NALENDAR AGOYA C Event and Lifestyle Information Magazine for Foreign Residents ENGLISH EDITION Website: Phone: 052-581-0100 「Nagoya Calendar」 は生活情報や名古屋周辺のイベント等の情報を掲載している英語の月刊情報誌です。 2016 September 9 P2 NIC News P3 NIC Events P4-5 In and Around Nagoya P6-7 Highlights P8 Entertainment Calendar P9 Living in Nagoya P10-11 Bulletin Board O-Manto Matsuri in Takahama City. See page 6 for details. Photo courtesy of Takahama City Tourism Association. The Nagoya Calendar is printed on recycled paper that contains post-consumer recycled pulp. Unauthorized reproduction of contents prohibited. Nagoya International Center News Nagoya International Center Services - Visit or call the NIC 3F for more information - 052-581-0100 The Nagoya International Center is a 7-minute walk or a 2-minute subway ride from Nagoya Station. Kokusai Center Station, on the Sakura-dori Subway Line, is linked to the Nagoya International Center at the basement level. The Nagoya International Center Library and Information Counter are open 9:00 – 19:00. Closed on Mondays, December 29 - January 3, & the second Sundays of August & February. Paid car-parking is also available at the Center and in the immediate vicinity. ★Information Counter 情報カウンター Information service for foreign residents on daily life and sightseeing in Japan available in 7 foreign languages. Japanese & English are available Tuesday to Sunday (9:00 – 19:00). Reservations not required. See our website for service times in other languages. ■Tel: 052-581-0100 ■E-mail [email protected] ★Free Personal Counseling 外国人こころの相談 Native English-speaking counselors are available on Sunday by appointment only to provide support to foreign residents who have difficulties with their lives in Japan. To arrange a counseling session call the NIC 3F Info Counter at 052-581-0100. ★Free Legal Consultations 外国人無料法律相談 Free Legal Consultations with a certified lawyer available on Saturdays 10:00 - 12:30 by reservation only. To make an appointment, please leave your name & phone number on the answering machine at 052-581-6111. A counseling support staff member will call you back at a later date to schedule an appointment with you. ★Free Civic Advisory Service for Foreign Residents 外国人行政相談 Information and advice in English for foreign residents on anything related to government administration such as labor laws, immigration, divorce and taxation. Phone or visit us Tuesday to Sunday (10:00 – 12:00 & 13:00 – 17:00). Reservations not required. Tel: 052-581-0100. See our website for service times in other languages. ★Free Counseling Service for Refugees and Asylum Seekers 難民相談 The Kobe-based Refugee Assistance Headquarters (RHQ) provides a confidential counseling service for refugees, convention refugees, their family members, and asylum seekers in English and Japanese every Thursday (10:00 16:00) at the NIC 3F Info Counter. Reservations are required. For more information call RHQ at 078-361-1700. (Website: ★The NIC Library ライブラリー Over 10,000 English language books including travel guides, popular manga, non-fiction, fiction, children’s books, and Japanese study guides. Borrow up to 6 books for a period of 14 days! Membership is free and open to everyone resident in the Chubu Area. A form of ID that shows your current address is required. Children can also get cards! - Free Educational Counseling Services at the NIC A Valuable Resource for Foreigners and Japanese Living In & Around Nagoya Do you have any unanswered questions about your child’s education? Do you know about all your available options? Do you need advice and don’t know who to ask? A child’s educational matters are a high priority for parents – and justifiably so. What do you do if your child doesn’t understand the language? How will they make friends? What will happen to their educational development? Perhaps your child is having difficulty adjusting to a foreign school environment. Did you know that the Nagoya International Center offers an educational advice and counseling service to assist children and their parents with the above matters and more? Professional counselors are on hand to provide advice and information on education for children of Japanese and foreign nationality – including information about schools, school admissions, daily life, and potential problems. When: Wednesdays, Fridays, & Sundays 10:00 – 17:00 Where: NIC 3F Information Counter Reservations: Required and can be made by calling 052-581-0100 Tuesdays to Sundays 9:00-19:00 The NIC also occasionally holds seminars for parents and guardians with the aim of supporting involved parties with their efforts to enrich their child’s educational experiences. Staying Up-to-Date with the NIC Social Media Radio Broadcasts Follow us @the_nic Find us on Facebook 02 NAGOYA CALENDAR Sat. 6:17am in English & Portuguese Sun. 6:17am in Chinese & Korean NIC Disaster Information Should a disaster occur in Nagoya City, check the Disaster Information section on the top page of the NIC website for information in Japanese, English, Portuguese, Spanish, Chinese, Korean, Filipino and easy Japanese. Bookmark for a direct link to updates. Nagoya International Center Events - Please note all prices, dates, times, and locations are subject to change NIC Library Closure 名古屋国際センターライブラリー休館のお知らせ In order to make NIC facilities more comfortable for users, an extensive refit of the air conditioning system is currently being carried out. While this work is underway, the NIC Library will be closed between Fri. 9 Sep. to Fri. 30 Sep. NIC rental facilities will also be unavailable at some times over the coming months. Please check the NIC website for updates. We apologize for any inconvenience. Children's Story Book Time at Nakamura Library 外国語で楽しむ絵本の会@中村図書館 Listen to foreign volunteers read story books in their respective languages from the library’s vast collection of international children’s books. Participation is free, and no reservations are required! Please note the venue change for September’s Children’s Story Book Time, which will be held in English and Chinese at Nakamura Library. When: Sat. 3 Sep. (14:00 – 14:30) Where: Nakamura Library (中村図書館) in Nakamura Ward (中村区) Access: A 10-minute walk north from Nakamura Koen Stn. (中村公園駅) on the Subway Higashiyama Line (地下鉄東山線) Exit 3 (3番出口) NIC Japanese Class for Adults NIC日本語の会 For non-native speakers of Japanese, up to 15-20 places available per course. All lessons are held in Japanese, and knowledge of hiragana and katakana are assumed. In the event of excess applications, places will be allocated by lottery. A range of courses are available from conversation to kanji. See the website for more info at When: 11 lessons every Sunday from 18 Sep. to 27 Nov. Where: Nagoya International Center Cost: 2,500 Yen for 11 lessons, plus 500-1,000 Yen for course materials. How to Apply: Come to the NIC 5F Conference Room 1 on Sun. 11 Sep. between 11:00 and 11:30. (Applications for 2nd classes from 12:30.) Following completion of the application procedure, applicants will be interviewed. Payment will be accepted from 12:15. Application forms can be found at the 3F pamphlet box area or the NIC website at Further Details: Contact the Exchange and Cooperation Division on 052-581-5689. NIC Japanese Class for Children NIC子ども日本語教室 For non-native speakers of Japanese who were born between April 2, 2001, and April 1, 2010. Maximum of 50 places. In the event of excess applications, places will be decided on a needs basis. Students will learn Japanese skills necessary for school and daily life. When: 11 lessons every Sunday from 18 Sep. to 27 Nov. (10:00 - 11:30) Where: Nagoya International Center Cost: 1,000 Yen for 11 lessons. How to Apply: Come to NIC 3F Lecture Room 1 on Sun. 11 Sep., between 9:45 and 10:15. Following completion of the application procedure, applicants will be interviewed. Applicants must attend with their parent, guardian, or person responsible for their welfare (ie. teacher, etc.). Application forms and information can be found at the 3F pamphlet box area or the NIC website at Further Details: Contact the Exchange and Cooperation Division on 052-581-5689. NIC’s Classroom for Global Citizens Program Needs YOU!