian Schulz (Mittweida/DE) SP-PP-02 Influence of proteins on magnesium degradation Sara Knigge, Hans Jürgen Maier, Birgit Glasmacher (Hanover/DE) SP-PP-03 Conformity assessment of medical laser devices Alexander Stein (Bonn/DE) Y-PP-01 Y-PP-02 Y-PP-03 Y-PP-04 Y-PP-05 Textile sensor networks for wound monitoring applications Johannes Wendler, Dilibaier Aibibu, Andreas Nocke Chokri Cherif (Dresden/DE) Smart device based application for minimal invasive spine surgery using mobile tracking Andreas Alk, Tobias Martin Mateusz Daniol (Tuttlingen/DE; Kraków/PL) Sonographic measurement for patient-specific hip rotation using smart devices Tobias Martin, Andreas Alk (Tuttlingen/DE; Kraków/PL) Adrian Goral (Kraków/PL) Joint depth and color camera for positioning of the acetabular component in total hip replacement Adrian Goral (Kraków/PL), Tobias Martin Andreas Alk (Tuttlingen/DE; Kraków/PL) Medical localizer based on Apple iPhone and iPod devices Mateuz Daniol, Tobias Martin Andreas Alk (Tuttlingen/DE; Kraków/PL) Y-PP-06 Integration of electronic components into medical plastic parts by injection molding Valerie Werner, Christoph Rehekampff, Sebastian Dengler Matthias Zeppenfeld, Markus Eblenkamp (Garching/DE) Y-PP-07 Monitoring of daily physical activity in patients with implantable blood pumps using a 3-axial accelerometer Christoph Gross, Michael Haller, Daniel Zimpfer Heinrich Schima, Francesco Moscato (Vienna/AT) 101 » Index of keynote speakers, chairs and authors « A Abdul-Karim, Saif 94 Abendroth, Philipp 61 Abou Hamdan, Rami 49 Abu Saleh, Lait 85 Achermann, Peter 56 Ackermann, Dimitri 65 Adam, Gerhard 53, 95 Adly, Nouran 60 Affeld, Klaus 72 Ahammer, Helmut 41, 43 Ahles, Jonathan 41 Ahmed, Shamim 95 Ahrens, Markus 77 Ahrens, Ralf 38 Aibibu, Dilibaier 101 Aigner, Christoph Stefan 53, 95 Aigner, Philipp 41 Akgun, Mehmet A. 83, 85 AL Halabi, Fedaa 61, 89 al Kamran Ripon, Abdullah 86 Albers, Jörg 38 Albrecht, Jennifer 86 Alk, Andreas 101 Allgeier, Stephan 58 Allum, John 87 Alnaser, Aseel 97 Al-Nawas, Bilal 58 Alnufaily, Yasser 69 Alonso, Fabiola 89 Alt, Marie Theresa 39 Ambacher, Oliver 39 Anagnostopoulou, Pinelopi 29 Andlauer, Robin 63 Andrée, Birgit 35 Andresen, Reimer 37 Antfolk, Christian 31 Antonova, Larisa 91 Antsipkin, Alexey 101 Appert, Christoph 62 Aramphianlert, Weerayot 40 Arbeiter, Daniela 30, 35, 77, 92 Arbenz, Peter 44 Argiti, Katerina 34 Arnold, Andreas 69 Arnold, Robert 41, 46, 59 Arslan, Ufuk 33 Artmann, Lucas 60 Asad, Syed Salman 60, 77 Asadnejad Khomarlou, Ziba 82 Ashouri Vasjari, Danesh 39 Asseln, Malte 73 Aszmann, Oskar C. 40 102 Auer, Christoph Augat, Peter Auwerx, Johan 37, 80 28 46 B Bachmann, Bernd 60 Bader, Rainer 28, 32, 73 Baer, Karl-Juergen 79 Bahr, Andreas 85 Baier, Daniel 93 Ball, Tonino 39 Baltas, Dimos 87 Balz, Isabel 35 Bammer, Manfred 35 Bances, Enrique 86 Banghard, Michael 100 Bär, Karl-Jürgen 49, 68, 78 Barbarash, Leonid 91 Barbarash, Olga 91 Baron, Lukas 70 Barz, Falk 39 Baset, Azin 99 Bassler, Michael 85 Battmer, Rolf-Dieter 81 Bauer, Franz Xaver 90 Bauer, Juliane 80 Bauernfeind, Günther 72, 89 Baum, Gabriela 52 Baum, Mario 100 Baum, Thomas 73 Baumann, Martin 96 Baumann, Werner 73 Baumeister, Steffen 61 Baumgärtel, Andreas 60 Baumgarten, Daniel 34, 45, 98 Baumgartner, Christian 34, 44 63, 68, 82, 87, 88 Baumgartner, Iris 70 Baumgärtner, Simon 74 Bausch, Gerold 72, 80 Bayer, Natascha 89 Baykut, Doan 63 Becker, Fabian 58 Becker, Sebastian 90 Becker, Stefan 57 Behrens, Peter 55, 60, 61 Behroozian, Reza 86 Bellelli, Stefania 88 Benner, Carl-Friedrich 29 Bensch, Martin 92 Bentler, Christian 39 Berberich, Sofie 39 Bereuter, Lukas 55 Berg, Britt-Isabelle 53, 97 Berg, Philipp 82 Bergamasco, Stefano 70 Berger, Moritz 80 Berger, Sebastian 34 Bergler, Matthias 96 Bergmann, Michael 30 Beringer, Sebastian 69 Berlinghoff, Frank 32 Berndt, Andreas 29 Bertschi, Mattia 59 Beuer, Florian 36 Beuing, Oliver 32, 69, 82 Bialas, Robert 32 Biehl, Margit 32 Blanck, Oliver 43 Blank, Ole 44 Blaser, Julian 93 Bleichner, Martin G. 89 Blesch, Armin 30 Blohm, Lars 38 Blum, Manuel 31 Boccia, Edda 63 Bode, Michael 61, 92 Bodmer, Daniel 87 Boeck, Maria 55 Boedecker, Joschka 31 Boehringer, Stephan 94 