//Library #include <SevenSeg.h> //Seven Seg //SevenSeg disp (10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 11, 12);Defines the segments A-G: SevenSeg(A, B, C, D, E, F, G); Internet bsp variante. SevenSeg disp (5, 25, 28, 27, 6, 23, 22); //Defines the segments A-G: SevenSeg(A, B, C, D, E, F, G); //Constants const int numOfDigits =4; int digitPins [numOfDigits]={13,12,11,10}; //CC(or CA) pins of segment //13= left seg; 12= left_mittel; 11=right_mittel; 10= right; const int startBT = 7; const int changeBT = 8; const int setBT = 9; const int dotPoint1=A0; //left digit const int dotPoint2=A1; //left_mittel digit const int dotPoint3=A2; //right_mittel digit const int dotPoint4=A3; //right const int BrakeBT=2; //BrakeBT ist für den Interrupt PAUSE/Frage Taster // ERGÄNZENDE/ERWEITERTE ZEILE(N)AM 25.08.2016 ////////////////////// //Variables String number="0000"; int digit1=0; int digit2=0; int digit3=0; int digit4=0; int start, change, set; int setPoint=0; volatile int buttonState = LOW; int Sec=0; int Min=0; //Useful flags boolean countFlag=false; boolean stop_bool = false; void setup() { pinMode(startBT, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(changeBT, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(setBT, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(dotPoint1, OUTPUT); //left digit //left_mittel digit //right_mittel digit //right pinMode(dotPoint2, OUTPUT); pinMode(dotPoint3, OUTPUT); pinMode(dotPoint4, OUTPUT); attachInterrupt(0, pause, FALLING); //für den Interrupt PAUSE/Frage Taster // ERGÄNZENDE/ERWEITERTE ZEILE(N)AM 25.08.2016 ////////////////////// //Defines the number of digits to be "numOfDigits" and the digit pins to be the elements of the array "digitPins" disp.setDigitPins ( numOfDigits , digitPins ); //Only for common cathode 7segments disp.setCommonCathode(); //Control brightness (values 0-100); disp.setDutyCycle(60); disp.setTimer(2); disp.startTimer(); } void loop() { //Read buttons state start = digitalRead(startBT); change = digitalRead(changeBT); set = digitalRead(setBT); if (set == LOW && !countFlag) { delay(500); if (setPoint < 4) {setPoint++;} else {setPoint=0;} } if (start == LOW && setPoint==0) { delay(500); if (!countFlag) {countFlag=true;} else {countFlag=false;} } //left digit left digit left digit if (change == LOW && setPoint == 4 && !countFlag) { delay(500); left digit if (Sec < 9) {Sec++;} else {Sec=0;} } //left_mittel digit left_mittel digit left_mittel digit left_mittel digit if (change == LOW && setPoint == 3 && !countFlag) { delay(500); if (Sec <= 50) {Sec += 10;} else {Sec = Sec - 50;} } //right_mittel digit right_mittel digi digi right_mittel digi right_mittel if (change == LOW && setPoint == 2 && !countFlag) { delay(500); if (Min < 9) {Min++;} else {Min=0;} } //right //right //right //right if (change == LOW && setPoint == 1 && !countFlag) { delay(500); if (Min <= 50) {Min += 10;} else {Min = Min - 50;} } //Control dot points //Control dot points //Control dot points if (setPoint==0) { digitalWrite(dotPoint1,LOW); digitalWrite(dotPoint2,LOW); digitalWrite(dotPoint3,LOW); digitalWrite(dotPoint4,LOW); } else if (setPoint==4) { digitalWrite(dotPoint1,LOW); digitalWrite(dotPoint2,LOW); digitalWrite(dotPoint3,LOW); //right digitalWrite(dotPoint4,HIGH); } else if (setPoint==3) { digitalWrite(dotPoint1,LOW); digitalWrite(dotPoint2,LOW); digitalWrite(dotPoint3,HIGH); digitalWrite(dotPoint4,LOW); } else if (setPoint==2) { digitalWrite(dotPoint1,LOW); digitalWrite(dotPoint2,HIGH); digitalWrite(dotPoint3,LOW); digitalWrite(dotPoint4,LOW); } else if (setPoint==1) { digitalWrite(dotPoint1,HIGH); digitalWrite(dotPoint2,LOW); digitalWrite(dotPoint3,LOW); digitalWrite(dotPoint4,LOW); } while (stop_bool = true) {delay(100);} convert_time_to_digit(); delay(1000); stepDown(); }//ende LOOP Funktion void convert_time_to_digit() { digit1 = (int)(Min / 10); digit2 = (int)(Min - digit1*10); digit3 = (int)(Sec / 10); digit4 = (int)(Sec - digit3*10); number = String(digit1) + String(digit2) + String(digit3) + String(digit4); disp.write(number); } void stepDown() { if (Sec > 0) {Sec -= 1;} } else {Sec = 59; Min -= 1;} // ende StepDown void pause() { if (stop_bool = false) {stop_bool = true;} else {stop_bool = false;} }
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