piano festival bolzano bozen 2016

piano Festival
bolzano bozen
TUESDAY-SATURDAY 13.-24.09.2016
Conservatorio “Monteverdi”
Centro Culturale Trevi
Palazzo Mercantile
Saluto – Grußworte
Cari amici del Conservatorio e della musica,
con immenso piacere Vi invito a questo nuovo e ambizioso progetto didattico-artistico del “Monteverdi” che nel campo del pianismo
internazionale si presenta alla cittadinanza con grande forza propulsiva in un campo ancora da esplorare. Un grande pianista come
Arturo Benedetti Michelangeli che è stato insegnante nel Conservatorio Monteverdi, diviene il faro per giovani talenti del pianoforte
di tutto il mondo. Essi avranno nel nostro Conservatorio la possibilità di conoscersi e di apprendere, sotto la mirata guida didattica
di grandi interpreti ed insegnanti di livello internazionale, importanti
segreti dell’interpretazione musicale ed esperienze formative per
la loro futura professione.
Infatti il “Piano Festival Bolzano 2016” si è posto il grande obbiettivo di dare ai partecipanti la massima visibilità e di poter esprimere il meglio nelle sedi importanti della città, per poi confluire in un “circuito virtuoso” suonando nelle sedi prestigiose del pianismo Internazionale. Il progetto dell’ideatore
di questo Festival, prof. Giovanni Vitaletti (docente al Conservatorio Monteverdi di Bolzano), si rivolge
non solo al pubblico di esperti, ma proprio a tutti gli amanti del pianismo e della musica classica in
generale. Attraverso gli appuntamenti che saranno moltissimi e nei vari quartieri della città ci si vuole
avvicinare a chi vuole gustare la freschezza virtuosistica di giovani talenti, che si presenteranno nelle
serate bolzanine al fianco di grandi interpreti per condividere l’offerta cultura musicale. Sempre più
le istituzioni didattiche devono occuparsi del creare opportunità di lavoro e ricerca e questo progetto
ne è un innovativo esempio. Il Festival del Pianoforte Bolzano è sostenuto dalla Provincia e dalle Istituzioni cittadine, alle quali va il mio ringraziamento per il loro impegno e generosità.
Auguro un buon Piano Festival a tutti gli amanti della musica.
Il Direttore
Heinrich Unterhofer
Presentazione – Projektvorstellung
Il Festival pianistico Bolzano/Bozen
Una proposta di eccellenze internazionali che offrirà alla Città di
Bolzano la possibilità di ascoltare i migliori interpreti e la migliore
musica pianistica del momento. Un confronto didattico unico e
fondamentale per la crescita dei nostri studenti. Arturo Benedetti
Michelangeli, docente al Conservatorio “Monteverdi” di Bolzano
dal 1950 al 1959, è l’esempio con cui ci si trova a confrontarsi
quando si studia, si suona e si insegna a Bolzano ed è proprio
dal confronto con l’eccellenza che nasce il Piano Festival Bolzano Bozen. Esso infatti scaturisce dal desiderio del Conservatorio, nello specifico del Dipartimento di pianoforte, di proporre
momenti di formazione nei quali si riuniscano le maestrie di tutto il mondo. 12 Grandi Interpreti si
esibiranno in Recitals e terranno master-class durante il Piano Festival Bolzano Bozen. 7 sono le
nazioni da cui provengono: Italia, Norvegia, Bulgaria, Polonia, Russia, Cina e Giappone. 24 “giovani Pianisti” sono i top-student provenienti dalle migliori scuole pianistiche di tutto il mondo. Questi
top-student si esibiranno in Recitals pianistici, seguiranno i master class e fra loro verrà scelto il migliore attraverso il giudizio di una commissione composta dai “Grandi Interpreti”, il migliore studente
si esibirà nel concerto di chiusura. 350 ore di Master Class con i Grandi Interpreti: Anna Maria
Cigoli; Liu Jia; Einar Henning Smebye; Michal Drewnowski; Atanas Kurtev; Suda Mamiko; Wu Ying;
Rostislav Yovchev. Saranno questi gli insegnanti che impartiranno lezioni ai 24 top-student presenti
nel nostro Festival. 12 Istituzioni sono quelle da cui provengono i top-student. Istituzioni con le
quali il nostro Conservatorio ha relazioni di collaborazione: Oskar Kolberg Music School in Radom,
Polonia - Bertolt Brecht language high school in Pazardzhik, Bulgaria - Xi’an Conservatory of Music,
Cina - Feliks Nowowiejski Academy of Music in Lodz, Polonia - Gnessiny Russian Academy, Russia
– National Academy of Music in Sofia, Bulgaria - Moscow Conservatory, Russia - Central Conservatory of Music Beijing, Cina - Conservatorio di Musica G. Verdi di Milano, Italia - Conservatorio “G.
Verdi” di Torino, Italia - Toho Gakuen University of Music in Tokyo, Giappone - Norwegian Academy
of Music in Oslo, Norvegia. 4 Sale per Bolzano sono quattro le sale dove si svolgerà il Festival:
Centro Trevi - Palazzo Mercantile - UNI BZ - Conservatorio “Monteverdi”, in collaborazione con la
Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano Ripartizione Cultura Italiana, Azienda Autonoma di Soggiorno, Camera di Commercio e Libera Università di Bolzano.
Il coordinatore del Dipartimento di pianoforte, ideatore del progetto
Prof. Giovanni Vitaletti
Ringraziamenti – Danksagungen
Questa iniziativa negli spazi del Centro Trevi è esito delle sinergie avviate dalla Ripartizione provinciale Cultura
italiana in un’ottica di collaborazione interistituzionale con
significative realtà di alto profilo culturale in ambito territoriale e nazionale. L’importante collaborazione con il Conservatorio “Claudio Monteverdi” di Bolzano ha consentito a
giovani talenti di esibirsi in apprezzati eventi musicali, concerti e approfondimenti, nell’ambito delle recenti edizioni
del progetto multimediale Nel Cerchio dell’Arte: Conflitto
2014 - 1914 e la mostra attualmente in corso al Centro Trevi
tempo&denaro. Nell’augurare, quindi, la migliore riuscita al
Festival pianistico auspichiamo che l’iniziativa sia occasione di reciproca crescita ed arricchimento in favore di un
pubblico sempre più ampio e partecipe.
Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano Ripartizione 15 - Cultura
italiana Ufficio Cultura
L’accoglienza è una dei compiti precisi di un’Azienda di
Soggiorno che vuole sempre più essere presente negli
eventi culturali del capoluogo. Un compito gradito quando
ad animarlo c’è autenticità e facile se si considera la splendida cornice cittadina, animata da storia e innovazione,
tradizione e cultura, immersa in un paesaggio da cartolina.
Una visita a Bolzano vale sempre la pena!
Azienda di Soggiorno e Turismo di Bolzano
Calendario Generale dei Concerti – Konzertkalender
13–24 settembre 2016
13.09.16 ore 20 – Sala Michelangeli, Conservatorio
Anna Maria Cigoli............................................................................................................ 14
14.09.16 ore 18 – Sala Michelangeli, Conservatorio
Liu Xiaohe/Katharina Golofit.......................................................................................... 37
14.09.16 ore 20 – Sala Michelangeli, Conservatorio
Rostislav Yovchev............................................................................................................ 16
15.09.16 ore 11 – Centro Culturale Trevi
Wang Xinhao/Giovanni Carraria Martinotti................................................................... 38
15.09.16 ore 16.30 – Centro Culturale Trevi
Hao Yilei/Svetlin Hristov.................................................................................................. 44
15.09.16 ore 20 – Sala Michelangeli, Conservatorio
Cristiano Burato.............................................................................................................. 18
16.09.16 ore 11 – Centro Culturale Trevi
Alessandro Riccardi/Giacomo Scaringella................................................................... 39
16.09.16 ore 16.30 – Centro Culturale Trevi
Maria Dvoretskaya/Luigi Carroccia................................................................................ 40
16.09.16 ore 20 – Sala Michelangeli, Conservatorio
Duo pianistico Liu Jia/Fan Lin Lin.................................................................................. 20
17.09.16 ore 11 – Centro Culturale Trevi
Zhu Tongtong/Jonas Aune.............................................................................................. 41
17.09.16 ore 20 – Sala Michelangeli, Conservatorio
Michal Drewnowski ........................................................................................................ 22
18.09.16 ore 18 – Sala Michelangeli, Conservatorio
Bawoł Franciszek/Teppei Kuroda................................................................................... 42
18.09.16 ore 20 – Sala Michelangeli, Conservatorio
Duo pianistico e percussioni
Alessandra Brustia/Damyan Tudzharov......................................................................... 24
19.09.16 ore 11 – Palazzo Mercantile
Ruan Lu/Giacomo Rossi Prodi.................................................................................... 43
19.09.16 ore 20 – Palazzo Mercantile
“PATCHWORK” - SERIE CONCERTI “Grandi Interpreti”
Atanas Kurtev............................................................................................................... 26
20.09.16 ore 11 – Palazzo Mercantile
Emanuil Ivanov/Fumiya Koido..................................................................................... 45
20.09.16 ore 18 – Palazzo Mercantile
Kyosuke Miyano/Eirik Haug Stømner......................................................................... 36
21.09.16 ore 11 – Palazzo Mercantile
Zhang Yuanxi/Paskal Paskalev.................................................................................... 46
21.09.16 ore 20 – Palazzo Mercantile
“CHOPIN” - SERIE CONCERTI “Grandi Interpreti”
Suda Mamiko................................................................................................................ 28
22.09.16 ore 16.30 – Centro Culturale Trevi
Marcin Wieczorek/Giulio Pagano................................................................................ 47
22.09.16 ore 20 – Sala Michelangeli, Conservatorio
Wu Ying/Shao Dan..................................................................................................30
SELEZIONE “Piano Festival Bolzano Bozen”..........................49
23.09.16 ore 11 - Centro Culturale Trevi
23.09.16 ore 13.30 - UNIBZ
23.09.16 ore 20 - UNIBZ
24.09.16 ore 20 - Sala Michelangeli, Conservatorio
MASTER CLASS – Conservatorio “C. Monteverdi”
settembre 2016..................................................................................... 51
13/22.09.16 - Einar Smebye
13/15.09.16 - Anna Maria Cigoli
13/22.09.16 - Rostislav Yovchev
14/22.09.16 - Liu Jia
16/22.09.16 - Michal Drewnowski
19/22.09.16 - Atanas Kurtev
18/20.09.16 - Suda Mamiko
13/21.09.16 - Wu Ying/Shao Dan
I Concerti e le Sale – Konzerte und Konzertorte
L’ingresso è gratuito - Der Eintritt ist frei
Liu Xiaohe/
Katharina Golofit
Anna Maria
Wang Xinhao/
Giovanni Carraria
Hao Yilei/
Svetlin Hristov
Maria Dvoretskaya/
Luigi Carroccia
Liu Jia/
Fan Lin Lin
Zhu Tongtong/
Jonas Aune
Suda Mamiko
Bawoł Franciszek/
Teppei Kuroda
Ruan Lu/
Giacomo Rossi
Emanuil Ivanov/
Fumiya Koido
Zhang Yuanxi/
Paskal Paskalev
I finalista
Kyosuke Miyano/
Eirik H. Stømner
Marcin Wieczorek/ Giulio
Wu Ying/
Shao Dan
II finalista
III finalista
Conservatorio “C. Monteverdi” Sala Michelangeli,
Palazzo Mercantile,
P.za Domenicani 19, Bolzano
Via Argentieri 6, Bolzano
T. 346 1380177
T. 0471 945702
Centro Culturale Trevi,
Biblioteca della Libera Università di Bolzano,
Via dei Cappuccini 28, Bolzano
Piazza Universitá 1, Bolzano
T. 0471 300980
T. 0471 012300
GroSSe Künstler
Calendario Concerti - Grandi Interpreti
Konzertkalender - Große Künstler
13.09.16 ore 20 – Sala Michelangeli, Conservatorio
Anna Maria Cigoli.............................................................................................................. 14
14.09.16 ore 20 – Sala Michelangeli, Conservatorio
Rostislav Yovchev.............................................................................................................. 16
15.09.16 ore 20 – Sala Michelangeli, Conservatorio
Cristiano Burato................................................................................................................ 18
16.09.16 ore 20 – Sala Michelangeli, Conservatorio
Duo pianistico Liu Jia/Fan Lin Lin................................................................................... 20
17.09.16 ore 20 – Sala Michelangeli, Conservatorio
Michal Drewnowski........................................................................................................... 22
18.09.16 ore 20 – Sala Michelangeli, Conservatorio
Duo pianistico e percussioni
Alessandra Brustia/Damyan Tudzharov........................................................................... 24
19.09.16 ore 20 – Palazzo Mercantile
“PATCHWORK” - SERIE CONCERTI “Grandi Interpreti”
Atanas Kurtev............................................................................................................... 26
21.09.16 ore 20 – Palazzo Mercantile
“CHOPIN” - SERIE CONCERTI “Grandi Interpreti”
Suda Mamiko................................................................................................................ 28
22.09.16 ore 20 – Sala Michelangeli, Conservatorio
Wu Ying/Shao Dan........................................................................................................ 30
“VIAGGIO, LA MEDITAZIONE, L’ASCESA” - Recital pianistico
Anna Maria Cigoli – Mar 13.09.2016 ore 20 – Sala Michelangeli, Conservatorio
Anna Maria Cigoli, (Italia) made her public debut at the age of 3 and with the orchestra of the Milan
Conservatory at the age of 8. She graduated at the age of 14 from the G.Verdi Conservatory of Milan
and continued her studies with Nikita Magalov (Geneve Conservatory), Geza Anda (Mozarteum) and
Carlo Zecchi (S.Cecilia).