Boese, Axel 32, 48, 75, 80 Bogdahn, Malte 33 Böhler, Lukas 87 Böhler, Nikolaus 84 Böhning, Fiete 92 Böhringer, Stephan 32 Bölecke, Lars 88 Bolle, Tim 92 Bolz, Matthias 79 Bongert, Markus 48 Boochs, Kerstin 95 Boos, Stefanie 52 Borgmann, Silke 66 Born, Matthias 57, 74, 83 Bornitz, Matthias 74, 83 Borowski, Finja 55 Borrmann, Fabian 35 Böser, Fabian 99 Bosshard, Christian 74 Bost, Wolfgang 58 Botterweck, Henrik 82 Böttrich, Marcel 28, 82 Boudot, Cécile 35, 77 23-27 July ENGINEERING in MEDICINE and BIOLOGY 41st CONFERENCE 2019 BERLIN CityCube © 32017736 kentoh / 86674047 PhotoSG / 77645205 kozirsky / 75073029 Paulista / 72679304 psdesign1 / 86997894 vectorfusionart / 42360588 serkat Photography l Biomedical engineering ranging from wellness to intensive care medicine Swiss Society for Biomedical Engineering 103 » Index of keynote speakers, chairs and authors « Bourauel, Christoph 58 Bourban, Pierre-Etienne 50 Brack, Alexander 69 Brandenburg, Albrecht 38 Brandt, David 85 Brandt-Wunderlich, Christoph 55, 92, 100 Braß, Patrick 59 Braun, Fabian 59, 75 Brauner, Torsten 44 Brausch, Lukas 58 Brecher, Christian 69 Bremm, Rene Peter 34 Brensing, Andreas 85 Bretthauer, Georg 58 Breuer, Franziska 93 Brickwedde, Carina 61 Brieskorn, Carina 82 Bringout, Gael 98 Brose, Andreas 46 Brosien, Kay 29 Brucher, Rainer 59 Brückner, Mathias 52 Bruder, Ralf 43 Brunner, Manuel 30 Bucan, Vesna 30 Buccioli, Matteo 88 Bucher, Volker 60, 100 Buckow, Eric 50 Buehren, Volker 32 Buhl, Sebastian 52, 66 Bukowski, Mark 62 Bulitta, Clemens 52, 66, 70 Bullemer, Christian 50 Burgard, Wolfram 39 Bürger, Frank 52 Burgkart, Rainer 44, 73, 100 Burkhard, Fiona 72 Burkhardt, Sarah 35, 50 Busch, Lisa-Mareike 46 Busek, Mathias 46 Busemann, Sarah 73, 99 Busemann, Sarah 73, 99 Buske, Christian 77 Buzug, Thorsten M. 82 C Cajochen, Christian Candreia, Claudia Cantieni, Tarcisi Cattin, Philippe Caversaccio, Marco 104 56 69 72 32 69 Chalopin, Claire 42 Chaudhuri, Tanusree 97 Cheng, Chun-Yiu Jack 44 Cherif, Chokri 101 Chételat, Olivier 75 Christen, Patrik 44 Christoph, Jan 74 Ciblak, Namik 83, 85 Cladera, Borja 79 Clason, Christian 53 Clausen-Schaumann, Hauke 93 Clavica, Francesco 72 Clement, Joachim H. 45 Clemenz, Markus 61 Clucas, Donald 95 Coger, Vincent 30, 92 Coigny, Florian 98, 100 Colombo, Simone 97 Contreras Lopez, Jennifer 54 Cordes, Burghard 91 Cornaglia, Matteo 46 Cornelissen, Christian 64 Coste, Jérôme 89 Cristina-Schmitz, Heidi 66 Crozier, Andrew 89 Cvancara, Paul 99 Cypko, Mario A. 42 D Danani, Andrea 33 Dangers, Marc 82 Daniol, Mateusz 87, 101 Dannberg, Gudrun 78 Danz, Norbert 86 Dasen, Stephan 75 Dastagir, Khaled 30 Dathe, Margitta 97 David, Veronika 90 De la Cadena, Wladimir 37 de Wild, Michael 30, 35, 50, 60 Debbeler, Christina 97 Debener, Stefan 89 Deckert, Martin 46 Degiorgis, Yan 59 Deiters, Wolfgang 57 Dencks, Stefanie 65 Dengler, Sebastian 101 Deriu, Marco 33 Detert, Jacqueline 85 Detert, Markus 59, 85 Dethloff, Manuel 82, 88 Dibbern, Isabeau 86 Dickhaus, Hartmut 34, 37, 80 Dieckhoff, Jan 53 Diesing, Jan 51 Dillmann, Christopher 74 Dillmann, David 93 Disselhorst-Klug, Catherine 40 66 Divoux, Jean-Louis 81 Djeljadini, Suzana 77 Docherty, Paul 29, 33, 95 Dogan, Özgü 92 Dolgovskiy, Vladimir 97 Doll, Katharina 61 Doll, Theodor 35 Donay, Christine 55, 92 Doneit, Wolfgang 40 Donos, Christian 31 Dornbusch, Friedrich 62 Dössel, Olaf 16, 33, 38, 46 49, 53, 59, 62, 63, 70, 78, 79, 81 Doyle, John 84 Drauschke, Andreas 89 Dreher, Thomas 37 Drossel, Welf-Guntram 73 Duarte, Braulio R. 66 Dümpelmann, Matthias 31 Düregger, Katharina 54 Dutz, Silvio 45, 98 E Eblenkamp, Markus 50, 54, 60 77, 90, 91, 92, 93, 101 Eckardt, Franziska 82 Ehlert, Nina 60 Ehrentreich-Förster, Eva 87 Eibl, Dieter 54, 93 Eibl, Regine 93 Eickenscheidt, Max 100 Eickner, Thomas 30, 35, 77, 100 Eisenmann, Urs 80 Eisenschenk, Andreas 81 Engel, Sebastian 37 Erkkilä, Mikael Timo 74 Ernst, Arneborg 81 Ernst, Floris 43 Eschenbecher, Nicole 52, 66 Eschweiler, Jörg 44 Esterer, Benjamin 28 Ettrichrätz, Martin 73 Etzel, Robin 41 » Index of keynote speakers, chairs and authors « F Fabech, Jonas 75 Falke, Karen 100 Farkas, Robert 62 Faul, Niko 28 Feige, Bernd 56 Feiling, Michael 79 Felderhoff, Thomas 