Dieses Wahlpflichtmodul ist ein Angebot der: Energiesystemtechnik: Schwerpunkt Electrical High-Power-Systems FEM Electrical Engineering Prof. R. Kačianauskas Prof. Dr.-Ing. Karl Herbert Klug [email protected] Studiengang Energiesystemtechnik Abkürzung ESys-3.8.2 (FMMAM03724) Modulname FEM in Electrical Engineering Semester/Art 3. Semester (Wintersemester) / Pflichtmodul für Studierende der Vertiefungsrichtung „Electrical High-PowerSystems“ (Vilnius) Betreuer Prof. R. Kačianauskas (VGTU), Prof. E. Stupak VGTU) Lernziel To indoctrinate with a consents of the FEM, to train skills of on using computational technologies. Inhalt Hilfsmittel/Literatur Lehrform/Umfang O.C. Zienkiewicz, R. L. Taylor. The finite element method. Vol. 1 The basis. 5th ed.. Oxford, 20002002. , 2000. xvi, 689 p. R.Kačianauskas. Computer methods in Multilevel modelling of beams and shells. Vilnius: Technika, 1995, p. 395. http://www.algor.com http://www.ansys.com. Cook R. D., Malkus D.S. and Plesha M. E. Concepts and Applications of Finite Element Analysis. John Wiley and Sons. 1989. 6. A.B. Reece, T.W. Preston. Finite element methods in electrical power engineering/Oxford, 2000. xviii, 292 p Vorlesung (3 SWS), Übung (1 SWS) Arbeitsaufwand 225 h Prüfung Klausur 2,0 h Leistungspunkte 7,5 LP Verwendbarkeit Im Studiengang „Energiesystemtechnik“ Concepts of FEM. Definitions. Problem formulation. Interpolation functions. Two-dimensional and tree-dimensional elements. Discretization of non-linear and time dependent problems. Coupled problems. Discretization of Maxwell equations. Solution algorithms and computational technologies.
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