「NIC地球市民教室」外国人講師募集 Want to help us to create a globally aware Nagoya? As part of its international understanding education program, NIC’s Classroom for Global Citizens program is looking for foreign instructors to visit schools and local organizations and introduce their home countries. Successful applicants must be able to communicate in Japanese to introduce their home countries, must have resided in Japan for more than one year, and must be available to attend an interview and training session on Sat. 24 Sep. (interview from 13:00; training 14:00 - 16:00). Compensation: 6,000 to 8,000 Yen per assignment depending on the venue location (income tax and commuting costs are included). The application form can be downloaded from the NIC website, or you can pick one up at the NIC. Applications and inquiries should be addressed to the Exchange & Cooperation Division - Classroom for Global Citizen’s Program by 17:00 Sat. 17 Sep. Phone: 052-581-5691; Email: [email protected] Peer Support Salon ピアサポートサロン Have you ever had concerns about your child's development? Have you felt helpless because you haven't been sure where you can take your concerns due to the language barrier? Come along, listen and share experiences and relevant local information with AAVP, a group of Brazilian parents who continue to work to promote understanding of developmental disorders. Although Portuguese will be the main language used, speakers of other languages are also welcome (please inquire beforehand if you require interpreting). You can also move your body and learn some easy exercise activities. When: Sun. 18 Sep. & Sun. 13 Nov. (13:30 - 17:00) Where: Nagoya International Center 5F Conference Room 1 Inquiries / Reservations: Public Relations & Information Services Division, Phone: 052-581-0100; E-mail: [email protected] NIC International Exchange Walk in Nagoya NIC国際交流ウォーキング The NIC Volunteer Walking Guides are hosting a 3.5km walk event to provide Japanese and foreign residents an opportunity to interact. The walk starts at Motoyama Station and goes through the Kakuōzan area, passing through Shiroyama Hachimangu Shrine (城山八幡宮) / Showa Jukudō (昭和塾堂), Renriboku (連理木), Shōbōji Temple (正法寺), Zentokuji Temple (善 篤寺), Sōōji Temple(相応寺), Sairenji Temple(西蓮寺), Nittaiji Hōantō Pagoda (日泰寺奉安塔), the Historical Museum of Waterworks and Sewerage (水の歴史資料館), Higashiyama Water Tower (東山給水塔), Nittaiji Temple (日泰寺), and ends at Yōkisō Villa (揚輝荘).You can enjoy strolling through tasteful streets featuring shops, temples, and other historical buildings. Interpreters for multiple languages will be accompanying the walk. Maximum 30 places (20 foreign nationals and 10 Japanese) are available on a first come, first serve basis, so hurry to secure your place and get a chance to learn a bit about the city! When: Sat. 26 Nov. (9:00 – 12:00) Where: Meet at Motoyama Stn. (本山駅) on the Subway Higashiyama Line (地下鉄東山線) at 8:45. Cost: 100 Yen (covers insurance and printed materials) Reservations: Visit or contact the NIC 3F Information Counter from 10:00 26 Oct. Email: [email protected]; Phone: 052-581-0100. Please provide your name, nationality, cell phone number, and preferred language. A Message from the NIC Library: Tell us what you'd like to read NICライブラリーからお願い 読みたい本をお聞かせください The NIC Library is calling for Library users' requests to help us with future book purchases. Whether you'd like to see more books on Japan or other countries, or on topics like animation, feel free to let us know what you'd like to read. You can submit a request via the online form at Development Training for Supporters of Foreign Students and Children – Practical Course 外国人児童・生徒サポーター養成研修【実践編】 A training program (over 3 sessions) for supporters, carers and teachers of foreign students and children, and also people with prior practical experience who are looking to resume working with such children. Conducted in Japanese, the course aims to help participants understand the circumstances of foreign children and related issues, and to learn how to provide appropriate support. Places are limited to 40, which will be determined by lottery. When: Sat. 29 Oct., Sat. 26 Nov. and Sat. 24 Dec. (10:30 – 16:00) Where: Nagoya International Center 5F Conference Room Cost: 2,000 Yen (covers all 3 sessions) Applications: Contact the NIC Exchange & Cooperation Division between 13 Sep. and 12 Oct. Please note that applications must be made in Japanese. Phone: 052-581-5689; Email: [email protected] NAGOYA CALENDAR 03 In and Around Nagoya - Please note all prices, dates, times, and locations are subject to change Upcoming events See below for a variety of music and traditional theater performances and other events in Nagoya! Craftsmanship of Owari Nagoya Exhibition この道ひとすじ 「 尾張名古屋の職人展」 An exhibition (also featuring demonstrations and sales) of a variety of works by artisans of Owari Nagoya, from historical, traditional craftsmanship to that which aids us in our daily lives. See demonstrations of a range of craftsmanship on the stage, and try your hand at creating something under the direct tutelage of a master craftsman (fee applies for some activities). When: Fri. 16, Sat. 17 Sep. (10:00 - 18:00), Sun. 18 Sep. (10:00 - 17:45) Where: Oasis 21 (オアシス21) Galaxy Platform (銀河の広場) and NHK Nagoya Broadcasting Center Bldg (NHK名古屋放送センタービル) 1F Plaza Wave 21 (プラザウェーブ21) in Higashi Ward (東区) Access: A 3-minute walk from Sakae Stn. (栄駅) on the Higashiyama or Meijo Subway Lines (地下鉄東山線・名城線) Admission: Free Inquiries: City of Nagoya Residents and Economic Bureau Industry and Labor Division, Phone: 052-972-3146 (Japanese) Nagoya Philharmonic Orchestra 名古屋フィルハーモニー交響楽団 Salon Concert サロンコンサート Performing: Junko KAMBE, Violin When: Fri. 23 Sep. (18:30) Where: Nagoya City Music Plaza 1F “Music Salon” (名古屋市音 楽プラザ) Access: A 6-min. walk from Kanayama Stn. (金山駅) or an 8-min. walk from Higashi Betsuin Stn. (東別院駅) on the Meijo Subway Line (地下鉄名城線) Admission: Free The 439th Subscription Concert 第439回定期演奏会 Anotni WIT, Conductor Mikhail PLETNEV, Piano D. Fujikura Rare Gravity S. Rachmaninov Piano Concerto No.2 in C minor, Op.18 J. Sibelius Symphony No.1 in E minor, Op.39 When: Fri. 21 Oct. (18:45) & Sat. 22 Oct. (16:00) Where: Aichi Pref. Arts Theater Concert Hall (愛知県芸術劇場コ ンサートホール) Access: Connected at basement level to Oasis 21 & Sakae Subway Stn. (栄駅) Tickets: S 8,200 Yen; A 7,200 Yen; B 6,200 Yen; C 5,100 Yen; Y (for 24 & under, on day, at door) 1,000 Yen. For tickets, call the Nagoya Philharmonic Ticket Guide on 052-339-5666 (Jap./Eng.) Nagoya Noh Theater 名古屋能楽堂 September Regular Performance 名古屋能楽堂9月定例公演 Program Part 1 (from 10:00) Noh "Tomoe" (Hōshō School) Hiroko Tamai Noh "Kakitsubata Koinomai" (Kanze School) Kazumasa Kiyosawa Kyōgen "Hikkukuri" (Izumi School) Tōru Fujinami Part 2 (from 14:00) Noh "Hanjo" (Kongō School) Kaoru Katō Noh "Funabashi" (Kita School) Akira Osada Kyōgen "Fukitori" (Izumi School) Matsujirō Inoue When: Sun. 4 Sep. October Regular Performance 名古屋能楽堂10月定例公演 Program Kyōgen "Oni-no-Mamako" (Izumi School) Matasaburō Nomura Noh "Kayoikomachi Amayo-no-Den" (Kanze School) Shuichi Sobue When: Fri. 21 Oct. (from 18:30) Where: Nagoya Noh Theater (名古屋能楽堂) Access: A 10-minute walk from Sengencho Station (浅間町駅) Exit 1 (1番出口) on the Tsurumai Subway Line (地下鉄鶴舞線) Tickets: Reserved 4,100 Yen; Non-reserved: Adults 3,100 Yen, Students (25 years old and under) 2,100 Yen. Non-reserved tickets available at the door for the above prices plus 500 Yen. 10% discount available upon presentation of a passport or other proof of foreign nationality (at Nagoya Noh Theater only). English and Japanese commentary available on wireless headsets (rental free). Inquiries: 052-231-0088 04 NAGOYA CALENDAR Star Gazing at the Science Museum – The Moon and Double Stars 名古屋市科学館 市民観望会 「月と二重星をみる会」 Following a brief talk at the planetarium you will proceed to