68 Feldheiser, Aarne 68 Feldheiser, Aarne 68 Feldmann, Arne 80 Felten, Dorian 89 Feuerstein, Thomas J. 34 Ficker, Joachim H. 56 Fiebich, Martin 41 Fiederer, Lukas D. J. 39 Fiedler, Eva-Maria 39 Fiedler, Felix 85, 86 Fiedler, Nicklas 92 Fiestas, Antonio 86 Fietze, Ingo 56 Findl, Oliver 89 Fink, Rainer H. A. 93 Fischer, Benjamin 91 Fischer, Claudia 72 Fischer, Dirk 85 Fischer, Gerrit 69 Fischer, Karin 32 Fischer, Robert 93 Fischer, Theresa 91 Fleckenstein, Berit 68 Foehr, Peter 44, 69, 73, 100 Foerstenberg, Dirk 48, 80 Folkmer, Bernd 61 Fonseca Ulloa, Carlos 66 Forjan, Mathias 90 Forke, Roman 100 Fournelle, Marc 58 Franke, Adrian 42 Franke, Jörg 90 Franke, Karolin 87 Franz, Christian 61 Frauchiger, Daniela 50 Freckmann, Johannes 88 Freudigmann, Christian 100 Frey, Sabrina 70 Friebe, Michael 48, 53, 65, 75, 80 Frieboes, Hermann 33 Fritscher, Karl 34 Fritzsche, Holger 80 Fuchs, Mirco 72, 80 Fuchsberger, Alfred 93 Fürst, David 28 G Gabler, Carolin 32 Gabriel, Holger 49 Gaebel, Jan 42 Gallinger, Simon 40 Galow, Anne-Marie 73 Gänger, René 85, 86 Gantenbein, Benjamin 50 Ganz, Nicolas 98 Gattinger, Johannes 50 Gau, Dominik 90 Gavaghan, Kate 80 Gazdhar, Amiq 94 Gebhardt, Sylvia 65 Geisbüsch, Andreas 37 Geiser, Thomas 94 Geller, Markus 48 Gemma, Corrado 88 Gemmeke, Hartmut 65 Gentile, Luca 91 Genzel, Jochen 41 Geoghegan, Patrick 95 Gepp, Michael 91 Gerhardt, Nils C. 74 Gerlach, Gerald 38 Gesché, Valentine 64, 92 Ghajarjazy, Azadeh 82 Gick, Michael 78 Gigler, Alexander M. 38 Gijs, Martin 46 Gimsa, Jan 73 Giraldo, Beatriz 79 Glasmacher, Birgit 30, 47, 54 61, 66, 78, 89, 91, 92, 93, 100, 101 Glaßer, Sylvia 82 Glasstetter, Martin 39 Glos, Daniel W. 51 Glos, Martin 45, 56 Glueckert, Rudolf 34 Glukhovskoy, Anatoly 69 Golde, Jonas 74 Golkowski, Daniel 34 Golz, Martin 34, 59 Gommel, Udo 52 Gong, Bo 29, 43, 96, 97 Gonzalez, Cristina 72 Goral, Adrian 101 Göttsche, Thorsten 73 Goubergrits, Leonid 29 Grabow, Niels 28, 30, 35, 37, 55 77, 84, 92, 100 Gräfe, Christine 45 Grämiger, Michelle 72 Granegger, Marcus 41 Grasso, Gianvito 33 Grätz, Hagen 73 Graurock, David 90 Greiner, Joachim 63 Griebel, Stefan 82 Gries, Thomas 92 Grieshofer, Peter 40 Gross, Christoph 59, 75, 101 Gross, Volker 66 Grossenbacher, Olivier 75 Großmann, Friederike 29 Grote, Ludger 56 Grujic, Zoran 97 Grünzner, Stefan 46, 50 Gryshkov, Oleksandr 89, 93, 100 Guber, Andreas 38 Guðfinnsdóttir, Halla K. 31 Guðmundsdóttir, Vilborg 31 Guell, Florian 90 Guenther, Margarita 38 Gugel, Sebastian 69 Guggenbichler, Peter 52 Guha, Subhajit 59 Guignard, Jérémie 69 Güler, Günnur 86 Günther, Manuel 30 Günther, Paul 65 Güntherodt, Gernot 96 Gurumurthy, Pragathi 82 Guthoff, Rudolf 58, 84, 100 Gutkelch, Dirk 98 H Haack, Janne 73 Habermann, Saskia 99 Haberstroh, Jörg 66 Hadert, Nicole 28 Haeberlin, Andreas 55, 72 Haecker, Frank-Martin 46 Haerst, Miriam 35, 77, 100 Hagenah, Jannis 90 Hahnkamper, Patrick 87 Haller, Andreas 66 Haller, Michael 59, 75, 101 Hamadeh, Nader 62 Handler, Michael 34, 63 Hansen, Christian 65 Hanser, Friedrich 63 Harrysson, Ola 50 Hartmann, Corinna 85 Hasler, David 29, 91 105 » Index of keynote speakers, chairs and authors « Hassani, Kamran 84 Hatzfeld, Christian 37, 41 Hauer, Benedikt 38 Haumann, Sabine 72, 89 Hauschulz, Friederike 100 Hauser, Josephine 75 Heckel, Frank 42 Hedner, Jan 56 Heemeier, Tanja 61 Heid, Andreas 60 Heimann, Axel 51, 52 Heinemann, David 95 Heinig, Andreas 73 Heinke, Matthias 78, 79 Heinke, Tobias 78 Heinlein, Bernd 75 Heinze, Christian 59 Heißenberg, Tim 93 Helbig, Marko 96 Helgason, Thordur 31 Heller, Simon 31 Hemm-Ode, Simone 31, 32, 37 89, 98 Hentschel, Sabine 52, 66 Herbsleb, Marco 49 Hernandez Marquez, Jhina Maritza 84 Herrlich, Simon 61 Herzog, Thomas 65 Hesselmann, Felix 77 Hessinger, Markus 28, 80 Hessling, Martin 54 Hettrich, Cornelia 87 Heuberger, Roman 73 Heuer, Henning 65 Heusinger von Waldegg, Gernot 85 Hewener, Holger 58 Hildebrandt, Thomas 29 Hiller, Karla 100 Hinteregger, Lisa Katharina 82 Hipmair, Günter 84 Hirnschall, Nino 89 Hirth, Sofia 72 Hoesel, Tim 99 Hofer, Christian 40 Hofer, Ernst 41, 46, 59 Hoffmann, Klaus-Peter 51 Hoffmann, Lisa 88 Hoffmann, Nico 94, 96 Hoffmann, Thomas 32, 69 Hofmann, Boris 38, 