Ex-Ghana-Swiss Meeting Halbinsel Au / ZH Mailing address: Ex-Ghana-Swiss Meeting Halbinsel Au / ZH CH-4450 Sissach Bank account: Postfinance, account # 87-450562-6 IBAN CH84 0900 0000 8745 0562 6, BIC:POFICHBEXXX E-Mail: [email protected] Ex-Ghana-Swiss Meeting, Halbinsel Au / ZH, CH-4450 Sissach Elmina September2016 Invita'ontothe41stAu–Mee'ng–Sunday,October30,2016 Aperi'ffrom11:00h,Lunchfrom12:15h–Warning:Winter'me! DearEx-Ghana-Swiss,dearGhanaians,dearfriendsofGhana ThekitchenteamoftheLandgasthofontheAuPeninsulaandourGhanaiancookwillagainprepareanauthen@cGhanaian GroundnutChop–asalwayswithPlantainChipsasaperi@f;themenu:chickenandriceinagroundnutsoupservedwith Kelewele(friedplantainbananas),blackbeansandhardboiledeggs. Welookforwardoncemoretonumerousacceptances!Youwillcertainlymeetmanyoldfriendsagainthisyearandbeableto exchangemanyoldmemorieswiththem.Eachyearnewpeoplecomealongandnewacquaintanceshipsaremade,whichare alwayslinkedtoourcommon@estoGhana!TheGhanaianEmbassyhonoursuseachyearwiththeirpresence,which demonstratestousallthestrongbridgewhichexistsbetweenSwitzerlandandourformerguestland! VoucherSystem: Asinpreviousyears,themealvoucherscanbecollectedandpaidforatthecashdeskbeforeyouenterthe LandiHall.Inaddi@ontherearetwonamebadges–oneforyouandonetomarkyourseatreserva@on. Dona@ons: Itisonlythankstoyourgenerousdona@onsthatweareabletoorganiseourAuMee@ngatreasonable pricesandfinancethe„extras“[email protected] yoursupportandtakethelibertyofenclosingapaymentformwiththisinvita@on. E-Mailaddress: Toreduceourcostforprin'ngandpostage,weplantosendfutureinvita'onselectronically,ifpossible. Therefore,pleaseletusknowyoure-mailaddress.Thankyou. Welookforwardtomee@ngyouontheAuPeninsulaonSunday,October30! Kindregards Chris@anBuser SamuelFrempong IreneKessler RolfLeuzinger KurtMerkijr. Mitglieder des Organisationskomitees / Members of the organizing committee: Christian Buser, Hohle Gasse 6, CH-5507 Mellingen Samuel Frempong, Spitzäckerstrasse 45, CH-8309 Nürensdorf Irene Kessler, Mülistrasse 2, CH-8872 Weesen Rolf Leuzinger, Seeblickstrasse 7a, CH-8730 Uznach Kurt Merki jr., Hermikonstrasse 37, CH-8600 Dübendorf Hoi zäme, ich bin de Kurt Typisch ghanesischer Name, nicht? Ich bin in Ghana geboren und aufgewachsen. Meine Mutter Barbara ist Ghanesin, mein Vater Kurt Senior war Schweizer und ist leider vor 4 Jahren verstorben. Meine Mutter lebt noch in Ghana und kommt uns regelmässig besuchen. Ich bin das zweite von vier Kindern, meine Geschwister sind Brigitte, Konrad und Bella. Wir haben alle die Schweizer Schule in Ghana besucht. Mit 16 kam ich in die Schweiz, um meine Lehre als Schreiner abzuschliessen. Seitdem lebe ich in der Schweiz, habe aber regelmässig Kontakt mit Ghana und bin ab und zu auch dort anzutreffen. Meine Ehefrau ist Italienerin, daher habe ich jetzt mein persönliches Bermuda-Dreieck gegründet: Schweiz, Ghana, Italien. Wir haben einen energischen Sohn (ganz der Vater...), der 3 Jahre alt ist. Beruflich habe ich mich weiterentwickelt im Bereich Design und Architektur und bin seit 2010 selbständig tätig (www.kurtmerkijr.com). Ich bin zum Ex Ghana-Swiss Meeting gekommen, um den Kontakt GhanaSchweiz aufrechtzuerhalten und zu unterstützen. Ich freue mich dabei zu sein! Liebe Grüsse, Kurt Merki Jr Postal address: Ex-Ghana-Swiss Meeting Halbinsel Au / ZH Ex-Ghana-Swiss Meeting Halbinsel Au / ZH CH-4450 Sissach Postfinance account 87-450562-6 IBAN CH84 0900 0000 8745 0562 6, BIC:POFICHBEXXX Registration and Message Form E-Mail: [email protected] Registration via Internet: http://www.ghanart.org/anmeldung.html Please return by 09.10.2016 to: Christian Buser, Hohle Gasse 6, 5507 Mellingen E-mail: [email protected] I/we register following persons for the Au meeting on October 30, 2016: (please mention all names for the name badges!) First Name & Surname Adresse Post Code/Town ................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................. Menu 1 Menu 2 £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ Menu 1 Groundnut soup: chicken, rice, beans, Kelewele, dessert Price incl. Apéro Menu 2: Veal schnitzel, chips or rice, dessert Price incl. Apéro Children’s Menu: (for children 5-9 years) Veal schnitzel, chips, dessert or Groundnut soup Children under 5 years eat free; please register with name and number of children because of seating! Children £ £ £ £ £ £ CHF 40.00 CHF 40.00 CHF 20.00 Attention: Menu vouchers will be sold again at the entrance, and these have to be handed over to the people serving at the tables. Please pay for drinks, in cash, direct to the people serving. No advance payments for food and drink please! The enclosed pay-in slip is only to be used for donations or for buying address lists We need free transport from the railway station Au £ S-Bahn (S8) from Pfäffikon SZ 10:40, Arrival Station Au 10:54: ..................... people £ S-Bahn (S8) from Zürich Main Station 10:38, Arrival Station Au 11:02: ..................... people £ S-Bahn (S8) from Pfäffikon SZ 11:10, Arrival Station Au 11:24: ..................... people £ S-Bahn (S8) from Zürich Main Station 11:08, Arrival Station Au 11:32: ..................... people Orders for Au address lists 2015 This year we are again offering the address lists for sale at a price of only CHF 12.00 each. If you cannot come to the Au this year, we can also send the list to you by post (CHF 15.00 incl. inland postage). £ Order for ............................. Address lists collection on the Au, at CHF 12.00 (cash payment) £ Order for ............................. Address lists by post, at CHF 15.00 incl. inland postage (dispatch after receipt of payment) Address changes / Messages / E-Mail address: .............................................................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................................................. ..............................................................................................................................................................................
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