the rooftop’s main telescope and various other telescopes to observe the night’s recommended celestial scenery. When: Sun. 9 Oct. (18:15 - 20:30) Where: Rooftop observatory, Nagoya City Science Museum (名古屋 市科学館) Access: A 5-minute walk south from Fushimi Stn. (伏見駅) Exit 5 (5番出 口) on the Higashiyama or Tsurumai Subway Lines (地下鉄東山線・鶴舞線) Participation: Adults 700 Yen, Junior HS and Elementary School students 300 Yen. Numbers are limited to 250 participants. (Children of Junior HS age and younger must be accompanied by an adult guardian.) To apply, send a reply-paid post card (with the number of adults and children in your group) to: 〒460-0008 Nagoya, Naka Ku, Sakae 2-17-1, Nagoya City Science Museum to arrive by Sat. 17 Sep. (on the reverse write: "October 9 - Stars"). See to find out how to write a reply-paid postcard. Hisayaodori Gardens Flarie: Autumn Festival 久屋大通庭園フラリエ オータムフェスティバル ①Cosmos Garden - Halloween Garden Hisayaodori Gardens Flarie comes alive with the autumn flower, cosmos. With pumpkins, nipplefruit (Solanum mammosum, known as 'fox face' in Japan), and Halloween decorations, the garden becomes an autumn attraction. When: Sat. 17 Sep. to Mon. 31 Oct. ②Flute Ensemble Autumn Concert Enjoy the gentle sounds of flute music in the Crystal Garden (large hot house), with a concert by Flute Ensemble Maho-no-Fue. When: Sat. 17 Sep. (from 14:00) Where: Hisayaodori Gardens Flarie (久屋大通庭園フラリエ) Access: Approximately a 3-minute walk from Yaba-cho Stn. (矢場町 駅) Exit 4 (4番出口) on the Meijo Subway Line (地下鉄名城線); or a 5-minute walk from Kamimaezu Stn. (上前津駅) on the Meijo and Tsurumai Subway lines. Admission: Free Assembridge Nagoya 2016 アッセンブリッジ・ナゴヤ2016 Assembridge (a fusion of "assemble" and "bridge") Nagoya is a festival of music and art held throughout the area between Nagoya Port Garden Pier district and Tsukiji-guchi. See the official website for full program details. When: Thu. 22 Sep. (national holiday) to Sun. 23 Oct. ①Classic concerts (Thu. 22 [national holiday] to Sun. 25 Sep.) 1. Outdoor concerts featuring the Nagoya Philharmonic Orchestra, Jean-Marc Luisada, Opera Gala Concert (Chubu Philharmonic Orchestra, etc.), Nagisa Brass Solisten, Miura Kazuma, Muraji Soichi, and more. Where: Tsudoi-no-Hiroba (つどいの広場、名古屋市港区港町1-9) 2. Classic concerts around town featuring Michel Béroff, Omiya Rintaro, Miyasaka Hiroshi, Iwasaki Junna, Park Kyuhee, Yamane Kazuhito, and more. Where: Minatobashi Hiroba Koen (港橋広場公園,港区入船1丁 目), Nagoya Port Garden Wharf Port House (名古屋港ガーデン ふ頭内ポートハウス・ポートビル、 名古屋市港区港町1-9), Port of Nagoya Aquarium (名古屋港水族館、名古屋市港区港町1番3号), and other locations. ②Exhibition of modern art – Panoramic Garden – Record of a Dynamic Ecosystem (Thu. 22 Sep. [national holiday] to Sun. 23 Oct.) Featuring LPACK, Olta, Kido Tamotsu, Coracle + Watanabe Eiji, Shitamichi Motoyuki, Suzuki Yuya, Tamayama Takuro, Tokushige Michiro, Travel Musica, Nakao Mien, hyslom, Yamamoto Seiko, and more. Where: Minatomachi Potluck Building (港まちポットラックビル、港 区名港1-19-23), Former Nagoya Customs Dormitory (旧 名古屋税 港区 関寮、 名古屋市港区浜二丁目4-10), Botão Gallery (ボタンギャラリー、 名港1-15-13) , and other locations. Website: In and Around Nagoya - Please note all prices, dates, times, and locations are subject to change Upcoming events See below for a variety of events in and around Nagoya. Setomono Matsuri せともの祭 This popular and long-running festival offers a great chance to purchase some authentic setomono ceramics at cheap prices, and have a go at decorating your own setomono. On Sat. 10 Sep. (19:10 – 19:50) there will be a fireworks display; in the event of rain, fireworks will be postponed to Sep. 11 (18:30 – 19:00). There is also the Miss Setomono Parade on 10 Sep. (15:00 – 16:00). When: Sat. 10 Sep. (9:00 – 20:00) & Sun. 11 Sep. (9:00 – 19:00) Where: Around central Seto City (瀬戸市) and various other locations throughout the city. Access: Main venue - outside Owari Seto Station (尾張瀬戸駅) on the Meitetsu Seto Line (名鉄瀬戸線) Admission: Free Komakiyama Takigi Noh 小牧山薪能 See outdoor Noh theater (an intangible cultural property), performed in a bonfire torch lit space. A must-see for people who would like to experience this traditional Japanese performing art. Noh is a traditional form of masked drama that has been performed since the 14th Photo courtesy of Komaki Interpreting Volunteer century. Musical accompaniment Association is provided only by a flutist, several drummers, and a chorus. The event will reproduce the mysterious beauty of Noh, among the remnants of Oda Nobunaga’s historical fortifications. An English earphone guidance service will be provided for foreigners (limited to 30 people; Reservations required - see below). Program: Noh (Kanze School) – The Celestial Feather Robe; Kyogen (Izumi School) – The Human Magnet; Noh (Kanze School) – The Ground Spider When: Sat. 17 Sep. (Gate opens at 16:00; Fire-lighting ceremony at 17:45; Performance 18:00 – 20:00) Where: Komakiyama Shiseki Kōen (小牧山史跡公園 / Komakiyama Historic Park) in Komaki City (小牧市) Horinouchi 1-1 (堀の内1-1) Access: A 15-minute walk west from Komaki Station (小牧駅) on the Meitetsu Komaki Line (名鉄小牧線). Admission: Free. English earphone guidance reservations: E-mail your name, address and phone number to the Komaki Interpreting Volunteer Association at [email protected], or call 090-8072-2817 by 16 Sep. Earphone rental fee: Adults 500 Yen, Students 300 Yen. The Composite Portrait Ghost かさね写真の幽霊 Produced by Obake Yashiki (haunted house) Producer Hirofumi Gomi, this attraction takes advantage of Meiji-Mura’s authentic examples of Meiji period architecture to create a uniquely atmospheric horror experience. The chilling story centers on a composite portrait (かさね写真 / kasane shashin), a type of photograph that was popular in the late Meiji period, created by overlaying portraits of several individuals to form a generic portrait. Composite portraits were used in advertisements, and even in crime prevention to identify faces of potential criminals. Image courtesy of the Museum When: Composite Portrait Ghost - Until Meiji-Mura Mon. 19 Sep. (Sat., Sun. & national holidays only; 11:00 - 16:00); The Museum Meiji-Mura open 9:30 - 17:00 Where: Principal's Official Residence, Peers' School (Gakushūin Chōkan-sha / 学習院長官舎), within the Museum Meiji-Mura (博物館明 治村), Inuyama City (犬山市) Access: From Inuyama Stn. (犬山駅) East Exit (東口) on the Meitetsu Inuyama Line (名鉄犬山線), take the Gifu Bus Community (岐阜バスコミュニ ティ) bound for Meiji-Mura (明治村), disembark at final stop; From Nagoya (Meitetsu Bus Center / 名鉄バスセンター) take the bus directly to Meiji-Mura (Buses depart 8:40, 9:40 weekdays; 8:45, 9:40, 10:40 on weekends and national holidays). Admission: Meiji-Mura - Adults 1,700 Yen; University students and Seniors (over 65) 1,300 Yen; Senior HS students 1,000 Yen; Junior HS and Elementary students 600 Yen; Pre-school aged children free. (※Proof of age required for Seniors, University and Senior HS students) Composite Portrait Ghost - 600 Yen (in addition to Meiji-Mura admission). Website: The 21st Maneki-neko Festival in Seto 第21回来る福招き猫まつりin瀬戸 Maneki-neko are the beckoning cat talismans, said to bring good fortune, that can be seen in shops and homes throughout Japan. This festival in Aichi Prefecture’s Seto City, a famous production center for maneki-neko, features an impressive exhibition of maneki-neko by 100 domestic and international artists, free maneki-neko face painting, ever-popular lucky lunches, and more! There are over 100 events and activities to enjoy as the entire town is taken over by maneki-neko! When: Sat. 24 & Sun. 25 Sep. Where: Around Owari Seto Stn. Photo courtesy of Seto City Marutto Museum / Tourism Association (尾張瀬戸駅) in Seto City (瀬戸市) Access: Owari Seto Stn. on the Meitetsu Seto Line (名鉄瀬戸線) Inquiries: Seto City Marutto Museum / Tourism Association, Phone: 0561-85-2730 Nagoya Reptiles World 2016 ナゴヤレプタイルズワールド2016 Now in its seventh year, this reptile and amphibian event has something for everyone, from herpetologists to those with a only casual interest in animals. Not only can you enjoy