77 106 Hofmann, Ibolya 89 Hofmann, Martin R. 74 Hofmann, Nicola 54 Hofmann, Simon 66 Hofmann, Ulrich G. 34, 81 Hofmann, Viktor 69 Hofmeier, Benedikt 46 Hoheisel, Anna Lena 92 Hohenstein, Bernd 50 Holc, Katarcyna 39 Hollensteiner, Marianne 28 Holler, Martin 89 Holmqvist, Fredrik 81 Holz, Philipp 38 Hooper, Sue 44 Hopp, Torsten 65 Horky, Jelena 35 Hradetzky, David 18, 46, 61, 94 Huang, Huaiqi 31 Huck, Salina 79 Huetter, Larissa 95 Hügl, Silke 82 Hunger, Sandra 73 Hunger, Stefan 28 Hunsicker, Oliver 68 Husar, Peter 28, 82, 88, 99 Hyttinen, Jari 47 I Ilg, Rüdiger Illanes, Alfredo Illner, Sabine Imhoff, Michael Ipsen, Svenja Ittrich, Harald J Jac Fredo, A. R. Jagos, Harald Jahren, Silje Ekroll Jäkel, René Jamal, Farabi Ibne Janiga, Gabor Jannek, Dunja Janssen, Henning Janßen, Jan-Dirk Jauer, Philipp Jehnichen, Tanja Jenner, Florien Jennissen, Herbert Jermy, Mark 34 53 30 47, 59, 76 43 53, 95 95 90 91 96 59 82 95 69 41 43 75 54 36, 78 95 Jockenhoevel, Stefan 55, 64 77, 92 Jöhl, Alexander 87 Johnson Chacko, Lejo 34 Joos, Alexander 98 Jordan, Denis 34 Joseph, Kevin 34 Jossen, Valentin 54, 93 Jovaisaite, Virginija 46 Jung, Caroline 53, 95 Jung, Erik 85 Junger, Christina 99 Jürgens, Philipp 32, 37, 53 Justiz, Jörn 31, 74 K Kainz, Philipp 43 Kalkbrenner, Christoph 59 Kalla, Jörg 61 Kallus, Sebastian 37, 80 Kaltenbacher, Wenzel 49 Kamke, Frank 55 Kampusch, Stefan 89, 97 Kandler, Leonie 100 Kaniusas, Eugenijus 38, 89, 97 Karasulu, Ercüment 86 Karimi, Alireza 84 Karthick, P. A. 95 Kast, Christoph 40 Katanacho, Manuel 37 Katarina, Gille 73 Kauff, Daniel W. 51, 52 Kaufmann, Benedikt 93 Kaul, Michael G. 53, 95 Kaule, Sebastian 92, 100 Kaushik, Mitra 43 Kazimierski, Kamil S. 95 Keeling, Stephen 95 Kegel, Michael 61 Keller, Andreas 95 Keller, Fabian 44 Keller, Mark 38 Keller, Markus 52 Kemkemer, Ralf 97 Kemper, Max 74 Kempin, Wiebke 61 Kertzscher, Ulrich 29, 72 Kessler, Thomas 69 Kesting, Marco 73 Khachaturyan, Galina 97 Khan, Marius R. 57 Khoushabi, Azadeh 50 Flexible and printed electronics for the life sciences Using specialized printing technologies and functional materials, CSEM develops innovative integrated devices for the life sciences. The processes involved pave the way for thin and flexible systems, as well as customizable and on-demand automated production systems. CSEM offers a range of competencies in printable electronics for the life sciences. Applications include wearable sensors, electronics for vital-signs monitoring, flexible sensors for disposable laboratory equipment and diagnostic devices. | [email protected] 107 » Index of keynote speakers, chairs and authors « Kienast, Roland 63 Kienzle, Rolf-Peter 78 Kilappa, Vantte 94 Kircher, Michael 53 Kirmse, Gerhard 52 Kirsch, Axel 36 Kirsch, Matthias 74, 94, 96 Kirsch, Michael 93 Kirsten, Lars 74 Kissinger, Dietmar 59 Kitzmüller, Erwin 41 Kjeller, Göran 97 Klar, Ernst 76 Klare, Martin 91 Klein, Stephan 94, 99 Klepsch, Tobias 82 Klingel, Karin 33 Klingler, Werner 44 Klink, Fabian 32 Klippel, Tim 95 Klöck, Stephan 87 Klose, Marie 77 Klotzbach, Udo 46, 50, 86 Kluck, Christina 82 Kluess, Daniel 28 Klum, Michael 68, 83 Klyui, Nickolai 100 Knaup-Gregori, Petra 57 Kneist, Werner 51, 52 Knieling, Thomas 38 Knigge, Sara 30, 78, 89, 93, 101 Knopp, Andreas 68 Knopp, Tobias 53, 95 Kober, Cornelia 53, 58, 97 Koch, Edmund 74, 81, 94 Koch, Eva 72 Koch, Jan Hannes 82 Koch, Julia 99 Koch, Martin 83, 94 Koch, Martin A. 82 Koch, Timo 32 Koch, Volker M. 31, 72 Kochs, Eberhard F. 34 Koger, Birgit 38 Kohl, Peter 33 Köhler, Bernd 58 Kohse, Stefanie 77 Kokelmann, Martin 31 Kölle, Lucia 85 Kopic, Claudia 72 Kopp, Franziska 100 108 Korossis, Sotirios 64 Kosch, Olaf 53, 98 Kossel, Klas-Moritz 92 Kotzian, Stefan 90 Kraft, Marc 40, 52 Kraiger, Markus 95 Krajewski, Jarek 34 Kramlich, Alexander 49 Krampe, Erhard 100 Kratz, Harald 98 Krauss, Jens 38 Krautschneider, Wolfgang 31, 85 Kreisköther, Kim Dana 60 Kremer, Antje 54 Krenn, Matthias 31, 40 Kretschmer, Jörn 33 Krieger, Jan 99 Krishnamani, Gopalan 46 Krivkina, Evgeniya 91 Kroener, Michael 31 Krolitzki, Benjamin 78, 91 Kruder, Andy 79 Krueger, Martin W. 81 Krueger-Ziolek, Sabine 43, 96 Krug, Johannes 49, 53, 75, 78 Krug, Robin 74 