CCC-AbkürzungsVZ Abbreviations A achACT AFW Explanation Actions Consommateurs Travailleurs Asia Floor Wage Altroconsumo B BMZ BSCI Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung Business Social Compliance Initiative C CCC Clean Clothes Campaign CI CNCD Consumers International Centre national de coopération au développement / Nationaal Centrum voor Ontwikkelingssamenwerking (NCOS) CNCD CorA CSO CSR Consiliul National pentru Combaterea Discriminarii Corporate Accountability Civil Society Organization Corporate Social Responsibility D DEVCO DG E ECCJ F Directorate General for International Cooperation and Development Directorate-General European Coalition for Corporate Justice EG ENS Engagement Global gGmbH Entwicklungspolitisches Netzwerk Sachsen e.V. FLA Fair Labour Association FLEGT FLO FoA FTA FTAO Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade Fair Labelling Organization Freedom of Association Foreign Trade Association Fair Trade Advocacy Office CCC South Belgium is the Italian consumers’ organisation business-driven initiative supporting retailers, importers and brands to improve working conditions world federation of consumer groups that, working together with its Members, Serves as the only independent and authoritative global voice for consumers, based in London North Belgian NGO platform Romanian National Council for Combating Discrimination; agency of the Romanian government responsible for applying Romanian and European Union anti-discrimination laws and managing the National Anti-Discrimination Plan Netzwerk verschiedener Organisationen für Unternehmensverantwortung: Part („ministry“) of European Commission that is responsible for formulating European Union development policy and thematic policies in order to reduce poverty in the world, to ensure sustainable economic, social and environmental development and to promote democracy, the rule of law, good governance and the respect of human rights, notably through external aid. CorA on European level; finanziert durch das BMZ; Anlaufstelle in Deutschland für entwicklungspolitische Informations- und Bildungsarbeit, Fördermittelgeber It aims to reduce illegal logging by strengthening sustainable and legal forest management, improving governance and promoting trade in legally produced timber. business association of European and international commerce that promotes the values of free trade FTAO is a joint EU-lobby initiative of Fairtrade International,World Fair Trade Organization and the World Fair Trade Organization-Europe based in Brussels Seite 1 von 3 erstellt durch ENS CCC-AbkürzungsVZ G fyi for your information GE GS Global East Global South GSCP GUFs Global Social Compliance Programme Global Union Federations ILO ITUC International Labour Organisation International Trade Union Confederation business-driven programme for the improvement of working and environmental conditions in global Supply chains, created by and for global buying companies H I Sonderorganisation der UN; Aufgabe: Förderung von sozialer Gerechtigkeit, Menschen- und Arbeitsrechte Global umbrella organsiations of all unions affiliated to one of the GUFs J K L LW living wage M MEP MoU MW member of the European Parliament Memorandum of Understanding minimum wage OCU Organización de Consumidores y Usuarios N O OECD OHS Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Occupational Health and Safety Organisation of Consumers and Users, the oldest consumer organisation in Spain 35 Mitgliedstaaten mit hohem Pro-Kopf-Einkommen; Ziele: optimale Wirtschaftsentwicklung, hohe Beschäftigung, steigender Lebensstandard in ihren Mitgliedstaaten, Wirtschaftswachstum fördern, Ausweitung des Welthandels P Q Seite 2 von 3 erstellt durch ENS CCC-AbkürzungsVZ R S T TORs TUAC terms of reference Trade Union Advisory Committee Unions' lobby group at the OECD Waste and Ressources Action Programme business-led registered charity organisation in the UK and US that works with businesses, individuals and communities to achieve a circular economy through helping them reduce waste, develop sustainable Products and use resources in an efficient way U V W WRAP X Y Z Seite 3 von 3 erstellt durch ENS
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