She started her international career when she played with the Academy of St. Martin in the Fields at
the Queen Elizabeth Hall and then under the baton of Sir Neville Marriner. She has also played with
orchestras such as The Moscow Virtuosi and the Filarmonica della Scala adn under conductors such
as Vladimir Spivakov and Nikolaevic Roždestvenskij.
She has performed in several countries and has been laureated at important international competitions such as: the F.Busoni Competition, the Scriabin Competition and the UNESCO Prize.
She is currently a Professor at the G.Verdi Conservatory of Turin.
Anna Maria Cigoli (Italia) si diploma in pianoforte all’età di 14 anni al Conservatorio G.Verdi di Milano; studia poi con N. Magaloff, G. Anda, C. Zecchi.
Inizia la sua carriera internazionale quando debutta alla Queen Elizabeth Hall accompagnata dalla
Academy of St. Martin in the Fields, poi sotto la direzione di Sir Neville Marriner. È docente di Pianoforte al Conservatorio G. Verdi di Torino.
Anna Maria Cigoli (Italien) schließt ihr
Klavierstudium im Alter von 14 Jahren
am Konservatorium Giuseppe Verdi in
Mailand ab. Anschließend studiert sie
bei N. Magaloff, G. Anda, C. Zecchi. Ihre
internationale Karriere beginnt mit ihrem
Debüt an der Queen Elizabeth Hall begleitet von der Academy of St. Martin in
the Fields unter der Leitung von Sir Neville Marriner. Sie unterrichtet Klavier am
Konservatorium in Turin.
Programma – Programm
ROBERT Schumann
Scene d‘infanzia op. 15
1. Von fremden Ländern und Menschen / Da paesi e uomini stranieri
2. Kuriose Geschichte / Curiosa istoria
3. Hasche-Mann / A rincorrersi
4. Bittendes Kind / Fanciullo che supplica
5. Glückes genug / Quasi felice
6. Wichtige Begebenheit / Avvenimento importante
7. Träumerei / Sogno
8. Am Kamin / Al camino
9. Ritter vom Steckenpferd / Sul cavallo di legno
10. Fast zu ernst / Quasi troppo serio
11. Fürchtenmachen / Babau
12. Kind im Einschlummern / Bambino che s‘addormenta
13. Der Dichter spricht / Il poeta parla
Fantasia op. 17
1. Durchaus phantastisch und leidenschaftlich vorzutragen
2. Massig. Durchaus energisch
3. Langsam getragen. Durchwegleise zu halten
Fryderyk Chopin
Mazurca op. 17 n.4
Mazurca op. 24 n.2
Mazurca op. 50 n.3
Sonata No.3 in si minore, op.58
I. Allegro maestoso
II. Scherzo. Molto vivace
III. Largo
IV. Finale. Presto non tanto; Agitato
“A EST DELL’EUROPA” - Recital pianistico
Rotislav Yovchev - Mer 14.09.2016 ore 20 – Sala Michelangeli, Conservatorio
Rotislav Yovchev (Bulgaria) is a Piano professor at the National Music Academy “Pancho Vladigerov” in Sofia, and a Head of the Piano, Composition and Conducting Departments.
He began to study piano at age 6. He obtained his Bachelor and Master’s degree at the Bulgarian
State Conservatory in the class of Atanas Kurtev.
Laureate of several national and international competitions, Dr.Yovchev actively performs as a soloist
and chamber musician not only in Bulgaria but also in Germany, Belgium, Spain, Poland, Hungary,
Romania, Croatia, Cyprus, Turkey, South Korea, Tunisia and other countries. He takes part in the most
prestigious festivals in the country and abroad.
He gives master classes in Bulgaria, Korea, Romania, Turkey, and Italy and sits as a juror for several
international competitions. Winner of the “Crystal Lyre” of the Union of Bulgarian Musicians and Dancers in two categories and of the “Golden Lyre”. In June 2013 he earned his Doctoral degree.
Rotislav Yovchev (Bulgaria) Professore di pianoforte all’Accademia Statale di Musica P. Vladigerov.
Laureato dalla classe di A. Kurtev, Dr. Yovchev suona frequentemente come solista e camerista non
solo in Bulgaria, ma in Germania, Belgio, Spagna, Polonia e Corea del sud.
Vincitore della “Lira di Cristallo” e la “Lira di Oro”, è professore di pianoforte all’Accademia Statale di
Musica P. Vladigerov.
Rotislav Yovchev (Bulgarien) Klavierprofessor an der Staatlichen Hochschule
für Musik P. Vladigerov. Er absolvierte
sein Studium bei A. Kurtev. Yovchev tritt
häufig als Solist und Kammermusiker in
Bulgarien, Deutschland, Belgien, Spanien, Polen und Südkorea auf und ist
Gewinner der begehrten Preise „Crystal
Lyre“ und „Goldene Lyre“ des bulgarischen Kulturministeriums.
Programma – Programm
Alexander Scriabin
Six preludes from op. 11
NN 4, 10, 6, 12, 16, 20
Aram Kchachaturian
Poeme (1927)
Sergei Prokofiev
“Old grandmother’s stories”
Toccatta op. 11
Pancho Vladigerov
Improvisation and Toccatta op. 36
Vassil Kazandjiev
Nine miniatures from “Youth album”
1. Canzone
2. Il bacio della primavera risveglia il bucaneve
3. Piccolo studio
4. Vecchio corale bulgaro
5. Pesce rosso
6. Il Gatto “Mur”
7. Le piccole capre cattive
8. Farfalle
9. Scherzo
Dimitar Nenov
Five miniatures
“ROMANTICISMO IN FIORE” - Recital pianistico
Cristiano Burato - Gio 15.09.2016 ore 20 – Sala Michelangeli, Conservatorio
Cristiano Burato. He achieved a first-class honours diploma at Mantua conservatoire and at S.
Cecilia Academy in Rome. He is a prizewinner of several international piano competition including
the Sydney International Piano Competition, World Piano Competition of London and the Leeds International Piano Competition. He won the Grand Prix in the prestigious Dino Ciani International Piano
Competition at the Milan Scala Theatre getting the unanimous vote of the Jury headed by Riccardo
Muti and establishing himself on the international scene. International Juries awarded him the special
prize for being “the best Chopin interpreter”. He has played both as soloist and with prestigious orchestras including the London and Sydney Philharmonic Orchestra, Orchestra Sinfonica della Scala
and Wiener Kammerorchester. He has collaborated with important conductors such as Simon Rattle.
He has received the Medal of the President of the Italian Republic and he is a member of the Busoni
International Competition in Bolzano.
Cristiano Burato. Dopo le affermazioni in importanti Concorsi Pianistici come Jaen, Leeds, Londra,
Sydney, si è definitivamente imposto sulle scene internazionali vincendo il Concorso „Dino Ciani - Teatro alla Scala“, con verdetto unanime della giuria presieduta da Riccardo Muti. Pluripremiato come
fine interprete di Chopin (Colonia, Londra, Sydney). è membro del Comitato Artistico del Concorso
„Busoni“ di Bolzano.
Cristiano Burato. Nachdem er bei internationalen Klavier-Wettbewerben, (u. a.
Jaen, Sydney, London, Leeds) bedeutende Preise erlangte, hat er sich durch
den Gewinn des angesehenen Internationalen Wettbewerbs “Dino Ciani“ in
Mailand, unter Einstimmigkeit der von
Riccardo Muti geleiteten Jury, auf internationalen Bühnen, definitiv behauptet.
Er ist Mitglied des künstlerischen Komitee des Wettbewerbs “Busoni” in Bozen.