Krüger, Marian 95 Krüger, Thilo B. 34, 37, 51, 52, 81 Krüger-Ziolek, Sabine 29 Kruse, Magnus 55, 77 Krystian, Maciej 35 Kudryavtseva, Yuliya 91 Kuhbier, Jörn W. 30, 92 Kuhl, Matthias 39 Kuhn, Antonia Isabel Kühnert, Helmut 78 Kukuk, Markus 79 Kunert, Kathleen 72 Kuntz, Lara 44 Kupnik, Mario 41 Kurylo, Agnieszka 38 Kurzhals, Anja 37 Kuß, Julia 41 Kuster, Roman 75 Kutikhin, Anton 91 L Lachner, Daniel Lafrentz, Jana Lago, Paolo Laidig, Daniel Lang, Hauke 31 100 70, 88 40 51, 52 Lang, Stephan 79 Langdon, Ruby 29 Langenmair, Michael 69 Langner, Sönke 84 Langosch, Matthäus 83 Langthaler, Sonja 44 Langton, Christian 44 Laqua, Daniel 28, 82, 88, 99 Lassnig, Alexander 44, 82, 88 Latzin, Philipp 29 Laub, Markus 36 Lauer, Wolfgang 76, 88 Laufer, Bernhard 29 Lauser, Simone 99 Lauterböck, Lothar 54 Lazarjan, Milad 95 Lebedev, Victor 97 Lee, Yuk-Wai Wayne 44 Lehnert, Thomas 46 Leipold, Tobias 85 Leistritz, Lutz 68 Leitte, Heike 74 Lemaire, Jean-Jacques 89 Lemay, Mathieu 59 Lemcke, Felix 78 Lemkaddem, Alia 75 Lenarz, Thomas 14, 35, 69, 72 76, 82, 89 Lenis, Gustavo 49, 59, 63 Lenz, Marcel 74 Leonhardt, Stefan 50, 91 Leonhardt, Steffen 29 Leonid, Nefyodov 93 Ley, Peer-Phillip 93 Ley, Sebastian 96 Li, Tao 31 Licandro, Ginevra 33 Liebetanz, David 40 Liebl, Maik 45 Liebsch, Christina 30 Liljemalm, Rickard 39 Lippert, Michael 46 Liu, Qi 28 Loeffelbein, Denys J 90 Loepthien, Nora 75 Loewe, Axel 63, 81 Loitz, Jan 31 Londoño, Martina Correa 91 Löwa, Norbert 45, 98 Löwen, Alexander 92 Lozano-Zahonero, Sara 87 Lüdtke-Buzug, Kerstin 97 » Index of keynote speakers, chairs and authors « Ludvigsdóttir, Guðbjörg K. 31 Ludwig, Frank 45 Luedicke, Gerhard 30 Lüers, Steffen 36 Luik, Armin 49, 78, 79 Luppa, Peter B. 38 Lütge, Almut 93 Luther, Stefan 63, 74 Madi, Zoltan Laszlo 91 M Magnúsdóttir, Gígja 31 Mahn, Marlene 66 Maier, Hans Jürgen 101 Majdani, Omid 69, 82 Malberg, Hagen 68 Malek, Michael 28 Malhotra, Ankit 97 Mang, Ira 74 Manikowski, Dominique 35 Manzouri, Farrokh 31 Marcato, Daniel 72 Marek, Romy 50 Marette, Alexis 46 Marko, Christiane 59, 75 Marri, Kiran 79 Marschner, Uwe 83, 101 Martin, Heiner 84 Martin, Tanja 38, 77 Martin, Tobias 101 Martinez, Vincent 69 Martini, Nadja 81 Matich, Sebastian 37, 80 Matschegewski, Claudia 30 Mattern, Anne 98 Matthes, Daniel 80 Matthies, Jörn-Bo 30, 37, 92 Mattmüller, Rudi 37, 51, 81 Matveeva, Vera 91 Mau, Robert 50, 94 Mauck, Josephine 28, 32 Maw, Martin 70, 75 Mayr, Winfried 14, 17, 31 40, 63 Mayrhofer-Reinhartshuber, Michael 43 Meboldt, Mirko 87 Meckel, Stephan 66 Meister, Sven 57 Mela, Petra 55, 64 Melzer, Andreas 42 Menze, Bjoern 48 Menzel, Sarah 64 Mertins, Alfred 94 Metzner, Christoph 90 Metzner, Roland 80 Meyer, Tobias 41, 74, 96 Michel-Behnke, Ina 41 Micheler, Carina 100 Miethke, Christoph 32 Mikut, Ralf 40, 74 Militz, Matthias 32 Millrose, Michael 81 Minge, Michael 88 Mingler, Bernhard 35 Minn, Tobias 83 Mironov, Andrey 91 Mittelmeier, Wolfram 32 Möder, Felix 92 Molitor, Matthias 32 Mollenhauer, Johannes 66 Möller, Anita 94 Möller, Knut 29, 33, 43, 75, 96, 97 Möller, Ronny 38 Mönch, Christoph 80 Monn, Marcial 87 Moreira, Ricardo 55 Morgenstern, Ute 33, 41, 74, 96 Moscato, Francesco 41, 55, 59 70, 75, 101 Moser, Christophe 50 Moser, Virginie 75 Mosqueira, Matias 93 Moss, Robin 70 Moszkowski, Tomasz 51 Mottaghi, Soheil 34 Mouchiroud, Laurent 46 Mounir, Christian 39 Movahedi, Mohammad Mehdi 88 Mueller, Matthias 99 Mueller, Peter Paul 35 Mühlberg, Katja 79 Mühle, Richard 96 Mühlsteff, Jens 59, 75 Müller, Angelina 39 Müller, Dennis 43 Müller, Günter 85 Müller, Judith 30 Müller, Marc 30, 61, 66, 89, 91 92 Müller, Rainer 30, 35 Müller, Ralph 44, 74 Müller, Stefan Müller-Putz, Gernot R. Mummert, Tobias Murray, Jeremy Music, Zenit 85, 86 38 53, 95 38 68 N Nagaraj, Yeshaswini Nagarajan, G. Nagel, Marc Nagel, Wolfgang E. Naib, Khaled Narasimhan, Shreya Nasrat, Sara Navaneethakrishna, M. Ndzengue, Steven Nebling, Eric Nestler, Bodo Neubauer, Julia Neubauer, Robert Neubert, Holger Neudert, Marcus Neumann, Ann-Krisitin Neumuth, Thomas Neupert, Carsten Neusser, Christine Nguyen, Martin Nicolas, Volkmar Niederer, Steven A. Niederhauser, Thomas Niedermayr, Anja Nocke, Andreas Noeh, Claudius Nolte, Lutz-P. Nova, Igor