getting close to snakes, chameleons, geckos, turtles, frogs and fish, but also find out how to take care of and enjoy keeping these creatures as pets, with information sessions, a petting corner, and sales booths. When: Sat. 24 Sep. and Sun. 25 Sep. (10:00 - 17:00) Where: Fukiage Hall (吹上ホール) Access: A 5-minute walk from Fukiage Stn. (吹上駅) Exit 5 (5番出口) on the Sakura-dori Subway Line (地下鉄桜通線) Admission: Adults 1,400 (1,200) Yen; Children (Elementary students) 700 (600) Yen; Pre-school aged children free. Prices in ( ) are for advance purchase tickets, available from Circle K and Sunkus convenience stores (P-Code: 990-352). Website: (Japanese) Animal Creators' Carnival Vol.03 アニマル クリエイターズ カーニバル Vol.03 Animal and knick knack lovers won't be able to resist this charming event: a market gathering creators producing works with animals as a motif! When: Sat. 24 Sep. and Sun. 25 Sep. (10:00 - 17:00) Where: Fukiage Hall (吹上ホール) 2F Fashion Exhibition Hall 1 (第1ファッ ション展示場) Access: A 5-minute walk from Fukiage Stn. (吹上駅) Exit 5 (5番出口) on the Sakura-dori Subway Line (地下鉄桜通線) Admission: 500 Yen Website: (Japanese) Inquiries: Animal Hyakka Co., Ltd., Phone: 052-228-0910 (Japanese) The 9th Book Gift Contest in Nagoya / Tokyo / Kansai 第9回ブック・ギフト Sponsored by the Jōdo Shū Peace Association, and in the interests of supporting international students in Japan, this contest aims to “return the favor” to foreign students who contribute to Japan in various ways through their exchange of knowledge and culture. The contest awards the prize to a total of 100 individuals across Nagoya, Tokyo, and Kansai, awarding successful entrants up to 4 books with a total combined value of up to 15,000 Yen. To enter, a short essay in Japanese (which can be handwritten or typed) on the supplied form which can be downloaded from or picked up from the pamphlet box area at NIC 3F. Essays must be sent in between 1 Sep. and 30 Sep. The subject of the essay is「日本に来て思うこと」 , “How I feel after coming to Japan”. Winners must be present for the prize presentation on Sun. 11 Dec. (for Nagoya entrants). NAGOYA CALENDAR 05 September Highlights - Please note all prices, dates, times, and locations are subject to change The 21st Honoo no Saiten 第21回炎の祭典 One of the main attractions of this 'Festival of the Flame' is the tezutsu hanabi (手筒花火 / handheld fireworks), found throughout the eastern Mikawa region, and Photo courtesy of Honoo no Saiten Executive Committee which shower the holder in sparks as they are set off. The huge shafts of flame, sometimes reaching around 10 meters in height, are on a scale not seen elsewhere. At around 20:00, some 23 tezutsu hanabi are set off in unison, a spectacle only seen at this event. Around 220 tezutsu hanabi will be set off over the course of the evening, along with star mines and a variety of other fireworks. When: Sat. 10 Sep. (Stalls and stage events - 10:00 - 20:30; Fireworks events - venue opens 17:00, events 18:00 - 20:30) Where: Toyohashi Park (豊橋公園) and surrounding area in Toyohashi City (豊橋市) Access: From Toyohashi Stn. (豊橋駅) on the JR Tōkaidō Line (JR 東海道本線) and Meitetsu Nagoya Line (名鉄なごや本線), take the City Tram to Toyohashi Kōen-mae (豊橋公園前, about 9 minutes), from which the venue is about a 3-minute walk. Fireworks viewing stand tickets: Infield area 1,000 Yen; Outfield area 500 Yen. Available on the day, at the venue. Website: Akiba Festival 秋葉まつり An annual event held on a Sunday in mid-September, the daytime festivities include processions of young men from the six local communiPhoto courtesy of Chiryū City Tourism Association ties bearing treasure chests and singing as they meander their way through the streets. As evening falls, the processions converge on Chiryū Shrine, where a gallant offering of hand-held tezutsu fireworks is presented (19:00 – 21:00). In addition to the tezutsu, with shafts of flame over 7 meters high, each community presents a show of around 200 rapidfire rantama (乱玉) fireworks. When: Sun. 18 Sep. Where: Chiryū Shrine (知立神社) and surrounding area Access: A 12-minute walk north from Chiryū Stn. (知立駅) on the Meitetsu Nagoya Line (名鉄名古屋本線) Owari Yokosuka Festival 尾張横須賀まつり The main annual festival of Atago Shrine in Tōkai City. The main festivities are on Sunday, when floats featuring karakuri marionettes (each performing a unique trick such as firing arrows, instantly transforming into another character, doing handstands, etc.) congregate before the shrine. This is the only float Photo courtesy of Owari Yokosuka Festival Preservation Society festival where you can see the spectacle of donten (どんてん / turning of the floats) performed by only four men! Enjoy the fantastic atmosphere of Sunday’s evening festival, as the floats are decorated with lanterns. When: Sat. 24 & Sun. 25 Sep. Where: Atago Shrine (愛宕神社) and surrounding area in Tōkai City (東海 市) Yokosuka-machi (横須賀町) Yonnowari (四ノ割) 23-1 Access: A 5-minute walk northwest from Owari Yokosuka Stn. (尾張横須 賀駅) on the Meitetsu Tokoname Line (名鉄常滑線) Website: (Japanese) Owari Tsushima Autumn Festival 尾張津島秋まつり Said to have begun around 300 years ago, a unique feature of the Owari Tsushima Autumn Festival is its extravagant traditional floats, or dashi (山車). Onlookers enjoy the exciting spectacle of the competing floats, along with the sight of the floats being turned and performances of their karakuri marionettes. Although the floats and karakuri performances can also be seen on Saturday, the main festivities are on Sunday. The sight of the illuminated floats at night is not to be missed. When: Sat. 1 & Sun. 2 Oct. Where: Tsushima Shrine (津島神社) in Tsushima Photo courtesy of Takahama City Tourism Association City (津島市) Access: A 15-minute walk west from Tsushima Stn. (津島駅) on the Meitetsu Bisai and Tsushima Lines (名鉄尾西・ 津島線) O-Manto Matsuri おまんと祭り A festive ritual of courage in which young men in happi (法被 / festive robes) and jikatabi (地下足袋 / split-toed footwear) try to grab onto galloping horses and run around the log-fenced arena as one. Although similar horse-centered o-manto festivals are held in several places around the Chita Bay region, those held in Takahama City are known throughout the country. The Kasuga Shrine O-Manto Matsuri is a designated Intangible Folk Cultural Property of Takahama City. When: Sat. 1 & Sun. 2 Oct. Where: Kasuga Shrine (春日神社) and Photo courtesy of Tsushima City Tourism Association Yatsurugi Shrine (八剱社) in Takahama City (高 浜市) Access: A 10-minute walk west from Mikawa Takahama Stn. (三河高浜駅) on the Meitetsu Mikawa Line (名鉄三河線) The Foreign Artists Exhibition - Now Accepting Applications! 外国人芸術作品展 ‒ 作品募集中! The 31st Foreign Artists Exhibition, FAE 31, is to be held at NIC in early November (1 to 6 November), so once more the organizers are seeking painters, potters (especially potters!), photographers, sculptors, printers, and other fine artists to display their original artworks in the well-appointed 4th floor Exhibition Room at NIC. For an application form and guidelines, as well as information as required, please contact: [email protected], or fax: (052) 774 0483. Please note, application and guidelines are available on the FAE website at . Participants in FAE 30 last year will automatically be sent an application form and guidelines. The deadline for applications is 24 October. 