Programma – Programm
Fryderyk Chopin
Fantasia in fa minore per pianoforte, Op. 49
Sonata No. 2 in si b minor, Op. 35
I. Grave. Doppio movimento
II. Scherzo
III. Marche funèbre, Lento
IV. Finale, Presto
Robert Schumann
Carnaval, op. 9
1. Préambule
2. Pierrot
3. Arlequin
4. Valse noble
5. Eusebius
6. Florestan
7. Coquette
8. Réplique
9. Papillons
10. A.S.C.H. - S.C.H.A: Lettres Dansantes
11. Chiarina
12. Chopin
13. Estrella
14. Reconnaissance
15. Pantalon et Colombine
16. Valse Allemande
Intermezzo: Paganini
17. Aveu
18. Promenade
19. Pause
20. Marche des „Davidsbündler“ contre les Philistins
“SOTTO LA STELLA ROSSA” - Recital per duo pianistico
Fan Linlin & Jia Liu - Ven 16.09.2016 ore 20 – Sala Michelangeli, Conservatorio
Fan Linlin was student of Jia Liu at Xi’an Music Conservatory. She graduated with honors
from the Hochschule für Musik Nürnberg in the
class of Gabriel Rosenberg and in 2015, master’s degree at the Hochschule für Musik and
Theater München. After being laureated at several competitions Ms.Linlin started teaching at
the Hochschule für Musik Nürnberg in 2008. For
her outstanding achievements, she received a
grant from the Bavarian State Ministry for Science, Research and Art in 2011.She has worked
with singers such Thomas E. Bauer, Hui He and
Rebecca Martin. She has performed chamber
music with Ulf Tischbrek, Ulf Klausenitzer and
Robert Spring.
Jia Liu (China) is currently a professor and
head of the Piano department at the Music Conservatory of Xi’an.
In 2008 she was invited by the Cité Internationale des Arts to study in Paris as visiting scholar
and for recitals in 2008 and 2009, then she was
invited by the Bardolet Cultural Foundation to
perform a solo recital at Chopin’s former residence in Mallorca, the recital was recording and
broadcasted. Her students have won several
prizes at international and national piano competitions. Jia Liu has been invited to be a judge
at many music competitions, she is member
of the Chinese Musicians Association and the
China Piano Society.
Fan Linlin (Cina) è considerata una dei più
versatili pianisti della sua generazione. La sua
carriera è cominciata all’età di 12 anni sotto
la guida di Jia Liu. Laureata con onori dalla
Hochschule für Musik Nürnberg nella classe
di Gabriel Rosenberg, ha ottenuto il suo master nel 2015 dalla Hochschule für Musik und
Theater München. Dal 2008 è insegnante alla
Hochschule für Musik Nürnberg.
Jia Liu (Cina) è insegnante e capo di dipartimento di pianoforte al Conservatorio di Musica
di of Xi’an.
Ha un repertorio amplio ed è particolarmente
conosciuta per la sua interpretazione immaginativa e sincera. Inoltre il suo ruolo come solista,
Jia Liu è un’insegnante riconosciuta, ed i suoi
allievi hanno vinto dei concorsi nazionali ed internazionali.
Fan Linlin (China) gilt als eine der vielseitigsten Pianistinnen ihrer Generation. Ihre Karriere begann im
Alter von 12 Jahren bei Liu Jia. Sie diplomierte mit
Auszeichnung an der Hochschule für Musik Nürnberg in Gabriel Rosenbergs Klasse, und schloss
2015 ihr Masterstudium an der Hochschule für Musik und Theater München ab. Seit 2008 unterrichtet
sie an der Hochschule für Musik Nürnberg.
Jia Liu (China) ist Professorin und Leiterin der
Klavierabteilung an der Hochschule für Musik
von Xi‘an.
Sie beherrscht ein großes Repertoire und ist besonders für ihre ausdrucksvolle und aufrichtige
Interpretation bekannt. Neben ihrer Rolle als Solistin ist Jia Liu eine hervorragende Pädagogin.
Ihre Studenten haben verschiedene nationale
und internationale Wettbewerbe gewonnen.
Programma – Programm
Maurice Ravel
Aram Il‘iC ChaCaturjan
Ma mere I‘oye
Pavane de la Belle au boris dorment
dalla Suite del Balletto „Spartacus“
Egyptian dancer
Petit Poucet
Laideronneette, Imperatrice desPagodes
Les entretieus de la Belle at de la Bete
Le jardin feerique
dalla Suite del Balletto „Gayne“
Dance of the Rose Maidens
Anton StepanoviC Arenskij
Suite No.1 per due pianoforti, op.15
Li Ying Hai
Flute And Drum And Sunset,
versione di Liu Zheng
Chen Yi
China West Suite
Meng Songs
Miao Dances
Arno Babajanian
Armenian Rhapsody
“NOSTALGIA E POESIA” Recital pianistico
Michal Drewnowski - Sab 17.09.2016 ore 20 – Sala Michelangeli, Conservatorio
Michal Drewnowski (Poland) began his studies at the K. Szymanowski Music School in Warsaw with
Bronisława Kawalla and Ewa Poblocka and at the Academy of Music in Lodz, where he graduated
with honours. He completed his postgraduate studies at the Conservatory of Music of Geneva under
Dominique Merlet and Pascal Devoyon.
He has been laureated at several competitions and performs as a soloist and chamber musician all
over Europe and at festivals such as: Passage Warsaw, Salon of the Arts in Sofia, Festival Musicale
di Norcia, Varna Summer Festival, Cracow Music Spring, Warsaw Music Encounters and the Chopin
Festival (Geneva). He has played under many renowned conductors (Emilian Madey, Tadeusz Kozlowski, Stanislav Oushev, Ruben Silva, Alessandro Tortato, et al.) and in venues such as the Steinway Kammersal in Copenhagen, Wigmore Hall and the Palau de la Musica Catalana. Mr. Drewnowski
has recorded for labels such as GEGA NEW, DUX and PRO ART. He is currently a Professor at the
Academy of Music in Lodz.
Michal Drewnowski (Polonia) ha cominciato i suoi studi a Varsavia con B.Kawalla ed E. Poblocka e si
è laureato all’Accademia di Musica di Lodz. Ha ottenuto il suo postgrado al Conservatorio di Musica
di Ginevra con Dominique Merlet e Pascal Devoyon.
Suona frequentemente come solista ed ha registrato per GEGA NEW, DUX e PRO ART.
Attualmente è professore all’Accademia di Musica di Lodz.
Michal Drewnowski (Polen) begann seine Studien in Warschau bei B. Kawalla
und E. Poblocka und hat sein Studium
an der Hochschule für Musik in Lodz
abgeschlossen. Sein Aufbaustudium absolvierte er am Konservatorium für Musik
in Genf bei Dominique Merlet und Pascal
Devoyon. Er tritt häufig als Solist auf und
hat für GEGA NEW, DUX und PRO ART
aufgenommen. Derzeit ist er Professor
an der Hochschule für Musik in Lodz.
Programma – Programm
Tadeusz Majerski
“La musique oubliee”, 3 quadri musicali
Suite per pianoforte
Ignacy Paderewski
Polonaise in Si-maggiore op.9
Cracovienne Fantastique op.14
Fryderyk Chopin
Scherzo nr 2 in si b-minore op.31
3 Mazurkas op.63
Barcarolle in Fa#maggiore op.60
Andante spianato e Grande Polacca brillante
“RITMI PRIMORDIALI” - Recital per due pianoforti e percussioni
Giorgia A. Brustia & Damyan Tudzharov - Dom 18.09.2016 ore 20 – Sala M., Conservatorio
Giorgia Alessandra Brustia. She graduated
in Turin under the tutelage of A.M. Cigoli. For
Phoenix Classics she recorded with duo partner D.Tudzharov Stravinsky’s The Rite of Spring
about which the reviewers praised its innovation.
The recordings with her Trio di Pavia of Arensky’s
Trios were awarded an honourable mention at the
Web Concert Hall competition in the US. Chair of
piano at the Bolzano Music Conservatoire, many
of her students have excelled in piano competitions, such as the Busoni or Chopin competition.
Damyan Tudzharov. He graduated at the Music
Accademy in Sofia, successfully participated
in several piano competitions and won the first
prize at the National Competition of Russian Music in Sofia. He moves to Italy where he works
as a piano professor at the Conservatory of Vibo
Valentia and at the Santa Cecilia Conservatory in
Rome. He has recorded with Giorgia Alessandra
Brustia for Phoenix Classics, the album was positively received by critics He currently teaches
Piano at the Conservatory of Bozen.
Giorgia Alessandra Brustia. Si diploma a Torino
con A.M. Cigoli. Per la Phoenix ha inciso la Sonata di Bartok per due pf e perc. e ‘La sagra’ di
Stravinskij: la critica ha stigmatizzato la novità e
la raffinata ricerca timbrica.
Damyan Tudzharov. Si laurea all’ accademia di
musica a Sofia e partecipa con successo a vari
concorsi. Con G.A. Brustia ha registrato per la
Phoenix e l’album ha ottenuto buone critiche. Sta
insegnando a Bolzano.
Giorgia Alessandra Brustia. In Turin bei Prof.
Cigoli diplomiert, erhielt sie u.a. für Strawinskys
The rite of spring, welches sie mit D. Tudzharov
für Phoenix Classics aufnahm, großes Lob. Sie
lehrt Klavier am Konservatorium Bozen.
Damyan Tudzharov. Er absolviert seinen Master an der Musikakademie von Sofia und nimmt
mit Erfolg an Wettbewerben teil. Sein Album,
welches er mit G.A. Brustia aufnahm, wurde von
Kritikern sehr positiv aufgenommen.
Programma – Programm
Concerto per due pianoforti e percussioni
Béla Viktor János Bartók
Sonata for Two Pianos and Percussion, Sz. 110
Assai lento - Allegro troppo
Lento, ma non troppo
Allegro non troppo
Igor Stravinsky
Le sacre du printemps (La sagra della Primavera)
Quadri della Russia pagana in due parti
Parte I: L‘adoration de la terre / L‘adorazione della Terra
1. Introduction / Introduzione
2. Augures printaniers - Danses des adolescentes /
Gli auguri primaverili - danze delle adolescenti
3. Jeu du rapt / Gioco del rapimento
4. Rondes printanières / Danze primaverili
5. Jeu des cités rivales / Gioco delle tribù rivali - Corteo del saggio Cortège du Sage
6. Le Sage Il saggio - Danse de la Terre / Danza della terra
Parte II: Le sacrifice / Il sacrificio
1. Introduction / Introduzione
2. Cercles mystérieux des adolescentes / Cerchi misteriosi delle adolescenti
3. Glorification de l‘élue / Glorificazione dell‘Eletta
4. Évocation des ancêtres / Evocazione degli antenati
5. Action rituelle des ancêtres / Azione rituale degli antenati
6. Danse sacrale (l’élue) / Danza sacrificale (l‘Eletta)
“PATCHWORK” - Recital pianistico
Atanas Kurtev - Lun 19.09.2016 ore 20 – Palazzo Mercantile
Atanas Kurtev (Bulgaria) graduated from the ”Pancho Vladigerov” State Academy of Music and
“N.Rimski-Korsakov” Conservatory in Saint Petersburg as a student of Pavel Serebriakov and the
Queen Elizabeth Conservatory in Brussels at the class of Eduardo del Pueyo. He then specialized in
Hungary under George Sebok and Pal Kadosha, and in France at Ivonne Lefebvre’s class. He earned
his Doctoral degree in 1977.