Nyilas, Sylvia 48 79 85 96 38 46 72 95 66 38 86, 94 91 40 65, 83 74 31 42 37, 80 77 80 48 89 72 38 101 66 68 80 29 O Obermeier, Andreas 44 Obrist, Dominik 29, 70, 72, 91 Odenbach, Robert 75 Oehlbauer, Markus 32 Oelschlägel, Martin 41, 74, 96 Oeltze-Jafra, Steffen 42 Oertel, Joachim 69 Oesterlein, Tobias 49, 78, 79 Oestreich, Manuel 93 Oevermann, Jorge 58 Ohl, Frank 46 Ohs, Nicholas 44 Okyar, A. Fethi 83, 85 Oldorf, Paul 94 109 » Index of keynote speakers, chairs and authors « Opitz, Thomas 41 Ordonez, Juan S. 69, 99 Orglmeister, Reinhold 68, 83 Osman, Jan 29 Otten, Christian 35 Overhoff, Heinrich Martin 48 P Pachen, Martin 83 Palmisano, Ralf 96 Parlitz, Ulrich 63 Pascal, Joris 49, 72 Pathan, Suhail Parvaze 43, 94 Paul, Oliver 39, 89 Paulus, Dietrich 95 Peng, Anqi 54 Penzel, Thomas 56 Peschel, Sabine 58 Peter, Nico 74 Peter, Haig Alexander 28 Peters, Rigo 94 Petersohn, Uwe 94 Petrovic, Andreas 53 Pfeifer, Günther 83 Pfensig, Sylvia 30, 100 Pflüger, Patrick 81 Pflugradt, Maik 68 Piechotta, Gundula 38 Pieles, Uwe 60 Pielmus, Alexandru-Gabriel 68 83 Pierrel, Nicolas 59 Pilic, Tobias 80 Pinnell, Richard 81 Pioletti, Dominique 18, 50 Piper, Diana 68 Pisecky, Lorenz 84 Pison, Daniela 89 Pitschmann, Kai 59 Plaaß, Christian 92 Plange, Niklas 72 Plank, Gernot 33, 59, 71, 89 Platonov, Pyotr G. 81 Platz, Guido 85 Poelstra, Anke 48 Pollack, Thomas 88 Pollnow, Stefan 38, 46, 63 Portl, Julia 74 Pothof, Frederick 89 Pothof, Fredrick 39 Pott, Peter P. 28, 37, 80 Potyagaylo, Danila 63, 81 110 Poudel, Prabal Prassl, Anton J. Preim, Bernhard Princz, Sascha Prinz, Thorsten Probst, Mareike Proença, Martin Prüssmann, Klaas P. Ptach, Felix Pude, Frank Puiu, Andrei Alexandru Pullig, Oliver Pumberger, Matthias Punitha, N. Putzier, Michael Pylatiuk, Christian Q Quandt, Fanny 65 59, 89 82 54 88 61 59 53 98 41 62 64 94 95 94 72, 86 31 R Radermacher, Klaus 32, 73 Radl, Isabella 95 Radon, Patricia 98 Rahim, Muhammad Imran 35 Rahimi, Seyed Ali 81 Rajabi, Taleieh 38 Ramakrishnan, Swaminathan 43, 79, 95 Randerath, Winfried J. 56 Ranft, Andreas 34 Ranner, Sigrid 40 Rapp, Christin 60, 77 Rau, Thomas S. 69, 82 Raum, Kay 94 Rausch, Andreas 43 Reboredo, Jenny 54 Redmer, Benjamin 85, 86 Rehekampff, Christoph 101 Reich, Christian 49 Reichard, Bianca 80 Reichensperger, Patrick 59 Reichert, Klaus-Martin 58 Reimann, Susanne 58 Reimers, Kerstin 30, 92 Reinert, Aljoscha 31 Reisacher, Markus 39 Reischl, Markus 40, 72, 74 Reisgen, Uwe 35 Reishofer, Gernot 41 Reister, Paul 100 Reiter, Ursula 95 Remmer, Hilke 45 Rempel, Tobias 79 Repanas, Alexandros 61, 89 Reuter, Daniel 97 Reuter, Thomas 44 Reza, Marzieh 88 Ribitsch, Iris 54 Ricken, Tim 48 Riedlinger, Axel 33 Rienmüller, Theresa 63, 82, 88 Ringenbach, Alex 43 Rissing, Lutz 69 Rittinghaus, Tim 93 Rockstroh, Max 42 Roeth, Anjali 96 Rohde, Manfred 35 Röhr, Udo 28 Rönsch, Konstantin 99 Rose, Georg 32, 49, 69, 78 Rösler, Mechthild 50 Rotaru, Horatiu 100 Rotermund, Hanna 42 Rothmayer, Markus 82 Rotsch, Christian 50, 73 Rotter, Nicole 54 Rottmann, Markus 33, 49 Roushan, Kourosh 87 Rücker, Christoph 64 Rudmann, Linda 39, 69 Rudorf, Sandra 31 Rüegg, Jasmine 50 Ruff, Roman 51 Ruiter, Nicole V. 65 Rund, Armin 53 Runge, Nicole 99 Rupp, Rüdiger 40 Ruther, Patrick 39, 89 Ruzgys, Paulius 94 S Saba, Rami Sabo, Anton Sabzpoushan, S.H Sachpazidis, Ilias Sachweh, Sabine Sader, Robert Sahmel, Olga Salamon, Johannes Salito, Armando Salomon, Christoph Sander-Thömmes, Tilmann Sanner, Bernd 34 90 82 87 57 97 35 95 60 96 45 56 » Index of keynote speakers, chairs and authors « Satkauskas, Saulius 94 Sayed Herbawi, Abdalrahmen 39 Schacher, Felix H. 45 Schackel, Thomas 30 Schackert, Gabriele 74, 96 Schanze, Thomas 41, 43, 49 56, 79, 80 Scharfschwerdt, Michael 90 Schäske, Jörn 61 Schauer, Bernhard 84 Schauer, Thomas 90 Scheel, Mathias 29 Scheer, Maurice 91 Scheid, Lisa-Mareike 93 Schell, Joachim 68 Scheuner, Erika 75 Scheuren, Ariane 74 Schiecke, Karin 68 Schier, Peter 34 Schiermeister, Linda 55 Schima, Heinrich 41, 59, 70 75, 101 Schizas, Constantin 50 Schkommodau, Erik 32, 89, 98, 100 Schlaak, H. F. 80 Schlamelcher, Jan 42 Schlöglhofer, Thomas 75 Schlömicher, Markus 48 Schlosser, Ingolf 85 Schlottmann, Frederik 