3403 eduard Bf 109E-4 1:32 WEEKEND PLASTIC PARTS A> EDITION B> E> D> F> G> I> C3 C4 C17 C18 C33 C41 ATTENTION Mr.COLOR RED YELLOW RLM70 BLACK GREEN RLM71 DARK GREEN FLAT BLACK RED BROWN UPOZORNENÍ C60 C62 C113 C115 C116 C137 Mr.COLOR RLM02 GRAY FLAT WHITE RLM04 YELLOW RLM65 LIGHT BLUE RLM66 BLACK GRAY TIRE BLACK ACHTUNG HOBBY COLOR H344 RUST Mr. METAL COLOR MC214 DARK IRON MC218 ALUMINIUM ATTENTION GB Carefully read instruction sheet before assembling. When you use glue or paint, do not use near open flame and use in well ventilated room. Keep out of reach of small children. Children must not be allowed to suck any part, or pull vinyl bag over the head. CZ Pøed zapoèetím stavby si peèlivì prostudujte stavební návod. Pøi používání barev a lepidel pracujte v dobøe vìtrané místnosti. Lepidla ani barvy nepoužívejte v blízkosti otevøeného ohnì. Model není urèen malým dìtem, mohlo by dojít k požití drobných dílù. D Von dem Zusammensetzen die Bauanleitung gut durchlesen. Kleber und Farbe nicht nahe von offenem Feuer verwenden und das Fenster von Zeit zu Zeit Belüftung öffnen. Bausatz von kleinen Kindern fernhalten. Verhüten Sie, daß Kinder irgendwelche Bauteile in den Mund nehmen oder Plastiktüten über den Kopf ziehen. F Iire soigneusement la fiche d´instructions avant d´assembler. Ne pas utiliser de colle ou de peinture a ` proximité d´une flamme nue, et aérer la piece de temps en temps. Garder hors de portée des enfants en bas âge. Ne pas laisser les enfants mettre en bouche ou sucer les pièces, ou passer un sachet vinyl sur la tete. INSTRUCTION SIGNS OPTIONAL FACULTATIF NACH BELIEBEN VOLBA INSTR. SYMBOLY BEND PLIER SIL VOUS PLAIT BITTE BIEGEN OHNOUT OPEN HOLE FAIRE UN TROU OFFNEN VYVRTAT OTVOR INSTRUKTION SINNBILDEN SYMETRICAL ASSEMBLY MONTAGE SYMÉTRIQUE SYMMETRISCHE AUFBAU SYMETRICKÁ MONTÁŽ NOTCH L INCISION DER EINSCHNITT ZÁØEZ SYMBOLES REMOVE RETIRER ENTFERNEN ODØÍZNOUT F9 A1 C60 F17 F35 C60 F14 D9 C60 MC214 A2 F36 F3 F24 C60 C60 D4 F7 F14 MC214 F11 MC214 C60 F1 E11 C33 C60 ? C60 F13 C60 C60 C60 A12 C60 C60 F39 D21 F37 F16 C33 F38 F25 F30 C60 E12 C33 C60 C60 D23 C60 E19 E16 C60 E19 F26 F12 F32 C116 F33 C60 C33 F22 2 G34 G30 G27 MC218 G29 G1 G22 MC214 G26 MC214 G8 G32 G12 5 pcs. G33 H344 H344 G15 G18 G23 MC214 MC214 G24 MC218 MC218 F4 G16 G17 H344 H344 G2 G12 5 pcs. G15 G10 C33 C60 C60 G13 G3 - FIRST G7 - NEXT G14 A G3 - PRVNÍ G7 - DRUHÝ C137 G19 G9 C33 G25 MC218 MC218 C60 G7 G31 MC214 C60 G3 C137 C60 F2 G31 ? G11 - DB601N ONLY G11 - PRO MOTOR DB601N ? G4 MC218 D23 G11 A A2 E24 G16 F2 C60 ? A1 3 D5 D19 D20 D8 D18 D11 D17 F40 D2 C60 D3 C137 C60 C116 E13 E10 E5 D14 C137 B2 C137 MC218 E8 B2 MC218 B1 D12 MC214 F31 E20 MC218 B1 E15 MC218 MC214 B3 4 F31 D22 D7 G28 MC214 C60 G5 G6 D6 G28 C60 C60 G5 MC214 D13 G6 C60 G20 R F20 C137 C116 C60 C60 F8 C116 F27 G21 MC218 E6 F5 C60 C60 F18 L C116 F8 C137 F6 F34 C116 F27 F20 E7 D16 B3 R E2 C60 D13 C60 E3 L MC218 D15 F5 F10 C60 C60 MC214 MC214 F6 E18 A1, A2 B3 C60 C60 D22 5 ? ALTERNATIVE ASSEMBLY FOR THE CLOSED NOSE. ALTERNATIVNÍ SESTAVA PRO ZAVØENÝ KRYT MOTORU. OPEN A11 A5 A6 CLOSED E9 OPEN CLOSED MC214 F29 E14 G12 5 pcs. H344 G15 A4 F4 H344 E21 E26 G12 5 pcs. H344 H344 G15 C60 I6 E17 C116 F28 OPEN I5 I8 C33 C41 ? I5 C33 CLOSED I5 I9 G19 F15 F15 C60 MC218 D1 E23 MC218 E22 A9 C115 A7 C115 A10 A8 6 A8 C115 C115 I9 C41 I4 Bf 109E-4 STENCIL VARIANTS S30 S23 S37 S16 S38 ? S43 S45 S29 S34 87 S27 S27 S27 Rotring S42 S11 S44 S10 S24 ? S32 S28 S20a S39 S40 S16 S14 S22a S26 S17 S31 S31 S19 S19 S18 S18 S15 S12 S44 S23 S28 S24 ? S32 S22b S35 S20b S26 S36 S15 eduard 7 Very interesting camouflage schemes were rendered on the aircraft of JG 54 by the unit’s ground personnel in the summer of 1940. They applied vertical to diagonal lines of RLM 71 in an attempt to darken the light blue fuselage sides. The standard scheme of 02/71/65 was applied, along with the quick identification attributes. The period scheme was applied to Yellow ‘13’, with which, on August 12, 1940, Lt. Josef Eberle managed to cross the Channel and belly land in France despite personal injury. The wingtips and fin of Eberle’s aircraft were painted RLM 27 Yellow, lighter than RLM 04 that the spinner, tactical number and background of the III./JG 54 emblem were painted. The bottom wing color RLM 65 extended marginally to the upper surface. Some sources erroneously identify this aircraft as an E-3. Despite having tempted fate once over the Channel, he was not as successful on October 9, 1940, when he lost his life in combat with RAF fighters. H413 113 H65 18 37 H67 115 H4 4 36 S43 H67 115 H70 60 3 1 H70 60 46 ? 17+22 H65 18 H65 18 H413 113 H4 4 3 4 FIND FULL COLOR INSTRUCTION ON WWW.EDUARD.COM Lt. Josef Eberle, 9./JG 54, The Netherlands – August 1940 S7 H67 115 H64 17 4 H4 4 WHITE H11 62 RLM 04 YELLOW 113 RLM 65 H67 115 RLM 02 H70 60 8 © EDUARD M.A. 2010 1 RLM 27 YELLOW H4 4 RLM 70 H65 18 H413 113 H64 17 H4 4 46 ? 17+22 S7 36 RLM 71 H64 17 www.eduard.com 37 eduard Made in Czech Republic CELOBAREVNÝ NÁVOD NA WWW.EDUARD.COM H11 62
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