Atanas Kurtev has made more than 1100 stage appearances, and has performed all over Europe, as
well as in Asia, Africa and Latin America in halls such as the Grand Hall of the Berlin Philharmonie, the
St.Petersburg imperial chapel, Brahms-Saal, Toppan Hall, amongst many others.
Prof. MusD Kurtev is actively engaged in educational and musical research as well as textological
work, preparing the publishing of many music score editions.
By initiative of Prof. Kurtev 8 periodically-held international competitions for young pianists have been
established in Bulgaria since 1981.
Atanas Kurtev (Bulgaria) Laureato dall’ Accademia Statale di Musica P. Vladigerov e il Conservatorio
N. Rimski-Korsakov di San Pietroburgo, allievo di P. Serebriakov e di E. del Pueyo al Conservatorio
Queen Elizabeth di Bruxelles.
Riconosciuto concertista, insegnante e ricercatore, ha creato 8 concorsi internazionali per giovani
pianisti in Bulgaria. E insegnante all’Accademia Statale di Musica P. Vladigerov.
Atanas Kurtev (Bulgarien) studierte an
der Staatlichen Akademie P. Vladigerov und am Konservatorium N. RimskiKorsakow in St. Petersburg, als Schüler
von P. Serebriakow und von E. del Pueyo
am Konservatorium Queen Elizabeth in
Brüssel. Als renommierter Künstler, Lehrer und Forscher, hat er in Bulgarien 8 internationale Wettbewerbe für junge Pianisten gegründet. Zur Zeit unterrichtet er
an der Staatlichen Hochschule für Musik
P. Vladigerov in Sofia.
Programma – Programm
wolfgang amadeus Mozart - Rondo KV 485 (1786)
César Franck - Prelude, Chorale et Fugue (1884)
Fryderyk Chopin - III Scherzo op.39 (1839)
Béla Viktor János Bartók - „Abrand” No 2 (1902)
Franz Liszt - Premiere valse oubliee (1881)
Cesar Auguste Franck - „Dedicace” (1841)
Johannes Brahms - Capriccio op. 76 No 1 (1871)
Wilhelm Richard Wagner - „Den schwarzen Schwanen” (1861)
Anton Bruckner - „Erinnerung” (1868)
Richard Georg Strauss - „Traumerei” op. 9 No 4 (1882)
Alban Maria Johannes Berg - „Ungeduld” (1908)
Alexander Scriabin - Etudes op. 8 No 1, 2, 5, 12 (1894)
Alexander Scriabin - „Poeme tragique” op.34 (1903)
“CHOPIN” - Recital pianistico
Mamiko Suda - Mer 21.09.2016 ore 20 – Palazzo Mercantile
Mamiko Suda (Japan) was born in Tokyo. She received a Scholarship from the French Government
to study at the Paris Conservatoire, where she graduated in 1972 as Première Nommée and received
the “Prix spécial Roger Ducasse” for piano and chamber music. In 1980, she won first prize at the
“Mozart Memorial International Competition” in London. She then performed at the Queen Elizabeth
Hall and with the London Mozart Players. At the same time she had the privilege of studying with Annie Fischer in Budapest. In 1985 she was awarded the Chopin Prize by the Chopin Society in Japan;
Since then she has toured Asia and Europe extensively and has performed with leading orchestras.
She has also played with artists such as Lorand Fenyves, Philippe Graffin, Zvi Harel, Fritz Dolezal,
Toby Hoffman, Nobuko Imai, Daniel Müller-Schott, Quatuor Via Nova, the Vienna String Quartet, the
NHK String Quartet, the Czech Philharmonic Sextet, et al.
She is a Professor at the Toho University of Music in Tokyo.
Mamiko Suda (Giappone) nata a Tokio, ha ricevuto una borsa di studio del governo francese per studiare al Conservatorio Nazionale a Parigi, dove si è laureata come Première Nommée ed ha ricevuto
il“Prix spécial Roger Ducasse” per pianoforte e musica da camera.
Solista riconosciuta, ha suonato con le piu importanti orchestre. è attualmente insegnante al Toho
University of Music in Tokyo.
Mamiko Suda (Japan), in Tokio geboren,
erhielt ein Stipendium der Französischen
Regierung am Nationalen Konservatorium in Paris, wo sie ihr Studium als „Premiere nommée“ abschloss und mit dem
„Prix spécial Roger Ducasse“ für Klavier
und Kammermusik ausgezeichnet wurde. Sie unterrichtet derzeit an der Toho
Universität für Musik in Tokyo und wird
als Solistin von namhaften Orchestern
Programma – Programm
wolfgang amadeus Mozart
Fantasy in D minor K.397
ludWig van Beethoven
Sonata „Quasi una fantasia“
in do# minore op.27-2 „Moonlight“
I. Adagio sostenuto
II. Allegretto
III. Presto agitato
FRANZ Schubert
Fantasia a quattro mani in fa minore D 940
I. Allegro molto moderato
II. Largo
III. Allegro vivace
IV. Con delicatezza
pf. Suda Mamiko e DamyanTudzharov
fryderyk Chopin
Polacca op.26 n.1
in Do diesis minore
Mazurca op. 33 n.4
Mazurca op. 59 n.2
Mazurca op. 63 n.3
Ballade No. 3 in Abmajor Op.47
Polacca Fantasia op.61 in La bemolle maggiore
“LA DELICATEZZA DEI TITANI” - Recital per duo pianistico
Shao Dan e Wu Ying - Gio 22.09.2016 ore 20 – Sala Michelangeli, Conservatorio
Shao Dan and Wu Ying (China) are piano Professors at the Central Conservatory of Music of China.
Both of them studied in Beijing and Vienna.
In 1991, Shao and Wu were granted scholarships by the Goethe Foundation, and they had the privilege to receive special tutoring from Maestro Paul Badura-Skoda. Also, during that period, their combined endeavour furtherly developed their art as a piano duo. Their widely ranged repertoire includes
not only famous classical works, but modern pieces as well. They released a set of four CDs by China
Records, one of them titled “Inner Harmony”, which vividly expresses their feelings in this area.
Shao Dan e Wu Ying (Cina) sono professori di pianoforte al Conservatorio Centrale di Cina. Tutti due
hanno studiato a Beijing e Vienna. Nel 1991 hanno ricevuto una borsa di studio della Fondazione
Goethe ed hanno avuto il privilegio di studiare con Paul Badura-Skoda. Il loro repertorio è molto
amplio, non solo comprende i brani classici ma anche i moderni. Hanno registrato una serie di 4 CD
per China Records.
Shao Dan e Wu Ying (China) sind Professoren für Klavier am Central Conservatory in China. Die beide haben in Peking und Wien studiert und im Jahr 1991
erhielten sie ein Stipendium der GoetheStiftung mit dem Privileg bei Paul Badura-Skoda zu studieren. Ihr Repertoire ist
umfangreich und reicht von der Klassik
bis zur Moderne. Sie haben vier CDs für
China Records aufgenommen.
Programma – Programm
Variations on a theme by Joseph Haydn for two pianos. Op.56b
Georges Bizet
Jeux D‘enfants
1. L‘Escarpolette Reverie
2. La Toupie Impromptu
3. La Poupée Berceuse
4. Les Chevaux de Bois Scherzo
5. Le Volant Fantasy
6. Trompette et Tambour March
7. Les Bulles de Savon Rondino
8. Les Quatre Coins Esquisse
9. Colin-Maillard Nocturne
10. Saute-Mouton Caprice
11. Petit Mari, Petit Femme Duo
12. Le Bal Galop
FRANZ Schubert
Rondo in D major „Notre amitiéest lnvariable „ D.608
Pëtr Il‘iC Cajkovskij
The Nutcracker Suite, arranged by Nicolas Economou
I. Overture
II. Danses Charactéristiques
a. March
b. Danse de la Fée Dragée
c. Danse Russe Trepak
d. Danse Arabe
e. Danse Chinoise
f. Danse des Mirlitons
III. Valse des Fleurs
Giovani pianisti
Calendario Concerti dei Giovani Pianisti
Konzertkalender der Jungen Pianisten
mercoledì 14 settembre ore 18
venerdì 16 settembre ore 11
Sala Michelangeli, Conservatorio
Centro Culturale Trevi
Liu Xiaohe
Xi’an - Cina
Alessandro Riccardi
Bolzano - Italia
Katharina Golofit
Bolzano - Italia
Giacomo Scaringella
Bolzano - Italia
giovedì 15 settembre ore 11
venerdì 16 settembre ore 16.30
Centro Culturale Trevi
Centro Culturale Trevi
Wang Xinhao
Xi’an - Cina
Maria Dvoretskaya
Sofia - Bulgaria
Giovanni Carraria Martinotti
Bolzano - Italia
Luigi Carroccia
Bolzano - Italia
giovedì 15 settembre ore 16.30
sabato 17 settembre ore 11
Centro Culturale Trevi
Centro Culturale Trevi
Hao Yilei
Pechino - Cina
Zhu Tongtong
Pechino - Cina
Svetlin Hristov
Sofia - Bulgaria
Jonas Aune
Oslo - Norvegia
domenica 18 settembre ore 18
martedì 20 settembre ore 18
Sala Michelangeli, Conservatorio
Palazzo Mercantile
Bawoł Franciszek
Radom - Polonia
Myiano Kjosuke
Bolzano - Italia
Teppei Kuroda
Tokio - Giappone
Eirik Haug Stømner
Oslo - Norvegia
lunedì 19 settembre ore 11
mercoledì 21 settembre ore 11
Palazzo Mercantile
Palazzo Mercantile
Ruan Lu
Bolzano - Italia
Zhang Yuanxi
Bolzano - Italia
Giacomo Rossi Prodi
Bolzano - Italia
Paskal Paskalev
Sofia - Bulgaria
martedì 20 settembre ore 11
giovedì 22 settembre ore 16.30
Palazzo Mercantile
Centro Culturale Trevi
Emanuil Ivanov
Sofia - Bulgaria
Marcin Wieczorek
Radom - Polonia
Fumiya Koido
Tokio - Giappone
Giulio Pagano
Torino - Italia
Mar. 20.09.2016 ore 18 – Palazzo Mercantile
Eirik Haug Stømner
Kyosuke Miyano
Eirik Haug Stømner (Norway) completed his
Bachelor of Music Performance at the Norwegian Academy of Music in Oslo, studying under
Einar Henning Smebye.
He has participated in masterclasses with Håvard Gimse, Einar Steen-Nøkleberg, Jiri Hlinka,
Jens Harald Bratlie and Håkon Austbø. He has
played with several Norwegian orchestras, and
given concerts in Sweden, the Netherlands,
Ukraine and Croatia.
Kyosuke Miyano, born in Akita (Japan) in
1992, studied at the Toho Gakuen school of Music with Prof. Mamiko Suda. In 2012, he won the
3rd prize at the 14th International Chopin Piano
Competition in ASIA, in 2015 the 2nd prize at
the 1st KAWAI International Piano Competition
and the 1st prize at the 6th Toho Gakuen Piano
He is now studying with Prof. Giorgia Alessandra Brustia in Bolzano.
