東京工業大学 物質理工学院 応用化学系 助教公募 1. 2. 3. 4. 所 属:物質理工学院 応用化学系 公募人員:助教1名 応募資格:博士の学位を有する方,または着任までに取得見込みの方 研究分野:高分子化学(高分子反応を基盤とする高分子科学)、例えば安全・安心・再利用 可能な環境低負荷型の反応性高分子の設計 5. 教育分野:工学部高分子工学科、大学院理工学研究科有機・高分子物質専攻、物質理工学院 応用化学系の所属学生に対する学生実験、演習、研究助言など 6. 着任時期:2017 年 4 月 1 日以降のできるだけ早い時期 7. 任 期:5 年以内(審査の後,5 年以内の再任が 1 回可能) 8. 給 与:本学年俸制適用職員賃金規則による 9. 提出書類:(1) 履歴書(写真貼付,学歴は高等学校卒業以降),(2) 研究業績リスト(査読付 き原著論文,著書・総説・査読無し論文・国際会議発表・特許等に分けて記入),(3) 研究 業績の概要(A4 版で 2 枚程度),(4) 主要論文 3 編以内の論文コピー,(5) 教育と研究に 関する抱負(A4 版で 1 枚程度),(6) その他参考事項(受賞,科研費等の競争的研究費の取 得実績等),(7) 所見を求めうる方 2 名の氏名,所属,職名,連絡先(住所、電話番号、 E-mail アドレス).以上,(1) ~ (7)の提出書類の印刷体とその pdf ファイルが書き込まれた USB メモリまたは CD を提出してください. 10. 応募〆切:2016 年 11 月 2 日(水)必着 11. 書類提出先:〒152-8552 東京都目黒区大岡山 2-12-1 S1-7 東京工業大学物質理工学院応用化 学系事務室 宛 (物質理工学院応用化学系教員(高分子系)応募書類在中と朱書し,簡易 書留にて郵送願います.なお,応募書類は返却いたしません.) 12. 問合せ先:東京工業大学 物質理工学院 応用化学系 大塚 英幸 E-mail: [email protected] 13. その他: ・本応募で取得した個人情報は教員選考以外の目的には使用しません. ・本学では,多彩な人材を確保し,大学力・組織力を高めるため,全ての研究分野 において,外国人や女性の参画する均等な機会を提供します. ・面接等での来訪旅費につきましては自己負担になります. Faculty Position: Assistant Professor Department of Chemical Science and Engineering, School of Materials and Chemical Technology, Tokyo Institute of Technology 1. Affiliation: Department of Chemical Science and Engineering, School of Materials and Chemical Technology 2. Position Title: Assistant Professor 3. Qualification Requirements: Ph.D. or equivalent (including Ph.D. candidate or doctoral degree candidate who will receive degree before starting employment) 4. Research Field: Polymer chemistry (Polymer science based on polymer reactions). For example, design of reactive polymers toward security, safety, and recycling. 5. Education Field: Polymer chemistry (Exercises, experiments, and research guidance for the students of Department of Polymer Chemistry, Department of Organic and Polymeric Materials, and Department of Chemical Science and Engineering) 6. Expected Start Date: April 1, 2017, or later. 7. Duration and Terms: Appointment will be for up to 5 years. Reappointment may be possible after review (limited to a maximum of 10 years from the original date of employment). 8. Type of Salary: Annual base salary 9. Documents for the Application: (1) Curriculum vitae, including education after high school and a photo. (2) Publication list (A. Papers published in refereed journals; B. Other works including review articles, books, proceedings, patents, etc.). (3) Summary of major research achievements to date (A4 or letter size, two pages or less). (4) Copy of maximum five significant papers. (5) Brief statement of research and teaching plans (A4 or letter size, one page). (6) Other information, including a list of awards, a list of competitive research funds, etc. (7) Contact addresses (name, affiliation, position, telephone number, and e-mail address) for two persons who can evaluate your work. Applicants should send the application documents and a USB memory (or a CD) including the pdf files of the above information (1)-(7). 10. Application Deadline: November 2, 2016 11. Mailing address for the Application: Office of Department of Chemical Science and Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology, S1-7, 2-12-1, O-okayama, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 152-8550, Japan Applicants should send the application documents to the above address by certified mail. On the envelope, write "Application Documents for Assistant Professor, Polymer Chemistry, Department of Chemical Science and Engineering" in red. Note that the submitted documents will not be returned. 12. Inquiries: Professor Hideyuki Otsuka, E-mail: [email protected] 13. Notes: 1) Submitted documents are strictly protected under the Privacy Policy of Tokyo Institute of Technology and will be used only for the purpose of applicant screening. 2) Tokyo Institute of Technology, in order to ensure a diverse workforce, guarantees equal opportunities for all individuals regardless of nationality or gender. 3) Interview travel expenses will not be paid.
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