06 NAGOYA CALENDAR September Highlights - Please note all prices, dates, times, and locations are subject to change Yamazaki Mazak Museum of Art: Autumn Exhibition from the Collection ヤマザキ マザック美術館 「秋の所蔵品展」 Structured to give visitors an overview of three centuries of French art, this exhibition covers the 18th to 20th centuries, from the Rococo, when old French masters including Watteau, Boucher, Fragonard and Chardin shone, to the Neoclassical painter Ingres, the representative Romantic painter Delacroix, through Realism, Impressionism, the School of Paris, and more. The artistic crafts of Art Nouveau that bloomed in late 19th century France are another characteristic of the Museum. Visitors can savor works of glassware by the representative Art Nouveau glassware artists Émile Gallé and the Daum brothers. In addition, many pieces of furniture designed by Louis Majorelle and Émile Gallé (including the exclusively designed dining room of Alexandre Dumas with its shelves, chairs, table, hearth and wall frames) are exhibited in their original state to allow visitors to experience the works at their leisure. When: Thu. 1 Sep. to Sun. 13 Nov. (Weekdays 10:00 - 17:30; Sat., Sun. & national holidays 10:00 - 17:00; Last entry 30 minutes before closing.) Closed Mondays and while exhibits are being updated. Where: The Yamazaki Mazak Museum of Art (ヤマザキ マザック 美術館) in Higashi Ward (東区) Access: Connected to Shinsakae-machi Station (新栄町駅), Exit 1 (1番出口), on the Subway Higashiyama Line (地下鉄東山線). Admission: General Admission 1,000 (800) Yen; Persons under 18 years 500 Yen; Pre-school aged children free. Price in ( ) is for groups of 10 or more. Free audio commentary available. Amedeo Modigliani, Portrait of Dr. Paul Alexandre, 1909 Website: Photo courtesy of the Yamazaki Mazak Museum of Art Nagoya / Boston Museum of Fine Arts: KUNIYOSHI & KUNISADA From the Collection of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston「ボストン美術館所蔵 俺たちの国芳 わたしの国貞」 Beginning their competition as apprentices to Utagawa Toyokuni I, Kuniyoshi (1797-1861) and Kunisada (1786-1864) went on to lead the world of ukiyo-e woodblock prints from the late Edo period to the end of the Tokugawa shogunate. Although the proud artisan and Edo-ite Kuniyoshi and the gentle and meek Kunisada were opposites in terms of personality, as friendly rivals they continued to inspire one another, each attaining his own distinct form of expression. This exhibition looks at the fascination of ukiyo-e, the ultimate embodiment of pop culture of the period, through 170 of the apprentice brothers' well-preserved and vividly-colored works from the ukiyo-e collection of the Boston Museum of Fine Arts. See Kuniyoshi's depictions of heroes and their world that thrilled the boys of Edo, and Kunisada's kabuki actors and beauties that filled the dreams of the girls of Edo, themes that resonate in the boy's comics and fashion magazines of today. By delving into the familiar aspects of this world, the exhibition brings ukiyo-e closer than ever before. When: Sat. 10 Sep. to Sun. 11 Dec. (Weekdays 10:00 - 19:00; Sat., Sun. & national holidays 10:00 - 17:00; Last entry 30 minutes before closing.) Closed Mondays (or the following business day if Monday falls on a national holiday). Where: Nagoya/Boston Museum of Fine Arts (名古屋ボストン美術館), Naka Ward (中区) Access: A short walk from Kanayama Stn. (金山駅) South Exit (南出口) on the JR Tōkaidō (JR東海道線) and Chuō Lines (JR中央線), Meitetsu Nagoya Line (名鉄名古屋本線), and Meijo (地下鉄名城線) and Meiko (地下鉄名港線) subway lines. Admission: General Admission 1,300 (1,100) Yen; University & Senior HS students 900 (700) Yen; Junior HS & Elementary school students free. Prices in ( ) are for advance sale tickets (available from ticket agents including Ticket Pia [P-Code: 767-726] and convenience stores until 9 Sep.), groups of 20 or more, and entry after 17:00 on weekdays. Utagawa Kunisada, The In-demand Type (Yoku uresô), from the series Thirty-two Physiognomic Types in the Modern World (Tôsei sanjûni sô), circa 1821, 22 Website: Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, Nellie Parney Carter Collection - Bequest of Nellie Parney Carter, 34.489 ★See for our Ticket Giveaway! Photograph © Museum of Fine Arts, Boston Tokugawa Art Museum Special Exhibition: The Best @ Tokugawa 徳川美術館 特別展「ザ・ベスト@トクガワ」 The collections of the Tokugawa Art Museum and Hosa Library (City of Nagoya), consist primarily of the treasures and books passed down through the Owari Tokugawa family, the daimyō family that was the most senior of the three branches of the Tokugawa. The priceless exhibits provide an insight into the lifestyle and culture of an Edo-period daimyō family. See the finest pieces from both collections presented together at this exhibition in the Tokugawa Art Museum's Masterpiece Collection Exhibition Room and Hosa Library's Exhibition Room. When: Thu. 15 Sep. to Sun. 6 Nov. (10:00 - 17:00; Last entry 30 minutes before closing.) Closed Mondays (except 19 Sep. & 10 Oct.) and Tue. 20 Sep. & Tue. 11 Oct. Where: The Tokugawa Art Museum (徳川美術館) and Hosa Library City of Nagoya (蓬左文庫)in Higashi Ward (東区) Access: By train: a 10-minute walk from JR Ōzone Station (大曽根駅) South Exit (南出口) on the JR Chuō Line (JR中央本 線). By bus: From Sakae, take a City Bus for Hikiyama (引山) or Shiken'ya (四軒家); Leaving from Stop No. 3, Sakae Bus Terminal (Oasis 21). Get off at Tokugawaen Shindeki (徳川園新出来) Bus Stop. Admission: General admission 1,200 Yen, University & Senior HS students 700 Yen, Junior HS students & Elementary students 500 Yen. Free entry for Elementary, Junior & Senior HS students every Saturday. Folding Screen with Portrait of Honda Heihachirō (detail), Edo period, 17th century Website: (Japanese) Important Cultural Property Photo courtesy of the Tokugawa Art Museum International Beauty Salon hands, feet, face & body treatments ENGLISH OK! (080) 5829 - 6085 6 minutes walk from Osu Kannon! 20% OFF FIRST TIME GUEST! NAGOYA CALENDAR 07 Entertainment Calendar Movie Theater Schedule A Nagoya Station, FUSHIMI AREA 1.MIDLAND SQUARE CINEMA ................................ (052)527-8808✪✩ 2.MIDLAND SQUARE CINEMA 2 ................................ (052)527-8808 3.CINEMA SKHOLE ................................ (052)452-6036✩ 4.109 CINEMAS ................................ (052)541-3109★ 5.MILLION MOVIE THEATER ................................ (052)212-2437✪✩ Meitetsu New Grand Hotel Midland Square 1 Exit 1 2 Midland Square Cinema 2 3 Kanko Hotel Hirokojiji-Do ri Nakamura Police Station 8 B SAKAE, SHIN-SAKAE, YABA-CHO AREA Nagoya Baptist baptist Church 5 6.CENTURY CINEMA ................................ (052)264-8580✪★ 7.Meien CINE SALON 1-2 ................................ (052)931-1701✩ Hilton Hotel 4 Chikusa Post Office Exit 10 Hirokoji-Dori A C Piago C IMAIKE AREA D MINATO AREA 9.TOHO CINEMAS NAGOYA BAY CITY ................................ (052)659-0111✪★ Maruei Hotel com's Nagoya 9 Route 41 Nagoya Tokyu Hotel Mitsukoshi Admission discount services: Aeon Mall Tokai-Dori Meishi-cho Route 23 Ring Road ✪: Foreign students (Must present residence card and student ID) ★: Women ¥1,100 on Wednesdays ✩: Women ¥1,100 on Thursdays ●: Women ¥1,000 on Thursdays Nagoya Racetrack 7 Hirokoji-Dori Nakagawa Canal 8.NAGOYA CINEMATHEQUE ................................ (052)733-3959● Matsuzakaya Parco 6 B D Listed below are English language movies being shown in Nagoya theaters. Listings are subject to change. Movies are usually shown in their original language with Japanese subtitles; some showings may be dubbed in Japanese for younger audiences. Numbers in < > after the movie listing correspond to the above location guide. ★NOW YOU SEE ME 2 TV-Regular Bilingual Broadcasts グランド・イリュージョン 見破られたトリック Jesse Eisenberg,Mark Ruffalo; dir.Jon M. Chu-From Sep.1 <1><2><9> ★SELF/LESS セルフレス/覚醒した記憶 Ryan Reynolds,Ben Kingsley; dir.Tarsem Singh-From Sep.1<9> ★GODS OF EGYPT キング・オブ・エジプト Nikolaj Coster-Waldau,Brenton Thwaites; dir.Alex Proyas-From Sep.9<1><2><9> ★LITTLE BOY リトル・ボーイ 小さなボクと戦争 Jakob Salvati,Emily Watson; dir.Alejandro Monteverde-From Sep.10<7> ★SUICIDE SQUAD Mark Rylance,Ruby Barnhill; dir.Steven Spielberg-From Sep.17 <1><2> ★MECHANIC: RESURRECTION メカニック:ワールドミッション Jason Statham,Tommy Lee Jones; dir.Dennis Gansel-From Sep.24<9> ★SULLY ハドソン川の奇跡 Tom Hanks,Aaron Eckhart; dir.Clint Eastwood-From Sep.24 <1><2> Japanese Language School #2(NHK Education) Wed @ 19:25--19:50 / K.C.Undercover Sat @ 8:35--9:00 / Curious George Sat @ 18:25--18:50 / The Thundermans Sat @ 19:00--19:44 / Chikyu Dramatic [Repeat :Mon@0:00--0:44] NHK BS1 Mon-Sat @ 7:00--7:50 / World News in Perspective (Except 9/19.22) Mon-Fri @ 22:00--22:50 / International News Report (Except 9/19.22) スーサイド・スクワッド Jared Leto,Margot Robbie; dir.David Ayer-From Sep.10 <1><2><4><9> ★THE BFG BFG:ビッグ・フレンドリー・ジャイアント #3 (NHK) Everyday @ 19:00--19:30 / News7 Mon-Fri @ 21:00--22:00 / News Watch9 Sun @ 23:00--24:00 / The Musketeers (End 9/11) Sun @ 23:00--24:00 / War & Peace (Start 9/25) NHK BS Premium Wed @ 23:15--23:45 / ONCE UPON A TIME4 (End 9/14) Wed @ 23:15--23:45 / Reign (Start 9/28) Sat @ 8:30--9:30 / Empress Ki (Encore broadcast) Sat @ 17:00--17:45 / ONCE UPON A TIME4 (Encore broadcast) (End 9/17) #6 (Nagoya TV) Mon @ 25:59--26:59 / THE FLASH #10 (TV Aichi) Sat @ 24:50--25:50 / ARROW Please e-mail us for more information Start anytime you like!! 