Eirik Haug Stømner (Norvegia) laureato
dall’Accademia Norvegese di Musica di Oslo
sotto la guida di E.H. Smebye. Ha suonato varie orchestre norvegesi e concerti in Svezia,
Olanda e Croazia.
Nato a Akita (Giappone) nel 1992, Kyosuke
Miyano viene ammesso nella scuola di musica
Toho Gakuen dove studia dal maestro Mamiko
Sta proseguendo i suoi studi con il maestro
Giorgia Alessandra Brustia a Bolzano.
Eirik Haug Stømner (Norwegen) studierte an
der Norwegischen Musikakademie Oslo bei
E. H. Smebye. Er ist als Solist mit verschiedenen norwegischen Orchestern aufgetreten und
konzertierte in Schweden, den Niederlanden
und Kroatien.
Kyosuke Miyano, 1992 in Akita (Japan) geboren, wird an der Musikhochschule Toho Gakuen zugelassen, wo er bei Prof. Mamiko Suda
Derzeit führt er sein Studium in Bozen bei Prof.
Giorgia Alessandra Brustia fort.
Valen: Sonata opus 2 , 1st movement
Liszt: Sonata b minor
Prokofiev: Sonata no 8, first movement
Debussy: L’isle joyeuse
Beethoven: Bagatellen op 126, nos 1&2
Bach-Busoni: ‘’Ich ruf zu dir, Herr Jesu Christ’’
BWV 639, Chaconne in D minor BWV 1004
Beethoven: Piano Sonata No.31 in A-flat major,
Faure: Nocturne No.6 in D-flat major, Op.63
Chopin: Polonaise No.1 C-sharp minor, Op.26
Andante Spianato et Grande Polonaise
Brillante E-flat major, Op.22
Mer. 14.09.2016 ore 18 – Sala Michelangeli
Liu Xiaohe
Katharina Golofit
Liu Xiaohe (China) began his piano studies
at the age of 5 and is currently a student of
prof. Li Zhangzhang at the Xi’an Conservatory
of Music. In 2013 he won the 1st prize of the
junior professional category at the 77th Steinway & Sons International Children and Youth
Piano Competition and the 1st prize at Yamaha Music Scholarship competition at the Xi’an
Conservatory of Music in 2014.
Katharina Golofit. Born in Koszalin in 1992.
She began her music education at the age
of six.She studies piano with Katarzyna Popowa-Zydron in Music Academy in Bydgoszcz. She is the winner of number of piano
competitions,such as International Chopin
Piano Competition in Budapest. In 2015 she
repersented Poland in XVII International Chopin Piano Competition in Warsaw.
Liu Xiaohe (Cina) allievo di Li Zhangzhang al
Conservatorio di Xi’an. Nel 2013 ha vinto il primo premio al 77th Steinway & Sons International Youth Piano Competition nella categoria
junior professional.
Katharina Golofit. Nata a Koszalin nel 1992,
ha iniziato gli studi musicali all’età di sei
anni. Ha studiato in seguito con Katarzyna
Popowa-Zydron a Bydgoszcz. È vincitrice di
numerosi concorsi pianistici.
Liu Xiaohe (China) studiert bei Prof. Li
Zhangzhang am Konservatorium in Xi’an
(China). 2013 gewann er den 1. Preis beim
77. Internationalen Steinway & Sons JugendKlavierwettbewerb in der Kategorie „junior
Katharina Golofit. 1992 in Koszalin geboren, beginnt sie ihr Musikstudium im Alter von
sechs Jahren. Daraufhin studiert sie bei Katarzyna Popowa-Zydron in Bydgoszcz. Sie ist
Preisträgerin zahlreicher Klavierwettbewerbe.
Chopin: Etude in G sharp minor, Op. 25 No. 6
Scriabin: Etude Op. 42 No. 5
Chopin: Nocturne in D flat major, Op. 27 No. 2,
Scherzo in C sharp minor, Op. 39
Bach: Partita, No. 2, In C minor, BWV826
Chopin: Etude in C sharp minor, Op. 25 No. 4
Liszt: Etude, No.12 Chasse-neige
Bach-Busoni: Chaccone
Gubaidulina: Chaccone
Chopin: Ballade in A flat major op.47,
Rachmaninov: Preludes-op.23 no4,5, op.32
no12, Etude op.39 no9, Moment musicaux no4
Saint-Saens: Etude en forme de valse
Chopin: Polonaise in C minor, Op. 40 No. 2
Chinese production: Plum: blossom in Three
Ginastera: Sonate No.1 Op. 22
Gio. 15.09.2016 ore 11 – Centro Trevi
Wang Xinhao
Giovanni Carraria Martinotti
Wang Xinhao (China) is a student under the tutelage of Liu Jia. Under the guidance of professor Liu, he has been named top student for two
consecutive years. In 2013, Wang Xinhao won
second prize at the Asian Piano Competition
(west division of China). In November 2015, he
was awarded the first prize of the Yamaha Annual scholarship.
Giovanni Carraria Martinotti (Italia) started
his piano studies under Paola Motta. He graduated from the G. Verdi Conservatory of Turin
under the tutelage of Anna Maria Cigoli.
He has attended masterclasses with Ramin
Bahrami, Paul Badura-Skoda, Andrea Lucchesini, Pietro De Maria, Andrzej Jasinski and
Arnulf von Arnim. He’s currently a student of
Arnulf von Arnim at the Musikhochschule Münster.
Wang Xinhao (Cina) allievo di Liu Jia. Nel 2013
ha vinto il 1° premio all’Asian Piano Competition
(west division of China). Nel 2015 ha ricevuto
il 1° premio della Yamaha Annual scholarship.
Wang Xinhao (China) ist Schüler von Liu Jia.
2013 gewann er den 1. Preis beim Asiatischen
Klavierwettbewerb (West Division China). Im
Jahr 2015 gewann er den 1. Preis beim “Yamaha Annual Scholarship“.
Haydn: Sonata Hob. 32 Bach - BWV881 f minor
Giovanni Carraria Martinotti (Italia) ha iniziato
i suoi studi con P. Motta. Laureato dal Conservatorio G. Verdi di Torino nella classe di Anna
Maria Cigoli, attualmente studia alla
Musikhochschule Münster.
Giovanni Carraria Martinotti (Italien) begann
seine Studien bei P. Motta und schloss sie am
Konservatorium Giuseppe Verdi in Turin bei
Anna Maria Cigoli ab. Derzeit studiert er an der
Hochschule für Musik in Münster.
Chopin: Etude Op 10. no 10
Tchaikovsky: Variations Op 19.no 6
Rachmaninoff: Prelude Op 32no. 5 / no. 8
Op 3 no 1. “Elegie”
Beethoven: Sonata op.81a “Les adieux”
Prokofiev: Etude Op 2 No1
Xu Zhen Min: “TiPuoShanSiHouChanYuan”
Debussy: Estampes Pagodes La Soirée Dans
Grenade Jardins Sous La Pluie
Gao Pin: “WuKuang”
Musorgskij: Quadri di un ́esposizione
Ginastera: Sonata Op.1
Chopin: Ballata op.47
Ven. 16.09.2016 ore 11 – Centro Trevi
Alessandro Riccardi
Giacomo Scaringella
Alessandro Riccardi. Born in Rome in 1992.
He obtains Bachelor Diploma with 110/110,
Summa cum Laude. He won the first prize of
“Rotary Club Mascagni Livorno” Competition
and stands among the finalists of the “Ugo
Ferrario” Contest. He continues the studies
under the supervision of M. Cristiano Burato
and performs at Teatro La Fenice di Venezia,
Casa Mozart in Rovereto. He studied also in
Poland with Wojciech Switała.
Giacomo Scaringella (1993) was ammitted
in the S. Cecilia conservatory of Rome. In
2015 he continued his studies in the Bolzano
conservatory (C. Monteverdi) with maestro
G. A . Brustia. He stood out in some Italian
competition and he took part in many masterclasses in Italy and Germany.
Alessandro Riccardi. Nato a Roma nel 1992.
2014: Diploma con 110 e lode presso Conservatorio di Livorno e vittoria Premio Rotary Mascagni. Studia con il M. Cristiano Burato. 2015:
suona presso il Teatro La Fenice, Venezia.
Alessandro Riccardi. Im Jahr 1992 in Rom
geboren. 2014: Bachelor Diplom mit 110/110
Punkten Summa cum Laude, am Konservatorium Livorno. Studiert mit M. Cristiano Burato.
2015: spielt im Teatro La Fenice, Venezia.
Giacomo Scaringella. Nasce nel 1993 a
Roma, dove inizia gli studi. Attualmente frequenta l`ultimo anno di biennio presso il conservatorio di Bolzano, sotto la guida del M. G.
A. Brustia. Si è distinto in vari concorsi.
Giacomo Scaringella. 1993 in Rom geboren,
beginnt er dort sein Studium. Derzeit besucht
er das letzte Jahr des Bienniums am Konservatorium in Bozen bei Prof. G. A. Brustia. Er
bewies sich bei verschiedenen Wettbewerben.
Bach: Toccata in c min BWV 911
Rachmaninov: Sonata n. 2 op 36
Liszt: Six Consolations, S. 172
Mussorgsky: Quadri di una esposizione
Harmonies poétiques et religieuses, S. 173
No.7 Funérailles
Études d’exécution transcendante No.10
Chopin: Impromptu No.1 in A flat Major, Op.29
Impromptu No.2 in F sharp Major, Op.36
Impromptu No. 3 in G flat Major, Op. 51
Fantaisie Impromptu in C sharp Minor, Op. 66
Ballade in F minor Op. 52
Ven. 16.09.2016 ore 16.30 – Centro Trevi
Maria Dvoretskaya
Luigi Carroccia
Maria Dvoretskaya (Russia) graduated from
the Gnessiny Russian Academy, she teaches
at the Scriabin Music College (Moscow Region). She actively performs as a soloist and in
chamber ensembles. She won 1st prize at the
“Baltic Stars” International competition (Estonia
2014), amongst others and takes part in international musical festivals in Czech Republic,
Germany, Bulgaria and Italy.
Luigi Carroccia. Luigi acheived his musical
studies at the Conservatory of Bolzano with
Prof. Brustia. He has won prizes in National
and International Competitions and he has distinguished himself at the Busoni Piano Competition and at the International Fryderyk Chopin
Competition. He has held many concerts as a
soloist and with Orchestra.
Maria Dvoretskaya (Russia) laureata dall’Accademia Gnessiny insegna al Scriabin Music
College. Vincitrice del 1° premio all “Baltic
Stars” International competition (Estonia 2014).
Maria Dvoretskaya (Russland) studierte am
Gnessin Institut Moskau, zur Zeit unterrichtet
sie am Scriabin Music College. 2014 gewann
sie den Internationalen Wettbewerb «Baltic
Stars» (Estland).
