Alyssa Schneebaum Curriculum Vitae WU Wien Vienna University of Economics and Business Department of Economics Welthandelsplatz 1 1020 Vienna :: Austria +43 1 31336 - 5936 [email protected] Current Affiliations Hertha Firnberg Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, Department of Economics, Vienna University of Economics and Business Consultant, The Williams Institute, UCLA External Lecturer, University of Vienna Research Interests Labor Economics; Applied Microeconometrics; Gender in the Economy; Economics of Inequality Education Ph.D., Economics, University of Massachusetts-Amherst, 2013 Dissertation Fields: Labor Economics; Applied Microeconometrics; Economics of the Family Graduate Certificate, Advanced Feminist Studies, University of Massachusetts-Amherst, 2013 M.A., Economics, University of Massachusetts-Amherst, 2011 Bachelor’s Degrees in Economics and Gender Studies, Bucknell University, 2006 Publications in Peer-Reviewed Journals 1. Schneebaum, Alyssa, Miriam Rehm, Katharina Mader, and Katarina Hollan. Forthcoming. “The Gender Wealth Gap Across European Countries.” Review of Income and Wealth. 2. Schneebaum, Alyssa, Bernhard Rumplmaier, and Wilfried Altzinger. 2016. “Gender and Migration Background in Intergenerational Educational Persistence.” Education Economics 24(3): 239-260. (Download) 3. Schneebaum, Alyssa, Bernhard Rumplmaier, and Wilfried Altzinger. 2015. “Gender in Intergenerational Educational Persistence Across Time and Place.” Empirica 42(2): 413-445. (Download) 4. Giddings, Lisa, John Nunley, Alyssa Schneebaum, and Joachim Zietz. 2014. “Birth Cohort and the Specialization Gap Between Same-Sex and Different-Sex Couples.” Demography 51(2): 509-534. (Download) 5. Fessler, Pirmin and Alyssa Schneebaum. 2012. “Gender and Educational Attainment Across Generations in Austria.” Feminist Economics 18(1): 161-188. (Download) Publications: Articles Currently Under Review 1. “The Returns to Preschool Attendance” with Pirmin Fessler. 2. “Catching Up: Intergenerational Mobility Among Natives and Migrants” with Doris Oberdabernig. 3. “Poverty in Lesbian and Gay Households” with M. V. Lee Badgett. Articles Currently in Progress 1. 2. 3. 4. “Marriage Rights and the Division of Labor” “Motherhood and the Lesbian Wage Premium” (Download Working Paper) “Gender in Intra-Household Decision Making” (Download Working Paper) “Human Capital Attainment Gaps by Sexual Orientation” 1 Publications: Book Chapters 1. “Reich werden kann jede, genauso wie jeder.” 2014, with Katharina Mader and Miriam Rehm in Mythen des Reichtums: Warum Ungleichheit unsere Gesellschaft gefährdet. BEIGEWUM / Attac / Armutskonferenz: pp. 41-50. 2. “All in the Family: Capitalism, Partriachy, and Love.” 2013. In Love: A Question for Feminism in the Twenty-First Century. Anna G. Jónasdóttir and Ann Ferguson (eds.) London and New York: Routledge, pp. 127-140. Publications: Book Reviews 1. Class Questions: Feminist Answers by Joan Acker, for Feminist Economics 14(3): 169-173 (2008). Publications: Non-Refereed Articles & Policy Reports 1. “Bildungshomogamie und Vermögensverteilung in Österreich” (Assortative Mating and Wealth Inequality in Austria) 2016, with Sophie Augustin and Katarina Hollan in Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft (Economy and Society). (Download) 2. “The Impact of Wage Equality on Sexual Orientation Poverty Gaps” 2015, with M. V. Lee Badgett. Published by The Williams Institute. (Download) 3. “Education and Social Mobility in Europe: Leveling the Playing Field for Europe’s Children and Fueling its Economy” 2015, with Wilfried Altzinger, Jesús Crespo Cuaresma, Bernhard Rumplmaier, and Petra Sauer. WWWforEurope Working Paper 80. (Download) 4. “Lesbians: Social and Economic Situation” 2015, with Laura Durso and M. V. Lee Badgett. In: James D. Wright (editor-in-chief), International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences, 2nd edition, Vol 13. Oxford: Elsevier. pp. 893–898. 5. “Vermögensunterschiede nach Geschlecht: Erste Ergebnisse für Österreich” (Gender Differences in Wealth: First Results for Austria) 2014, with Miriam Rehm, Katharina Mader, Patricia Klopf, and Katarina Hollan. Published in Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft (Economy and Society). (Download) 6. “The Impact of a Higher Minimum Wage on Poverty Among Same-Sex Couples” 2014, with M. V. Lee Badgett. Published by The Williams Institute. (Download) 7. “Verschiedene Menschen, verschiedene Krisen: Die aktuelle Krise aus intersektionaler Sicht” (Different People, Different Crises: The Current Economic Crisis from an Intersectional Perspective.) 2013, in Kurswechsel 4/2013: 28-35. 