【Lesson Course】Basic / Intermediate / Advanced JLPT / Conversation / Kanji etc. 【Schedule】90-minute lessons 1 or 2 lessons per week 【Classes】 Morning, Afternoon or Evening 【T eacher s】Experienced Japanese *You can observe the lesson. Please contact us for more information. NPO International Cross Culture Promotion Center 【TEL】 080-1559-9744 【E-MAIL】 [email protected] 【URL】 【Classroom location】 Aichi NPO Exchange Plaza. 08 NAGOYA CALENDAR Movies on TV 1@13:00∼-BSP- WAR AND PEACE 戦争と平和································································ 1956 2@23:45∼-BSP- TOWER HE I ST ペントハウス ····························································· 2011 5@21:00∼-BSP- THES I XTHSENSE シックス・センス ························································ 1999 7@13:00∼-BSP- DONOVAN'SREEF ドノバン珊瑚礁 ························································· 1962 8@13:00∼-BSP- DAYS OFHEAVEN 天国の日々 ······························································· 1978 9@13:00∼-BSP- FOOTLOOSE フットルース······························································ 1984 9@23:45∼-BSP- WH I PI T ローラーガールズ・ダイアリー ································ 2009 12@21:00∼-BSP- THETOUR I ST ツーリスト ································································· 2010 13@13:00∼-BSP- BAD GI RLS バッド・ガールズ ························································ 1994 14@13:00∼-BSP- TURBULENCE 乱気流/タービュランス·········································· 1997 17@00:15∼-BSP- FAREWELL, MYLOVELY さらば愛しき女よ ····················································· 1975 19@20:30∼-BSP- THE GREAT GATSBY 華麗なるギャツビー ················································· 2013 20@13:00∼-BSP- THE OUTLAW JOSEY WALES アウトロー································································· 1976 21@13:00∼-BSP- RETURN TO OZ オズ ··········································································· 1985 22@13:00∼-BSP- THEROCK ザ・ロック··································································· 1996 24@00:15∼-BSP- WHEREEAGLES DARE 荒鷲の要塞 ······························································· 1968 25@13:00∼-#10- DEEPIMPACT ディープ・インパクト················································· 1998 26@21:00∼-BSP- TRUE GR I T トゥルー・グリット ······················································ 2010 27@13:00∼-BSP- THE GAME ゲーム ······································································· 1997 28@13:00∼-BSP- KELLY'SHEROES 戦略大作戦 ······························································· 1970 30@13:00∼-BSP- SEARCH ING FOR BOBBY F I SCHER ボビー・フィッシャーを探して ··································· 1993 Night, Sunday, & Holiday Emergency Clinics in Nagoya 休日診療所、 名古屋医師会急病センター Did you know that emergency treatment is available when regular medical facilities are closed (on Sundays, national holidays, during the year-end/new year holiday period, and at night)? Make sure you know where your closest clinic is, just in case. Getting caught out on a Sunday or a holiday can be very stressful if you aren’t prepared. A full list of emergency clinics can be found at If you require any further information, you can contact NIC on 052-581-0100 or e-mail: [email protected]. Living in Nagoya - Please note all prices, dates, times, and locations are subject to change Be prepared - Prevent your furniture from falling over 家具などの転倒防止対策をしましょう To prevent furniture from falling or moving in an earthquake, take measures to fix furniture in place. Eye bolt Twine Stud Securing with an eye bolt Use an eye bolt with strong twine, etc. to fix things in place. Adhesive mat Secure items by laying adhesive mat under them Stud L-shaped bracket It's also important to think about where to place furniture to prevent injuries, for example not placing furniture next to bedding (especially near the pillow end). Shatterproof film Items could fall on you Inquiries: City of Nagoya Fire Bureau Prevention Division, Phone: 052-972-3543 (Japanese) 'Women Only' cars now in operation on the Subway Meijo and Meiko Lines 名城線・名港線の女性専用車両運行について 'Women Only' cars are a measure introduced to prevent incidences of harassing behavior on the subway. In order to ensure that all passengers can feel at ease when traveling on the subway, the City of Nagoya Transportation Bureau has extended the operation of 'Women Only' cars (previously operating only on the Higashiyama Line) to the Meijo and Meiko Lines. In addition to women, 'Women Only' cars may also be used by the following people. ・Pre-school-aged boys in the accompaniment of women ・Men with disabilities accompanied by a female caregiver ・Male caregivers accompanying women with disabilities Operating times for 'Women Only' cars on the Meijo and Meiko Lines Weekdays, from the first train until 9:00 Operating times for 'Women Only' cars on the Higashiyama Line Weekdays, from the first train until the last train Door fastener for swinging doors The Second JLPT in 2016 (December) 2016年第2回日本語能力試験 The Japanese-Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) is the largest-scale Japanese-language test for evaluating and certifying the Japanese proficiency of non-native speakers in the world. Whether you’re just curious about the level of your Japanese ability, or would like certification of your Japanese skills as a qualification for future employment, the JLPT is a good way to measure your Nihongo skills. The JLPT is conducted twice a year, in July and December. Applications for the December Test close on September 30, so if you’re thinking of sitting the examination, it’s time to get your application together. There are five levels of the test, from N5 through to N1 (N1 being the most advanced). For more information on the JLPT, the registration process, suggestions for textbooks to help you prepare, and some sample questions to help you decide which level to aim for, check out the official website. When: Sun. 4 Dec. Application period: From Thu. 1 Sep. until Fri. 30 Sep. How to apply: By post or the Internet; see the official Japanese Language Proficiency Test website below for full details. Examination fee: 5,500 Yen (including tax) Website: Free Guided Tour of Nagoya 定期に開催しているガイドツアー Aichi Goodwill Guides Network (AGGN) offers free English-speaking tours of sightseeing spots around Nagoya. No guide fees required, but all entrance fees, transportation, food & drink costs for guides on private tours are paid by person(s) requesting guide service. Info & reservations contact: [email protected] or 0561-75-6977 (Tel & Fax). ■Regular Tour (no reservations needed): Tours of Nagoya Castle depart daily at 13:00 from Nagoya Castle East Gate. Entrance fee 500 Yen. ■Private Tours also available (reservations are required at least 7 days in advance) Aichi Gogaku Volunteers Seminar (AGVS) 愛知語学ボランティアセミナー Services include: 1) Interpreters for workshops, school meetings, and conferences. 2) Translators for websites, documents and academic reports. 