Luigi Carroccia. Si è diplomato con lode presso il Conservatorio di Bolzano con G. A. Brustia. Ha vinto numerosi premi, distinguendosi
al Concorso Busoni e allo Chopin di Varsavia.
Luigi Carroccia. Er erhielt sein Diplom mit Auszeichnung am Konservatorium in Bozen bei G.
A. Brustia und gewann zahlreiche Preise, wobei er sich beim Busoni und beim Chopinwettbewerb in Warschau bewies.
Chopin: Polacca Fantasia op. 61
Chopin: Barcarolle F-sharp major, op. 60,
Nocturne C-sharp minor op.27 No1,
Four Mazurkas,
Polonaise-Fantaisie in A-flat major, op. 61
Scriabin: Five Preludies op.16,
Sonata No4 op.30 F-sharp major,
Poems op.69 1, 2
Zolotarev: “Five sketches”, “Apocalypse”1972
Brahms: 6 Klavierstucke op. 118
Kabalevsky: Rondo op. 59
Schubert: Sonata D960
Sab. 17.09.2016 ore 11 – Centro Trevi
Zhu Tongtong
Jonas Aune
Zhu Tongtong (China) was born in Nanjing
and studied at the Shanghai Conservatory
of Music under the tutelage of Shao Dan. In
2007 she won first prize at the National Kawai
Piano Competition. Tongtong has performed
as a soloist with many orchestras and played
successful solo recitals. Since 2013 she is
studying at Central Conservatory of Music
under the tutelage of Professor WuYing.
Jonas Aune (Norway) is currently studying
at the Norwegian Academy of Music under
Prof. Einar H. Smebye. Before his bachelor
he took part in a youth program for talented
young musicians. He has been a soloist with
several orchestras, and has also given a full
recital in Spain.
Zhu Tongtong (Cina) ha studiato al Conservatorio di Shanghai con Shao Dan. Nel 2007
ha vinto il 1° premio alla National Kawai Piano
Competition. Attualmente studia con il Prof.
Wu Ying.
Zhu Tongtong (China) studierte am Shanghai
Conservatory bei Dan Shao. Im Jahr 2007 gewann sie den 1. Preis beim Nationalen Kawai
Klavierwettbewerb. Derzeit studiert sie bei
Prof. Wu Ying.
Jonas Aune (Norvegia) attualmente studia
all’Accademia Norvegese di Musica di Oslo
sotto la guida di E.H. Smebye. Ha suonato
come solista con varie orchestre e ha suonato
anche in Spagna.
Jonas Aune (Norwegen) studiert derzeit an
der Norwegischen Musikakademie Oslo bei E.
H. Smebye. Er ist als Solist mit verschiedenen
Orchestern aufgetreten und gab auch ein Konzert in Spanien.
Grieg: Selection from Slåtter opus 72
Prokofiev: Sonata no 6
Beethoven: Sonata op. 111
Rachmaninov: Daisies, Lilacs,
Mendelsohnn: Dream of a midsummer night
Chopin: Ballade no 4
Haydn: Sonata no 60 C major
Chopin: Ballade op. 52
Barber: Sonata op. 26
Dom. 18.09.2016 ore 18 – Sala Michelangeli
Franciszek Bawoł
Teppei Kuroda
Franciszek Bawoł (Poland) began learning piano at the Oskar Kolberg Music School in Radom. In 2012 he started studying with Michał
He has taken part in masterclasses given by
Ivo Varbanov, Tatiana Schevchenko, Zbigniew
Raubo, Robert Marat and Cezary Sanecki. His
artistic achievements include the third place
at the Polish Fryderyk Chopin Piano competition in Zywiec (2016), amongst others.
Teppei Kuroda (Japan) won in 2012 the first
prize in the 66th All-Japan National Student
Piano Competition. After graduating from the
Toho High School with the highest distinction,
he entered the Toho University as a scholarship
student, taking lessons both piano and composition. He has performed with the Tokyo City
Philharmonic Orchestra and is currently studying with Professor Mamiko Suda.
Franciszek Bawoł (Polonia) Ha iniziato i suoi
studi nella O. Kolberg Music School di Radom.
Nel 2012 ha cominciato a studiare con M.
Drewnowski. Ha vinto il 3° premio al Concorso
Fryderyk Chopin di Zywiec 2016.
Franciszek Bawoł (Polen) begann seine Studien am O. Kolberg College of Music in Radom,
wo er seit 2012 bei M. Drewnowski studiert.
2016 hat er den 3. Preis beim Chopin-Wettbewerb in Zywiec gewonnen.
Teppei Kuroda (Giappone) allievo di M. Suda
all’Università di Toho. Ha suonato con la Tokyo
City Philharmonic Orchestra. Vincitore del 66th
All-Japan National Student Piano Competition.
Teppei Kuroda (Japan) studiert an der Universität in Toho bei M. Suda. Als Solist spielte er
mit dem Tokyo City Philharmonic Orchestra. Er
gewann den 66. „All-Japan National Student“Klavierwettbewerb.
Bach=Busoni: Chaconne d-moll (15’)
Bach: Prelude and Fugue No. 24 in B minor BWV.
Bach: Toccata Nr. 6 c-moll BWV 911 (11’)
Beethoven: Sonate Nr. 31 As-dur Op. 110 (21’)
Beethoven: Sonata No. 18 in E-flat major Op. 31
No. 3
Chopin: Fantaisie f-moll Op. 49 (13’)
Scherzo No. 3 cis-moll Op. 39 (7’)
Chopin: Polonaise in E flat minor Op. 26 No. 2
Etude in C sharp minor Op. 10 No. 4
Scherzo in B minor Op. 20 No. 1
Ginastera: Sonata No. 1 Op. 22 (15’)
Paderewski: Introduction and Toccata Op. 6
Brahms: Rhapsody in G minor Op. 79 no. 2
Liszt: Hungarian Rhapsody No. 7
Lun. 19.09.2016 ore 11 – Palazzo Mercantile
Ruan Lu
Ruan Lu was born in 1993, started playing
the piano when she was 5 years old. 2005 she
entered Xi`an conservatory of music (middle
school), studied with prof. Inoyatova Gulchkra
(student from Maria Nikolajeva). During the
period of there, she always got high score of
examination and won YAMAHA music scholarship. Now she`s studying with prof. Cristiano Burato and prof. Boris Petrushansky.
Ruan Lu è nata nel 1993. Nel 2005 ha iniziato i suoi studi al Conservatorio di Xi’an. Ha
vinto la borsa di studio YAMAHA e tanti altri
concorsi,attualmente sta studiando con Prof.
Cristiano Burato e Prof. Boris Petrushansky.
Giacomo Rossi Prodi
Giacomo Rossi Prodi (Florence 1994) graduated at the Conservatory in Florence. Currently he is attending the MA Degree at Claudio
Monteverdi Conservatory in Bolzano,where
he is studying with Maestro Cristiano Burato.
Prize winner in a few international piano competitions, he played in concerts in Italy and
in some European cities, such as Copenha
gen,London,Bristol,Oxford,Aarhus,Malta and
Giacomo Rossi Prodi (Firenze 1994), diplomato al Conservatorio di Firenze, frequenta il
Biennio al Conservatorio di Bolzano con il M°
Cristiano Burato. Ha partecipato a concerti in
Italia e all’estero.
Ruan Lu ist 1993 geboren. 2005 begann
sie das Musikkonservatorium in Xi‘an. Sie
gewann das Yamaha-Stipendium und viele
andere Wettbewerbe. Momentan studiert sie
bei Prof. Cristiano Burato und Prof. Boris Petrushansky.
Giacomo Rossi Prodi (Florenz 1994) absolvierte sein Studium am Konservatorium in Florenz. Zur Zeit studiert er am Konservatorium
in Bozen bei M° Cristiano Burato. Er spielte in
Konzerten in Italien und im Ausland.
Bach: Prelude e fuga primo libro no.3 bwv848;
Chopin: Variazioni Brillanti op.12, Rondò op.16
Scriabin: Etude op8, no10
Mendelssohn: Rondo Capriccioso op.14
Variations Sèrieuses op.54
Chopin: Etude op10, no.2
Scriabin: Sonata no.2
Rachmaninov: Sonata no.2
Liszt: Fantasia quasi Sonata “Après une lecture
de Dante”
Liszt: Rahpsodie espagnole
Gio. 15.09.2016 ore 16.30 – Centro Trevi
Hao Yilei
Svetlin Hristov
Hao Yilei (China) is a student of Shao Dan at
the Central Conservatory of Music.
In 2012 he won the first prize at the James Mottram International Piano Competition, where
he performed with the Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra and the Liverpool Youth
Symphony Orchestra, that same year he was
awarded the “Gucci Music Talent Grant”. In
2015 he performed with the Torun Symphony
Svetlin Hristov (Bulgaria) graduated from the
Pancho Vladigerov National academy of music in Sofia in the class of Atanas Kurtev. He
also studied composition and orchestral conducting. Currently, he studies at the Moscow
Conservatory in the class of prof. Alexander
Vershinin. He has had master classes with M.
Gambaryan, M. Petuhov, P. Egorov, T. Levitina,
N. Deeva, W. Brons, M. Prauze and others.
Hao Yilei (Cina) allievo di Shao Dan al Central Conservatory of Music. Ha suonato con la
Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra, la Liverpool Youth Symphony Orchestra e la Torun
Symphony Orchestra.
Hao Yilei (China) ist Schüler von Shao Dan am
Central Conservatory of Music in Peking. Als
Solist trat er mit dem Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra, dem Liverpool Jugendsinfonieorchester und der Torun Symphony Orchestra auf.
Svetlin Hristov (Bulgaria) laureato dalla classe
di A. Kurtev, ha studiato anche composizione
e direzione orchestrale. Attualmente studia al
Conservatorio di Mosca con A. Vershinin.
Svetlin Hristov (Bulgarien) absolvierte sein
Klavierstudium bei A. Kurtev, und studierte
nebenbei Komposition und Orchesterleitung.
Derzeit studiert er am Moskauer Konservatorium bei A. Vershinin.
Schubert: 4 Impromptu: op.142 f moll, As dur, B
dur, f moll
Chopin: Ballade op. 52 f moll
Scriabin: Etudes Op.8, Sonata No.10.Op.70
Scarlatti: Sonata K11 K14 K135
Rachmaninoff: Moments musicales op.16: No. 5
Des dur, No. 6 C dur S., Polka
Schumann: Grand Sonata Op. 14
Berg: Klavierstuck op.post cis moll
Liszt: Fantasia quasi Sonata “Après une lecture
de Dante”
Nenov: Tanz
Mar. 20.09.2016 ore 11 – Palazzo Mercantile
Emanuil Ivanov
Emanuil Ivanov (Bulgaria) started his studies
with Galina Daskalova. His artistic achievements include first prize at the Young virtuosos competition (2016) and second prize at
the Frederic Chopin Competition (2015).
