Wahlfach/Optional Course: Academic Writing A course

John O’Donoghue MA
Faculty of Business, Computing and Law
Technical University of Applied Sciences Wildau
15745 Wildau
Email: [email protected]
Wahlfach/Optional Course: Academic Writing
A course in writing skills for academic purposes
Time: 12th-16th September 2016, 9.45-15.30
Place: Room 419/House 100
Cost: Free of charge
This course is offered as an intensive week comprising 30 hours. It is designed for all students at the
UAS Wildau, particularly those in master’s programmes, both German and international students,
who wish to write their dissertation in English and would like to develop their writing skills. The focus
will be on key aspects of academic writing such as:
Writing introductions
Being critical
Describing methods
Referring to literature
Reporting and discussing results
Writing conclusions
Transition statements
This corpus-based course will offer practice in processes and strategies that enable students to
present their work in a clear and coherent fashion. Particular attention will be paid to phrases,
collocations (how words are combined to form phrases) and the challenges that German students
face when they seek to develop their own academic style. Students are welcome to bring along their
own academic work so that individual feedback can be provided on the final day. This course is free
for all students, but please register with John O’Donoghue by 15 July 2016: [email protected]