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2016 年度 第2回支部講演会のお知らせ
The JACET Kansai Second Lecture Meeting of the 2016 Academic Year
第 2 回関西支部講演会は、下記の通りリーディング研究会による講演を予定しています。
1. 日時:2016 年 10 月 15 日(土)15:30~17:00
2. 場所:同志社大学 今出川キャンパス 寧静館 5 階 会議室(予定)
※必ず直前に HP にて会場をご確認ください。
3. 講師:長谷 尚弥 先生(関西学院大学)
(JACET 関西支部リーディング研究会メンバー)
4. 演題:
5. 概要:アメリカにおけるバイリンガル教育には言語教育の本質が存在すると考
6. 参加費:JACET 会員は無料、非会員は 500 円。事前申込不要。
7. 使用言語:日本語
8. 茶話会:講演会後に茶話会(ノンアルコール、参加費 500 円、1 時間程度)を
The JACET Kansai Second Lecture Meeting of this academic year by the Reading
SIG will be held as follows:
1. Date: 15:30–17:00, Saturday, October 15, 2016
2. Venue: Doshisha University, Imadegawa Campus, Neiseikan bld., 5th floor
(TBC) *Please check out our website until the room is confirmed.
3. Speaker: Professor Naoya Hase (Kwansei Gakuin University)
4. Title: What EFL Teaching in Japan Can Learn from Bilingual Education in
the USA
5. Abstract: I believe that bilingual education in the USA contains the essence
of language education. By looking at bilingual education in the USA, I would
like to think about what we as English (language) teachers should keep in
mind, focusing on the sociopolitical meaning of language and language
teaching, “culture” as related to language teaching, multilingualism and
multiculturalism, linguistic and cultural identities of language learners.
6. Fee: JACET member, free; nonmember, ¥500. No need to pre-register.
7. Main language for presentation: Japanese
8. Party: Please join us for about one-hour tea party with light meals after the
lecture. The fee is ¥500.