3) Volunteer tour guides to facilities and sightseeing spots in and around Aichi Prefecture. To see if AGVS can help, please e-mail [email protected] also check NAGOYA CALENDAR 09 Bulletin Board ★ About Notice Submissions - This is a free service - You can submit and renew notices in person at the NIC Information Counter or via our website at Submissions for commercial purposes & job hiring are not accepted. The NIC is not responsible for any problems that arise between parties placing notices & their respondents, and NIC reserves the right to refuse or edit notices. Cultural Learning Opportunities ★ Hana-no-ki-kai - Ikebana classes every 4th Sunday of the month 13:00 - 16:00 near Kanayama station. Only actual cost charged for materials. Reservations to Ms. Suzuki at 0562-93-0310 or Fax to 0562-93-5214. ★ Ikebana Communications - enjoy your stay in Japan & make new friends by learning Ikebana. We meet every 2nd & 4th Sat 2pm to 8pm near Nagoya International Center Bldg. Fee 1400 Yen per class. To join, please call Mimi 090-4867-4264, Ms. Wakita 052-581-6071 or Miki 090-7954-2892 ★ Japanese Home Cooking Class, Ikebana & Tea Ceremony in English - Learn to use the different sauces & spices common to traditional Japanese home-cooked dishes. Flower arranging & tea ceremony lessons available; private or group lessons OK. Call Hideko at 052-211-2586. ★ Move for Health - Various Latin style dances. Easily swing your body to the rhythm. 7-minute walk from Yagoto St. on Saturday afternoon. 500 yen/hour fellowship fee. Contact [email protected] (Rohas) ★ Nagoya Swings - Going strong for 10 years, the biggest international dance group based in Aichi. Dedicated to jazz swing dance in its many styles. Meets every month in Fushimi. Bilingual dance lessons, all skill levels. You don't need a partner, just a will to dance. Email: [email protected]; Facebook: Nagoya Swings ★ Cooking Classes "Cosmetic Foods" - Predigested Cooking Method. If you desire to cook healthy and speedily, welcome! Limited participants. 2,000 Yen (Spices & olive oil included). For more info, contact Labidi Designer Chef ([email protected]). Something you never tried before! English Rakugo - Traditional Japanese comic storytelling. Sun. 2 Oct. (19:00~) at Nagoya International Center 5F Conference Room 1. Admission 3,000 Yen. Reservations - NPO International Cross Culture Promotion Center, Phone: 080-1559-9744 / E-mail: [email protected] Jen's American Home Cooking - Sun. 11 Sep. (18:30-20:30) at Will Aichi 2F Cooking Studio (near subway Shiyakusho Stn.). Limited to 20 places. Fee 3,000 Yen. Reservations - NPO International Cross Culture Promotion Center, Phone: 080-1559-9744 / E-mail: [email protected] Kurokawa Japanese Language Class – Apr.-Sep. Fee 5,000 Yen for 20 lessons 18:30 to 20:15 every Thu. (Wed. from Oct.) at Kita Ward office 6F. An 8-minute walk from Subway Kurokawa Stn., Exit 1. Website: E-mail: [email protected] ★ Private Japanese Lessons (HHAHJ) Private lessons 1 to 1, every day (Time negotiable between 9:00 and 21:00), all levels, 2800 Yen per 5 hours. At WillAichi, Nadya Park or Nagoya Int’l Center. Other places in Aichi negotiable. Native Japanese teacher. Free trial class! Call: 052-710-7479, email: [email protected]. ★ Iroha Nihongo-no-Kai - Japanese lessons on Thu., 10:30-12:00 at Nadya Park, 6F NPO Center. Located opposite Yaba Park, Exit 6 at Yaba-cho Subway Stn. Call Sionoya 090-6595-1578 or O’Brien 052-851-3436; e-mail: [email protected] Hills Nihongo de Walk - Japanese lessons available at Yumeria Tokushige 3F, next to Tokushige Stn. on Sakura-dori Line. On Fri. at 18:30 to 20:10. New term starts Sep. 2. Beginners to Advanced. Please contact:[email protected] (Kumiko); Sports & Outdoor Clubs ★ "The Push-Up Brahs", Nagoya - a calisthenics and body weight training bootcamp. All fitness levels welcome, Brahs are not gender biased, just be ready to work. Meet at Tsurumai JR entrance, email Mike: [email protected] for details. ★ Nagoya Futsal - A friendly game of 6-a-side football with players from around the world, near Nagoya station. Sun. from 16:00-18:00, and weekday nights from 21:00-22:00. Come and improve your soccer skills! Facebook: "Nagoya Futsal"; or email Chris at: [email protected] ★ Nagoya International Volleyball Club - A friendly, non-competitive, mixed game of volleyball for foreigners and Japanese people living in Nagoya. Meet on Sundays twice a month. Open to men and women of all levels. Get some exercise, have some fun and meet people of different nationalities. Find us on Facebook. E-mail: [email protected] ★ Shonai FC & Sunday Shonai. Free Kickabout/Pickup football/soccer every Sun. 3:30pm at Shonai Ryokuchi Koen (Tsurumai Line) All levels. Behind the athletics track. Facebook ”shonaifc” or email Gary [email protected] ★ Nagoya International Badminton Club – This club is non-competitive, just for fun. Meet new people, make friends and get some exercise. Beginners and non-players also welcome. Find us on Facebook. E-mail: [email protected] Other Services and Assistance Available for Foreigners ★ Al Anon- for families and friends of alcoholics. Meets at Mikokoro Center in Marunouchi. Contact Nancy at [email protected] or Mikokoro Center at 052-971-0334. ★ Nagoya International Alcoholics Anonymous - Think you have a problem with alcohol? Call @ 090-9938-0596. Open English meeting weekly on Sunday, 7 pm. Free Advisory Service for Foreign Parents and Parents-to-be by Midwives - New to Japan? Pregnant? Unfamiliar with the language? You can ask questions, talk over any worries or difficulties with midwives. When: Sat. 17 Sep. Where: Nagoya International Center Conference Room 4. Inquiries:[email protected] Japanese Language Classes "Aichi Nihongo no Kai" Japanese Conversation Class Mon. 10:00 - 11:30 at Aichi Kankokujin Kaikan 4F Kita-kaigishitsu near Kamejima Stn. Exit 4. Introductory, beginner, & intermediate courses. 2,600 Yen in total for all 13 lessons. Term: Sep. 5 to Dec. 12. Join any time. Call Keiko 090-9173-8136 or e-mail [email protected] "A-Ka-Sa-Ta-Na" Japanese Conversation Class - Thu. from 10:30 to 12:00 at Aichi Int'l Plaza; 2 blocks west of Shiyakusho Stn. Exit 5. Classes Sep. 8 to Dec. 15, 2,600 Yen for 13 lessons. Join anytime. Email: [email protected] Call Natsukawa (090-9124-6368) or Okachi (052-521-8584) ★ “Kotoba-no-kai” - for non-native speakers of Japanese on Wednesdays & Fridays (intermediate level and up) from 10:00-11:30 @ E-ABLE Nagoya (previously Nagoya-shi Josei Kaikan); A 3 minute walk from Higashi Betsuin Station exit 1 on the Meijo Subway Line. 1500 Yen for 15 classes. Call Sachiko at 052-805-8134. 10 NAGOYA CALENDAR Meeting & Activities ★Nagoya Meet and Greet – A monthly lunch where 40+ women of various nationalities, interests, and ages gather to meet, eat, and greet. Great for new arrivals and those seeking new friends. Children’s play area available. English is the language of communication. E-mail: [email protected] ★ Nagoya International Success Group - A friendly international group of people who are keen on learning and have a high teach ability index. Contact: [email protected] Website: ★ Helping Orphans in Nagoya - If you are interested in spending time with some fantastic children and huge hearted volunteers, both from the international community as well as local Japanese, we welcome you to volunteer with Santa and Friends Nagoya. Please visit our website! ★ Shirayuri Association - providing educational and cultural services to both Turkish and Japanese societies in order to promote the Turkish community in Japan, and further friendship between Turkish & Japanese communities. Located in Yabuta-cho, Moriyama Ku - Tel/fax 052-710-9808. ★ Sakae Toastmasters Club - An international club that aims to develop leadership and English communication skills in a no-pressure atmosphere. We meet 2nd/4th Wednesdays from 19:00-21:00 at Nadya Park. Attend one of our club meetings. Contact Rina 080-3647-6996 or email [email protected] ★ Cross Cultural Exchange Association - An organization dedicated to promoting cultural exchange, international understanding and friendships amongst women of all nationalities living in the Nagoya area. With monthly social activities, general meetings and special interest groups, there's something for everyone! E-mail: [email protected] Website: Bulletin Board ★ Discuss and Debate Club - We discuss Japan and the world in English every Saturday or Sunday(19:00-20:30) in Anjo. Contact SETO 08051322377 ★ The Nagoya Players – We are an English-language all volunteer community theatre group. Whether you want to act, direct, crew, or just watch the show, we welcome new members! Staging 2 shows a year plus social functions in between. Contact us at for information. ★ Nagoya English Forum - Weekly meeting for discussion in English. Every Saturday 15:00-17:00 at Nagoya International Center. Fee: 500 Yen. Details are available at ★ Current Affairs Discussion Group - Let’s talk about Current Affairs; local, national, international. E-mail: [email protected] ★ Zero G™ - An intermingling platform of chatty real people, from different cultures, speaking different languages, meet every weekend, to share ideas and opinions and learn. Contact Queen or Sato ([email protected]). ★ Language Exchange Club EJ - A social group for people (Japanese and Foreigners) in and around Nagoya who want to learn Japanese and English. Every 2nd Thu. from 19:00-21:00 at Co-op Aichi Motoyama 3F near Motoyama Stn. Exit 4. Admission 100yen/ time. Website: Email: [email protected] ★ Language Exchange (LanEx) - For those who want to practice English and Japanese conversation with each topic. Please come and join us every Sun. from 14:00. Friendly atmosphere. 