Bukovina and Bukovinians after the Second World War: (Re)shaping and (Re)thinking a Region after Genocide and ‘ethnic Unmixing’ An International Workshop at the Bukowina-Institut at the University of Augsburg In cooperation with the University of Klagenfurt and the Institute for German Culture and History of Southeastern Europe at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München And the FORUMOST of the University of Augsburg 14-15th September 2016 Wednesday 14th September 14.00: Introduction and welcome (Maren Röger and Gaëlle Fisher) Chair: Florian Kührer-Wielach (Munich) 14:15: Panel 1: Rebuilding Communities after Genocide and ‘Ethnic Unmixing’ - Olena Petrenko (Bochum): Die neuen Kader “aus dem Osten”: Narrative der Nachkriegssowjetisierung in der Bukowina - Gaëlle Fisher (Augsburg): Between Liberation and Emigration: Bukovina Jews in Post-war Romania 15:30: Coffee Break - Mathias Beer (Tübingen): Old Settler – New Land: The Founding of the Buchenland-Siedlung in Stuttgart Büsnau Lidia Gheorghiu-Bradley (Brasov): Zōē and Bios; the Forms-of-life of Bukovina Refugees in Post-war Romania 19.00: Conference Dinner Thursday 15th September Chair: Bettina Bannasch 9.30: Panel 2: Rewriting Bukovina: The Role of Literature - Wolf Moskovich (Jerusalem): Images of Czernowitz in the Works of Some Modern Ex-Bukovinian Émigré Jewish Writers - Andrei Corbea-Hoisie (Jassy): Bukarest als intellektuelle Hauptstadt der deutschsprachigen Bukowina: 1945-1947 - Anna Zachmann (Augsburg): „Ich möchte mir selber viele Geschichten erzählen“: The Literary Depiction of Bukovina as Idealized (childhood) Memory in the Work of Edgar Hilsenrath 11.00: Coffee break Chair: Dieter Pohl (Klagenfurt) 11.15: Panel 3: Remembering Survival: Home and Exile - Ronit Fisher (Haifa): Czernowitz in Israel: A Myth or the On-going Existence of a Vanished-City of Austrian Culture? - Francisca Salomon (Jassy): Die Bukowina als traumatischer Ort – Zur Literarisierung spezifischer Erfahrungen im Kontext der Deportationen nach Transnistrien - Florence Heymann (Jerusalem): Trip to Chernivtsi or return to Czernowitz. The paradoxes of memory and nostalgia over three generations 13.15 Lunch – Bukowina-Institut Chair: Alfred Wildfeuer (Augsburg) 14:00: Panel 4 – Recalling and Reinventing: The Bukovina Myth - Ewelina Wanat (Chemnitz): “Bukowina als Erinnerung. Vergleichsanalyse der deutschen und polnischen Aussiedler” - Karolina Koziura (New York): The Meanings of Nostalgia in Reshaping Contemporary Cityscape of Chernivtsi - Niklas Bernsand (Lund): "Returning Chernivtsi to the cultural map of Europe"? Analysing the Memory Work of the Poetry Festival Meridian Czernowitz 16.00: Coffee Break 16:15: Closing Discussion (Andrei Corbea-Hoisie and Dieter Pohl) Dieses Projekt wird aus Mittel des Bayerischen Staatsministeriums für Arbeit und Soziales, Familie und Integration gefördert.
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