He has received lessons from Ludmil Angelov, Antonio di Cristofano,et al.
He has performed at many festivals in Bulgaria and has also given solo recitals in France
and Poland.
Emanuil Ivanov (Bulgaria) ha iniziato i suoi
studi con G. Daskalova. Vincitore del 1°premio al Young virtuosos competition (2016) e
2° al Frederic Chopin Competition (2015).
Ha suonato recitals in Francia e Polonia.
Emanuil Ivanov (Bulgarien) begann seine
Studien bei G. Daskalova. Gewinner des 1.
Preises beim Wettbewerb „Young virtuosos“
(2016) und des 2. Preises am Frederic-Chopin-Wettbewerb (2015). Er gab bisher Konzerte in Frankreich und Polen.
Fumiya Koido
Fumiya Koido (Japan) won the Grand prix at
the 1st KAWAI International Piano Competition in Tokyo 2015. Since then he has given
many concerts throughout the country such
as those at the Chopin Festival 2016. He has
received masterclasses from Mikhail Voskresensky, Eliso Virsaladze, Jean-Claude Pennetier, Pascal Devoyon. He is currently a student
of Mamiko Suda.
Fumiya Koido (Giappone) Vincitore del
Grand prix al 1st KAWAI International Piano
Competition in Tokyo 2015. Ha frequentato i
corsi di Mikhail Voskresensky e Eliso Virsaladze. Attualmente è allievo di M. Suda.
Fumiya Koido (Japan) ist Gewinner des
Grand Prix beim ersten Internationalen KAWAI
Klavierwettbewerb in Tokio 2015. Er hat Kurse
bei Mikhail Voskresensky und Eliso Virsaladze
besucht. Derzeit ist er Student von M. Suda.
Scarlatti: 2 Sonatas
Bach: Toccata e-moll BWV914
Beethoven: Sonata no.26, op.81a “Das
Lebewohl” in E-flat major (18 min.)
Chopin: Ballade no.3, op.47 in A-flat major (8 min.)
Liszt: Transcendental etude no.10 in F minor
(5 min.), Apres une lecture du Dante - Fantasia
quasi sonata (17 min.)
Brahms: 4 Vier Klavierstücke Op.119
Tchaikovsky: Dumka c-moll Op.59
Scriabin: Deux Poemes Op.32
Scriabin: Sonata No.3 fis-mollOp.23
Scriabin: Sonata no.5, op.53 (12 min.)
Kapustin: Variations op.41 (8 min.)
Mer. 21.09.2016 ore 11 – Palazzo Mercantile
Zhang Yuanxi
Paskal Paskalev
Zhang Yuanxi began to learn piano from his
father then he with Zhang Yang. In 2010 entered to Xi’an Conservatory of Music learning
piano with G. Vitaletti and Mrs Zhong Jia. He
has won scholarships for several times.In 2014,
he graduated with excellent performance and
obtained the title of outstanding graduate in
Bachelor degree. Now he study Master Degree
to the Bolzano Conservatory with G. Vitaletti.
Paskal Paskalev (Bulgaria) started his studies with Marie Grueva and Elena Tasseva and
graduated from the class of Atanas Kurtev in
He has played solo recitals in France, Hungary,
Germany, and the Netherlands and has been
awarded first prizes in a number of international
piano competitions. He has performed under
the baton of Edward Serov, Martin Panteleev,
Grigor Palikarov and Hristo Mihalev.
Zhang Yuanxi è vincitore di numerose borse
di studio ottiene il Bachelor Degree con lode
presso il Conservatorio di Xi’an in Cina. è iscritto all’ultimo anno di Master Degree al Conservatorio di Bolzano nella classe di G. Vitaletti.
Paskal Paskalev (Bulgaria) ha iniziato i suoi
studi con M. Grueva e E. Tasseva, laureato
dalla classe di A. Kurtev nel 2014. Ha suonato recitals in Francia, Ungheria, Germania ed
Zhang Yuanxi hat mehrere Leistungsstipendien erhalten. Er erreichte den Bachelorabschluss am Musikkonservatorium in Xian mit
höchster Punktezahl. Derzeit ist er im letzten
Jahr des Bienniums am Musikkonservatorium
«Claudio Monteverdi» in Bozen eingeschrieben. Sein derzeitiger Professor ist G.Vitaletti.
Paskal Paskalev (Bulgarien) begann seine
Studien bei M. Grueva und E. Tasseva und
schloss 2014 bei Prof. A. Kurtev ab. Er konzertiert regelmäßig in Frankreich, Ungarn,
Deutschland und Holland.
Beethoven: Rondo op51, Rondo op52
Schumann: Kreisleriana, Op. 16
Prelude, Op. 99
3 Romances, Op. 28
Bach: Concerto Italiano BWV 971
Beethoven: Sonata op110
Liszt: “St Francois De Paule, Marchant Sur Les
Chopin: Ballade, Op. 23
Liszt: Sonetto 104 del Petrarca
Valse oubliée No. 1
Etude de Paganini No. 2
Scriabin: Etude, Op. 8 No. 12
Gio. 22.09.2016 ore 16.30 – Cento Trevi
Marcin Wieczorek
Giulio Pagano
Marcin Wieczorek (Poland) started his studies at the Oskar Kolberg School of music in
Radom with P.Filipiak and M. Drewnowski. He
studies with E. Pobłocka and P. Wakarecy at
the Bydgoszcz Academy of Music and is a
winner of top prizes at many national and international competitions.
He has worked with many conductors such
as Robert Carter, Wojciech Pławner, Francis
Guy, Bastien Ricquebourg, et al.
Giulio Pagano (Italia) is currently studying at
the G. Verdi Conservatory under the tutelage
of Cristina Frosini and has attended masterclasses with Vincenzo Balzani, Pasquale Iannone e Davide Cabassi. Two-times winner of
the first prize at the “Città di Albenga” Piano
Competition (2012, 2014) and the “Città di Giussano” Piano competition in 2014.
Marcin Wieczorek (Polonia) ha iniziato i suoi
studi alla O. Kolberg School of Music in Radom con P. Filipiak e M. Drewnowski. Attualmente studia con P. Wakarecy all’Accademia
di Musica di Bydgoszcz.
Marcin Wieczorek (Polen) begann sein Studium am O. Kolberg College of Music in Radom
bei P. Filipiak und M. Drewnowski. Derzeit studiert er bei P. Wakarecy an der Akademie für
Musik in Bydgoszcz.
Giulio Pagano (Italia) studia al Conservatorio G. Verdi con Cristina Frosin. Ha suonato ai
corsi di Vincenzo Balzani, Pasquale Iannone
e Davide Cabassi.
Giulio Pagano (Italien) studierte am Mailander
Konservatorium bei Cristina Frosin. Er hat an
Meisterkursen bei Vincenzo Balzani, Pasquale
Iannone und Davide Cabassi teilgenommen.
Bach: Concerto Italiano
Beethoven. Sonata n. 30, Op. 109
Liszt: La Leggierezza, studio da concerto
Chopin: Etude in C major op. 10 no. 1
Rachmaninov: Etude in f sharp minor op. 39 no.
Beethoven: Piano Sonata op. 2 no. 3
Brahms: Rapsodia, op. 119
Rachmaninov: Etudes Tableaux, op. 33 nn. 6 e
7 C. Debussy - Estampes
Prokofiev: 7th Piano Sonata op. 83
Schumman: Etudes Symphoniques op. 13
Der wettbewerb
La Selezione – Der Wettbewerb
“Piano Festival Bolzano Bozen”
Durante i concerti “Giovani Pianisti” che si terranno nel corso del Festival dal 13 al 22 Settembre, sarà
presente una commissione che ascolterà le esecuzioni di tutti gli studenti e sceglierà tre Top-Student
fra i 24 che si presenteranno da tutto il mondo per eseguire i “mezzi concerti”.
Fra questi tre selezionati verrà scelto il migliore per eseguire il concerto di chiusura del Festival.
Eine Jury wird bei den Konzerten der “Jungen Pianisten”, welche im Rahmen des Festivals vom 13.
bis 22. September stattfinden, zugegen sein und die Ausführung der Studenten bewerten. Aus den
24 anwesenden Studenten werden die besten drei ausgewählt. Diese werden sich ein weiteres Mal
der Bewertung der Jury am 23. September stellen und der Beste unter ihnen wird das Abschlusskonzert am Samstag, 24. September gestalten.
I tre studenti selezionati dal Piano Festival Bolzano Bozen suoneranno il:
23.09.16 ore 11.00 – Centro Culturale Trevi
23.09.16 ore 13.30 – UNIBZ Biblioteca
23.09.16 ore 20.00 – UNIBZ Biblioteca
Lo studente selezionato dal Piano Festival Bolzano Bozen per eseguire
il concerto di chiusura suonerà il:
24.09.16 ore 20.00 – Sala Michelangeli, Conservatorio “C.Monteverdi”
Sarà questa per gli studenti anche l’occasione per farsi conoscere e per essere invitati dai Conservatori presenti al Festival per l’esecuzione di concerti presso le loro sedi.
Un in bocca al lupo!
An n a M a r i a C i g o l i
I ta l i a
Wu Y i n g
Ci n a
L i u Ji a
Ci n a
Ro t i s l av Yov ch ev
Bu l g a r i a
Su d a M a mi ko
G i ap p o n e
At a n a s Ku r t ev
Bu l g a r i a
Ei n a r S me bye
No r v e g i a
Mi ch a l Dr ew n ow s k i
Po l o n i a
1) Einar Smebye, Norwegian Academy of Music , Oslo, Norvegia
(13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21 Settembre 2016)
2) Anna Maria Cigoli, Conservatorio di Torino, Italia
(13, 14, 15 Settembre 2016)
3) Rotislav Yovchev, „Pantcho Vladigerov“ State Academy of Music in
Sofia, Bulgaria
(13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21 Settembre 2016)
4) Wu Ying, Central Conservatory of Music in Beijing
(13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 20, 21 Settembre 2016)
5) Atanas Kurtev, „Pantcho Vladigerov“ State Academy of Music in Sofia
(18, 20, 21, 22 Settembre 2016)
6) Suda Mamiko, Toho University of Music in Tokyo, Giappone
(18, 19, 20, 21, 22 Settembre 2016)
7) Michal Drewnowski, Oskar Kolberg Music School in Radom,
Academy of Music in Lodz, Polonia
(16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 Settembre 2016)
8) Liu Jia, Xi‘an Conservatory of Music, Cina
(14, 15, 16, 18, 19, 21, 22 Settembre 2016)
Anna Maria Cigoli, Conservatorio di Torino, Italia
(13, 14, 15 Settembre 2016)
Anna Maria Cigoli, (Italia) made her public debut at the age of 3 and with the orchestra of the Milan
Conservatory at the age of 8. She graduated at the age of 14 from the G. Verdi Conservatory of Milan
and continued her studies with Nikita Magalov (Geneve Conservatory), Geza Anda (Mozarteum) and
Carlo Zecchi (S.Cecilia).