5 min. from Nagoya Stn. Aichi Vision 2016 - Annual charity festival with great music, art, craft, theatre, magic and children's activities. Enjoy a day in the park & support local charities. Sun. 18 Sep. (12:30 start) in Tsuruma Park. Advance tickets Adults 1,500 Yen (2,000 Yen on day) available via Ticket Pia (P-Code: 633-327); school children free. Website: Family Groups ★ Chayagasaka Cooperative English Playgroup - for children 0 to 6 with at least one (English speaking) non-Japanese parent. Wednesday mornings near Chayagasaka Station; 500 yen per session. Games, songs, snacks and crafts. Email: [email protected] Website: ★ German Playgroup for children of all ages meets 10-12 on the last Sunday of each month. Contact Oliver at [email protected] ★ Nagoya Foreign Fathers - Father / child activity group. Meets one Sunday a month for fun activity. Fostering dual nationality and international culture. Common language is English. Sign up via our Facebook group. ★ Nakamura English Playgroup - Meets on the 2nd & 4th Saturdays of the month from 10-12 at the Nakamura Lifelong Learning Center. All foreign & bi-cultural families, returnees are welcome. ¥300 per child, free the first time. E-mail: [email protected] Website: ★ Nagoya Girl Scouts - Through Girl Scouts of America Overseas, a girl scouts unit has been established in Nagoya to serve the English-speaking youth of the community. Open to girls ages 5 through 12 of all nationalities. Full information at Boy & Cub Scouts #758 - Visit our Family Day on Sun. 11 Sep. (11:00 - 15:00) to learn about English-language scouting in Nagoya. Scouting activities, games, garage sale - fun for the whole family. Contact [email protected] for details and directions. Places of Worship ★ Nagoya International Baptist Church (NIBC), is located in Tenpaku Ku. Free Japanese Class (adults), Sunday School (adults & children), Afternoon Service & Ladies Bible Study for details. - Calvary Baptist Church (CBC) is also located in Tenpaku Ku. Sunday School (adult & children), Morning Service, Free English Class for details. For phone enquiries in Japanese or English, please call 052-801-8064 or 080-3650-5539 ★ Nagoya Orthodox Church In Showa-ku, near Subway Tsurumai Line, Arahata Stn. or Tsurumai Stn. Vespers on Sat. 17:30. Holy Liturgy on Sun. at 10:00. For more information, please call Fr. Gregory Ito at (052)734-9000 or e-mail: [email protected] Website: ★ All Nations Fellowship - International bilingual (English / Japanese) church community. Our Bible-based teachings are focused on the good news of God's grace for all people. Nagakute Campus - Meets every Sun. 10:30; Bilingual Sunday School (ages 4-12); See website for current location. Downtown Campus - Meets every Sun. 16:00 (bilingual toddler time during service) at Christ Bible Institute 2F, 10 minutes' walk from Nagoya Stn. Website: Contact: [email protected] ★ Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints: Services each Sunday near Gokiso Station, at Kitayama-cho 3-41; tel. 052-732-5176. Sacrament Meeting at 10:00, followed by English Sunday School; translation assistance available for other meetings. Friends & visitors always welcome. Call Nagoya LDS Mission 052-773-0755. ★ Faith Charismatic Church (FCC) - We meet every Sunday at Naka Sports Center (3F Room 3) at 10:00. Call Pastor Bede at 080-5139-6777 ★ Mikokoro (Sacred Heart) International Catholic Center Nagoya English Masses every Saturday 18:00, Sunday 10:00 & 15:00; Novena, Wednesdays at 15:00. Confessions, baptisms, marriages available. Tel: 052-971-0334. Near Hisaya-odori Station. Website: ★ Nagoya English Fellowship - Inter-denominational Evangelical Fellowship with English; bilingual messages 3rd & 4th Sun.; bilingual children's Sunday School. At Nishi Lifelong Learning Center, Joshin Subway Station, exit 6. Service starts at 10:30 AM. Contact: Willie Gonzales 090-2579-1007 or ★ Indonesian Catholic Community - hosts Indonesian mass once a month (every 4th Sunday) in Johokubashi Catholic Church at 12:30 pm, 8 minute walk from Meijo Koen station exit 1. For more detail please email us at [email protected] ★ Nagoya All Saints International Church - Weekly opportunity for personal renewal, spiritual growth and soulful refreshment. All are welcome. Worship in English 17:00 every Sun., followed by fellowship. Located in Imaike nearest to Imaike station, exit 9. Website:; Phone: 080-4527-3464; E-mail: [email protected] ★ Nagoya International Christian Assembly near Gokiso and Fukiage Stations has Sunday Services in English 08:30 to 10:30 - singing, preaching, Bible study, & fellowship. 18:30 to 20:30 - praise & worship. Filipino (Tagalog) Bible study 1st Sundays at 16:00. Website: ★ Nagoya Mosque - hosts Muslim Friday Prayers & is open for five-time prayers Khutba at 12:30 & Prayer at 12:40. Halal meat & Islamic literature are also available. Honjin Station, exit 3 Call 052-486-2380 Website: ★ Nagoya Port Mosque – Fri. Prayer Khutba from 12:30. Open for five time prayers, every Sat. special speech & dinner after Isha Prayer. Children’s Arabic lessons Sat. On Route 23, between Hojin & Juichiya traffic lights, next to overhead crossing; parking available (10 cars), except Fri. (11:30 14:00). 15-minute walk from Inaei Aonami Line Station. Address: Nagoya, Minato-Ku, Zennan-Cho 33-3. Tel: 090-3251-5381 ★ The IMMANUEL Christian Fellowship is an evangelical fellowship that welcomes Filipinos and English speaking people. Experience: warm fellowship, lively praise & worship songs, practical Tagalog & English sermon and Bible story lessons for your Japanese speaking kids. Worship service @1:00 pm. Contact Pastor Solito at 090-8540-8260 or visit ★ His Call International Church - Hillsong Network Church Services for all ages in Japanese, English & Chinese. SUN: 9am, 11am, 2pm. WED: 7:30pm. Free Language Exchange. Children's Church. 1 minute walk from Osu Kannon station exit 4. WEB: TEL: 052-228-7780 ★ Aichi St. Luke's Anglican / Episcopal Church - English language service on the 2nd Sun. of every month @ 17:00. A 5 minute walk from Owariasahi Stn., Meitetsu Seto Line. Inquiries: e-mail: [email protected]; Website:; Tel: 0561-53-8937 ★ Nagoya Christian Latin Church - Bilingual services (Spanish/Japanese), Latin American Pastor. Chita – (near Asakura Stn.) Sat. evenings from 20:00. Nagoya – (near Jingū-mae Stn.) Sun. mornings from 10:00. Read and understand the Bible in Spanish. All welcome. Contact Pastor Carlos Baron at [email protected] ★ Nagoya Union Church - Join with Christians from many countries for worship & fellowship in English. Bible studies, small groups and Sunday school also available. Sunday worship at 16:00 at Kinjo church near Shinsakae and Takaoka stations. Email: [email protected] Website: NAGOYA CALENDAR 11 平成28年9月1日(毎月1回1日発行) 第383号 発行所 公益財団法人 名古屋国際センター 〒450-0001 名古屋市中村区那古野一丁目47-1
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