8. “Intrahaushaltsverteilung von Entscheidungsmacht in Europa” (Intra-Household Division of DecisionMaking Power in Europe) 2013, with Katharina Mader in Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft (Economy and Society) 3/2013: 361-397. 9. “New Patterns of Poverty in the Lesbian and Gay Community in the United States” 2013, with M. V. Lee Badgett and Laura Durso. Published by The Williams Institute. (Download) 10. “Intergenerationelle soziale Mobilität in Österreich” (Intergenerational Social Mobility in Austria) 2013, with Wilfried Altzinger, Nadja Lamai, and Bernhard Rumplmaier in Statistische Nachrichten (Statistical Notes) 1/2013: 48-62. 11. “Intrahaushaltsverteilung von Resourcen: Geschlechtspezifische Verteilung von Einkommen und Entscheidungsmacht” (Intrahousehold Division of Resources: Gender Specific Divide of Income and DecisionMaking Power) 2012, with Katharina Mader, Magdalena Skina-Tabue, and Ursula Till-Tentschert in Statistische Nachrichten (Statistical Notes) 12/2012: 983-994. 12. “Poverty in the Lesbian and Gay Community in the United States” 2009, with Randy Albelda, M. V. Lee Badgett, and Gary Gates. Published by The Williams Institute, 2009. (Download) 2 Funding Obtained 1. Austrian Science Fund (FWF): e223,500.00 for project “Analyzing Intersectional Inequality with Microeconometrics.” (2014-2017) 2. Vienna Chamber of Workers (AK Wien): e13,382.90 for project “Assortative Mating and Household Wealth.” (2015) 3. Vienna Chamber of Workers (AK Wien): e14,343.40 for project “Gender and Wealth in Austria and Europe.” (2013) Previous Research Positions Held 1. Research Consultant, European Network of Experts on Gender Equality (ENEGE). Project Title: Gender and Wealth in Europe. 2016 2. Post-Doctoral Researcher, Vienna University of Economics and Business. Project Title: Welfare, Wealth and Work for Europe. April 2012-November 2014. 3. Post-Doctoral Researcher, Vienna University of Economics and Business. Project Title: Women’s Wealth. December 2013-June 2014. 4. Graduate Research Assistant for Professor Michael Ash, Department of Economics, University of MassachusettsAmherst. Summer 2011. 5. Junior Research Fellow, Center of Gender Excellence (GEXcel), Örebro University and Linköping University, Sweden. May 2010-December 2010. 6. Graduate Research Assistant for Professor M. V. Lee Badgett, Department of Economics, University of Massachusetts-Amherst. September 2007-June 2010. 7. Graduate Research Assistant for Professor Samuel Bowles, Department of Economics, University of Massachusetts-Amherst and the Santa Fe Institute. June 2009-May 2010. 8. Graduate Student Intern, Catalyst, New York City. Project Title: Women in Health Care & Bioscience Leadership State of the Knowledge Report: Bioscience, Academic Medicine, and Nursing – Glass Ceilings or Sticky Floors? Summer 2007. Fellowships, Honors, and Awards 1. Kurt Rothschild Prize, 2016. 2. Finalist, Excellent Teaching Award, Vienna University of Economics and Business, 2016. 3. Hertha Firnberg Post-Doctoral Research Stipend, from the Austrian Science Fund (December 20142017). 4. Simon Young Scholar Best Paper Award, Annual European Association for Evolutionary Political Economy Conference, November 2013. 5. Political Economy Research Institute Fellowship, University of Massachusetts-Amherst, 2011. 6. Junior Research Fellow, GEXcel, Örebro University and Linköping University, Sweden, 2010. 7. Solomon Barkin Award for Labor Economics Studies, Department of Economics, University of MassachusettsAmherst, December 2009. 8. Lois W. Robey Prize, “given to the man and woman in the senior class who best exemplify the aims of a Bucknell education.” Bucknell University, May 2006. 9. Bridge Builder Leadership Award, “given to the student who has successfully worked across the usual boundaries of campus life to bring together student groups, students and faculty/staff, or students and area residents for a program or project.” Bucknell University, May 2004. 10. Change Agent Leadership Award, “given to the student who has shown the courage and vision to advocate actively for positive change.” Bucknell University, May 2003. 3 Invited Lectures 1. Closing plenary speaker at the 25th International Association for Feminist Economics Conference, on “The Future of Feminist Social Sciences.” Galway, June 2016. 2. Plenary discussant at “The Great Divide” lecture by Joseph Stiglitz, Vienna University of Economics and Business, November 2015. 3. Plenary discussant on “(In)equality of Opportunity: Causes, Impact, and Interventions.” European Forum Alpbach, September 2015. 4. Invited speaker on “Women in Economics.” University of Vienna 650th Anniversary Celebration. Lecture in a series of talks on women in academia, June 2015. 