30, 92 Schlüter, Anke 79 Schmalenberg, Michael 38 Schmid Daners, Marianne 70, 87 Schmidt, Bertram 46, 59, 85 Schmidt, Christopher 94 Schmidt, Johannes 66 Schmidt, Marcus 49, 78 Schmidt, Martin 61 Schmidt, Nadeschda 61 Schmidt, Ulrike 38 Schmidt, Wolfram 37, 55, 92 100 Schmiedel, Max 94 Schmieder, Florian 50 Schmieder, Kirsten 74 Schmieder, Stefan 86 Schmitt, Claus 49, 78, 79 Schmitt, Daniel 58 Schmitt, Sebastian 48 Schmitz, Georg 65 Schmitz, Klaus-Peter 28, 30, 35 37, 55, 69, 92, 100 Schmitz-Rode, Thomas 62, 96 Schmocker, Andreas 50 Schnabel, Christian 94 Schneider, Andreas 32 Schneider, Carola 41 Schneider, Gerhard 34 Schneider, Johannes 94 Schneider, Marc 69 Schneider, Matthias 87 Schneider, Sarah 72 Schnitker, Jan 60 Schnorr, Jörg 98 Schnurr, Matthias 97 Schober, Konstanze 77 Schoettker, Patrick 59 Schoft, Julia 35 Scholtes, Michael 66 Schöpe, Lothar 57 Schostak, Martin 80 Schreiter, Matthias 38 Schrempf, Andreas 28 Schröder, Rasmus 74 Schrödl, Falk 28 Schroeder, Dietmar 31, 85 Schroeder, Leif 97 Schroeter, Jörg 94 Schrott-Fischer, Anneliese 34 Schröttner, Jörg 40, 44, 63, 66 82, 87, 88 Schrumpf, Fabian 72, 80 Schubert, Bernd 92 Schubert, Rainer 34 Schudt, Florian 66 Schuettler, Martin 99 Schuh, Matthias 50, 92, 93 Schuler, Nadine 79 Schuler, Steffen 63 Schullcke, Benjamin 29, 43, 75 96 Schult, Mark 50 Schultes, Günter 83 Schulz, André 91 Schulz, Christian 73, 101 Schulz, Steffen 79 Schulze, Christian 73 Schulze, Jennifer 60, 61 Schulze-Bonhage, Andreas31, 39 Schumacher, Ralf 50, 100 Schumann, Andy 49, 68, 78 Schumann, Stefan 66, 87 Schumann, Ulrich 59 Schümann, Kerstin 28, 35 Schunck, Tobias 85 Schwab, Martin 69 Schwaerzle, Michael 39 Schwalbe, Marius 70 Schwarz, Hans-Christoph 60 Schwarz, Oliver 85 Schwarz, Sascha 93 Schwarz, Silke 54 Schweikard, Achim 43, 90 Schwerdt, Christopher 55 Sedivy, Roland 43 Seebach, Michael 73 Seel, Thomas 40, 90 Seemann, Gunnar 33, 49, 63 70, 81 Seidel, Robin 88 Seidlitz, Anne 33, 61 Seifalian, Alexander 91 Seiler, Marko 94 Seitz, Hermann 50, 82, 88, 94 Seitz, Jan-Marten 35 Semm, Charlotte 49 Senger, Sebastian 69 Senger, Vanessa 79 Sergeeva, Evgeniya 91 Serowy, Steffen 82 Sesia, Sergio 46 Seufert, Peter 40 Sevostyanova, Victoria 91 Shabaev, Amin 91 Shah, Ashesh 89, 98 Shahidi, Niloofar 82 Sharma, Kirti 89 Shashanka, S. Rao 43 Sieber, Ingo 58 Siemens, Xenia 87 Siewert, Stefan 100 Silmy, Kamel 100 Simanski, Olaf 29 Siroros, Nad 44 Slabu, Ioana 96 Snedeker, Jess 54 Sobottka, Stephan B. 74, 96 Sohrabi, Keywan 66 Sola, Josep 59 Somerlik-Fuchs, Karin 51, 81 Sommer, David 34, 59 Sommermeyer, Dirk 56 Sonntag, Frank 46, 50, 86 Sorrentino, Vincenzo 46 111 » Index of keynote speakers, chairs and authors « Spaeth, Johannes 66, 87 Spann, Stefan Manfred 95 Spassov, Sashko 66 Spicher, Nicolai 79 Spieß, Felix 97 Sprung, Julian 65 Stachs, Oliver 58, 84 Stahnke, Thomas 100 Stark, Christian 85, 86 Stark, Philipp 59 Starke, Eric 83 Stäuble, Markus 87 Staude, Gerhard 68 Stauffer, Flurin 69 Stebinger, Manuel 80 Steege, Tobias 46 Stefanova, Nataliya 41 Stegelmeier, Corinna 97 Stegmaier, Johannes 74 Steimer, Konrad Carl 86 Stein, Sandra 33 Stein, Alexander 101 Steinbrecher, Lisa 66 Steiner, Gerald 94 Steinhoff, Uwe 45 Stender, Birgit 63 Stephan, Daniel 28 Stett, Alfred 60, 100 Stieger, Christof 69, 87 Stieglitz, Thomas 31, 39, 69 99, 100 Stiehm, Michael 55, 100 Stiesch, Meike 61 Stockmanns, Gudrun 34 Stodtmeister, Richard 41 Stoehr, Matthaeus 42 Stoiber, Martin 41 Stollberger, Rudolf 43, 53, 95 Stoppe, Thomas 74 Stork, Wilhelm 86 Stößlein, Ekkehard 88 Straube, Anja 93 Strauch, Justus 48 Strauß, Sarah 30, 92 Ströbel, Joachim 50 Strohmer, Stefan 87 Stubenrauch, Mike 93 Sturm, Matthias 72 Sudhop, Stefanie 93 Suresh, Sinduja 93 Susaiyah, Allmin Pradhap Singh 94 112 Swaminathan, Ramakrishnan 94 Sydow, Karl 97 Széles, Jozsef Constantin 89 T Takagaki, Kentaroh Takam, Pierre Christian Tanadini-Lang, Stephanie Tavakoli Golpaygani, Ali Taylor, Carly Tegtmeier, Katharina Temchenk, Volodymyr Teschner, Magnus J. Teske, Michael Tetzlaff, Ronald Textor, Dominik Thaler, Joseph Theiß, Marie Theuer, Heiko Thiebes, Lena Thiele, Julius Thiemann, Kerstin Thieringer, Florian Thies, Christian Thürk, Florian