She started her international career when she played with the Academy of St. Martin in the Fields at
the Queen Elizabeth Hall and then under the baton of Sir Neville Marriner. She has also played with
orchestras such as The Moscow Virtuosi and the Filarmonica della Scala adn under conductors such
as Vladimir Spivakov and Nikolaevic Roždestvenskij.
She has performed in several countries and has been laureated at important international competitions such as: the F. Busoni Competition, the Scriabin Competition and the UNESCO Prize. She is
currently a Professor at the G. Verdi Conservatory of Turin. (curriculum in italian and german pag 14)
Rotislav Yovchev, „Pantcho Vladigerov“ State Academy of Music in Sofia, Bulgaria
(13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21 Settembre 2016)
Rotislav Yovchev (Bulgaria) is a Piano professor at the National Music Academy “Pancho Vladigerov” in Sofia, and a Head of the Piano, Composition and Conducting Departments.
He began to study piano at age 6. He obtained his Bachelor and Master’s degree at the Bulgarian
State Conservatory in the class of Atanas Kurtev.
Laureate of several national and international competitions, Dr. Yovchev actively performs as a soloist
and chamber musician not only in Bulgaria but also in Germany, Belgium, Spain, Poland, Hungary,
Romania, Croatia, Cyprus, Turkey, South Korea, Tunisia and other countries. He takes part in the most
prestigious festivals in the country and abroad. He gives master classes in Bulgaria, Korea, Romania,
Turkey, and Italy and sits as a juror for several international competitions. Winner of the “Crystal Lyre”
of the Union of Bulgarian Musicians and Dancers in two categories and of the “Golden Lyre”. In June
2013 he earned his Doctoral degree. (curriculum in italian and german pag 16)
Einar Smebye, Norwegian Academy of Music , Oslo, Norvegia
(13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21 Settembre 2016)
Einar Henning Smebye (Norway) was born in 1950. After his studies with Nicolai Dirdal and Hildegunn
Reuter he gave a sensational debut concert in Oslo at the age of 17. He continued his education with Bruno
Seidlhofer in Vienna and Germaine Mounier in Paris who prepared him for an extensive career with concerts
in several European, Asian and American countries. He has made several CD recordings both as soloist
and chamber musician and includes contemporary music as an important part of his repertoire. He was
elected Musician of the Year in 1997 by the Norwegian Composer´s Society and received the Fartein Valen
Prize in 2006. He currently holds a position as Professor at the Norwegian Academy of Music.
Einar Henning Smebye (Norvegia) ha cominciato i suoi studi con N. Dirdal e H. Reuter ad Oslo e continuato con B. Seidlhofer in Vienna e G. Mounier a Parigi. Ha suonato come solista in Europa, Asia ed America
ed ha registrato vari CD come solista e camerista. È stato selezionato come Musicista dell’ Anno 1997 per
la Società Norvegese di compositori ed attualmente è insegnante all’Accademia Norvegese di Musica.
Einar Henning Smebye (Norwegen) begann seine Studien bei N. Dirdal und H. Reuter in Oslo und studierte
bei B. Seidlhofer in Wien und G. Mounier in Paris. Als Solist ist er in Europa, Asien und Amerika aufgetreten und
hat mehrere CDs (auch als Kammermusiker) aufgenommen. 1997 wurde er als Musiker von der Norwegischen
Gesellschaft für Komponisten ausgezeichnet und ist derzeit Professor an der Hochschule für Musik in Oslo.
Wu Ying, Central Conservatory of Music in Beijing
(13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 20, 21 Settembre 2016)
Wu Ying (China) is piano Professor at the Central Conservatory of Music of China. He studied in Beijing
and Vienna. In 1991, Wu was granted from Hochschule für Musik und Darstellande Kunst with M° Paul
Badura Skoda. In 1994, he went to the Piano Department of Shanghai Conservatory of Music as a Professor, and became the Department Head until 2004, in 2004 when he returned to the Central Conservatory of
Music China in Beijing as a professor he assume the Department Head position to now. In 1999 the state
department awarded him the title of “Outstanding Expert in Ministry of Culture”. He has been on the panel
of judges of many international piano competitions, including F.Busoni international piano competition in
Bolzano, Concours de Geneve, Liszt international piano competition in Weimar, Scottish international piano competition, James Mottram international piano competition Manchester and China international piano
competition etc. (curriculum in italian and german pag 30)
Liu Jia, Xi‘an Conservatory of Music, Cina
(14, 15, 16, 18, 19, 21, 22 Settembre 2016)
Liu Jia (China) is currently a professor, graduate student advisor and the head of the Piano department at the Music Conservatory of Xi’an.
In 2008 she was invited by the Cité Internationale des Arts to study in Paris as a visiting scholar and
successfully played recitals at the Cité Internationale des Arts in Dec. 2008 and Jan. 2009. Later she
was invited by the Bardolet Cultural Foundation to perform a solo recital at Chopin’s former residence
in Mallorca. The recital was well-received and its recording was broadcasted.
Mrs. Liu has a rich repertoire and is especially known for her imaginative and sincere touch and
interpretation. In addition to being a great performer, she is also an active educator and her students
have won several prizes at international and national piano competitions. Jia Liu has been invited to
be a judge at many provincial and national music competitions, and is a member of many societies,
such as the Chinese Musicians Association and the China Piano Society. (curriculum in italian and
german pag 22)
Michal Drewnowski, Oskar Kolberg Music School in Radom,
Academy of Music in Lodz, Polonia
(16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 Settembre 2016)
Michal Drewnowski (Poland) began his studies at the K. Szymanowski Music School in Warsaw with
Bronisława Kawalla and Ewa Poblocka and at the Academy of Music in Lodz, where he graduated
with honours. He completed his postgraduate studies at the Conservatory of Music of Geneva under
Dominique Merlet and Pascal Devoyon.
He has been laureated at several competitions and performs as a soloist and chamber musician all
over Europe and at festivals such as: Passage Warsaw, Salon of the Arts in Sofia, Festival Musicale
di Norcia, Varna Summer Festival, Cracow Music Spring, Warsaw Music Encounters and the Chopin
Festival (Geneva).
He has played under many renowned conductors (Emilian Madey, Tadeusz Kozlowski, Stanislav Oushev, Ruben Silva, Alessandro Tortato, et al.) and in venues such as the Steinway Kammersal in
Copenhagen, Wigmore Hall and the Palau de la Musica Catalana. Mr. Drewnowski has recorded for
labels such as GEGA NEW, DUX and PRO ART.He is currently a Professor at the Academy of Music
in Lodz. (curriculum in italian and german pag 24)
Suda Mamiko, Toho University of Music in Tokyo, Giappone
(18, 19, 20, 21, 22 Settembre 2016)
Suda Mamiko (Japan) was born in Tokyo. She received a Scholarship from the French Government to study at the Paris Conservatoire, where she graduated in 1972 as Première Nommée and received the “Prix spécial Roger Ducasse” for piano and chamber music. In 1980,
she won first prize at the “Mozart Memorial International Competition” in London. She then
performed at the Queen Elizabeth Hall and with the London Mozart Players. At the same time
she had the privilege of studying with Annie Fischer in Budapest. In 1985 she was awarded
the Chopin Prize by the Chopin Society in Japan; Since then she has toured Asia and Europe
extensively and has performed with leading orchestras. She has also played with artists such
as Lorand Fenyves, Philippe Graffin, Zvi Harel, Fritz Dolezal, Toby Hoffman, Nobuko Imai,
Daniel Müller-Schott, Quatuor Via Nova, the Vienna String Quartet, the NHK String Quartet, the
Czech Philharmonic Sextet, et al. She is a Professor at the Toho University of Music in Tokyo.
(curriculum in italian and german pag 28)
Atanas Kurtev, „Pantcho Vladigerov“ State Academy of Music in Sofia
(18, 20, 21, 22 Settembre 2016)
Atanas Kurtev (Bulgaria) graduated from the”Pancho Vladigerov” State Academy of Music
and “N. Rimski-Korsakov” Conservatory in Saint Petersburg as a student of Pavel Serebriakov
and the Queen Elizabeth Conservatory in Brussels at the class of Eduardo del Pueyo. He
then specialized in Hungary under George Sebok and Pal Kadosha, and in France at Ivonne
Lefebvre’s class. He earned his Doctoral degree in 1977.
Atanas Kurtev has made more than 1100 stage appearances, and has performed all over
Europe, as well as in Asia, Africa and Latin America in halls such as the Grand Hall of the
Berlin Philharmonie, the St.Petersburg imperial chapel, Brahms-Saal, Toppan Hall, amongst
many others.
Prof. MusD Kurtev is actively engaged in educational and musical research as well as textological work, preparing the publishing of many music score editions.
By initiative of Prof. Kurtev 8 periodically-held international competitions for young pianists
have been established in Bulgaria since 1981. (curriculum in italian and german pag 26)
International Festival “Great teachers”
International Piano competition
„Skriabin and Rachmaninoff”
Piano Festival Bolzano Bozen
Un progetto del Dipartimento di Pianoforte
Conservatorio “C.Monteverdi” Bolzano.
Ein Projekt des Bozner Konservatoriums
C. Monteverdi.
Conservatorio “Claudio Monteverdi”
Istituto di alta formazione musicale
Piazza Domenicani 19
39100 Bolzano (BZ) - Italia
[email protected]
T. 346 1380177
Ideazione, coordinamento, organizzazione
Giovanni Vitaletti
[email protected]
Organizzazione, ufficio stampa, segreteria
Organisation, Pressebüro, Sekretariat
Claudia Jocher
[email protected]
Sofia Best
[email protected]
Uffici amministrativi - Verwaltung
Dott. Mario Belli, Dott.ssa Paola Felis
Recording, Foto - Aufnahmen, Foto
Stefano Bozolo
[email protected]
Il Dipartimento di pianoforte
Prof. Giovanni Vitaletti (coordinatore
del Dipartimento)
Prof. Stefano Bozolo
Prof. Cristiano Burato
Prof.ssa Alessandra Brustia
Prof.ssa Adriana Montanari
Prof. Damyan Tudzharov
Prof. Ying Wu
Prof. Miroslav Zgaga
Centro Culturale Trevi
Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano
Ripartizione 15 - Cultura italiana
Ufficio Cultura
“Edificio Plaza”, via del Ronco 2, Bolzano
T. 0471 41 12 36
[email protected]
Azienda di Soggiorno e Turismo Bolzano
Piazza Walther, Bolzano
T. 0471 307047
Palazzo Mercantile
Via Portici, 39, Bolzano
T. 0471 945702
UNI BZ – Biblioteca
Piazza Università 1, Bolzano
T. 0471 012300
Aiuto per la logistica - Logistik
Damyan Tudzharov
[email protected]
Conservatorio “Monteverdi” Konservatorium
Piazza Domenicani 19 Dominikanerplatz 19 - 39100 Bolzano · Bozen
[email protected] · www.cons.bz.it · T. 346 1380177