シンポジウム 9 月 6 日(火) A 会場 Elsevier special symposium I: Nanoscience for Photochemistry Chair : Yasuyuki Tsuboi (Osaka City University) 9:20 -9:30 Opening Remarks Tetsu Tatsuma (University of Tokyo) 9:30 -10:00 1L01 “Gold plasmonic photocatalysts: functionalization and application” Hiroshi1 Kominami (Kindai University) Chair : Minjoong Yoon (Chungnam National University) 10:00 -10:30 1L02 “Playing with excitons: photoinduced processes in semiconductor nanostructures” K. George Thomas (Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, India) Chair : Syoji Ito (Osaka University 10:30 -11:00 1L03 “Preparation of multinary metal chalcogenide semiconductor nanocrystals and their size and composition-dependent photochemical properties” Tsukasa Torimoto(Nagoya University) 11:00 -11:30 1L04 “Angle-independent structural colored materials” Yukikazu Takeoka (Nagoya University) Elsevier special symposium II: Photochemistry and Energy Conversion Chair : Masayuki Yagi (Niigata University) 13:20 -13:30 Opening Remarks Prof. Hiroshi Ishikita (University of Tokyo) 13:30 -14:00 2L01 “Water splitting through two-electron conversion processes by earth abundant metal complexes” Haruo Inoue (Tokyo Metropolitan University) 14:00 -14:30 2L02 “Mechanism of photoreactions in the photosynthetic water-oxidizing enzyme, photosystem II, studied by infrared spectroscopy” Takumi Noguchi (Nagoya University) Chair : Malcolm Forbes (Bowling Green State University) 14:30 -15:00 2L03 “Control of film morphology, crystal structure and band energy for perovskite solar cells” Eric W.-G Diau (National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan) Chair : Ken Ghiggino (The University of Melbourne) 15:00 -15:30 2L04 “Electrochemical regulation of photosynthetic electron transfer in living cyanobacterial cells” Shuji Nakanishi (Osaka University) 15:30 -16:00 2L05 “Novel fluorescent probes based on triaryl boron and other ICT compounds” Guoqiang Yang (Chinese Academy of Sciences, China) Elsevier セッション 16:00 -16:40 3L01 “Navigating the world of scholarly publishing A guide to the history of scholarly publishing and practical advice on how to get published” Nicolette van Dijk (Senior Publisher, Elsevier) 9 月 8 日(木) B 会場 男女共同参画・若手研究者交流ランチョンシンポジウム 11:30 -12:10 基調講演「若手研究者の皆さんに期待すること」 (国研)科学技術振興機構 (JST) 理事 白木澤 佳子 12:10 -12:30 「研究って楽しい ~産総研ダイバーシティーの推進とともに~」 (国研)産業技術総合研究所 主任研究員 奈良崎 愛子 12:30 -12:50 「多様な役割を担うことのすすめ」 東京大学大学院総合文化研究科 准教授 内田 さやか
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