Tigges, Timo Tilp, Andreas Todor, Adrian Töllner, Philip Töppel, Thomas Torabiyan, Hamid Toso, Lorenzo Trächtler, Martin Trahms, Lutz Traldi, Leo Trauzettel, Franziska Traxler, Lukas Trepte, Constantin J. Tretbar, Steffen H. Trimpe, Sebastian Troes, Nadine Tronnier, Helena Trumpp, Alexander Trüssel, Andreas Tschöp, Matthias Tumampos, Jonas Tute, Erik Twiefel, Jens Tybrandt, Klas U Ulloa, Patricia 46 78 87 88 74 35 100 89 77 79 75 93 45 95 64 40 99 44 97 89, 97 68, 83 40 100 40 73 84 58 61 98 88 88 89 97 58, 65 40 92 37 68 74 85 78, 79 57 69 69 82 Unger, Michael Urban, Gerald 42 30, 46 V Vallone, Ilaria 88 van Drunen, Wouter J. 69 Vargas Luna, José Luis 31 Veauthier, Christian 45 Velikanova, Elena 91 Vennemann, Bernhard 91 Verjans, Mark 44, 73 Verjus, Christophe 59 Verma, Bhawna 78 Vest, Torsten 95 Vidakovic, Zoran 28 Vienken, Jörg 66 Voelker, Wolfram 41 Vogel, Rolf 55 Vogt, Nicola 50 Vogt, Peter M. 30, 92 Vogt, Sebastian 59 Volbers, Jan-Cedric 54 Völker, Martin 39 Vollberg, Dennis 83 von Deimling, Constantin 44, 73 von der Lühe, Moritz 45 von Elverfeldt, Dominik 41 von Metzen, Rene 60 von Tengg-Kobligk, Hendrik70, 91 Vörös, Janos 69 Voss, Andreas 28, 72, 79 Voß, Samuel 82 Vu, Tien Huy 90 W Wachter, Nicolas 51, 52 Wadle, Simon 38 Wagner, David 59, 85 Wahl, Gerhard 58 Wakili, Reza 79 Waldmann, Andreas D. 97 Wallaschek, Jörg 69 Walles, Heike 54, 64 Wallrabe, Ulrike 39 Walter, Susan 65 Walther, Julia 81 Wapler, Matthias 39 Wårdell, Karin 37, 47, 89 Wardenberg, Maximilian 60 Warnecke, Athanasia 60, 61, 64 Warwas, Dawid Peter 60 Wearing, Scott 44 » Index of keynote speakers, chairs and authors « Weber, Moritz Weber, Peter Weber, Stefan Weber, Steffen Weber, Franz Wegner, Celine Wehrle, Christian Weidner, Andreas Weidner, Norbert Weiel, Marie Weihberger, Oliver Weis, Antoine Weißpflog, Janek Weitschies, Werner Weitz, Jochen Welp, Hubert Wendler, Johannes Wenger, Christian Wenzel, Christin Wenzel, Ulla Werner, C Werner, Valerie Werthschützky, Roland Wessel, Jan Wessel, Niels Westerhausen, Markus Wieding, Jan Wiekhorst, Frank Wiesmann, Veit Wilhelmi, Mathias 92 32 53, 70 58 30 51 87 45, 98 30 81 37 97 86 33, 61 73 74 101 59 66 54 52 101 28, 37 41, 80 59 56 38, 77 28 45, 98 96 76 Williner, Sebastian Willomitzer, Christian Wilmes, Boris Winkel, Andreas Winkler, Therese Winkler, Tilo Winter, Karsten Wirth, Steffen Witt, Madlen Witte, Hartmut Witte, Herbert Wittenberg, Thomas Wodack, Karin H. Wohlfender, Fabian Woias, Peter Wojdziak, Jan Wolfrum, Bernhard Wozniak, Katarzyna Wrobel, Walter G. Wuensch, Dirk Wulf, Katharina Wulf, Michael Wülfers, Eike Moritz Wurz, Marc C. Wüstenhagen, Carolin Wysotzki, Philipp Wyss Balmer, Thomas X Xander, Daniel 55 95 82 61 99 41 58 66 83 86, 93 68 96 97 50 31 42 60 60 31 100 77 68 33, 46 69 55 73 32 96 Y Yakushenko, Alexey Yalcin, Gokdeniz Yoo, In Seong Yukselen, Burak C. 60 83 90 85 Z Zahnert, Thomas 74, 83 Zakaria, Golam 95 Zapf, Michael 65 Zaunseder, Sebastian 68 Zehnle, Steffen 38 Zeilfelder, Jennifer 86 Zeilhofer, Hans-Florian 53, 97 Zeiske, Steve 82 Zemel, Assaf 97 Zengerle, Roland 61 Zentner, Lena 82 Zeppenfeld, Matthias 60, 101 Zhang, Junhai 97 Zhao, Zhanqi 29 Zidowitz, Stephan 42 Ziegler, Tobias 84 Zimmermann, Christoph 86 Zimmermann, Heiko 91 Zimpfer, Daniel 59, 75, 101 Zou, Ding 56 Zsigmond, Peter 37 Zurbuchen, Adrian 55 Zürn, Jannik 33 Zylka, Waldemar 28 Zysset, Philippe 80 113 » Notes « 114 IHR STRATEGISCHER PARTNER füR LIfE-SCIENCES-APPLIkATIoNEN Von der Schraubfallanalyse und Prozessoptimierung bis hin zum richtigen Werkzeug: Wir unterstützen Sie in der Planung und dem Proto typenbau genauso wie in der Serienfertigung und Qualitätssicherung. Atlas Copco Tools Central Europe GmbH [email protected] Medical device technologies CSEM’s research in the digital health domain ranges from innovative sensing technology for monitoring human vital signs to bio-signal processing. Our expert teams develop sensing and processing technologies in embedded, continuous, on-body diagnostic systems. Extreme electronics miniaturization and ultra-low-power connectivity are among CSEM’s flagship technologies in this field. | [email protected]
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