5. Keynote Speaker, Celebration of Diversity, Bucknell University, April 2006. Selected Seminar and Conference Presentations 1. “The Gender Wealth Gap” • WIIW Economic Policy Lecture Series, Vienna, June 2016. • Families and Wealth Workshop, Köln, April 2015. 2. “The Returns to Preschool Attendance” • ASSA/AEA Annual Conference, San Francisco, January 2016. • Department of Economics Research Seminar, Johannes Kepler University, Linz, December 2015. • WU Workshop in Applied Econometrics, Vienna, May 2014. 3. “Intergenerational Educational Persistence in Europe” • Winter School on Inequality and Social Welfare Theory, Alba di Canazei, January 2014. • Society for the Study of Economic Inequality Conference, Bari, July 2013. 4. “Gender and Intrahousehold Decision Making in Europe” • ASSA/AEA Annual Conference, Philadelphia, January 2014. • European Association for Evolutionary Political Economy Conference, Paris, June 2013. Teaching Experience 1. Gender and Economic Relations (Bachelor’s): Vienna University of Economics and Business (Spring 2013-present); University of Vienna (Spring 2015-present). 2. Gender in the Economy (Master’s): University of Vienna, Master’s Program in Gender Studies (Spring 2016). 3. Advanced Economic Policy – Gender and the Family (Bachelor’s): Vienna University of Economics and Business (Spring 2015-2016). 4. International Macroeconomics (Bachelor’s): Vienna University of Economics and Business (Spring 2011Fall 2014). 5. The Great Recession: 2007-? (Online) (Bachelor’s): University of Massachusetts-Amherst (Fall 2012). 6. Economics Tutorial in Distributional Issues (Master’s): Fachhochschule des BFI Wien, Vienna (Spring 2011 and 2012). 7. Economics I (Bachelor’s): Fachhochschule WIFI Wien, Vienna (Fall 2011 and 2012). 8. Introduction to Political Economy (Online) (Bachelor’s): University of Massachusetts-Amherst (Summer 2010, Fall 2010, & Summer 2012). 9. POWER UP, a 3-day intensive class for incoming first year students at the University of Massachusetts designed to introduce basic academic skills necessary for university work (September 2009). 10. Graduate Teaching Assistant: Introductory Microeconomics (Bachelor’s); Introductory Macroeconomics (Bachelor’s); Economics for Public Policy (Master’s). Department of Economics and Center for Public Policy Administration, University of Massachusetts-Amherst (Fall 2006; Spring 2006; Spring 2008). 4 11. Undergraduate Teaching Assistant: Intermediate Political Economy; Principles of Economics. Department of Economics, Bucknell University (Fall 2005; Spring 2006). 12. Private Tutor: Advanced Microeconomics (Ph.D., University of Massachusetts-Amherst); Econometrics (Ph.D., University of Massachusetts-Amherst); Biostatistics (M.A., Harvard University); Intermediate Microeconomics (B.A., Mt. Holyoke College); and Research Methods for Social Science (MSW, New York University). (References available upon request.) Further Professional Activities • Refereeing – journal articles: Demography; Review of Income and Wealth; Applied Economics; Industrial Relations; Feminist Economics; Journal of Income Distribution; Journal of Economic Demography • Refereeing – project proposals: Jubiläumsfonds of the Austrian National Bank • Research Area Coordinator (“Gender Economics and Social Identity”) for EAEPE • Completed Bachelor’s Theses Advised: Vienna University of Economics and Business 2014-present: 16 University of Vienna 2013-present: 10 • Completed Master’s Theses Advised: Vienna University of Economics and Business 2016-present: 1 Additional Trainings/Schools Attended 1. Wittgenstein Centre (IIASA, VID/ÖAW, WU) Summer School 2016: The Demography of Health and Education, Vienna, Austria, June 2016. 2. Summer School on Multilevel Models, Vienna, Austria, August 2014. 3. Winter School on Inequality and Social Welfare Theory, Alba di Canazei, Italy, January 2014. 4. Career Program for Academics, Vienna University of Economics and Business, September 2013-May 2014. - Obtaining Research Funding - Academic Communication and Presentation - Conflict Management - Academic Career Plans and Strategies 5. Household Finance and Consumption Survey Data Workshop, Vienna, Austria, February 2013. 6. Luxembourg Income Study Data Workshop, Luxembourg, July 2008. 7. A Primer on Empirical Research on Sexual Orientation, The Williams Institute, Los Angeles, February 2007. Professional Memberships European Association of Labour Economists (EALE); The Society for the Study of Economic Inequality (ECINEQ); European Association for Evolutionary Political Economics (EAEPE); International Association for Feminist Economics (IAFFE) Language Skills English (native language), German (fluent, with teaching experience in Vienna), Spanish (basic competence), Hebrew (read and write) Last updated: September 2016 [email protected] 5
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